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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1925, p. 8

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~AG~ LIGET THE CANADIAN sTATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1925 t I ~.H. A. HQ>CKEY SCHÉDULES Intermediate Selles Dec. 28--CoboUrg- at Port Hope. Dec. 28-Osbawa ut Bowmanville Jan. 1--Port Hope at Oshaiwa Jan. 1-Bowmiauihle ut Cobourg Jan. 4-Bowmnanville at Port Hope Jan. 5-Cobourg, at Oshawa Jan. S--Port Hope t Bowmanville Jan. S-Oshawa ut Cobourg jan. 12-Port Hope ut Cobourg Jan. 12-Bowmanviiie t Oshawa Jan. 15-Cobourg ut Bowmanville Jan. 15-0sbawa t Port Hope Jia. 1S-Bowmuinville ut Port Hope Jan. 19--Osha t Cobourg Janu. 22-Port Hope t Oshawa Jan. 22-Cobourg uat Bosvmauville Jan. 25-0Osbawa t Port Hope Jan. 26-Bowmnanville at Cobourg Jan. 29-Bowmanville ut Oshawa Jan. 29--Cobourg at Port Hope. Feb. 2-Por.,t Hope at Bownîunville Feb. 5-Cob)ourg t Oshawa Feb. 5-Osbuhwa ut Bowmaliville Feb. -ýPort Hope ut Cobourg Junior Selles Dec. 30-Oshawa t, Bo-wmunville Jan. 1-Cobourg ut Port Hope Jau. 4-Whitby ut Cobourg Jan. 4-Port Hope t Oshawa Jan. 7-Bowmanville at Whitby Jan . S-Orsbuwa at Port Hope Jan. il-Port Hlope ut Bowmunville Jan. 11-Cobourg uat Oshawa Jan. 14--Bowýmauville at Cobourýg Jan. i 4-Witby ujt Oshawa Jan. 20-Coýbourg ut Bowma-nvillle Tan. 20-Whitby ut Port Hope Jan, 22-Oshawa t Whitby* Jan. 26-Port Hope ut Whitby Ja. 29--Oshiawa t Cobourg Feb. 1 owavil t Port Hope Feb. 1-Cobourg t Whitby Feb. 5-Port Hope t Cobourg 'eib. 5-BowmnvilIe ut Oshawa Feb. 8-Wbitby ut Bowmanville QUALITV FURS andtGuaranýteed. Repairs BOWMANVI LLE,ONT. HEAVY B. 0. T. A. FINES Fined $400.00 On Two Gounts Provincial. Inspector Exiey and Provincial Constable Keny placed James Alcorn of Haldimaud Tp. un- dor arrest and brougbt hlmi to Co- bourg, Tuesday, December 15, AI- corn was iiear Lakeport ut the tiîne witb a vehlicle jand team of borses and the officers-found S quart bot- ties of liquor, it is stated. Later lu the day Provincial ýOfficer Cousais and Inspector Goodrich seized the outit, and liquer, team ,aid vahlicie were coafiscated. 1 Mr. Alcoru came before Magis- trute W. H. Floyd, Cobourg, and pieaded g-uilty upon 2 charges. Under chrarge of mauufacturiag be was fined $400. Under a B- 0. T. A. the 1inlaud Revenue Act, ou a charge of keepiaglquor for sale be wa fined $400 wlvth alternative cf 9 months iu juil if fine is-not paid. De- cause hie -was guilty of u second of- feuce under the 0. T. A., Alcoru was senteuced to silx months la jil Som-e B. 0. T. A. cases were beard at Brigbton Saturday byMagistrate Fioyd c, informiation baving been. laid by Inspector Geo-. Goodricb, Robt. Allurd, was found guiity on a charge of selling, and was fiued $200 and costs an*d sentenced te i1 month lu juil. This la one of the I flrst convictions la the Unitedi Counties under the new, legisiation.1 Mr. Allard mnay appeai bis case. 'Charges bad been laid against 3 young men for being intoxicated iný counection -with the albove aileged infraction of the 0. T. A. Two were each fiued $25 and costs. Two Cobourg men came aise be- fore Magistrate Floyd ou Monday cburged with beiung intoxicated and were each fiued $25 and css-o bourg World. N ursing Course The Albany Hespital, Albanily, N. Y., offers -an attractive 3>earcourse ln Nursing te higli school gradýuates, with excellent opprtunities for werk after graduation. Classes begin la February and September., Students may enter theý next February Ciass if application is made at once. For information write Superintendent of Nurses, Albany Nos- plitai, Abany, N. Y. 52-3 Last ,iNdîuItc Suggestions tGilchrist's Store ~~ MEN'S BROADCLOTH hi f/I white and peach shades, with collar to match $2.95 Special Fine Shirts of ail kinds from $1.50 each to $5.00 each Fancy Sox, 50c, 75c, $1 pair Plain Cashmere Sox froni soc to $1.00 pair SPORT BELTS A lune of Fancy Beits clear- ing, Regular -75e ait Haif Price 38c Neck Scarfs in Silk, also knitted, from $1.50 to $3.50- Collar Pins at... ... 35c eaehi Cuif Links, snap style 35e and SL"Oc Fancy Lete port Beits, $1O n$1. 25 Each Hleavy Linied Moca -Glove,, Tan and Grey at $2.00, $2.35, $2.50 MEN'S CARTERS 25c, 35c, 50e, ad75c each îA Plain Linen 35c,3 for $1.00 also at 50z, and 75c each z 3 in a 'box 50e BATH ROBES Ail ooalso in iderdown $9.75 te $15.00 each Balance of Stock Clearing at 20% Reduetion BROADCLOTH 1PYJAMAS In f ancy and plain shades at $,4.75 Each Flanneette Pyjamas From $2.25, $2.50, $2.75^ MOTOR -RUGS Ail Wooi from $6.50 to $9.50,Eaeh Clearing at'20% Reduetion NECKTIES A. beautiful assortment, silks, knitted and crepes, 50c, 75c 95e and $1.35 Men's Smoking Jackets Ail WooI at $9.95 Balance to Clear at 20%,1 Reduction T. . ILCHRIST Directly opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 61 Every article in the Ptore guaranteed to give best satisfaction. TheNec t1Irdprdn THURSDAY, DEGEMBER 24th., 1925 NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL CLOSING. CHILD WELFARE WORK Merry Christmas to everybody. Publie anÈý High Sebools ciosed on Care of Chidren niot in Thefr Owxi Mrs. B. Moise is visiting friendsý Friday for lristillas hoiidays. Thel Homes. !in Toronto. afternooni was marked by what may Miss E. Treleven is visiting friends be termned the'closing exerciss Asý Statesman readers wviil be inter- in Toronto. usuai it was a joliy time for ail the' ested, we feel sure, in the informa- boysý and girls. Each room of the tion kindly sent fromi Departient. Mr. A. F. Pepper had business i public school had its own program of of Health, Ottawa, by, the thouglfit- Toronto on Tuesday. choruses, dialogues, readings, recita- fuliiess of'Dr. Helen McMurchy -who Mr. Archie McèEachern has taken tions, etc., niuchi of it of a Christ-. is accomplishing great good in as- a position in Oshawa. massy character. Evergreens, arti- sisting undlerprivileged chiidren and 1Mr. L. W. Thomas is home fromn ficial decorations, the blackboard art in chiid welfare -work generally- Trinity Coliege, Toronto. of teaJchers and pupils were ail sug- 'Edito,. Miss M. E. Addison, Toronto, is gesti've Of "Christmas is Coming." risting friends in town. Best of ail was a big evergreen Public opinion now tends to dis- Mr. Norman Toms home from tree, one in each roomn, cut and,,approve of any children being nam- Oshawa over the weekend. brougbt froni the woods by somne 0ofied or known as immnigrant, dependent Brttn adthe boys, niicely trimmed and hlung neglected, orphan, foundling, iliegi- Mr. and Mr s. H. S. B itnhdwjth a gift for everyone. Santa is timate or any other such name and business in Toronto last week. aieodflo ihabghatt prv of their .being caliedi Mr. Hanlon Parker bas returned and when it çornes to Christmas giv- "Children" and the namles "Child- to his home in Providence, R. 1. ing hie want§ no one to be missed, ren's Branch"', "Children's Bureau", Miss Esteila Blackburn, Omemee, not even Mr. Rodger nor M1iss Mason "Bureau of Child Protection", De- is spending school holidays at home. nor Miss Barrie, so for closing day Partmento Cide' Wr" i Contractor Buckley, bas completed of the Autumin termi, in order that vision of Child Weifare" are nowVý moving a large building for Mrs. Bo- no mistakes mlighit occur, lie stipulat- generaliy used to denote the Divi- weli.1 ed that everyone in his, or ber re- sions of Governiment Departments Mr. oron sb Toon jspective rÔom should place his or bier enigaged in the placing-out, sýuper- to, are visiting hier parents, Mr. and1 naine on a piece of paper in a hiat. vision and care of children whýo are Mrs. H Wethrall.This was done and tben each p)erson not in their own homes, in order to Mrs H.Weteral.drew a name and brougbt a gift to eecure their bealtb, welfare, happi- The of Publiýv Hig¶ýhways be bung on tbe tree for the one ness, education, vocational training bave completed operations for this whose name he drew. The scheme and goodà Canadian citizenship. seasonin l this district. worked admiirably and brougbt bnp- Work for Child Welfare is of sýucb Principal J . K. Grahami of the pîness to ýeveýyone. importance that it sbo)uld be organ- High Schooi is spending the bolidays One feature of the afternoon 's ex- ized in sonie ay under the imime- pt bis, home in Hamilton. eiýcises is wcorthy of special note. diate and uesponsible direction of Miss Florence Walkington, Tor- The pupils of Miss I Barrie's room01 the Provincial Go'ernment, as re- onto, spent part of bier boiidays with and of. Miss o s room, rangingprenigalteeoeofter- Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Clemence. in age from 5 to i ergiving1 vince, wbetber or not sucb direction Mr. , and Mrs. C. F. Cannon and practical effect to one phase of their, works through voluntary or b-enef-vo- littie son Jack, Picton, are visiting education, planned and prepared lent organlizations. It appears to' at Mr. T. M. Gibson's, "The Towers". their owvn programs trained them- be the general opinion tbat hetter Mrs. J. C. 'Taylor bas gone to selves and in the enâ acquitted them- co-operation between the Provincial Toronto to celebrate with hier bro- selves -witb remarkable ability. They and Dominion Governments is desiýr- ther, Robert Montgomery. bad donie their practising in tbe ab- able in sonie resýpects. Com an her'agood deateatsence of their teachers who thus Core ad bar god dbat atknew nothing of the interlesting ser- It is now feit that as f ar as pos- ~heYoug P.ope'~I~agueinetles od nuinibers until presented. sible al work for Child Welfare, lu- Monday evening, December 28th. Amn ths sh ig spca cluding- placing-out, apprentices;hip, Mr.W.R. oulas Poyien eapabilities along tbe Une of 'public adoption, supervision of ntiuions1 1R. I., is visiting bis parents, Mr.,Sekn was Jamie Wrrigbt,ad for ciidren and -rants for tbe samne, 1Mrs. John Douglas, Kiug St.,, last. amon.g th\e girls, Helene Hayes and Industrial Schools, Crldren's Aid Neyer have we seen our stores Lois Marýin displayed decided tai- Work, protection and care of chiid- more nicely, decorated or. better ents for énitertainment leadersbip- ren of unmarried parents, and MoUtb- stockied for the Christmas trade than ers, Allow-anes 'shouhl'. be dîrected nuow. Iby one Departmlent of the Provin- Dr. W. 'H. Waltoui-Ball and sons,cil ovrmnadognie u Horace a nd Eri, anld Mr. Fred der one responsible head, sncb as De- Fenning, Toronto, spent the weekend UNITED CHURCH SERVICES ýputy. Minister. lit is undferý-tood at Harris Lodge. [that in some Provinces tbe Super- 1Mr. Geo. Jones arrived from Cbl- Newcastle United Church held itÉ inteudent or Commlissioner of Chïiid- on Mnda tospet ÇrismasChristmas services Sunday with large ren's Work bas n ow the standing 'of agoNwYaswt hsprns r congregations. Churcli was nicelyl a Deputy Minister, and that tbe work and NewYea SwH. hins.prnsM. and appropriately decorated la lad i* rganized as above. andMr. . . . ons.i celebration of tbe' birth of thendhrist l This seems the wide- open season Child, the anniversary. of whose birth No cbild sbould remain in an for geese, ducks and chich]ens, wbicýh brings the maximnum of hnappiness institution unless it isý clearly un- are now being hunÎted day and night an.d good cheer to ail the Christian desirable or impossible to bring bim and slaughtered in great numbers. worîd. or bier up in a family home, and] no 1Window and internai decorations Rev. E. R. Cooke, pastor, preach- new institution -l4ou!.d be estabiisb- of tbe Newcastle stores and shops ed a deepiy thougbtful and soul- ed by any private individual or vol- are marveis of art and ingenuity stirring sermý'on fromi St. Luke 29:7, untary or benevolent association or and incite the admiration of eey"eas hr a oro o other org-aniztion, until the( stb bebolder. them inl the Tnn." In these signiifl- i- lihuent of such institution bas beei Like tbousands of others, Santa, cant vwords Luke expla;ns j esu Provedciay thercDeptaret of th Claus has been, attracted to New- was b)oru in a lowly manger and not Poica oeaetaoead castie by the famne of our Commtnity il) the besýt guesýt roomi in the bousýe. A regListration and history should Hall and is spending a great deal of The i'inkeeper lost the opportunity1 be macle b.y tbe responsible soiety, bis timie right here. of a life-time that day and uothing;iaec or institution for every childi Several from the village attended m"Ore is knowý,n of bimi-. But bow flot aun der tbe care or charge of bisi the, Shaw's School Cbristmas Enter-' like hlm are multitudes of people to- iOr lher own parents on11 the dlay alid tainnient on Monday and re- day. Like the innkeeper of Bethl- date ,,ben such cq'ild is received for port an excellent program. lebem, we so often fail to give Jesus care, such registration to give the Claus neyer iooked. better or joler. the best place un our lives, in our nanme, Ldrig ae, and ail other, Il Mrs. Irwin Aluin1 and infanti home s, in our social acti'vities, in our impoürtant particulars and informna- daughter, Doris, have returned home community inrests2,4. Now is, the tion,. Two complete copie-s of sucb from visitiug lber Parents, Mr. and time to open the front door of our registration and bistory should be' Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard. Miss B etty bie arts and bid Jesus enter and be made, one to be transmnitted on the Aluin who spent a fortnigiit at bier our eternal gueszt. nbove-meontioned day and daite or grandparents' during bier mother's The service of praise by the choir on tbe day and date w%,hei u sn c cild' and yugs sister's stay in Bow- under the leadership of Mr. W. J. S., enters the Province, to the Depart- manvilie Hospital returned home at Richard was exceptionally fine and ment of thýe Provincial Gýovernment the saine timle. cousisted of sucb well known Christ- aforesaid, and tbe other to be kept A Right Merry Christmas to pro- mam antbems as "Let us go even un- at the office of the society, agency, or prietors,§ publishers, ediosadalte Bethlehem"-Caleb Simýper-, and 'nstitution imi-tiediately responsîble the staff of Central Ontari*o's most "He shah be Great"-Artbur W.1 for the welfare and care of the widely- read and popular Home, Jour- Marchant. The angelic announce- cbild. If there is no responsible ual,Th CnaanSasm . ment to the sbepberds was sunig in aeuc(y, and the cbildl is under the pecially greetings to the Senior Edi- solo ýby Mrs. (Rer.) E. B. Coolce iu ýj immedliate care of the Departneut tor, M. A .James,an toialt l oes of, exquisite clearness and of1 the Provincial Governament aoe membr fte aluîng treail tferapturous joy. said, then such registration and bis- xhich bie is the parent stock. May After the sermon Miss Rattie tory shiould be made and kept on Tbe Canadian Statesman nid New- Mason sang "No Roomi in the Inn," file as directed b y the Deputy Min- castle Iiudepeudent througb wbich bhe and lu- notes of infinite sweetness ister or other responsible headl. disseminates the most worth wbile sent the saine sad and appealing' uews of a great community and message surging tbrougbh the bearts' A bilad nplacned othen arefaid gives expression to bis ideals of if e of bier hearers, whtb te preacber hmadntudrtecr u aud innermost bhuhs n1ad a few'minutes before deiee charge of bis or bier owý,n parents thu gs o on unsbuldbesen a ote asueesary increasing prosperity, power aid in-l from the sacred desk. fhor up erviensio enurageetan fluence for the highest go od. Jesus, the King of Rightüeousness, protectioni, by a represenitative o Master John Rickard !S now the was the exalted theme of a fine dis- teresponsible soit, gny o in proud possessor of a dandy ltl orse by Rer. Mr, Cooke at tbe Iýiuiuaoemnind n tiedbug t si ai s thu a eutyo h oro oradb -imedionatoeymeii by sucb .n r- ownr rivngas aras icerig qtok ea isooparTh e ing o nsiutoanddte othe tob iearning in our big sheps. We aise teach the barber trade in our big, Miss Mabel Jackson of the Wind-______________ ligrht -sanitary Barber Sehois, giv- sor 'teaching staff, is spending -the ing you full instructions and a world holiduys with ber parents, Mr. and of experieace and practice,11ygr11.C.Jcko.1.9Ms Gaepre"hebed a very 'appropriate sermon. yen a perceutage oa every doýllar-3ou Ms .C ako...Ms rc taknl. This helps yen consideraýbiy. Gordon, Uxbridge, is spending the The c!hoir rendered suitahie msc Baýrbering is a nice, ciean, Pleasant bolidays witb ber parents, Mr. and . On Thursday eveuing the mneet- inside traCne; the wages are doo andel1 i Iag oft Psdn, theýre,,s a big dermand fer harbers. Mra. James Gordon. - Miss Mabel ngÏwas, i chaica Letitry bye alp eti, in-iur b etay s oiayn UithMGog creaonthd Peidet cIe ncet este. Weetsteach ma- esptaretMa, is holid-ý ayiglot r. Gere Biak a f MrsoEtl' Lahonratory, whicliY is manageS by pnsMand rs. Georg Tyor wise adreucarge fpor. ceptnlicensed deuti.3t. OwIing -Nesbitt. ... .. r.,R. .Sgiths fmsead raig Mr. Geo. te theie r(e:t dpmnaad for- builders. wei gone to Texas to join bis wife wbo Blackc took the topic. Mrs. Tayl-or hiave installed a brick-layIrng and j w ýent ihbrsui-a n ag-adMs rsrn eepait. PaIstering Sehool, where yen ua t [ t h Mr had r s. nLewisndFais land Mss and Mr Andre Mcill Jan- leai thesetrandes ie a short tieotr, r n r.LwsFli n r n r.Ade cilJr Tlbs are waiting ut< $i100 te $530o0 Aulgust.. Quite a number atteudedj etvilie, visited bier father, Mr. John pe a.Make .your application 'o-, the mempw4al service for Mrs. Hnrryl Veale who bas been ili but is muchi lik t lara. IJemehlill Trade j A:, iSudy Dcmer1t-improved. ý..Miss Grace Veale 13 Schools, 162 Kîag St .W., Toronto., whe e. .E Gifth,.Visitiulg friends in Toronto. The President of the Mine Workers Union, says the Strike may continue until the Pal] of 1926 or Spring of 1927. Better protect yourself by orderinga load of "WONDER COAL" the hottest coal on earth, no clinkers and littie ash, burns equally well, in Range, Heater or Fur-i nace. I have a limited supply on hand. George Jamieson NEWCASTLE ONTARIO When You Need GROCERIES-BREAD-BUNS-CAKES- PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or sen'd your order to this store where it will receive prompt attention and you will get good valut, JBaker, & Grocer Newca8tle SUN"SHINEFU'wRNACES It's not too late to have that new "Sunshine" Furnace installed in your home now. Better do At now than to regret ail winter you hadn't done so. There are scores of satisfied Sunshine Furnace users who will be glad to recommend this popu- lar and economical furnace. Corne in and talk over your heating problerns with us. Greenaway f& ýElliott Heating Experts, and Consuiting Engineers Ki-ng Street 'East Phone 18W Bowmanville Our Greeting Christmas is the season when heart calleth unto heart.' "Amidst tdie generai cali to happi- ness, the bustie of the spirits, and stir of the aff ec- tions, which prevail at this period, what bosom can remain insensible"? saidl the poet. It is oný, day at least when suspicion, hate- and gloom find but little space for iodgment in humnan hbreasts; when people forget the things that worry ndfix their minds upon the many things fo r which they may be thankful; -when the spirit of cheer exists in sufficient bounty to reach us ail. Aniy unhappiness, any sense of the thorns of life, mnay be sunk in contem plation of the joy which the day brinîgs to so large a part of the world, especiaiiy to the chiidren of our immne- diate world; for the day was born with a Child and has remained largely a festival of the youing, its sanctifie4 ideais strengthened by chiidish pur- ity, recreating f aith, hope and charity in their eid- ers. Then let us make this Christmas purposeful; a season,- of regenerated feeling, of love, peae and good wiil. Let us hang the hoiiy and the evergreen; let us promote the surge of joy. In this spirit, we wish you al A4 Merry Christmas Sý. W. ASON & SON Dry Goods and Ladies' Phone 106 Ready-to-Wear Bowmanville THE CANADIÀN'STATESMAIý BOWýiÂN'VÎILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBElt 24, '1925 PAGE-- EIGHT-

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