N I ___________ SouIh Pacific Key Production People This pictur-e was taken at a recent rehearsal when four cof the key production staff of «Sýouth Pacific" held an imnpromptu g et-togieiher to, discuss an important point In the mrusical, They are, from lef t to right, Choreographer Pboma-ona Rickard, Musie- Director Rose- Daycro - Hollingshý- EnjoyDay in the R idin Don à tober the fir:t 190:: s3ji o 11Dykstr and Denuty-c intnof S4u11it Mona- gban, oui the first ballot. ýý'eywere accoinpaniied t., -tI sssl"in by lWilton T. Elliott of onanll wlir Is the oldest wyrvvin Wa- den of the, counrties, havinz helcl tliat etee p to 43 Years agoa. Tributewa Ipaid to hïm býy (lhe couneil, not to ban t heir use here, but, as a f irst step, made several- recommrenda- tons that wereadopted. he The recommiendations were that snowmobile optérators abide by trsam-e traffic laws which govern the driving of a car; that they do not drive on sidewalks'and that they observe the speed linmits. . : . . .. . ..defined It was also recommiended that they drive only on roadwayb as dindby the Highway Traffie Act, and only on secondairy roads, not n ~The final point was that they do not1drive ini toZvn after il p.m.ý This brouight the only objection fromn Couincillor Ken-i Hooper who feit ths ight well be extended to 12 midnight, to take care o mrece but as the documnent will have no legal status, it-was approved for 11* P.11., Reeve Bob Dykistra moiving the motion, seconideci by Deputy-Reeve 4,George Stephen. (TRNTOPAGE TWO) 199TaxrA rrer à$ 751;7n6 mary M\Ierýkley, Director WiIf Pegg and Pianist Marg- L.iVo West Ff iure; in1- îY ears aret 'Munday. Other key productiqil personniel not, shmvn incIlu.de ProduLcerEli Wilson and Drummirler For the sixth con- on Mlonday niglit. total tax, leuy\was $1,'- MihelWodsecutive year, the taxý In 1966, tax arrears 03' 0,266 as compared with Inform-ation follws concern- collection situation ln at the end of the year $1,226,089 in 1969. *1 ~ing these important mrembers Bowmnanville has shown totalled $1835096 or 17.7 The age of the arrearsI au K epsutin taf hoar considerable i m p r ove- per cent of the total levy. is of significant import- oe n South Paciflc, to be per- ment, according toTowniAt the conclusion ofaceAtpsntnlon formed hez-e from 'eb. 3 tO a surerAt P. 1û. ony Yi dm-,% 7th inclusive. raue Anthoniy P 199 arrears were$Î- accounti s otstanding c ounrry' Wiî Wilf Pegg Geboers, whose report706 or only 6.17%' of the for taxes levied il 1966. WifPegg was born in Tor - -ont. e i marid ad was subrnitted to couincil total levy. In 1966, the' n . i.~ *On ML/onidayý, about 21 Dayco- their productaý used on anjd î Heolli n gsý7hcad(lauitomiotive sales sny-nombiles, inth'uding drive repres-entatives .fron- the Mari - belits and chiemicalS. Thle com- gathred t Bon ýavwas nhand, witth-ree ma,1ch- CountLry Club for what dev-el- es that raed ail over the golf opedi into a unique sales mee(t- cous cpt the grceens),ý i in c1harge of SalesMa-Igvn th ci-rene sales age-r Bob) Chrstie. reps 'a real taste of the possi- They flot onlyv disý-cussed selI-!ibilities- and rigors of this fast ing, but also wîitnessed aprcgowg sport. tical demonstrationi of some f TURN TO PAGE TWO) Appoint MIembe.rs t10 Varlous Co.%mm ittees Tov0wn Couoeý,il on monclay1 night app)roved i ts Striking: Comm-i-ittee's recommrn-endiations for the follow.ing appoiiments ta' the variaus Boardsý, Com- mittees, Comm,-issions;, etc., andfl exýtended t-hese aippaïintmenits for a term 0of three years ia each case: Haospitaql Bo ard, Coun. Cob;- ban; Comimittee af Adi ust-4 -ment, M. MýýcKnight;I, ndus-triall Cc, ,,i ~ oCo.Un. J, B c1, Chiairmi-an; Dep.Reveti Stephen, Coun.. Hooper and M vayorI- . M. Hobbs. It waýjs appravled that the 1mnembers o! the Indusýtrial- zComission1 be reduicedl fromr ive to four and tbhat, By-Law,ý 'No. 1703 be amenided a-cco-rd-ý ierny. lljý Ote ponmunts ere as (URN TO, PAGETC trecb-ildren. lie is agrd ua2te or Fine Arts frorn, the'à he also worked wîth Robert Cab e e e C*ui at Hart House Theatre. lie M....&M n.ow lives in Whitby,. ME L OC M m le begani his prof essional, career as designýer at the Peter- borough umerThcatre a"d 1 I-Un ciMnUnIe bas since designed for thep .Canadian Rep)ertory Theatre. This e-vening at 7 o'clock the Crest Theatre, the Ri Cable Television in this area Barn Theatre. the Port Carling launches its; first local pro- Playhouse, and the Garden gramming on Channe] 8, with Centre Theatre. a panel discussion coverin liRe began directing at the wý,hat is in store for viewCr Port Carling Playhouse with a in the future. Guests en theî production of "f Arn a Cam-! pane! are Gordlon Garrison of era". lie bas also directed fr Lakeland Broadcasting, Tim many, college groups, lîttie 1Todd tOf the Oshawa Jour-nal' theatres etc. 'rncluding Trinityv and Bob Jamner0of The Can Colege Vitora Cllee, t. adian Statesmian. Bih Leas Mlchael's College, Equity fOhw aN V n Sh-owcase, UJniverýsitY Alumn-ae, omrrsdetolomn teLon)don LittIe Theatre, and Ville, is hosting "the, shows; at1raw IJat l yrSuqenaal iogjn- MUr. Pegg bias served as pre- jaied progiamns on Channel 8, (TURN TO PAGE TWO) 1wil1 cov.er a wlde rângeL of, WILDS- It would appear that the, cold weathier and possibly a shortage of easily found food, is driving somie of the animais down this way from the north. Our Enfieid correspondent reports mÂany wolf tracks throughou t that, area, but no animnais sigbted sa f ar. This mnay discourage would-be snowmobilers fram travelling at[ih in that area. A young dleer was seen 1½ ý mile north of No. 2 H-Tighway on «Maple Grave Road where it was crossing to enter the wood bebind the home of A. Bate laan. LOST - Sometîme over the weekendc, Reg. Willatts lost his cane that is of more value as a keepsake than anytinig. Hle's borrow%ýed aniothert: but it's not the saine. ippiarei1ty, it was Ieft 01n the trunk of lis car somnewhere in the south ward and they drove off withottnoticing it Reg's number is 623-7084, if you have found it. We suggeüsted tIhat if lie gets it b)ack, hie mighlt u'se it to pry loose Sorte of those electioni posters of bis still on posts ail over on HOB1BY - Miss -Helen, VahuDLsen phoned thîs week to ad-vise thaât she is once again liningý things up for an annualHob Show in June. The dletails are stili sketchy, but she says this one -wtll be bettcr and-- different from the last one, THEATRE - A bit of information came our ýway' this week, that there May be somne (ost initerestingdeelpmnt at the, former Royal Theatre property, if ail goes as expected. So f ar, no details have been released, but it sounds 't~ RENEW -- Jamboree Jim Coyle passes along the word that bis good friend Don Messer's contract 'with 1Channel il television has been renewed for another yea(H aso mientionecd thiat ProgÉ-am Director John Hart hias a special progr-am of Country& Westerni music over station CFGM ,lfrom nine a.m. to 12 that would bewrt listeing to. PROBLEM InT the accident round uip iast wveek, John iWayfie Gordoin of Newcastle xas reported to have lost control of his car, and clipped off several poles at the side of the high- way, doing- about $300 damnage to bis car. Hîs father took exception to the report, claiingii that thiere were onlly two poles brokien,' not several. Also, hie said the car was purchased for $25 and he 'd donce somie repairs to it, but can't figure h ow anyýbody cani do $"00 daniage to, a $25 car. That's worth thinking about. OBJECTIONS- From al reports, ithe w fathersi mýay bJe receiving1 compiflaints f rom several business people about thie by law that forbids parking in mneter- Qed arecas from 12 inigh;'ýlt to nine o'clock in the rng.At least one owner of a restaurant wants ______ ___________________to know what bis atrons are- supposed to do with Uelbbïe ivuhÎler, 13-yvear-old daugl'ter of Mr. and Mrs. D7oug MýillerofTrne bas been gatbering in trophies the past couple of weeks, for bler skiing prowess. Two weeks ago,, sie xwon the special slalomi in the Ladies I)lass at Peterbor- ough Ski Club Last Saturday at ber home Club at KiUrby, she camne second in the specisllom. She bas been skiing for abu oute ta rs at Osbawa Ski Club ahd is now in ber third year in ID class She is also a Grade 8 stLudent at -M. J, HUMbbsSenior PublicSchool,, Hamptan w here she plays on the b;q,,kctba11 team. theïr cars. H-e's openi until one a.m. and starts at six in the miorning., According ta theF bylaw, bis late night patrons will hav,,e ta()av the-ij ras ovex a block awlaywhcbtbey just aren't going ta do. It is abviaus there bas to be a comp)romie amwhreTe tret have to be cleared 'Of snow in the winter and litter risions I 8Tonight tnîoys rý,însm-ien .aàrî J I~LZ~L.~ i ob eles