-y) Ti. Cari~aa Statesaai flwmamfflle, Jan. 7, 1970 ý1969 Hl' January J1- Tihe hecavleStst eowstorm Ili înany ycars, ecconspanied by higis winds, lit tois ares wit.t a veng.ea2-ce ,on- Frlday iighl,. plinigtise white h1~.s igh in tawn and throuf5hout the rural district-1 Seven iunlclpal Hy dre tjtilities îin the Bowmnan-villb area bave joined togeÊher to provide a dynarnsi, co-pera ie eletrlc sevice and mnark- eting programr for tiseir cius- tomrers. They were: Ajax 1-ldro, flowmanvllle Public Ut itLs, ewcastle Hydro, qrono Ef-ydro, Pickering Vil- lage Public Utilities, PorL 'Perry Hydro andi Whitby Pub- lic Utilities. Tis re 1Nortluiberlanýd anc B4iraffi County Board of 1,ucattarn ainounced last week tt W. Frank Thsom has ben $pptiîritec as tis'e dlrecto2 eî ducation for tise newly forted lboard. anary 8- O~n New Year's Day at 5.37 ýM.. Scott, Douglas Cale was born în thie Memorlal Hospital, the firFt baby ta arrive In BowmanvillIe in 1969. Ris par. rnts are Mýr. and Mirs. Allir ýCole, 190 Mearns Avenue, Bow1nenville. _Mrs. Cole was formierly Shirley Jolinston. Russell C. Honey, M.P. for 2NorthumberlandDurbamn, was niayred lait -week a Queen's Çýounse! by tise Ontarlo At- toney Gexneral. Eric B. Shackleton, son of Mr. andi Mrs. Geraldi Shacle- ton, R.B. 1, Bowmnanvlhle, graduatced with a B.A,. Hon- ours Politleai Science et thse Falconvocation o! Carleton Unliversîty on Novemaber 9th. ~Jalilary 15-. Pigeonis, seagulls -,nd otîci birds in thls erea sisould bave 11o troubl e flpdlng good wheal eed for the rest of tisie wlntýer. Tons o! it are strewn along the CPR tracks oto!Mearns Ave., folowing a '22-freigisi ~crdraletSna ngt B~masvihe'sTown Court- CEl, ahready -up ta Its ears Ir problemes, is now facig a new tlorny onec that will fol-ý be easy to solive. Goodyear has ,eerved notice thiat fter AprU ighlights froam Canadian Ist valunteer fireen wisoFebruiary 22nd being tise firit] Swork et tise plant wlll no Saturday on wich mail will! ylonger lie permnitted tti leave not lie delivered. h their jolis wisen tise alarm Fbraryi9 lilows. Tisere are, Il o! tise A spectacular blaze early over 20 town firemen wh-o Thursday eeigcnuc ewark et Goodyear.tsnet eelgcnue Tise Department o! Edluca- P. G. Neast Lbuiget tise tion las grantedi approval o!feelLme-Cm tise building o! tise new ,7Sec - peny in Newcastle. Tise ev-1 onayCmoitecso elîrd building contalned saws,1 onday Coposte Shoolin laenrs andi other rmachinery -Bowmanville. Tlise new scisool a splis Lielt onret ie east sidpo! R. Glenn Fry, whose resig- Libety tret wll ostSp-nation £rom tise position o! a proxmatey $3037,84. cauncillor ýwes acceptcd by CIJanuary 22- !Town Counicil on Mondeycv At tise tiird anni-uel meet- rnin, lopes ta lie instru- lng o! tise *Bowmian.villle and mental intise formation o! e 1District Horticultural Society Ci'tizensý' Commutter in tise I- iseldi lest Wednesdaiiy evening neer future. in TrinitY LU nited Cisurcis Calile TV will camne to ERow- I Sunday Scisool, Mns. G. Mrreks manville witisin tiserxtsi if was elacted president for weeks accordling ta- informa-ý ý1969. tion prese-ntedi et tise meeting s Bowianivlle and id Otarlç ýo! Town Counil held -in Mon- r Provincial PoicE are talie day cvcrnng. y commended for- s'One g00d 1February 26- work lest week foliowing thi On atrycvngd- holdup onrdMonday et Leikur- holdp o ý,lnda atlbsar ing tise annuel Fatiser and Son 7General Store. Tise ro cery banquet et Zioni, tise Hilîcrest swas committed on Mondnyleiht à,Sosan enesdeby fie rc men ad Venturers jolned togetiser and bede apreheddaran cîerg-mede a beautiful table tiset cd.apehne ndcag was presrnted ta tise retiring. ed t te Carner f Cni-Scout Conmliss1on"er Bruce merce dininer lait Wednesday omnll' c rfs etýf tise Flylng Ditcisman1Mýot or sionbuiling, 22 KigSt. lInn, mucis o! tisecredit for E1atui dn,-2 ii t ,tise productive ye2r and tise pîetîbn. eil eaigcm lýarge crowd eat tise meeting N,,e xt wverk, Clarenice W. vrais given te President -Bobwode ljawton for lis untlrlng ctf brate 10f Tyron-et wa-,illcr- forts. He was elected aui tisesa miibuinss by acclamation. Richard E. Elî,ton, wiso for ýljanuary 29-- sonie yeensls ~ben Assistant - The expansion o f t h c Acninitraitor of Ross Me- eCHARGEX credit cerd laln ta mrorili Hospitail, Llndsey, w1ill ýi Oshsawa, Whistby end B.ow- le tise new7, Admnistrator o! mianville was aiou)nced to- Memnorlal Hospital,. H-e will: day by Banque Canadienne take uip iIls duties here on! rNationale, Canadienn Iperiat April lit. EBank o! Comimerce, Tise Royal ii eh - 5 Bank andi The Torontio-Do.- Epasin !t1-cHonry- mninion Ban1k. wehl plant In Bowmanville, Bowmnanville firemenwee Ont, ta twlce its present sîze called out twice lait niglit.,wsanoned today by Pneu-. Tise flrst, was e false alerm. den-ý"t .Wls Tise second came lietween mid- Dan Barclay o! Rosedale niglit and 1:00 a.m. wisen tise Avenue, Oshawa, was thc ,temporary Offices O! Cape Ilucky gentle.man wisase wrin- ýConstruction. caughtlitrie on nî-ng ticketwa daw o t tise St. Mary',s Cement Comp-"cisurdayemnng durlng tise' sanly property. Tise blaze de-LinClbsca evening. He 3stroyed rmost o! tise plywçood took .dellvery o! bis 1969 structure befone it could lie1 O]dsmo.rbule- Cutlassicon Satur- brol4glt under coitrol. da. H-is m-any -fiends lave leen Mi.ystecry surrounids tise pres- extending lest wishes and ciscé ofr Ontario Provinciall congraPlatlons ta 1 eve By Police cars andi personnel on, A. Foster o! Clarke Townsi p is farnm on tise nortis udr o! wio lest wvek7-wes elected Taujnton Road juit west o!ý Wardrn o! tise Ultrd Coun- Solina Road. According ta tirs. neigisbors, tise police moved February 5- ln yesterdey andi were still At tise meeting o! Townî tiere this afternoon. Counicil on. Monday evening, Mareh 12- James E. Hlayman, Ontario A total o! $1,212-06 wes Street, wes appolnted ta tise collectedi In Bowmanville on new position o!f full time Pire Monday night during tise Chie! o! the Bowmanvllle Vol- Pied Cross Bliz for funds. unteer ire Brigade. ODwen R- Scott, son o! Nor- Thomarns E. Monahan' was man J. Scott, tise former lead wecmd ta Clarke Twslpo! Brookýdale-Klngsway Nurs- liy ReeeRoy A. Poster, Mon- eries here and Mrs.' Scott, day. January 27 xhen lic took Wlllowdalc, las lieen, appoint- ave tise duti1es as Clerk- edi an As-sistent Professor o!i pital Auxlllary maeeting. r Newcastle Detacîmnent o! tise Onitarlo Provincial Policet is going througl a ereiod o! 1 change wlth severel rmoves1 andi several promotions. CpI.1 Jamnes Wood lias been promot- cd ta, Sgt. and wlll lie mov -E lng ta Minden as Detacîment11 Commirander, Staff Sgt. Johnil E. Clous las bren pramnotedta Sgt.-Major and will bc mov-t lng, ta No. 6 District Head-E quarters at Mount Forest, Constable Leonard R. James hias bern prom-oted ta Corpor- al and wlll remrain in this Marci 26- Construction stanted tiss wcek on t.ie 14 Uniits Seniori Citizens accommodation ta lie Iocated at thse eastcirly cnd o! Nelson Street. 1At s special staff dinner Tuesday evening eut tise Plylng Dutchmnan Motor Inn, two long service employeCes o! Gien Re Dalry, Ernest Twist, and MorleyPFI ntof! wcre lonor- ed with presentetions. On Seturday mrornlng, tise new D & R Sports Store, King St. West, wss opcned. Proprietors are Ron Pollardý and Don Crossey. April 2- I Haoper's Jewellery came upý wîthi an outstanding effort1 lait nligit et tise Higis Scisool1J gymniasium, wahloping Steplen Fuels 55-27 ta capture tie Town Basketball L_ e s g u e Clampionssip. Wisile- practlcally ail o! tise gaines were good durinig tisee 'big MJýinor 1Hockýey Day on1 Saturdaqy, tise Tyke battîr really cauglit tise fanc-y o! thse fans. They playeci a full gamne wlth nio score and lotis goalles kickiusg out mnany sisots tisat1 apprered ta le leI;elled for goals. It wa.s not until the second overtimne périod thet tise Amnenicans' Ken Cowle, assisted liy Wayne Whlteman, camne througis wlti a counter tao vin 1 -0. Thse goalles, Larry Bisisop a! thc Amnericans and Barry Hennlng o! tise Hornets, were so good tînt Reeceationj Director Bud, Fanning called theinta centre ice for speclal aittention ettiseenmd o! tise game. T'ie Ontario Go-vcrnment announced tiss weelc tiat fines for sperdinig, careless drivlng .and otiser Treffic Act offences will lie bpped con-j slderaDbly in an vtterinpt ta persuiade drivers Ctable mroreý carefui. April 9- Robent Gardner, a repre- sentative o! Thornie, Gunn, Helliwrll and Criïstensen, Toronto, thse town's auitars, stated ilat Bowmenvlle lias a $7,144 surplus from 1968 when he camnsented on tise finencial stetement ebthtie meeting o! Town Council Monday evenlng. Retlred fermier and hort- pulturallst John Cruicksank lance on Tuesday was rresent- w,,as one ol the officers.receiv- Rad w, ,ýeSt 'tb OshaWa to thie jed with the TIranispo0rtation ing recognition for his 20] Courtice sidero ad, a full six SaevAssoc-ation's 11968 Ac- i vascsrviLce in tie OPP. mniles. tise eastbound lane was I dient Free feyA\,'ward for On Thursday evening, Bowf- eovered with slaugliterhouse S ta e sa nambulances that' have trav - 'anie firemn1 were called ase Tselad, smpnlILngto uM â le .ijne 25- t o 'the home of Mr. and Ms highi heaven, spewed froma The 'e c en tliy re-opened Henry Sohy, Varcoe's Rd. truck when its tailgate open- madn ffcro teNw. ue~Corner Store at Courtie has' where a fire, thought t o haveed accidentally. There wera castle Detachment of thse On- Selcdon Parker of Newcastle Its doors shut aa-"in folwing tarted in tise kitchen, id acciden-ts, but it certainly tarlo Provincial Police. He who lied that huge auction1 a fire last Wednesday,, eveninig considerable damage to themut ave ruined tlie appe- tha di seerl tousnd ol enirehoue nteior Mroad tites off the work crews who l1948redw, i tisg ee É ote ncesaera fw wekpseof h110Wlars damfage to the interior. Mrs. Sohjy are 1holidayinýg in had to dlean it Up. Eri8, omgheefo Frtenerigptenotherphas en -isBowmnanviîîe firemnen lad some Europe. A relative was living JUIy 30- Coratuaton ar en egetnic carer.ntHuiess op0-problemrs locating the seat of in Vise buildin.,During the, annual coz. Cogrtuaton aeexen- nganiplmet us~es the fire and extînguishing it.july 16-04% ed to Paul Tamblyn, son of the farm property. Bl 1omnani,îlie Legion nmunication of Grand Lo ýMr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamrblyn, Bowmanvllle's Police De- Trnh mon01t1isy Building Laist w,ýeek at Walker's Storpe A.F, & A.M. Canada inA Orono, wlo las been awarded partment is now equipped FnDrwwsiedJe ltsomneone stole a handbag lie-j taiio. held in Toronto Jl a post-graduate sclolarship by -thtw Vw hite6 crulserspul rro1 the National Research Counicil one unmarked and the other when John Parr of Blackwat- Iongling to one of tihe staff. B6, Rt. o rshipftill Arno of Cnada He s stdyin wit sirn an othr e.uip-e r, Ont., was the winner of It cortained a sum of money B. leceo e ito of Bomn i of Cnada HeIs sudyng wth irenandothe,50iP .00,< identification cards, etc. lce atepsto fD et the University of Guelph. ment. An trctveOeawabrda T î ltrict DepuLty Grand Mastel April 2ý3- Police report tisat a count- a~a eme-Onal itit erfeit $10 hadi turned up at, of less than a year, Mi-S. Bill ing last week gave two read,- Acietrl kthpai: This week, Bowmnanvllle's the Bank of Montreal on Mon- Hayes, 21,wa the winner cif ings to a By-Law Noý. 69-17 1-Architectupralsetchorpth Clamber o! Cormmerucemarks day. Mercisants and c'e h einsOdsoies-atoiigts srctist'on edbeensapruond f Natinal hamer 0 Çom wee waned a b on he aeitdani on Friday nig"ht.. of sewer andi waterma-ins inprped cnsutin o merce week iabter fcomtionIn amreofbcnthem show ' up 1Jack and George Reid c<'f certain sections of the town BPown.anývle composite schoo 0frc oneeo! ithmajorproetin thcae mareo hmshwlpýWhitby have purcisasedi Luinlas local improvements. Part consistïng of a total of 5 that~,ý lisbe nteplnigJn lHardware in. Orono and -as of oî the cost of these works vil,, classrooms, special instruc- stage for the past few montiss, June lst took possesio)n of the lie assessed upon tise landtoa om ndoies o a painted van that will ad- Newcwastle's municipal and business, directlyautn1tsm tentative grant estimated vertise Bowmanvllle. The die- ut'i ltes Officiais were 1ut3i1uY 2z Bill Leask's Cable TV has ,037,484 slgn was subrnltted by Pau full force Frl'dey noon et tisel i hebreoeo hl -ga Bridges o! Bowmanvllle Higi site of the Custom, Glass Ltd. BiTieurrneoth been gated a two-y7earil Seoo wowo ts C0fC atoy ttie ou ed fnsost active presidenits Rotary cence for Oshawa andiBc- contest. Art work was car- tise village wisere thero -was In Bowmanvihe sd fin ewman thns ihntien riedi out by Garry Hodgkins, an officiai sod-turnlng cere- m a nyy earrtrd fo e th ie e.xtensisý R.R. 2, Whiitliy. miony by Reeve Douglas Cun - office Thiursday. R1-is succes- will lie in operation, John E. Robbins, president iiLn.ham. The plant expect welTm oanwihd i July 23-' of Brandon University, Man.,to em-ploy 80. Tukdie dad J. O udyxonnJuly 6'i announced his resignation this His Worsisip Mayor Ivan TBuake -dNaier dad .R. On99,tse BoaY nille apis week. Tise 65-year-oid native Hobis was tise speclal guest BlkofNs aR. 219,thBwmnieBait o!~~~~~ Bomnll sno ieonTusa vnn ta owmanville, bought. his first Cisurcli heid a speciel rt-r1 late Mr. and Mrs. John Bob- meeting o! Bowrnanvll~e îst septk iktacul fgg unn eeoya lins wa bon o a armat irlGuie Cmpay i tie rontls ego and onî Saturday part o! their worship service thes ws outhwet ornefrr of hir1Ghiscî ompinast'lwen icame through with flying Tise goal o! paying off their STARTS Taunjton Roadi and Scugog Rd., ho presented Citizensisip badg- 1lceos5 ta woin haecond l11-at $0odetwa rac just soutl of Hampton. es ta Linda Ritchie and LlncTa raeP 5,00IntseIisstia d April 30- CnýWsnro uktipitddrco fass' Friay ig'- (.urt(-eSe- ]Tise 2Ot i Annlverhary offtisec insn er o! BurihesGeto n tor C raig5, haMbunciap Frldy ngît ourice ec-Guildettes of St. Joisn's Ang-,, esi fts ra ie oneidrco fasi ondary Sehool students held lîcan Chsri a ertdigeFeýstival 1o! tise Arts ac- menfoar thiste ar Mpa their annual At Homne at BlWon Suay Former m-em-iber cepted the Michael Starr tro-,Affgairs Minister Darc c A manville Country Cub hen from different parts, of Canada pyfrr ard TheCly e pooranoncd Matisri e Sandra Trineer., daugister of came îack for tise occa sion ton Lee. It wals awerded to Cartier poreeold Macdoen itefestival for entering tliscrewaKlENee Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Trin- and reunilon with all tise pres.tise K EN 'Sarug tme Rcet eer, Hampton, iwas closen 1ent Gîîidttc est float, in tise Dominion Day havin-,g' a tr ogis time. Rcnt ueeeï,. ýParade iynaOtraca.lohisd wit- -la Queean. t lteanu JUne12 tise second consecutive yearlý pitcis poured its contents all M ns W a Friayniht attie nnai Rceýntly at St. Gregory's ts etvlhd wn ts over tise road near Ajax. Te Centre, Blacks7tock, students Auditorium i)n Oshsawa, more! trophy for tise best float. on rda nistfomPk clolce for this year's Missý than 300 colleagues and frienidsr uy9 Cartwright HigI School a gathered et a dinner in honor of ly9 Miss ~ ~ UU Lid outo. r nd Mrs. John W,. Lowry. Ideal weatler and plenty of Mmoia Hospitalio iilyr.Lwyreie.ai ekprogrammed actiîty attract- BURROWS, SELBY & CO,,Chartered Aceountanits fUorial c talJLwyrtedas eke gran under tes fter 411/, years witis tiseBell ed more tisan 1,000 people WliniXD cbýCA o! the public HsiasAtTelepisone Company, nmanyo!fo awderatais offi ila .D ebcA pased n Mrds itse Acntismasmnge !t h Os a i opening of tise new un- G, Edmjond Burrows, C.A. wil lie $75 per lied ta lie wa and area office, acre Enniskillen Conservautl'in r lZsd( nonc leamsini usedforretrin lneret-bar- On Saýturday, -Wol! Culi Aresaon Friday, Saturdayý and aepesdt noneteamsinit ngdebt or for capital ex-PcsfrmawdarsgtsSuaypanesiof penditure. B;owma-nville las ered at Cartwi.rigist F air Ontarlo Provincial Police.Fîchtt CA 134 lieds, mnaking tise total Grounds in Bl1ackstock for tise Goodi Conduct and Long ber-IG yAFchtC . grn1soos.lt pine rddge Cuboree.,RR vice Medals were presented TÀh- e practiec will continue unIjder the f irrt namle Dr. allae R Hor, R,. a seven OPP officers by As-1of ilrwSby&Cn14 hce tet May ~~~~ 2, ~Orono, was recently honor- sistant Commissioner E. H.1o urwSly&C.e 4 iceSre Mrs, Aura B. Squair, Reg. ed by tlise Federal Governnent Silk, Q.C., et Downsviev Dis- Nrh Oshawa and 75 Kig Street East, N., one o! the most valuable in beP'ing, appointed to tise Na-Itricet Headquerters- on F'ride, Bw avlc and! popular memnbers o! her t ionel Advlsory Committee on Jue3.ABwanv.ille ne-u profession, was tise guest o! Minh1ing and Metallurgical ie tive and now residet o! Telephone 576-3430 honor et a dinner given ab tise- searcis. Pcei Identification Ser Blowmianv,,ille Country ,,Club Bwavil Area Ambu-lgeant Reginald J. Rackhan,. lest Wedlsesciay evýening by thse staff o! Memnorial- Hospital. Mns. Squair retirrd on Aprîl 3Otis after an extensive carert on tise nursing staff o! tise tx liospital. According to tise latest < estimates, tise organizers o!f . tise '<Mles for Millions" wal on Saturday' in thls aresa ex-. pect tise-returns wlll reacl .. a total o! about $60,iQ00. Tisis appears ta lie tac year, ~ a~ fer changes In car dealer slp.First It wvas Tom Ca V 1~ Th. anaianStatuma, EwmanvMie, Zan. 7. 1970 19691H a gea: n Friday nz« wqtchIte Il*'-s hi town andtbrughoutt rural dist.ricte. SSeven Municipal H y d XtiUites In th~e Bowrnanvi ae have Jobined together Provide a dynarnic, co-oper ttve electrle service and mai etlig Programn for thefr cu tomers. They were: Ajý Rydro, Bovimanville Pub] lutUU1 Newcastle Hyd: Orano Rydro, Pickering V age Pbi Utiflites, Po P07r~ Hydro and Whitby Pu' B tillties. The-Northumberland a Du~Iun, outy Board E"dua nannouniced ls e thatW. Frank Thom hý been,.*ppednted as the direct bf edtiction for the newi forrnedboard. On New Year's Day at 5:,' !. . cott Duglas Cole wi l~n he cemorial Hospita 0h first baby to arrive1 BowmanvIlle in 1969. His pai éntâ are Mr. and Mrs. Ali Colei 190 Mearns Avenui Bowmanville. Mrs. Cole wa lorineriy Shirley Johnsten. Russell C. Honey, M.P. fo Northumnberlanid-Durhamn, wa bâamed last week a Queenl Counsel by the Ontario At torney Gerneral. Eric B. Shackleton, sonc Mr. and Mm. Gerald Shackle ton, R.R. 1, Bowxnanvilli graduated with a B.A. Hon ours Political Science at th, Fail Convocation of Carleto University an November 9th. January 15- IlPigeons, seaguils and athe: birds ln this area shauld havi no trouble finding good whea feed for the rcst of the wInter Tons of It are strcwn alanj 'the CPR tracks east oi Mearný Ave., following a 22-freigh -car derafiment Sunday nighl Bowmariville's Town Coun. cig, alrcady up tai fts cars Ir problerne, 15 naw facing i new thorny anc that will noi be easy to salve. Goodyear haq aerved notice that after April Insurancs is not a simple subjoot IXn récent year insurance bau Ïl ea complux and M 9l p than ever for you ta no If you bave enough insurance jprotectionfor your famiy- liome-car or business.For the expert adyje. you meeod f dértermine if you bave cnough coverge-mandtbe uight kind .-why mit consuit us loday? STUJART BH *J-ANES, - OUNRAL INSURANCE et King st. . Bewmanle Of11ce Résidence «33-5881 623-5493 lIughlights from Canadian Statesman File lat volunteer firernen who F'ebruary 22nd being the lirst I work at the plant will no Saturday on whIch mail will by longer be permitted to leave not be delivercd. ri, their jobs when the alarmn February 19- ghboer 20Thearemen1of :e A spectacular blaze early ighove 2 ton freen hoThursday cvening consuxned work at Goodyear. the last east building at the The Departmcnt af Educa- p. G. Neweil Luxnbcr* Cam- r o tion h as grantcdl approval oanyl ecsl.Teli Scthe building of the new Sec- ele biingwcoaiedThele lueowan Comeosthe nwschool lnplaners and other rnachinery ra- to be builtonteas i f as well as supplies. Librt the ea cst 5ade-ai R.Glenn Fry, whose resig. Stetuscota- nation fram the position af a lax pointl 30744 councilor was acceptcd by ro, At the third annual meet- ening, hopes ta be Instru-a il- Ing ai the Bowmanville and mental ln the formation ai a rt District Horticultural Society Citizens' Committee ln the b- held last Wcdnesday evcning near future. ln Trinity United Church Cable TV will corne ta Bow- ndt Sunday Sehool, Mrs. G. Meeks manville within the ncxt six of was elected president for weeks according ta Informa- l ek 1969. tion prescnted at the meeting? las Bawmanville and Ontaria af Town Council hcld on Mon- ýor Provincial Police are to be day evening.1 ly cammendcd for some ýgoad February 26-1 war lat eekiolawng he On Saturday evening, dur- holdup on Monday at Leskard Geneal tar. Te rbbey bnqutetannual Father and Son w3 a .om e.iTte o Mond anueitat Zion, the HIllcrest eas eningc by twedo mn MndaybHeghtsCubs, Scouts and il, Wcncsdaby fie acmen ad eVnturers joined together and ibeen apprchendcd and charg- 'nadeabauuEabeta ci d. was presented ta the rettingp e, Atte hmbr iCo-Scout Commuissioner Bruce a asmerce dinner last Wednesday Bowmanville's new, proies-A at the Flylng Dutchman Motor sional building, 222 King St. or Inn, rnuch oi the credit for East, Is rpdynaigcm athe productive year and the * rpidy narlg cm-a Slarge crowd at the meeting pletn. laeneW.9 Lwto ivn fo b i nt Bobci-Woodley ai Tyrone will cele- F fat orts. H s cleted gaefnbrate bis golden anniversaryT of fots. H waselectd ag in the saw mill business. C eby acclamation. Richard E. Elston, who for e, January 29- some years bas been Assistant gý i- The expanslon aof th e Adiministrator ai Ross Me- i e CHARGEX crédit card plan ta marial Hospital. Lindsay, will S4 m Oshawa, WhItby and Bow- be the new AdmInistrator ai rE manvIlle was announccd to- Memorial Hospital. He will fa day by Banque Canadienne take up bis duties bere an w irNationale, Canadian Impérial April lst. kt reBank af Commerce, The Royal March 5- a t Bank and The Toronta-DO- Expansion af the Honey- g( rminion Bank. well plant In Bowmanvllle. se ig Bowmanville firemen xvere Ont., ta twlce Uts present size th icallcd out twice last night. was announced today by Presi. as t The first was a false alarm. dent L. F. Wills. ca tThe second came betwecn mid- Don Barclay ai Rosedale tO 1night and 1:00 a.m. when the Avenue, Oshawa, was the Bi n ternporary offices ai Cape lucky gentleman whase win- B. aConstruction. caught lire an ning ticket was drawn on wl ethe St. Marys Cernent Camp- Thursday evening durlng the Di Sany property. The blaze de- Lions Club social evenlng. He th stroyed most af the plYwaod toak dellvery ai bis 1969 'a -structure before It cauld be Oldsmoblle Cutlass on Satur- ga brought under contrai. day. His xnany friends have been Mystery surrounds the pres- ar extending best wishes' and ence oi Ontario Provincial fi congaratulans t Reeve Roy Police cars and personnel on dr A. Faster ai Clarke Township a farm an the north side af Of who last week was elected Taunton Road just west ai si( Warden oi the UnIted Coun- Sauina Raad. Accarding ta pe tics. neighbbrs, the police rnaved ca February 5-- In yesterday and were stili Ai At the meeting af Town there this aiternoon. Council on Monday cvening, March 12- sel James E. Hayman, Ontario A total af $1,212.06 was Hi Street, was appolnted ta the collccted ln Bowrnanville an Tc ricw position ai full time Fire Manday nlgbt during the siý Chief ai the Bowmanville Vol- Red Cross Blitz for funds. a unteer Fire Brigade. Owen R. Scott, son ai Nor- wl Thomas E. Monahan was man J. Scott, the former head fir welcnomed ta Clarke Township ai Brookdale-Kingsway Nurs- i by Reeve Roy A. Foster, Mon- eries here and Mrs. Scott, Mi day, January 27 whcn he took Willowdale. bas been appoint- over the duties as Clerk- cd an Assistant Proiessar af cui Treasurea- of thc Township ai the Schaol ai Landscape Arcb- af Clarke. ItectV4re at the University ai qu Ï Tonm Counefl on Monday Guelph. sel evcnirr decoided te buy a car :IrÀtby-,Lovekin- and Mary bu for thé Use ai the Pire Chic!, Grace Paterson were present- ai ta replace the present police cd with their Girl Guide Gold Inr cruiser and ta buy a second Cords Tuesday evening during da car for the use oi the Police an Impressive ceremony at the Ce Department. meeting ai Newcastle Girl he; February 12- Guides. Miss Lovekin Is the wi There arc two business an- daughter af Mr. and Mrs. E. pit niversaries ln town at the Richard Lovekin and Miss fra present time. On Monday Paterson Is the daughter ai A' Cles Barber Sbop celebrat- Mr. and Mrs. Murray Pater- à cd their Diamond Annivcrsary. son. Ap A mere youngster by corn- March 19- T parIson. Frederick's Pharmacy Last Wednesday, during the uni Is celcbrating their second an- graduation exercises ai the the niversary along Bowrnanville's Red Cross Home Nursing tal main shopping section. Class, Mrs. Roy Spry was bon- cdi Harry T Cooke has been ored wlth two presentations, At appointed foreman of the an Award ai Menit and a del canveyor bcltlng and spécial Service Badge. Mrs. Betty tba YrodUéte departments and Dugan, Director o! Public Re- ta ohn S. Bond had been namred lations, Ontario Division ai foreman oi thc reclairn opera- thé Canadian Red Cross Sa- Sw tion at Goodyear - Canada's ciety, made thé presentations. Bawmnanville, Ontario, plant, Mrs. A. L. Hooey, who has 1J. T. Tayon, manager oi the been chairman of the Gif t 1plant has announced. , Sbap at Memanial Hospital 1 Thé five-day week postal since It was apéned ln 1962, delivery gaes Into eiiéct on was prcsented with gits; on- February 7tb, with Saturday., Thursday at the Women's Hos- ______115 COMPLETE WITII FRAMES AND BIFOCALLENSES INUCIPIIUNSISI ALEPO8ITIVILY ENDS SATURIAT JANUARY 10, 1970 * We fl&iEl i LOculs sud Optometrlstu Pré eriptieuasommunua mie 10e fleu VANE MAIP S~ - flCI4M 3.O ,,000 SATIFID STOMS 11UtTIWJT17 BOND ST. I HOURS: OMTE BIFOOALS. EAST Tues.. Thur., F!. ~I~0 IT ~2.IPZd Floor 5 dr9&. op. Bat. 9S*.m. te 12 Nemi c:) ')-PHONE 728-1261 C monisyea.uLo 9pz I. et Cuea d d .-PO.uMd 10 pital Auxllary meeting. Newcastle Dctachment of the Ontario Provinclql Police Is going through a lieriod of change with several movea and sevenal promotions. Cpi. James Wood han been promnot- cd ta Sgt. and will be- mov- Ing ta Minden as Detachrnent Commander, Staff Sgt. John E. Closs has been prornoted ta Sgt.-Majon and wili be mov- ing to No. 6 District Head- quarters at Mount Forest, Constable Leonard R. James has been pnomnoted to Corpor- al and will rernain lni this area. March 26- Construction started this week on the 14 Units Senior Citizens accommodation to be looated at the easte«ly end of Nelson Street. At a special staff dinner Tuesday cvening at the Flying Dutcbman Motar Inn, two long service employées af Glen Rae Dairy, Ernest Twist and Morley Flintafi were honor- éd wlth presentatIons. On Saturday mornlng, the new D & R Sports Store, [King St. West. was opened. Pronieorsare Ron Pollard and Don Crosscy. April 2- Hooper's Jewellcry came up .vith an outstanding effort last night at the High School gymnaslurn. walloping Stephen F'uels 55-27 ta capture the Towvn Basketball L ea gu c Champlohship. Wblle practically ah aof the garnes wéne good during the 1lg MInor Hockey Day an Saturday. the Tyke battle realfly caught the fancy oi the fanfs They played a ful ' game with no score and bath goalies klcking out many shats that .ppeared ta hé labelled Ior goals. It was flot until the second overtime perlad that the Americans' Ken Cowle, sslsted by Wayne Whitcrnan, came through with a counter to win 1-0. The goalies, Lanny Bishop ai thé Americans and Barry Henning ai the Honnets, wene so good that Recréation Director Bud Fmnning called bhem ta centre ice for special ttention at the end ai the :rme. The Ontario Governrncnt announced this week that Unés for speedlng, careless riving and other Traific Act )fiences wlU be upped con-. [derably ln an attémpt ta ersuade drivers ta bé more .areful. %pril 9- Robert Gardner, a repre- ;ntative ai Thorne, Gunn, 1elliwell and Christensen, roranta. the tawn's auditars, ;ated that Bowmanville bas 1$7,144 surplus from 1968 t A'ben he comrnented on the nancial statement at the neeting oi Town Council 4onday evening. Retired farmer and horti- ulturmhist John Cruickshank )fScugog St., Is, acquiring luite a collection of long1 ervIca. awards for .,hia,,,oznfri- ittoiis ta agriculture-UjýAIs tea. At their annuel ineet- ng and banquet last Wednés- t ly ln Orono, the Durham 'entrai AgnIculturall Society ïeaped further honor on hlm hén President Francis Jase Sesentcd him with bis third rmcd service award. Lpril 16- At the next meeting ont Lpril 2lst, Bowmanville's own Council wili face the npleasant task ai incneasing he mili rate for this year, ta ke cane ai a $60,089 jump lnE ducation costs for the tawn. a t the moment, notbing is einité, but It would appean iat the Increase will amount bctween four and five mille.b On Altril lst, S/Sgt. Louis vinghammer became Com.n-ý Buâsiness Direcory gi A.ccouniancy" wM. i. H. COOGINS - C Chantered Accountant i 15 Liberty St. S., Bowmn Irl Phone-62-362an( WILLIAM C. HALL ira B.Comm. Ing Cbarteréd Accountant WL 361h King St. E., .Oshmwa lift Telephone 725-6539 rai Chiropracîic m E léti G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. p., ffc:Chiropnactor îife Office:an 15 Elgin St., cor. af Harsey St. mai Phone 623-5509 da Office ous: By appointment the Int D e n fal i DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.. 75 King St. E. Bowmanviile Office Hours : and 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily It Closed Saturday and Sunday Sa Office Phone - 623-5790 pia' DR. C. P. CATTRAN, D.D.S. atte Bowmanvilllé Praiessional Bldg. venx 222 King St. E. Suite 204 it Office Hours : that 9 a.m. tao 6pain. daily puri Closed Saturday and Sunday Fmi. Phone 623-5459 Wes DR. STANLET GERTZ Mai 67 King.St. E.. Bowznanville A Office Hours : Coi 9 arn. tao6 p.m. was Monday thraugh Thursday si 9 a.m. ta 4 pan. Friday Ing Closed Saturday and Sunday taný Phone 623-7862 Hob Hai Insura' ce o DONALD A. MaeGItEGOR1and Life, Auto. Homie tries Insurance' ta 16 Division St., Bowmanviile a cl Phone 623-5962 treri ~ man bus Op 0om eir y wn Km% A. =RLETT, 0.1>. the Optomnetrist A loi 143 King St. - BowvnanvMei Coli OffloeHours: DY appointumeut and UCU ý8. -ThurLý- Wrt firsi 9 &.m.« ta 3 p.m. Arts Nod. and Sat - 9 - là3 lege Ituradq*veim swq manding Officer of thé New- castle Detachmént ai Uic On- taria Provincial Policé. He bas servéd with the OPP since 1948, comlng hère from Fart Erie. Congratulations are extend- ed ta Paul Tamblyn, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn, Orono, who bas been awardcd aPost-graduate schoianshlp by te National Researcb Council O! Canada. Hé Is studying at the University af Guelph. April 23- This week, Bowmanville's Charnber o! Commerce marks National Chamber af Com- merce week by thé completion a! anc afiits major projécts that bas been in the planning stage for the past iéw months, a painted van that wili ad- vertise Bowmanvillé. The de- sign was submitted by Paul Bridgeso! Bowmanville High Sehool who won the C o! C contest.- Art work wms car- ried out by Garry Hodgkins, R.R. 2. Whitby. John E. Rabbins, président o! Brandon Univensity, Man., announced bis resignation this week. Thé 65-year-oid native a! Bowmanville, son ai the laté Mn. and Mrs. John Rab- bins, was banan a fanm at thée south-wést corner ai Taunfon Road and Scugog Rd., just south ai Hampton. April 30- FnIday night Caurtice Sec- ondary School students held their annual At Home at Bow. inanvillé Country Club wbén Sandra Tnineér, dmughter af M4r. and Mrs. Wendell Tnin- eer, Hampton, was chosén Queen. Friday nigbt, at thé annual Ait Home ln thé Recreation Centre, Blackstack, studénts choice for this yean's Miss Cartwright High Scbool was M'iss Linda Mountjoy. Mémorial Hospital is éligible for a spécial grant urîder terms of thé Public Hospitais Act, passed In Marcb. Thé amnountt will bé $75 per bcd ta hé used for retiring intenest-bear- Ing debt or for capital ex- penditure. Bowrnanvllle bas 134 beds, making thé total grant $10.050. Mlay 7- .Mrs. Aura B. Squair, Reg. N., anc ai .théernost valuablé and popular membérs ai her t profession, was thé guest ai j hanor at a dinner given at thé Bowmanville Country Club last Wednesday événing by thé - staif ai Mémorial Hospital. Mrs. Squmir retired an Aprili 30th aiter an extensive career on thé nursing staff af thé hospital. Accordlng ta thé latest stimates, thé organizens ai th "Miles for Mllions" walk on Satunday ln this area ex- éect the retunns wIll réach atatal ai about $60,000. This appears ta hé thé year for changes ln car dealer- ships. Flnst It wms Tom Cow- n who took aver thé former Robson, Motars establishment. Nowï tqolng,,thét,clgoLg, ai Trent Motors, it-'s undenstod Rnew firm wlhéIbIn business bhre shantly. Iay 14- Dan Dudley, thé Anca Of- ce Supervisor. and Douglas Bruder, Line Cncw Forernan, were thé guesta ai bonon at in cxcéédinglly énjoyable din. ér dance given by thé On- ;ia Hydro Area Social Club It the Légion Hall rccently . Ur. Dudley is ta, retire on ruly lst miter 22 yemars service rith Ontario Hydro, and Mnr. ruder retIred an April 30 fter 40 yeans with Ontario lydro. Toronto-An Alberta-baséd nm wIll expand Inta Ontario ' )y building a branch plant at éw*cmstlc, for thé manu_ Lcturé oi sealed lnsulated mss units, as thé nésult af an telrest-firee iargivable lban 1$ 122,946 from thé Ontario cvelopment Corporation. On Satunday, a CNR flat *M ar loadéd with lumbér start- ' d ta roll backwards down thé deine on thé Goodyear sid' g9. It stnuck a dérail block nd anc set ai wheels leit thé rack, wlth thé lumber téétér - ay28- A spécial meeting ai Town .mncil on Tuesdmy événing is held ta plan activé op- i ition ta thé praposed clos- ai thé Bowrmnvillé Cus- is Office. Mayor Ivan )bbs presided. Russell C. rxéy. M.P. for Nonthumber- id-Durham, camé dircctly >m Ottawa for thé meeting d représentatives af indus- es ln thé area also attended explain reasons why sucb closure would havéen x =ely detrimental eicto ruiacturers, and on ail siesses ln thé district. rhé recently arganized Osh- ii and District Council for eArts now bias a symbal - ogotype désigned by Joanne Iacutt, 19, daughter o! Mr. 1Mrm Harry Collacutt of ri St. Eut, Bowrnmnvtiél, a ýt y e ar Communication ts stildent at Durham Col- eof P pplied Arts and Tech- 04W. Oshawa. - _--- M June 4- seldon Parker ai Néwc who had that huge au( salé a few weeks aga, Is enterIng another phase of énérgétic careén. He'so Ing an Implement businu, thé farm property. Bowmanvîlîe's Police partment Is naw equl with two new white crut anc unmarkéd and thé o witb sirén and other eq ment. Policé report that a co erfeit $ 10 had, turnéd ui thé Bank ai Montreal on I day. Mérchants and cl wére warnéd ta be on thé ln case mare a! thern shom ln the area. lune 11- Newcastlé's municipal utilitiés officials were aui full force FrIday noon at site ai the Custom Glass factary at thé south end the village whérc theré an officiaI sod-turningc many by Réeve DouglasC ningham. The plant exp ta émploy 80. His Wonship Mayor1 Hobbs wms thé spécial gj on Thu.rsday evcning ai meeting ai Bowmmnvillé Girl Guide Company ln bigh school gymnmsium, w hé presénted Cltlzenshlp be ès ta Linda Ritchié and Li Cavénly. The 2Oth Anniversany of Guildettés ai St. John's A lcan Chunch was cclébrz an Sunday. Former mcmI from différent parts af Cmi camé bmck for thé occw and réunion wlth alb the p: ént Guildéttes. June 18- Recently at St. Grégo: Auditorium ln Oshawa, r than 300 colléagues and frie gathénéd at a dnnér ln bono Mn. and Mrs. John W. La' Mr. Lowry nttiréd hast v aiter 41% yéars with the1 Téléphoné Company, many thcm as manager ai thé Os wa and anea office. On Saturday, Wolf Packs irorn a wlde area gà ered at Cartwright F. Grounds in Blackstock for lst PIné Ridge Cuborée. Dr. Wallace R. Horn,1 2, Orono, was recently ho:i ed by thé Fédérai Govern ln being appointed ta thé tlonal Advisory Committée Mtining and Metmburgical search. Bowmanvillé's Area Am' !lance on Tuesday was présent- 1 was one of thé oMfc,.rci éd wlth thé Transportation 1 ing recognition for1biýs 2 Saietv Associatlan's 1968 Ac- vears service ini thé OPP. cidient Free Smfety Award for. On Thursday évening, Baw- ambulances that havé trav- rmnvmle fireméen wére callcd > June 25-.- ta thé borné of Mr. and Mrs. Thé r e c e n t 1 y re-opened Henry Sahy, Varooe's Rd. N., Canner Store at Countice bas whére a fine, thought ta bave castie its doors shut mgmin ioblowing stmrted in thé kitchen, did ictian a fire last Wédnesdmy cvening considérable damage ta thé ý o that did sevérmi thousand dol- entire bouse intenior. Mn. and )f bis lars damnage ta thé interior. Mrs. Sohy are balidaying in oe-Bowmanville firérnen hmd somé Europe. A relative was living ss on probléms lacating thé seat o! in thé building. thé fire and cxtingishing l . JuIy 16- De- Thé Bawmanville Légion tr ppdBrancb montbly Building Last weck at Walkér's Str Lie3 Fund Drmw was béld Juné 2st soméoné stole a handbag be- thr when John Parr o! Blackwat- longing ta nc of thé staff. ýulp- er, Ont., was thé winner ai It coTltained amsum ai money, ount. 0Anî attractive Oshawa bride Town Council at thé meet- Iat ofcms than a yean. Mrs. Bill ing la.st wéek gavé two read- Mon Hayes, 21, wms thé winnér ai ings ta a By-Lmw No. 69-17 léerks thé Lcgion's Oldsmobile se- muthorizing thé construction alert dan an Fiday night.Rèda of sewer and watrmmins in YupWhitby have punchaséd Lunn as local improvements. Part Hardware ln Orano and as ai of thé cost of thèse warks will June lst taok possession ai thé hé asesd upon thé land and business. drcl btn hm ut ln juIy2dncly 2-tsgthm ' thé Bihl Léask's Clable TV bas Ltd. Bihl Thiésbunger, one oi thé beén grantéd a two-yèar i- id ai most activé présidents Rotary cence for Oshawa and Bow- was ln Bowrnanvillé bas bad ln manville and within thé next cene- many Tcars, retired fnom îèw months thé extensions Cun- office Tursday. His succès- will hé in opération. pécts son Tom Cowmn wishéd hlm July 23- well. Ivan Truck driver Edward . On Sunday mrning, July 6, gust Blake af Nash Road, R.R. 2, 1969, thé Bowranvile Baptist t a Bowmanvil, bought his first Church bld a special mot- Ist sweepstake ticket a couple ai gage burnirxg céremany as thé montbs mgo and on Smturdmy part ai their worsbip service. mhen l camé through wlth flying The goal ai pmying off their ad- colors ta win him a second lmst $500 debt was reacbedl ,înca place $52.000 in thé Irish that day. th wCinyepstaen iukeo Bob Craig, 50, bas been ap- bétheind a ithé réa Brton pointed director ai assess- An.on bhl fteGetPn ment for this arca, Municipal rated Ridge Festival af thé Arts mc- Aifains Minister DarcyMc ibers cpted thé Michael Starr tro- e u h m n u c d ti è k mada from parade judge Clay-. euhanone hswec to Le I asmwnedo The pon aid Macdonaldý sion thé fe tiv aal onenénngteCartier Freeway has béén' re-best float in thé Dominion Day hmving a rough timé. Récent-I Paradé ln Oshawa. This wa ly, a truck loaded witb black rysthé second consécutive year pitch poured its contents ail oysthé festival bad won the' aven thé noad nean Ajax. Then nore trophy fon thé bést float. on Fiday night, irorn Parki en sJuIy 9- or of Idéal wether and plenty aif iwnv. xek pogramméed activity attract- BURROWS, SELBY & Bell éd more than 1,000 people Williai y ofnfom a wide area ta thé ofui- l ýsha- cial apening ai thé néw 66-'i G. Edr acré Enniskîlén Conservationi Cub Aea on Fridy, Sturday andý are pleased to announcé t' fath- Sunday. Ipmrtnership of: a ir Ontaro Provincial Policé'G r .F t thé Good Conduct and Long Ser-ý ayA i vice Medals wére presénted, ThprccewIcotu R.R. to seven OPP officers by As- Tepatc ilcniu non- sistant Commissioner E. H. of Burrows, Selby & Co. nent Silk, Q.C., at Downsview Dis- North, Oshawa and 75 Kir Na- trict Headquantèrs on Fnlday, Bowmanville. eon June 30. A Bowmanville na- Ré- tive and now résident ai Telephone Pickering, Identification 5cr- Road west th Oshawa to the Oourticé sideroad, a full six miles. the eastbound banc was coveréd with siaughterhsouse waste. Thé load, snmeling te bigh héaven, spéwcd irom a truck when its tailgate open- éd accidéntaily. There wene no accidents, but it cértainly must bave ruinéd thé appe. titès ai Uic wonk crews who had ta dlean it Up. JUIly 30- During thc annuai com- munication o! Grand Laoý A.F. & A.M. Canada in ' tario. héld in Taranto u~ 16-17, Rt. Worshipful Arno d B. Lobb af Bowmanville was cbècted ta thé Position o! Dis- trict Deputy Grand Master, Ontario District. Architectural sketch plans havé been approvéd for the posed construction o! a Bowmanvilbe composite schaol eansisting o! a total af 58 ciassroms, sPecial instruc.-, tional rooms and others. Tobtal tentative grant estirnated is $3,037,484. ERT GA BÀG AL. HT Foodl'iner. Bowmanvillle ID. 10 WMAN VILLE