98 and 100 CHUÙRCH SiTnrET- 17 rooms, 1ow1-v as two' oeparate properties. Will sali as oaa propeniy or as two 99 CPIURCH SITREET -96 rooms, plu spaae ro apartman. lsp pic1$2,0900 1JA w, alance oen 100 CUUR SRET-7rem,4 bdomafit rc 119,00,0, $,O0 don, Blane eaopenmega.Qlc possesionmay h obtined n aiiserprapent1y. C"l11l1al at 62-68or nBi -Mr]eers et 725-1726. Exclusive AetSHOIL-KRLTD.,Rale 360 Kiug St'. W, sawOnt., 17-226U5 leiEstate for Sale; Rý-al Estate fori Sale -. Peler Kowal, Jr. and GENERAL ïNSURP.AN,1E1 52'King St. W. Bowmanvtll 623-2453 623-2503I Older home jut newly decratd. This la a goad paefr rgne famlly. Art At one!Askicg $21,500 wlth Looklcg .fan, e eîrr),Cec ns! honire \We baive U.h,iit îiii z tile bunaow ln tise heant 0 f twn clifor Nons Waud. bas, full base- mrera nfovr1imo, et ib011 forncr. Ideal fe'Orat-ilred couipla.Asking ries, fer $11,0'.1. & exban; nw iplmnt aiscd Auklng $28900.Gods.TwwcsCre Leakerd oad lacaiance i llage. Torm New stoey hme wtis4 avalle bedeom bacg outon 100'x POETE ATD! 4315' IL ot.Psnnfor finforma-l PR hae boyer's witngt tion. W hae 1wýr aig t E Npelt>Iville punCliese al ty-pes of pron-< Nw1,400 sq. fi., 3 bedroam arties . . . List Now !lÎ brick bungaplow on ralling 10" Afer 8 p.m.- ecre lot. 640' frontage on paved roacd. Cl ocya .Van, Net-163-23 iake yon ofen. P!. , oal -623-5868 ExcelM')len Ien rpry ____1- NorthsObe.,5 epanieis, evdparing aca $s34,40 00C ?37, faclcgý Ne. 75 Hwy.Thr not. Offies ccd nOom for2 cacrs. Ae ýc 35J00. Tynon - W 1 x' 250 loé on excellan nct. Iln $,50 Opni t4ffna Taunton dsgeeti levecl lotj 100' x 50,fndni two ÈeLs Asking $5000. SaieRd!., igisaeî 10 era lot, laskicn $500 dewn Langýe bulilding- lot, lth woeafoi vicw ofrek Oc- Bmvi,-llcý - juio lsid building loýt .55' Y, 103' onLu- erîy N. Asklcig $,)00 -George Blyleven. tracs. Pnic îdly villgeof Ènic bcd .1:I, nad-l ha-,ut. bcady te riled et$2.90 bomee itb aagonlag lot. Goed appotity 1U fan tise' isedymn.~Askng pice Bowmnvtýillc: 7 noi 1 U/ pni.ce $2u,900. Close teos0chD\aaM3suite apanîmenit borna on oe acrei lot. Vary ceela iig rni tbuilding on largelai I tise cantrne cf village Gao revenue, Caîl for mare can-, lfermationi. iiesnee 623-5300 i nv j G( a ron ecod, o23-5265 Lei alÎètl OUrolile 6232711 117 kýinr St.E.I Bwmnvll COUNRY LVING- 3bcd- rom omfwtibaLrge an otWilty-0oo0, 1-w taxas. Ask- icg Only $21.900, EASTBEC - 4 bedroom 2 storey hame an good sîzedi lot. Askicg only $14,500. COIMPLETELY RENOVAT- ED 2 Zbcdroom bungalow on nirely landscaped lot. Elar- tnir iseat 'ing, large living room, a7tone fineplace, Askîng acly $17.9)00. COURTICE AREA2- - 3 bcd- naoom bnao on lot 1,50 x 144, Ncwly dconeated Iný,side ccd eut. Electnir haeaticg, Asking Sny 4.000 dowÀn, $16.900 balanc. HIGH ST. enombn glw with garage, dicing niooni, pcved driva ccdr extraj badnoo0m iiiasmet Askingi Qt.- 5 ream rk bF le state for Sale ___ si.i Yaar's guesis cf Mn, ccd Mrs. ~LdC JL LU ~i O~PGeorge Apldad ccd wee ocuansnot.cfte ilaer fill f$oadc conr~~ !Ywi I~WL- e nlOhw.Str plus legaýl Ref-ohmeied bae- tier 'necf $3hccd oats, ing se the business, wblch wasiJan. 3rd, Mn. and Mrs. co poredlib. arkfienaid the ,for sale, would ppeman be a vstdRysp aret. M. men apnimnt nining151L.B. Justice and family, of ae a nd a part Wboecf nyc. hanes oveberî4t, are god irent. Open te offena. , Richmond HUbCaresl gufeing ancnars. T. MClGodna ~ -5~fillAVf5Gli±O tlWaory.Burrham,...2 .Buck-. T -. finewvas.$300 .andcosts. nnd-ofiSund;-y--torey-etertni,-c for thiz 3 bednaom homne wiLh low spent Christmas DaDy ccd ti ngham, OshaWa, pl1e ca dteeage boys ccd twa young onnaothedbrpetsM.an n 2 baibroma, ecctnc smoig sN e ea'sDay witb Mn, ccd gWuîy cf tefi Apnîl 22nd f gils with a fou case of aie in: William H.O'Nell .b. C6, Ken Lewis, Higblccd lGreva ccd icada 0of buîlt-in cup- AMns. Anthun Richards ccd M&s.ae65 HNi! outhardmatS er ibetnnk. Bowmanvillewes cbanîIgeýd!or their way home froc boans.Luthe17nHoapen. fhem Laand ccd kes Marn LoyThnaDuicwtfiinUg te rmply witk isa leida. ONLY $l,500 DOWN - Makes T he ymfmu ofatbenicg an Highwa 2.Csable Rutff- 18a pleaded guilty ccd w-S fied ccd âMr C. P Swallow visî leu the owccr ofIs2 bcde c ede cfn.tnOPivetgcig fi A igb Scbolstudentp, Wart ywthlig 6,5 e O ewYa' aM room bnalwon lt160' ccd Mns. Gn9ville Bycm ni ncen, fauid btiIBornham acd Snr tet saa la-the nminmium whiris was $200!ecd ber brothenr, Mn, cdMs deep. New cl unacetE-]ewYear'a Day.anaiher yout habd seniae d coi gulty ef carlea otrd costa, -or 20 days. Eech -Wm, Asistn, Caccrea. fin relint tarternti rea ehome. Mn. and sMn. W. Hndenson mater an aRboat autide the igNvmbnlt.mec ehkcd for acd we.s gnanited Sunday they ent-ertaind theiu FuU pnceny$4.0.!c femulyp, lownmnvile; Mn. sA cl Pned tu reie Joseph Kaneewsýki said be oeamoýnth te pay.cosisVr. ccd Mns. Bazil and iir.abIoy witIs MnI.bckati ciglist nauleaIW n bisnd went honiicg ____________- MeMater, Bnigiston, M 1i -s Afer hurs upleA cLi: acd Mas, W. oy cWdebbse bree dayslenulhey toKrk patndgenbDunham )Fane.at Derothy Manqù is, Cinton, anc Bud irtu - 6232969NewYacrs Di.'t Vaosy Crah Funnitue ac c îil,12-gauge shetgus.They M PTAPD Vt rs. Wm. Laird îwbo acowas BW 39 u emnr Lmentspet F-1 se 20fa lepc nuwe about 20 yairdisapant M Lb UIlVL Norn0its Cornlwall -472-238 ay itb Dcbeïbie boy. Othen tsa i ws ho cdthey ccd keýpt ccllîng back andî eble ta visitthe couins. Roîl Spnce -123-7694 guasta etW. Roy's -wen Mn. bd gatil im ipnertii twia cc roedigfarwand Congregatianai l meetingonMn. cc d Mrs. Len Gccdn 1-1 ccd NMrsý. B.Standisisandimenihs caènlin.He wcs fejnrun IiIP e wads penaud lteaonc Jan. l7tb will stan witb a potmrpycdduhespn - tamly, Scan v. I gilly nlilàlied 1) oa.u nohe.Untus=aU< yu th~saae.1sLcd2n ew Ycrs eekcnd Hwill Wanted to Buy NlM ncd Mns. J. RnwAf ccdi cny 27th for setence. The anmaril:MLI b a v(1en cnvcer d course, cnomenrcg et 6ý30 i p 5h-shlO Dcccy attnded c famîyly ouah- mter was morred returnd bcueh c tokb ..Eayc swlee~opy iasln MIXD rain on pure banlcy. eing c f 1Mn, ccd MNr-. M. Short, te tisaowcer. sisowernicfpellets, oeahîttîg coma. uinues a teflw.MsLon 1Hocrin, Mn.ani Lesie T ay leorlackstock lHamipior n, on Nv ew Yrs Day efr Nnesn per lm nin the left aye. Ha didiTisa csîlren il11bementer 986-469. 1-1ietthceFlying Dotfora-. îdfsetepccd weiuld "cet bav bis sgithut wR; stll taiicedin tise baseeit M1 Nn.Dec FYseyRBaeLinaF - Mr n. ccd Mrs ýPallntr LIV pulny od eahe M. cdMn. . owc t-have geine taüjeH bcd cituP~cm aklsss Cnta"isfmaiuueeig w"iil ccd daughtenBrenda, Osb- tirks. M. lt, bb. . th-Pt ended ra weddicg recerption in' neprasenta tives f - rlm AhIeU D), Mantin, OPP, wRrsin- ha c ed an Mondny evenîn.ccpwnie eaZ ua cny Psoe 77227 etan. Peterbraui Satunday cighbt. pleaded in bis fvu.HaPwe 'vctigting ficn cd IJaltis t 8 p.m.Convenons,j1f AMrs. Bnt Cowe cd Mn' __________ IOecWýviantlemnedààpur1Tise accused seid, hma ns c-. SJf /r-1 nIy1j" Mr1c r.N iaotnaaddt aun 7i.Konhnawski wLvrea ,paisnd RIl'cl. fr, nsE.Foey rwin1 elel, Bowmcciville. LOT onusmell acage riequn-spant (CbiAtmas Day witb bier' Thomas ,,,Davis,.rco asbdm acmsnin agtn ferboy c,",Wisct wili li nîrk [ Mns.Normnan SBurges, Ton , Bewmacville on vliciiy, dcuher Mincd MW. Gordn nemclnded lta tishema date on , , Iedcy." tng oZeherfmOpen nme'eting. atwas a visiteblestwaa for home site; pnvate. Phon-e Sllerk Osbhwe, ccd New -sevaral changes, cilicvoîvînmg ablut rive Ue H e uns i1Mecn am inited. Speaker lrInwith' Mn. ccd Mrs. Llayc-( 576-8819.1-a ,Yen's DyMr n. c rs. G . Crnihol. iChk bncrush wen ha saw e Lawton of Tononto-DomnionSedc THRE an bem--1"- 1-,,Sellerk ccd family ,wene, witb iJebn VýeirnalML,6 l as hafa iofr c anksn. cnd M'Ivns. Rýocri tai, ban an em,. 2,x12 hrparents, Mn. ccd MA, N. King Stre.etWetcg 2,nsnowsioe nabisit and firoi 1CW meigo hn-cn agseMcdM 20 feet long, Jim MoaRb.R. inctt reete-b isaoyl e21 twoAnapid as. I day eenicg Jn 5h t DugicCoyAcc. on Whitb 3, Petypoc4, Ont. Telepiee Mn sccd rs.W.beyccdgien sndadsetnc fn "Ayci o es huntývj-1. ing8pm nteC.E al ae Ne en spe 983-5170. A ad M1s _> olan-2vn LIplwitis sfnc fr nomeona takason ih Ts eyfinsc rs uaswt iensseM _____________________Debisi, AlM ncd Mns. bb oh Oy! -.- isîc n n é, o h Tenders Wanted iwe rgsi s WSu"nyoa n oandns.argarcmio, Iw H ise rowýn. cn, ometdDan Breaks ana glcd 1.)know ccýad AMr. Ted WIhite ccd famr SEA -lEDtedes inry ar- ily, Bamovinle. Mn. ilnt Mark, Mn.. C.IVW.-These ih was$100 cdm$,50as ,à ufcanl ,ovrd ced, willha e reiuvedby tise David Brent -cf rork ULni-1 Wqodîcy, spant TNew Year's-stor oe nmonth. fnm ber aperation in îMcm- Mn ncd Mnsr,, Mirk owsocl i _____ aal ïHospital. Bowmian)vil,, Pau11ccd Nancy, inso -u-d'marncd-ti Iý M-d- '5ý >«---n,ý-I b p e aelete return home îhi w"ee Iew >crs-7iè nuoan, Januaî y 19, 1970, fr HmiltoWof Queen's, Kingtat obue, Bawmanvillc. TiesdY, Jauuary th, 1970 wcl.guestawîthpe Mn.cd.trc lh [lenemuval-fnoithe lpnepertv aci dJonInM amiilton, Waiero Suridey ntenoan a social Tiuige-b. BB h1xter presidad Ms rtaBow 10 Wye Pickard ccd Angela. of tn-Clarke Public Libnary.Ucyesit, pet tise holidyà baï hoor wcrise0d aI;tie with Assistant Crown Attorney mnile wASrdy.spenHnand on Ecr'vrli tise framle' barn on Centre C V pn oeo luiWow nK higeGom oIt 1r p udysp Street, Onooi,. Al nat as Cn~maDay guest; of Mn,.isenor of (Charlotte Accis, who as doty caunselfor Legai AidM, at0 rs .C.Sad n ibein agitenr, Mn. and Mnis te beem"e tis no ofrty cf1 W nWCMr. ordyn 1Bi-rn, Dcvd ws necactly mnidSeveraIcass wmcrcdoor -Rerent visitea ibsMn? oan bed d u fouîi sue[Csafu l(biden wvhichaeacd Chistina were Mncd MA. J. MaLeganîPW-cd uctil eaater date, iclding L,. C. SnJowden tiwec Mn. ccd Lindscýy. to ba remnoved from tise Mnsý. Rosq PnooyOsca; eypvisii a t tie Woadey ana Of rareesa dding againat AMrs,.Jim Armir,;r.G. cM ncd sMn, C. Hegermar propenty byla M e ,1970. Miss Janet Mcîtbews, Trnehm.PhEuipBarchard-. B. Tbomnpson, Misa Joatnne spent Fridcy evaning Wvith Lowaest con ny tender nol and MncdMr Don Bedeur!Cnrea ienal meetingwilé Staphen Adeocisappened fan TbMompson, Oshcwý. IMn. ccad Mus. E. ban),Ne. Mn nere,ýssniy acccpted. M (s)O.anti risilrinni. Ceha icldJanua 2ts a? 80setene n chaIurgsof tis sin Mn.cd Mns. Leslie Clla cd AMm. Gendonn, ow Becubam, Sn. lanka Pois- Mr n.cd 'rc. Roheni UT-1- n.m. in Tr, ceUiChurris a p ins f.pb" ives mcd- cuitA weeS uncd a y diccer imAsnvillesprnt Scturdcy pe lin Librany, Box 292, 0Orono' -,- 'I-.--- ý! ri),ou arr--e- -ri te - buring '1'%.1 hruar lnguot f thoir- n ieacd nin,. wthMr. and r,,Eý Ont. 53-2 Bruooldirs, were guests of M1.'ajQne your reportý. isapeçctor Loier(y sand ina-0eplseW, Mn and Mn. Don iialnisa. LETTUCE -for 9C JeIIy S3UMFMITM KAM E. . Mlu1 SAV 1e AVE 14e., pANCA E IX Rcgular -orBttrikC '4 ESTATE SALIE NETL'SQUIK InsTan 41b, TOATMSTER WiTEH"U - SIfeLC --I ORRE AD S AVE2?5c 1 - ---,- --I lk.LUIIpanfliU Uivi. a c mrsU .ç.,..V.M. ~ .1l . BOWMANVILLE Hann& ~owar îllle, n riThe Cnaia tatesmanBowanvl[lEe, a.7 là dauighter, Mrs- Ted bawr and ,,',D)jo ro iD Park theaf-gternoon clàednthhP1erri r - __________________ port l _ýdalghtRDneHoar uns ruis' M Aut- Slsby Alex Carirutliers M.P.P. Ilirr tz nhe r t shl or-,j r o i LIV STO K ~In a speech delive ed in the legis- treeij e ldom seen west of Ontfarin. A Mr.. and lMl 1,',,L.GilIcilk, "!wnn in eynî- at Durham Cu t SalAe..a, 1-1 ure o n, D ecynebe r it, i m ade f e- Sa katche wvan child miig ht a s hy the M! lcs eaAnne and Drinna, SIS , ie t c ed le Hl h n levr age alDihniclit SmArpence tonwat o n rsidered to be thre olrtresntth mlm"ters Bulland Davidi, 1orn .1gF were- er has, :0 .kNew Years -rgu -BabButn----36Lar H e Oroo EeryThrs, 730p..civiiv actors in our national 1ie - It la interetigto note thau fformer with ber parents. 1Mr, andStaeninsfo~r Janugas'y Babutoh Sellin, HorsesCattie, Swi-ne, I he f -Ï te ndOliver Patf M s.H. , reniri d,,r- Calves, Sherp, etc. Charlie tefateBlnga nCiutrlPrm inse ersn eoxeu-Ma.H .Femn r.adDyeWlîp Reid, Auctioneer and Pro- Commissin and the Cmayofî tig on for the dsg of the aginiclutded Mrs. Rass Allini, Gordon, Gla-MAril\n le 2OiEtLr ComanmYunrdsin lar2ThelaP 1 e~e prietor. 23-tf Canadians, the following significant features- dys and CavnAllun, New-cas- S e ai a e fie, were atter supper guests onie, Etcbe a-las An edordil ppearing in the Port "A flag emibodying the emblem pro- 'cf Ir. and Nés. Freeman. IMcrridy Htey E athr- AUCTION SALIE 1Hope Evening Gieof Dcmbrl9thclaimed by If is MjsyGeorge SV onf!Mr, Chas. Greenhmire- Marg9Kingu ea lhres BRIGHTON I makes particuar referpe '0t tw o tate- November 21, 1921 -- three imaple leaves cently visited lier niere, Mr.Benc Try hrlIvn Cole, AUTOiHL ents in theý speech taken out of con- conjoined on one stem- occupying a field Gordon Thomrpson, Cobourg. BabEuonn4iqw ,Marilyn-C-- text, but whnich according to thpe di- of wvhite betw7een vertical scetini of M.anilrsJmeMatOivPailderky aty SALE EVERY 1Kenneth Paus and WVayne En£ Etcher Vac v'i jtonral constiute an aLc on the Cana- bue on the vidges of the a (Ref. The Martîn Mr and Mrs Bîgin HenDpe Saturclay,1:00 Fp.m. dian fag.Theitw o frences were con- Story of fCanada's Flag; Geo. F.Stanly) Grpenham, RusmpseItanlySAE Mlî e Antiques, Fie Glass andtained in the followinýg pnaagraph- in may The Canadian ensîgn rnot being ac- adLrnGena~*Bw Choina. Furnitur (antique andi speech: ctpble t the o r t 't -erhasmanville-, were mNew Yerl'ý Over 22ý0 rOnine niodern). lways items cpaet cmice s aa guests of their rmother, MA1 e, .Wle Wibwa LnaCup29Ln hseoldierestOenfr "I believn siflcEwe ly e r.Speaker, to bc, grttd tat du.e to political Opn orCharles Greenihamr. AMr> nd Izl in carg'pelf aur church serVice2, Jen Frness consigmentsthat t1he people (,,of this country are pre- buingling Mr. Pearson's rcomelaton rs. _Robert iWardel], AWhitbyon Suncfy mningmmhtpieMailyn Colen242, E- Viewine rda,12-9p.mi. pared to adopta tIulynational flag, a vwas not given greater cnieainas were weekend gueofr of hisa dlresswas -The chai- 262 LAura jIfazelden CENTRAL AUCTION Vo, nulatatYi% have sigificance and wi] the design wuld havehad considerrably mrother, Min. Chasr eenham. Wereof the Sevenies. PQur 1,Sile ai , =iholie the an,,a m for tinitenextfificeeSSntheapeseMutbug. 228,Bab. lt an nad F.Smlth agers frmthe Ebenezer and co i .temsnpRibret CoifeeAitv ak r!anditeCaladanway ofdide. The pres- The red 1and white coors hstoicaly aple Grave chu!rhes e Wth' e.Wle dcig 29.5, 5Karynne Bmr CopeeAcin evc o nt flag has îitte sn cat or mealn are prt(f the traditon of both nmother Pdù anevenling fotd 10f lih e vrviceDot BF;r o k,, 2 05, tMir' Industrial, Commercial, Farm-n si.fcnepr SevecyaJ f rom hî ojmniman i24,1:.Eva W i and home ing, and I regret the éla of respect it countnies, Britaîn and France; te biue jing on Mr,.Keith Peters' nînk pceivesý. On so many occaémSiostistut- border s ignify the ocean t o oean geo- FlSwngthnomigi ae ited r. Lawrce Nnc lvs, 236, One o3ih'n4713 tee arîbn ny signifies fthc graphiat feature and the three maplei aqserr ftehome of aHsia. 24 6,OiePti Mr, and AMns. StephenDye ebes0 h una 5,29 ot îe 1-tflack of naional prîide and uliy. Slaves unity and rcogrnition of the offi- Mr'adMr.E'l sore a he hnome f Mr.ccpari. Wp 22, rg - Perhaps 1 ieldnot make inyseîf clear, ci eblmofCaaa. Mtvr. ar( nd rs. ChareAlnunWCraig lstTesdiay after- Betty Smith 23w 1IflI~Lbuit lmycriticism was drect Icto te The deign adopted xwas a modi-BnwmanviP ir P D. RC. A"in, nPuon.inSgle obvions lack of respcectfor the flag in cation of tSe Royalilitary Coljl,eeCPort n Inlii, Mn . MNe r sEeiilruwtndg Til anid fam1ily, Salem:;ir. and abloming itoYflY- on so man- occasions flag in wvhich a mnailed fist holding AiMrs. Jeck Morton and famii M ,ad N. osln - na, QHazle MrsP5. M. Seairs, Hlaydon with' as a tattered fadedbanr This disres spnigý of thnee m raple leavecs surnmounted ere NwYa' g "rccateadwthMs a Mrs. Luelle Joncs for Christ- pect for our- national symbiol, in mny by, the Crown-i replaces the maie leaf the!alater!s parentsMn. a"d Twitcwor New Year-'sne, mas7 D-ay. onw opinion, signifies ai lack of national of the newv flag. Ms S. S. otn O udy Ailo M.adMr rdREUT O Mr ad ns avd riean de cnenio ttth cn hamn. nd-]Mns.Stnley Mark:1- Twit, Wiby. i, tr HSL O and Aand r, TA,-i orono w p r uy, anu inn my -vrew i de5 ipcM enn aSIte pvpre gliCbug wee upe MnadM.LoyRihrs CnstaMme' anvean drgesTotsoand' ew - pat t least to the lack of meaning has been a divisive factor in Canadian Cobostg.s. itijr. DoSn PR ichr1 ds, ic Preen nauAeme Yeans Day mgu sta ters weein the desaga of the present f la Idfe is supported not enly b th aove M.and AMns. ,John Htc\n(Rchadswe ,jewYecr's- Mn., anildrMs. Cîif Trewin and lin suppnt of miy rnmanka may 1 statements, but also by thefolIlowing1 son and son DaIvid, St.Cath- gUcst of Mn, and Mroc. Bruce Mark, Mr.andl Mns. Si Trewn make reference to a numberof other factors: ryMes, spent the wrekendRihrsTon and Judith, BowmanoiinioMn., a) The ,adoption and \wide fuse o[ prov- M ns hfirparoey ns, an unn , n-,niN, curImn en rs r Tnwin, William pinions. . oney ul ad humMr.3 Bon lkrbu" Mr t , -m É cndî P'aul, 1Haydon, of Mn.>and L The preseint PimneMinicte of Can- onial fags particualy inQuebec. Mns. John Clark and son Ste- and AMrs. Leslie W elsM.and IMUiLTIPLEL819S Mrs. W.ULovendge, ios and ada in nintervewwith Ithe l"To-ronto b) The rapid increase in the sepanatist yen, Kitchener, wer% New Mbc Don WelSh, wre ew ELSIGS Chaniles, Daiy Star" on June 12, 1964 stated, monvemnent àn Quebec sin1ce the- adoption Yea's gueASswilh ber pa- ýer' uests of Mr. A -,Mns. Osawa lDi PMany fniends and nwehhos "Quebee doesr't give a tne' damn of fhe prescrntflg ents, nb. endi Mrs , Coey John Kingho1rn, Zion. ensdun te Cnitms all-abut the new flag;itfs a matter of com- c) The official statement by the IMin- M.Jh eurUio- n n n..AuMn. Reil lEstate Bc cedrn .adurMnstJ. Ccv- sîty of Toronto, spent is ,,holi-JonAnKbyMn d dcys. ~~plete idferne"(Honc ight lhe was.) ister cf Educatin for 'the Province of days et home with bis panMs. Bruce Staiton, Ohawa __________ Mn. and Mns,. John Wala,2 .1 A gup of distinguisbed academies Quebec that only the Que-bec Fleur de lenta, Mn. and Mîr,. T. MGuink. wene New ,earFs of M11 Oshawa, were Suinday .vgucaSI including Eugene Fonsey, Donald Lis flag is tne beise in Quebec sehoole.iontNmw Yents Mn, and Mas. and Urs.Ken hvklton FINE QVmALITt Mn.andMrs J.Cavns CnigbonW. . ortn ad T H.B. In the pastthe nmonanchy, the f agRandy Frees eM.Bob Fnee-MnAndM" GaaShack- MO0NUMENTS AN! aSolina, Mn. and iMus(,Gar- l _on'Mn. Fric Sha)ckleton, IA Mn.. acd AMns GeorgeAnsd Symons addressed a IletoPrime the literature and the traditions of the d1 Bs Jee wthte c-Mss brth Shackletnweure necd ýt oece Ne Years Da M ansnlin Daceiembr,1964 Bratash Tles, and te a degrreethose of 1Guinks,. withNon.Raad hakeo H. HadBwavle c odmigthe coieof fa.France iwere tuifving factors in pre- 1Mn. end Ms.Bruce Davis Mn nNe v"sru supper gucst,3 of Mn. and Airs, "We have a despaiig. fpeelng," te serving Confqderation. Gradusly the end family, Newmenke, WJ'it,,, aid Mrs. Jin Collacotnti 9F SAF Arthur Thiofnvoson, Oshawa. lttrstatad, "that this inspi flag in- old order is chenging, howvever, yielding r parents, N, end M1rs. cl cd Chý,,._nis sac n Mr.eaid Mns.JaBkoblRhude, '9 1wmanvi2lyle BanyAlisn ndAdianestead of pocignational uiïity WH!l lace to newu and the ties that bound us Wodwene New cr'guiese0cfmn. Mn. andnMns, Divkacd Mlu. Bob Cliaýcott. c Bowanill, ene Scturday ,produce onlýy anidif ren rsponse. o past laoytes are being broken. and family wneNew Ycan'I ncc3Ms WrngM,, evening suppen gues of Mn. .. Whatever rmay be said about the mnaple The changing attiudes and the in- gueFs of ber pairents, Mn. andand sonsSam Butto>, AMiss- and Mrs. G. -Alldread. 1leaf as a Capnadn r ebl in the past, flux of lar nbers of new ciens Mns. Willi Ashtoîo, Ceara MnIioc utr isJce a dBoh Mn ndMsH.BetMs it bas neyepr ganedanone's vigorous from ail parts of the world have altered N. cnd Mns. Canlos Crn-Alhorn, Oshawc, were witb , iii Ethel ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wa Hotn sca eecmi-tefbi fCnde n sand dalghtenmD.ve ndw Yers. o Cgon Sunday dinnen guests cf Mn. allegiance, and it invoîvesno mnt h areo aaînsociety,adasi d Mnu. and sn. ecw pnïp and Mrs. Lonne Phare, ment to the lîumnan fart of Canada." a maturing nation new national symbols1 Crydermnan. Richmond H _IMn. acd M CliffRyods Randy Oke, Oshaw,,, spent 3. Mn. John Chuirch, Dinector of Pro- and new, ideal< are- in order. Mrs. Beatrice Boddylý, Tnonto-, , ncd NMrs. iJM a wekwitb bis aunt ccd, unicie Mr. acd Mrs. John Run- fessionel Developmnent, for the B.C. Mly concern ils, however, that fin and Miss Janioce Moses,Bw- Bruce Lchman ccd friyBx 134 dce. Teache,ýrs Federettion, upsetig âdoptinûg t'hese new symbIhila we have a nvil ewre New -Yeanr's Ahhr, en ewYar'sn t Dnast.E Mre-chers fromi failedi te -mekejithcmi guesýt5 with Mn. And rs gutsor Mn and AMnys Deu-g i > rhan Whtbi 669S-* Mn. ccd, Mfrs. balphaVintuseomcommitte t ofalwesternmmeingu1, and Hcwend Cryderman. jbeynld. Jud1iy aldLoti, EnnIskillen; nitshColumnbia, Abenla, Saskatche- in their frrmafinin have jgiorrd t" e-Ye'j iiewta -Mn. ccd iVreS, 5vParken and Tim, ecstc wn ec: wan and Manitoýba is quoted as stating mnajor degneer hiery eu nd rdton. Mn. aind île. Anthun Ment) in, cn gessofMn cdMr i on D)ecembher 31, 1969 "Sehool teachers From the volumne of correspondenee 1 Martin Rd., wene MViss Ruby.ý1 A.Vru.in Se.skatchewaon, Alberta and mlost c hve receivpd, penticularly ftomr Que- Dwloshaw, Mn, A lfred Mn, cd n. alte Ram Biish Coliumbiia havNe adfiutprob- bec sporigmy Avîews, 1am con- Dwli'Awvllcc n wi en -N J.e 's c guMn cats 1cm -tbcine aout the inatnioneb vinced that thîs concern la sbared by MN o Vnap cf MnA~n Ms. j. E nRiPM h aflkf iitUd fl IP unb and laua aae n ie1m h al la.Ta 'dc el ag ubr cf loyal Canadiens. Nei luBnwncll and family,1 -Mr. aon ncd MnsRobent'_________________________________________________BseLcMni, ns ly Gniflln, Osbwa. Sinoe, VMapl rvM, cmcd famlyshawa; n cdnonmefiBung ,ro-. Mn. ccd Mns. Ronald PHap",,l Buryne, Tscwa r Mns. David Phase ccnfmly, l I u * GnyMcDonald, omn. Cestietan. spettChinis ta Day. 1%mw w, -c civille Mn and Mvrs7. Hroid acd New Year's Day with PSusn VardnpT en D1Uft L thein mothen, Mrs. Edca Philp Ssný1CmJ' ý and aunt is Jean Philo. HA ei IfnIBowmaIOIIIile spent New Year's with Nr.i' Mn. acd Mrs. Arthun Thomirip- Held Tuesday, Dec, 300, 1969 t1,wo years on sevenral oid pector Hisfiten gave evidiencr ccd Mrs. Sami VanCamip and iPL EA' E1T-TAT s,nDrene and Donald, Osh- HOME iruij.,vLire awa, wene- recent visitons cf Judge R. 13. Baxter presieL hnesc bf.i hc e-t.enmbrc hrgePlidfailMAasDLEe Mn. ccd Mns. G. Alldnead. with Assistant Cnawn Attar- stihtution bas 'been male.1H unden. the Public Commercial M.N .WibMs Littie Chnitopher Mone-woedi ney K., Stubingtan, M4. ÏB. will repent rcguienly te the Veblicles Art. It mrigýht be note Bradford, Miss Linde a gt A ccebaedbs out brhdy ely gl Ad 1y eu-prebation officen, in paýssing -Ustha theminimnum Enniski1len,ý Miss MagerteSAUn onTedy e.E&.dwcFkit cge 1R, 0ne- fin -an, elodn is now Wni.ght, Stoney Crecek, Mn Fidcy evening there weres Richard Banager. cge 1 neetd3yMssby cnx10,c css o itrs., c ns aneWibt t 21tale o Pognsiv PchelR 1Haptn, firlvicted1 of theft, Vwas remnde . novkn reda pe- Catharines, plM ncd Mn,Ken 21~~o tabls c.Prgresiv wih nze s olos M.$20 and costs, nfv as enan 4bt iehmce peeuo d h neA (>re New Ycar', guesaof LioelBya, VIn S RYe"gI:tnrundenage dinking Octo-tim-e te make fu]]rstttin TxDepantmen in twvo lecal Mnll. cdMnFred WNNgbrv INERIP Mns. Ethl Cochrm, M qs-R.lber 3 ai. Censtale K. C. La- Allen1 S panrow, cg 1 elma cases.D.J. Munray-, M7ry cdpat f ail wFISa- TO F Mirs J C. Cook.The 50-50, dnaw bcd waed 4the accuse,ýd )tego) a bttry mwsnmanded te cd wtth faillng tn remnit $525,14 Mýyrs. Fred Wrnight. On aSuc- U wa won by sMr staccylhomne earlier n lathe eveîn Fhur 2t.wih en cutd fno dy lM ncd Mr.FSrd Wigb Gable. Ibut tint he had nulot copîieds Ivan Brue Armstrorg~ .R.wgsof ecml(oyce5. lHe plead-were dinnen guests witb br CGOLD ',ENYLO Mr. ccd Mirs.J. E. Goba.niIDnnis Willis, Panyol3-poneol, lconvýicited of d gulyof mailing tisaretMrn.cd AMrs. riur 1 III Miss ~ ~ ~ a Len nfin saa asfnd$0an ato illegýal possession of liquor, amaiunt late, etn ari d warefiv Sundy viiton af n.Ifý , a wano s ie d $50,nd oss. , ,.llA+., , 10. B ýo-. briçk bun--ý - 1 -t -- 1 canie iýaion iaia ine . enarge Mr pnri Mrq - 'l Y, ýIl ýd n, e, ýn ir ýil ý S ýd is l- ' it ýe 1- k tt ,h Y, n 1 ýtreet, rast, resuitect in a iur- 1