~GUEOR MOOE Rv, H. A- Turner officiat- Cci, anld thewddngmusicý The mnarriage of Mliss Vrawas played Jby Mr. Ro5ss-Met- -aceMor '1 dahtrcfMs Janelt McGrýiegor Mi. en o Trn f otel sister of the-- [d the lt Vioe adgoows h olit Charles j tson MGe- Tebrdeý, wowasgiven' r, ouge snof Mi. and in ,marrîage by ber father, s. Alex McGrego,,)-r )f Bow- wore, a for-m-alIength, empire-. nville, wsslenIized la Iwaisted gown of wh-ite peau wmanvi, on Stratewitslreeves and graceful vemeri 2, 1969, at 4 r 1c le-,kchapel tra4in. A nro ae the afteýrnoont. Lov ely a- of V/enice- lace extendied fromn agemients of white tmmhe ighfl- ruffled neckline to, rnaion., and gladioli eni- and encircled,. thpe empire Lnced the c-hurch for the waisliUne. Thie s amie lace emorny.banided t he sleeve cuits, und' IiryClenersC/~ciUe AL Ihe Ne-w "a' prysverai yauag týcouples were ictssinlg the difficulties of flic famlly budget. "I rrally dntw nr n wfIlat,! C' ey" sian Cý ung mollier, "I Pist wish w couild afford ta live the way: 'e aretiîving niow." ý'SOUTHI PACIFIC" COMIINGý FI.'BLRARY 3 - 4 - 5S - Ci - 7 B 1OWMANVILLE ~84CLEANERS KIGST. W. 623-5520 Sr D" We Specialize In ',Shirt Laundering" Do You Have * * - if s 11e, a in- and tput you ir lu the bandis Xof eprl-riedhi tlssan be as!ýivred çof a beautiful hairdo *js for ~u FOR'APPOITMENT - PHONE 623-5019 .XUT 'N XURL BEAUTY SHOP for expert haijrstylingby VIOLET COOK - JOAN WHIL-LANS 71 KING ST. E. BOWMAN VILLE ahise the hermne 0f tetrainI which Was attached tathJeý gown bly a seif-mnaterial bo,-,ý Her tiered, elbow-lentgth veil j of tulle ilso was caught ta a floral-cluster headpiece. and she carried a cascade bouquetý of white carnations with fire- king swetheart roses. Ma/Itron of honor Mr-. Johný Harmer and bIdesmfaid 'MESS Normna Davey, both of Bow- mnanville, were dressed alike in, formail ength gowns of Corsair red velvet fashionedI with ruffledi neckline andi cuffs, and hîghlighted *by a, bnef train which flowed fromi a bow attached ta the empire waîstline. They wore bow- vvtand their cascade boýu- quets ;were iof)white cra tions tled with white velvet, rîbbons. Mýr, PletervFHea vysege 2of Bowmianviile was best man anld the usher wao 10i. Paul Moore of Tyrone, brothler of the brfide, The reception vwas- held In St. Paul's Ch-urch banqujet hall where guests we're re-l ceived by the bridle's ;gran~d- moter Msvera&M iso jo Toronto, -who wore a creamy pe0au de soie dress with match.ý îng* tbree-,qua-rtecr length coat, metallie hat, na;vy acsuis and corsage of pale pîink car- nations and deeper pini; sweethieartl roses. She was as- sîsted in receiving by th-e: groom's mother who chose aný all,-wool crepe dreSss1in teal blue vwith matching hat andý Iblacklý accessories. Her corsage \VUS of whlite carnations and pink swvteeheart roses. Foliow)Ming the recception the haÊppy coupl1e left for a brief hioneyxnoon, the bride travel-ý ling, in an all-wvool winter suit in orange tones comnplemenrted by black accessories,. Mr. and Mi-s. McGregoy, who, are re-j s:iding at 95 Redpath v. Tor-onto, leave this January,ý On, a tnp ta t Australia and The brie attendied Tyrone Public and, Couirtice Secon- dary Schools, and., is emploYedI, by Bell Canadla at the M\/id-j town Office in Toronto. lThe groom, who is aI S'hift Super- visor with C,P. , Ar, Toront, attended Bomanville -Cen-' tral Public and High! Sci3ools. MÂPLE GROVE The Cubs atid Scouts wUl have a bottie and paper drive on Sat.,- Jan. 117th. Have pap- ers and botties ready by 8:30 a.m. pieuse, Congregational meeting on Saturday, January l7th, start- ing with pot luck supper at 6:30 p.m. in C. E. Hall. Busi- ness wîll follow. The children will becntertained lainthe basemnent. Everyone welcome; lst anid 2nd coursces U. C. WVomien's mreet ,ing on Thtu-'îday eenng, Janl5h at 8 pz.-j-. lte C. .Hal Mr. anjd Mis. Arthur 'Mar- tiMartin Rd., Mr. and T-Mrs, Fred Wrighit, Base Lhineweýre a ngthie relatives a.d.fi- ecds Vwho C)alled an Sunday. on Mr. Alfrei- et 1 whUIo n ow, mis. HarrY Davey, Bowmnan- ille, to fie'p hlm celebrate býis 8oth biithiday. Sons-i and daughters %alang wîth their husbands and wives entertained their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden, to ,urpper in Oshawa on Sunday, thec occasion being Lloyd's bîrthday, also their 32tnd wed- ding anniversaîy. i Mr ,and Mrs. Steve D3oyle and family, Mrs, Riva Jeffery were Sunday visitors- with Steve's brother, Mi. and Mrs. -Walley-floyl-axidAanfply-at- Keswick, MVr. and ~Vr.RcadJms Waterloo, recently spenta weekend with bis uncle and B RI 1D A L Selting Was St. PauI's United Church Cana~¶lan Statesmau, Bawmanvllle, L T Dý TAILRED- T - EASU E By Domninion C loting Co, Mr. ancd Mrs, Chiarles Neilson MeGregorý , hown ),in te above photo, cýhose. Saturday afternoon, November 22, 19690, at four o'clo ck for their marriage in St, Paul's Uited Church, Bowmxanvîlle(-. Fornmerly M1,,iss Vera Grace Moore, the bride is the only daughter ýof Mr. Leon Moreo Tyronie and the late Mrs. Moore, and the groom is the younger son of Mrý. and Ms Alex McGregor of ]3owmanvilie. _________________________McRobbie Photo auùnt, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur James and, family, Mr. and Mis. *Dlck Westa- way, Cameron, recently spent a weekend witli the.ir daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Rus- sell andl family, also visited their friends àMiad Mis. Everett Ha2lnna. M vrsý. MabelMoeBle ville, -visited itifhber cousýins, Mr, anid Mrs. Everctt Hannra Mi,. and MiTsLes Wilson, Karen, Wayne and Wanda,l Bhlackstock, lM and Mrs, Ray- modClapp, Hajrqon, war wîtb t.he f2oremr's parens, Mr. andl Mr E. Haavi. Mols. C. Greenhamn was a Sudysuppýer guest wylth her daughteî and buisband, Mr. and Mis. James Maîtîn and family. Bowmanvîlle. Mi-, and Mis. Elwo/rod Bate- man and son Gleni, Stirling, were Sunday guests wîtb bis sîster, Mi. and Mis. Don Brooks and family. Mis. Alex Tanner, Stîrling is visiting with her daughter anld lil l sba-tdy-Mr. apdYVrTsr. Don Brook-s vapd famnily. -' Qite a number of fatmilles are. downi withi the flu or, just getting ovcr it. Mi.adMiHr, nw deni and daughtr Patis awa, wevre Fridaây eveing vistai wih is malther, Mis.,, AlnSnowden,. Mid Mis. imer Hiýginsj and rmuy jeit Safurclay torn their hom3ne at C'ra'nibiook, B.C., after visiting with be parentûs, Mr. nd MilNîs. ,J CampbcllDe.1Mis. Hligginsun deriwenit a verv seriOUc nn.r)ea! SilerAnnhiversary ......................................................................~-----~---------~ ~zj A~: SALE PRI CE uP LES L _ EXIRA IR s ______ _Sale, r'kes -SU 1 T$S FROM .98 TOP CITS- FROM ...... $19e,98 1-11W le Ils i