%,m.anflle, ,a ,17 Frank Mohuni Sport in Canada durîng thie 1960s belenged teo Harry ore and RRaîph Hutton; to Nancy Greenie and Elaine Tfan-.1 r; to Bruce Kidd and Billi Crothers. rgie Je-nkini xas a part of it and so were Rus.g Jackson ýv Boy. Marlerne Streit, George Knudson aind Ai1 BaIding. rdie Homwe and Rocket Richard comipeted for the headines ,d o did Phil Esposito und Bobby Hull. eoethe Vancouver sprinter, wýent throuigh victoyndn jistrationï which spanned thie decade. He puflled up lame in Romne Olymnpies in 1960 affter equalling the world record rnigthe 100 metres in 10 seconds. He went on to equal cworld record of 9.2 for 100 yards and again came up nplnig at the 1961 Biitish Empire Games ln Pertb, Australia. Two years later lie ran A00 yards in 9.1 to equal the ýr1d mark and tLhen won the gold medal in the event at e British Empire Gaines in a close finish with Tom Robinson. the Bahamtas. It took the judges 42 minutes to decide it. Canadp-ian women wr prominent ln sport dulring the 60.Ottawas Anne 'Heggtveit won Canada's first Olymipic ,dd a in skiing ý,at Squaw Valley, California in 1960. It ovid.ed evîdence that Canada was on IUs way to becoming futurepowL,ýer in world skiing. Eight yeare later, in 1968, N ancy Greene of Rossland, -fish CoIumbia;, vwon thec giant slalom gold medal at the ympiee at Grenoble, France. Mliss Greene also won, the 1orld Cuip as 'lhe top womn sier for two successive years. ElaineTanner ewim ingot of Vancouver and Winnipeg, Skiers ai' Kirby Enjoying Great S.eason Si. Joseph's Mixed Bowling League January 4th, 1970 No. Teaïm Pts. Pins 5. Slowýpokes .. 12 5718pl 3.Apollos o10 5 3 66C 2. Vikiýngs ----- 9 556(5 1.Whiz Kids, -- 2 517Ï9 4. Road Runnliler's255 11e ns High single JackBrn-31 Meni's Iigh Triple Jack EBroûwni ---- 840 Ladies' High Single Gerry D -_wyer 1 255ý Ladies' fHigb Triple Gerry Dwyer -- ----665 ZOO Games and over J a c k Brown 234-291-315, Mike K<ennedy 250-285, Ar-, nold Brinklowý 263, Lionel Hickey 257. Gerry Dwe928, 25, AllenMen 254, Gary Conway 252, Dot Passan-,t ):33-1 249, Bannier Pas.san)t 205-238,ý S PORTO PICS SIMPHSON SINES Tommy tSimp lon turned i te fIre-t lhat-trick 01 bis rookIe s'ea"son with the Oshawa Generals on NwYear's Daýy as the Gens dowed ornto Mariboros 6-3. In fact it was the first tbrýee goaâl effort by any of the MUotor City cr-ew so far. While Tommy has been one of Osbiawaý',s top perfor-mérs the other graduate of Bo;wmanville's mino)r hockey system, with the Generals -,- Mike Donaghiue, hasn't fou~nd the goiln4 quite 'aS good. In the New ,TYeair's encouniter bigStv Durbano ra-ashe< Mike with a high stick, that resulted in a lost tooth and eIghtý stitches, both on the inside and outside of bis mouth. Donaghill will be vlisitinig a dentist, w;e understandi to have the rest of bis front uppers remioved, in wbat be hopes will be R a r painless maniner. Sim-,pson lei tied as top goal scoirr w;ith the Gencrals and th-irci in t o onts, on 17 goals and 14 assiste. ?ete Sullivan~ le the team point leader, scoring 117 tim-es aýnd adigthe same numbner of assiste for 34 points. Bob Kelly hias 33 Doiflts. A GOOD BUY ubiiydirector Ron Andýrew, aviethat hhasNH Guides for the 1969-70 s eason on -sale atà tie National Hockf League Head office, 922 Suni Lile BuJilding, Montreal 11 Quebec. The cost is two bucks, and ithe book le undÉÔubtêdlyj excellent buy,. Thanks to the NHL board of-governors for the invilatir to the Ail-Star Dinner, but we don't think we w ,ill be ah« la, attend, It Je in St. Louis. Mixed Leaâgue BowI J .Ilian1er domia e d b--inportedL nld Brin 1klow 0- )ny Hors;tman - 1754-7) ~ 1~ 9-~ 1-12 'Z.. 8 2-b- 4-5 7-~ Lawa Roughi Riders to two sucessive Grey Cup Champ- the eal i96eio boat iii the world could get close 4, Marshall 3; Whitehead 7, ay Ln ------------ Morris 0. Agnes Maclean -------- Rose Marie Conway 111gb Single JMAary Ohisholm--------- S. Morris ----- ----- 231-2341 Donna Kennedy - R 997 -.~ 1711 Jan. 30. 8- 6< 10-12 1661 166' Feb. 6 - 12- 3 4.- 9 164 Feb. 13. 2- 8 6-10 9-il 1-3 2- 4 2- 7 Il-6 8- 5 4- 1 5-9 1l- 3 - __ I t.. w1! 7- 5 10- 1 12- 7 1 ............................ ------- [tsPOTomcs Dy Franki Mohun 0623-7234 AEVIEW 0F THE 1NO'S Sport ln Canada during the 1960» belonged to Harry JWRom and Ralph Hutton; to Nancy Greene and Elaine Tan- ner; to Bruce Kidd and Bill Crothers. Plergi. Jenkinu was a part of it and so were Rusa Jackson bov Boy,, Marlene Streit, George Knudson and AI Balding. Gordie Howe and =ocet Richard competed for the headlines and go dld Phil Esposito and Bobby Hull. Jerome, the Vancouver sprinter, went through vlctory and frustration which spanned the decade. He pulled up lame in the Rome Olympien ln 1960 alter equalllng the world record by runnlng the 100 metres ini 10 seconds. He went on to equal the worid record of 9.2 for 100 yards and again came up lmVing et the 1961 British Empire Gamnes in Perth, Australla. TWO Years later he ran 100 yards ln 9.1 to equal the world mark and then won the gold medal in the event at the British Empire Games ln a close finish with Tom Robinson et the Baharmas. It tock the judges 42 minutes to decide it. Canadian women were prominent in sport during the 19609. Ottawa'a Anne Heggtveit won Canada's first Olympie GoId Medal in skiing at Squaw Valley, California ln 1960. It provlded evidence that Canada was on its way to becoming a future power ln world skiîng. Bight years later, in 1968, Nancy Greene of Rossland, British Columbia, won the giant slalom gold medal at the Olynipico at Grenoble, France. Miss Greene also won the World Cup as the top woman skier for two successive years. Elaine Tanner, swimming out cf Vancouver and Winnipeg, biossomed into . an international star. In 1966, at the British Empire Games ln Jamaica, she carted off four gold medals and two silvers. Then alter another brilliant showing at the -,Pan-American Games in Winnipeg, she had to settie for a! J pair of silver medals at the 1968 Mexico City Olympies. Then there was Bobby Hull, the golden jet cf the Chicago i' Black H~awks. He developed into the goal-scoring sensation of the National Hockey League. He connected for 50 or more goals in four different seasons, breaking his own record with; 58 ln the 1968-69 season. The great Gordie Howe of the Detroit Red Wings got his 845th goal in 1963, toppling Rocket Rlchard's record of 544.1 Today ho raises the mark every time he scores. Then as the decade waned, Phil Esposito was winnîng the headlines with the Boston Bruins. And another Boston player. defenceman! Bobby Orr. became the NHL's newest super-star.1 Esposito set the ail-time point record for a single seasoni with 126 points on 49 goals and 77 assists in 1968-69. In amateur hockey, the Trail Smoke Eaters won the' worid Championshlp in 1961 .- the last Canadian teamn to do en. The next eight years was a period cf domination by the poWerful Russians, along with the Czech3 and Swede's. In Canadian football, one naine stood above the rest. His namne was Rusa Jackson. In an era dominated by imported U.S. talent, he became the most outstanding Canadian-bornl player cf the decade. Jackson closed eut a brilant career bý' quarterbacking! theOttawa Rough Riders te two successive Grey Cup Chamip-' In the early 1960s, ne boat in the wvorld could get close enough to the Miss Supertest.s cf Jin Thompson cf Lonidon,' Ontario to feel the spray from their towering rooster-ta1Is.1 Bjut lni 1962, in a race on the Detroit River, Miss Supertest The Second fiipped and driver Bob Hayward cf Embro. Ontario,' was killed. The Supertests neyer raced again. Canada&: finest heur ln horse racing came ln 1964 when Northerri Dancer,,became the first Canadian-bred ta win the' Kentucky Der'by. The Dancer came right back to win thei Preaknffs -i,ûtfilnished third in the Belmont. jor League Basebail bowed into Canada ln 1969 with the introduction cf the Montreal Expos. And the National' Hockey League expanded twice, growing from a six-teani setup ln 1966-67 to 14 tearnis for the 1970-71 campaign. In 1962 in Prague, Don Jackson won the World Figure, Ékating Championship and Don McPherson retained it the! following year at Cortina. In 1965, Petra Burka won the Women's Championship at Colorado Springs. Barb Wagner and Bob Paul capped three years of success with an Olympie Gold Medal at Squaw Valley in 1960. There was aise the drama cf Otto and MIVaria Jelinek L returning te their Czechoslovakian homéland In 1962 amidst a tense politcal atinesphere to win the World Pairs Champion- ahip. Fergie Jenkins was a 20-game winner for the Chicago Cubs in basebali three years in a row. George Knudson cf Toronto developed into an outstanding performer on the Professional Golfers Association tour. And Knudson teamned with AI Balding to win the World Cup for twe-man teamis i 1968. And for sheer drama, it would be hard te top the per- formance cf the four horsemen from the Teronto ares ,hi Skiers at Kirby Enjoying Great S Ilusîgry skiers leave the his for some welcosne food at the SPORTOPICS SIMPSON SHINES Tommy Simpson turned in the first hat-trlck of hie rookie season with the Oshawa Generals on New Year's Day as the Gens downed Toronto Marîboros 6-3. In fact it was the firas three goal effort by any ef the Motor City crew sô far. While Tommy has been one cf Oshawa's top perfommers, the other graduate cf Bewmanvllle's miner hockey system, with the Generals - Mike Donaghue, hasn't fcund tie going quite as good. In the New Year's encounter big Steve Durbano smashes ______ -.stitcnex, boon on the unside end outaîde cf his mouth. Donaghue' easonSt. Joseph's Mixed will be vlssting a dentist, we understand, te have theéreat or )eàso his rontuppers removed, in what he hopes will b. k amore Bowling League painless anr Jannry th, 970Simpson is tied as top goal scorer with the Gènérals and Jannry 1h. 970 third in total point.ç, on 17 goais and 14 assists. Pète Sullivan No. Tean Pts. Pins, 5. Slowpokes-.. 12 571W is the team peint leader, scoring 17 times and adding the 3. Apollos ., -_10 5366i saine number cf assists for 34 points. Bob Kelly bas 33 Deis. 2. Vikings ...... 9 5565.1 6. Swingcrs -- 7 5406i1 t t t t I . Whiz Kids.% 2 .9179 ' A GOOD BUY 4. Roacl Runneri 2, 5151. Publicity director Ron Andrews, advies thât h. has NHI. Mens High Single Gi Jack Brown 31,5' les for the 1969-70 seasen on sale at the National Hockey Men' Hlh Trple League Head Office, 922 Sun Life Building, Montrea li11, Jack Brown - 840 Quebec. Ladies' High Single r The cost in two bocks, and the bock is undnubtedly an Gerry Dwyer 255 excellent buy. Gerydies' 66Trpl Thanks ta he NHL board of gevernors fr the invitation 200 Gamwes and5over te the Ail-Star Dnner, but we dn't thnk w. wll bé able J a c k Brown 234-291-315,1 to attend. It in in St. Louis. Mike Kennedy 250-285, Ar- nold Brinklow 263, Lionel Hickev 257. Gerry Dwý,yer 9229 - 25, Allen Mac'lein 254, Gary ea u Conway 252, Dot Passant 233- ix 249, Banner Passant 20)5-238,I Jirn Fair 205-2523,Eiîeen Scn ceue Ie lePalSae Hickev 220, Mlliv Horstman ScnTehdl e Sl7eep, Peari Sma Mar 29 'Paul 'Laprade 214-216, '1eann I - Capt. Larry Piper, Tei7-CatBrnMr Clarence Rivers 210, Theresa Mary Wilcox, AI Wray, Ab tyn. Don Bradley, Ele. Rivers 2oý, Bill Wilks 203_ Donoghue, Pat Prout, Dot Moore, Bob Mitchell, oi 204, Mary~ Chisholin 202, Jin Bagnell. Doxtaier, Joanne Richards. 1 Jeffreys 202. o Tearn 2 -- Capt. Vince Prout' Tearn 8 - Capt. Onie Etchèr,V Averge5Ted agnul, ariyn Rchads'Helen Heynolds, Lloyd Stain. Jac B e rae ton BeMailn ihads Jac Bow - ------ ------233: Jane Smith. Ruth Wray, Terry ton Bb Leaman, Harold Ben- Gerry Dwyer ---------- 222 Carleton. ntDtTepo Tearn 9 - Capt. Maurice Jin Fair ---- 218 Team 3- Capi. Dave Rey-:Richards, Matt Harrison. San- Mike Krnnedy...........- -210 nolds, Arn Sleep, Tom Milîson, dra Stainton, Mort Richards, Lionel Hickey - ------_ 207 Mary Harrison, Pst Bagneil, Dorc Mutton, Marie Yeo. Betty Charland - ---- ---- 207 CathÈy Carleton. Team 10 - Capt. Hap Pal- Dot Passant ----------- 201 Team 4 - Capi. Morley mer, Pat Yeo, Harold Moore. Allen Maclean ------------198 Etcher, Ferne Bradley, Gail Marie Leaman, Thelma Ben- Paul Laprade ------- 195 Mi,,,.on, Marg Welsh, -Bob nett, Jane Therteil. CarroIe Ormne ----.--- - - 191 Smith 'Reg Land. : Teain Il - Capt. Bob Rich- Eileen Hickey ---------- 190.- Teau;n 5 - Capt. Elton Brock,' ards, Don Bagneil, Mary Anri Gary Conwav...........-----189 George Piper. Wayne Thertell, !Richards, Gerry Dickens, Fie. Clarence Rivers --- --_---1-86 Hazel Donoghue, Gayie Piper,!rence Land, Cec. Mutton. Bialhy Skribe - --------- 185 Coby M artin. Tea m 12 - Capt. Lew W elsh, BanneSribassant.......--- 182 Tes m6 - Capi. Gordon Les Smale, Ruth Mitchell, BanerPasat -- ---- ---181 Wilcox, Hilda Brock, ErnieýHelen Piper-, Don Doxtater, Mary Lane - ------- 181 Dickens, Jim Thompscu, Aud- Duaine Palmer. Dave Orme --------------- 178 Jin .Jeffreys - ------ 176 Date 1- 2 3- 4 5- 6 7- 8 9-10 11-12 Arnold Brinklow ... 175 Jan. 2 1- 2 3- 4 5- 6 7- 8 9-10 11-12 Tony Horstman ---- --175 'Jan. 01 -ý -2 4 -6 2 Bil Skribe -------174! 9. 01 -8 1-2 4 -6 2 chalet Pst Walker . -- 173) Jan. 16 3- 5 12- 2 .8-10 D- 7 1-11 6- 4 Mollv Horstman ..... 173ý Jan. 23 - 4- 7 5- 1 &- 3 2-10 12- 9 8-11 4, Marshall 3; Whitehead 7,! Gary Lane - .--------171' Jan. 3o. 8-6e 10-12 9-11 1- 3 2- 4 7- 5 Morsî Agnes Maclean - -------- 166 Mri0. Rose Marie Conwsy ---- 166 Feb. 6. 12- 3 4- 9 2- 7 il- 6 8- 5 10- 1 High Single Marv Chishoîn----------164, e.1 -8 61 -1 5 l 2 S. Morris ------------231-234 Donns Kennedy - -- ---162Fb.3 2-8 61 4-I 59 Il3 127 B. Barrelu --. ..--------.27 Theresa Rier..... 's Feb. 20 . 9- i 7-1l 3-10 6-12 5- 2 4- 8 C. Cosvle....... 210 Stew Chîsholm..........-----152: Feb. 27 ---- il- 4 2- 6 12- 5 8- 1 10- 7 3. 9 C. Ceeke .- -.-- ----- 204 Dot Fair .- ---- -- 148 High Triple Doris Holroyd .-------- 146 Mar. 6 .... 6- 9 1- 7 Il- 2 12- 4 3- a 5-10 S. Morris 631 -- 631: Doris Jeffreys.......--- 143' Mar. 1:3 --- 8-12 il- 5 10- 4 3- 7 6- 1 9- 2 R. Martyn -.-----55o Mary Brinklow..........----1421 Mar. 20 ---- 6- 5 lo- 9 8- 7 1- 2 12-11 4- 3 JUNIOR BOYS Isabel Laprade.........134 Brn ,Cre ;Rbrs __________ .Mar. 27 _ 12- 1 6- 7 5- 4 10-Il 3- 2 q_- 7,Jne ;Cobs5 tp- GET CASH TODAY Apr. 3.---- 10- 8 11- 1 7- 9 3- 5 4- 8 en 2. FOR OLD APPLIANCES Apr. 10 _ 3- 6 9-12 10-12 4- 7 il- a ' fligh Single THROUGH Apr. 17--..Il- 9 4- 2 3- 1 8- 6 5-* 7 1-0 W. Ceemnbes ---- - ----_ 306 STATESMAN 12- G. Bruni 207-268ý Phone 623-3303 Apr. 24 __- Piayoffs J. Stephien ----------- 264: M. Ceeke ----253 ý J. Carter ~,. 213-246-20)4 M. Roberts............----- 28-220 D. Lobb --2281 J, Xelsh 223 G. Thiessen -.2 22 G. Coomnbes .~ --207 W. MVisher -------- -- 2111 W. Holroyd ----- - 204!i 111gb Triple B. Cascagnette - --- ---- 665 G. Brunt -- -------- _ 663e J. Carter 661 W. Combes - -62,31 J. W elsh --------- ..... 608, M. Roberts - ------- 600 SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE Bi'ock ',, Bradley 0; Patfield i 7. Ho]rovcL 0; Goodwin 5,1 Beuwmeester 2; Boriey 5, Cain 2. 1-igli Single B . urley ----.2 M.- Ba dîevi - -----.2 s, Hîgh Triple J K IS~ . ~ I~M. Bradley ----- 740 A very important itemn, a elandtehr a .. ** '. ~ .Pti 2 wa D..... . ,, Bradley -- --- 717 e e ec s ty of checking release bindings before your frst .., , , .- B. B re - - -6 8 r .Aiei sa gwh:ne:taendekprined thughout M M M~ "~' . mae 5 f the day te see that they haven't become inoperable through Carson Flliott and Dennis Deeley reacli top of new towvY u g d i 1teezng orvibrtion.Youn.Ad"l Don't ski on hilis you're nlot toe familiar with or that bv Gord Tolînson !48 when they declded te meve everyone should work for. are toc difflcult for you. Try to go with somebody respon-1 The slopes of Oshîawa Skithe entire opeatien te Kirby. lVenbership for pee wveesý o ln If you don't know anyene ask a ski patroller for assistance.îend of the 1969- 70 seaon eied eue et the top clubs $1pe50sason stuens Jndv4t L ... ~~~ c f P r : ici n < C! î m be ct o de b h p 0tl- os i w oa k l u : m i o n d Bl n We made our first venture te the Bowl Hill at Kirb fo r each 3,000 )thins yar saidTont may be the onilare '2 plus "10 initiation fee. Teains s.Pn yet. However, you can't help neticing mans' people, xvho "then we svlîî have te stop 'an eOdaagru hsspnr15 ntain wie fris ihr- 8 91 shouldn't be on the hili - and there they are. taking csýpercti-!take a 100k to s- howi nds!60,00 fr alterations. TheY1 (parents and ail eblidren 13 Carter ---------------- 7 8909 r lar fails - one could be serlous. ar.,hv added a new T-Bar, ex- vears and under) $2_5 plups $15 Selek ------- 4 89741 '_The cluib ci ire11l 1t lizUu panded snnw niak ing elU ip-ý initiation. Caini -------- 4 8662 Ski mederately for the first few runs te warrn up, atidl180 acres uf land, but thererî 1t .îme oen he OlaaSi lboeae 2 89561 make sure you obey signs. There are few - but always they Is plenty of' runm for expani- runis and iiîcrcased parking Saturday and Sunday freni Star Awards.-R. Beauprie j are very important.r sieni." 'facil.ities. ý9:01!arn. te 4:30 p.rn. and 818 - 331; W. Lewis 787 - 303. Unfortunately, a very good skier suffered a compound1 Oshawa Ski Club is iocated, They have twe T-Bars, seven Wed nesday frein 10:30 arn. High Triples k Ie fratureat he Krby uis urig th holdays He was o miles east of Kirby on rope tows, two ciubhouses, ski 4-30 p.m. and ini the evening' R. Beauprie 818, R. Etcheri teseventh line cf Clarkerî ! adapese. saafo :0-1:0 81 6,W. Lewis 787; R. Selleckl skfing in an expert ares, se It just goes te shcw ta f tTwnship. 'Ski Cluîb lias a 15-man ski pat-ý Interested skiers can dial 767, B. Burley 718, C. Cain 70,' can happen te a gocd skier - it can happen' te you and L! Other members et the cor- roi and 10 pre-instructors as; 723-5249 any tirne for up-to- 'P Lugtenburg 679, N. Neads Accidentsq can happen - but observing safety ruiez will cer- rent executive include: RenI well as 15-20 others who vlon- the-minute conditions ai Osh- 6'0, A. Chitick 646, J. Tucker! Magrath. vice-president andteer their help te the pee wee awa Ski Club. They may aise ý642 tainly cut down on the chances of that happening. tcncaihima:BlIHu age shiers. poetesaenm o! f ntreasurear Lnda Mis on ' These instructors gîve free conflrm tine and place cf busý High Singles REGAIN WINNNG TOUCH soial secretay; Fred Foxpastclasses every Saturday mern-ýdepartures te the club on R. eapi2424-3,R A fter cempiling an eight gaine undefeated streak, Bow-president and head cf the pee, snhol te cideno rma21e1-s aiigadrs eEîhr27 -38-286, WLewîs26- ,wee program; Dr. Jack Lang- shelae the club Is Box 174.21-330,R Seck 2- manville Cable TV lest three In a rew before regainlng their 1maid, racing pregram; Rap, Dxelegtochacktewho hCaan 25-276,_P.________r winning touch, defeating Ajax Spartans 5-3, in Junior 11"1 Grose, rnerbership; Bruce exclletBcancltinae te1Cin25-276, . NP. Lugt3-bu9g play, Sunday afternoen, at the Memorial Arena. Colwell, club safety and Dr. iCanadian National squad, isi V iL2206-228. N. Nead 23-225,9- I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r one o! the better skiers in the! 10 D20.A hitc 4725 LryPetîer Wiliisen, planning. I B w ig Tucker 228-205-209, J. u- ]Devitt, Rick Ells, Steve West and Deug Parker. 0fNorîîi Ridgly is in chai gel area. BNTM IRStenburg 246, E. Patterson 218, Th Cbl cewplye i Aaxlat igtwhn oh f building; Deug Thorburu k Jm ANA GRSJ. Patfield 201, J. Lyle 248,l The âbl crw plyedin jax astnigt, wen heypublicip; Marie Curtis, club! The Kirby site aise has a! Gray 3, Bond 2; Harris 3, B. S. Carter 200-203, H. Mitchell i were out to make it two straight cirer the Spartans. secretwy« Dick Rutherford, 60oinetre ski j ump and hasj Taylor 2; L. Taylor 5, Mitchell i211, P. Rayeraf t 226, C. Bian-1 --ares manager; John Nicho1s, deve1eped such top jumpers as 2.1 chard 217, H. Moore 225. Ski School DIrecter and Norm Bucky Richards, John Reed i High Single Aeae Q0 ~ ~~~Shertt runs the Nancy Greene and Chris Langmaid. S. Bond____ 250 Slek24 .Bre ~ i *section. Langmaid is a merober of J Hone 172- R. ewis 32, R. Bure £ et S Ç oWiYL# al Flrst o Ba the Canadian National SiTGray 161 244, W. ei 3 .Bapi Teclub was feunded in Juming Team and has beenI G High Double r24 .Ec 2,S an20 1935-36 at Raglan and stsrted training fer the German -S. Bond --------289------- 3 S . TCrer 198, J. Lugfiedbu00g Liberty Bowl 1 ~~~with 44 members. It grew Austrian Winter Games. Dp-J.Hn---------------__29SCatr18J.Lgebg Dep-1.Houe198, A. Chittick 198, P. Lug- ()PmN BOWLING: until membership reacbed 750 ending upon bis performancesi BANTAM BOYS tenburg 190, N. Neads 180, W WEDNESDAY 9 p.m. to il p.m. in 1939-40. First tow bar at during early competit.lon, the White 3, Crcw 2; Jensen 3,r Harrison 177, G. Palmer 176,1 TIUMSDAY 9 p.m. te Il P.n. Raglan was constructed ini McLaughlin Collegiate student Reynolds 2; Fallis 5, Lavigne 0. H. Moore 174, B. Syne 174, E. 191.. could be selected te represent High Sing'le Patterson 171, H. Mitchell 168, Every Saturday Night 4:30 P-Iut to il p.m. Ivan Richards dlscovered the, Canada at the World Champ- m. Reynolds..... 176 S. Prout 167, V. Patierson 167, - I1S~ ~Ia ,f iipo 12: 0P.m. te 7 p.m. !".y site, on a fox hunting ionship to b. held at Vysoket- j. White .. - - 159 C. Blanchard 161, J. Lyle 161. pfflpt To mnteut'Deys m> and asked the owner for at.ry, Czechoolovakla. U his Double L. Patterson 160, S. Devorskl ptiMItssion te use the area, Ccioperatfon wlth the ski M. Reynolds....._ _ 343 159. P. Raycraft 158, M. Ro.s-1 a pevtosKirby was used for competi- patrol Is vitally imeirtant. B. Branch _ 29_eu1_,B cal 5,R tien only and the Raglan cu hr .hl hnacdns JUMNIR GILS 29seu11B.M ad15,R Tj l el he ccdnt Masy 148, P. MccQ~uald 129, 0w*4 adtalned up unti 19- oçaur but prevoTatun a à 808go .' Cui3, Woodward 2; Marty'nIP. Anderson 128, J. Syme 126. À I '69 PONTIAC '69 PONTIAC 4-DR. SEDAN - Lic. L29877. V-8, 2-DR. HARDTOP - Lic. L29053. V-8, automatie, radio, white waIl tires, automatlc, white walls and wheel dis«. wheel dises. Exceptonaly ow mleage. Only $ 69 71 nl -------------$ 6 7-y......--. $2 99 9 HOME 0F THE SAFETY CAR 22-POINT MECHANICAL FITNESS CERTIFICATE SUPPLIED WITH EACH VEHICLE DEMONSTRATORS '68 BEAUMONT Custom 2-Dr. Hardtop. Lic. L12965. V-8, floor console, bucket seats, power steer- Ing, power brakes, radio, 4 brand new white waii tires, wheei dises, in beautiful Verdora Green wlth gleaming black vinyl top.$2 9 Oniy ------------------- $ 2 9 '67 CHEV. IMPALA Convertible. Lic. K94217. V-8, automatie, double power, white watts and wheel dises. Sharp Honduros maroon with rlch bakInterior.$1 9 FEAT URE!"6 AILC.--q *64 PL MOUTHDeVille 4-Dr. Hardtop. Lie. L25744. 2-Dr. Sedan. Lic. L31096.V-8, Loaded W«lth Iuxury features. This car la mutomatie. A real buy Inmclt e t er at onîy -..-----$694 Sacific for-----....... $ 9 NO CASH NEEDED If You QualifY . . . Most People Do 30-Day 50-50 Warranty on Engin. and Entire Drive-Line System '66 BUICK Le Sabre 2-Dr. Hardtop. Lie. 96363K. V-8, automatie, power steer- ing, power brakes, radio, white watt tires, with Performance package. Luxurlous blue finish, matchiug Interior and black vinyl roof.$1 9 Only ... .---------------- $ 5 9 65 RAMBLER Classie 4-Dr. Sedan. Lie. L31413. 6 cyl., automatic, radio, exceptionmlly clean, low mileage, real economyv transperts- tien. Ownersa nain. on request. Visit Our Lot - Look Over Our Select ion 0f Goodwill Used Cars 166 KING ST. Tom Co Roger Swan Ray Lathangue Weldon Brown L-wAN ONIC UCKLD E. O M NVLE ON * ** IO . man, Pres. sufit StewPreson aeMgr.39 igue Wrson aes Mg row 1~ ,ý4 BALANCE w wu, 1 Ray Lathani