D lington Township Coundi Wilti ail rnemb'rs rsci aud i,ccvc, Down pellg the Darlington T o w n ship c ouriiI1 n'et in hamrpton 0on January 2ne! fol- the firstl imectfti 19'i . 011 awstinl'o y COunicilorýs TJ. aker and B.TIul~, twa., d CLiat LIle aninualrnm X le l'e bepald ta t'le Aý- guao e4tIln fRural Municipali!- tisanud that two diegates-, were tp l'e authorized te at- Tlie Canadliena terni 4lle Ji , UMQT 1970 ~nJoy y~u homo mo,~e b ment,. U~, c isoover Budeel >.pcoi'nl, Cev ar) >wnwsap=' pited as the, Cowudl's ce- na4eon the Centrl']al ïytaria Joint Fldrinin ii saPcljci fr1970 Dopujty Reeve il- ard Gibks ,and Ecdgar Jame, wrn ap l d tLnthe Cerml IPkc Ontario Conservation Authority for 1970. Il.A-, Birroi was appinted tath le oewn Hsoi oard for1970, Qotincillors Baker and -Wlerry were appointed tai Mi ID2rlngtari planning Board thc new year. n a ~noton l'y Counicil, thie v eeand thie Trea-surer %,vrn dtorized to issuec cheques on te soconc ai-ic 17t 0 f eachi rnnh, in paymrest af wagcýs oAd salaries a-s set l'y Couril, p1so for wear acot, frad accotunsel'cbnturs, ad for Board of Educatin pay- mets when authorized. IVMrs. R. Clemens wa,, ap- ~pinrted ta thçsCoiteixe ef, Arjustmcnt for Darlingtasi Town'shp for a three yeari termr, tO expir'e authe firStt ey of 1973. The folilowing vwerneappoin1t- rd ta the Board o ai Manage-: rment of Darlington ,Commun- CenteWeiyelwee 1' .Chant, Orme Rol'ert-, lion, Gordon Bech, Bruce Montgom,,erY,, Councillors Thos, Baker and Bruce Tinlc. Hl.Bruce Tink was appoint-J md ta the Durham Countyý A deration of Agriculture for: te new yer The irdIribt.s 0f hp nmrOng beld on Deceml'er 11th wcreý zPproved as' rcd Zion (Ifope Towvnshîp) Do','liYo rseil and lookc ith. irmoney Yeu Sive. BEAVER WALL andCEIIN STRAPPING 1"x2"Ivr S pr uce~ 2 Spruce2 QNLY 0nt ON L y L 2 x 2" 7f liit. Qîei , a. 3»9c 8 I fLtlngthis 64e 23 s 7f. lengths 56o 56 C 12 x 4"ýs T7fL Ieng-itlis 77o J77c W ' Poplar Plywood ~UNDERLAY-1.79 (1ntended ýàfor la t wepek)I- Mrs. J'.,Iricr eàaned valuie par sieet, 4'z'She t'le ladlies a1 thse ios lC¶Wsuced maU a l ttri r4tma1s get-to- multi-lY. ci tbhoe M - ev;e D e c, 21. TheY hpor Gis lsclosed nl 0 e n. , ier4. Ï7 9 , ÇkCýf>,U.".W, h sji ess ta ettend t ~u nî tl or rdcrfv ~'et acsinaypanite 191 use-s aroudtise 4' Xa,8' Sleet SThis meeting openied with oe ---- ïayer bl'7v.M1rsý. AMrieilley. 6ripture reiainig l'y Ms. Car1- 5/16" K-3 Paricleboard ànan Iwi.A motion w,-asýý pssed tht he sa,nie rdoua- ouIo sles t year le made-l: INIR A 7 ýalvation Am 100 Cl' d en's Aid $10, Retardedci Child- Ufctlid for ssnoothuness 4' x 4' Panel iren $10, and the allocation for wth no grain' th first six iimnthýil'ep aid. I was a very pileasaritevn ýg." Christmas carois vwce mu'he Anna hurch Brazaar" If You M ioýssed Out at Christmas 'Th ng A ul soLrus reading1 Was read l'y Miss 4'laine Cas U P <ýg, f_< ~well, and ltue usupa Bgsrchaaen d DW W U EU , f gifts took plaýce. A dainty ucev aS 'serve4 ili the ~ning room and a11 enjoyed ~e happy social hour. OER OL M.anid Mrs. Irinwr ,auked for thjeir kind hats-Vaibe S ed D fl Ptallty and as5"best wlshesau good-ights wcrre sa fâJclokfletigc tfi p F'rost was ,ýcratckllpg 1 'oc utdoors see with 7,co teperaure.you wanf, lt's icat neccssary ta, Wlthzrý o temeratre. hold ftse trlggýer. A great ad- David sentChristuias week-1 vauftase.Thkis i a spectactîlar ed wtthla ýtives lu Picton savinssd a quality Black and d WellngonDeekier drill. Use arouud fthe r. on ero, Trortohome iîl year,ý rioon. She then returncd to Ioonto withi the--m where she sent her Christrnas. ÎVMr, H1arry Traver, Fcnwick, 8 t ýpent several days et Christ- mes with Mr. and Mrs. Charles _Paby. returning homne las( Power Saws for Fridiay.flichomeowuem E m i s s Teather Bcst spent1 will spccd tflicIIT te holicisys with her prns us,..see fhe SPEED Mand Mrs, RyBest. Selecýtian af TiRIýCXER MIIr. Lco T i ttringtoûn, a Beaver. OK opital, Toronto, spettChrist[- I Homew ma lollday>vwith lits aiyImew r *urnlng ta the hs iSun- /4 DRL.9 Il .and Mms JsehSegar Lawm priced, liandcy di-il] wth çfarnly, North B3ay, ,spcnt Bîack asîd Dekrqualstýy hrsmswith Mr. SeCg3r's iafears imnofiound su othier AG rentî, Mr. anid Mrs. Els- rcd rls eraver Buly! worth Caswell, Mi1ss Hilda Raby dapse KITCHEN and BATHROOMI REMODnELLING(- rlistmas famniiy ahln uner, Saturday eveuing, -Dec D R TL 1Mr. and Mrs. Fredrks wk,\tonvillc; Mr.* sud Mrs. as. Ral'y, Mr, FHarry vTraver W al Panels 4'- i 8'Panel T te r eeut Tuesday evcninig wih aked enal cfinish, sim1ple 4"V'file paf cu 1388a seet, r. Fred and Miss Hilda tofainsfail, easy foa keep dlea, Gold Flakýe ... 13ý. 95. Mîlo sa c nisior wthM. ndMtgood calours, Regular 4" x V, X V' patfern 15.88. s. Meneilley duririg Christ-, Mwere: Mrs. Arthiur Ger- Yiond, Mrs. Fred Latondesse, Oshawa; the JohnMcele lkmily, Belleville; ArthurMe FOR THE DO-IT-YOURSELFER lélley famlly, 1Port op: eure azed ceyamia 111e 41/4" a1 Mrs. E. Brennani, Beleile;Sespaklnq brght pastlq.uq ict. 51 Mr. Fred anq Mss id a i's. t 5met .e. l a -ly, Mr. and M -s. ,hasanshoot, on1y 67c, SAVE NW, yM.Harry TavrFeni- Mvir, da rr y Realby, Stir- You WiII Neel MOULDINGS Moud 1c4 lin, ft, Ouitside Corner 1linif - -ADHESIVE$ LelPages Panel Adhesive 1.98 tulbo -Lip'agesWllta Adhesive4.5t, ALUMINUIM FOIL. 36"' Widtl' One Sidae 100 it. roll reg. 2.49 - ------ 1.99 36" Width Twa Sides 100 t. rail 3.69 5 fi. rail Wire OuflY wlre yauir rec roosu sud Ithe ftiiries are au lavr Resdacrete MOI$TIJRÉ BAR MaIistUre Bar, appIed bfoire lpanlllnkgou A n enlt base- menit walls Pronvides a taugli resilieut 'waterproof film.' On~3,98 a gai. SEE BEAVER RESI LACRETE NEW WALL Ill. te] S h , mnenis, dec. % a e b ie ene; fills crk. j * A GAL. .. . NOW GAL10. NEW FLOOR rer oaoeufl gbOssy, non itdfihonconcret, or wo fosit dryinq, long 600ex, s q. i, t. Fer ail. KRq. 10.9b, NOW ONLY GL GET CASHI TODAY 'OR'OLD APPLIANCES THROU-GH ST A T1 E SM NA N CLASS Es PIlone ,623-33033 Don't Lot Another Decade Go By for iltofle hoimprovmontsyou want fer your hM IT-YQVRSELF, Iikç ýthiousaindi of hmowirIt'snot ithat tou jh and Bgr, wi ep Uae s ir.enoybe ha13 ana hewy aERat SuspendE * Bcautifui Beaver MaoarCalouming 0f A scuatkml prfiulisliad plywood panielliig, V gro ed sud ready ta appir ,Ex cellent for ec roaDssor issu iraams or any roo n utise homeý. EuJoy ther gond looksi ai tel voad af thisloq HONEY IPECAN PREFINISHED HARDBOARD dam v graeved, 14" woodgraiuied isardl- board, ,Avemy idis fane gain aud colour. NOW ONLY AVOC'ADOPECAN PREFINISHED HARDBQARD Newvi decorafive9, avocado colour acentDs! Deep, rlch faones afi ancicut w-ood grain cotitesupo4rary for today's homes. Pralec- five finish, andom V1-grooved, sud readY fa apply. NOW ONLY SORRENTO OAK PREFNI1SHEDHAD AR SoIi(I Aliltibi Hardboard wItl01 r-ar finish. Deep ,4rkV-graoving eilaie tfsc blaufy ai tise rich.Isiseavy aa ri ung A beaufihul and decorative panleilisig, idi lui defail sud fnsRegz. 6,19. NOW ONLY SCANDIA OAK PREFINISHED PLYWOOtD tfs beaufy ai nýatutial ak gain lua sai lCigfer coloaur fabrghe a roosu. RanIdoni V-groovlug. Reguiar 6.98. Availabh fl iABaer 4' x 85'FIANELf Sec if, now aL'itbflu lowrie. 41 x 8' PANEL Sec "Scendia Oak" A Liglifer Colourcd Panel Of Same Qualify Aud Price, ThsNcw lou llricee * '8' PANEL 'ow iýoy ',jIantîty NOW ONLY At This Real LESS EXPENSIVE THAN MOST WALLPAPER Witew ahsiepane11blig is eas5Irto pl n nmaycssls expenlsive thian wallpaper, and you have te rmaetbeauty aud 4ichne" tof real panielling. sUA N eTî,*I fas 1VTeat w a t ç MAIN~l TEE8'WTE .2ea 14 CROS EE ' HIE caif WAL MUL1N I fi ýni6w<-,ihed w otuawit, CTN. 4'4' CEILÎNG PANEL~S grovig, owauly çquantttïy YNL Bealtif9il BLack Antfique Wal S» Lighitweihbt YQU Can Glu~ Couivert any room ihbte rtie, eraioscd bms.f Sa light- weighit tfey can be glued ilu place. Grrain, axe mrk, ea- ther checks and colour justI like real. illut ue To Cei 4ex FAN, -1.9ljin, i. Roxie Fberias Brick Panels lu Terra ARed OQClo, a White lVîth The atura Lo 0f RealBik,îý Decorate a k;itchen or ,ýfureý- Wall with 0)(- real loof ai rick jat aý fr<ýÀaco -J h ot.?nl oi niued I((fibers484 uÇyl~a av sd yýou j al theiem ou'i' Bit icl for alfeme 6,25 Vitalame FIREPLACE Tnrc Life Rcf-alimIth M LJectri(c He-at For simple rroo pat b 955 m (,ý e or cott 1age fi replace in- 1 Adeejpbrnewthne 1brIonIze-itrir er uSAVE 35M)0 Lqundy Rom Sev--in soit Pastel site A big iuwrovement (on smîlly. dln;gy cenient tubka, .95d T LE z I I a pael i isua i ...i( sal s ar gextg (or-ithe Vil kl m M'A ORJe eA mmum - 1