Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jan 1970, p. 11

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TMe Canadian Statei DISCONTINUED SAMPILES ,Cotinuled Sample ioC3 tcl' ^275' x 4F'. Values te S.9 q yd. To clear CIffCKED COCOA NMATS Sale Pme i88o eac .h. checked Cocoa Mats, Reg. $1.44 eacb, Sale$3.8 RUBI3ER UNDERCUSIU rlçg. $U.9 S4. yd. I BETIJANY HAND WovENm INDIAN RUGS 59-98 Tc Clear, Iland Wovci n di Ru,ýgs 4' x 6. Rr. $99-( Sïinapsons-Seae-rs Oshawa The Toughest 1Carpet you wuil uy at this 501-Ni :1 88 . -YD. SROILî ('no ehuirry on Ibis one, 4 - Colors in pract-ca Tweecd tones, First corne first served until tIiis item ïis sold out, Reg. $8.99. Sale, $ 6.88 SALE 199.88 59.88 179.88 89.88 249.83 94.88 119.88 89.88 79.88 34.88 89.88 89.88 69.99 44.88 79.88 59.88 39.88 59.n8- 39.88 19.88 em~ A - SLightly sub-stand.ard, wilI not effeet m.arin- quality cfID s ver ieâyy hard.' twist acri1am twist broadloxn, Dest co;lora only dark Avocado and Gold. Limiýted quantity, Bring your mieasurements to avoid cisappointment, l12 ft. widtli. Reg. if perfect S13.99.sq. yd. e,,99 SQ.-YD. tion-al meeting on Sunday, january llth, begks¶ing wit a Pot Luck Surpper aLt6 8 v. - The merbers o L.O.L, 12 held a successful progresve euchre party In the Orange Htall on. 1Tuesday night Prizeu for hielh score i e Mis. Mildred B.-istow antd Eari Argue; second prizes te Mt'rs, Lila Kerr and Sidney Powers. Mrs. Ruth McGlll won ithse lucky dojor prïze. Winner of the lucky draw for a food basket was Mvrs. Peggy Wi4 nacott; the box of chocolates, Mrs. Hiarry B. Preston. ftecent pgue.3ta with Mrand Mrs. Harold Brown were ber nmother. , Ethel Blain, and lier brd-ther, Mr. Fred Blaini. his wife and larnily frein Ohristmasg guezsewith Mr». and Mre. IKuzenko, Kenrial store, were lier parents, Mr. andi Mrs, Yuskow,,, two sn .,on and Ernie Kuzenko, Miss Marilyn Hicks, Mks Marlene Lamant, and Miss Rose IVary Cascagnette. Guests with Mr. ýansd lvrs. Bil Jackson were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davis. Leanne and Mr,. anad Mr,,. A. Irwîin an sons for "rLrïsttas. Dinie 03 Clzst ý ar ith KOQDEL ONLY Beautifully sculptured iii a deep plucli il ~or enduring richness In range te suit your homie. 600 yds oniy at thils special ýwarehouse Sale ~pric Bring' your mfeasurements se wc con reserve yQur 'rrdageç.. 12 fil- wide, Reg $ 12.99 sq. yd. SPECIAL WAREIIOUSE SALE CLEARANCE. froni our own warehouse - Rlooui Siue Rugs; of our regular fines - A.11 one of a kind at greatly reduced prices - Personal Shopping Only A FEW ARIE SU BSTÂNDARD MATERIAL Acrilan 501 Nylon %W0o1 Twist 501 Nylon 5y011Nlo Nyon Wool Blond Lid. '/out do or 501l Nylonl Nylonl Nylonl Nylon Nylon Shug SIZE 12 10" x 15S, 12, x14" 12' x 151' 112'x 1'2s 9x15' 9'%x9' 12' xlO1' l06x7'6" 12',86 9' x12 4'x6 ColI/Deso. 13ronize Olive plusil TawýNney Gold Bond Sp. G-'old Royal Bine Avocado Leaf Avocado Leaf Sage Greeni Two tone Green Two tonle Greeni Sage Green Lt. Green Tweed Gold Sun Burst Avocado JLeafJ S panlish GCiol d Royal BineC Gold -Goeer Gold IE G. 329.00 114.80 252.60 440.00 J137.99 159.80, 132.50, 119.93 49.88 j116.90 130.33 149.95 P1.40 104.88 69.00 116.91 54.40 3 4.00 A Material Viscose 'Viscosýe Viscose VI-scose 12'x 2'x13' Color and Description :BrFow Browll Greeri, THE FILNEST AXN STER RUGS WOVEN IN CANADA Beyond radouibt, fic fincst ni- ofits kind. Once, a ycaf price reduction on iRs item makes i a tre'mendous buy. odru Keranpati ms xcelied orly by gein Peiamgs. Reg. $339,5. Sýale starts 93 ..Thursday MATERIAL SIZE Nylon 12'x 12' Nylon 12 x1j2 Nylon 12-' x12 Nylon Shag 9' x 12' Nylon Shag 9' x 12' Nylon9' x 12' Nylon 12x2 ~4yIon 9'9 Nylon 6'9' Nylon 11x,39 Nylon 12' xS' Ny11 lon lsh .10'0" x17'9" Nylon 9'15S 501 NyIln ll6" Dr.olon01 Sub. 9'"x 15' W'ool /iiylon Blend 12' x 17'j Jnd./utdor 8'x 9O Acrilan_' x9 Acrilan l1'1il, x754" Nylon - 9' x1,27 Gold Gold Greenl Green Et. Beige Brown .Blue Grèens Avocado Gol d Gre Green. 1'owder Blue Tanç'erinc REG. 149.40 j127.4 0 '-0 7.40U 156.00 107.4u1 11989 '0'55 l89.95 24856 55.92 -116.65- 127.50 107.40 SALE 79-88 89.88 94,88 119.88 94.88 &1,88 69.88 59.88 49.88 39M8 59.88 49M8 199,88 89.88 39.88 89,88 199,88 39.88 69.88- 69.88 ~69.88 MATERTAIS Nylon shag Nylon Nylon Sliag N'ýylon Nylon Shag- NýylonI Nylon .Acilani Acrilant Nyl On Nylonl 501 Nylon1 Nyloni ,Acrilan-- Acrilan, Nylon ýew Clear Outs- at ûSUn1er Savinmi SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL 9.00 9.00 ,24.00 24.00 HAND WOYVEN INDIAN RUGS IN AUBUSSON DESIGNS Tlis. offer ii limaited f0 our present mgi gallery stock. WC simply cr-ordler at .thiis lolow priLce. Yoa cave S50.07. Eeg. $399.95. Sle i49.b8 SAVE 5007 -viscose 'Viscose Viscose, Vi1scose, 9' 6' SAVE 5000 Lirnitecl Quaniit-y k100% Pure NNew Zealand wo sdi - italia o0 es pcally-fiv suited to older home or traditioni decor. Eeg. 9.95. Sale $149.95, You save a wip i& ý«1 W., MOST ARE PEIIFECI2, APPROX. SIZES SIZE 6' x 9"' 12' x 9 6' x9', 12'x126 6'x 9' 912' 9' x L2, 9'x 12 12' x 14- 9'x112' 8'P x 1'4 12' x 14' 12'xl12'6'> c, Color and Description Green Brown Brown Green CoL/esc. J-lES ,LE Gold lRed Gold Browli Greeii Gold Rus t Avocado Bine Rmut Rnst Shag, Of"f Whiite SIag0 Avoc-ado Gold -White ls B3lue Plush) BliieRoa Gold andi Gloria, Mr. David shaw and Mr. Ted Stark Chrlstmas Day wlth lýl M,lm JonThonipson fam;ly. Mrs. Aiva Swvarbrick a Iew days with Mr. an Fred Ariderson i Oh Mir, and Mrs. 1lre Icey und other friends. With iMr-, and kMr. 'T Garbutt for the holiday Mr. and Mirs. JackG and faniily, with the staying for thse hoidays znan Kr an-la, iBoww Carol, Weriidy and Don' out of* Torontoý were down for the eildayi, and mmra.Keith Swas Toronto, *visited with for a day. Mir. andi Mn. Dacvid ' suld famiî'y'wr giz Mir, and Mirs. Roy chita ay. A fine evening was, cd iby the 8undlay i chtdhn amd $100. 95 SAVINGS ON JAPU RA RUGS A leavy Spanish deign lSi wonderfl aset fully endic frinfged for added beauty. Unriii colors and qucaintity at a 0aigao 1M Reg. $129.95SaIe eny no Lîmited O, uantity 9 9 0 w ___ AI11ur Cr~fA EconomyPre SQ. YD. 83.70 9 9.4-lf0 148.50 77.70 107.40 '17.70.- 107.88 136,40 107.88 1 55.40 138.70 242,53 149.40 107.88 v 96.49 77.94 127.60 11 IAG 69J? 89.88 19.88 89,88 69.88 69.88 49,88 79.88 99.00 Tlfle chfor gai tiens and Iý sang 'Holy N ley of Oronore teresting ianf Somre of Il vila g e were Sunday morn to churc'h fot to walk overt topped snowl plew coa] ht u-p w chiurchf. Tiserc SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL Sale 9.00) 3 9.00 7.00 5.00 IVELLL LI.ÀLA-K ý V UT

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