U4ANAMIAIN eýTATEMAN, BWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECPEMBER 17, 1925 DîAN PACI'IhC RAILWAY - AST DexM 10.1a. m. D1 2.45 p. in. D D ~7.48 p i. D D 11.27 p.r. D* D12.26 . .D except Sunday, Dally except Maànday. AN NATIONAL RAILWAY EAST B' 8.42 a. m. 9.13 a. in. Sunday OnIy 10.16 a. m. 1.26 P. M. P Sunday Only 3.19 P. M. 7.14 p. mi. 9.58 p. M. 11.21 lp. m. F 12.34 a. in. F AN NATIONAL RAIL.WAY TYRONE STATION EAST 6:18 p. mn. sept Sunday 1 For Sale home of the late - .~ ... n.vv itirig, Dowman. 23-tf IARRY WAGNER tcher of Hawaiian Guitar. lete Course in Transposition ýuitar, Ukulele, Uke-Banjio. )over Couch, Johnston & rman's, Bowmanviile, every Wednesday. dtires: Balmoral Hotel King Radios Batteries Tubes Loud Speakers and Radio Supplies L. F~. Irwin ,e,3 or 276, Bowiuanville Pritchard or and Decorator for Wall Paper anti are buying out of tomav, Be- a st Up-to-date line 9.ir decorations. scbeerfully given on all work. Bammanville POULTRY WAN TED 1 pareti te hayrle your il andi miilpuy the disposing ione 81, Whitby aiýý reverse ge, or drap me a c8ati anti 1 came riglit away. I. STEIN, 1844f.1 DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Hlonor graduate in Dentistry Taranto University. Graduate of the Royal College af Dental Surgeons of On- t2ria. Office King St., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. flouse phone 22. DR. J. C. DEVITT I Graduate of Royal Dental Collega, Toronto. Offlice, King St. East, Boir- manvillé. Office buurs 9 a. m. ta 6 p. m. daily except Suatiay. Phonle 90a. Hanse phone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduata of Toronto Uni- versity ant iemamber of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensedti o practise in Ontario and the Domin-1 ion. Dentistry in nîl its branches. l Office-Kiag St., Bamm-fanville, op-1 posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301.f M. G ~. LEGAL M.G .GOULD, B. A., 14.. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money ta boan on Far.m anti Town Property. Royal Bank Builinig, Bo'tvmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Moley ta boan. Bonda for 2ale. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bowmanville,, Ontario. Phones: Office 102, IHouse 332w. FUNERAL DIRECT(R F. F. MORRIS CO.. Complete Motor or Horse Eqipmentý All calîs promptly attended ta. PrivateAmnbulance Bowmanville Phones 10 anti 34 Branch Stores-Orono & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIAMS Enibalmer and Funeral Director. Calis given prompt andi personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowm an-j ville, Ont. 3-tf.j THE EDITËOR TALKS Dr. James L. Hughes, educator, lecturer and author of sevaral pr-ac- ical maorks has just publisbeti a miost helpfuil anti mucli-needeti book for teachers and others who seek ta improve thair talents in public speaking. The title given Va Vhs volume is very .sugge'stive of its contents anti purpose: "Learning ta Speak in Public" and is publi5ht by S. B. Gundy Oxford University Prassý, Toron~to. Being copyrighited ire cannot quote extensîvely fram its pages, which we would gladly do, but an first page of cover Dr. Hughes. says: Chiltiren, hoth boys anti girls, willi somre day be trained in the schioLs ta stand ýup anti express their own thougbhts in their aira language. The prog-ressive develapment of men- 'tality, anti of oral expression will then ibe ais natural as the growth of a flamer in its procass *of evolution Vo thýe revelation of its special cie- ments of beauty in its fiower. The only w.vay a mnan or womaný can becoôma a good public speaker is by spcaking in public. The yongar a man leirlian lie begins to .speak regularly in public, the greater bis success in public speak- ing will be. The tbree laws for developing1 pawer in.. speaking freely are:; 1. Practise speaking; 2. PractiÀsei speaking; 3. Practise speaking. 1 jOn the first innèr lap of caver Dr. Hughes says:1 Tbiere is na other way in whicb the Mi md of 'a yaung mnait~ can be de- veloped 50 iiaturally, 50 definitely, sa comprehiensively, c-o vitally and o S permanently as by standing ha- foare an audience anti axpressing in- dependant origýinal thought, Mhc has nat been commiiitted ta memarcy.ý Extem-poraneous or impromptu speaking practiseti even witloiut van audience, wben tbe speaker is quita alonie. is a vitally developing prac- Vtice foar unifying the pawers of the mind andi qualifying it for intel]i- gently recognýizing the new pirab- lems of life, and quickly anti wisaly salvîng them. Il develops intiependance of charIacter. A mnan cannot practice o ral expression of bis owi in'livi- MEDICAL dual tbought, regularly %vithout bc- coming conscieus of iacraasiag nmca- B.J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. tal alertncss iu recagniziag the prob- Goi Medalist of'Trinity University' lemns connectetimith bis 1f e, andi Tarante. Four years attentiing Phy- of greater poivaý,r ta solvc tbem. IThis -sician anti Surgeon at MV. Garmel mIl naturally ticvelop a new anti Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office anti progressivaly 9,rowing faitb imiii- Residance, Wellington Street, Boir- self whichi is the surast and most as- -manville. Plione 108. santial hasts of' indapendence of character. C.' W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. When the chief ani o f the scbools Graduata of Ttnity Medical Collage,1 becomies the deveIopinent of inde- Toronto, formerly of Eiiniskille-n. pendent pomver insteati of knomledgc Office anti Resitianca, Dr. Beith's storing, impromptu speaing mIll be former resideace on Churdli Street, unlve rsally practiset inl the schools, Bowimanville. Plane 259. 44-V. as anc of the best age'ncies far de- _______________________ velopiag the fundameitai pomers off the mmnd anti preparing- it for cointinuou.s intiependent slevelopmnent CHIROPRACTIC tlituugh life. DR. DURWIN E. STECKLEY This timiely book sbould rlied a Hanor graduate of Toronto Clira. ar- lrg sle* ** practic Collage mil be la office on Canada tioesn't boast of' lier or,?- Temperance Street, Bowmanville,tosnroflegadpli par, Tuesday, Thursday anti Saturtiay for ikce the pryrilbe' et afternoon 1anti aveniag. Phones.,poebalnl' et Office 141J; Residence 141W. "tliey are famw anti far apart", btt an agitation is on the mýý,ay for de- Residcnial calîs matie at Hampton, voting-moare attention la the eleumien- Nemcatle nti istrct. ary anti secondary echools and: col- ____________lag-es te instruction anti practiciat x - - aCrcises regardting reading aloiud, elosition, the art anti science of or-1 OPTOMETRY atory , recitatVlon andi public speaIr- R. M.MITl],-,k; aise hielpful adjuncts eudh as R.gîM. MI OTHELiat phiysical culture anti details a f the Registeed Optoetrist trainîing necssary ta fit studlents- for Eyes examined-latest methotsis nt piatform, pilpit ,the legal bar or modemn equipmeat. Optical Parlor other profession in wihlfuençy ofb ,il R. M. Mitchell & Co'sý Drug Store,, speech is a leatiing anti nece7nnarIy Bowmnanville, Ont. qualification. 0f coursze, the beneý- u ______________ ___________fits off sucb instruction, traiiniurg anti practice, mvil! have a more gein- eral applicatioin, too, tcnding ta bat- VETERINARY er facility anti at -bomci-ncess in or- DR. F. -'. TICHE diniary conversation, social, oïilkial VETERINARY SUTRGEON. Day or ani- puIblic etiquette. Sucli trai .n- Night cails promptly attendedti aI n mldugndi1ncltrl1a Office: King St. East, Bowmanville. ianti must -Ia goati, for whateverr Pline248jieducates eutii-tens, instructs anti Phone 243.atits ta the knomwledge anti cultureT E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se. IOff indîviduals anti commujnities is Ilanor Graduate off University offpliliantliropic anti esscntially proe- Toronto. Ail cases given p-omptI ductive of igb1-ly satisfactory re- C anti arefl attntio. Offçe- suits in adding ta the ense, tignity Hampton, Onit. Phione 375-15. at rc f esn ntetas' citoa itb their felloms bath in a i private, siladpublic may. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON i Auct;oneer Eanasanti fousa Salas a Specialty. Ternms imodemate. Enniskillen P. O. Plana 197r3. 1-t1f. WILLI-AM MAW Ljcensed Auctioneer Hnving met miVI considarabla suc- cees in contiucting salaes for the past 18 years, I nom eff et my services tai i the people off Bowmanville anti vic- inity. For terme anti dates sec F. f). Masan, Bammanvilie, or ~plane 9-88, WhiVby, Ont.12. AUCTIONEER & REAL ESTATE! NORMAN MONTGOMERY 1 18 years' exparienca, ail classes off auction sales, pure breti stock aq specialty. Business atitre-s: 406 Bloor St. W., Plane Trinity182 Resîdenca: 269 Hnvelock S. hn Lombard ý933, Toronto. 4~m RANITES lie best grades of BLUE MARBLF. cametery enratakers -rr!ng ta salli My own iug VIa purchaser Vhe ýsion, A cail soliciteti. BOUNSALL rBowmnanville T'he season i as -arrived for lhojdý. iiilg city, tawn, incarporateti village 1 andt twnshýip elections anti a ýittiIng corollary ta the preceding paira- grTaphs is to ask: What Bs the real test of a candidate for theze public services'? A mnan of long experience 1in municipal councils saiti oce n, answer ta a similar query,0"1:1 platform test wat the anly te H fe meant that unlesýs a man can thinkI anti speik whiilst standing upon bisi. feet, he was not of mueli usê ini 1c(ivic adinistratLion. Nor cn'lie b e, for it is impassible ta -gîte. a leati ta fellow-rie nb ers unlessnama hias cultivateti the gift of speech. VWe- have had m-en in the Counciu *1 n -andi theire may be one ortw no, wlio have neyer been known ta s:ay a Word unless it has' been j se-1 cond that".> They have nat broug-ht anc ne~w tbought either intoth camitiitee-room,-s of the Counilî Chamb!ýer since the élanyn they we-re electedl". Thecre is force in that mnsopffi-1 ion but thiere are other intellectual and personal qualities very pieces- sary, toa, in a man who aspi)res ta becom-e a public nn-we prefOr the expression: A public servant.Un less, a candidate iintends ta serve bis canstituency ta the vy best of his ability, bhelbas no igtota sek election. To a m-an or woman wha seek-n ta serve in a public'cpaitîhe alihcunsf 1ev mal impartnt,-quality nncah.era- TIare i--s intag ck heng fnct'thaere is ai for tdeep tVi speakers mlio 1audiences anti i A man never really knows how irell he can speak in public Viii he makes a genuine effort with full confidence that hie ban .somethinlg worth bein.g saiti andi can say it iii a way ta be understood. We readi S ame speeches delivereti at election timeantifondlittle ta e.,nthuýse oývèe. 0eOia cndi date confessed that he \vas no orator yet went an ta make a commendable first-time effort in public debate. Ne.ver apalo- gise if you have anything ta say anti neyer use the stock phrase "in my opifiion". Be sincere, say it, anti canvince your hearers tbat it is your opinion anti strive. your besVtat make that opinion theirs. Veryfewmen are gifted with the 'power of impromptu speaking, but it is far better ta listen Vo a mnan makijig an effoart than in hearing him rend off typeirritten copy. It takes a brilliantly clever m'an ta rend, a speech well, anti unless it bea prepareti anti important state- ment ,reading of speeches is noV al-r lowed in the Mather of Parlianients.I The writer bas lu mmnd a man with w irbn le sat in County Council for tvýo years and-daqs noV recall tbnt ha evar ini any session during the Vira termes made an attempt ta stand up and atidress cauncil. Why sucli a msan iras bonoreti mith the electors-' confidence was ta us a iya3tary. "Silence is golden" is one of those silly maximis liich, applieti lera, prive it so. Silence le net golden. IV may do no harm, but it cartainly does no gerod. We hear of "the strang sulent man", but we dan't lient him. Then h'oi or whlin doas he leati a city or n nation? People muist have the graatest contexupt for the man, irbo daring toacneept thie raspausibilities of public Lerîvice, caanxoV speak bis niind. IV is very speech îf muen 9Oe mamann care Vo The cammon camn a ppdrtii.yl leaticamnes, as the divinast opportunity la * * * thie mîcla history off the morld carne, But those irbo do cate ta léti anti eraileti in obscurity.1 give a lenti an the questions ,af to Thare àro fam things impossible day are geneanlly a$ anti readyiynl therneel, at haapicto sýpeakers. They have san1cthin.-. te neessry nd e appliscations say anti détermine ta , moryoftiiw. Na tan hemean. shaulti place himself in tha spherc e K fcsmnig hnfi as of ubieMe nles tehough inti looks, kiati mords, kindtiacts, ta express anti ability Va expressan rihndhke-esae t haen-. That paltry nonsense mwe secondnrY menas of gmaca irbea, lient so often that "it is in cannamit- nl arc ln trouble anti ara flghiting tee ihrle the mark i--daim" is simp- thair uneen battias. ly an excuse for the duasb mamnbar. It is a perfcctly safe prapositio011 Wa know tînt the mark off a muai- thiat withaut the thoughtfuIneA,ýs cipality is, done la camasittee, but which is atherirse namatid tact, noa kao om rimnts up a debate, andi oaa cali findtihVe fuallest meanura Of whlat sida he, taikes, andti t wi l, sucesandaisIpleasure in if e. g-iva yau the, voting. Ha wh-Io wnlks tbrough 1f e mith Yas, a sil'nt nimber off suchi a, an aven Vamper anti a gentle pa- ppiulic. body is out off his proyer le.- Vivce, patient mlth Ibj-iaself, patien,,t ment andtishou'ld know that factîfrmth ters -paient'litlidfite his oma honer.. grentnass beyonti that irhiel i mon ;> * za-nd crosses-he, bas an avery-day Many an cfée<tive public speaker., in buttle or chnnte-d ln cathetirals. ca carry hic point in daie by It i the littie words yen spenk, tact riicul ani asans ofrea tIilittie tlioixgts you think, th~e lit- hurnar, for th-erea cames n tise' us- Via things you dû or leave undone, tially in dabate mlien ridiçul k th Ve little nomeaVa >byou i aste or use all debata, anti the maio cana isely, the little telnptations virhl sec Vha humnoroun; sida of a thing you yieldtl t or cvercamae-the lit- anti1 spring it at the riglitmometltI things of evcry day that are mak- lias a gift unpurchascnbla. Sarcasin, ngor mairt orftr ie -lien purposcly meant Vo brghi igyu ftr ie THROUGHOU'r THE YA Earnest moral principle is the Ibalance-mhael of character. it reg-ulates anti keeps the irlola nman in order. Even the -%iseest are long in learai- ing that there is no bietter maûrk for them Vlan the bit Gati puts into their hands. A btter thing than "bitching yeur wagon Vo a star", is ta put yaur hanti in the hand th lat asoves the Thare is notbing çlevcr, in it ata1 but sarcasm mmi treats the subject unier dabate witb conte-mpt mus, nlaccarry meig-lt. Soeapeople have' a nost borble way off saying thc mroug thingý LvOry tiase andtihVe rigbt thipg înaver, T'ley are utterly frientiless, anti woier mhy. saine men witli cyn- eutl manners hurt Vue mudli tha er aiea Vliey dasira Vodamta thei ['lre mas nevear anything uCccss. niTly achievati by a speech fulil off atreti, anti vuIzýarity is the lomest aoras off mit. Speech "isç, a gift frai Go d". IV requires euiti;vating-, cer- tainly, but in these tinys off campul-ý ory anti (alaged)freea educationI itý cultivation shaulti noV requi re i-ucb stmCdy. To express onesecf cleairIv, in clean-cut, Verse langiIagýe mie hlds a pamerfirl ieapan. AIt, Lh more pomerftal does it hbecom(e [T thc speaker lias a disztinct persan,-,,, iiVis graciaus, a-ad 'bas mail de-. cblopeti. platf aras maners. Even a man's tircss bas mach Vo do m'ith bis, access as a platfommi speaker or't as i pealer untier any other condlitions. Thee i izne thing ta be sait f or ithe( damib couricillor z-r 'lemnh miakes no enemnies. He says -50 hii-elf some folk talk too mcr But heaven protect us froiomap s les.s silence. Stand up, sýpeal u p, andi shut up, anti lèn-ve the poa)r ,l"r- asseti natepayer ta puay up. KnowTÏ,Ilng haw ta tand up, 10h o ta peak U'p ani.when ta shiut Up imakie. for suc-1 Wife: Thiey say won-en ire~ the saîit af the earth. Uusbandi: 1I wauldn't fdauht it, d- inng 1,,ýýfrom the (,number of menthye driven ta drink. c o VI ii a v n 51 a WHAr DOES TO The present g leisare iVlainraa sel.vesç4 yûp(ý ucn fo Leisi CANADA AT WE MBLEY SamBrama la anothm ,of lits racy travel latters in, Farký anti Dairy of Peterbore3. says off Wembley Exhi- bition. What struck mc ns- rather peculiar about Wembley hefore I lad bIean on the grauntis haif an haut,'iras the fact that it s~aeeýi- -ta me 1mainly an agricultura;l show%ý, The farasers seaas ta beaays at tVeIeiatioff Vie pro- cesion-ce-ýea mIen a country le go- ing dam hbil, I suppose. About nine-Ventbs off the exhibits that me sair ther, e mre pmd c ffthe faras, or had Vo do mîtli farming in saine %ay or othar. Froas sheep- ralsing in Australla Vo mheat-grow- ing in Western Canada, andi fromi chee-e-m)aking- in Neirv Zealandti t mnapla sugar-miaking in Quebenc, it seeniet as thuhte visitar coulti neyer g-eV a-%vy froin"the salI" for mare lantabout &-en lutes ut n tume. 1Even eut.ý C. P. Rallay ýspent ail its einergy in tryîng V o prove ta the cýroirds rliat a geondinvestasenit a huntdreti anti sixty acres off Saskat- ; heman -farnland -mouldi ha. Anti ýtbey certanaly seemiet able ta prove thair dauit, irlatever tlin farmars out there, mIa lad Vo shavel theno off their potatoes befoe tle aut igtheas Vhs fali, svould say abo)ut 1 gauious as their They lad a spi( building off theh, Canaldin Buildil off this place vas motive. About Iegie beill sort off an elat mhicI servedti ta warids. the buildinr male mre place( Sauitpal sýeau ruri tween e t:l iroulti be pinz at 2 mare little s sailing frorn was au grant and if liera: cd anti ler] the next fan fauit off the wVd taù- st Vhe I panor- oin ta as Vo- -ti be- il thler' , stop- a miîn 4e cas' with higher thoughts on bath local anti Imperial governments. Thoce of us who are content ta live our lives under the present sy- stem of gavernment anti who abbQr revolution as preacheti recently more particuLarly in large centres, 2hould miake it a duty ta relise the elect- orate ta its -reýsponsibilities. It shoull noV be laft to the Pre'Ss alone ' and whilst we area noVt threat- ened Uib Communîsts, we expect can- dida tes for municipal position ta clear away the danger or apathy. DOES r-DU4CATIN PAY? What a question! Does it pay ta measure the ground before 'sowving the seeti? Does it pay to polisl the precious stone before puttiag 1V on the mar- ket? Does it pay ta plane and~ santi- paper the board before putting it inta the piece of furniture? Does it pay to sharpen the tools bef are worlking with the.m? Does it pay V o know things rather than live in ipnorasnce? Does it pay ta have ii mid rather than be a mere animal, and be dir- ected y those wto have minds? Does it pay to think, andi if Sa, ta think wjth a trained mind rather than with an untrained one? Does it pay ta be a leader rather than a follower? Does it pay ta mrake the most of the faculties God hanz endowed ore with, or ta let them lie donnant? Does it pay ta be one of the cap- able of the bumran race or to be one of the inferior? JYaes it pay ta prepare oneseif ta do large things or ta Temain satis- liedi ta do small things,' and let others Vake the adivancedi pasitionb? Does it pay ta take advantage of opportunity and make the nmost po.s- sible of oneself? Does it pay ta -et an education? Only h- az id ig-narant answer, Pay? Surely it pays-nanyld. There can be no better investinent nor one anywhere' near as goad. Let not youth'be deceiveti. Ask any of thase who are educateçi. Ask the wise of any geneiration. Be sensible. Get the educ ation while yau 'have the chance. Prepare ta live h~appy and a prosperous life.-Ward H. Ail Rea.dy For Christmas Trade1 2Boxes, Cartons, Packages, Bags and Barrels, have been pouring into "The Old Reliable Gro- cery Store" the past week Iadened with hosts of good things to, satisfy the yuletide appetite and appeal to Christrnascheer. We havenr't roorn in this small space to tell you ail about theré. So corne in and see for yourself how our shelves are bulging over with fresh, ne-w groceries of the highest quality. SEE WHAT SANTA CLAUS BROUGHT Then u-pstairs, you'JI find bundreds of articles in our China Dep&rtrent whieh were bqught Just for Christmas gift sélling. No fancy prices asked, either. Just real good values that you can't re- sist. You're welcorne to corne in 'and look arowid any tbie. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowna.nville Lookirig Ahead For Christmas Festivities We have travelled several hunidred "miles looking for' sorntething extra choice in Beef for our Christmnas trade. Our efforts were rewarde.d for we have purchased some very fine weil fed fat young cattie which will make prime beef for the holiday festivities. Included in our Christmas display will he: ~2 choice Steers from John Found, Courtice. 1 choice Steer and 1 choice Heifer from Fredl 1H11l, Clarke 1 l3aby Beef from Fred 1H11l,, Clarke 2 BRaby Beef frorn S. Rickard & Son, Clarke 2 Baby iBeef froin Thos. McNeil, Clark~e 12 Ewe and Wether LamJbs from Wesley Glenney, Clarke 7 choice Steers fromi our own stable. We also have 80 Lambs from our own stable for winiter trade. TONS 0F POULTRY WANTEDJ Already orders are corning in for Christmas poultxry-m-any for delivery out of towni. .Avoid Farmers, bring us your poultry. ail varieties providing it is fir-st-class C., M. CAWKER & SON' Victoria Building Butchers Bowmanvilh Phone 64 We want quality. We Presentation Cvera are provided for Christmas Qilg Bookse AGift :ka Increases ivalue' N\X[HPAt DID YOU CIVE LAST CHRISTMAS? Toys for the kiddïes-most of them broken by now." Something useful"ý for the grown-ups-now wornl out or forgouten. Cash to your employees- appreciaed but soon spent, Other presents-hurriedly bought and perhaps ili-chosen. Are they reumembered now 7 S--uppose this year you give them each a Bank Book containing an initial deposit, and urge them to add to it regujarly. Could anything be more huitable? Add " Ryal Bank~ Pass Book~s" ta y'pur lis# Qt Chistmas Giftt. The Royal#% Ba nk BowmanVi1e Branch - R.AF. Aitchisonl, Manager