oono NewsI dJ Arlene at Willow- Paul's Pre.sbyterian Curh Peterborou--gh, on Saturday af- Pat Reidl was a New tenoon. Intermenit u n t il uest OÎ Mr. and Mr!s. apring in the Lange Vault,! Verryv, Bert aii-id Betty O(-rono. Mrs. Zav-itz lasuv- ~nsklln.ed byv ber son Dr. Keith Mce- Eerb. Murray bas r(e-'Elroy of BrOnxville, New homie after visîting York. theic date for the In-augural meeting of Manvers Coundil The new Linited Counties Wadnwiîl be eïected oný Tuesclay, Jan.2th at theirý first meeting in Cobourg.ý Ileeo.vec Jay Whittington ocif South IMGnaghan is -oiitestinig the Warcïenship. I. wislh you the best, Jay. Girls 8 to 12 wl be glad to learn that a grOuIP known: as Explorers has been formedl heeundler he leadership cifý1 Mrs, Seltzer. This group will! meptat Pntý,oûlUniiteçi nulrsinig to the rs. Law- ST0LETON wlse in spDreading, the gospel. were sent to the 1,11 and iThe choir sang "T'Il Go Where ins. Mrs, 'Wilson) gave a You WTant Mle To Go, Dear resumne of the hl-lightsc LýIord", withi Mrs. R. Dawson past decade and ment, at the organ. the thiiee premiers, John, In recent services in the enabaker, Lester Pearsor !Presbhyterlan Church, attend- Pierre Elliott Trudeau Vance awards were presented have guided Canada's pe -ta the Suniday Sch-ool pupails. pation in Worldi Affairs, These are: Four year bars to hopedi there .7,ould be ,Debbie Lee, Sydney Visser serenity in Élie 197O'sa îand Andrew Visser; two-ye aiath a et ah e t-'. -~ k- '-'t'-' ---r---- ---- -- -----r--r'-- -k- r' -' 1,2 iunes ani iepam, ?.CJrad jU1in-ct ii-Jrngjng cola favori P poem "Ten LittIe Bunters". FollowJng this' the W.I. la( ln traffic, a bicycle rider and 1cLasped the patients' bands a poedestrian must obey traf- friendship. fie rules as well as a car driv- The h1-ostess, assisted er. Snpowm-obliles are creating Es.R\VW Jackson's gro quite a problem (noise a-nd served a delicious, lunch trespassing on prîvate Prop-1 Mrs. Wilson expressed the erty).preciation. In lighter vein MArs. Bruce Thei( next meeting wuIll lHeaslip read an article by Wednesday atternoon, Feti