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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jan 1970, p. 5

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I r N oar t b Aerhn id <Prenic-Hal, m.) by Lorus andi Margery Aviline ,s a new book that is certain ta- winý wiefavi . ith ornîtholagistsý others who love bird 1f e. ýareIy have pros ani c pain-ý Jing ben blended together witli such superb skilli as i Ihis distinguished partfolio. Ifhe book presenits for the fit time a complete series of 300 fuil-color pa)intîngs of birds by M'aie Nonnaît Bah-ý Iin, They' are renditions and have glreýady! bee-cn acclaimed by art critics., Their beauty la striking.ý ' also give details of plu-, mage and mark-ing, whichi are not captujredbDy even the mo St nccurate cameiras. MaI(re than 300 species of birds found in &Il regins of Cie N-orth Amner-! ican cont.iinent - fram the1 famiiar robin and hiumming,- bfrcI ta rare and endangered ans- are inciluded nin te.s PAIN? RumacapS capsules give proven relief! Rumacaps are specially formuL- Iated ta give you fast relief-t[he vary first day-flrin nagging rheumaic pains and aches, AIsO proven effective for relieving lum- bago, sciatica, headache and tlaurtic pains. Ask for new Rumcaps-a dsicveblua and white capsule of saothinq on,,o-t-.-at yoýur local druggis's, Ruma1caps are capsulas cf soothiing comtart! HEARING AID WEARERSi Botter servce for an rreistbieintodutio talege. days, Professors, Lorus J. some of the most beaujtifulý and' Margery -Milne have shar- creatures of one continent, It, ed a fasciniationi for two-leg- wijl have wide circulation ini ged, fouirleggled and mlulti)- homne and school libraries. legged creatures. They have T'here is also an, attractivel written more than 21 books, history of birds ini America, each of wlhich has received rating to the days of Sir Wal- widespread acclaim fromn nat- ter Raleig-h. Since their col- uralists and bird loers. Hy,%âdroe Union Asks l4Výo Wace Incre--ase T'he Ontario Hyd,çro Emeplyý- andf six weeks alfter 25 ees,' Unin- this weelk as-ked fryas a1 14 per cent wage incerease in I n addition, the union is ask-1 one year, as wý,ell as significantý ing for fv extra weeks vaca- improvemienits in other benie- tion ini the làth year of ser-1 lis v i cean d every flfth year iOnria Hydro anîd its unioný, thereafter. which represenits 10000 Hyvdroý Hydro's current vacation employees, exchaniged bargain - 1plan p ri1rovides three weeks ing agenidas, setting the scene after -five years; four weeks for 1970 neg,,otiatians.,The pres- af ter 15 yas 23 days after ent collective agreement be-, 20 yas and five weeks after tween the Commuission and 25 years. OFIEU expire(s Maérch 31, 1970.iTheiunion is also Qrequesting Theý_ escalator clause was an doeuble tme for ovecrtimie, andl itemi on bath union amnd imani- 10pqier cent paymecnt by Hy-)drol agenrt agendas. Th-e 0ORSU o(f OHIP remiums,,. Under, is asking for an ecaatr heuion aedpreýmiursl clause w7,hich would provide for f ýor shlift work wouid increase a one per cent increase in friom 1,1c ta 24c an h-ouir for] wvages for every one per cent afernoon shifts; and fýrom 18c rise in the- Consumrîer Piet 8 for mi.digh,,lt sbifts. Index. Management is akn loehr the agendas con-l for remnoval of the escalaýtor- tain 157ý main itemrs - 108 suýb- clause from the presencrt agree- mritted by the uLnionî and 19 ment which calîs for- a thrpeesubmiitted by aaeet per cent wage increase. or decý-iHawever, when ub-sections of rease for, every tbree PeCe" n minitiiems arec nser, risýe or fail in the CPI. there are mare than 200 indi-1 The union is also paoigvidual items ta be negatiated. considerable improvements in, vacation benefits. The agendal requests tbree weeks after one oTT.? year of service; four wveeksl .LIJ..Nfl after 10 years;, 23 day s afterl 15 years;ive weeks after 20 Mand Mrs. Harvey Yel- _________________- loweesan-d family were.New Yersguests with Mr. and ONTYOOLMrs. Ralph Larmer, Black-ý ock. On.Saturday evening May 1970 be a happy andl prospero)us year ta you ail. A lot of" sadness due faý sudden and somre uneýxpecteci deaths c ause d conisiderabie gIoos in tee comm-uniity. Gar. don Heaslip of Toraonto andc fommily of Jntvlediedi TocraYnto and wvas buried from Mackey's, Lindsay, Jan. 2rid. Another fuinemal býeld' the sameý darm Port Perry, marked the passing cf AMr. Ed Lawsvon of Yelverton. Dick Woad cf the MVarsb amrea was fourmd dead behind his cattie Setur- day, Jan. 3rd. Unfartuneateiy, dQue ta a severe attack of flu anda chronic brconcitis I was unable ta pay my respects.1 I. do etedmy symripatehy fta those wilo mourn11., We also regret ta) beajr th1atý Mm., Fred Beat went, ta ew faL1ndlîand recen11ýtlyt atn the funema] ifaI is brothecr. -This- area ad its shee o sikes uring t hehoia season, Miss Meylin Yug mmi w,ýýas confined ta home- wlhpiuisy and. pneumnoniea. M.Walter Fellis ba ara- tack of pleurisy. Mr. iýTe-d Graham also was Car fp well for, a few danys We un)- derstand thfia t MI. Del bemt B-Owin5 iîs pragressinag favour-i ably. At.- time of writing, I (John Payne) have spenit fîve days weeing pyjamas and could wel spend a few mare, iOn a moire cheerful note al halls hi the area wemre packed beyondr capac ity for the2ir New Ye ar's Eve parties, Same grouýpa aterdat private hiomnes ater, Sowoîl ar- they- were dinner guesîts -with Mr. and Mj\Irs. Bruce Harrison. Paul Larmer, Biackstock, viied for severai days last week wvith MmW . andMs Harvey Yellowiees and famiiy. Mvr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor and famiiy attePnded the Mont. go'MemY Ci2,-stmas gatheing at thIe Hampton Hall, NwYear's guests with Mr, and Mrs. Tom Baker and fam- i17y were MmW. and Mrs. J. C. Smales and family and Mr. and Mrs, Ron Baker, Oshawa; Miss Helen Baker and Miss C. Krawchuck of Toronto. Sun- day supper gulests we7re .- r and Mrs, Maurice Baker, Ux- bridige, and Mm.j, and ?Irs. Larry Welsh, Bawman)vilie. Mr- and1rs.Tom Ba-ker, were Satburday evening guests wihMrland M. Haw IOard Orrmistcon, Bwm1ile Ne- yeam's Pguesta withMr and iraLlod Broome wee Mr. Jrohn Broome, Doug, Rick-yl and Karen, Tyrane; MrIp. anid M,,rs. Ron Broome and elly, Bowmanille: r ad Mrs. Loren Pascoe Panid Dale, Osha- 'Aa, Mm. and Mra.Lloyd Briome wvere guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.ý Jobns, Bowm,,anville, where theyenjyeda visit with Mr. end! Mrs Llyd Woodson, Ottawa, on11 Fiday evening. Mr, anid Mrs, Everett Cryd- ermeand rciMr. and Mrs. Hem- a)id Pas3coe were New Year's Eve guesta wifh Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Monitgamfery, Hampton. 1Friday evenng visitors with I nstaII New Officers of Legion Ladies Auxiliary Qn Manday evening, thie recently elcedr ofMiers President R. Bathgate, 2nd Vice T. Brown- absent, Ist of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Roaai Canadian Legion Vice Pre-sident Nance Calmecr; back raw, E-xecuý-Ltive Branch, 178 were instailed in office"Lat thLe hall on Queen tnebes, L Spencer, E. Demeter, Sgt,-at-Armsiý L. Street. They are, front rowv, left ta right, Secretary B. Hendron,'1M. Westover, H. Humphirey, Ada Butier andi Williamis, Treasuirer A. Bate, President J. Burton, Zone P. Rose. Commander (installing officer) G., Past1 Kitchlêen C«P Ç'pers by Nancy Krain The, wonderful Cbrîistmas festivîties are o-ver, leaving bechindt excited children and ex.ýhausted aduits, The batt ery of cocktail parties anld family gatherings have taken, thieir toîL. We feel as if we nieyer want ta see another Christmias cookie or fruitcake again! And, even worsýe, the New Year featuring foods that makes cujtting cailorie corners mare pleasant. Stufle Msrom BrcudChceorScallopjed 1Fish Green Beans To., ssed Salad with Zero Salad Dressing Upside Downi Apple Cake Caffee, Tea or-lIilk S11TFED MUSHROOMýs 1M large fresh mnushrooxns j teaspoa'n sait ,;8 teaspoon pepper '/àteaspoon paprika 2 tablespoons grtD nian 2 talesponsParmsanchees5e 'J'teaspoocn mail Wash and,dcry msras eoescsand chop fine, Comine with salit, pepper, paprika;, anian and cheueeMix Weil andc stuif muishroamrî caps, 011 a bakung pan and arrange the (uha inoni. Bake i a3750 aven for 10 rminutes. Sýpear wvit'n cocktailpik and ýservîe hot. Makes- 18- 10 calories eachi, 1kcpcider vînlegar 1 te-aspoan Wretrhr ac 2 teaspoons ,sugar 3 talesponschili sa,ýuce 1 easpoon sait ½teaspoon blaick peppr 2 teaspoons anion powder 1/ teaspoon garlic powder 1/4teaspoon fdry 7mustard 1 tablespoon saiad ail 3 -1¼l.broilers, Split Combine, the vinegcar, wate-r, Wo-rcetershire saýuce, sgr HAMPTON Lait Moniday d.innerý guests Smniths' were MIr. naýd Mrs wîth Mr. and Mrs. T. M. St an Gylyluick, Bawvmanlvile, Chant were Mr. and Mrs. -and r. E rniîeGyyucBC Dave Kerniohan, Karen, Davy Sarry ta report M, eorge and Kevin, St. Thomas, 'and Yeo is a patient et SuLnny- Mfrs. Carol Carter, and Chris, brook. Best wishies for a Candice and Janice, Thorn- speedy recovery fromi your bihl. New Year's dinner guests many friends. were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold New, ersDy(j)ir Fenner, Seagrave, and 'Mr. guests Yeah r. aynd inr and Mrs. Jack Carter and Fred Holroyd and family were faiily, Thornchili, and Master Mr and Mrs. Amas Brook- Eric Chfant, Sauina, who was 'a n r.BetieMr a liolidiay guest with his rsteadJn aiOb grandiparents for a few days. aw, ad Mrs. Doris H-olroyd.ý Last week's visifars wîth Ms yeteHiadwas èa Mrs., Stella BaIson were Mý,r. Newi Year's Day dinner 9guest and Mrs. GeorgeHshnandicof Mr, and Mrs. Cli]fford Buir- fmyOsbhawa, and Mr, and ton and famlily, Zion. MîTrs: StanIey Hosk-in and fam- A Friay evening vi;sitorý iiy, Peterboroligh. SundaY with Mr. anýd Mrs. Fred 1-a1l dininer guests were Dr. and royd an)d famnily .vas Mr% Mrs. Keîcth Bîillett and famiy, Gardon BaByd, Toronto. Sal;- Bowmýyanvýilie. urday evening visitors with mr-. and Mrs. Bruce Hfurst Mr. and MVrs. Fred Halroycd adfamily were New Year's- and famîly were Mr. anid Mrs. Day dinner guests with Mr. William Hoiroyd, Joanne and and MIrs. David Gibbs and Judy,' Bowma nviii e, Mr. family, Nqewmarket. F7rank Hoiroy'd, Bowmanvilie, H-oliday b ouse guest-, ithMrs.DorisHolroydl, Hamp- MVr, an-d lMrjs. LamneAniscton, M. John urton, Zmin were Mr. and Mrs. L. Ptt- Mr. aind Ms.Fred ïHolroyd' son, AIjkokan, and Mrs, Aima aindLyett wre- Sunda eV- Madili1, London, New Year's eniing dinner gess f Mr. dJay dinner guests with Mr. an)d âMrs. Johný MorissttDnd and Mrs. Lame Annis wecre famniiy, Osbawa, andated Mn. and Mrs, Fred Bignill and eda ockey gamle a h Mariene Mr. ad MrC. ivcAuditoýr eten h HmlM.and Mrs. ID. Oshawa Generals anThe lOét- Edy isLiTida Sharpe an-d taa 7', t eeraeMa Miss ElieAnnis.Hooy'brtd. Chmstm-a Ias Uefswie Mr.n e ,ýw Years Day dne and r,_WJilmem HEUi and guests PaI1Mr, anjIOiuMrs Ce fai,-îly were Mr.Donai d SIemnon were Mm. ndMr.E Youn an Mis DnnaYoun, Skinner, Gshawa Gannaqeand Mrs. Aima Crsmsdne t Earl, -Athiena. Mr. and Mirs. with Mm. and Mrs, R"alph i Bal- Wilmier Hili1 and family jpej7,t lard an-d family were Mr_ and the New Year's holidays -vîsi1t- Mrs, Frank Balaprdl, Col-j]jî ng9 in tee State of Washàing- bus. Recent dinner gu-,ests aI' tan. Mr. and- Mrs. Ralph BahlardJ Mm. nd Mrs. Percy Dewell, and family were Mr. and Mrs. DogaDavid and Carolyn -Harry Appleton. Whitby. Mm weeSundýay dinner guests af and Mrs. Ralph Ballard and Miss Ruby Deweil, Oshawa;, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jackson at- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Deweill tendled the New Year's Eve Douglas. David and Carolyvn party at the Harmony Unitedi, The CanacDi tsan , Bomanville, Book Review North American Blirds oneseIf than rita schedufle aý Period pI mditý1atioyn on regular basis. It bas aftenll been said, that tao much rem- phasis was placed on the ap- pie, arid not on the fact thati Nýewton wa.s quite ailone at the time aif his discovery.,]I of us acknowledge tîïhat vwe should withdraw f rrdm roui- tine andi renew our thoughts and idas et so fewcof us do set aside a time for th isý renewai. One shouid ch-foose a timte and a place and keepý the date as one wouild if sh1e ýwere meeting a friendr. But remember thie importance of the routine, because of mny own ature 1I know TI couldý flot mainfeini a daily periîodl for private thought's a ndC evlutinsex-cepit I work by/: a routinie. And believe mie, the pleasures arec retanrd t'le beniefits. enarmnous. SI) try il andicisee evenl if yau use the timie you ulsuaýily us[t soak in your daily bath ta o c so. se you next vweek. Bye FriaynigtPat Patter-i ndBarb Chtpmian tedfor ladies' hi 1 trple with 6(87.1 Barb Cbj iman to ais high sîl gewî -th 270i. JaCký Bond roÎli d8155 for men'ls hàigh triple and 343, for'mn' ,S hîhsinigle. 200 CGamez J. Bond 343-257-255, A, Van, Goor 289-270-208, B. Ch'Iipmian 270-227, P Ptter 263-231,1H veon262-2l2, R. Birock 2 58 -233P , M MV cn 25 6,j Lufnn254-216, (;Ge. a.eathý 25320-24,R, Westlake 20 202, B. Westlake 238-216, D, Noan 16-208, B. Marshaîl, 233, B. ISmithi 232, G. Smith- 23-221, B. Bumna 228-218U Ge(). Patter 22-201, Ro)gerý Ovendan 227", P. Marshii )226,à B. Mc(Reelis 226, D. Bond 224- I 212. JE. Prout 2420 C. Rit- fer 221-200, _D. MclReelis 220,ý D, Decriis ,2-20, 'T, Alldread 218, _M. Dakin 217, B. Al-ý dread 216-214-205, S, Robin-ý son 216. C. Mlorgan 216, R. Nolan 2 116, N. Zon dervan 215,ý H, Feddemna 211, G. Prout 209', S. Brock 208, B. Williamis 206, J. Robinson 206, L, Woodcock; 204, Roy Woodward 203, A.ý Deboo 203, F.' Patter 203. Team Standings Tea N,, Naine YN).Pts., 2. Arniold Van Goo;r -7 8. Jimt Robinson -------- 1. B3ih Williams____- 5 STARTS KEN'S Men's We fllièe a O/eautM and f970!rhai enjoy the uxuryof ~just for Yeu! FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 623-5019 t *ADD HAPPY 'Ïlew ears TO YOUR LIFE old rase - "llyhe .appy New oy 'er"Fr a ya c(o 4 ny ap fyou aeal ahv m ood eal h Al Wer godfovte la mesa- HpiYou youâaIescr d o maiilng about eap-el ing PUpYour helhIt elarti e.m Preat aies pe. esolve on lis for er aitit ar puy-" ce eopiciïe re n us for tei Jeilt, seda W gusl wthMm. and Mira ber parents, .Mm.dand Mms. Howa7ý,rd Miîsnnd -aistema, Jneft ali-d Heat[eer. Recnt isiarswPihMr. 1n Ei( Mnest Hockada Lee Enfiei. Mm.andbMrs . E.Hockaday Mecendly viited Mra, KafLie luengmaid, Peterorogh i ir. H Bmwh KeMo, a Mvr. and ira WsleyYd Manrks, Scarbioog Mm and Mira ,.lrec Vc 2 tablespoons lenmn juce or vinegar i tablespoon ùlon, flnlcb oppedI Sait and pepper 1 teasp(oonpaslychoppedj Combine Ingredient in a jar wit a tîly flted topy A-lie weD before using. Chopped. green pepper, horseradîsh om mustard enu be added if deaîmed, This amaunt cfisaad drssng is only 25 çcalories ,;so use generously if you wîsh. UPSIDE DOWN APPLE CAKE 2large apples, peeed and oiicd 1 easponlemon ju'ice I cu sîfec akeflour, 2egg ~and u¼icup sgr Quw 'Mm O eblenapndSliau ' id Su r nIpe ' l , na mj S ý cti 03 b t o n cfpý .S r a i g w M c Tder nndn on and ete at f0,ebtiv kgadupHan igt ng suar andsucaryl. Beptilthick and ibt. , Beet in wafem ey miandLer f r and vnms. Foid h tun cg; Wyss, so un a Tumn el) utotoScrvUIngdih cerefuy. Serves10 --100Ib calri f7ar sri s, - s guesta witb Mmi. end Mrs.ý JamRuddyý and famuily weme' Mmind i Is, William Uafll- ryJoannie an i-dJy, Bow-v_ wortth and Sbýliawn, B:d oran onta NewYeaý',s guesta; wemcl Z - i fi SI - - c gues - o M .i--d1- --J merlenNeinhul . B ian y dFinei lnem guesta - Eamle Lukem Clarien--ce Bi xill Ne1w 'I cO0NT iN uE s * OATS -~ CIIUTC -~ ~~ii~I *I dmSSE ALTERATIONS EXTRA J (t J C~' il f t I J -f KS. Blanchlard. Team tdi 1u t --- ---- --- Alexanider ------- Leamanx--- Locke --- Gibson __ Coomlbes Games 200 nd . iton 27,-E ch Ad 24,dM. olvi Steaman -229,-H- 226, E.-Clark-2---- '~3L 'f Y Book Review North American Birds N o rth Amnerican Birds (!Prentic-Hall,hInc.) by Larus end Margery Mine is a new bock that is certain to wir %YWe favor with ornithaiogists e others who love bird lfe. 14aely have pros and paint. In1g been blended tagether with such superb skill as ini this distinguisbed partfio.a The book presents for the first ture a compiete series ai 300 fuli-colar paintings ai birds by Marie Nonnast Bah- len. Tbey are breathtaking renditions and have already beeri acclaimed by art critics. Their beauty is striking. YThey alsa give details ai plu- mage and marking which are flot captured by even the mast accurate cameras. Mare than 300 species of birds found in ail regians af the North Amer- Ican continent - from the familiar robin and humniing- bird ta rare and endangered ones - are included in this extensive list. There is an easy referenc systemn for the reader. Eac bird is discussed ini reiatio ta, its habitat - be It fores field, desert, mauntain, polE regions, swamp, stream, lai or 'sea. The profiles includ rnigratory habits, sang, di( ald physical descriptions c the male, femnale and young There are also special chai a n migration, the histor <bird studies in Americî oethe ever-increasing prol le#i o! conservation. One of the mast appealin points of the bock is the cles lucid and commanding liter arY style of the text by Loru and Margery Milne. To thos well estabiished in this fiel< Naortb American Birds is "must" book; ta novices, it i IRHEUMATIC PAIN? Rumacaps capsules give proven relief!1 Rumacap arae specially formu- lated ta give You fast relief-the 'Very first day-from nagging rheumatic pains and aches. Also Proven effective for reieving lum- bago. sciatica, headache and neuritic pains. Ask for now Rumnacaps-a distinctive blue and white capsule of soothing COMfort-at Your local druggist's. Rumnacapa are capsules of soothing comfortf lcaos* HEARING AID WEARERS Better service for your hearing aid means better hearing for you Be sure to visit our next Beltone Service Center EOOPEK'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. E., Bowmanvllle THURS.. JAN. Sth 1 D.M. to 4 p.rn. KR.IIR.VG SERV'ICE DIANNE MORGAN 410 George St. N., Peterborough, Ontario Phone 745-34 IADD HAPPY' TO YOL There la really a dc old phrase - «'Happy Nq year eau only b. happy Il geod health. Alil other g Inglesa If liunsas prevent IL. Happlly you eau doa ing up your health. Ilt t way to keep any resolut inake. Resolve this year sician regularly. We resol having ln stock the me scribe. YOU OR YOUR DOCI whyen ou eed a prescrix premptly wltbout extrae people rely en us for th welcome requesta ford Chargex accounts. 61 ING ST. HAST PHONE 82 ce et of st, r 's de :a, an irresistible introduction to lege days, Professors Lorus J. some of the most beautiful and Margery Milne have shar- cratures of one continent. It ed a fascination fer two-leg- will have wide circulation in ged, fourlegged and muiti- home and schoi libraries. legged creatures. They have There is aiso an attractive written more than 24 books, history of birds in America, each of whicb bas recejved rating ta the days of Sir Wal- widespread acclaim from nat- ter Raleigh. Since their col- uralists and bird loyers. Hydro Union Asks 140/o Wage Increase The Ontario Hydro Employ- years and six weeks after 25 ees' Union this week asked for years. a 14 per cent wage increase in In addition, the union Is ask- one year, as weli as significant ing for five extra weeks vaca- improvements in other bene- tion in the lSth year af ser- ifits, vice and every fifth year Ontario Hydro and its union, thereafter. which represents 10,000 Hydro Hydro's current vacation empioyees, exchanged bargaîn- plan provides three weeks Ing agendas, setting the scene after five years; four weeks for 1970 negotiations. The pres- after 15 years; 23 days after ent collective agreement be- 20 years, and five weeks after tween the Commission and 25 year.s. OHEU expires March 31, 1970. The union is also requesting The escalator clause was an' double time for overtime, and item on bath union and man- 100 per cent payment by Hydro agement agendas. The OHEU of OHSIP premiums. Under is asking for an escalator the union agenda, premîums clause which wouid provide for for shift work would increase a one per cent increase in from 14c ta 24c an hour for wages for every one per cent afernoon shifts; and from 18c rise in the Consumer Price ta 28e for midnight shifts. Index. Management is asking Altogether, the agendas con- for remnoval of the escalator tain 157 main Items - 108 sub- clause from the present agree- mitted by the union and 49 ment which calis for a three submîtted by management. per cent wage increase or dec. However, when sub-sections of rease for every three per cent main Items are considered, rise or fal In the CPI. there are mare than 200 indi- The union is aiso proposing vidual items ta be negotiated. considerable impravements in vacation benefits. The agenda requests three weeks after one s year af service; four weeks S LINA aftr 1lvers230 d rvo fter s 15 years; five weeks after 20 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yel. lowlees and famiiy were New Year's guests with Mr. anc w, flMTYPflfL Mrs. Raiph Larmer, Black. sock. On Saturday evening May 970 e a appyandthey were dinner guests with May 1970 ehapp yoand Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Harrison, A lot af sadness due t a wa sudden and same unexpected Paul Larmer, Blackstock, deaths caused considerabie vlslted for several days lasi gloomn in the community. Gar- week with Mr. and Mrs. don Heaslip af Toranto and Harvey Yellowlees and family. farmeriy af Janetviie died in Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor Toronto and was buried from and famlly attended the Mant- Mackey's. Lindsay, Jan. 2nd. gomery Christmas gathering Another funeral heid the same at the Hampton Hall. day fromn Port Perry marked New Year's guests with Mr. the passing af Mr. Ed. Lawson and Mrs. Tom Baker and fam- of Yelverton. Dick Wood of iiy were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. the Marsb ares was found Smales and family and Mr. dead bebind bis cattle Satur- and Mrs. Ron Baker, Oshawa; day, Jan. 3rd. Unfortunately, Miss Helen Baker and Miss C. due ta a severe attack ai flu Krawchuck of Toronto. Sun- and chronic bronchitis I was day supper guests were Mr. unabie ta pay my respects and Mrs. Maurice Baker, Ux- I do extend my sympath~y tc bridge, and Mr. and 1Mrs. thase wbo mourn. Larry Welsb, Bawmanville. We also regret ta hear that Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker Mr. Fred Best went ta New- were Saturday evening guests faundland recentiy ta attend with Mr. and Mrs. Howard tbe bis brother. Ormiston, Bowmanville. Tbis ares had its share af New Year's guests w1th Mr. sickness during the holiday and Mrs. Lloyd Broame were seasan. Miss Marylîn Young- Mr. John Broame, Doug, Ricky man was canfined ta home and Karen, Tyrone; Mr. and witb pieurisy and pneumaonia. Mrs. Ron Broome and Kelly, Mr. Walter Fallis bas an at- Bowmanvilie; Mr. and Mrs. tack of pieurisy. Mr. Ted Loran Pascoe and Dale, Osha- Graham also was far from wa. well for a few days. We un- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome derstand that Mr. Delbert were guests oi Mr. and Mrs. Bawins isprogresing favour- C. Johns, Bowmanville, where ably. At. time ai writing, I they enjayed a visit with Mr. (John Payne) bave spent five and Mrs. Llayd Woodson, days wearing pyjamas and Ottawa, an Friday evening. could well spend a few more. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryd- On a more cheerful nate aul erman and Mr. and Mrs. Har- halls in the area were packed aid Pascoe were New Year's beyand capacity for their New Eve guests with Mr. and Mrs. Year's Eve parties. Some Bruce Montgomery, Hampton. grOups gatbered at private Friday evening visitors with homes alter. Snowmobiie par- Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman ties travelied ail day and were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baddy. night. Very cold weather and Scugog Island; Wayne Cach- lats af snow belped sparts and rane, Burketon, and Ken Knax, travelling. Guelph. Sunday evening Mr. Our hockey team taok an- and Mrs. Ken McMinn and other game Sunday, defeating family, Oshawa, were visitors. an Oshawa teamn in Port On New Year's Day, Mr. and Perry. Mrs. Cryderman were dinner Mr. and Mrs. Archie Whit. guests with Mr. and Mrs. mee o! Newcastle were visi- Charles Smith, Oshawa. tors here Friday. New Year's Day guests with We just had a phone cail Mr, and Mrs. Wesley His and from Mrs. Lloyd Clarke who famiiy were Mr. and Mrs. inforzned us that Mr. George Claude Watson, Don Milîs;, Lane, a son af Mr. Ernest and Mrs. Wikinson, Oshawa, and the late Mrs. Lane formerly Miss Mary Wilkinson,, Taron- of Yeiverton, had passed away ta. in Kenora ini his late 40's. Mr. and MVrs. Pete Kaczulab Ernest Lane, father ai the de- and iamily were recent visitors ceased, is not too weil this wjth Mr. and Mrs. Charles winter. He was a World War 1 Langmaid and family. veteran and had taken bis Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor training in Pontypool. entertained relatives at a A former citizen bere, Mr. New Year's Day gathering at Marris Mitchell spent his their home. Attending were Christmas holidays in a Scar- Mr. Elgin Taylor, Mr. and borough hospital. An em- Mrs. Bruce Taylor and family, ployee of the D.H.O. he had Rev. and Mrs. R. F. Sherwin ta ditch bis vehicle ta avoid and family, Pictan. hitting another vehicle wbichi Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor made an unexpected turn. and famiiy and Mr. Elgin Get better soon, Morris. Taylor were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn * * er Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Braame and family were recent dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. 11ew ears Laran Pascoe. Oshawa. ilew ~ars - Miss Peggy Milîson, Taronta V University, bas been enjoying JUR LIFE the Christmas vacation with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. louble meaning I the Howard Milîson and sisters rew Yea.r." For a new Janet and Heather. f You are able to have Recent visitors with Mr. good fortune là mean- and Mrs. Ernest Hockaday 'tg you from enjoylng were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee, Eniield. nomethlnt about keep- w Mr. and Mrs. E. Hockaday Lhe simplest and eassest recently visited Mrs. Katie tien you eau posslbly Langmaid, Peterborough. to censult your phy- Mrs. H. Brawn, Kedron, Is Ive to help by always enjaying a visit wlth Mr. and ýedicInes he wiîî pre- Mrs. Clarence Vice. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Yel- TrOR CAN PHONE us lowiees were New Year's Day Ipilou, We will deliver guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack charge. A treat many Marks, Scarborough. heir health needs. W M r. and Mrs. Clarence Vice dellvery service snd M beld a family gathering at their home on New Year's Day. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Murray Vice and * famlY, Mr. and Mrs. Francis %VU CK 'SJahnston and boys. Mrs. H. Brown, Kedron. PHARMACYSunday SUPPer guests with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake were Mr. and Mrs. Ran Broome and Kelly. Bowmen- HOWMANVILLE ville; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Black- Instali New Officers of Legion Ladies Auxiliary :1 On Monday evening, the recently elected officers President R. Bathgate, 2nd Vice T. Brown; absent, Isi of the Ladies Auxiliary ta the Royal Canadian Legion Vice President Nance Colmer; back row, Executive Branch 178 were installed in office at the hall on Queen members, L. Spencer, E. Demeter, Sgt.-at-Arms L. Street. They are, front row, lef t ta right, Secretary B. Hendron, M. Westover, H. Humphrey, Ada Butler and Williams, Treasurer A. Bate, President J. Burton, Zone P. Rose. Commander (installing officer) G. Williams, Past Kitchen Capers by Nancy Krain The wonderful Christmas festivities are aver, leavir behind excited eidren and exhausted aduits. The batter of cocktail parties and famiy gatherings have taken thei toil. We feel as if we neyer want to see another Christma cookie or fruitcake again! And, even worse, the New Yea finds most of us five pounds overweight. Sa bere's a meni featuring foods that makes cutting calorie corners mor pleasant. Stuff ed Mushrooms Barbequed Chicken or Scalioped Fish Green Beans Tossed Salad with Zero Saiad Dressing Upside Down Apple Cake Coffee, Tea or Milk STUFFED MUSHROOMS 18 large fresh mushrooms 1 teaspoon sait % teaspoon pepper 1/, teaspoon paprika 2 tablespoons grated onion 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese 1 teaspoon oil Wash and dry mushrooms; reniove stems and chop fine Combine with sait, pepper, paprika, anion and cheese. MiDi well and stuif mushroom caps. Oul a baking pan and arrangE the mushrooms on IL. Bake in a 3750 aven for 10 minutes Spear with cocktail picks and serve bot. Makes 18 -IC calories each. BARBEQUED CHICKEN %A cup cider vinegar / cup water 1 teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce 2 teaspoons sugar 3 tablespoans chili sauce 1 teaspoon sait 'iý teaspoon black pepper 2 teaspoons onion powder 1/ teaspoon garlie powder 1/ teaspoon dry mustard 1 tablespoon salad ail 3 - 11/4 lb. broilers, spiit Combine the vinegar, water, Worcestershire sauce, sugar. chili sauce, sait, pepper, anion powder, gariic powder and mustard In a saucepan. Bring ta a boil. Oul a baking pan and place the broilers on it skin side down. Broul under a hot broiler 10 minutes. Turn and pour the sauce over them. Continue to broil for 25 minutes, basting frequently. Serves 6 - 165 calories in each serving. SCALLOPED FISH 1 tablespoon butter or margarine 1 anion, minced 1 tablespoon flour 3 tabiespoons green pepper ý', teaspoon saît 1/4 teaspoan pepper 1 cup skim miik 1 teaspoon Woreestershire sauce 2 cups cooked, fiaked haddock or canned salmon 4 tabiespoons grated American cheese 4 tablespoons crushed corn flakes Meit the butter in a saucepan; saute the onion and green pepper for 10 minutes, stirring frequently. Blend In the four, saît and pepper. Gradually add the milk, stirring canstantly ta the boling point. Add the Worcestershire sauce and caok 5 minutes on medium flame. Preheat aven ta 4000. In a 1% quart casserole arrange aiternate layers ai the fish and sauce. Mix cheese and cornfiakes and sprinkie an top. Bake 25 minutes or until browned. Serves 6 - 165 calories per serving. ZERO SALAD DRESSING - '/,2 cup tomato juice 2 tablespoons lemon juice or vinegar 1 tablespoon onian, finely chapped Sait and pepper 1 teaspoon parsley, chapped Combine Ingredients in a jar w1tb a tightly fitted top, Shake well before using. Chopped green pepper, horseradish or mustard can be added if desired. This amount of saiad dressing is only 25 calories, so use generousiy if you wish. UPSIDE DOWN APPLE CAKE 2 large apples. peeled and sliced 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 cup sîfted cake flour % teaspoon cinnamon 1%~A teaspoons baking pawder Dash sait 2 egg yo].ks 1/ cup sugar 11/2 tablespoons lquld Sucaryl 6 tablespoons hot water 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 egg wbites, stiffly beaten Turn aven an and set at 350". Lightly grease an eight Inch square pan. Combine apples, lemon juice, brown sugar. and cinnaman. Spread an bottam o! pan. Suft flour. baking paw- der and sait together. Beat egg yolks, gradually adding sugar and sucaryl. Beat until thick and light. Beat In water and then flour and 'vanilla. Fold in the egg whites. Turn bIta, pan. Bake 35 minutes. Cool on cake rack 10 minutes. Turn out onto serving cish carefully. Serves 10 - 100 calories p a evang. - HAM Last Mon day dinner guesi wîth Mr. and Mrs. T. MV ]Chant were Mr. and Mrs Dave Kernohan, Karen, Day, îg and Kevin, St. Thomas, anc ryMrs. Carol Carter and Chris ir Candice and Janice, Thorn. bill. New Year's dinner guesti aswere Mr. and Mrs. Arnolb r Fenner, Seagrave, and Mr lu and Mrs. Jack Carter anc e fmlToni and Mastei Eri ChntSalina, wbo waE a holiday guest with hi. grandparents for a few days. Last week's visitars with Mrs. Stella Balson were Mr. and Mrs. George Hoskin anc family, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hoskin and fam- ily, Peterborough. Sunday dinner guests were Dr. and Mrs. Keith Billett and famlly, Bowmanviile. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hursi and famiy were New Year's Day dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. David Gibbs and family, Newmarket. Holiday bouse guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Annis were Mr. and Mrs. L. Patty- c.son, Atikokan, and Mrs. Aima x Madili, London. New Ya' ýeday d inner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Annis were 3-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bignili and 0l Marlene, Mr. and Mrs. C. Humble, Mri. and Mrs. D. Eddy. Miss Linda Sharpe and Miss Elaine Annis. Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Hill and family were Mr. Donald Yaung and Miss Donna Young, Gananoque, and Mrs. Alma Earl, Athens. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Hill and famiiy spent the New Year's haîidays visît- ing in the State o! Washing- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Perey Dewell, Douglas, David and Caralyn were Sunday dinner guests of Miss Ruby Dewell, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Perey Dewell, Douglas, David and Carolyn were New Year's day dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink, Sauina. à Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smith were New Year's dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Bawmanviile. Sun- day dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smidth were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith and faniily, Milton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Balson were Saturday evening dinner guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Ste- phen Hogg, Hamilton. Saturday evening guests of Mrs. A. L. Blanchard were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown, Lynda and Donna Jean. Tor- onto, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Rae. Sunday dinner guests o! Mrs. A. L. Blan- chard were Mr. and Mis. Wil- liam Barger and Mrs. O. F. Robson ai Oshawa. Mrs. A. L. Blanchard was a recent din- ner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ayre, Bowmanville. Callers during the week with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pres- catt were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescatt, Marion, Diane and Dennis, Broaklin. S un da y callers were Mr. and Mrs. John Carrigan and Douglas, Oshawa. New Year's Day dînner guests with Mr. and Mrs. James Ruddy and family were Mr. and Mrs. William Hoi- rayd, Joanne and Judy, Bow- manville. Christmas Day dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Shuttlewortb were Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shuttie- wortb and Shawn, Bowman- ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Terry Shuttleworth and Candy, Tor- on ta. New Year's guests were Mr. and Mis. Michael Shut- tlewarth and Shawn, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Les Hunt and family were New Year"s Day dinner guesis af Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kiien Neinhuis, Brian and Fay. Sunday dInner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Les Hunt and family were Mr. and Mrs. John Gillinghamn, s Smiths' were Mr. nad Mrs. 1. Stan Gylyiuick, Bowmanvilie, . and Mr. Ernie Gylyluick, B.C. 'y Sarry to repart Mr. George ýd Yeo is a patient at Sunny- sibrook. Best wishes for a 1- speedy recovery from your ýs many friends. r. New Year's Day dinner dguests with Mr. and Mrs. ,r Fred Holroyd and famlly were Mr. and Mrs. Amas Brook- h am and Mrs. Beatrice Mor- Srisette and June Marie, Osh-1 awa, and Mrs. Doris Holroyd.1 à Miss Lynette Halroyd was a' New Year's Day dinner guest« of Mr. and Mrs. Cliffard Bur- ton and family, Zion. A Friday evening visitor y with Mi. and Mrs, Fred Hai- royd and family was Mr. Gardon Boyd, Toronto. Sat- urday evening visitors with tMr. and Mrs. Fred Halroyd sand family were Mr. and Mrs. .William Holroyd. Joanne and 1Judy, Bowma nv iî1e, Mr. Frank Holroyd, Bowmanville, 1Mrs. Doris Halroyd, Hamp- ton, Mr. John Burton, Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holroyd and Lynette were Sunday ev- Sening dinner guests o! Mr. and Mrs. John Morissette and famiiy, Oshawa, and attend- 1ed a hockey game at the Civic Auditorium between the Oshawa Generals and the Ot- tawa 67's, ta celebrate Mrs. Halroyd's birthday. New Year's Day dinner guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Ceeul Slemon were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Skinner, Oshawa. Christmas dînner g u est s with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bal- lard and famiiy were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ballard, Colum- bus. Recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raîph Ballard and family were Mr, and Mrs. Harry Appleton. Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ballard and Mr. and Mrs. Jae Jackson at- tended the New Year's Eve party at the Harmony United Churob and report a very good turnout by members ai the surrounding Doubles Club. Last Tuesday visitars with Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smith were former residents af Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. John Stredwlck, Diane and ae, Oshawa. Kaen Now that the Christmas rush and New Year's Eve are once again bebind us, there isý no way better ta revitalize' 7he Canadian Stategman, Bowmanvlfe. Jan. 7. 3»70 oneseif than to schedule ai 9. Betty Wéstlake - pe2iod of med.taton oni s ,1. Claytoe -NMgs - regular basis. It bas often 4. Ron Brock been said that too much em- 6. Ray Westlake ___ phasis was placed on the ap- 10. Norm McKeen pie, and flot an tihe fact that 12. Roy Woodward Newton was quite alone at 5. Bob Smith _____ the ie af bis discovery. Ail 7. Donna Brawn ___ of us acknowledge fhat we shouid withdraw from rou- tine and renew our thougbts 1L .iheD L and ideas. Yet so few of us LUUibeny ollut do set aside a tume for this renewal. One should choose a Ja1iîisiy' Bh time and a place and keep Ilth Single the date as ane wauld if she M iko were meeting a friend. But M.h oul remember the importance af K. Blanchxard the routine, because of my - own nature I knaw I couid Team Standing flot maintain a daily period Captain pins P for private thougbts and Blunt _____ 1703 evaluations except I wark by Alexander - 1688 a routine. And believe me, Leaman _____ 1626 the pleasures are great and Lcke . 1858 the benefits enormaus. sa Sbackelton ___ 1771 try it and see, even if you use Colville -_ __ 1766 the time you usually use ta Gibson 1559 soak in your daily bath ta, do Bate ----- __ 1543 sa. See you next week. Bye MacDonald ___ 1537 now! Coombes .... 1528 COF Bowling F riday night, Pat Patter and Barb Chipman tied for ladies' high triple with 687. Barb Chipman took ladies' high single with 270. Jack Bond rolled 855 for men's high triple and 343 for men's high single. 200 Games J. Bond 343-257-255, A. Van Goor 289-270-208, B. Cbipman 270-227, P. Patter 263-231, H. Ovendon 262-212, R. Brock 258-233. M. McKeen 256, J. Lufimnan 254-216, Geo. Heath 253-205-204, R. Westlake 240- 202, B. Westlake 238-216, D. Nolan 236-208, B. Marshall 233, B. Smith 232. G. Smith 232-221, B. Buma 228-218, Gea. Patter 227-204, Rager Ovendan 227, P. Marshall 226, 7B. McReelis 226, D. Bond 224- 212. E. Praut 224-200, C. Rit- ter 221-200, D. McReeiis 220, D. Dennis 220. T. Allclread 218, M. Dakin 217, B. Ail- dread 216-214-205, S. Robin- son 216, C. Morgan 216, R. Nolan 216, N. Zondervan 215, H. Feddema 211, G. Prout 209, S. Brock 208, B. Williams 206, J. Robinson ?06, L. Woodcock 204, Roy Woodward 203, A. Deboo 203, F. Patter 203. Team Standings Teami No. Name Na. Pts. 2. Arnold Van Goor -- 7 8. Jim Robinson -___ 7 1. Bill Williams ____ 5 3. Bob Marshall---- 51 lil ale a O/eautj (R esolul*Or for 1970! To visit us at the Kut 'n Kuri Beauty Shop regularly . . . to enjoy the luxury ef having an expert. hain stylist shampoo and set your hair ...with the hairdo just for you! 247 404 Pt&. Games 200 sud Over M. Kirkton 247, K. Blan. chard 246, M. Colville 230, Fn Steadman 229, H. Sheehan 226, E. Clark 210, P. Luxton 210, E. Coombes 210, M. Lea-, man 207. Y. Osborne 206, C. Wray 206, P. Johnson 203, M. Kent 203, V. Miller 202, M. Gibson 202. N. Evans 201, J. Alexander 200. Averages ever 150 K. Blanchard -202 F. Steadman 199 C. Wray ...___197 M. Kirktan 197 J. Alexander ____195 M. Leaman 195 N. Evans ------194 STARTS JAN. 15 - AT - KEN'S Men's Weaor PHONE 623-5019 BEAUTY SHOP for expert hairstyling by VIOLET COOK' - JOAN WHILLANS in a friendly atmasphere 71 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE 113 toÀ À Off * COATS * SUITS * DR ESSES EVERYTHING MUST SE CL EARED 1 ALTERATIONS EXTRA 1 ALL SALES FINALI MfONDAY TO SATURDAY 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. FRIDAY 9 AK - 9 PX - -- ~ - .---- .~---.. - lI BLA C K'S LADIES' WEAR 72 SIMCOE ST. N. OS HA WA 3L&LE CONTINUES OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY 9 A.M. - 6 P.ML ýPTON il jk fi y jlyý»l

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