DIES xiai Of Radio Ilit Wllic~Li sWdfis in the period since )f the war, and the ert and disinterest- d seem to tend to- ýf that an entirely ater activity, and1 aw,,ning for the Do- Beef and self . wlien the genleral conidi- ry, is unquestion- CART ifor the past five Couincil of 1925, both in memibers a is having a very Minutes re influence directly, By-Iaw ts effect for good R. OIS. aný e Dominion in the eIe(ctionS. in -varlous ways Clerk tc Markets- for agri- timiber for are in a good ,hy feeling prevails Accountý 1 A -l- A PT ;1, turg sit(< :19 ýNTO 2 dA" COUNCIL c rfat o adverti.se for rbridge worki. tspss5 30, Etic ks f1 ley, repairs . ýý. ,," $ 1.50 liwood for hall ,36.0 0 World, poil books 5.78 îwork......2.00 e, as Reeve ......30.00 înCam3p, Counillor 25.00 )Couneillor.....25,0 tt, Gouneillor 25.00 k, Clerk.....150,00 low, roals.....413.14 adjourned to Dec. 15-th, ri0N CAN BE STOPPED balance. Lr was feature de treaty neý ion, both withfi and without it, number of coui Canada wiII cari idvantag-eous t evitably react general trade oiughgood andi two chlxicren, Miss Montgomery and Mis May Mont- g'omery. Aogthose unable 'to attend wý,ere: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mont- gý)omery and five eidren (May- field), Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Hensbaw and two cblidren, (Sockburn), MINr. andl Mrs. T. R. RZollo and five child- ren, (lyasterton), and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Turner and Vhree children, (North Auckland.) -Lytteltbon Times, New Zeala-nd. Mr. Montgomnery Is a brother of Mrs. Thomas CouIter, Wellington St., Bo'wynxanville. )Mas,' ,.Mr fiiençls 1 pur- weel- r are ne at is v*s.. Jainte, Sfor usefial Christmas Gifts-AustomobiIe loboggons, Snow Shoes, Hockey Sticks and g's to make boys and girls bhappy. You will also find here many useful and practical gifti for grown-up folks too. MASO N & DALE The Popular Hardware-Quality and Riglut Price. WiAhat'I It For' nields of has had SANTA KNOWS le fr u ts , I less and J Lrbgett' withou1 t m uh oubtI, niake 'an- kicneý the>wrd' leadfing paper pro- ian w ýr in 1926. %wilI ir * * * ansuri ithe past summer Canada ex- lief 0 nced the greatest tourist sea- case., in her ýhistory, and the contin- y swellirg tide of holiday visitors nises to make Canadiani vacatio ubi an ever-increasingsource of ofpubl merry"-you know-is part of t.So you will have to extend i arranging for the Christmas e fur industry continu way and the new bran ing is shorwing a remai ýpment with the cease( of new recruits, 1bas been an activeo ectrie constructiona .t ,and this promises SCanadian activity, ed benerits retained1 )on ,i(Pd idit FOR CHRISTMAS relmil 1org. iinection il record of bhat the r cheapest and gladly XMAS Santa Claus gives his sweetest senti- ment in the, f orm of a box of deliejous Ganong's (G. B.) Chocolates-"Finest in the Land". There's a reason-these Chocolates tempt the palate as nothing else-and at the same time they forir the ideal impression of Christmas sentiment. Many assortmnents of Ganong Choco- lates to choose fron- in choice gift boxes-sensibly priced from 25e up. All fresh stock for Christmas business. Special Christmas Mixture of Creams and Chocolates, regular 50e for 134c lb. Christmas Cakes, plain orieied at 50e lb. ~Almond Paste, ready for use, 50e lb. BigVariety of Candy Canes wP.c Baiker and Confectioner, Bowmianville to 3ets MUST be Licensed )n s a fine not exceeding $50 ýp mûre fi MAKES THE BEST e Go lstrv r')