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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1925, p. 5

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TECANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANIvL-E, TUUsDAYDECME 17, 1925 ie "Sweetest" Gift of Al Wish your friends a "Sweeýt" Merry Christ- with Chocolates and Candies. Peopile are showing a natural preference our delightful assortment of Neilsons and, rs Chocolates so beautifully boxed, as low as and up to $2,50. You will find at this store every Jdnd of can- ,our heart desires and at a price your pocket aff orcd to pay. Try our delicious hom.9-made Mince Meat at b. REAL ENGLISH CHRISTMAS CAKE Our Christmas Cake has already won an en- .e reputation for its rich dellejous flavor and 50e lb. C. W. A. JACOBS Bowmanville - LOCAL ANjD OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE SIeighing for Christmas is wanted. Miid weather was replaced by good Learning ta skate causes many a winter weather. person's downfall.. Send us names of Christmas visit- The "tlght-wad" neyer cares a ors as early as possible. cent for Christmas ,iving. Christmas trees are bei'ng selectedi Two-ceint letter postage is again byr fathers and big brothers. under discusSion at Ottawa. Good imorningt This is the nionth Sleighing for Christmas. Sleigh for renewing yonr subscription. beils preferred to niotor smells. Mr. Father, study hýaw you 'au Deceniber has given us bright and give the kiddies a good Chtiistmas. duil weatlier; sunshine and sow Gifts for the baby lnu great a rra y Watch yoiur step--while the ice at Couch, Johniston & Gryderman's. ion the pavements-timely advice. Looks rather serious for Canadianl It's the oid story: Whien farmers users, so far as hard coal is concern-j prosper, ail other people aiso pros- eilvleCucl a.ofo pe.bill of $2,285 for its OldBos e- Subscriptions toalal papers a-Id bration.Bos magazines are taken at The State8- If you are worried, just think of man Office. the nmoney you save by straWberries 1Beautiful display of Lingerie, being out of season. suitable for gifts at Couch, Johnl- If there is lack of Christmas spir- stan & Cryderman. it it wiiI flot ,be for want of beauty Mr. and Mrs. George M. Clarke and enterprise in our shop windows. of Norham, recently celeb1rated 57th Christmas lias got the habit, ndf anniversary of their marriage. we've get one too; eafch year wiIil It is a pleasure ta have a chat' find us wishing a happy time ta you. -with farmners this season, and note Bowmanvilie shop windo-ws neyer the very satis-fied feeling which pre- iooked more attractive. When il- vafls on farms. iluminat.ed at night they are truiy F!Irmercs are ceoming back ta fneir! beautiful. own by way of satisfactory crops J Garden City Press, book pubiish- and gaod prices. This is differentý ing canceru, is mingn its plant fromi fram formner years, Quebec ta Oakvilie. The town give.s Mrs. Lauren Pouli, resident of St.1 a fixed assessment. Francais De Beauce, Que., found al There are law-mnakerýý and( law- gold nugget as large as a bean in bekr. Te iwbekr n the stËom--acli of a lien. clude, besides the murde-rers, burg- Chrstms mkesomie friends hpp lais and thieves, those who violate by sendingl- themn The Statesman'f'or the O. T. A. 1926. The home paper is like a real Read Christmas advertisements in letter froin home every week. this issue. You'll be prafitted. Bow- Mis Johni Basse½ ei-batdher manville stores 'have imany attrac- 98rd birthday recently, at homne of tive articles iat prices below ont-af- ber daughter, Mrs. Win. McBride, town stores. Port Hope, Wýhere she makes lier The weather's heffe, the weather's' home. there, the weather's evely single Parents are falling- dowa in their where, i'n places gay and sad; and duty ta their children. Ontario yet we think it's strangýe, thwa parents should consider their respol- ,we seidom think of it al day unies,; sibilities and turn over a new leaf it's bad. this Ne-w Year. Mr. and Mis. George Ritchie, Coa- The fariner who keeps plenty of bourg, have gone ta Fiorida tolive stock is the man wlhose crops spend the winter with Mr. and Mrs,. wili average the best, A dry y-ear Gea. Gillispie, Bownmanville, Mrs. shows benefits derived from, lib erai Gillespie befare ber marriage beiug use of stable manure. Miss Aggie Bowmau, Cold Springs. Rev. H. E. Abraham, late of St. Geoffrey Denike of Picton, was Andrerw's 'Churcli, Guelph, formeriy sentenced by Justice Leunox toaa of Port Hope, was inducted as min- teru of six years with 24 lashes ta ister of the joint continuing Presby-. be applied thiree every six months. terian congregations of Bedford Hie had beeu f ound guîtty by a jury Park and Eglinton Churches, Toron- of a serjous offense, chef witnes ta, on December 4th. beiug sixteen years of age. Mayor-elect IL J. El. Graham is United Church, Bowmanville was the youngest Mayor Belleville lias the scene of a pretty wedding Mon- ever hlad being lu bis 29th year. day, December 7th., when Charlotte,1 Twenty-five years ago, bhis father, ouiy daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gea.1 Mr. R. J. Graham, was Mayor Of Ovens, Newtonville, became the bride the city and heid that office for of Kenneth Charles, son of Mr. andi three years. In the City Council Mus. R. Ware, port Hope, Rev. J. he will have with him oniy one ai- U. Robins, offlciating. derman who lias had even one year's experience, the rest being ab- soluteiy new men. If you are looking for_ practical r--- Sand sensible Christmias gifts go ta Ji Coudh, Jahnston & Cryderman's. 'Sa a Claus Left Your Radjo Set ere A Radlio Set is a welcomne gift the whole faïnily will enjoy. You w-ill find miore real fun, entertajunt n ieet t a Radio than ,viffi most tinigs vou, can buy at thé price. We have good reliable Sets as low-\ as $42.00 and as high as $350. 'No better values aniyw\here. Keep in mmnd that wvhen buying a Radici it is to your inter- ests to buy from a dealer who can give you service. Agent for Westin'ghouse, Standard, Master. Splitdorf and HARRY C. ALLIN Radio Supplies and Bicycle Accessories Phone 337 Bowmanville >Division St. Opposite Balmoral Hotel PIANOS MIT1CHLL Bowmanville FqTeI Situation The settiement of the flard Coal Strike seemps ýmote possibility. Anthracite Coal is practi- Soff the rnarket. We can, however, supply your heating re- ýements with Pea Coal, Coke, PQchontas and iestie Bitumous Coal. Let us assist you in these trying circumstances A. HOLGATE & SON or 202 Bowrnanville :ners were flot sell- by Long Distance mlght afford to ue It less >sT salesc REVIEWS OF~ NEW BOOKS Henry VanDyke Admes "Cousin Dr. Henry VanDyke had neyer read a Harry Lean\WiIson 'book un- tiil "Cousin Jane" wes published. His idea of Wilson was a writer of "fuuny"' noveis tlhat verge on burles- que, and this serfous piece of fic- tion was a surprise. Here', whatL hae saye: "Couiu Jane is drama-. tic. It bas a new background, the great faittastic housa built by vis- iouary wealtl inl a naw deserted California mining town. The chiaracter of Jane is vividly and at- tractively conceived. But I, thiýnk the best drawn peTson in tha book is Sethi, the autside man-of-aii-work of the declining house". -JDraina Within a Draina In Curwood Novel - There is a draiup with'n the drainai of Curwood's "The Ancient Higli- way". While at work on this novel, Curwood was living on the actual scene, the luniber ragions of northeru Qua4bec. As each chapter was writ- ten, it was read and appraised by that great Canadien, Sir 'William Puice ,for the stary is of the for- est,, and Sir William was a foraster. He approved the narrative, littie kn'wing that a similar fate, soi narrowly escaped by the hero of the romance, was soon te be his own. Yet it came before the book was finislid. And "The Ancient Higli- ~way" is dedicated to thie memory of Sir William Prie, Dawson's Golf Stick Idia Coningsby Dawson whos;e new novel, "Old Youth", ha, disturbed the flappers with its revealtjrn of middie-aged romance is one af the few living authors who do not use a typewriter. _Mr. Dawson does ail hi, writing with ink and a pan, and in addition ta this fanm of dexterity hie i, an enthusijastic golfer. But this summer the pan proved miightier than the golf-stic'k. Absarbed in a comiug book, Dawson. accomlpl ished the feat of 'writing at a window avariaoking a golf-course and in four months played oully nine haies of golf. La Salle and His Place in Canadian History - -An enthralling historical romance, in whidh the great and gallant La- Salle is the liera, is partrayed in the new naval "The Power' aud the Glory" by Sur Gilbert Parker. It is a glowing page frani Cauadian history. We see LaSalle arriving in Qizebec, intolerant ofdey, pressing f orward into the wildarness in the name of France and King Louis XIV; we sae hini bnlked in many of hi, prajects by intrigues. We c-ee hlm set down at the mouth of the Mississippi with hi, party ah- ready decimnated by hunger and sickness ,and rotten with treachery, but deterined ta pusli an ta Que-1 bec and cdaim the intarve'ning cdunt.- ry for hi, king. Before this hast great undertakîng in which lie was ta lose lis life, e see LaSalle's lierais renunciatiýon of the only pas- seïbilityr of love that aveu cama to him-rulya grëat Canadian novel. Make Thi*s An C'hristmas Buy Gifts that are Practical and Useful We have something for every member of the f amily. You are cordially invited to inspect our stock~ at these attractive prices: G v kElectric Irons ............ .$.4.50 and up SElectric Vacuum Cleaners............. $45.00 and up H Electric Toasters ...................... 4.00 and up Electric Percelators....................9.00 and up Electria Heating Pads............... ý.$7.00 and up Electric Curling Irons ................. 1.25 and up Electric Hot Plates ................. $5.00 and up Electnic Heaters, ahI types .............5.00 and up Electrie Floor and Chester-field Lamps . .$*18.00 and up Electric Table Desk aud Boudoir Lamps $5.oo and up Ehectric Washing Machines, tbe best 1on the market......... ...... ý.*9.00 anzd up Elactric Ranges, we handle ail makes rauging in price from ,......... . .$50.00 and up 15%cl REDIUCTION ON ALL SILK SHADES AND PORTABLE LAMPS Our stock of Electric Fixtures is com- plete. We have a fixture for every room in yoiir house, and the prices are right. When you buy a fixture from us we instalil it Free of Charge. Have you seen the Moffatt Closed Element with the cast steele top, making the Element indlestrtjctable. Corne in and inspeet same, MoffattVs always leads. Ail goods sold on Easy Tîme Payments Our personal guarantee goes with each article. Everything sold by us must give satisfaction or your money will be cheer- fully refunded. Q Buy Your Electrical G oods at an Electrical ' e11îýi:Shop. There's a Reason. The Hydro Shop Phone 192 and 229 Bowmanville The Candy Shop ta Christie's Bakery Wave Electrical 177 "i'ý

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