4The Cariadiaa Statesman, Bowmaiville, Jan. 14, 1970 EDUTORlAL COMMENT Mayor Skates On Extremely Thin Ice Tri his inauigural a(>ddriess last week ta the 1970 town counicil, Mayor Hïobbs departced from his prepared script to lnject a suggestion that members would be well advised to take a strong stand ûn current iLncentive and designiated area prograïns by senior governments, {e imacle spi-,fic mention of the $845,- 000 fecleral governmrrent grant to Osh- a wa's Diiplate industry that will assist them ini setting up a windshield plant i~n Hawkesbury, and also referred ta Coodyear's hose plant in Collingwood that was built several years ago after they had qualiiied for a federal desig- Yaated area grant. He appeared to feel that these grants were unfair because f.hey removed plants !rom their present areas, causing hardship to employees who either had to move or be out of woý0r k. Wec (an well recail the dismay that -'Stick this ,ommunity when Goodyear announced that they would build the hose pla nt in Collingwood, and the dis- ruption that took place for mnany f ar- his in this cormni.îty. At the time, it certainly ,vas an unhappy situaion and thiere wias considerable dissatisf action Iwre, inln'y because the plant woulid have added considerably ta the town's Industrial assessmecnt and its employ- ment opportuniitîi for. Bowmanville .and area citizens. However, that dismiay is long since past and, in thie meanitime we have 'been, on the rec-eivinig end o! somne of the crýeam of a similar programn initiated by the province, whose incentîve grants have b3een responsible for several new and thrivî,,ng industrie-, locatîng" here. Honieywell Controls is a prime exaimple, Admittedlyv, we have still not been rzec- ognized as a designated area Iby the federal governmenit, and, fran-kly, we- are not too eager to be in that classifi- catilon because it would mean that we. were in fact, a depressed region, need- ing considerable help . .. which we are not. It is ta be hoped that Hîs Worship's commefits on thesubject will not dis- courage the Ontario authorities and par- tîcularly Trade and Development Min- ister Stanley Randail, from continuing ta authorize financial help for new in- dustries wishing ta ljocate in Bowman- ville. We've clone quite wel 5 far fro m the incentive grants and we would hate ta see the boat rocked while there was stili hope for more. Maybe His Worship would be wel iadvised ta stick ta hbis, prepared script- in future. IV Yo2U DOmeife m y'NQ5BANV? - /ý7//V/< ~o~y ES1 In the Dim11 and -Distant Ù P>ast From the Statesmnan Files !5 VE Ans AGO (Jan. 18, 1945) After servlng as ac- counitant o! the Bowman- ville branch o! the Bank ,o! IVIontreal for the past seveni years, Lester J. C. Langs leavesý on Jan, 26 for Bathi- well, Ont., hiaving beeni promnoted manager of the bank at that point. Reeve Cecil R. Carveth, Newcastle, wý,as ele-vated t the Wïardenship of the Unit ed Counties of Durham and Northumberland by an un- precedented a c c l a m a tion when Counti 'es Council met Tuesday at Cobourg ln regu- lar session to conduct bus- Iness and select' its Chie! Magistrate for 1945. Russell Hardy, who Is now employed with the Elec- tric Tamper Co., under R.E. L., Montreal, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy. Tommy Lyle and' Roy Neads are back in civies after service as volunteers with the Canadian Army. Roy is working at Goodyear while waiting for supplies ta start again in the radio business and Tommy ia waiting the leisure and pleasure of Selective Serv- cebefore decidIng -what 49 YEARS AGO (Jan.,'!0, 1921) The, Goodyear Tire & Rub- ber Co., of this town, bas recently mnade one of the largest rubber belts ln Its 1history for the Hydro Elec- trie Power Company ab Niagara Falls. The beit is 24 inches widie, nine-six- teentlis of an inch tlck andi 12,500 feet long, weighing approximately 21,250 lbs« or over l1'1/3 tonls. Col. C. R. McCulloughl was accompanied by Mrs. McCulloch and daughter Kathleen, on his recent visit to his native town. They were guests at The Bowman and dined on Friday with >Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McClel-, lan of the Bank of Mont- real. Mer. and Mrs. A. J.,anj son o! Bolton are visiting at the homne of theirdug- er, Mrs. F. T. Tighe. W r pleased to. learn that Mirs. Tighe who was operated on in Bowmlanville Hlospital for appendicitis is doing nicely. Mr. Albert Hl. Moore, of Tyrone, has purchased froin Mr. Dan C. Carr o! Chicago, Ill., the Carr homestead at the corner of Church an-i -Cubitt's Lane and intend mnovin~g ta Bowmiyanville this Ainiost every ~nunic~pal coun~U i~ ~t is, ~ a ~ will i. i ________ ____________ ____________ -~ -~r~ - ;~ me buines norionof +1.,. lat 7- 1 u "-11 r ' l 11 uiu 1-, ' 1:rl A 5 _î Y r N-fl :~ . Zt - .L..t--f in Canid has bee exppcted to lead W chang- recenti-v vriaiteh his parents, erpof ti 'b= jW _ ý iir r Zrt4zicJ" - î tu %2 t-cezom _Ude sLU l--.izt-k e-lyz ,. -p. --- ho lôr ictInsed sa n .y - ô -a-- -- é iviay6 0A-w 7 Wn W. C.t(i.oronta. ,a 1 tcthe forcuely, humaz ncature fbîCeirg iut t .PejL i bin, the d ndnatitb -'"-'s-.dru e rii Fo iVd ay. ofwekeriasixi ther unb ut ne ~ ess~on- -~----~ - -- co mltce iias hee toko. $ t. . em -ox ldi S, 'ar ilg__ , . - iGe--- _________________Dean- on- toiea io -te-_ t -. -of t ilis -,n euS. ravllig; fl- ___ in C~~~~~tanadaizesan has nds-h,,n cjsgeodexpeted a ladLawcbng- hcet ofs marisiarensnar o!theStanardBan Amb*tiin Canadar BthanrwMr. Munro sald lhe wanted o aiun ossos orby the better publicized itt 1101 t teseilea Such a moratorium would spread o! marijuana smnok- u~o hs rg eas allow iltato study the effects(? 1-,,sef.er i hi efton Rbet-ran ad arec untirsofa ig ng. auear tbe orug ecwlde-o!widespread open use of! iviartenr of -Port H-ope, wtia recen-,try-pur- ch.ased the former estate of the late Governor-General the Right Honorable 'ncent Massey, oulines what he has in in for these mnagnificent grounds. If ahi goes cas *elas he hopes, It Li ,bco.me thiç cultucal. an-d reraincen- ù te of thiese Unitled Counties, Hlis prog- rlamflrecahi mois o! the days when Mr. and Mrs. Massey were in their prime, welcomning thbeir many friends, t,ver a wide area, ta their home for caliber. We can ojnly wisha Mr. Marten every suecess with his, ambitious plan, in the hope that Batterwood may con- tinue te play an essential part in the if e of the people of Durham and North- umberland. Hi11s is a costly program that will depend, for its success on- the res- psethe People of the area accord it and the arganizational. abilities and ef- forts he and his staff put into it. Batter- wood's new role in the community will be watched with great interest and anticipation. JuSt how bad the situation is wbhen the committee mbt the non-medical use o! drugs makes ils first report ta Healtb and Wel!are Min- Ister John Munro before the end a! January.- Tbe report is exp ected tea recomm-end and result in great changes tn the legal att4tude towairds thie varicous drugs in Canada. A caîl for tougher regula- tions on the distribution o! pelp pilîs, tranDquilizers and sleeping pills is expected to, beý ipcluded In the report. Tbe oommittee Is also ex- sp3reaa uhan the more ara- mnatic smoking o! marijuana and use o! biallucinogens such as LSD or speed. The commlttee has 'done so and ils Interifft report could givehl the backing he needa tb enact taugber legal restrictions on these drugs. The report Is aio expect- cd ta give -hïm suipport for a move te, esse prosecution o! marijuana amokers. Mr. Muniro bas Indicated that he believes changes aire nieeded ln the existing Jaws coverlng marijuana passes- mainider o! Its two-year life, -A moratorium would have considerable advantage over a change in the law. It could be leasily lnstituted through a chanige in -administration procedLires and quickly re- pealed the same way il the need ta do so becam e vi- dent. If suAies during ani 18- monýtb moratorium ashowed miarijuanra ha(d no harm!ful s oc i al, physiological or psyc.hological effecta, the drug muigbt somne day be made as legally obtainable as liquor. ANew, Crisis for Biafra's Millions Fram aill report, it would appear aýt the ill-fatled secessionist fight in afra is just about over. Now, the real niig mazss starvatin ha,-,eunwith KEEP YOUR DKEAMS If it were not for people with vision who dream, How duli this world we would find, For most o! the beautiful things il 1woulseem, Were first çreamed of in smbd' mind.' The artist's true goal is ta gîve ta th1,e 1 world, Those beautiful pictur.es we pie And men of research spend untiring On their dreamn of restoring mnen's lives. I think when G'od made this mnost beautiful world, Perhaps 'twas His woniderful pin To impflant in each heart thiat unquenchable Lurgc, A Towvard perfection and uphift if ma(' The dream becomne real1, -- I'ni tlre thia¶ tcould,P The time when ail things work toigether for good. -MarorieCunninghiam I £etters to d/ie <cto We can onhy hope and pray that the work o! reconstructîng this war tomn country wîhl begin at the earliest paos- sible moment, and the poltical infight- Czar, Alberta, Dear Editor:. r-. - t t, - Andrus !ound hlmsel! In Space ,vill not permit the ion" il~to---r ------ ---e Unions committed to social ciples the very opposite o! -11N1 M. J AMES GO W. GRAHAM fGEO. P. MORRIS" fOR-PUBLISiE;R ADVTG. IMANAGE-,î BUSINESS MGR. "Coapyrighit and/or prope.rty rîqhte subsit tatic image apPeairi;i nn e prool. Permission toa cd!ce iii whole or ia part aind ma any formi whatsaêver, partlcula ly 31y phooraphic or offset escý in ,i puiiicctii, muet' he ahbtained tram the publisher and tic printer. Any unauthorized dricion wil bc, mbiect,1 rb c incela lw." e6,00 a yeoar -$mnha 60 80 a Yecr ini the Uited Statëa, stlrïdtly li dvn Aý!lbaugh evy preçaruti will bc 'taken ta avoîd mroirThv Canadilan Stectesinan accepte advertre- ,-z uneseý a proof ôt such actvertisment le requested hn wtiing by the. advertiser ie Ççancdimr Stateenian business office duly signed by tlie advertiser and with suci lis plainly aotd In wrting thereon. and ln 1h01 case If any error ca aoted le nat Canadian States.man Its iability shait nat exceed cuch a portion et the entire coet nilt as the. epace occupiee by the noted error bears toa the whole space accupied have one, so0 the damn party would be cancelled. I could feel my fresh deodor- ant going up in smoke, thie sweat run- ning down my snose, and fthe aid ticker running ike a snowmobile. Finished, feeling as though I'd ru-n the Boston Marathon, just as tLhe f irst guests arrived. dentails that go with havinga party. It took four wveeks of planning and three soid. dalys of domnestic labor, plus so much moey ears as big as tea bags Thein, of course, thr L he garbage. You'd have tho-ught we werre running a hotel if you'd seen me trucking it out afterwards. Not thiat it wasn't a swin)ger. The Christmas trele almost fell into the party, and mry wife almnosi feuliito the oven. But we sang carols off and on, gond tîme, or so they roared as they were leaving. And you are all îinvited to our next party, in 1984.. ,n,ç mans,w , v i e nvpvxui that now somieone would lîsten for a change, MIr. Andrus, most courageouisly llstened a n d unclerstodc what be beard. He spoke out for bis indian brother ln Toronto 1968 - - - that, same September. Mr. Tru- deau announced a change in uic Lparbineri-u CTuîUîdU Affairs, in spîte o! the Gov- ernment's assurance ta the Indians thal there would be no ýchange witbout consulta- tion, that siua month Mr. of employment opportunîty anid thie freedom to support unriion s of their o)wn choos- in g. M iHamistra is one of man . peaple who have known raw discrimination.ý during 196)9 because of com- p ulsoryu Ln ionrism. Let's hope, that the Go-vernmnent wÎll to introduce legisiation that wlll order an îimediate cessation - once and for, ail! - of the widespread prac- tice of coereing men into The coffee jar whe»t tîed yielded - 26 dolla~r change. This bas sinrce !orwarded ta "ýCani-Ai lie!. Congrat -ui a t i o n) s, Yates. There are Iiosn bungry people in thei men reiy the most public at tb. present Lime. Do happerntola ave an er co!!ee jar anywbere arc Stephen J. Mt Nitwïts AIwavs--SnoiVthe--Ftrn!' anh alvettis ê- ROi Ath li tl.'ttlez.. C x Y OXX. cac.. i T- r