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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1925, p. 11

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FADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TIIJR8DAY, DECME 17, 1925 crTs' Associai Oshiawa, wa, ber' ,Nordhe: waite are fi: presidents,1 and John A. secreta Christmas Ecouiomies You will find everything here you expect to in a wefl equipped grocery store-ail fresh new for Christmas trade. Ourreasoxiable ms are always a strong factor in holding old :)mers and getting new ones. Here you 'flnd the choîcest i Staple Grocer- Oranges, Grapes, Bananas, Lemons, Raisins, of all kinds, dandy mixtures of Candies from b. up. Let us fil your orcler for poultry. Farmers, us your poultry if it's first class.* IARRY ALLUN BOWMANVILL.E Pros perity is Neyer Safe Prosperity is neyer safe unless it rests upon rotection. Your home is neyer saf e. PROTECT IT BY INSURANCE Your business is surrounded by risks. JInsure Your valuables are always in danger unless rotected by insurance. & Sc e Brokers King St. E. CORN '0 2 TINS23c DROAT SLARGEF23 PACKEE2T 'Me175 20 »repared 3 very attractive, assortments. Gif ta iseful and will please. Ask the local manager for ail ifrain ET CALIFOR' 4C55 ÊTL ORANGE, 7 TLEIGLACE FG1Fau cy Qalijy 25C 3c 1QJ %j Pf2 lb. sa,2 FOR MIORE 1MAYIEL ý4 SUPRINTENDEN1"s REPORI ON COUNTIES ROAD W( orta- Preemted te the Counties Cet grade By Sprnedn re sales-Spe4teenGer Superinteudent George Greei presi- the countiesý road system prese ld in the foilowing report to thie coui ictua- couxicil as to work donc on the alryie xous roads in the counties, also A-shorwing the work doue i AIh- -muncipality and the amount vice- money spent in ecd. A sumir ;urer, of the work is given belorw: Summary of Work ini Couritiez 'T 'ORK uncîl ented inties var- one each ,of nary urd. Surmxaiy of Money Spent in Municipalities Construction right . .$3197.33 (gton ..460.18 e ..... 574.19 ýrs .... 567,5~5 .8295.94 ook ... 1084.40 .....593.65 naglan.1881.07 on 4370.127 k....183.55 lie .... 4660.50 ne .... 1210.48 .6540.63 on Tp.. 465.50 tir . ... 707.05 7 .. . 666.00 Maintenan $605U 2488., 146ei4., 1753. 408.( 1104.1 2955.1 1693.1 6312.û 2630.2 ,75 71 ,75 14 os 1'7 16 04 HUMAN SYMPATHY ADVISED In lier article this week Fwhen Christmias gifts are beiFng broadcast-. cd in ah d'irections ourý generous spirited Aunt Susan writes of humi- an sym.pathy in thesýe timrely andi forceful words: My Dear Niece :-Symipathiy is a getbond, a sort of bond that rilrely u eedts explaintng, or even verbal 1expression. In» mauy case;s] truc sympathy ia4 silence. But such is mnet only at rare intervals lu ouri lives, sudf the miemory lingers with That is why you douibted the Fsincerty of such sympathjy -whiich was so bl'atanly expressed themi- selves to your friend the other day. After she was gone the others pro- fessed themiselves bored hy hcairingl of bier troubles. We cannot always believe one who saiys so -much and appears to be wvholly concerned in our affairs. There is miore real, 'honest symi- pathiy in1 those who can reciprocate what we feel--the one whio bas testcd the discomi-forts of poverty or adveTrsity; th-e one wvho lias suffored the pang of mental mnisery; the mother with the large family; the father of ý boys; or the husboand of a delicate wifè and ail- ing chldren-all these can take a, fellow 'sqxferer's hand andl hold itl tighitly in unexpre5sed symipathy. There isý a kindred spirit, abod ed understanidinig betwixt th os e wvho have clinmbed up the ruggcd path to famne or riches fromn small beginnings th!an there is fromn those who amîassedý( such w'th -no endeavor How ofteni we fee1l the lack o f synipathiy in our pwn home aii-oiigt those whom- we kniow% best. Often we imay look and yearn for a real un-1 derstndingl-there is imipatience1 whe-n you are iired; cosiness anid ill-temiper whien you are ill; and in- difference when you relate your ex- periences. But imr biýo n. 1, e" nig to put ourselc e a better unider- e obtained. There- 'd for sm of us, set as tonies for e of our hearts, f our nature in- arding of others Ste teach us to hy to others in or even lesa for- il Tarry not 'until tomorrew, Buy it nov'! Even thougli yen have tQ booerow, ~Buy it now! Sec that the shop girls don't have reason To abhor the Christmas season; Put a conscience, il you please on- Buy it xiow! _______D i tht sa p ostalhe PhNe 6wnxni Ele m, entJ 1 kept eean The Speediron Element was. originated and pattented by McC1ary's and is used exclusively in McClary's Electric Ranges-cari be had in no other. 1 If you have an ElectricE Rang e you wil! wanit to see th;is new, splend id improverrient, because you know ail about Electric Raînge troubles now. If you are going to buy an Electrie Range you shold ee he peeiro Elment in M1cClary's Electrie Range-the trouble-proof Element. The new Speediron Elements are now on view at ail leadiing dealers. Corne ai-d see it-today. lElée'c !~PEOIRN te FE, ent it ut an "if i A Real SHOP EARLY If you buy a Clirstmas presext Buy it nowl If it be for prince or peasant, Buy it now!F Buy before the air la stuffy, Buy before the clerks are huffy, Buy whilc things ara fresh andfiuey OBITUARY MUST NOT CÀRPY BILLs ]Rural mail carriers wili no lon~ger William H. Batig Toirto be Permitted to make any dlstribu- tion of handbills, notices, of meetings or any other such matter while on their routes, it was miade known iast The death occurred at his home, weck 'hy the poDstal dcpartment at 860 Beresford Ave., Toronto, of OttVawa. In an advice to the local Williamn Henry Batting. Deceased post-inaster it was stated that no- was born in Bowmanville, came to tice had been brought to the atten- Toronto in 1885, when lie joined the tiou ef Ottawa that rural mail cour- staff of the Murray Kay C~o., for iers had bec» distributing advertia.. whom he worked for, 30 years, being ing while ou their rounds without li charge ef the hosiery department the necessary postage attbached. Prst- there. He seried with the Am- masters bave beexi instructed to bulance Division in the North-west warn carriers that it is a violation Rebellion. Survivlng are his widow, of the postal regulations to accept one son, Arthur and one daughtcr, anything for delivery which does not Aubrene. bear sufficient postage, and compiy PHOTOS FOR CHRISTMWAS It's not too early to have that picture taken wbich you intend t. send away for a Chrisitmsglft. ~Mothr-the baby you cuddle in your arma to-day will be going to sehool to-auorrow ;and the flight of tixue brings many changes. lIn the years to corne a picture of Baby to you will be priceless. Baby, wheu grown up, wilI aisoe herish these childhood pictures. - Our studio la conveniently Iocatecf on Horsey Street, Bowinanville., Make an appointment to-day, HarryHumphies, PI'hotogrpher. Constructed one concrete bridge, 12 foot span ami 26 feet long- Hayden's bridge, in Haldimand towynship ,and 1 conerete culvert- Staples culvert, large enough for a cattle pass, in Hamiton township; also 1 concrete culvert at J3all's mil, used as a tail race; one con- crete bridge in Cramahe t ownship., Tubb's bridge, 16 feet span and26 fecet long. Buiît one large bridge at Canton village in Hope township, 84 foot spa», and 18 foot roadway,! sl2structure concrete and sýuper- structure steeli; also one at Garden Hill, Black ridge, 24 foot span and 18 foot roadwýay, substructive con- crete and suprstructure steel One In Perey township at Warkworth, 30 foot span and 24 foot roadway, substructure concrete and super- etructure steel. Gave a gato $500 to Cramahe township fracn crete bridge on county road north r of Salem. Put in 34 corrugated iron cul- verts and 39 side entrances, and built 118 end walis. Constructed about 12 miles of road and brought it Up to the government regulation. Gravelled 37 miles of road, using 11,346 yards of crushed gravel and 16,526 yards of gravel net crushed,' making a total of 27,872 yards o gravel all told, ineluding patching and concrete work, also ordinary maintenance work on the wholc sy-1 stemu.1 Bought 2 trucks, one National and on e Ford, both second-hind, ati a ecost of $2,350. Buiît one storage bin that cost $250. Bought sever- al scrapers, one plow and one pump, as weli as the small tools that were required for each gang. Up to date $87,203.08 bas been spent. The stone erushing outfit during the season crushcd 9,318 yards of grave! and placed it on the road, which, togethex with re- pairs on machincry, including a ncw set of tins for a truck and a nèw set of rollers for the cru:sher, and interest on investment on machin- ery, made a total cost of $9,882.80, making an average cest per yard for the season's output of $1.06 per 1 McCLARY ELECTRIC RANGES ARE RECOMMENDED AND SOLD BY GREENAWAy & ELLIOTT AGENTS FOR McCLARY SUNSHINE FURNACES Make it a Fanmi1y Christmas Gif t 'N OTHING can damnage a Speediron cooking .LElemnent, bec-ause nothing can get into or near the heating coîl. N In the open elemnent every timne a pot boils over there is risk of a short circuit that wil burn out the coil. That is why colis cannot last -as long in an open elemnent as they do in protected elements. Generally the porcelain ) insulation is just a, bed of cracked and broken porcelain after a f ew months use. Jt's Protected The old stylte, solid porcelain or cast iron protected elemnert was a long step in the riglit direction, but when a coil bui-ned out, as colis mnust somne tirme, the whole elemnent was a total loss, because the coil was inaccessible or encased irisidç -solid iron or porcelain. McClary's Speediron Elemnent has changed the whole structure of the cooking elenent- it 15 different fromt any other cooking, elemrent bècause it is removable and the heating coil cati be easily and quickly remQoved. Th-e Speediron Element can be remnoved instantly -no wires, no' boits nor sctrews--the burrit out coil cati be replaced almost as easily as you replace a burunt out light bulb-and at littie expense. ItsRiemov able The Speediron Elemnent remnoves the last worry- ing wveakness from the Electric Range and puts in the hand7s of the housewife a cooking range as simple to operate and keep in repair, as durable and undamage- able as the old-fashioned cook stove. Ini short, the Speediron Elemnent is removable, renewabhle, durable--trouble-proof and speedy. Water or soap or boîlirng grease cannot damage a MVcClary's Electric Range-it can be washed and

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