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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1970, p. 6

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le, 3Tan. 14, 19l70 from Canadi'ar ýtSta'tesman Files fter thepae, f ctr ewate-Orono i- Bowmcan- Fhad lbeen ntrdcdtaille area and cventujally ,vwil large crawd at thie Old- have 60 staff mnem ,bers, 's Soccer gam-le on Satur-j Hilliard Simpson ofGra afternoon at Soli-a, theFalî, Motalia, and hbisv;i f e 'e wa&ý started with a kick are visitinig relative n Or- by Fred Trul 0f Orono. onlo. 13oth we.vre form er resi- bafl was beldi in po ition ýdents here. An, arden c ountry Harveyý Balsan aad Beb and wea;tern muslie dv(-cate, hea, hie brought along two- beauti-. iorder to cinide with, ifui výciolihe had made. datels offEBoard of Eua Last Wednesday, August 13, eetosin the future PB-owmanv,;ille's LaRwn Bowling ne-xt Towvn Couiicil wvill Club beld thie annual Luther a threear ermn and B. Nichais tournament, with Its cornpletion -ubse- the winners being Mr.and it coulicils will revert to Ms.W.Sonley of Lindsay. 'e year term. This was de- Rurnner Up was M. Brock and d on a miotion byv Coun- Mrs. Smitb- of Bowmanvilie. ýr Robcrt Dykstra, seconid- Ajgjetj2s y Counillor Colin Cooke, A e x CaruhesM.P.P. recorled výote of fivetaDurhaFm, announced todAy the e at, the mletiing ofTonrntn by the Honorable nýi hcld nTusdy v- Stanley Randa"Il, LMinister of g. Trade, and Development, of RfTed Memorial Trophy andi cup for first prize in the, Class B. Working Huinter1 cas(ages of rider Il te 14, years,). Oompeting in thee qOpen Working Huntecr Classý (open ta w.ll ages) she took; the second prize ribbon. Missi Nicks and lier "cowboyý" fa-j thier also cntered the FamiJl Fun clas- vwbere thcy won the second prize ribbon. On i na morning, Mana- ger Roby Neads officially apeni-; ed the Arenia for the season vvith several hockey practices thiroughout the day. Mr. Pnd Meis. Robert Lock- h1art, Liberty-, St. Soutb, wereI awakcned witb a joit earlyý Sunday marning and their so0n John, *watching television, aiso had quite a sbck wbe thicir cernent block verandan collaps'ed after beirig lut ý1 October ?9- ciscs on F'riday evenIng, Vale- handled thie Christmas wiIeý United Counties Wardenadcoin Dianne Taylor was Oshawa and miany other post, Reeve of Clarke Townsbîp presented wt a specialý offices In the prov'ince show 7a Roy, A. Foster ann-ounied this plaque by Principal Gardon decrease. And Bowmianvillc ýweck that'( he wîll not seek Paisley. ~died it wlth less min heurs re-eleetion in the township November 26-tan letYer Tomk this yecar. things ýeenr better, at no timre It wq anouiredon h 1The wonderful Senta Claus d,.id the, mail ,et abead of the It ws anounod n te Parade an Saturday mo)rngsafthrwsnopl-. front page cf the Wingfoot!dlighted the b-uge Crniwdstaf hr a opl- thet Julie Cattran (n-ee Alnhtlin ed te etîr route, The Bowimanviile Ladiesý foýrmerly of Bowmnanville, hiad an_ýd espccially thrilled the Auxiliaryý to the Roy-al Can-1 been seiected asis Gond- thronigs of watching young- adta2n begion last weck donat- year United Appeal]" fro.m a ý sters. More than 40.000, people ýed,065 te MWemorial H'os- cast of 18 contestants. were ini Bowmanvilie for the pfitel for the purchase cf a At the annua] nmeeting ofigreat event. pulsemeter, a haemnograph- the Sotutbi Ontario County It is cxpectcd thiere will bc oscillator, a junior sizesutn Unit of the Canaediarn Cancer a big Iturn-ou-t of voter,ý at the Pump, and an overbead pro- Socicty, Ms Janice lMoses of polis in the Munlicipal Elec- jector. Bowmanville was selected ta tion next Mondey. EveryiDecember 3i-- represent the unit in the Dis- position f a r Bow,,manvilleI Thrce town ie m p o y e es,! trict at the Ontario"Ms Towý,n Council's three-year Works Dcpartment Superin-j H-ope" conmpetît ion. MV i s s t erm iis; being contcsted and tendent T. K. Stew,,art, Stan-1 Moses, a graýduate af Bowman- there- are four candidates for ley Green and Percy, Porte.r,l vile ig Scoo, s crrn_ the tw o of ficesi of Public Utili- who are ta retire on Januaryl famly, Witby; Mr anid mrm. îB. lissjington antd family and' Mrs. Aýgnes Simpson, (Oroino; Mr. and Mrs, Johni Goildsmithi, Hampton; Mr. and iVrs. Gor- don CulTmmns. Mr. and Mrs. Wailace Pascoe were 'New,, Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pascoei Kedron. -Messrs. Talimage and Don- ald aylo, Osawawere New Yeaýr's gucaýts wý,ith Mr. and MUrs. Allan Taylor. ]Mr. and -Mrs, Godfrey Bow- maýin wre ýSunday dinneri gujestsa _t Mýr. Gw,ýyn Roberts%, Tauinton Road(,. Thle a1int and Wisener family en(joyed a week 0f skiing at their lodge Col- lingwood. Mr. and MOrs. A. A. Emrmett entertatined a few friends on NwYea-r's Ev-e. Stuart Samis and Larry Beekýin spenit a few days with thie Oak famrily at Belgrav e. Thie UL.C.W. held their first' mneeting 0of the year In the church basement. Thc meet-ý plan Meetinlg For January20' TheicShiorelinie Chapter ofý ~the National Secretaries As- sociation reports that a mcm- bersbip drive thait bas bald muchi planning and organiz- in)g w'ill becnmipleted for the 1meeting to be held on Jan, 20, 1.970. About 300o secretaries have been contaicted, somei of whomi- will beý guests at tis speciai meeting. The guest speaker will be Mrs. L'Iaa Boydi, Past Prýesi- dent of National Secretaries Association and now employ- cd by Atlas Alloys,, Toronto, as Personinel Adi-rinistrator. Mrs. Doreen Breffitt, Treasurer, wvill give a short talk on bus- mess iaw. Secretaries!, You will find the evening most educational anci enjoyabie and ail are George and Queen Marymi reogito f belc ong aind mreritcolus record in hier 1She Ps member of the United CbLiuch and was active in, the church organizations -as longaes lier health permitted, 1She served several y aS a Secretary offlthc W omen's MîsionrySociety and aise of thie Women's Christian Temperance Union. Left to mourn hier loss are one nàephiew, George F. Buck- ley, Newcastle, aýnc grand. nepl(ew Thioras G. Buckley, Par-ry Sound, anld a cousin MisEthiel DvdoOrono. IOnc sister, Mrs. W. -N. Buck- ley (Agneis) and ance brother, Ge rge 3.Ferguson, prede- ceased ber. The funeraâl service wum held in Moj(rris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvýille on Mvondray, Jan- uary 5thandruiwa- conducte'd by Rev. T. Smnith of New- castle. Teroporary intermeint was in Lang Vault, Orono. Permanent interment will hio MY reson,1 an-d Jili Gough, [ wil emloy0club ta bc used for Crippled sll fom the Cbildrens work. Tbec funds tbcy Oontlributed, totalling t $7.39, hiad been raiscd by op-r eraing a Kool Aid stand, pre- ~el'ing a canivai, and a pup- ~et piay. The Statesman wes advised, this morning that The -Royal Thetrebasbeen sold and Stebr1- ire ToUgh ( Vcr a j, the Auto Wrcckcrs on the Base Line west of Courtice. Ap- parently gasýoline in anc of the wrecked vebicies bad ig- nited witb the flýames creep, ing into other cars ln the pile. No damage was cstimated. About 3:00 a.m. Wednesdey, Bowîmanvilie firemen were cal-led te the homne of Wm. Sua St. Nortb ngfuriously wh-en tbey ar- rivcd, Most of Lthc contenits pijte 10 -ea isl rn busîness m îo r -ie ýy way în a Mr. pand Mrs. Don GCirri, From a tiny becginning they okrrom hn e u sna'ýWa; Mr. a a IIs. iNeil bave workcd cxtrcmely bard back fmomi some outside ac-Mt and familye Colmbus to build up an excellent busi- 'tivity, some kindly soul, wbose Mr. and Mwrs.e cNw ling,' n uesns. r ug int bac! far remains ase-visitars' with Mr, and Mrs. Our wn EinerHugins et, ad oved tbe entire Fred Samis. from Hampton bas been cie- $250.. New Year visitars witb Mr. 'vated ta the Presidency of the December 10- an-r, oh umis ee Canadien Rahbit Growers As- lx Carter ..PMand Mrs, utledge, Mm. sociatian. His ciection took i urem Cannunccd today eMr.nd Mrs. .W. Rutledge, Mr. place at the annuel meetingDuthamthe Hnoabe eorge A.and Mrs. JohnW. .iestc r. and election of officers eta h HnrbeA ndMs rn .',ese n Firem en w ere ca led 0e1Rso r e a a em n , b s e o n m y o s aw a, fer's uacete o Liprtgien approval for e provin. ranà Mrs, M. E-oliay and I ~ . .?.~ I " 'ffrant of $750 tc, the '-n., bage collection. The ncw growth present- cd quite an attractive ap- pearance as many of the trees had been placed up- right lu snow banks. But, now they've gone to the dump, carmying wlth them the memories of another C hristmas, while inside the C". JEdmo)nd Biirrows, C. are pleased în announce the admission into partnershîp of : Gary A. Fitehett, C.A. The practice will coninue'under the firm n amec- of Burrows, Selby & Co. at 146 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa and 75 King Street East, Bowmanville. tueIc sare aeingputi away, until next Decembler, rythis fînest Florida j Why liot ss revenue wili b ei5Ë'6Ï ay a larg WXTA 310 TAPE WITN TA WiMi 2 AFE WITHff L- 1-

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