fRecreation Activities I .HOCKEY STANDINGS AS4 Team W-n TYK1E Indians 4 Cardinals ,----------- 4 Ameri!kans 3 Bombers ----- SATUR1DAY, JAN. 17ý T Pts GF GA 9 8 6 5 4 3 3 Cable TVs Move fo Second,¶ P lace Wî'th Weekend Wins' b'Y flarvey Webstan ýSunday i &ternoon sa flbe acoounited f or fil Amwningý Thie locals complefely ouf- witcil furnied on in tfie t1iirdý and inaurance goal wliile play- classed file Llndsay. cran' on peried te give Bawma-nville, ing -A streng fn'o-way gaie fhir vîsft ote laKawarthla s 6-4 n'in, Up te tilaf point if Deug Bray - was file main f own on Frýiday anigilf with a3 wis a spaamodic effort on the ti-engtil for- Port Hope as haý 9- lctr. e Cleaners a-1 -pari, ef file Tee 'Výes s r w ih cred f'.andciIl saited on try were upset n'il1thfie re- I Port Hope ïeally flew. Th? aniofier oea DaiTe Briaco fereeing and aven argmedi gain ol el aebp t»pdalte rblrl e ainong théInselves wbhile flej eut o)f reacti but for )IL fn~e fthYe visitors' goals,; n-d EBwon'-nv1c be'ys.nfflt.d - J-,;"and bsaupil a-fed anr 'bsaoc tr tfl Thne Caradian Staesmn, owanvIlle, Yan, 2l, 1,070 1 Qd King-g-___ Barons Penguin5 ___ Giants ----- F yers ------- PEE WEE Fawks Canadians Bruins --- --------- V.Tngs :Atom -- ------- :tlades ------------ -- Beavers F lycrs ----- -------- Kings North Star.7 Ranger7s Leaàf--- -- Braves- Pee W'ie Ail Stars Panthers ----- Huskies Cubs ___ game. Grove Bennett ai Brian Peters each picked1 two goals. Doug Parker, D; No>wlan arid Sandy Brov eachnothedone, by AI Cole Crn Sunday _night, Jan. lBth, 1970, the Juriior Towan Leaguel Hockey again 1brought action te the local arena2, In the firs t gaine, Ken's came frein be- bînd te keep t1heir unbL-eaten- strea:ýk going by dôwvningLe g io)n 6-5 11a the second gamel N lýichols astayed one point be- hmîd Legion. as thry trounred the hard IuckBi' club 13-4. -The fîrst gýamei produced gave ec hârd battle. In~ the first period, Kea's openedl Upthe scoring at 1:55 on ai goal by Wnlriff, Legion f ý baek bard and bit for the fie- lng goal at 7;53 on a goal byý Aider. At the 9:00 mark, Oyler put Légio6n e.hed 2-1ý --ifcllr - -I it LiUno vin theUi QecriDGE first. In the sêcondc, each Geneals9 ~ ~ ~ 28 club ftraded goals as Oyler puit Mt Reyalj oî 4 2 Iegoen twro up at13:40; Wal- Cornets .~-5 4 10 3 roff pulied I<nso witlin 5 4 0 43 17 ene goal ,tedirig the scoring Cauk ------- . 2 7 O 4 28 40 la the sccond. Til'e thiird per- Banfam Ail Stars ----- 5 0 6 20 20 iod ûpei-iadr up wîibKéÏsfi- Pine Ridge Sehool 7 2 12il gfli e score at, 1:40 on a goal _____________________________________ byMoNar. egln inovad ahed a 6:5 on-a goal by Oylar, bis third o e fiagbt The gaine efetldodwa witi Ladies? Majo r nBowling guntil tI.e 14:071 Janua"y 19 1 rok 05. Jea 1 onas2 Sta n din g sY M e r d y tely 20 ?, M a b el pt.Lewis 201, Lynn 'piper 201 Marg Kýlng _______ 1elen DpW 201, Marilyn ---Sirley Davi _____ -v120-G3e Eay (t7e __ ____5 NayEvans 295-230, Llida Dayle Wifonshk ______5Cl 27Ô-2-55-334, Lyna Piper Barild _utnss _____529-8,Mr erris 256-3,29, Olier atly 4 n Etcher 207-248., Dot Olie Ptfild4 Brook 267-221,' Helen Rogersi ,Mariltyn, Col6 ?_____ 4,q-295, Helený ReYno'-lds 25 2- Dot Brooks?, 228, Blli Wlseman 222, iDlane Berniece T.erry -3 Adaïtns 2,19, Mary Cowaa 229. Helen Reyi>iclsi 3 Helern Depew, 25 1. Betty pipe 111gb clIe 334 27.5 Hildp q1nr 4, F'l, igil Triple-Linda. Co la 859 enc'e Drpr i7, 246. Etchr- AverageN, Lew2is Tnd ns ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 21 Etbr O ch"e 1 ae 4.1 -ývis 229, Nancy Evans 229., EMMa Bragg 223, Merridy olive PattialcI 227, lie Etcil- Hatel>y 22.5, Joy3ce- Alaoad 231.1 er 226. Laura Hiazaldea,,i 222,1 Lindca Gallagiler 238, H-eatilrr Baril B3utoashaw 222. Linda gMocare 236, Barb Euttonsha-w Cole 21î. Marg Perrîis 212, 224, Barbý Osborne 272, lieen1 alelen Ren.,olds 207,. Dot[Motcre 215. i4Ihlan H-owe 273.1 BANTAMý GRS marsbal1 5, W1eecl2; Cox1 L T1aylot- 5, Bond 0- Grjy 3,6. Morhýis -- n. Taylor 2, Mitchell 3, Hs.r- Teim Standing ris 2, 16te~a -1 Teain Standlug 1Martyn - . 1 L.Taylor -= . l Mýarsilaîl 13 Mitchell __ _ _ _ 8Cox Il__ Bond _________ ooýdward ---- 6 Gray 6 Morris 13. Tylor 4 High sigle ~Harris --- 4--- J.Cre1 - 28 111gb Single L, Whlitehaad . 1 ~ -- 201 N. M-zo.27 'C. g Miouble 175 S. Mrris - ---- 206i D, Barris _____ 5 37 L. Whitehad ---- - 2- .- Taylor 2,78 JUNIOR 1BOY-S - C. Mitchell 275, Stephen 7. Robert,.; oýJen- ANITAM BOY7S sen' 5, Carter 2; Ceemnbas7 Roynolds 5, Whyte 0; Brunt o' Lavigne 3 Chow 2; 'Jeasný .3 Teamr Stanlding Failles 2. Corb Teasu Standing StepheZi1 <lbow 9Jrensen - --- 121 Jesn8 Brunt 7~ Fali 71__ __ Carter ------ -----4 111gb Single W. Mosiler 222 e. ~ _____ 19S. VanDriel ___-22 ~. ~ ~ zzz' î G G Jensen - 2024 Wigh Double b. Lamnlt 204 B. 13rnch--------- ----- 32 W. Cooinbes ------- -- 2022 J. Stpphyg 2-------e---en ------ --- 602 JUNIJOR GIRLS G. Jensen ------598 Matyn- 5, Woodward 2; B. Lament -- ---------- ---- 585 SENIOR MIXED LEAGU(E2 Bcuwmeester 5, Holroyd 2;1 Night awks Burley 7, Patfield. 0: Gocdwin1 5, Brock 2; Cala 5, Bradley 2.2 Jsauary 7til reck Stndn 1 TeaM Sfarfnig Gown _ _- Snilt 4 Brley141 __ __ _ Wrgh 4 n ~~ 12c Bruce ________2patflold- l____Li__ 1 Moira _____2Cala-_____ 1 I.Bruce o-------------- Holroyd 2 r h Trilple-A, Dyksý-tra 633 B Burley- 28-7 Over 22 N. G-d-n____ - 2R!1 ü1r 17 . Bradley2329 K. Campblell 2.51, C. BIruce S.Caa ____ 27 243 A. Dykstra, 242, W. Menty 2764 AvrgsD, Lewisý - 26----- 4 A. Pykatra 211, A. oBns 200, J. PaRll 254 D- Ogdan 196, C. Bruce 192i M. 111gb Triple Oedem 189, L. Woodcockj 185,E B. urley 866, L.Cobas -184, K. Camnpbell B.Bradley 9 181 B. Wibr179, D. Cecil- IN. Goodwla -_..... 7168 r1e177, J. Maîrs 177, J. Roure S. CaaIl--- 71 176 D. Kelly 173, W.~ ROTARY TRAVELOGUE "In to Siberia " Thursday, January 29th TOWN HALL wnen. iaer U ntJVCioris se nd, asthey-pusild ahaead qf 'Ken's 5-3, Wilson meved Kani's te withia oeagoal ut 14:55. With less than a min- 4te- eann~--okd--1kýe Legianwas -ingte hand jKen's their firaf defeat fethfie :year. Howevrer, file' rotfeuë ili on fthe Leglon club as Ken's nef ched two quick goals te MIXED MAJOR LEAGUE January 12 Four of' our bowlers reacil- ad tile 800 plateau on Mcniday evenîng with PeggY Haynes toppinyg ah Vthe bowlers wîtil 856 (296-284-276). Tilat's reàlly sbowlng Vilai, Peg. Braie Southl Paw Perfect rel- ed a beautiful 841 (312), Hec- for Ballantine caine up wtl bis best effort tibia season wilen ha rclled 832 Including higil singlaet 322. Nice goiag, -ector. Our--own -Queen Bea- Bernice Buday really buzzed up a bowling storin wien aile roiled 809 (3 11).' Frank Eccles 764 (315), George Selby Grant Bebee 764 (317), Bria "Srnp" Martyn 720, Rusa llately 712. Mike Murphy, atter last week's disaster, caine up with a lovely 706, High- average finda Baralce Buday leading filah averagas wlth 263. Hector Ballantine leads the men wifb 252. Ovar 300 Garnes Hiector BaliaVine 322., Oeo. Bebea 317, Frank Eccles 315, Ernie Perfect 312, Bernice Buday 311. Over 21" Gamnes Peggy -Hayes 2,96-284-276, George Bebee 282, Bernice Buday 281, Pete Debïis 277, Mike Murphy 276), 0111e Fat- field 273, Braie Perfect 2C8- 261, Lo01n Wright 267, Don Wrighi-t 264, AI Osborne 264, Baril Brown 263, Hilda Sim- nick 262, Frank Eccles 259, Hector Ballantine 258-252, Russ Hallmac 256. Ruas HTtely 25, Albert Samnan 256, Doris Joli; 251, Barb Bufttcshaw 251,' Rosa Wright 251. Averages Bernice Buday 2?63, Peggy Haynes 258, Hector Ballantine 252, Brnie Perfect 247. Frank Eccles 244, 0111e Patfield 242, Albert Samnan 241, Doris JolI 240, Brian Martyni (3) 240, Howard Brommeil (3) 236, George Bebea 2,34, Pate Dob- binaý 233, Russ HateOiy z23,- Al Oion 233', Dave Raya- oldaý 223, Joani Sutcliffe 221ý, No,ri MKeen 219, Baril Brown 21F,, Don Wrighlt 218, Jiru'toni 216, Ruas Hall- mai 15, virni ralrey 213, MainiM M _eeen213, Hilda Smik212 Lin rlgh il 1, Leon Cnnors 208, John Luff- mian 207, Maurice Anaaert 206, BRaril Buftnshlaw 206, Lin.da Crcasey 205ý, Johin Fowler 204, Hielen Rayacîda, 204, Don Bish- op 203, Ron Su-tcliffe- 203, Rosa WrlghV 201. Shiirley Flowlrr 200. The ix ied Major Leaguer held a very scesflSeasOn'a Party on Sotujrday ,,evening at Memerial Park, conveaed by Bernice 1Buday, Over 30 couples vlibl ejeyed fileý very tasteful dancing riusîc provi,7ded by RossJeia who bas aPdevarlety et re-1 cords. Bernica Budsây, belped! by Our lît>Vice Maur-ice An- csert (lanVile absence et our irsd nt D ava yc ls conduted nmereus cdraws, wfilch lwerr eionby tVile bcwl- eyra et our legu.Twe sPotl riances vwere ileld arnd file w-v,1 nars cf flirle lvely flowersi 6ned by Ro)sa J;cm were 1\r1',McKerlen aImissi WanMrs. Sutcllffe and Mr.' Peavo-ry. It appeared agoo Uime wae had by ail. I Woolnier andi Steve West, Joe "' "' e PHircock t 'urned lna. fiine pasa- W've 'got thae conchr', we'v r, ng perfolrmance In bis fïit 9got tbe tealn. Coi-ne oin, fans,ý ri gaine in mvany weeks. Thie supply u.s %with stemr, G, West. Colwell, Woolner lime Tee -.Vees, Go! pll euti the win, with Tavl- potting two goals, at 19:25 and îKen's pickýed u p 1three mainri penalties while Legien re- ceived four, The bige gunvs for Ken's were Taylor wvi th tveo goals and oaa tsis ard Walroff Witth two gasand one assist, For the Legien it wsCyler Itifh thiree geals andJ 0eneassËsi, along -swith Aidler wbo lbad t-weoas rnth econd garne, Btill's wereno atc forNicoîsas they wvenit cownl to the tune of t3-4, Iii the first period, NÎchôls opened the scoring et 1*35 on a goali fi- Rendell. At 4:0 -Green notcbad one--and rt "' 3 Burns bit lfor 'one, Hughes m1oved Bill's abead by ýtwô goals asb epotted one at 7 MN. 'icaors-- con tiriu-ea t rmove up fila score as they nef chad tWe at 10:3,0 iona goal by Buras, and at132 on aý gei by Donogiilue, endiingtfile firat period 5-1 for Nichols. In fil scodBill'5 orýpenerd file acorinig at 2:15 on s goal by McIntyre. But Nichola ]ileld Bilaoff frthe msng Part O!filhe peried wbile fbey added tilree more ai 6:15 on a goal by Rendeli, at 11:15 a g,-oal by Tilompson and at 16f:40 by Green. lanfile third, Ný,ichis-juaf -kepfen- relling as notched fiva goals te BIll' two, Green pficking Up two at,:55 and 9:20, Dono. ci Î2,nd17.3-,--along- wiril eBurris picking up one. Bils Ilfwo goals ware acored af 12:35 9on a go0al by Reader and by Melnfyvre at 16:3, Niclol pikedup ixminora anld B-ihl'srceivýedI five. Tile ýblg un for Nichols were Gren scorlag tour goals and picking up six assista, Burns petingVhre goals wile as- aiïsfing an eix goals, Dvogiluei picking up fwo goals and four jasalaf s. For Bill's if n'as Mc- Intyre witb two goals, Hughes St.,,Joseph's Mixed Bowling League, January lîtil ToiaPt$. Pins -5-Slowpok-es - 17 -- 8624- 3-Apollos _ 14 8225 2-Vkings ---- - il 8239 4-Road Runnera - 9 8214 6-Swngers -- 7 8080 1-Wiliz Kid ------5 R8057 .Men's iligil aingle-Mike lKennedy 376; mea's higil triple -Mike Kennedy 861; ladies' [bigil single -Kathy Skriba 276; ladies' iligil. trlple-Kýatly Skribe 677. 200 Games and Over, Mike Kennedy 376-282-203, Kufily Skribe 276-233, Juin Fair 261-228-204, Doris Jef- fraya 256, Theresa Rivera 251-224, Gary Conway 249- 234, Arnold Brinklew 245- 234, Oerry Dwyer 241-218-212, Bill Sknibe 228-210, Allen Maclean 226, Dave Orme 215- 213, Banner Passant 215, Bill Wilks 213-203, Lionel Hickey 210, Carroe Orme 201, Jaèk Brown 200. Averages Mike Kennedy 226, Kathy Scribe 224, Jin P air 223, Gerry-Dwyer 218, Jack-tFrewn- 204. - January 18 No.-Tearn Pts. Pins 5-slowpokes 20 11334 3-Apollos 18 10927 2-Vikirgs 16 10937 4-Road Runners 11 i 10752 1--Wiliz Kids --- .- 10 10628 6--Swingers,,- --- 9 10467 M,,en's Higil Single-Lionel Hickey 315. Men's Higil Triple -Lenel Hickey 695. ýLadies' Higil Sngle-Be ty Cilarland 300; Ladies' Higil Triple-Betty Cilarland 656, 200 Gainas anid Over Lionel Hickey 315, Betty Charland 300, Arnold Brink- îow 297, Mary Brnklew 261, Paul Larrade 239, Tony Hlorst-, n-ýr 228,,. Tieresa Rivera. 226. Jlmi Pair 224-201, Mike Ken- nedyý 217-212, Jack Brown 214, Eilpen Hickey 212. Bill Wîlks 211-208, Jin Jeffreyvs 210, Doris, Jeffreys 206, Gary Con- Mike Kennedy 229, .Jin i Fur Dwyer 2041, ULiel Hickeyv 202, Betty Cilarland 201, Airneld B3irklon' 198, Gary Caa B97, BilI ilks 194, Allen Mc lean 191, Paul La;,prade 189, Dot Pasusant 188, Katby Sk-ile 186, Eileen icky184, Davaeý Orme i183, Jin JafTfreys 12 Tileresa Riveraý 180, Bne11orý Passan1t 178,'CarroeaOrmie t1 Cla;renca Rivai-s 175,Bî1i1 Sk ribe 174 ,Ma ry Lana tic17,4, Paf3 Wal1ker 170, Tony H oratinan 170D, Melly 1Horaftinan 167, Gary- Doi efes 1.58, Agi-eas 150, Rose MarieCe ay15 Stan' Chishiln 15.5, Doris Hl ydýL 14J0, rDot Fair 139,Denna Kenniedy 138, Isabel Laprade wlth oaa gôîa land neaassist, i alonig with Leaver w7ith two With only twe weeks re-i 5ýmain)ing in the schedule,ý iisports fanis sbould ,clrop in on 11Sunjday nigbt t watcb em grea hokey s Teginnan.d Ni bol ttle it et fnr soc- ondx place, Kén's have sewed 1up fîr-st place. Can ui Ps wini theïlr first gaiebeforeth plyfsbegin? The big tinlg Legion adNiebols wants-c-i 1 iea liard luck Bili's club wbro are wnilpS5 50 ,far this year. So., sprs fas ceme eout and suport vour local player as -th -ieappar aýthe arena on Sunday igbthi between 7 p.m. and 10p.n januiary 18 Teas Pt&.. PinàI Lewis 1q 16746 Etcher _____ 12 15379 1 Carter- _____8 l4854 *Selleck 8 14749 Cain, 7 147 Beauprie ____ 6 141 B, -BBurîey 866, W. Lewis-776. J. Lugtenbuirg 743, R. Selleck i740, S. Calai 70à, L. Patterson 704, A. Cbiittlck 648, R. Etch- er 635, N. Neads 619,'B. Gîb- son 612. i 1gh Singles B. Burle-y 268-221-377, W. 1Lewlý,268-328q, J. Lugtenburg 202-288-253', R. Selleck 24? 217- 275. S. Cala!r 276-225,,L. Pat- terso 53253, . , Chittick 219, JT. Patfleld 223, H. Moore 204, P. Lugtenburg 223, P, Lyle 210-231, B. McQuald -208, Averages ' R. Selleck 245, B. Burley 245, W. Lewis 231, R. Etcher 223, S. Cain 221, R. Beauprie 216, J. Lugtenburg 201, J. Tucker 199, J. Patfjeld 199, S. Carter 197, A. Chlttlck 197, B. Gibson 190, P. Lugtenburg ,188,-N.-Neads- 182, G. Paumer- 176, H. Moore 174, Liberty Belles, Jnnuary 2oth 11gb single M. g Gian Double 34 M. Gibson --------- 481 Games over 300 M. Gibsea --------------- 304 Gaules ovar 200 B, Lýocke 276, M. Leaman 250, C. 'Wray 247, E. Etcher 233-20e, S. Buectta 214-242, F.i Luxton 214-208, N. Evans 231,2,! F. Steadmnani 231, R. DJcki-ý an 224, J. L awton 223, R Morris 222, W. Coombes 21CI P. Corniil 206, I. Burns 21 M. Horsfman 201. Team Standings Pins Pts Locke . .5512 5 Learnan 4957 5 Alexander 4838 5 Gibson 45 BlÙat ...... 4936 4' Sbackelton 5216 3 Colville --- -----493 3 MacDonold ------ 4808 _1 Coýombes -------- 44'75 O Bate ------- 365i9 0 Averages over 1.50 C. W raY ------ ----------- 205 M. Gibs' on -- ------- -- 20J A. Bute ---- 199 N. Evans . ,196 M. Leamnan ~-193 F. Steadman ___138 Y, Osobrne18 E. Etcher ~ 8 M. Kirkton . ___ 171 B. Loücke _____ 7 J Laton _______ 175 TV!. olvile __ 17 S Du'tta_______ 1731 C. Roet _____173 C.' uxo ___ - 172 ýA. Trw171 V. M.iller __ _. 17 F. Cla)rke 167" S. Ytmg- _____.~.166 W.Combes b----- 16 M. BlLnt ____ 164 FI Sheehlan 163 MHorsm an ---163 Look them oven JoyMu values, happy scil.etrs o'lral heer abont! A,"January ,Jubilation."plannecd to reive -your lioliday-b,%ttered bud.. get. DonionDi managers planned weil ahea:3d andi stocked up on Ai tho-sc- stap]es you'ýve probably rua short of And we've priced them riglt. Dominon Stores start4 you ocg rigit, in, the Seventies anid launches a second half-century with a "Januaa.y1Jubilation» or spcial feature values. Where else but at Dominion do yon find sucli thoui;ht- fu-,lneýssl If you haven't been into your neigbhbourhoodDoiilo Store ately drop clown amfnd ontt what th e shouti1;'s il aboýut . Not only great výalucz, but courteous clerks spacions aisies and eay accesato evecrytbing. An ejybeevrnenFedles.Yen couldn't, make a7ï botter-(-sotutîor.,than to sivitc i l ... te DominJin st eemEmber! TFhere's stiff two wodefweks cf brlliant b"ys ( co îne c tiews Dominion shoppers in'70 fer a shopping erp4ri- cae hat caxries its owmm waxds, Yen haive our "1word o i BACON STEAK o ______T-BONE, FRE11GRUN THICK and MIEATY BLADE BONE HAMURGCrss ib79 Bad TASTYECONOICAL -lb1 BRN. TAISTY - By, the Piee BRAISING RIBS 68c BOLOGNA RIB STEAKS 99c BI0TTNERS - oWh BURNSonj BEF]RKil. BURNS ,Mitfp - Curvei BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 69c COTTAGE ROUIS Freli ruiardVgtbe P.E. 25-lb, Bag 1-lb, HAWAIIAN PUNCHI WHNITE SWAN Piper Towels LIBB'Y'S - WITH PORK LIQUIDt BLEFACH - 13C OFF JAVEX FACIAL TISSUES 200 - 2 JLY SHEETS WHI-JTE or EASTEL 2 for 67c il -naim 39C 99C 1-lb Fc Carrots2-R U.S.A. No. 1 48-os. Tin 3for$Il 25~ BAKERY SPECIALS THIS WEEK 59~WHOLE WHEAT BREAD 23c Tin.CHIFFON CAKE, (RICH-MELLO - 0-LD FASIONEDý BUTTER TARTS 120-os. N iL OFHELNLO1E 49c Plç;g. 12'5 79c 59C M. t A I i Kens Nearly Lose First W hile Bis Remain Wînlessý ONTARTO No. 1 OF'EN THURSDAY and ùFIRIDAY NIGHTS'Til 9 pM,ý FOR YoUR ZSHOPPING CONVENIENCE FR11 PAR-KING KIGadSiMPrSON AVT. ALL MRHNIEI URNEDTO GV Prias ffetiv Unil losngSatrda, an, 4h, 1970 E ïr 'l tT Il- Umm. ffl