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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1970, p. 5

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iwereM n, a ?ntI Mnsî. Murayj1 - __._ jA uýty snawa 'Have i'Nqeeaea orwer Dte t rm be' am4 LucatliinCud FinIaICEýS la--%lto"înn ",tpp Iwo r Ja.lg9th, 8 p.m. in the C. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Jan, 14, 1970 mil m areas that could sulpprt the ýOshawa Busineýssana In-! Ontaria tovernmrent spu)kfe,- 1 ir".m rus i te wulibsow Th oylcak f aad rin,$17ci inaiI- Qn plant and its needed power dustriaI Development Coml- mr cig slasn tor, th-e theC.F. Wing Tuesday -even- l terban oe n The eas oyalmedaste ofCard's-iài ir, spl which vas th'e reasonlmissioner R. J. Nicol said theItaian firm ninterested in the ings aýt 73.Anyone ýîinter- pricîpes o ar tha hy dobaning agent f oraothr$425,533; Hastings vill1a ge, Bowmianville was rejected, be- Oshawa pOw;%er set-up was project, D. C. Watson said to- ested can 'cal Mrs. Sh rle in clpeofng theleswth y ar after' aentbydsusfno1rMnes onh,$1, cause Ontario Hycoowýas tun,-1available, although he declin- 1dray from his Toronto office Gorden at 263-2044 or justiup-to-diate andILIta eadaelohter int sead the 36; Millbrs ook, 5,35 $1Sout 1able to guarantee the neededied further comment' on the lthere- are no further develýop-'come out and joýin n fsios mny dul, co,,bo hdetfeiuctonsranking386Man oi.1,6 ecSthe *increase in power supply "im- subjeet other than saying "a ents expected immediately, !Recently, on a trïp to the!id ie ol prl ihbusinofess ao ' iigMnd t sme f 0 ,o5 $61Per5c;yNtwnashlp, mediately". few things are In the mix", and possibly for six months., East coast, i had my first look a neyer failing source of arYnte thr hated banko. $104,054;Per ,tonhp To, have provided the plantl His counterpart in Whitby, Internal problems in-Ital y at atjthe'Y-igflut of th tide Let s ail be onthe17ookou with an adequate supply, al Wes. Winters, said he was u- present, including nationwldte a iegigoto h ipLtu l eo h nloi *30 kilow,,att sou_,rce wias need- aware of the plant's lois to strikes, was listed by Mr.Wt-waer, ndwht he bay for beauty, neyer for theugy Levies SURl Unpaid TeBadlandta h ed a hee oud b n ds-Bom~vilealhoghno itso a areso fo te osibe ooked like empty. One could for vhat iwe look for, is what The "board learlied that board of governors of the On- ruption to, other servic-e. The is confirmled he would look six-months delay in develop-1 becomne !est in admiration as we find. Bye niowl See youl there were flour municipali- tario Associaton oif Education tow ony hd a115KV ntoit.mens.-shaa Tmes te water sings awyateb, next wveek. ties that still hadn't complete- officiais had esabid a spe- leaving behind a the pain the 19629 levy, cial finance committee which expase f shmmeing ur-The worst offender ise made an approach to the Min- pies, blues and green, and the DON SHA-Y ENTERTAINS township eftMurra stili 0- ster of Edlucation, Hon. WVl- . U~littie pools caugh in its mesh- At the Jack & JIII Couple ing the board of educatianOV liame Davis on Dec. 10 regard- H M P T 0 Nes, each reflecting mrirror-like_ Club banquet iast week ini $77,633 of the 1969 total 1ev ing the financial implications Mr. and Mvrs, aereCie- fewv dayvs visiting with h-er, was M/r. Jamesý Smales, Osh- Ithe sky- above. I remnemberi Trinity United Church Sun- Of $613 Murray- town- af the 1970 sehool levies. mesMr ad rs Rn ie duhtr ndfail M. ndaw.wishing 1 were ant artist, be-i da- School noom, the speaker smha s paid $185,530r. This letter from the boardi mes r n Us oiCe-dL-he n aiýM.cause Î feel they alonie know andà entertainer .vas the ex- BorchimnJM.ophfgvrnrsadtemite me ns, Brenit and Brad,Mr. r. Stuart Lamb, Enn.isk'il- Christmnas Day dinner guests ýthe secret,- of beauty. Theý ceptionally talented formier oarnd that the matten Rolhadfstaed thaïit he mwas ar Arthur Blanchaýrd, ah of, len. wîth Mr, nd cMrs. Cliff Ter- tuhi terthat here na- Reecatian Director here, oul-nd be sor e outiTe of he situdtatn ýa wlrd Hampton, a-nd Mr. and Mlrs. Recent holiday guests with ril wetre Mrn and Mrs. Haroldý ture is pnoducinig an exquxîsite o Sana fSîce law, takes care of this, he said, his best ta case the financial AweH. CNeYers dinner ule]tsfall wrMrsRi. Wan d M r rMnaryJfeM.oinary rýsh m mdf meimes re wïth Mr. and Ms oma tnNorish, Ranldy, Wayne, a'nd Mrs. Jim Stthm nd mïains blindly uncojnsciau_,s a een\ g wMthhîs harmng JticsIn dbt t tboarareu as passible. 14* Mns Laverrne CeesadRcadBreSakloBwavle r fwihhis paints ar ýie cor-m ,. Mî.s~ ~x~.e.~c r$~9. f~s0trntd Vr. Davis Menton ? Mrs. ActhunB Aihr.were Mran rs Pnc ewell, Jh Hailton, Waterloo lUni-iposed, and that matertal is abot iepennest hee. otl, ev; laketons i dit wouild be helpfulhim ;recent callers on M.EDavid îandi Carolyni and M\/r. ver-sity, and Miss7 Donna Teé_r- mnud. The samne holdis true a-f Laea, a euet e lyd wn 1,749 of its $386,922 if hlis calleagues in threg- Saunders, OshawaDouglas Dewcill were Sunàday nri], Western University. Loni-'Lf. hr i ude"Y- h piano, adaplting"Te otIev; nuth O ofl lature were more fu]l n * MandciiMsSteve Atym dïinner guests vwith Mi-, ancld7 donOntario. wer. re not -we ourselves InlhWah omn a utBowm,,rïanvil-le ow,ing $9 a-formned onr dctoa ot andfallywee rcet gess rs. Har-ny Davies, Bowman- * unday evening cdl n n e ri m-ade af nmoistened dust? Thisl varous paYing oDflf $624,228 Of its a,,nd the imagnitu-de ofscoo cDf Mc, and Mrs. Steve Co-vle ahl elbaeteget ihMn. and Mrs. is 9asimple fact, thene is na I wa't e cub's 2t 493 -or pntosi h agr- nlakat teineottge t Crw 8th brthay o th guetio Douglas Rentoni and family' se denying it. The important annivensary. Te to usadn na famnsrto Lake foir;a Sk-idao party. Mn l, honor, Mr. AUf Dcwell. and Mns. Steve Artym and Mn. and Mrs. Joe Jc sa- Hampton Guide and Braow-' tenided thie first prJban-ee o,,nie Leaders, Mns, June WVhite, N the new year held on Suniday Mùs_ Vivian Hunt, Mrs. Mari-, evenig at he To Hal 1n , hiue and Mrs. Mona Ad-' wihM.andthMns, Jallac awrS cock attended a Lealership' Zawaxvile.traaling course con Sturday,, New Year's dinnen guestSiat Eastdale Collegiate, Osh- Nabo and family wene Mr. andý aud:., vnn ïiùs MnIs. , Ron Stephenson and audaÈvnigvsiosOUR COMPLETE LINE 0F fam i , Mn. ad MIS. JanvixUthMr. and Mrs. Lamne An- a~ os and MnIs, Stella Bal- fisweMnan vs.Sn son. Sunday visitors with Mn.eGesiTn. Sundyin- nd Mvrs, IlcNab wcrc e rs Laime Annis wer-e Mn. Hug SmithBowman-Sharpe, Oshawa,. B lw~ S .-atS Sunirday callens ith 'Mn. and f &I udycallens w ith Mn. Mns Hosken Smithstwere Mn. an r.Bu' us nid r. llrTalraaà1 ýk _ famnily wene Mnad. n and Mrs. AlnTyo ndFrtimdw.t mk r cFx Steve Artymn, Mn, and Mns. girls, Bowmanville, Suni Raccoon, Persian Lamb, Muskrat J Joh Mis, shaa, nd nssupper guests with Mr. and adPanTioe Mildned Cavenly. u p p e Mrs, Hosken Smith werle adMn.nTalo guests with Mn, and Mrs, anid Mrs. Donald Prescatt, SIsm and siender silhouettes, caisual, ilfitaire Eurst Wene Mnr. and n's. L Jnie-avdsiaaad e-styles . . . Fabrics in wool, nmohair Clark and family, Oshaw, ris, Broaoklin. ' d hb Mr adMr. o aldLue Wednesday evcning caîlens (worseç onkey comnb,, basket weaveboce andMn EniLuk vsiedonwth Mn, and Mns, Ben KleinSze - 221/ý2 Sunday with Mnl,. Grant- Lukel NeinhuIs and faiywre Mn. UPTO0 wha is a pat'ient in Osihawal and Mris, Herman Vanderbelt. % General,-Hosn)ital. A lloaniSNur evn&gvi =SaE WVith thpe excitemeAnt cfthe New Year over and everything settlin!,gldm-n îto normal, kt ii timeto take stock of ourselves an4 look to the Comoing Lwelve months of 19,70» We expeet that many niew iand ereouragin advanees wil be made in thie fieldî of hcailth andmeine Hopefully this will be the year when cures; might be foundl for so-me of the diseases that stili plague manikinid. . We look for-ward to se-rving our fredond eustomers and t4- their erijoymernt of good health in tChe mon)ithis ahiead. WVe hope you will look tu, your phys;ician for adivice liesof illness and, alse imiportanti, plani ahead tG get regular health check-ups for your famijly. YOU OR YO'r, DOCTOR CAN PHONE UýS when 'you need a prescriptioni. We -,il! delivr proniptly withouit extra charge. A great many people rely on us ýfor their health need1s. -We welcome requjests for delivery service and Chargex accounts., '67 KING S,'T. EAST BOWMýANVILLE rHOINE 6234-2546 I I I a wish for a specedy recovery yi V1b frSm yaur many frien s ce, Ohaa Hamnptnn. Christmnas Day dinner guests Mrs, Htircy,ý. ns e-'w'ýith M. and sMrs. Melbou,7rn MrDr is Ilolroyd bas ne- Prim-e and Susan wene DMn. lhone ftp spndlg aanc iVrs. Walton Pime, Kes-: - ick, M. and Mýlrs. Randial ~I~U YLTIPrime, Fenel'on Falîs, Mrnd. >1 UM ATN' c Mnrs, Wendell Primie and Timn-1, PÀAI 97 my, Baowmranville, and 1Mrs.1 Get fst rlîef Ca-ei Buckler and ghis, Osh-ý Get fas relief awa. Mn. and Mns,Mebun (the very firstdayÏ! Prim.,e and Susan spent Newl Yea's Day as guests of Mn. Rumaapa rpeciaiiy orm i and Mrs.. Cr Bucklcr and Iated Io ive, you fast reIif-thé family, shawa. Mn. and Mrs, ver frs, ia--roi iggni Meibourne Prime and Miss ver fist ay-ramnagî i Su san Prime were necent rhematc ~eis nd chs Aso weekend'gucts with Mr. and' proenffetîefrreieingUfl- Mns. Walten Prime, Keswick., bago, sciatica, headcheand Mnad rs Ov to neuritic pains. Ask for new M.adýMiO et7 Ruracas-adisinctive bue Mountenay and famnily spenit Rumcap-athe-Chistmnas haolidays visit.- end white caýpsule of soothirgig ng in Trenton. They wcre cofr-tyour local druggist's. Christmas Day dinnen and sup- Rumiacaps are capsules per guests of Mr. and Mnrs, cf soothing comforti Walter Mcnzle of Trenton and lMn. and Mrs. Fred Brenton * ***~. * and Mrs, Edith Brenton at 'e ffeeffl fflSelby. - -'~,Sunday viitors wthMn. uauf~BttO~ and Mns. A. W. ,PiesOtt wene UUIUPU~'Mr. and Mns. Jacob Kessier, ârand famîly. TBolton. Wednesdayinner guests' with Mn, and Mnlis, Cecil Sic- 1mon wenpM. Mr. aiT. Samelîis, lackstock. n A Sunday caller with Mn-,j anid Mns. James Smale S ONE RACK ONLYI- SLIMS STRETCH - WOOLS - DOUBLE KNlTS PLAIN and CITY PANTS 301oOF CAR COATS AND Tweeds, Melton Cloth .. fur Trimmied, flutff y fun furs. These are ail brand niew fromii one of Canada's leading Sportswear Houses. HOUSECOATS, Long and Short Quilted, Nylon and Cotton, Corduroy and Brushied Nylon NYLON NEGLIGýEE SETS SmialI, a Large W W/oOFF S KI1RT S ALL MATERIALS AND CLR INCLUDING' PLAIDS and KILTS SIZES 6Ci2 4OV/o OFF i SWEATERS BULKY AND FINE K NIT PULLOVERS and CARDIGANS 3OV/oOFF -REGULAR PRICE OUR COMPLETE LINE 0F THIE LARGEST SELECTION IN TOWVN! WE HAVE A DRESS FOR' EVERYONE! STYLES, FABR1ýýICS, COLOIRS q YOU NAME LT WE HAVE lT! ALL DRASTICÂLLY REDUCED0F WITH UP TO 4 *1 wP"ANT SUITS LONG EVENING DRESSES EVENING SKIRTS ENSEMBLES 40% ,oOFF GLOVES LEATHER -- UNINED, FUR LINED AND IWOOL LINED SHORT nd lLONG LMGTH BROWN anid BLACK -SIZES 6½ - Eeg.$6,9 to*15-OO 3,e ONEF RACK 0ONLY! "KITTEýqN" Double Knit NIT SUITS 3>,ý,9 LM Sportswear Rack! PANT TOPS MINI DRESS TOPS VESTS BLOUSES Ail Sales Final e Noý Refunds or Exchanges HALF SLIPS SHELLS' SCARVES- GLOVES - B3LOUSES' FUR HATS- GIRDLES - MIITTS T-SHIIRTS -- ETC. ALL CLEARING AT LAD 7 KING ST. W.b WEAR BOWMANVU LLE J. / CONTER OF OFF ODDS, Î'N ENDS

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