TH£ CANADIAN ST'ATESMAN, BOWMAINVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBIIR marked that it was the firs-t tume ho Y Â~IL'had ýever seon people singing with SA V E M O NE their heads and their eyes up, ins Ahu reh. It was good.-It wns în A Nil Newcastle. "aIkl,u COAL You can do both by' kurn- ing Pea Goal and Coke. A trial order will convince you Geo. Jameson Ont.1 SHAWS SCHOOL Christmnas entertalument wil ho heiçi at Sbaw's Scbool, on Mondmy, Decemuber Ziat. Good progranu. Admission 15c. 50-2wv LOCKHARTS SCHOOL, CLARKE Monday, December 21st., Loch- hart's S. S. No. 9, School Concert and Christmnas Tree. God pro- gramn. Admission 25e aad 15, 5 0,-2qw BROWN'S SCHOOL YOUNG~ PEO)PLE'S BASKET SOCIAL ECHO CONFERENCE With, a first-elass §et of trustees3, a It was the good fortune of New- comifortable and *L1cey decorated eastie Young People's League to school, a capable and have the honor Monday-week of hav- teacher, in the persqh of Miss Velma ing for its guests several miinisteiýs Mallough, a tactful and versatile and Mague dlegates who atteifdied' chairas, i the pei-ýOn of Mir. Chas. the firt of the four echo confer- M. Eddy, senior trhstee, an eager ences in Cobourg Pres-bytery Young and amitious group~ of sehool child- People's Societies of the Port Hope ren anid an intere'stý-d and apprecia- convention held earlier in, the Aut- tive a.udience, h'ow could the enter- umn. taininent at RÉrown's School on Fi- 1This conference at NXewcastle wa-s1 day evening -week be anythingý but planned in interests of the Young ail unqualified success? Wlhich itiPeople of th-e South Wesýt corner of wvas, and even sulipassed in ost the Cobourg11 Presbytery, compril»singl respects last year's jolly event. To in a general way what wa.s formierly sing and recite wans the chldren's the Bowmanville District, and it wý delight and by Vile variety and thie jeagues in this portion of the1 length of the progr,411 they seemied Presbytery repres-ented at this first under Miss Malloughi's training and echo conference. direction to have uillfmited abilities The two sessions of the confer- ini this resýpect. Stnie numbers and ence, afternoon and evening, were this inciudes the dilogues, had a held iii the aiuditorium- of thle United nice Christnassy stÏjtiment, some Charch. Rev. E. B. Cooke, the pointed a moral, and others were pastor, extended a cordial welcomie every bit as funny am the profession- to the visitors on 'behaif of the local al comiîcs. Leaguers and conducted the Ldev- The Kazoo Orchestra with Miss tional exerci-s. Rev. Chahs. -D.* Mallougli at the organ and Mr. Non-1 Daniel, Camipbellford, President o'f man Heard, comd aitist, furnisbed Conferýeice Y. P. Societies, prcsided lots of peppy music, The trustees durig the aftcrnooný session. Mn. aiso took their part in the programn, Daniie1's straighlt forwardncss, isý Mr. Eddy causing the young men's -tbsam,~ is energy, bis wholc hearts to beat and thump~ a littlee mental and physical miake-up stamips 1 more strangely than usual as.lhe hinm at once as a leader of ug recited the poein-, "The C'ovboy nd1 people, and espeially as- a young the Schoool 'n" and M i Stni a's man. Porteous7 entertaining lai song in bis The lading address by Rcv. R. A. customnary fetchiing style- accoinpan-i Whattarin, South Osbarwa, on Our led on the organ by his dauehter, Special Ta'k-Winninig Others for, Miss Marjorie Portý,. One of Christ, deeply imprcssýed his hearers th~e ben-t treats of tbe cvening wasi and -tirred in themn a stronger de- Mrs. Jerry Brow,n's ýthrilling recita,- sire to give of their very best in the tion. Mrs. Browýn Quring hier forn1- service of Him w ýho loves and yearnis er residency in the 5ê-,tion was riht for alI. Iy regaoeded as the l§nd(ing exponeniti During the discussion on Recrea- I of the elocutionarY art for ianiyi tion and Activities-Their Value las1 miles around and her numb er on Training' and Achiievement, Led by1 Friday evening showtd that shle lhad Rev. C. C. Wasing-ton, B. A., Court- lest none of ber f orrie~r abilityv. The ice, miany yauable suggestions and prograin over, the engeniously con- hielpfuL criticiumis were offered by, trived and prettily decorated lunch'I those who took part. It was recog-i containers of the yoling ladies were nized that there are two sides to, the au'ctioned by Mr. Porteous and it is Ativitiesz' question. pre'sumed the sale brought the ut- Inl absence of Rev. C. W. IJeMiLle,9 most satisfaction and happîness to B.A. Oshawa, kept from aftennoôti aL codcernied. As the baskets were1 conference by reason of Cupid's un- imited, onily a portiqn of those pres- ceasing conquests and imiportunity, ont, perbaps tweiit.ý,-fve couples,'1 Re-v. J.'Gladstone McKee, Baltimiore,, were thus provided with eats, but; filled the breacit and coniductedi the the trustees are mei of forosight Round Table Cotiference, and on and generosity and so treated al this short notice proved himself ai wvho badn't a share in a box to sand- good scout. The sýuc!e.sfiul main-' wches in plenty ani also, with the 1ner inichlho conducted the dis- I kindly co-operation of Mrs.. M.1 cussion oni the various topics show- Heard, furnished everyono present; ed that hoe had fully adopted ut with bot coffece. The procoeds from i imiself the mxotte: Be Prepýarcd. admission f ee and sale of baskets Mrs. (Dr.) Kilborn froxn 'West jt amounted to $33.30. China, now in Toronto on furlugh,t occupied a seat on the platformn byç request of Chairnma-n Daniel and took NEWCASTLE part ian orme of the discussiorns and afterwards conducted one of the Tbe people of -;th1a district will gnoup mcetirrrs into wbich' the c'on- learn wth regret of the passýing of ference divided at the close of the W. F. Jackson at -bis home in Kind- goneral session. ersley, Sask., f OllOwiîig n somerwýhat Monbers of the local leagpe ser- prolonged illness. Mr. Jacký-son left ed supper of meats, scallo)eýd pot.- Newcèastle <Bellwood am) oe os jellies, cakes, piesan ohe eighteen years ago, nd szince thatl delicacies in S. S. Roomns between 5 timie bas bocin fa 0n1o a large 1nand 7 o'ciock to the delegates and scale near inciersley,. About a yoar 1viitors at the conference. Quite a ag-o he was, taken il.with stomachi- ninbcr of. citizens and friends f-romn trouble and despite the bcst n1ed i- n countr'y also came in for theirý cal assistance proccurable hie grad- i evening mreal and remained for the1 ually succuibed to cancer 'of th e evening session. ý stomach. Intermient took place in Aften supper, Rev, Whanttainiilfiov-, Kindorsley Cemetery, Novemibor 14. ed and Rev. Washington secondled aý ~Their numerous friends 1nd in- v-ote of thariks to the Newcastle:i quaijtances i New£astlc extcnd , Leaiguers for the sumptuous, satisfy-J their hcartfolt syipithv to Mrs. ingi supper of irrcsistibly tcmipting, Jacksýon and famîily i this their viands of whlich tbey had p)artaken bour of severo trial. in company with 50 maiiniy congý,enial friends. 1ev. Daniel puit the mtion) andi wscrrc wt il the vigor LAK SHRECL1 E the comipany could exhibit after We're baving wether, whether 0,~ SUCII a supper. Miss Lillian Col- not. will 7 Pxcsident of Newcastle League,1 Somne road repairing is being donc. in a fcw gracious words, acceptcd This is splendid exercise~ for horses the thanks' of the spo-uss whih hvebeo usd o oki The supper fce was 35c, ani the 'p-ro-- a1ile faveil. sd owig 1cods wcnit to the Young ,'PcopLe'sý Pleased to report thaýt Miss Marion Forward ovement for Baskcrville bas successfully under- Mis diwiî re v r Dhe gone an operation on tonsils nd eov.ning, session wib evMn»n adeois.ici occupying a seat on the plat/orm-. Mr. Cordoýn Martin spont threc h etngoce it osn daysin oroto astwcc0 atcningson- service led by Mr. Swarbnick, a~~~~ corei1jdigliehg'adcor leader ofÇ Kendal United dressed carcasses put on by the Dc ofS.-au' Cburch, afe hc Rv r .Wnia j partmeint of Algriculture for Eastern vilet o St PauFs hurch, owman- f bOntanlo. icconucerd evenigwrhead- Santa Claus lhas informied us that sng. , rye1ndsc1tueved as bie is so busy on the evening- of ing. i Decernber 23rd., hoe cou](] visit li The szolo by Miss Uattie Masoni more convenie'ntly on Tuesdny even- Soute Dac the Silver Chord W'illý ing~ Deerarer 2nd AccrdiglyBreak, accompanicd on, the pipe or- we1 haedcie o dou hit- gani by Mrs. E. C. Fisher, was a son- mas reeandConert n Dcemer oný-in--song and touched al heants VnsTe n oers' Leit- Nwovilo "iiesh Mk Posting of ~hving Canada Ch)nisin adb Ms Mrs .S. W. Sutton in solo "I heard the voico of J'esus Say" alnd Messns s . W* F. Richard and Harold Allis md Misses Hattie Masos an-d Edna Rick- ard ia thre quatet "Abide With Me" added greatly t. the 'spirit of wor- Phone 106 sbi'p an carnied ail hearts upward te a genuine contemplation of the gWoriou-s peiÉsenality and grace of Jes-us Christ. p The Newvcastloe Irdeýpierîde,:rlt THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1,7th., 1925 NEWCASTLE INEWCASTLE Mn. Geo. Farn.comb, Osha-wa, Miss- Reta Nichols, Hampton-, 15 spont Suday witb bis parents, Dr. visiting with MUiss Blanche Cotuch. and Mrs. Alfred Farniconib. Newcastle friends have learnied Mrs. JamQs Clark ieft this w,7,eek with sonnow of the very serious i11- for Chicago owi-ng to the vei-y sor-1 ness of Mr. N. Morrissey' of Picker- ious illness of her daughtet, Ethel,1 ing. f ormerly proprietor of the New- (Mrs. Black.) castie Oriental, Mr. Frank Parker la ieaving theý Regular meeting of 'the Mlission Brown farni sean Mongan's Corners Band was hold on Saturclai,, Decemi- and bas rented Mn. J, R. Fisber's ber l29tb. After the usual cev-o- fana.1, T hi*nd Lise. tional exorcises, duing wb ývicli short The nmaay friends of Dr. Retta [ prayors, wene given by Aileon G2a- G-ifford Kilborn were pleased to: hamn, Maretta Law and Elizabeth nicet ber in Newc(astle Church. on0 Heniderson, a fine program rvî- Monday afternoon arnd eveningu. cd lby the White Qroup, leaders Mn. arnt Hgheswae s ownTucker Couch and Dorothy Rickard on~~~~~ Modyo ii ý-V as put on. It consisted of rcci- havng ranfemed rom th Lodo tations and readings by Edwin Han-ý brach f te Sandrd ankt ti cock, Dorothy Rickard and Marion brbof ithe 5s outntard Bnk o Rinch; a piano duet by Eileen Cooke of Vctona's ount tovn.and Mar~ion Rickard andf others. Sev- Milli Street Ujnited Churchý, Rcv. 1oral new meinibors made their ap- E. B, Cooko, Pastor. 11in. m.- pearaince and received their colouna.. M ýornlingÏ Worship. 2.30 p. mi.-Sun- Ms er f-ýnwt h sit day Sciool .7 p. m.-Evsmiag ser- Ms er iw ihteast vice. Special Christmasni u-sic at bloth ance of auctioneer Coulson sold bier servîef. urniture and other household eff ects St. Geo-e's Churcbi, Rector Rev. so Bn -ddagter Violet,left E. R. James, 4th Sunday in Advent, this week for Ashmont, ALberta. Deceber2Oth iln. m-Mon- rs. Brown and son and daugitcr, iug Frayer and Holy Cominimuon. have been residing the past summner, 2.30 p. mi.-Suanday Sehool, 7 p. in.and fall in a part of the bouse on her -Evensong. farna ear Morgan's 'Corners, oc- Rev. Dr. Kilpatrick, Ottawa, was ciupied by Mr. Fran-k Parker and thiey guest of Mn. F. W. Bowen, M. P. anid will be geatly missed not only by Mrs. Bowe-n at tea on Suuday even-1 the Biýown's school section but by ail ing, having corne down during the Newc,,astlo fiends, The roasoin for1 afternoon froin Toronto wbere bis their leaving for the second tinie1 father is citically iii. their oi-d home scenos Vo again make' Thero was a good attendance atr their home la the Wesýt is thatMn the Ladies' Aid meeting at Mrs. Fred 'Brown bas arranged to take over tbe Grabamn's Thursday afternoou. Mns.ý Undertakisg business in Ashmont' -Wi. Hanna's group entotained witb where other menMbers of the family a highly bunionous dialogue anent are settled. Mr,. Brown hias ai- the High Cost of Living in whicb ail ready qualified himiself for the son- group miemibers present took part. vice, and the be-st wishes of friends Mn. Percy Hare, at one timie agent in, the East foliow hîmi in bis new at Darligton Station G. T. R., as, venture. recoived the appointmreat as'C. N. R. 1I t. George's Sunday), Scbooi w\ill agent at Newcastle to succee4 Mr. !bold its annuai Christmas Tree and J. E. W. Philp, retired. Mr. Hanp Entertaiament on Tuesday, Decenu- nowv cornes fnomn Collin's Bay and isz ber 22nd., ia the Parish Hall au S exfectod to arrive at Nerwcaistlijp. i. A programi of songs, recita- witbi bis wif e and faiiy this Tîurs- tioa's and dialogues is being pre- day. We bes-peak for thora a ourd- pared and parents,-and fiond, of the, il wýelcome by ail our citizous. soholars and al othors are invited Rev. E. R. James, Hon. Pros. ofl'te corne and share in the merrirnont tentaiaed the teacbing staff of the thiidren. 50-2w Public and Higlh Selbooi and the Highl Sc-bool ýstudeutS a"t thec Rectory last Tuesday evening. Mn. Richard and ________ Miss Mary James asýsisted their par- ents and by their versatile aecomrp- lishmients made the eveniung a Mnost -happy and enjoyablo one for every-1 one present. The Christrnas Tree entertainaienti and distr'bution of Chriatimas pres- ents in connection with the Sunday SchooI of the Newcastle Uuiited church wýiIl take place omn Wedues- dlay evening , Dec. 23rd, in the S. S. rooms. Sa.nta Claus bias announiced by radio that ho -wili bc presert. Corne and meet hlm. Admission: aduits 25c; chiidrea not of the schoob 15c. Progrnm wiii commence at 7.3 0 p. -m. On Tbusday eiieaing, Dec. 3rd, Ne-vi*icastle Lodg-e S. 0. E. eicctedi its officers for 1926 as foliows: W. Pres. -Lawrence Crydermian; P. Prs.- E. C. Hoar; V. Prs.-Ewart Ci. Ciemence; Chap.--Edanundc Thack- ray; Sec'y.-Geo, Gaiies; Treas.- J, A. Smith; -Comiiitteeni-e-Enlo Pearce, Eric Wicks, W. J. Hockin, J. W. Bradley, F. B. Lovekin, .A Coiwill; Inner Gard-H. 'Rn.Pearce; Outer Guard-to hoeiected; Audit- ors-J. W. Bradley, H. R. Pearce, Ortn. Parker. COMMUNITY HALL SERVICET m 1The presýence_ of so ira-ny wor- vice in Cornmunity Hall rvar ample eitidcnce of citizons' appreciationOne rycu and approvai of the Maniaging C-o--O vr con maittee- efforts in araing for wl idhn such n conmnu'ity service from- timre - w1 idh to thime. The comimunity is especial- nxesvt iy g-rateful te the comrn-iittee forin pniet 1haiv'iug securcd such aui ouustnnding ciate. Let ou preaçher of the United Church of temn i Canada, Rev. G. G. D. Kiipatrick oftemaygf Chaîins Chiurcbi, Otta-wa, to preacb __________ on this occasio'ni. Rev. E. .11 Cooke of the Ne' wcast- le United Chiurch opened the son- PURE SIL vice, announced the byrnasiç, and proiiouuiced the benediction. R'eeve Special purchase of Dr. J .A. Butler. Chiainananofhe MNaniag>iing Coititeeý of the Hall, Scarfs, which repres, occupie d anseat oiu theright of the possible for us to d deskl and introdueri 1ev. Dr. Kil- pret1f -2 i Newcastle