1 nrnk Mobun 623-723.4 teé do à little elimbing te idays< As in al sport;-, yo '> tc., when yen are properly] ea [oask a patroller for hel>,p or directions. to ask questijons, than to find yourself en a Srprakiing cf c]2imýbinig (as ýwe wavra i our first tip), n-lke to usý lh ie 4 of the il and not the widdla,. Nither [di yeu ever standf or remain lying on a kil,, ulless of ý eu are imrt. W,ýe notice.mny littie gaffers climbing e middlle of thie Junior h,whr they could hasaiosl L'h "dwn-lll skerha3 tâe rîght-pf-'w',ay aud if yoli tcin tapa'ss him you should yell and tellhi hm Onwh you itn apoce.Dptjut yell "trauk". The guy it thb-ik it's Eddiie Shack --r- and then ha wouldn't kr.ow h xpy ta go. If. you are constanfly jassing ethers, an-daR1eý Men's Majoor Lgeil Thie second schadiule etq with a bangý and th e stars of the first night iRtise "Duteh" lHalimiani, IPjçhards and Bob Glanvl heFlYing Dutchm-anT man hed igh itripla, 833, gamnes c-J 287-30--242 fo Luice 278 -Rrge a Ajax Downs Cable TV's 6-2. In Dul Rematch Last Week arde by Hasrvey WVebster 1 Oronio, Steve WVest, scoring'spectators blamle v a r- i o u s thrl"-e A irevitalized 5attack lu the Bowmanviile',5 second goal. sources, fr001y the referces,! wvere sec-ond period enabled the Ajax,, added twu naserdtearnm membabrf7 and possibly Mý1oae local Cable TueeIlVes's ta pick goals in the tliird periQd to everi the coachi. If everyonie d1ls. tp a -%vn from A.jax last Sunl- -completc- the G-2 score. igivas their hast iin a hocliey:, Vall- dday. Iroweyer , hp com-eback The Cable Tiee ea;feltigaine, thae game miay halot w'hnye aein j A slow! thle absence etLar Devýitt but iio one can hae blarnacl. The1 01 astart didni't inreae speedj aýnd Warren'lAldar who id entir ILe a in lajneeded ta win,1 l trin virtn ri~c Q p Conboy, Don Chilci,; 811( Dave Ht' off to both ol Plaze<whleD)ug Staintau thL inew yea)r i fine style, and Je y Bur', each hadt <me Ma'3ybOe one o thesec dayv assist. The lunie Siades' goal1 was seorecl by 13?rry Brunt, Tn the first gama played onud es' M 'Sat,, Jan. Srcl, the Braves de-1 feated the Panthers by a 3 ta 1-Yt,17 counit. The Braves' goals 'wee Janiat 12-17 scorad bv Joe Humanick ,vith Standbigs two goals and Gary Ovande anari, whbile Itha Panthers' goalOna tcr- --- - wvas scored by Bill Preece, Mar g ------g sitsd by Doug Gerrits --hir-ey----i--- The -Flyers and Pirates play-Dyl Wo1nik ------------ aç t 4~jf j~j-~Merridv Hataly ------ ;Vavragig sniimehare aroUndi 170. we'll get ,a 900' Mjo Bowlingi IL ripe~ hIrey aviu 781 ?ts- -h-rle-- - 5240 5 Olive Ptieîld 23r) 5 LabButtonss 4 OnIie E l,-'er1 - - 2 Tsyas s i e -kpBey Elýle and.Bren-da îoo de. lAverages (for 3 ges> 5fm" ~e ~ ~ Get A'ùe~,niSll ,,SUre Lcùe 57 Bahob Glvile25A. Maur- The lacie; hNd nu lemsthan four wînnerswihMro caAne 251, IRap Palm- jAmres lasîmrg tmewayy prf1w6-rnk 16-/ieor."e 2 e7 n -FItce -2T4'7 Rus5 Membars et th.e firsi antry were lCay Wo'rdeni, Agnex Lecis Oke 246. Frank Samis 245, and lvy Rundie, Ou tha second Jam(es rtnk were Ede Gearinq Jank Bnd 241, au M2% eet- Thelmh Bertuyen VI Ward an-d Margaret SMMatt Oke 239, Ab Samian 233, Si MOaybe we had the wrong James skippdrg our rink. sorry, Trawlnii 232, Bob Wýilliam-s 230, ab=ut!hatStuaWbut w,- couldni't resist it. 1Dae reyn4ods229, rry28 Kay Woen was the winning ýskip, in ithe third avnt.Pipe 22, Du DoCrte 22, 'Ple rCink wa.ýq cornprisad 0of Mýarg Caýrstrei, FayREcnry, Betypneil 22W, George Stephes 22 4 n de wd ilda Rundie George Piper 2'.1. lrec In the vna ladies rW, FelnGulasel asthe n Ok Ae2M, sit MeMurr21 o - a~~nink-wi±h~B~idl~: wlnning1 '11Piper21,-at..Hel jO tam Ai! ýtarÏ- shulut h j f __ r Cnuck bya 5 a Ocourt ~- .I~:I Coronat#a-rfdges-#u er ers- To Take Basketb ai Lead' Coronation Cafe edged, Ste-1 surge that left them oenly ana r man Jlm'?Jffispouý phen Fuels 29-28 ta take over 1pa)int short. It seae aàmost iIl18 pointsý- ta paca Kenil's sole o sssio offire plce nbcheeabe, but thewnir Wear ta thieir second st did not, score a sIngleý basket -wIn. Rick, Billnsi addedj b haMe'sTwnBakebalfrom ithe floor lu t he second For HoOPer's, va1 Lýàeaue ast Tuesday night-at jj - I If &12.nci C-l-it, 7it, f tiv!-1c,(n Luict-ne gal amd goal eachl, wile BOYdj Knox hýa-dtwo ussista, Nick Winid, Don iche and Rolly Simp- Son each had ana 1eassist. 1Th'le Generals dcfeated thej Cornets by a 9 ta 4 score inj the second erp Thé 0(ipn-. 4- - --4'- -4 -, I - s (40 IaIgat, Liberty BowI BOWLING- E. Pa tleisr)n - --------- S. p ro ut, ---------------- Hl. MN itchell ,--------- V. patterson -------- L.Patter-son 44 - -. - - -"i 44 167 cl 011 a 4 -pai r i. 5>41 IJ £ -4114. llilUV 17Burus. Sainshury ai-d Pernis period ta gi'% ranl thaescore ta 4-1) beforaat thpena-d 0 67Lloyd HMirilton scored for -MýcM-lurter i 16 Mutton & Guuld ta maee arlin ti 124-1. Burns tiiird of the Blim ý sor,'s1-7fell the secoridjMr Jolion Turner whlle i a2-1 lsad Eric- anehe hadci, na anj-ode. Don a s, ici. *gamie up I-t ihid am, h period buit Hawks eýdged the Beavern 1 to a:fte te.fhet 12. "lie Hawks' goals wers 'l Wi4 e. ... 5 wiil yu 1~ gawieevo I ~ -L j'nlie 01 CanFWa. 120 Duke St., Inownianvîie PFho>ie 623-ïî158 SUN LIFE 0"JF CANADA (r--- 4-;-, W- evzýý SPORTOPICS SNOTJBOWVIANÇGNC'-TIS 9'36 Llod earone of t~ olebwesthe n1BIewmrarï- ville, backeýd up his finie delivéry wiýth a big 936 totalInfiý, to start the 1970 Goodyýear League schédule oil in great formn, Thurs- day ngt Lloyd started off with a 120 game, flee up with a 273, Prid broke the 9Q0 barrier ,vhen ha ecr'ashed the pins for 313 in the, third game ' Orle of the hast effts ,t, f th~ e q"o!)a mse by the sports edtor, dujring the Chistmas - -NewYar holiday sea- son. On the f inaln t of the mi.uýed league's first schedule 1%ý