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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jan 1970, p. 9

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Thé Oshawa Ski Club iiiémbtrhlp, contining tO grOW , t an unh*éliévablé raté, réachéd thé 3,000 niark la,,t week- rd that'a, a lot of skicrs! «Reàlizine thÀ1t Loo many ntuitscAn resuit l'i long dlays nt the tows, and ovèr-crowdedl slopes, it would sé almoast cèrtain that the membershipi wîll bê closed. Whlch, méeans that If youj didn't heed our advice leist week, ynurý chaànces of joining the Osh-awý,a Ski Club would, in our opinion, be rémoté. INo offlcial annouincemén(,it heat béen made, baut we were talking to club président, Jim Souch, on Sunday night, and hie was oi the opinion that thé onily way outsidAra would héý able tc ski a' thée Kirby his, was to be et the Invitation Mf The old e ribé;b took to t he skis from Wednéiisday, aind every diay thereaftér until Sunday aftérnoon, After solving his proble with thé n5,w T-amanager Tim Rutherford encounitered more difficutiés with thé eniow-making equip-g ment. Hé ,eqint many h1ours: _gtting it into opératiovn by Thrdyaftrnioon, and Friday andi Saturday conditions weré g0ood, with Sunday i-oving jinto théexéen category. Wédcnesday afternoon skiing is now undérway, and re undecr5tanld that thét T-bar hill wiil loé? in opération, for nighit actio-n, under théeihé on Wedntsclays. CANADA'S NATIONAL TEAMN The fut ure of Cenrad's National Hockey Teamf hasZ4 been léft uiP in the air. The teani, basédl it Winnipeg, was forméd in 1964 with Jack McLéadc as fufli-timée coac.h end général m-Yanager. sunîday, Canaida Shackerd the hockey world by pull- ong ot of ierniational coptto.And the 1970 World ' _Ï,"ockly Chamnpionsi, wic was io haive beén a;teged in 7M/arch in M\ontl and Winnipég, hax béen switched to Eari Oasn rsdn f thé Canadian Amnateur Hockey Association, in a direct confrontation with International Icé Hocky Féératon Pésidnt . (Bunny) Aheàrne, said in Genéva ~ b thréwllén ini*ternainal éxchange of games between-'r Canada and thé Europeni counitries until Canada% is givén thé rlght ta, play their best Players as other countriés do.t .lJawson said: Wewill rlot take part In any tourniament Until thapt time," Héle Rrddéd that Canada will'rétain. its IIHF mémhéershlip t'O givée whiatever leéadersh-ip it cari. As Canadla bowed out, World Hockey offctis in Winnipeg row are facédi wifth dismranitling thé structurée of Mrhat was ta have bceen thé kéY sp!orts attraction of Meanitoba'sCntn niai vear. Harold Martin, Chairmaân of thé Winnipeg Crmita ternis thé CAHýýA décision "stupid." As. much As% 300 thoujsand dollars his béen spént ta daté on promoctions, ticket sls arèna renovations and other expenses for thé W\inniiipég sc tion or thé fournament. Héle said theré is a hinding contract, wvith thé CAHAT45 ensuring any fIaca lassb h innipegt group andr lcourt action wiil hé taken if necéssary ta get backr potentiel 10,s4 revenue. However, thé first order of business isc to refunid more thajn 00 thousand dollars collécted ln edvance9 ticket sales. Refunds7 Wl start going out this wéek. Town Lge. Baiske-tbaill t Tfw 10 se0rerN. Clift Meta-(opr)~ 54E ~il Sdbe(Crontin) 29Lyýn Lowery (Kens) _ _44 Bob Bouüch (Hoopers) 3 U,~ Deaza (ooers 6 "Je"Burgess (Stephens-) Ï!8 4vid qhaitfleld (Steph.) 621Rc Bilinski (Kens) 5 (as 4f Dec, 'A01) J-opr 8 1) 0 -1 255 199 10 Cornaio 8 ). 266 225 10 tphen 8 4 4 O 218 214 8 ý Kes. ~ 82) 6- 9 92 4 ConsmersGasTykes 'Reach Tou rneyl Finalcs I manville's Consumers' Gas TyeAil-Stars Jaurnéyéd ta Port H-ope te par;ticîpatée in that town's seodannuel Tykée Hiockey Tournament. Thé. loéais réacbédr- thé Chempienship Fîin- als béfore bawling eut te Osh- âewd buy a cure of 7-2. In théir mrset gam, Bw mranville m-et Cohourg in an excellent, fast-paced gamé thiat léalured excellent goal-tcénîn by oth goal7ies. It wasn't until cocno pnioc ietat- manville finally scoréd on a' goal hy Waydé Pr( stan that provéd tn hé thé winner -as Jeif Donoghue jin thé loals' nDet pos'ted a well-éarned chut- out. Thé lacss ta Cobo' urg>sent thém into thé Consolation Rudwhic-h weventuelly woûn hy Cabourg. Bewmnrviill, mniwhîle, mo'ved into thé Championship Round. Bowmanvillé's next gamée wes against Part Hope, with thé Locals winnîng hy a score of 4-1. This was, enothér well- layýed geme wîth bath tems having excellent scoing op- portunitiés. Marksmén for'théý Gesmen were Ken Cowlé with threé goals and Nick Gibbs, oné. In thé, Championship Final, Bawmanvilla was metcbed against thé' strorig Oshawa ériry which had won their ýprévious games by scores of 6-0 and 12-0. Thé Bowmanvilé boys- kept pacé with Oshawa et thé end cf thé secon'd wes - 31-2 in favor cf Oshawa. In thé "') hird peniod, Osawa scored "four unanswered goals ta defeat à a very tired Bowmanviillé téam 7-2. Thé bécais bad two véry -J, tough games écrlér tI thé day and just cauldn't kéep up thé ,fest pacé any long-er. Scor1rsý LIA~IP~~for Bowmranvillé weré Keni HAR~NVEY Cowiéend Denris Sobil. 1 ',(SSO PA KIrt en' Ges Tyké Ail-Staîrs is OROO 93-506sunday, Ja, lth aais O qS,ýf6ýawm ;ýand on Sundayý, thé lStbi 1-10511OME HEAT SRVIcE 1Bowmainville rvésta ýe1lle- ville for an xiin gamre. SNOWMOBILE SPECIALS 1970 Arctic Cats ....... ..onlly $895.00 1970 uemuxe sno-jets 1970 Deluxe Ski-Doo's. .... 1969 Nordic 18" Track..... S~nowmobile cover 'Nordic.... Jnowmobile Boots 'Zippers' ....,.- Trailcar H. Duty Gatv. - Tilt andi swivel traiters .. ........ 649.WU 649.00 749.00 18.95 12.95 139.00 ONTARIO SPORTS Hlwy. 115, Oronio Open evénings and Sundays 983-54441 The Canadlarn Statesman, Bowmnanville, Tori, ~,17 ICommercial H In thé fir-,t gamé aie t hé 19707' Cofimm-Yierci al Hiocke y Le aguej season, Mtton r& Gould Sheli camne up wt their sîxth vic- tory of thé camr-paigi by scr-T' inig a c"v1cn -3 victony aiven thîird placé -Bryaso n'à simoke shrp.Thé big mr for Mto & Gould Sheil wesi Ted Fairey as lha cailé up' wI th a fîvé Point gamé (2 gasand 3 assists), T'his f-1 f ort noved hlm mb c)sole pois-i sessiont of third place n h scon)riig, oanapoint behlin ci--- ond placé Larry Pérrîs. mv1 ýGi had p gals and two' ,5tri&d Bob Héllari lied, ane go)al aridtwo acist -fo Mutton & Gouild. Ray Ren)- Junior Town League Ken 's Remain Undefeated Whie Bill's Lose A gain 12-1- bhy MAI al - AM STANDINGS W i ell th iw ya a~as of Jan. 4th, 1970 Iockey Lau é éd out théerî,,ing feor Mtxlýîý Caleton eand Don McM'tirte! Ilscoréd for- 8 yr1,ný-, hop. !n thé ,eci-nd gamne, &o Suprtet wn téirteiitth game a.ý they whi'ppetd Walter -Frank Real _Estaýte63.Léad- în-g sCûrér Steve B urtis con- tiué hstorrid paýcé as,'hé 01waothers-. Fuzzy Maieri- rson came Ulp wt w o effot, ithLarry Peirns aénd cneV'rcruit Ray AdJcck! rorGindig o utithéesorÏg George Siînsbury hàa w a 1,sistr for Brooks, Grant F11in itof f, W inny v Va nsý,tone and2 Archi ose y s(-ered Étfh-ý For a while on Sunday', Ajax appeared on their1 the Ajax leaCd ancd add a fewi mor:e to win-, 5-J, Thisl way ta a win over thé Cable TV Juniirs, but-i4he local pictur was_, taken in that period wilth Larry Dévîtt. team came ta lifé in thé second perîod to overcome colCrnl ýinad ae ow blgétngté sie.M Lose to Newmarket tivé sbuA,-It-or fltédaBoe ini thé firat twuo éioswt I_ ÉIIy cbhcirgexcellet usd tlîngandLigh Cabile ÎTVs îRa1IIyon Sun day éoy noVpu né by Inthe"bat" ré oeltl Bt wm riile's détrmiaon High OutSCore Ajlax neSquà-d ID to ï :gwlke Idl~ .T Bîckle ith so e natstc-Hg by Hfarvey Wébsté ooln radDoug Parker Néwmeiýrketfrard wes in é1 - d ôciome, giving thé locals ýTéami , a ý) _) com-ing up with srong effots,i front at hé nI iet w ii ng forI e n -, 0 lad, TD-on Farrow arn- ,M oeý Afte droping a 9-5 gagining thrce points éach and the é1 as out from thée colrner-. ,n th wé-dsvdasitB. ta first placé Newmarý,3ket Rd- béing responsible for thnee' Dan Cowe,v] thé y ýoupg dé- !AIt thé 6:4,9 imark Bob Bickle, E. B3 men thée local Junior C éntry goals with thé help of Steve fcnseman for théeloals, Kopt p1,a,.ying la standout game, D. RE outplaed Ajax on Sndyta West on one. contact with hîm anid as saon ipu-ltr lédtéigg again on e B. Mi gé bcki té inig eY.Goals wént ta Sandy Brown, as thé puck touchéd hil- stick: PIay set up b John Davis L. Pi] In lest Tuesday's game e gainst Larry DTt) ihtéuultéfowr aPntéieadJh oby rom this L. W ýNewmarket, Bowmaninv.lle lhéld dominent effort. Rick EILb, 'Thisý is whet ta men b iitO té o eýli éd their G, VW tbem 3-3 in thé first. 4-4 et Steve WEst a nd Doug Parkern guarding thé (-front of thé .ef, goudan vn céd inta thé O. Et thé end of thé s-condi, butlpirýced upý thé othérs. Rick non tigt hésple ce u rn oslto hmin . wén ouscoéd -1 n té ooilner was .back ta bis opposng paer.Good wraiV. Pi third ta end up a-)n ithé shor't .working weys, digging thé Dan, Sandyý, T,émI and WVar- A .0ýmpeigi H. PI end orf thé ,.-5 score. rubbér out for tItre 0f thé néni, you-r efforts kéép USori hi rhgm ftédy Grav Benet picer~up ivegoals, A famîinpae h inn ie omnil nonee h twogols ndanessstwh lthé pers)uon f Bnian Pétrs éré)l c nt hap -lifstigt a lomMo OE pyiga prominenit prtin wboplayed al hisrminIor lhoc-gaéith MdgtTun-ta.BfoéhésetftéEB thé~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ocs'fftsadbngkyinorytmbubametwhen Oillie plaýyéd of rimé héBomavi-py1G, cf thé gam3né. 'Thé firit star féw yéars and stilIi l, hw ktnwl Iydhce al n éépéétdwt o wétta oy omni h é a adta hélp hé c ,Vry lomint e hé'A"Comol0ation Champ hadr a1 fivé point nigbit, andl local bysout. This bihe gme ere ihe forrrdioshiltnphy bj 'Miss r Rod)c ~ dE ywith -bis hust1l-supplied onr, na ih-i tnigsii Té e~a-Rokil iirH ka y, D.R( ard puick control éairnéd thé fine display or, passing in bisýj ways r 1,y a i motion.Qe>. Thé, Montreal team~G thîrd staýr. Thé other 'goall défense raIe. Wé will hé look- itekés lme to rea m rccvd opyfan wiriningT, M scorérs for Boýrwmanvillé wére ing forward ta seéing BrînIe1dl spridfomï atinayth A"Conisolation oh.HP Sandy Bnown, Larry Dévitti as meny future gamés as ps tion threforé it. is bén rie-i l(th pinion of this wniter lý and Stevé Wésýt with anc each.l hé can maké. fiia ad takes léss énergy to anrdthé 1,000 spec.tetos is Lack alf consistent chécking, Opinion From The Press:- kepon thé move.ThsbswsoéftéfnstocewT ellowéd Néýwmerkét too miuch In watching this Junior C lbeénr, illuszrtned by u o- ae ht ehdwinsy '.T fnéedom with thé puck around éntry, éach playen is puttingwerds from 1timé ta timeCIhli ln imwihMntréal B thé locals' net. forth e good- effort ta do Ibis tahé-, ffectiveimst hedone ing.ou e3- vco D Thé outlook was higbtéri part. Howelven, thé two wey cJitnty nDto h 'rn onoa for thé local boys on Sunday. skating of thé forwards is not Thé attendance iit aur 1les1ttion Chmpos"1. 7B The score stood 5-3 with .ai always consistent but wbat is thýreé: gamés bas beén0, 420, m in fLoplsybut Ca7zicahl i 1e vg2.ArLet àitbrkipsoe h aésat u ibD ýneyer struck auýt this tiim.e. défense keép thé front af 500fas thé tem inéedsyutosly i h e nlapU il1 i u p ctptt: pJi sem nebi , tit ît iar. unsf peci. -,.ri, UiV . S Ati\e t :dti e i - i- i e thé club givé a true team cf-, occasion caýmes ta mmnd in thé Snday, Januar:y lBtb, whený fart wîth Rîck Ellîs RîckiNewmi7-1et grimé1 when a Pont Hope aé totwn S.Muir/s edmen i FIy HFig h Def eu Chicao& shw by Harvey Webster gent w"i' Ith e nec. rago Thélplaye.11.fr0h In an ex,,hibition 'gamne ingoals entta arit Hl AJvéie hws a lot af gaadi Gaî, ed. Dc. ls, té u-Richa»ý,rd Lane, Jii D re ad!bCké pler mdail of GRItWeýd, Dr.them, tturDin ia godffort1 venujle Redmen endcd thé aid BueShnrî.Cnrtl-eeygamé. Keépup ithé yeer and continuéd théir mo- tos oytéCaniadJieý.ýns regood work, boy-s, you cen hé mentum frorh thé, taurrinmnt sil î th héer hockey plIayere, a good influence ta a lot of by trippîng up théeir Amenr- TI Plgéey lest Safurdayyun hockey playens wbo e t-ý can buddios fromicag 5-:3. nightth St. MVary's Ce entted your gamés. 'Kéép tH Coech Bob Johnijson bas isý boys auitsýconed Osbeaý 4-3 ta producing 100 per' cent, Bob, boys in tnmck eand pyi kép Up thé. récent, thé pDIayoffe aren't far ahead. gaod hockey. This Juvénile streak., Scorers for thé Red- Thé McGregor M !ic gPet s teamn is nelly surpnising a lot imon were Randy Rogers, Ken picked up a 6-4 win avo\en Part of people. Bruce Simpson led Tahb, Ken Holmes P o ope onl Saturdlay, but nodé- thé _waywith two goals and Herness- who notched téwn tails are valaleThc !Id-L one asýsist, including thé win-rienriat 16:5oIflice second gets arýid à Juvéniles njequét ring goal scoréd in thé second periad. Raody Rogers ms orpréesence et ithé face-off péniod. Other scorers for thé pickéd uptw assiets in bi- c their néxt home gimSet- localeý were Randy Rogers, enthusiastýic e(fforts for thé da, Jan. 101h, et 7:00 James Baker and Bnian Bur-,home fwesYour seat wîll lé rsrvéd. iFrom 1,000 Ii vc ore m th. m fi H. et, nm 4.. Bowmnvilé' "Prsto th - Rnfrew md scoredae -il Evrs" novic i21Strsinvictory for terfirst in of-,(j lnt lest aclse2-0 dcso okp aceel:0, ..,lt ,thé bl'igh-riding TRichnd ICautI-sid emprtrerérthé lîl team. Thé "Mý,oyensý," -20 dégréé, mark, and itloo arted thé first péniad hem- bath teamns quitée awh-ile tan ing thé apposition in théeir loos)en Up as thé sarii idý an zone but were notablaei rot gé udcwm until th-e hy a score aI 20wihTimi out. Thé scoing1 got!ndr wýay witb aryPreston nef-1 tirig ain.e si, e b hé bard-e wanolçýing John Dvs in thé! il of e réchange,. tin théý -1- - c,- - - - - - - - - - - - - ----c.y con- !, .3. p,..iicfof Il- ceoJ£n-.I[esignated 1 tinued bis way utiil thé mrid- on a tlly by JohnD aýi- thé "icing on thée cake" assist1-' May markof thé Second Pen-%sîtd by Jrrcy Lddy. In thé éud hy lion Farr'ow and Merty1v bd bénRihmod iil got second pén-iod "Thé oyes"Pestani. This put !thé loca!sý la break and capiaLizéd hy il sterted quickly as Wriync ahed tag stey This rain wilh a 1-o léad. "Thé Moyen" Johosn broké in ailane 1ta menrt thal dthébowaii Wttckd iméernd limée gaingive Bowmanvihle a 2-O iead squad wold thén play Près- but could nai, gét by thé su-! on an uasse eldsr-caltIJfor thé "A" Consolation pSet oaitnding aofRich- éd effor. Rénfré got onthChmisip mond Hill'c goelie. Ricbmond scoréshéept t hé 8:00 mirnutec At 3:15 p.m. "rso h Hill closéd oufthéli scoting mark,.that camé from a de-rMoyers" met Prescott ta dé- late intithé third period. Rich- flectinn front f héow" ciode théewinner aI thé "A" mond HilI thén rwont ithé- manvillé cage. "Thé Mloyens" Consolation Championsch i p. Hempinhip route in thé rounded oufthé escoring ith "Thé Moens"came aut vic taurnamént and wérie défea,,t- twa unanswerýed goals by ,'toius by a 5scoré af 2-0. Thée éd thénext nmrirg. "Pres- John Conhoy a.rid Jerriy Leddy pey f 'thé locals wes e ton thé Moyens"wnt toto wih asdstMgong ta Robent 'coucps dréani" as everyý thé Consolation sériés.Ormistean d 'odd Wilcox. playsr put forth e tremendoups On Sluda,"Pé,o té t1:1h p.m. of thé semé effort wîtvh Tim iVen is tonée Alovers' played a team ifrom I ýday th "Men"Iv playéd their I y2d gainingbSsec;Qnd cwnceçu Monra bving ,thé é dgé in1 1pla1y.ThFi"( péniod cn(ýdd S00crls l n thé seconid per-1 iodC thé tmpa a1f thé gamé wéî exeCtdplay tht pu thvmeeed 10.po iut bc wihBob Biclona, jmg taeisbad-orin ue mïatesDnn aro n mqaké thé s;core 2-1. Early in th thirdPeniod Jerry Léddy streakre down thé boards-and let e quick chat go ta thé léft- haind co)rner of thé net, assist- éd hy "thé ganté littie guy"' Wayne Jahnson, tiéing the sýcore et 2-2. From this point a-s-tliéy came on vény strongly but, could riat béat thé gond goeî-tending of Montreal's golé ih 3V- seconds ré- meîýning it appéaréd as if Bowanvllebad Ilit nthé bag whecn théE hustling Eddy Gruyvténs Tp)ucked Up a loasé puck md fléýw down té ic n e rékwa1onytao Yrnbbed hblind biake cveb po i nt -ce o k d î kat é a m woui go ntoovértJine but th 1 eod mî ga sýcared, vwinnng té rie -2 cosilQuéhec an'd Agi. court C.F.T.O.'s thé escore wes tied e thé e nf régulation t ime. Tc, i Im' li thé p-final gamies if thé score wes tiédi, chat, rno play'%er cudattempt, a second penaIlty chat unt'il ail his- temr-mates hed nmadél thein ettenipI ta score. In Ibis. gam ech tcam rei Ieli 1 chatis b e fao rée Baconsfield bkethéesspnse wnninLg thée gae V-.Tis rmust lhave bena record ini taurnament play. Another ihlgtwaus tha< thi onralta wére ail Frnrch Sepeaking boys end hd tac hé cbilIlect éd ti Trech s pé0ak' Ing homestHéc Bowmeri- i vile playens are stilI odr igwbiat thé MUontreal play- D.I IXED LEAGUE Januer y 21970 Avg.: OleEtchér 277 "rîplé: monley Ece 3 Avg.: Monleýy Etrliér 27i 8 Tea-m StanduIgs slÏ P i nsm Pt. RcC hards 1162 7 chand5 .... 472 5 arock 3282 5 éynlds ~ 118 5 Jartyn 3100 5 per ____ 2909 5ý résh3227 12 Tilcax 3146 2 Ichén ~ 971 2 rouI 9s 238 2 Ave'ragesý ch r -----3--27-8 laer ----- --- 3- 27 ---cox -- 3 218 lieés,.-.----- 3 2412 yn Richaerds..3 2H Harris-on 3 201, 300 (Gameýs and ovri -- Goird Dan BagnPeil 30,Eltlon brock< 326. Morley Etchrt3'08, Bob, 250Gams ad ver --- Moe. Rýichards -269, Malt Harrison 27-81 I. Plmr2P5, PDan Ba8gy',ell 25"i9 , GC.Dickéný192 H. Piper 28-)8, L. Weish 256A 260. , B. itchell '266, .J, Pox- tater 27.0,. tcher 260 -280- 292, W. '3rei 66. E. Brock 253, G. Wilcox 2 66. ,D. Réy- nolds 277, T. MilioU= 528 M. Etcher 2025 The arnuel IChrIsîmas Party was hel id at Mémrnial Park Club House o Dec. 20th, Thé music was played by Méetro Sound, Tor-onto, aýnd Sanita arrivéd tao distribute thé gifts. The -winners of thé eigýit cerlificates for turkeys wére Duke Brunt, Matt Harrison, Don Doxtatér, Le-w WeL-sh, Helen Piper, Harold Moore, Dot Thosopson and Don Bag- n el!. Winners of thé eigh'rt boxes of chocolatés wera Ellén Moore, Sandra Stain- ton, Harold Bennett, Onlé Et- cher,, Audlrey Sleep, Les Smie rneMcDo)nald a;ýrid MaiéLema.Dancing waàs enjoyed nd lunchwasrved a-t héc end f ev ig Tcanl K'en', Légioýn --- ---------- Nichols BUis - ------ ----- GPW il 9 il 5 il 4 il O TOP il SCCt~RS Naé Teaým G? W. Wal ro-ff, Kens ..ý -- i J. Oyler, Légion 9 D. Green, Nichols i T. Prout,, Légion ~ 1 J. Taylor, Kens --- B. Camrn, Legion - 10 G. Wilson, Kens - ---10 L. McNair, Kens 9 E. Cobbledick, Nîchols . . 9 D. Rogerson, Nichols -- 6ï Pts. 20 13 10 :1. 34 22 27 25 24 22 21 19 17 goaI lsrthin twmr -iinutes and in thé léagué DKeris ,b-roké the twéntfy scndCemeron bit- tiéït9 8on ý ra a h ting for twô et là 01 and 16.'39 Naîr Wilson iputKé' w on e pow,-er play witch Bih'5 aup et12:2 d Wloféi man short. Bnown êended thé fcscormg e, t 17:43 sconing àet 17: 21, écnding ýthé' ta take a 52 eed itoth fîirst peidwith a 3-0 lead, i ïrd 1In1thé tLhird,Ke' in thé e -ýcond proBl' htouf icholhilé theyý séttied down, holdig Léginedded two mrea', 1:39 on off thé sý,core boerd untîl thé Walnoff'sseon and thîir d 9:57 ma,ýrk when Oylér nettéd goals et 1139 and 14 00 mark., one. At thé 12:52 mark Mc- Ken,'s eciv fouj r minons7 Intyré spioiled Slep' schut- andNchlsthîce mi ai-smd out as ha put Bihl'5 on thé a misconcjuct in anýothe-!r cdean boýard.ý With only ana minute faught geme B rig guns for, nememing, Oyér poted 'bis Ken's wéré Walroiff with four seýtoopd ta také Légion inta thé, goals edtoasas ln 'tidwith e ommeding5-1ýwithMNargttn aga led.ýin thé third, Légin and Ahné d Wlo continued theinrconîg aswith agoledtoaet. Prout scone t ý,6:.5,AI thé e:F4,t0Notés'., 11:30 mark thé gamé wes tek- As thé NWc Yern began an- aven, by Légion as the>bath gm1s'oho(d1sanM pOttd UN olsaeg ht m ný,r- Ïgeet hoeiCy wfl2' f;v, ew p- 11:30, 1:08, 1657 and 17,18 sports fans wo con- ta' se Thon Gyien took aen etig ongfllw ..i cion dbn two et 1:5ind 1 9 :2. Wt rpin on Sina ih thé e ic' ibrée big mncthtéat~,a hs wér !-no match for témas', etshwfor 'ureoy théy went 1ýdo4vil thé sroadofmwent. Se, cep you there Sun- yét anaothér fdéfrýt te théetunc days éwen7an 0 of 12-1 Légi*picked u treminon ptiiaiiswîl Bîi's eCCi,îved s1evén mIion '1n1 oné iscnuteiada foug1hî gae. ig guns r Légon éneProut with an excellent geé ndén hi.bhai as héicked up five goas, with Oylér withfour goals and five msscstsan-11, ! lth r e a s s e good hockey hingplyd Kéns opened Up thé scanîng et 1:40 on aal by Welroff Thé high fling Nichols lubi Donoghué lied up tésoe Pf stayed tied until thé 15:16 mark wvhén Bothwellput1 Kéen's ulp 2-1, .éndîng th fline thé seconýd pcniodf jNichais bit for )cé t130oný agoal "ny Hicoc, wo vwas, Menm's Wee INCLUDING wilbe open ail day Wednesday during 1970 DONT FORGET "SOUTE PACIFIC" COMING FEBRUARY 3 . 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 Sun - FiIled Hoilidays with Teta FL~ ~ ~~ ~7 OM erir , 1Mardi 6, 7, 11, Z20 FLORIDA ~Priced from- $130 Potil LRLIleUKNIA and A y Tours depa April, 4, Tour pnîcé inc!ldés transportaijon by ir-oniioed asbrootn-cq niotor coach. Luxuniejus accomminodation, sighitseeing-, baggapé 1h amsincharges ta attractins as autlinéd iin téitnrmisEp ccort wîll accomrpeny ech tour. Februany v 7 tour includes thé Mer' Onlecanýs and thé Merchi 7 tour bas )n optional boatýi cruisé te Nassau.1 on any tours excépt Marcb 6 ind 20 tours. Space ls lim-ited, so book ealy by contacting ijury& LoveII BOWMIAN VILLE 19 KIO ST. E. me, i Uameron with two --rý ýr il ýL -1 iý 22-Day ; 'Sr. L Our Store i - ,-------~---~ j SPORTOPucsl By Frank Mohun 623-7234 TUAT" A LOT 0F SKIEMt! The Oshawa Ski Club inemberthip, continuing te grow at an unbellevsble rate, reached the 3,000 mark last wcek - I * d that'à a lot of skier.! Realizing that toc many enthusiasts ccm reauit ini long delaysaet thc tows, and over-crowded àiopet, it would seem aimest certain that the membershlp will be closed. Which l mneans that If you did.n't heed our advice imt week, your Cabe chances of joining the Oshawa Ski Club would, in aur opinion, be rcniotC. No officiai annauncement ha& been made, but we were talking te club président, Jim Souch, on Sunday night, and le Wasl of thc opinion that the only way outsider& would be abe to ski at the Kirby his, was te be et the Invitation of a, mnember. The aid scribe took to thc skis from Wednesday, and evcry day thereafter until Sunday afternoon. After solving hi& problems with the ntw T-bar, manager Jim Rutherford encountcred mare diffcuities with thé inew-making equlp- ment. He spent many hours getting it into operation by ThursdAy aiternoon, and Friday and Saturday conditions were good, with Sunday moving into the excellent category. Wednesday afternoon skling is now underway, and we undersitand that the T-bar hill wiII be in operatian, for nlght action, under the lighte, on Wednesdays. i. i. i. t t TVs Corne to Life in Second Period. to Beat Ajaxi Little NX.L. 200 Club: Winners on Dec. 27 were, No. 139 M. Bothwell, No. 147 B. MacDonald; Winners on Jan. 3 were, No. 7 Doug Bmrr, No. 37 Bud Fanning, The resulti of the Pce Wee Tournamnent in Colllngwood end the Bantam Tournamnent in Windsor will be In ncxt Junior Town League la The Canadlan Statesman, Bowmanvlle, Jaon, . O9" Icommercial N by Bob Ufeilm In the first g=aieof the 1970 Commercial Hoey League season, Muttan & Gould Shell came up with their sixth vic- tory of the campaign by scor- ing a convineng' 7-3 victory over third place Bryson's Snoke Shop. The big man for.Mutton & Gould Sheil was Ted Fairey as he camne up with a five point game '(2 goals and 3 assista). This ef- fort moved hlm into sole pos- session of third place in the sooring, one point behind sec- ond place Larry Perris. Irv GUI had two goals and two assista and Bob Hellamn had onc goal and two assists for Muttan & Gould. Ray Ren- deli and Lanny Burna round- Iockey Lpaguý cd out Uic scoring fer &Gould.TmPouZcr Carleton and Don M c a, te scored for Bryson'sS!W Shop. In thc second gaine, Brook* Superteat won their tcnth gaine as they whlpped Walter Frank Real Estate 6-3. Lead-. ing scorer Steve Bur-ns con- tinucd his torrid pace as he soorcd two goals and assisted on two ot.hers. -Fuzzy Marier- rison came up wlth a two goal effort, with Larry Pernis and new recruit P.ay Adcock rounding out the soorlng. George Sainsbury had two as. siats for Brooks. Grant Flin- toff, Winny Vanstone and Archie Crossey scored thi hapless Walter Frank team. Ken 's Remain Undefeated W hile Bifls Lose A gain 12-1 CANADA'S NATIONAL TEAM by AI Coi@ The future of Canada'. National Hockey Tcam ha. been c eadUcseodhî fTe the Junior Town League sche- ieft -up ln the air. The team, based at Winnipeg, was formed i dule got underway an Sunday. Ke in 1964 with Jack McLeod as fuli-time caach and general Jan. 3, 1970. Bill's started Le manager. Sunday, Canada shocked the hockey world by pull- .w hee they left off as the Ni ot ok f International conipetition. And the 1970 World.. ' ea toucd hei i y Chmpinshp, hic wa tahav ben sage in«~ . ~ . egn emneduncdefetemBas 12-1. and in the second game March in Mantreal and Winnipeg, ha& been switched te .~ they laced Nichols 7-2. N ;tock oîm..-Pla~ In the first match, it sat Eanl Dawson, President of the Canadian Amateur Hockey 4~ *~~.~- ., .è'~ datt egeta ahW . ... . clubs played it close, with no J Association, in a direct confrontation with International Ice ~~:' . H o c k y F d er tio P r si d n t . F ( B n n y A h ar n , s id n ~'~ < .. .~ ....... . . ~. ~sco rin g u n til th e 15 :0 1 m a rk D . Hoky*. rtonPesdntJ.. Bnn)Ahane ai nwhen Legion hit for three T Geneva there will be no international exchange of games teAa ed n d afwmr o n53J. between Canada and the European counitries until Canada is For a while on Sunday, Ajax appedred on thei teAa ed n d e mr-aw This given the ight te play their best players as other countries way ta a win aver the Cable TV Juniors, but the local picture was taken in that period with Larry D EEUvi Fa*m do. team came to life in the second period to overcame1 scoring and Dave Colwell getting the assist. eit IiIED LEAIiUE G. Dawson saId: "We will net take part ln any tournament tive shut-out of thie day. Bow-1 January 2. 1970 E. unti tht tme."He dde tha Caadawillretin tq IHF oseto N wmaketmanville dominated the play Ladies D'. rnemhership te give whatever leadership it can. l in the firt two periods with Hig.h Single: Mary Wîlcx 331 gal As Canada bowed out, World Hockey officiais in Winnipeg'C Il .RN 1 J their excellent hustling and Hgh Triple: Onie Etcher 832 twe, now are faced with dismantling the structure of what was ,v checking but could not put High Avg.: Onie Etcher 277 ting tehae ee teke sors tratin f aitbas ene-Cb l Ts a ly o n S u da ne by the "hot" Prescott Men on niai year. M a tn goalie. In the third period i h S n l : G r W lc x 3 4 R . HaroldMatn Chairman of the Winnipeg Committee, ' finally won out as B obby H.Til:Mreyice 3 cr ternis the CAHA decision "stupid.'" As much as 300 thousand 10 u j45jeA ja x q u a d 5 t 3 Bickle with some neat stick- HihAg:MrnyEde 7 dollars has been spent te date on promotions, ticket sales, handling, walked in and drill- Teamn Standings sett arena renovations and other expenses for the Winnipeg sec- by Harvey Webster WoOlner and Doug Parker1 Newmarket forward was in cd one home, giving the locals Teams pnoff tien af the tournament. He said there is a binding contract oMing uip with strong efforts,, front of the net waiting for a 1-0 lead, Don Farrow earn- Mac Richards 3162 7 9:57; with the CAHA ensuring any financial lasses by the Winnipeg After dropping a 9.5 gainelgaining three points each and the pasS out fromn the corner., îng the well-descrved assist. B. Richards 3472 5 one. grupan cur ctonwiî etaen~fneesay e etbakte first place Newinarket Red- being responsible for three Dan Cowle, the young de- At the 6:49 mark Bob Bickle, E. Brock 3282 5 Int grop ad our acio wil b tkenif ecssay t gt bckmen the local Junior C entry goals with the help of Stev e fnseman for the locals, kept playing a standout gaine, D. Reynolds .1118 5~ out potential lest revenue. However, the first order of business is outplayed Ajax on Sunday ta West on one. contact with hum and as soon pulled the trigger again on a B. Martyn 3100 5 b=a ta refund more than 400 thousand dollars callected ln advance get back in the winning ways. Goals went ta Sandy Brown, as the puck touched his stick Play set up by John Davis L. Piper 2909 5 rem~ ticket sales. Refunds will start going out this week. In lastTuesdlay's gaine against Larry Devitt with the uisual tihe forward was on thie ice. and John Conboy. From this L.« Welsh . 3227 2 secm Newmarket, Bowmanville held dominant effort. Rick Ellis,1 This is what is meant by Point on the locals held their G. Wilcox ___ 3146 2 thiri them 3-3 in the first,44a Steve West and Doug Parker guarding the front of the net, ground and advanced inta thelO. Etcher 2971 2 leac TthlL e U s e b u erend ofthc~e seco~nbtl pikedup the bokta s.Rc:no athngte seGace but Grand Consolation Champion., M. Etcher 2970 2 cont To w L e. Bas ce ba l wer otsore 51 n heloone wworkktohisopoship.aer. oV.wokProut V Po2t---8 - 288Proro Tep 10 Scerers C1ird Mt end up~sOr esor working ways, digging theý Dan, Sandy, Tom and War- At 7:30, playing inHale ~*30 01. To-0 errsC cf ea (Hoopers)----54 en fte95soe rubber out for three of the ren, your Pfforts keep us on their fourth gaine of the day,! Averages len Bill Scribe (Coronation) 129 Lyn Lowery (Kens) Z Grave Bennett picked up fiv goals. A farniliar player tewnigsd.Bowmanville encountered the M. Etcher ------ - 3 278 pts Don egaio Hoaprs)- 6Bob Sauch (Hoopers) - 39ý two goals and an assist while in thie persan of Brian Peters! The recent championshiplfastskating teain from Mon-' o tce- ---3 277 a id hIlel StphIIJe Burgess (Stephens) 38 playing a prominent part ini, %ho played al bis minor hoc- gaine in the Midget Tourna-1 trea]. Before the start of the E:ý,, 3 275 as.3i àjy'ne Burgess (Coron.)- 65IJin eBeam (Coron.)-------- 28 the locals' efforts and beingi key in aur systein but hasý ment whenl Orillia played off gi e h Bwmanville play- G Wico 3 172Tlej 1WWi Çatild(Sep.)-621Ick Bilinski (Kens) . 55 recognized as the second star beven at college for the pastl against Oshawa was a fast' Crsnwere intraduced in divid- Matt Harriso 3 262to of the aine The first star1 few vears and still is, o-saig elpae hcky q Ce.r rsntdwh a n3 26tw of gme ktig wl lae hce uail n eepeetdwt Don Bagnell ----- 3 260 the (A N fDc.NGS went ta Roy Normandia wholever has a card ta hel tega me. Very seldom ln that the A osolation Camp- 1 B. Richards 3 250 play (asPfW L. 3T F A lad a five point night, an d'local boys out. This helP heigame were the forwards ionship trophy by, 'Miss L, Welshe 3 25() wer( l{aaWesL- 8 5F3 A 199 Rod McElroy with bis hustleisupplied' on Sunday with a. standing stili. They werç al- Brackville Minor Hockey D. Reynolds ----- 3 246 8 5, 9 0 and puck control earned the fine display of passing in hisl ways ready and in motion. Queen". The Montreal teainG.Dike5- 3 24 Coornto s26 25 1 third star. The other goal defense raIe. We w ,Ill be look-, J 'takes time to break into rereived a troprhy foi' winnîng T. Mickes 3 246 yet Cooain 8 54 34 266218 52 1 0 scorers for Bowmanville were ing forward to seeing Brian1 fui speed froin a stationary the 'AA" Consolation Trophy. H Pmerso ... 3 245 cf Stepheri 84. 28 21 Sandy Brown. Larry Devitt in as many future gaines as, position, therefore> it is bene- In the opinion of this writer M- WPlcox ------ 3 240 threi Kes8 2 6 o 11 22 4 and Steve.West with ane each. lie can make. ficial and takes less energy ta an dthe 1,00o spectators this'Mo ichars 3 240Bill' Lack of ,consstent checking,! Opinion From Thé Pré'iS: keep on the move. This has was ane of the finest hockey W Thertelli--------- 3 22 C o i u iiG salîowcd Newmarket tao much I watching ibis Junior C~ been illustrated by aur for-~ gainé5 that we had witnessed H. Piper --------_ 3 224' oug er< ~ ~~freedoin with the puck araund 1eatry, each player is putting wards froin lime to time, but in a long turne, with MontelB Mthl 2 Legi C o s m r i s a y c s t elocals' net. fort~h a good effort ta do ' o be effective it must be don e e e ut a 3-2 vcoy mak - excEte . 23 a CIThe outloak was brighter part. However, the two way cansistently. ing thein the "Grand ConsoaH oohe3 23ln Re c u To r e F n l for thé local boys on Sunday. skating of the forwards is not The attendance at aur last tion Champions". s j H. Br ono _hue21as Reuch To rney FinThe score stoad 5-3 with a' always consistent but what is three gaines has been 800, 420,' The gaine started aut withID. Bradley----- 3 -13 goale minute left ta play, but Casey very noticcable is the way 1230. Let's get lt back up aver'22Cm On Saturday, Jan. 3rd, Bow- thé second périod that Bow- neyer struck out this turne. thé defense kcep the front ofi500 fans, thé tcam needs yourlbhu 1 he playin er MaHRlynoRiads------ 3 212)the mavll' Cnumr' a mnilefialysordanaThé 220 people present saw thé net clear. One spécific support. Next léague gaine sly' as ailtepayr 0 Tyke Al-Stars jaurneyéd ta goal by Wayde Preston that' the club give a true teain cf- occasion camnes ta o nthMudvJnay Rh h neetre be "U inght" gitn'L. Pipcel ------- 3 205 fins PatHp apriiaei htproved to hé thé winner asý fort with Rick Ellis, Rick Newmarket gaine when a Port Hopecornes tatown.r1rtpro edd -25go PotHpet ariiae n___Jf Dngu i h lcI'play. Thé firs eid nelD, Doxtater --------3 25go town's second annual Tyke neft Doghu we in tedlcs' t-I __ ______ _ scoréîess. In the second per- Mary Harrison - 3 201 Ken' Hockey Tournament. Thé locaîs ounet osste owbo-ersnsht- 1th emoofteLane 30j w ad vr-o at 1: réachéd thé Championshîp Fia- them io thé Consolationi Pu aisbéfré owig et t Os Rondwhîh ws eentali S t iv i ry ' ldthe tem ou hé as Wie 3 54,aMan vry -Glord31.The aby f sore bwn u Oh o unf 7-2.sev tIl' t.M a y ' e aii e n F y H g both tearas apened up. At the Don Bagacîl 330, Elton Brock awa y ascoe of7-2 wo byCoborg.Bow'annviallè, 111:00 minute mark Montreal 326, Morley Etcher 308, Bob 'Donc In their firet gaine, Bow- meanwhile, moved into thé I Cth'daIôk ih RcarsF0. t t m anvile m et C obourg ln an C ham pionshIp R ound. w l x c t d p a h t p t 2 0 G m s a d o e o e ' excellet . fat-pace gainethat Bwmanvile's nxt gamiD e ftheCh ica ohead h1a0wa tTwonminutes-0.Richardsts R6chrdMatt, Harrisorisnperii featuréd excellent goal-tending was against Port Hope, wîth ilater Bowmanville bouacedi 270-281, H. Palmer 295, Don ih by both goalies. It wasn't until thé locaîs winnîng by a score back, with Bob Bicklc, on a Bagnell 259. G. Dickens 292, aico of 4-1. This was, another weîî- by Harvey Webster ges. ' with one each. Chiragoý Thé plavers hîst for thée picture goal, with assists go- H. Piper 288, L. Wéish 256- maki playcd gaine with both teains l nehiiingan agoals wént ta (no, not Hdul) !Tuven îles shows a lot Of good îng to his hard-working line-1j260, B. Mitchell 266, J. Dox- havngexcellent scoring RiGatcehaDcrds té ane, JinDore adhce paeandnalof ae5 Dny arwtater 287. O. Etcher 260-280- portunities. Marsmcn for the Juýthein turning in a good effort Marty Preston. ln the dyîng 2W.T rtl26,EBoc W,/*, Sif),E M7/ Gasmen wcre Ken Cowle with venile Redmen endéd the oId Bue eena! ogutla very gaine Keep up the minutes of the second period, 253, G. Wilcox 266. D. Rey- three goals and Nick Gibbs, year and contînued their mn- tions, boys, the Canadians areigood work, boys, you cao hé Montreal tailied again to ýnolds 277, T. Milîson 255-278,, »I-rCA Ai 1 N Bi 1 ne.mentuin froin thé tournamentIstili the béttér hockey players. a good influence ta a lot of make the score 2-I. Early unlM. Etcher 260-265. ffli*A éir AES n th ChapionhipFinal ,Jca buddiés froin Chicago '5-3.1 night thé St. Mary's Cernent 1tend your gaines. Keep thein streaked down the boards and Te annual Cristmas Party ~~n ~~Bowmanville was matchéd Cah Bob Johnson bas 'hisl boys outscored Oshawa 4-3 ta' producing 100 per cent, Bob, etauikstgoathlf- was held at Mémorial Park jis0veagainst thé strong Oshawa wnn1 téplof aetfra ead. ad ckong 0f th et, ssit- mscos nDc 0h AT - entry which had won their boys in track and playing, keep up the récent winntepaof rntfraea- adcre ftent sit Club osOnD .20h Thée preias gins b s ore fo good hockey. This. Juvénile streak. Scorers for the Red-! Thé McGregor M i dg e t ed by "the gainé littié guy SoMundc Torontoad Satal peou ae ysoe emis really surprising a lot, men weré Randy Rogers. Ken'picked Up a 6-4 win over Port1 Wayne Johnson, tieing thé ond. ornoadjat _____6-0 and 12-0. Thé Bawmanville o epe rc ipo led1 Tabb, Ken Hornes and ob Hope on Saturday, but no de-' score at 2-2. Froin this point arrîved te distribute thé gifts.1 boys kept pace with Oshawa th a ith two goals and Harnéss who notched thé win- tails are available. Thé Mid- on "Thé Movers" bad an edgc h winners of thé ei el t gift atr thé eids o! th sco re x one assist, including thé win-1 ner at 16:35 of thé second géts and Juvéniles request as they came on very strongîy cértificates for turkeys were. at nfvra!Ohw.I th nnggoadsoreoi thé scondiws.n period. Randy Rogers alsolyaur présence at thé face-offibut could not béat thé gûad Duke Brunt, Malt Harrison,i 3-2 l ao fOhw.I h igga crdi h eoI Don Doxtater, Lew Welsh,, third périod, Oshawa scoréd period. Othér scorers for thé; picked up two assists in his, of their next home gaine, Sat-! goal-tending of Montréal's HlnPpr aodMoe ver trc Bwmavll tai IJames Baker and Brian Bur- orné towners.__ _ _Yourseat wilIbe reserved. ! naining it appeared as if Dot Thompson and Don Bag- 1 a very Bowmdnviwmevihad itain thémoeil. Winnérs of thé eight' toug h ges caliér inthé dary avlehdi nteboxes o hclts wr 7-2. hé oas ad erlwothvéry ba,,when thé hustling Eddy, ienMoSada ti- and just couldn't keep up thé ryer ike pa os tn arl enet Ii t fatpaean oge.Scrrp r s on s B re g H o e Siov rw r oc n d lwdown te ece.Ade le, Lesi faor pace any loer. Srersen onia breakaway, only ta hé ral, EieMcDonaid anâ HARVEY C owadmenie owere Ken'I A llA LU Tby a key savé by Mreale, Dncngwasi ~PA RTNers' G::d TypI1eAl -Stars r m, ~ , s a d ~i e * ~ * 7 pint il looked ike thé gaine éjydadlnhwsr Ne t ga n o s m Io l oov ri é b t at th é end o ! th é evening. ORONO 983-5208 awa and on Sunday thé 18th. with 15 seconds rémaining eof EXSO NOME HEAT SERVICE Bawmanville travéls ta Belle- Bowmanvillé's "Preston theJ Renfrew and scorpd a 4-Iý second gaine with Providence,'!thé final period Montreal~ ____________________ville for an exhibition gaine. Movers" novice Ahl-Stars inj victary for their first win of Rhode Island, defeatingr themi Sungîîg«s: té gine -2.'luf i FiIledgHoIk théir first gaine of thé tourna- thé tournament. This garné, by a score of 2-0 with Tim ment lest a close 2»11 décision took place at 7:00 a.rn.. thé! Vanstoné earning thé shut-I In thé gaine belweea Béa-' S NOW M BILE S ECIALSto thé high-riding Richmno t idlii temperature near the' out. Thé scoring got under-' consfield. Quebec and Agin.. rg% IA starled thé first périoci hem- both teains quite a wbiie ta tine one,.ssst v bythé hard-. tied at thé end of réglaitin I i rEAM STANDINGS as of Jan. 4th, 1970 eam GP w :e'sil 9 ýgion 11I 5 îchais il 4 IlOP 1Sil ameTOP S merof Kens Wlro, ein _ Gree, Leianol Greet,,LNihai Tar,Legin Taylo, Kes ___ Cameon,egns Wilson, Kens cNaleir, Nsco Cobbedic, Nichis - IS witîhin two minutes anl ln thé league. Kén's broke thé enty seconds, Caméron hit- tic at 9:58 on a goal by Mc- gfor two aI là:0l anud 16:39 Nair, Wilson put eén's two a power play with Biil's a up at 12:22 and Waîroff end- in short. Brown endcd thé cd the perlod scoring at 17:43 ring aI 17:21. ending the ta take a 5-2 iéad int the It periad with a 3-0 léaci. Ihird. In thé thrd, Kén's thé second period, Bill's ýshut out Miahols whilé they led down, holding Légion addéd two more aI 1:39 on thé score board untîl thé Walreff's second and third ýmark when Oyler nettéci goals at 1:39 and 14:00 mark. e.At thé 12:52 mark Mc- Ken's recéived four minors pré spoiléd Slcep's shut- and Nilthols thrée mînors aný Las hé put Bill's on thé a miscanduct in another clean ard. With only onc minuté fought gamée. Big guns for nau.ning, Oylér pottéci bis Kcui's wérc Walroff with four ünd ta take Légion mbt thé goals andi two assists. along rd with a cammanding 5-1 wulh McNair gétting a geal i. In thé third, Légioni and Ibrée assists. and Wilson tinued their scorîng as with a geai andi two assisîs. Dut scored aI 6:05. At thé, Foot Notes*,.. 30 mark thé gaine was tak- As thé New Yéar begau,, over by Légion as they bath gaines showed somaU 1ed six geais in éight min- gréaI hockey witSféw pén-al- ! Prout was thé big gun tics and excelléot scoring. hé patteci four goals at Witlh this type ÎD( hockey, 30, 15:08, 16:57 and 17:18. sports fans who wahîL ta see en Oyer took ovr, netting young fellowsinaIo~+d'- aI 18:57 and 19:82. With drap in on Sunday night and Légion's thrée big mn catch thé action, as thse ing heads-up hockey. Bil's yaung players can put on a re no matçb for tbémn as gréaI show for yaur enjoy. ywent dor thé road of ment. So, sée yau there Sun- anether dfe tolathé lune days betwen 7 and 10i. 12-I. Legi picked up emnrpnalties whilc 's received seven mînors a nc mnisconduct In a dlean ghI gaine. Big guns for Ion were Prout with an elIent gaine undér bis bell hé picked up five goals, g with Oyier with four Is andi fivé assisîs and ceran with two goals nadi ýe assists. 1thé second gain, the! STARTS tperioci displayéd saine dhockey being played. ML 'opened Up the scaring 5i :40 on a goal by Walroff. JA N e 15 Shigh flying Nichois club ncéd righl back at 2:22 as AT - ighue tied up thé score. tayéd lied until thé 15:36, -k when BoIhwell put' s up 2-1, ending thé first K N uci. In thé second period aIls bit for one at 1:30 on Men s Wear oal by Hircock, who was ing his f irst appearance èCORERS GP 9. il 10 9 10 10 9 9 Pts. 20 13 10 1 Pt& 34 32 27 25 24 22 21 19 Iays with Trentway Tours Choce of 10 t, 19-Day Tours. Departing Dec. 20, February 7, 21;, Mareh 6. 7. 14, 20 and April 11. Pric.d f rom $130 Per Person ~ 22-Day Tours departng February 28 and April 4. Priced f rom $325 Per Person aon by air-conditioned, washroom-equipped private mmodation, sightseeing, baggage handling taxes. ;as outlined ln the itineraries. Experiefteed driver- r. February 7 tour includes the Mardi-Gras in New s on optional boat cruise ta Nassau. No night travel id 20 tours. ed, so book eariy by contacting 'veil Travel Ageqpy 19 KING ST. E. PHONE 6 -31924 4 1 -i

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