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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1925, p. 6

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THEECANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWIMANVILLE, TH-UR'SDAY, DECEMBE~R 24, 1925 ORONO (From The News Dec. l7th) Mr. Allan Hall entertained a numi- ber of young fîiends at his home Friday evening. Mis. R. A. Fitchette cf the Meat Manitet, hia mioved fýron tne north- -wvard to the R. Poster residence. Mission Band of Park Street Unît-ý ed Church packed a 'Christmnas box for distribution by the Deaconeýs Homne. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winter and daughter, Miss Irenie of Oshawa, re- centîy visited his uncle, Mr. T. H. Powers. Mi. and Mis. Samn Conlini of Osh- awa, are here waiting on hisý mother, Mis. Gea. Conlini, who is in a very weak condition. Mr. Frank Ardan, Port Perry, formierly of the Standard Bank staff of tbis tow\ýn, hias gone to Florîda to spend the wintei, Mnr. Ulmont Bullock spent' a few days in Ottawý,a recently at h biother's, Mr. Victor B. Bullock, Science Specialist ut Gleibe Colle- giate in that city. Mts. Wmi. Patton who lias niumer- ous acquaintances in Orono being a resident here at one tiie, cele- bîated hier 9 th birthday on Sunday, December 13th. She is the anly sunviving member of the W. W, Trul famiily. Word lias been received fîroim Tre- garva, Sask., that Mr. Arthur Davey, a fornier Leskard boy, \vas seized' wit a troke on Sunday December 6th., while seated at the te'a table. He is now in hospital ut Regina.' New officers of the Bible Society are :-John A~llen, President; C. J. Hughso*n, Vice-President; T. Smith, See'y.-Treas. Amaunt raised ast year was $146. Colector-C. J. Hughson, village and Johin Allen, Fred TruIl, Ed. Davey, Misses Mari and Chapnan. Mr. C. B. Cuttell, Miss Edith and Mi. Abert Butt Cuttelh, Miss LiI- hian and Mr. Floyd Cuttehl, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cutteli, Mis. C. M. Hors;- ,well and Miss Kate Willianison of Toronto, attended the Sil ver Wed- ding- of Mi. and Mis. S. Cuttell on Saturday, Deceauber 12th. Mi. M. S. Birch of Carievale, Sask., son of Mi. Ed. Birch, former- Ly of Kirby, arrived here Manday ovening for a couple of months' vis- it with relatives and friands.' It ie 19 years since his hast trip east. Milton woîks the home farim of 320 acres. He reports a splendid .yield of grain the past seasan. Dr. U. N. Thoînton, youngest son of the late Thomas Thornton of this towýn, passed awvay Sunday, Decem- ber 13th., foilowing a* stroke. Dr. Thoînton bas been a popular phy- sician ut behand, Ill., for over quai- ter~ of a century. Ha leaves a son and daughter. Mr .C. J. Thaînton, Mis. C. J. Hughison and Miss Rebecca Thornton are brother and sisters. Swaet and palatabla, Mther Graves' Worm Exterminutor is ac- ceptable to childien, and àt does its work suiely and proipthy. MAKING BEST 0 F CONDITIONS! Aunt Susa.n Believes a Contented Mind le a ContinuaI Feast. Few wives and mothais bc thayý poar, in moderate circunristances ori wall-to.-do in materiah thinigs but vil read Aunt Snsan's weekly etter sympathetically and enter into thel fine spirit manifested by har n lier advice to hanr dear niace. My Dean Nýiece :-A litthe honse of you.r own-hnilt or remodelled, after your own plannng-is a grand ln- tere'st to hold, a sort of hobby that giows ever more fascinating. You shonhd not eavy those too greatly whosc homes appear t-o fash- ionable and smait; they man con- tain the latest improvements and labor saving devices, yet cannot real- Iy hoid the saine intense affection that is enibodlied inl your own self- made little home. Woven into the diffareat rooms anld aroun~d and about it ara tender rae.nibraýnces, or humnorous inci- dents, or tragic struggles of the cuare- fully made plans, econamies, and the hard manuai habor whieh enabled you to -et the many satisfac toryre- these -women wl-o, knowýing they can- not eave or change things, make the best af whiat they have. We cannot have everything wa want, and the more -we have the mo4 we&usualiy xish for. Baieve that it is really -\orth whle-even aftan ya ars of patient waiting-to obtala what you want at hast, so yau nust not feel too soure(l and dis.. gruntied ta çnjay and appreciate whiat you do get whien it cames. What is achieved bywoesm toil and patience is Worth a great deal more Lhan that whidli is g-ainedà by just an exehunge ofimotiey. Dol neot fwell on discoafoîts. MHaka tle be-st of things an~d envy no ana for a cantentad mind is a continuai f east, you know. SILVER WEDDING Editor and Mrs. S. Cutteli, Or-ono The Silver Wedding Anniversary of Editor and Mrs. Sain Cutteil was celebrated on Saturdlay, Decemnber 12, wý,hen their homne was oe"dto friends from 8i to 6 p. mn. Lieut. Col. John W. Odeli, Cobourg, the original attendant as groonisman, and Mrsý. Odeli, in the absence of the brides- nsaid who is now in California, re- eeived with thean. Messages of congratulations and good wishes were receivýed by wire from B.owmanville, Toronto. and other points, and many called to ex- tend greetings. Attendants were three ladies. Brides of 25 years ago, Mrs. James 1Dickson, Mýrs. J. R. Cooper and Ms John J. Gilfillan, also Miss L. Cnt- tell, Mrs. H. Yonker, Miss Kate Wil- liamson and Miss Edith Cutteli. *In the evàning there a family, gathering, several coming from Tor- onto, who further briig-htenied the occasion by their presençe and the presentation of an address, and a beautiful Silver Tea Service. Other fine gifts of silver and of fiowers were also received from friends. Mlr. S. Cuitteli is founder of theý live Orono News over f orty yearsi ago, ai-d many wishes were expressed that he and his helpmate may bc spared to celebrate their Golden Jub- ilee. The editors and members of Thse Statesman Staff unite in heartîest felicitations to Mr. and Mis. Cutteil on their arrivai at the 25th mnile- stone on their journey through if e. May the future be as happy as the past. NEWTONVILLE Pleasant ansd JoIIy Surprise and Wedding Aimniversary On Wednesday even!ng, December 16th., Mr. and Mis. Wm. Whittaker, Newtonville, were pleasantly sur- pîised,' wjen several of their nearest relatives gathered at their home to unite in celebrating the 4th anni- veisary of their wedding day, and to extend congratulations and best wishes for their futuire health and happiness. The bride and groom of f orty happy years were present- ed -with an Aladdin Lamp and several pieces of Silverware by the family and relatives. The remrainer of the evening was spent in garnes and singing of the good old-timie sangs, after which a delicious lunch was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Whittaker also îecevedmany letters and tele- graums of congratulations froin their mnany friends at a distance' who couldn't con veniently join the, jolly conapany on this occasion. O NOPUBLIC SCHOOL Christmas Report JTr. IV.-*Wi1frid Sherwin, Mary Wannan, Margaret Allun, 'Marguerite Millson, Ruth Davey, Fosetta Carie- ton, Cora Linton, Howard Linton, Clarence McMullen. Sr. III-*Doris Lowden, Everettl 1Browýn, Phyhlis Lo.wden,, Lawrence W naFrank MeMullen, Kenneth Tabln ~ Neson Couvier, Roy Win- ter, Bill Broîwn absent. Jr. III-*MaeMillan Sinith, *Ella McRobeits, Myrtle Taanblyn, Olive flavey, Mary Sisson, Worman Allun, Eileen Riddelh, Leslie Grahamn., Junior Room Pulblic School Si. fl-*kathleen Stark, Leroy BrownS*,-Ivison Tamiblyn, Margaret Wannan, Mari orie Gîaham, Néil Hiamm, George Brown. Jr .1I1-*Madeline Convier, Roy Colville, Betty Rowe. 1-.ý'~Ethel Graham, *Margaiet Milîson, * Gordon Winteî, *Chaîhie Buckley, *Viola Noden, *Sam -Keane, Bob Keane, Barln cCutcheon, Arn- cliffe Wannan, Foster Blewett, Ai- fred Milîson. Sr. Pr.-Mary Tamblyn, John Keane, Milton Green, Annabel Mac- Kay, Mari orie ýSisson, Eveîeit Cou- vier, Annie Foîbes, Hazel Winter, Jim Wann aml. Jr. Pr.-Domald _Hamm, George Forbes, El'in Bhewett, Georgeý Rowe, Ernie Allen, George- Convier, Ed-wýard Milaon. A Remedy for Eaiache.-To have the earuche is ta endure torture. The ear le a delliate organ and f ew c.reto ealwit'1i, cnsieÎig i Cook's Regulating Compound Mcedietne. Sold in three de- grees of strength,-No. 1, $1:Z No. 2, $3; No. 3, 3 per box. 061 od by ail druggists3, or sent prepaid, on receipt of Price. Fre pamphlet. Addreýs,: THE COOKMNEDICIN ECO,, TOUONT,ONT. (FormerlyWindsor) >n-rie ad invigre the whole ,ervc,,, s ytmteeýs n w Blod inodVeinaý. tsed for Nervous Debliy, enalanzd Din Wo 01 Desýpoda 'elc, is fEnîergy, Palpitationaf Ihe Heart, Fii~Mmr.Pie$2 peï box,3 forý Z5.ý, Sold by ailcdruiggists, or mailed in pinm-" pkg. 0o1 feceqpt of prick el PJew p phla ai!ed 'rtee.TlI WOOD MEOICIECOJ OTON KEDRON ITEMS Mi. and Mis. Churhie Bennett have a fine baby girl. Mrs. J, P. Leask is with her daughter, Mis. C. Bennett. Miss Darothy MeGragor has ne-1 tured home from Mýaple Grave. Miss Nallie Boynton, Coînîbue>, is, with ber sister, Mis. G. Travail. Mi. and Mrs. A. L. PascoSe lina, were recent guestsatM.R J. Luke's. Mi. and Mrs. Peicy M~aybee, Oshi- awa, were recent guasts af Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pascoe. 'Mr. Frank Crassman attended the funeral of his causisn the hate Mr. Charles Wada, Narwich. 1Miss Hazel VanDyke mnotaredit Miss Rhea Craskem aver the week- end. Mr. Narman beach lias iemodelled stables for Messrs. Will Mountjoy and Roy Hepburn and is erectinig for Mr. Harold Mountjay a poutiy hanse and pi-- pen. Mr. and Mis. Garfield Trevail and daughtei Marguerite were nearly as- phyxiated with gas esscaping frai thein stove. Mis, A. D. VunDyka and son, Bail VanDyke and Dr. Cumeron, Oshawa, quickly respanded ta a caîl and lent a heîping hand. They have recover-ed and are aîouad Lagain.. Thare may be other coin raniov- ers, but yau will not be comnpletely satis-fied until you ha-ve used Hloilo- way's Coin Remover. ONE THIN WOMAN GAINED 10 POUNDS IN 20 DAYS Skinny Men Can Do The Same1 All waak mcnanad womea. AIl narvons men and wamen. Ail skinny men and wamen. Can graw strongar, heaithier and more vigorous and take on -olid neadad flash in 30 days just by tak- inig McC oy's Liver Bxtract Tablets four times a day-sugar coated and easy ta take as candy. Ând what a hit thase flash pro- ducing tablets hava made. Oae ding- gist triplcd hïs sales in ana wack. Bvarybaody knows that freom the ivers of the humble codfish camas a first chass vitamine tihat is a won- darful vitalizan, flash producer and health creator. Millians of McCoy's Cod Livar Ex- tract Tabiets are tsold avary wcek and thousands of frail ruadown un- derweight peoplear~e being helpad. A box of 60 tablets far 60 cents and if any skinny man or womaa doesn't gain at least 5 punads ila 30 days-mnny back. Aesk any druggist anywhere in America. Be sure and get MCoy's, tho or- iginal and genuina and don't foîget there is nothing an earth Go good ta make backwand, listîcas, under- waight chîldien gnow strong and ro- 1bust. 6 r Tîvhe "Sweetest" Gift of Al Wish your friends a, "Sweet" mas with Chocolates and Candies. Merry Christ- People are showing a natural preference for our delightful assortment of Neilsons and Moirs Chocolates so beautifully boxed, as low as 25e and up to $2.50. You wlll find at this store every kind of can- dy your heart desires and at a price your pocket can aff ord to pay,. Try our deliclous home-made Mince Meat iit 30e lb. REAL ENGLISH CHRISTMAS CAKE Our Christmas Cake has already won an en- viable reputation for its rich deliejous flavor and only 50e lb. C.W. A. JACO01,15B- Suecessors ta M ýOUR SALES FOR CHRISTMAS WILL RUN IN XCESS 0F 1, 500,000 DELI US CALIFORNIA, m NAVEL The Candy $hop Chrisie's Bakery Bowmanvil! GET YOUR SHARE 55e doz. BRAESIDE BRAND FINEST CREAMERY YOU WILL NEED THE FINEST Reg~. 49~cA c CHRISTIMAS AND AB FLAT 4 B! U T El R ~RECOMMEND OUR BRAESIDE2 b.8c1. 'The Finesit -Butter inr Canada p BRAND. Mlayfield Brand Creamery 441/2c lb. Excellence Dates pkg. i1OcÇHIST A Y $1.75 $.UO $.5 Choice Fard Dates lb 23e PARCELSÏ> USEFUL ASSORTMENTS EACH TABLE FIGS - ILb.25c 1NE w MICE EA i clb *Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. 27c I Bowes Almond Icing 43c CURRANTS RASIS EE Mara-,schîino Cherries 5IFse STFLITA Choice Malaga Package Icings 2 for 25C Table- 1 lb. pktA.LMO 9c ICING ~ITCA OANG.E 25%lb FRUIT UGiR3 Ibs.25 2Ib.JeC 2 lb.o pkt. Yelow Sugar 14c CTRN6 I, DOMINION STORES CHRISTMýASc CAKE ÂLMIOND ICED lb 3 lh.b. OX CHO4COLATÎES 99C WVINDERMERE CHOCOLATES35 (ADl;ijous Assortment) lb CUT ROCK - i19c lb. SCHAMPION CREAMS 25e lb. GOLDEN CRUNCH 25c lb* *SATIN MIXED - 25c lb:. NUTS and II r'~i. XMAS WINES] 1MfjxJRE ~b BRAZILS 29b GrRap, Giger 1, DOMINION STORES CHRISTMAS 69!c PUDDING 2Ib-.Bw Eà, PEAS -1 9c POU.LTRY DRESSING >Tns9 THYME, SAGE, Etce. à'- li A Cup of Dominion Stores' Tea wil improve tise Xanas Festivitiies S ELECT BLEND 1 -k kw-

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