Phione 1623-3303 eveChrc Mr. Leon Moore Holinigshe1,ad'Mr. and Mrs,. Frank~ ofTyoe NewBalerwodOwnr Anouce AmitiusPla-ins, for Estate The anaian tatsma, Bomanllle .Trî.14, 117D KENDAL The pasýt week lias been ll th Mrs. W. Mercr, ESun boath cold Pand stormr-y. I - atrnoî ever, Kendal lias not received Churl-(I wLas beld asu the diepth of ütsf tlO tatlace8 zSunday morning iri charge flot far awa receved. ecRv. T. Snelg7rove wt IV were tharikful theewa i Judy Fonk playltig mlu ch loose siwthat -windcly1 orga-3n.The choiir -,ng pIE Mr. and Mrs, DougWodlck sn and hope tbey wiil con-! 2 pu sk a sing. tînue ta do so. Just dial, Don ike nIc în711 n ia o ý_ut ftnge blind sevral weeks ago at iis - - taý or haveT empioymcntý, cntrcd Men-i- been vîsîiting- away fromn home. l Hospital aîn Tucsday for:Holiday guests îthir M. and gmatin, rs, Don Kenneýdy, and family - Lins FourthStreet, were Mm. and winners, arc: Jr, "A", Jen, 17, .,~og .~ ~~a'a L~ouis Plirllipa;, Jan, 25, Johný Mrs.- Roy Sîmpson, M1iss Mac Hateiy; Jan. 27, Bill Ho[roy:d; Weatberill, both of Nortirport,ý and Feb, 1, Don AlIÏn. ont., M. and Mrs. H. Ham-ý Bob EIiis mturned last weck. mond and famir 1iy, iMm. andci ta York Univcrsit, Toronto, [Wiîy ei' îrn after spending tire holidays wîtli bis parenits. Mâr. and Mrs. M_ýr. and Ms.Harold Rami- Lloy'd Ellis, King St. Wcst. rmond and family ireid an af- ivrs. R.. Nich-olson lba;smetenntc an socrn turned home -from 0ita w a afcreovaeein- orseeriMarilyn Wight of Edm-onton, weeks at tire homer of lier GTuestsa atenclng were Ivir. ania daugIter, MsJ. E. Campbel.Ms rvlOb M, .and Mr.Mrs Punscîl OsMone, r. and' Scott, Bobby, LIsa and Marnie,ý Mms Gordon Mrtin, M.L. Do Milis, weme reccnt guescsGÛ,Man Ms.Wiu M ~ ~ ~ ~ ý"r. and Mm.E.Retulr burr a~M MmVi. -Nýorma;n Down, Mra, F.1 Miss Wlm Btesof Whth"y rabbinPs, Mrs. H. Hayes and1 is pendlng a fcwî days wýith ihem Mr. Hieber Dawn. I tfirer i Bawmanvile, aftr MmcndMsiH rd1b rpendIg ire tCirrisd mas bah-I days. wihbeste r s. jïson, Mr. and. Mis Irod Gib- Jbs (Ly ie)ofCalgary, snMr. V.H.-tre We notced ýumMrsui Grant Maley and Karen We noticneHaduming aur mec- ent very cold, wîndy speil thatweei Haitn Sndy ev7en tebi-rds ,wl ich ir nter January 11, on tire occasionl of ire )tfynaito ,tlire50thr wedding anniversaur her wre atflyng an o aof Mm. and Mrs, Samuel Ste.w- pairticularly frosty.,,tnlrny ,dayrt omly of Stcwart'si clid not vcntui'e a visaîtota ur secds, Bowmanivillc. Tlire :teeder. abavc-named and jmany otirerl Jamnes Ho4ffman spent iast relatives ,ýand friends were eni-: Satuirday wltbf his gprandmotli- tertaîned at tire Hamiltoni er. Mrs. George W. Jamies, King homec of Mm.r and Mrs, R. K.1 Ma jtr'a1 Qe.ta London, lw fMr. and Mvrs. St1ewart. Ont., wireer b as been trans-; Tbel Stewats; now resid ,e in: tre Comny. froîn Vactioners in loridla fc tuis eea mruaýt have faund tic dliilt tao keep warm indteC ST C "deep freeze" there tinsweek, espcciallyvîth il tireir wintem The January- mreeing ofth ciotiing lef t biind wben they Biackstock Womnen's Intîtute headed sýoutir for, hopefuliy, a was ireld on Wednesday eftem-, wamm limte, - oon in tire CommunWiy Hall ________________________ 20;ldi e~'<, a.±ndng, Pre- St. pau' Un'ted Chiuch ilv A.4Turner, O ria n l5ti'n- * '45 d. . - jurc h S bôo durh4ig eve Cristi Aneor B.A,, B.D,MTh DMal 1310Rai Every Sunlday 10:30 am sident Mrs. Velva Balley pre- sýided for- the business whicir inciuded iri.e vating of a. $10 donation ta tlic extensioni of tic, Homre Economnica- Building e,ýt th le GuelpirUnvest. rs. M. Gmram wa ch earge af -tird proarm. Mr. George Skligtook the rm-otta, "'In-1 vcst your tinreIinsteed of sopendîng if"'. Tic ral cil "Naee an indu stry -which wvould like te visit" wes wei answecred. A rea dingp, Mîddie! Age ry dna Jcue.was mead by Mrs, P., VanCam p Mrsý. F. Hosld'kn gave an inter- esigresýure of hem ecent tnip ta FlorîdaI Mrs. ýM. M'c- Ke ed "The Swiniging Shap-j ping af tire Sîxties'. Acon test ontire Nut was eýnjoyed. Lun-ch and a social fime con-1 cuidcd tire afternoon. Ti oclsudents oj'f1tie PetnbrouirTeýchers' CoDi- iee rc spenrn t p we teachmrg in tue foiin sciools: Miss Den)ise Malcolm. Mrs-, Dora Mar-tyni-, MYs. Con- ie Swaîni, aetGanid,ý-v Sciroci, Ma4nvers; issJoan R-ortoýr n te Centrai Publiic Scirool, rPet rborougi; Miss Lîndca Pa!lla Ms.Marie Rob- inlo cf estmount Public Scirool,Ptebugi Rcv. îto asa ain T,1oranton pusuing a Conitinu- inig Eduiction. course for min- isters et cEmrmanuel College, 1-n his ebscnqe, tic Rev. Drý TRINUITY UNITED (HURCH Mnister - ievGeorge K. Ward, B -A, B.D organist - Mr. William M Fîndlay13BA, ACCO,1ATC.M SUNDAY, JANUIAIY 18, 1970 M-003ti . 'H0W DO WE STAND WITH GOD?" Rev, G'eo. K. Ward Church Sehool Hours ~einer, indergarte-in.d ?rimiary DeptÉs. at 10:15 a.m, Junior, Interniiedîate anid Senior Depts. at 11:00 aa.m. 2/vallon 35 iviionSt Bowmaaeille, Ontarlo Capt. anc Mm's. D,- Peck. op Ofcr EV ANGELISTIEC(AMPAIGN JANUARY 17th te 2Othi INCLUSIVE E7very 1night except Suinday\ - 98:00 :in suilday - 11:00ani - 7,00 Pan.1 Feaurng"TE CANADIAN CRUSADERS" Lieut. uGin Sharp Jan.17 -FeaturingYount-h ILI- Suiiday 1Services; 19 omuil and Band nsts 20 -Fea-turing OshwâCitadelBu Fffli Gosýpel I'reaching Bright GqoPslwlSiuging EVERYONE WELCOME A viWt of the magnificent 'Batterwood' bulse1 by Rabcrt Mrtn iMma eciingamd deinterd;a-rt-A d or over 2000 cars.Endurace -Pdorni, Si On tue poprtIy ;îs e Ivci ists avaîlable for 10 weckenIds Batterwvood Com;ýmuinity Park Ming, Victorian styIle wmmn pool, Sîncenmv recentaqiiin1(audy n udy)drn T-rkIill sat na 0ace Thsscolpogram wÎýîI atni -utnmru u oftire "Betberwvood Estate",ý, rumcrMOntP. cmunt pr wt'A-11 oeregh ees emimet tiswikptfo er d late re-sideircec f tire RigitHo. -î-w 1 , DIE ieflallti.ouirfà a. r. ll acetd nï'weky eetbi aresan io Vicet vasey fmt endin Wrirtirte co-operuation iof Tis- parkiîIibcire ncnear basis. bouse ta gýrow ail thir lwems Gter avo enc fCnda aainTheatre Groupa, we ,rouLnd ith rtificiel outdcoor A studi( snow undemwiay ta nceded frtr ea tirebaeben ay nqi- il resent a ariebyof pav i rink fr pesr saigIdeemn tr oteffective, les as ta whetmyplnsrng tr mnirf uyancnc oce.There wîll ireway ta ilmo-inate "Batterwoo-d "atrod wi vd wereîdu ,~ sur-excellent fcbiswilicir will for tire poperty. Until f;inalAugut, ia aeltheatre ai- facilties for aummer pîcnf ils ouse" eîîd ifs exquisite enbe an oftr trc rlsnwihtook place DeJrany n ir popry.Ths xiai, utor rtexubtsheunigs* ai pnetes n 31, 1969, 1 was not in a Position intîmate theetre will seat ap- etc., trimmcd ircdge ro-ws. This wî i'llihnonresidnt (wa ig ta~ mkpulcm pln. proxîmaey 3,50persons. BattcrWo ire a spectacle of patumral bacLaewitin anc(oum' rtiivme cf Now, 1 cen say that itbl a Btterwood Band Concerts Girls Summer Sehool uty, giving a sense, of relaxa- Btewa)t priiaei my proposai ta initiate a prog- Thins wili consist of igit Cpatyfr00 ekysu tion tiret "Battcrwaýýod" aione r9,ceationa-l and cultural acti- ram of actîvities with cirallcng- Su-ndlay aftcmnoon Band Coan- de nts o 00Welys can creete. vîties uncqualled in tirs area. ing objectives designcd tai pre- certs, during July and Augus' at, . ASpciiiectHeBaletTire exîsting barns on tire T'iesprocrty s'n.s Tituae off serve "Batterwood" -and Its 1feauing tire flnest brands aveul- Pao rSwmig o s wîîî ir e used ta , raise miesnrh fPr1Hp f iîstoric îeauty. aile. mensiip, Tennis, Cooking, Eathe,, es e rseyNa, 2 and 401 ii as This will ire for tir ecnioy,- Folk Festivýal Weekcnd Tis achool wil continue fa rehuse 4horses. W hae pely tu'tl,,.tegrii men 0 ti pblc andtic Onewekn of Folk Muiisic, eigirt wceks and students wil. mentbofshepuin Batdc omeîin îtmnn -,ire accepted on a weckliy basis. for anotieyr 40, Tircy will ire wili not ire open fyta ire public -Bý ood omppi Jos, einen P-usecd for aur Riding Scirool and untîl tire new faciliiies are Club" ome a etiiat eista. There xviii iree ards -&forBterodtritîdn. completc, IRowever. cwe expecb tic folowîng progremns: Ibcst promne prcen=tedi, By ume eol Tire Grit MIIi" willl ireconi-ire people of Canlada wl have BatrodFestival cf Datice, tis vwîll ire of spciaI interest' Capacity for 100 Weekly stu i-verted ta omtoisduirng tic opportuni11ty ta, en-joy "Bat- Draman id Mse ta tire NyoungIcr gnrto. dents, Speciel Atiî,e:Ro-(2mersho(olIand ïfor special tcmwood" by the sumr.- ,ofý W&ilpresei some of tic PMkIn-j-g sec iflbc Pri- 1ey Rrsmas p Tnn -e vfls.19i S. L. Osborne cf Oshawa Is taking, services] in tire United Churcies. on tire cierge. - On Thursday and Frîday, Maýdmes. Reipi Lem -mer and Henry Wotten, leaders aiong with assistants Msdmes. Ram- oid McLaughlin, Richard Van Camp and Neil Wilkinson et- tended ftir4-R Leaders% caurse in Ooo The ncw course is "Spaetsfor Summirrer" anid S ion. lier grndarnt, m anmi MVrs, oyMcLa)ugbIrin, ii ber mlotirer lain hiospital). The Jnar met o f thr_, Canda,,ï-ce Uitl of tire U.C.W. mIet at tue 0hiom fiMrs Gar- donPesy on Jearay 6ti Thc Waorsip was ,,,in cha'rgýecf Mrs Wm.i Maliaffy wiro gave tîmrieiy 1ti-,ugirta for tireire- gmnig cf tire New Yeem, Durîng the business It was votcd tai change the date - f tire meeting ta thre fîrst Tues-, day of tic monti. Tire unit wilLVhold -a-B-akeSale et- tue General Meeting con jant2Otir, tire proceeda of whici tc, sup- plement Lorna Wright's bank account. For tire riogmem Mrs. Harold Kyte rcad initer- cstîng items from previauis re- ports,, suggcsting worthwvhJie prajecta for tire future, Mrs.: Luthrer Mauntjoy fel and stmffeircd a broken h--ip. Sic is in Oshira 1Hospita irn wo-iuld weicomre Fany maýil fromn tis res IMr. andl M iBl eruc Evangelistic Campaigners ta Sunday-, in tire Norwîvcir arcaý On Saurdy tey t-1 Maýjor eud lMrs.BillDavica tendcded v bic weddmg of hem The SlarnArmly Citadel on -NiiinSretl br oth-er, Mmrugi McKee ai-,-!ndr Missý Shirley Tov, in tcwl be a h1 ypbCe fromn January l7th ta a. Oh Femfild Unîted Ciurclh. i-whn Te caad e Crsa ers,durrng Major and Ian~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fegsnvsemme r.BhDve n iuGlen Sharp, -,i codue ,of tire weddîng perty-, atnPnEaglsi apîg.Fradtoe nomto as mig-berer.secbb adertsemnton this page. Major Dvie isa Mb], W.IW.a VanCamtpe wsvFIonat1ional eegeitwhose parents were Salva;tionîsts - pifai n tire eekend rnd, : q the town cf Ncw Watcrford, NovaStaHgrd Spendîng tlic eo in thm. uatcd from the William o)Booth Memorial lTrainingb anidMs Stenýien ii anid College for, Offî1cerin T ii'oronto in 1946 and has had iv Mus Helen vaJnCam2n1J) Gsco-i-nrany v arî (e eperienices in -posts throughout the world Mrs DoaldGren rtur- sncethe, including threc years in Afrîca. He and hisj cd omefro OnawaGcn wfe, whom ihe arîin 1949, meke a wa'nderful eral ~ ~ ~ ~ - Hopîa oIStrdy evneît-i eam-cfwarmhearted people. 1\1;'. Cecil Hili iras ileft t Lieutt. Gle 1Sarp us also the son cf Salvation Purmy osptal and is wit1i'Armny officers. He was ,bomn in Toronto, ia a graduate ber augrter Mm andMrs-f)m the Amrmy Collceeandquite a performer with Stan Rehm. Also theme, la iris miother, Mrs. A. Raimn. electrie and ecoustie guit-ar in the folk-rock tradition. Mm. and Mrs. Ansron Taylor, H-e and Major Davies jain vaices to present same of Scariborough, wcme Sundeayithe more traditional Christian music., evnîggustnf iris p rarents,ý Everyane is invited ta attend these evanlgelistie 1Mm. and -Mrs, RoTaylr services that start et 8:00 9very evcning, ecp Sunrday whcn regular services il be hcld. BURKETON Mr. andMsP ecei guest t 14of Mms. A. C Stpeno adfaily.i 7 apent tire wcckend i n Ktb ener. Mr. .Bra madle a bs incs tp ta Part Pemmy on Set urday-. Mrs. Fitzgýemaîd a-nd Mri. Ri Dvyspent Tues,,day in Osira- md Mrý J. Ppelïlngmd Ruby RemrdingOirw, vrChrist- maaisa received a long distance telepirane call fram hem brother R.J, JuMcflonaldi Dtroit. nda :eail ifrmhemý- farOsianda, FFrd Viiosover Ne'w Ya' hiiMr.Beiywere Mr and Mr .Bennet, Ronld, Agin- caDurt; Mm, Donald Hafll, Taran-ý te; Mr and Mrs., R. MIcDorald,1 Bowmaviil; Mmand mrs J PelnJaniceilind Mmg, Mm.StaieyTaylocr apentJ ýSqndav at [lic homÉ1e ofM. andMm AleTalr hefirst meeting of1 theNeiM nd rsAt'u Un it ed C hiur c 1-Wome, , M1 pa, eseyM the ew yar, ag hid i theMahon for boxe o rut Sunay Shol al,wit -h Mirs. The treas-urer gvethe fn H4elb opn pe~igandic ancial r1ei7nort soigabl rcadingý a po--em i' Look up aýnd anc1'e of $75,Scadh flo elown oo orad arn hai.d rnettd $320andý flot back; L oot and not in; it war. agrerd tocontinue wît anid lendr- a hand." thîs metJho)d of raising mon,î-eyl The wrbpsriews~ for anothfer ycar. charg-e of Mi- Clarý,eER- A miotion w2, carrîed tLo an zh ave cthe mrttion on ppornt grotup leadýjers as-- Pro- "More St2ac!,vy Mansins"aqrigraým conveor5an repon thouhts for thle ne yarsileFor two mee inmthe Mrs HroldWhite read tIre yeair;to,,discontinue the Fs acîtr esszon and c1Mrs. Ai- ter Child program; tocreas ian Beer led inprer the amiount aio l ortri The rol1ca 11was -1swere boxes'; to acceýpt the pirosed bya >6e>er iayngtheibuget o0f $600 00, fe divîing program s ug- Memrbers weVrrre rmînddo gestons.the a n n u a i Cngregationalj Theseretry ý . Rmeting to be held Januiary Je&nni-ngs r ýead nminutes of! pre- lI1th commencin.-it ýh a pot- VGsmeeting, Chr1stmas and l1uck supper. New Yea r s retîn M rm Anonemn wsmae Mrs. James Fraer inFlorirda;the aa)11 Prshteia-i meeýt f-1crs o ha01fo Ms igtu be heil In lKnox( te Winnifred Spenicer, Mrs. Wfl- 1Church, Peter bornugh1-, 011 Jan 1iaým Rowan, Mr, And Mvrý.-. â 2ît1i Rvý iA, ê' orreit, edi- tor of The Observer, will bei tire guest speaker at the even- ing session. There was a birief discus- sion on "The Live And Love" projcct book. This wîll be iooked into further hy flic Executîve and presented at the next meeting. Mrs. Johni Cumnberland and Mrs, Allan Beer werc appoint- ed as a commînittee to look ine ctsof re-decr)ratîng the Sunday Schjool hall and pre- sent their findigs ,,at, tie Feb- muary imeet-ig, A skif oný the role oýf women' welas wthasrous aide,ý asprýýeent y !Mrs ecrbl Coppints, Mrs. Ross Davidson, Mr,- Carl Porteous, Mrs. T. R. M1ýrs, Jennings led thre mem- bers in singîng a new song "Tire Urge To Grow". A fellowship hour followedi tri wxhicli lunch was eerved by Mrs, Frank White and mnim bers of her group, 4Jnied-hurrh-- Çongregational Meeing The annual Congregational meeting of-the United Cbiurch was held on Sunday night in the Sunday School hall, be- ginnîng with a pot-iuck sup- per. Rev. ,David- Northey chaired the meeting and led ini a brief devotional perîod; also expreýsing thanks to AI- lan Beer, clcrk of the Session.,1 and iIl t'heficasfor their heip and Co-opýeration tbroughý- out tflic past teco., Minuts ofprevius met.- ing were read by Earl Wea-1 theirlt.1 Mrs. We5 Mcahongave1 the financial repoirt, nmng a year of progresa., Mention was' moade of "The Obsjervrer" beîng1 secnt to cvery famrrily and in thIis connectin a. mo-ition was carried to cont-ract ecdi mcm1 ber askring for a dontio t help wpay for thîs churchI Imagazinec Allan Beer expres- scd the congrcgation,'s thanks to Mrs. McMahon for ail her work, as treasurer. The Missîonary & Mainten- ar'ce report was also gie y iMrs, M4cMahon. rn Wie Mrs. Harold Sandcer-scn and Mrs. McMahon wcre a-ppoint-I cd as a committec to stud,ýyi suitable projects for thce new Mission & Service programý,l each ProGject not leass then -$50.1 Thc Sunday Scholt report! oreparcd by Mrs. Harry Ryieyý was given byr Mrs, cahn noting an increase iii attend-_ ance duri-ng the D2st year. Mrs. Harry Ryley wa1S r- poînted asSudy cho Surint en dent,wthMsA- bakblneof $22633, wa Copsfor bier ieadership of tus gruopilus thne many1' hc1lpfil limrgs s iehe bas done 1-n thewom Y of tie cburch c7d by v Mr, anid MsHr -hie and mread b e.Nr 'they. noîëd fumds on b1anrd of ported an aýctive errfor tireý cu c1 coirs, wbo have ai bank ,balance of$53. rs cd a orgajniat andMr. . thlpeeldifor tireïrmuia Tereneet of Graiham-'q Cýemnetery Board wa,ý gvv biyý Ciarence'Rowan, witi aý bal- ance on irand of $37.,83 In iris Sessioin rprAilan Beer noted a memcbershIip of 133. 'Rev. ;otirey was'appoînted ta contact the Weatherilt f am- ily and Ralpb Preston regard- ig woý-rdîng on a plaque to b'e ýpaced an tic new Memcriai doors recently îinstalied et tire cirurch,. Tic sccretamy was askcd ta write e letter of who hed installed thec doorsý. Ail tue execu1-tIve! wCre e- furined tao ffice forantr year asfc,5 s:Ei1ders:Her Jakernan, Aiian Beer, Donald Lowes, Rarry Preston, iGeor'ge Waddeii, Walter Pallis, Eami Weatiemîilt, Ciarenvce Rowan, Vincent Jackson, Ralpir PreGs- tan, Carl Porteous, Dr. Nom- man Lowes, Charles Weetirer- ult, Mrs. Allen Beer, Mrs. Rerb Coppmns, Herold White,, Earl Argue, Stewards: Thrn'- as Jennings, Rary Porteous, -Rs odn en nîsCalce, -Mr. and Mrs, Wes McMahon, Robert Ryiey, Rosa Devidson, John Neals, Mrsý Harold Whrite. Percy Peerce, Mrs. Ad- dison Scott, Arthrur Wright,; Frank Wirîtc, Douglas Whîtc William Clark. Presbytery representative, Frank White. Trustees: Chrarles Weýatirerilt, Vincent Jackson, Geo--crg e Neais,_ Glenn Prestîon, Clai - enice fRow-n, Weston Rutchnin- sonj-, Addisuon Scott. Mans;e Commrittee. Mm. and Mmsý Hrroid Whrite. Auditors.Rt 'Devîdson and Ted Ewrs Clerk afSessýion, Allen FBeer. Treasurer, Mrs, Wes McMai-, ion. Churcir Scirool Sunemîn_ tendent. Mrs. Rarrv Ryley. UCW. PresidJent, MNrs. Renr Coîrpins. Algn Beer expressed tire congrcgatîon's tbanika ta Rev. Davî,d Notirey and Ms.Nom- tirey for tiroir helifl leader- accurate information on .owý tÔo chioose [ne proper coursesý al, the beginning CIf Higir; School, so tbey wil bavp, thei trade achoals, etc Mr. Fergu- son g ave a short talk afn iraw mark.s da naot mean a thing. He usedcan.,cretpe eiamples ta ShOW paren'ts wmakig depen-ds Orntflic cild himself ather tir_ aniard set mulesý, A achool meeting waheld, at Ga-rden Hili, Thursday even-! ing, We scure samie guildance.' Reprsertaties ere there franr Port Harpe Higli Sciroolý ta dis-cusa tire coumses Part, H!ope H-i glh Scirool bas tao ffer. 1Tire UC.W. mieetinig was helid at tne home af Mr,3. HterFosterWdedy Janujary 7th wlth ouir new presiclent, Mms. T. Stevens lire- sidi ng. M,/iss C. w. Stewart, tirein vce-pesient late ak the niotng wen .Mmis.St- roil ceil;wa answemcd by teli-i lng w!b1at we didi for Chriïst 1mas. -We are again gaing ta snshiny days; since kur last' yo" etterA wrerad Ms Stceens ead tire Christmas SLoryý of tire Wise, Men and eLsa iow te maise a deinquent. Mrs. Stevens elso read tire firat chapter of "Tire Cbumch and tire Worid", by Gemld R., Craig. A cirapter îla te be read, at eacb merieting.'Miss C. W Stewý,art toid Us of a vemy sac- milegiaus cburcb service fiat sire irad iisened ta on tie ut tachurcb. W-\e hope tirerej areu njut nliaflyliku it, Afaimiiy mer:tli la'te r hein janua- ary te -get mie chureli business, dc[r" end tc Licre rpoirtsready ill l tire Sundy Shool. ýThe ladies ceci peid àtireir 50c ducs. A ver-y tasty lunch w,-as ,enjayed.ý The next meet-Îing willl be held FeFbmuamy 1 in the afternaan at tr hom-fe of MNrs. W. Mý,eme- cm. A eucbre Party wa eld by tire Oranigemnen In tire Orange Hall, Satui'day vniglit, but it was, toa coid faor manîy taget ouf ta iL. Mrs. Fred Patner reccivcd thep door prize and Reg Eliodtthie men's dor prize; Mrs,.Cawi the ladïies'; low, M.Tun aidJohn ,Zea-ý lanld tied for gents,' iaw. Miss Joce Eiliatt nd Miss MVargaret SeensOa, andl Miss lameSeens, Peterbor- aougi, set iritr itli Mr. and Mns Reg Eiiiott. Jay e stayeèi at home for the week. We wýere pleased te wclcoar Mrs, Bernice Wieeler, Mrs. M McAliîstem and YMm. Vemnioni Peacock out ta our churci, Sunday, from Eizetvi. Tireir churcli at Eiizabethvlle' býas been ciosed for tiem te go ta Garden Hill. Mm. and Mms. Carmren Rail- n. ,iu ""il,' ns of vinut iibertr-Vstea ý a SOUTH PA CItF Bow Mvle Town Hl TICKETS $2»U0 AT RECRE ATION OFFICE THE CORPORATION 0F THIE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Reg9ubations- Dverof motor ve1hîcles are- advisïed dtaB yLawNo. t,ý69-32 prviestht omer" nshhpark ab vehile ii~prigmtrzn bet,,ween tihe hoursi of 12 o'clock mdih and 9 e!clàcka.m Th'is regulation rwas 4,made by Cuclinorrtefilttj street cieaniad sne-wreo Dvrsarr. advisd e cevnsuitthe istuciet ntheiparig meters regarding ,parkiners ,anid fees, JOSEPH RMcLOY Marlon -r iý Ine Caiiaella.vl !ýatcmým-an, 1, ýl 1 A Jîcre, j umpeu muit tand a rfia ande thvolice informed. Tir. police sýtopped tlhem and tooL- tierm Into custody at Newton- -januam2y 19, 11'70 Mr, Crruthers: Having h1.eard your goMý ments and read your r_;plra tiens for makîng t1leim, 1i af compclleýd ta voice My protes,' Tf nr onIlmfrloe yure on1ing throuighout 11f e it woulh1 be very easy ta fiind an ex-s cuse for every breacli Of0f goo snâmnners, a and duty- It îta1uP te yau and rme t, make tbe flag rmeaningfiùl. Ne flag la born of tra.dition, ratbi er tatinis ln ire namet' tiefa.Are yo'u no 0 Parliamnent in the name oi Our flag? What then? You' atitudese'emnîs f0i sl1anted on thbe same "riot ve- sponrsibie" s cale as " 1don", ng"ý -l canî't do bttr.rn parents aren't any good". f am rigirt, the law I7 s vrùlng". When are you a4nd the es_ -of aur people going t» grow Up eîrough ta see thaýt Itttn't whbat the ;voridl thfiks, it' our owen individual personali ip tegrity and pide -tiret will de, termine the warth of out couintry and ýthe destlniy ao iu Mrs,, E. -M.hrhm. SERVICE If Yeu want to dG something about your education .- ,youi probably eau. See YourAui Couns-elogr EVERY MONDAY -BOW MAVN VILLE Gudu&Office Thesie is fre- roul idenfial - anid no appoïintmpenisî inecessary. JMU