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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1925, p. 3

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PM~E ~HREB THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWv7MANVIL,,E, THURSDAY, DECEMER 24, 1925 'il' CIIRISTMAS PROBLEMS SOLVED FOR LATE SHOPPERS At this tirne of the year, as Christmas day ap- proaches the age old problemn of securing appro- priate gifts for farnily and friends often destroys enjoyment of the festive season. The "Big 210" Bookstore off ers rare and iovely, things to Christmas sentiment:- express your' Shelly's China 75c-$5.00 Warwick-'s Rade Gifts 25c-$2.50 Vienna Boxed Stationery 25c-$5.00 Framed Mottoes and Pictures 35c-$4.00 Ernbossed Leather Goods 25c-$3.00 Brass Candie Sticks $2.00 Gift Box Decorations 5c Hand Colored Candies 10c paîr-$1.0 Christrnas BookIets 5c upwards Corne in and brouse Around W. T. A lLEIN Big 20 Bookstore Bowrnanville Ail Ready For Christmas Trade Boxes, Cartons, Packages, Bags and Barreis. have been pouring into "The Old Reliabie Gro- cery Store" the past week ladened with hosts of good things to satisfy the yuletide appetite and appeal to Christrnas cheer. We haven't room in this small space to tell you ail about them. So corne in andl see for yourself how our shelves are bulging over with fresh, new groceries of the high est quality. SEE WHAT SANTA CLAUS BROUGHT Then upstairs you'll find hundreds of articles in our China ,Department which were bought just for Christmnas gift seiling. No fancy prices aske d,I either. Just real good values that you can't re- sist. You're welcorne to corne in and look around any tirne. ARC HIE ÎTAITî Phone 65 Bowman-,ville SPLITDORF RADIoRECEPTION ktubes. Attractive cabinct D ôarLk waInt snd lig1it ,atiura1 grain. Price $Q8(~ F ALL the quahlities that rcemmlend eise Grande entris th )Splitdorf Receivers, thei- dependabihty ila Saoeis fr0en 7to 3. service is the ot important. Splitdorf - - Receivers are simple to operate-there are no intricate adjutients to be tinkered with. They will bring in distance if that is your pleasure. Tbey iU ilgive great- volumre if you want it. And, above ail, you will bave the woncleïful tonal quality for wich Splitdorf Recivers are nioted. Purchase a Splitdorf from ns and we will see'that, you get the dependable service it is built to give. Agent for Bowrnanville and District T. A. GARTON Phone 412, Ontario St., Bowrnanville TOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Honor Roll for Deceinher Roomn 1-Entranie Class-Ruth Allia, Leola Miller, Harold Slemon, Evelyn Pearn, Morley Vanstone, Jean Bell, P'hylliS Darch, Arthur Kent, John Jury, -Mabel Curran, Beatrice Mollon, Robert Corbett. J. H. Johnston Principal Room ,2-Jr. IV-ý-Dorothiy Blake, Norah H-aywoodl, George Weekes, Evelyn Goddard, Betty Flaxmlan, George Ives, Roy Lunney, Clara Ash- ley, Marion Leggott, Bruce Camer- on and Ivan Leighton equal Miss M. M. Jennigs, teacher. Room 3-4r. IV--Minetta Short- ridge, Marion Connors nnd Newton Hackney equal, Adrian, Berry, Fred Redman. Sr. HI1-Ruth 'Tuerk, Bradley Honeymnan, Joseph Alexander, for-1 othy Somn-ers cales, Caroline Hamnil-' ton, Marion Sîemon, Orville Souch. 3. H. Winter, teicher. _Room 4-Sr. 111-Donald Wil- liams, Elsie Allun, Phyllis Challis, Eric Coombess, Marion Battle, Rus- sell Smith, Marguerite Burden, Clar- ence Oke, Clara Purdy, Betty MOr- riS. Miss Helen G. Morris, teachýer. Room 5-Jr. III-Harold Colmner, Ruth Purdy, Mldred Burden, Win- ton Bagneil, Ruth Unymyian, Louise Cole, Gerald Redmnan, Leonard Wil-j son, Bill Phillips, Madeline Jonesz. Miss Greta M. Wickett, teachler. Room i6-Jr. 111-VioletMFet ers, Dorothy Edger, John But Fraiîces Clarke, Bessie Martin, Leona Ellegett, Evelyn Oke, Hildaý Simnick and Katie Ireland equal, Julie Loug-hman. Miss Margaret M. Girvin, teacher. Room- 7-Sr. h-Bill Allin, Jean Morris, Alex. Colville, H1elen Mason, Dorothy Rowe. Je~. I-Grace Runidle, Alice Lee and Helen Pritchard equal, Nellie Mutton and Freeborn Golville, equal.1 Miss Leta L. Bragg, teacher. Roomn 2-Sr. hl-Russel Hayes, Buster Cronibie, Christ-ina Crornbie and Byron Vanstone equal, Greta pearce. J r.h1-Douigias Elliott, Harry Souch and Clair Allin equal, Sain Allin, Pbilip Patrick. Miss Edua E. Jewell, teacher. 1Room 9-Sr. Tt-Jean Spry, Hiarry Lee ,Ralph Ames, Boyd She- mon. Jr. lat-Dori.s Wrig-ht, Teddy El- liott, Alfred Allun, Gladys Brant. Sr. Pr.--James - Martin, Gordon Martin. Miss Florenace W. Morri;s, teacher Room 10--Primary-Dorothy Richards, Audrey Elliott, Frances Dillick, Clarence Witheridge, Bert Johinston, Tom Donohue, Jack Duinn, Edward Hooper, Helen Foster, Doris Connpors. Miss Nellie E. Montgomnery teacher. SOUTH WARD Room i1--Sr. 2nd-Eunice Chap- inan, Helen Keir, Billy Dunlop, Violet Cramxb, Blernard Diffing. Jr. 2nd-George So.mnerscales, Jackie Mutton, Kennietlh Garton, Sr. l-Bnrray Bnte, Gordon Browvn, Jin Woodward, Douglas Blunt. Miss Flora M., Galbraith, teacher. Room 2-Jr. 1-SybilI Mutton, Rose Milis, Jack Honeyman. Sr. Pr.-Greta Raby, Irene Brook- hani, Thelina Harris, _Roýss Rice. Jr. Pr.-Leonard Somerscales, Bernice Mutton, Frank Tighe, (Gar- net Towns. Miss Mildred F. Cole, teachep.1 KINDNESS 0F DAUGHTER REPAID IN BEQUEST Late Re'v. Dr. Fraser Divides Estat, of $16,525 hy WiII Reverend Dr. Robert Douglas Fraser, former editor of Presbyter- ian Publications Who died on the 12 th day of November hast, leaves an estate whose total value is plac- ed at $16,525. "In recognition of constant ser- vices rendered iy ber Vo my vwife and myself during many years", read a clause in the wilh making a specific bequest of $500 to Jane Wells Keith, daughter, resident in Toronto wbo also receives one- fourth of the wjiole estate. The rernainder of the estate passes Vo remaining ehildren, Mary Nancy the stable. The borses are noçw stabled over thI-ere leaving more rooni at the Drhbarn. Thie cn cold weather ba, nid- ed things osdeah. The 'boys have hadi a great tîme skaýjting ýand it is uc easier getting aon genierally, although building opdera- tions bave been retarded som-ewvhat. The Gas, Comissioner fromy the Parliament Building1-s, Toronto, re- ported on1 tbe gas at the niew well. H1e wasý not over-enthiusiastic regýard- ing prospecta, altboug-h hope isfar from bhaving been abandoned.' Fut- ure developinentq -will determine the value of the strike and for a f e-t dayýs uothing will be known. .- ~ - i e I .- WEDNE~UAX "ALWinIIÊLFLIUAI nir o v Seaied tenders will be receivedI by the We, the undersigned Business and unesge pt ecemnber 26, 1925, for Pure MliIk and Crea to be suppiied Professio-nal men of tbe Town of for one year to Bow,ýmanvIle Hospital. Bewmanviile, agree to close our re- Lowest or any tender flot necessariiy spetiv pace o buines o gve Frfutherparticulars or information our clerks a baif holiday eiacb and appîy to every Wednesday at 12.30 noon dur- C. H-. MASON, ing, the year 1926, save and except 2 Secretary Hospital1 Board, the montb of December or any week -Bomnil on which a public or civic holida-,y ocdurs on a Tiursday. You can now afford a new Ladies' Coucb, Johnston & Cryderman Coat at reduced prices. Colicb, Dingman & Edmondstone Jobuston & Cryderman. F. J. Horne Dominion Stores C. S. Mason W. G. Nelles Co. W. J. Dudley Edith V. asbl T. B. Gilcbrist G. C. Bonnycatie A. Tait Thuraton Fur Shopi C. L. Brown The Hydro Sbiop S. G, Obartran R. E. Dinniwell W H. Dustan G. A. Edmondstone F. Knox F. R. Kersiake Raddy & Co. J. C. DevittL A. L. Nicholîs E. W. Sisson T. H. Knight W. Claude Ivys Mason & Dale C. M Cawker & Son ,A, HIiTnden Alex. Elliot Harry Allia S,. W. Mason &z Son H. J. Babcock Rice & Co. E. S, Naylor A. Dillick Men appreciate usefunl' fssncbi as wearing apparel. See Our stock Coucb, Johnston & Crvdermian. The Canadian Statesmnan will be sent to newv subecribers in Canada froma now to end of 1926 for ý2.OQ STEAMSHIP TICKETS M. A. JAMES To Europe-Canladian Pacifie, W1ite Star Dominion, Cunard, Americar4j Ask for information. Phone 5? Statesman Office, BowrlanV!fle. Frank Converse Smithf Teacher of Violin In Bowmanville on rridays, at Dr. Reaman's, Corner Temperance and Lowe Ste, phone 293 Choice Poultry For Christmas We have purchased a grand poultry for our Christmas trade. include young well fed Chickens, and Turkeys. lot of choice Our stock will Ducks, Geese, 0f ail the festivities of the year Christmas is one of feastîig. You wili want the best in Poultry and Meat-So corne right to this store. We guarantee quality and price. Place your order now. Wilbert J. Dudley, BUTCHER PHONE 225 BOWMAN VILLE L - Il r Make This An Electrical Chris etmas Buy Gifts that are Practical and Usef ul We have sornething for every member of the f arnily. You are cordially invited to inspect our stock atths attratv prie-es: G v e Electric Irons ...... ...........$450 and up __~--, u% ".. Electrie Vacunm Cleaners........ ..... $4..0 and up J~( ~'J~<1 Electric Toasters .... ............$4.00 and up V' E. R Electrie Percolators ..............$900 and up Electrie Heating Fada..........$.00 and up Electrie Curling Irons ............1.25 and up Ehectric Hot Plates ..... .......$5.00 and up Electric Heaters, aIl types.........$5.00 and up Ehectrie Floor and Chesterfield Lamps , . $18.00 and up Electric Table Desk and Boudoir Lampa $5.00 and up Electric Wasbing Machines, the beat on the market..........$9500 and up Ehectric Ranges, we >iandle ail makes ranging in price from ........... ý.$5.00 and up 15% REDUCTION ON ALL SILK SHADES AND PORTABLE LAMPS Our stock of Electric Fixtures is coin- plete. We have a fixture for every roorn in your house, and the prices are right. When you buy a fixture fromn us we instail it Free of Charge. Have you seen the Moff att Closed Element with the cast steele top, rnaking the Element inýdestructable. Corne in and inspect sarne. Moffatt's always leads. Ail goods sold on Easy Tirne PaymentG Our personal guarantee goes with each article. Eeyhn sold by us rnust give satisfaction or your money will be cheer- M fully refunded. Buy Your Electrical Goods at an Electrical Shop. There's a Reason. The Hydro Shop Phone 192 and 229 Bowrnanvi11e Welcome Advice TO LAST-MINUTE SHOPPERS Whether it's to fil the stocking or hang on the Christmas tree there's always a box of Chocolates or Candies wanted. We have Ganong Bros. famous 'G. B.' Cho- colates attractively boxed frorn 40c to $3.00 a box. Splendid Christmas Mixture of Chocolates and Crearn Candies, regular 50e lb, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY 34e LB. Christrnas Stockings, Candy Canes and lots of other kinds of sweets. CORBETT'S CHRISTMAS CAKES There's been a big dernand for our Christ- mas Cake this year. We have plenty stili on hand ,iced or plain at 50ecIL TO OUR MANY FRIENDS Appreciating our pleasant business relations with our custorners during the past, we wish you the cornpliments of the season sincerely trusting that the New Year will bring you greater happi- ness and prosperity than you have ever enjoyed before. W. P.e CorLmbett, BAKER AND CONFECTIONER Tenders for Milk WEDNESDAY HALF HOLIDAY BOWNfflVILLE

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