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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jan 1970, p. 3

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AflMS BRWE1S echapel velvet train. For Jewel- lery she wore a wh-ite peari Lovlyarangmetsof ye-necklace 'with matc,(hing eaýr-1 low an)d wite mus it rings. - er ;Iiouilder Jengýth turquoisep tintedr 'mumsiý en- veil fel1l fromr a hieaýdp-iece'ofý hanced Týi'rînity ,United hr, prz And rhýinestorieS. andl Bowmoaniville, when issi Bar- she caRie bridai bouquet: bara Joan Browes and M\1r' of redi roses and white camna- Blaine Armstrong A dl a m s tions. were unjited in on Satuirdayi, November 29, 1969 %The brdes aid or hionor' at 4:30 o'clock in thec after- was Iiis Reîdc of Oshawua and-J noon. The bride is, the daugh- hli ried ere h"rer f-r of Mr. and Mrs. E. j, sister-in-law-, M%1rs. BPrr Bmowes, Bowit.anvîllle, and the, Browecs Of Hamton ad rs 'groom is the 'son of Mr. and Emnerson, Ellis of omn Mrs. Zack Adams of Oshawva. ville. Ail were artired ' r The officiating clergyman floor-length gowns of. darký waEnv., G. K. Ward, andci green velvet wihlong asleeves Mmi leith Billett of B3ow- and empire waistline accented ma,ýnville playedi the wed i~b urquoise roses. Tuirquoise musc. n LoydAyr, RR!baby, 'iimsný, wvhite, tinted to 4,,; 1\o1ma nvile wanhi5j at ch the trimr on tergws 4,~ niesledc in t'heir coiffeurs, and ls.their bougIuets, were of vellowv Giveni in marriage by herr andl wîI it e 'mums p- ke father, ther bridie wore or wt turquioiser tined white mal lengtb, emir-wised 'mums Whte fox fur capDe', gownofwhtesclpurd e1 were, worn) by, the bridean vet eut o)n stagtlie n eratedns styled w\ith rOuaded cklne long IilY-po)intedsM v and -Mr. Bryýce, Adaimsa of B3ow,- maunville, twýin brothier of the AnoneNw groom, was best main an-d ushering were Mr. Barry ____ Browes of Hampton, brother 1P Iealiingi Substance: of the bridle, and Mn. Tom Q' Sh1 k ie Wilson of Bowmanville. The reception was field at Exlnivheligsbsaceprve t srikthe Bowmanville C oun t ry hemorrhcids and repair dsamaged thisse. Club where the bride's mo- theýr received in a lace dresi A reoned11f' reearch litt lias of melody green, with -found ", unrique healing slubstance mink stole, gold accessories with the ability trin k hemor- and corsage of rust 'mums rhoids painlessly. It relie-vesï itching and yellýow roses. She was and discomfort in miinutes and asisted In receiving by the spedsup eain ofth inurdgroom'î mother who chose a inflamned tissue. mia roon velvet d1ress witb 1In case after caseiwhue getymatching, hat, black acces- relievingl pain, aculreductin sories and ,corsage of white (9hrinkage), took place. carntion nldt roses. Most imrportanrt of ili rfuliFclig h reception the wer sothoougi tat hisimpove couple left for al brief honey- ment was maintained over a period moon110r, and< for travelling the of many mnonths, b)ride wore a pînk d1ress wîth This was accomYpliShýed With ;a black acsoies. r. and new h-ealinig substance (B3io-Dynle) Mrs. Adamis areP residling at which quicly hel1 'ps heal imjured 17 Centre St., Bowmranville. celîs and stimulýates growth of new Th brd ateed o- tisalue. TebieatnidBW NowBioDye i oferd i oit-manville High School and is tNn and supposito iioint- emnployed by Cbiryslem Auto tneptartiuon.Afortalru rm i Ajax. The groom, ~~~tres.Satisfaction1. or yr money Mho - m1ydb eea refuned. otor Oshaa, also attended Bowmanville Hîghi Sehool. I ËW JAUR _ ' WTEEKENID SPECIAL! PÂNTIE GIRDLES Values to $13.00 ÙËflf HATS 3/ COA TS CLE AiATREDUCED '7, PRICE I TO CLEAR SEE f1",OU E11I(C TB ARG1CAIN-,ýS îIN DRESSES ALL SALES IîFINAL, NO ECAGE RREFUNDS 43 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE Ili ALWJNTER PAR%',KAS -COAT S ETC UP TO ALL MEN'S and BOYS CLOTHING IN STOCK SAVI NGS 0F 2Ovo AND GEORE'S 42 RING ST. E, SALEM Mr. Archie Thompson who býas been la Memnorial Hospital for some timt passed away laiýt Tuesd]ay morning. The fUneral was ]held On Tbunsday from- the Morris Fumeri Chap- el. Sincerýe siympath1y hex- tendied to bis dauigbters, Miss- es Glad(ys, Bemyl and Hilda1 Thompion. Two baskýets o!f lowers were In thie churchi on Sunday mnorning la, loving memomy o! Mm. Arehie Thompion. Besti whishcsfor a covery to Mmi. .J. Cowling wbo bas bcen a patient ia, Memonial HospitaL. Salemi U.C.W. will meet at the clhumch this Thursday, Januiary 22.1 There will be a co ngrega- tional meeting at the cburch on Sunday, Feb, 1 at 7:30 p.m. AU those wbo are lntemcîted in the future o! our churcli arc umged-to attend. ENNISKILLEN Mm. and Mmi. Doug Billett, Port Credit, were Sunday caliers at Mr. and Mmi. R. McGill'F. Mm. ajnd Mmi. Lomne Lamb and Mrs. R. J. Ommiston weme Sunday visitons -w,,th Mn. and Mmi. M. Stainton. Mm. Adan, Sharp ecived word o! the death o! bis bro- ther, Mm. Jack Sharp, at Springîîde, Sask., on Monday Ourn deepest sympatby to Mn. and Mmi. Sharp and family. Miii Joan Partrige, Bow- manville, was Fiday over- night gucît o! Miss Sharon Wermy. Mm. and Mns. Syd Lancaster, Newcastle, weme Sunday ev- ening dinnen guesti o! Mm. and Mmi. E. A. Wermy. Mr. S. Kersey, Hampton, was Sunday tea gueit o! Mm. and Mmi. H. Ashton. Miss Elsie Oke, Bowman- ville, Mmi;. A. Willoughby, Oshawa, Mm. and Mrs. F. Me- Gill, Miss Clama Page,, Tom- onto, werc visitors with Mrs. E. Page. Mr. and Mmi,ý Angus King, Little Bitain, were recent supper guest5 o!t Mr. and Mmi. George Imwi.. Mm. and Mný. Adamâiý Sharp wene Wednesday gueïts o! Mm. and Mrs. Cccil Woods, Oshi- awa. Miss Aice Stevenson, Wil- lowdale, Mm. and Mmi. Lorne Lamnb weme Sunday gucîts of Mm. anid Mmis. Rahph Lamb. Suinday cahiers at Mn. and Mmi. A. J., Wenmy's weme Mr. -anci- s Mac--Short, Hamp - ton, Misses Bett 'y Jane Werry and Maie eekett. Miss Winaifred Cole, Wil- lowidale, was lait Tbumsday gueît of ber sister, Mmi. E, A. Werry. Mr, Gary Haaewicbi, Cour-1 lice, Mm, anti Mm. E. A. Wer- ry, Ms Betty Jane Weryý bad Satumday cyýenimig1-inn1 Iwith Mmi. Douglasý Cole, -Bow- manv Ihle. Mr. and wMmi, Herb Me- VeeçlY and baby Dontald, ýboroug-h, wer eent ýjsjor-s a t Mm.T and Mmi. R. Lamb'[' Mis,, Chantelle Bemeait, Trentoni, spent a week wit' ber gandpareatsý, Mm. and M f r. W, Howchhî. on Saturl- day hem parents Mn. and Mi Gordojn Bemeni and sister Susani, Trenton, NMm. and lMmis. Mý1ostyn Howel and Junior,. -Scarbnrougli, 'w' e cvisitort wîth their parents, Cie How-1 cils. Snrry tIrreport VMiss Joye Chiambens i ýa patient 1iai O-sb- awva General Hospital. We wish lber a speedy and safte meoovemy. We have had a hovely cold ,wintcr withi loti o! siekas beme and theme, mnuis, meas-j lesý adflu lurklng aound. Mmi. Nomma ïtBradford aýt- tea1dcd a bridai bowr fJor[ Miss Mr aeTorconto, on Fmriday ecaing.1 Miss Marguerite W r i h t Stone'y C'rcek, sppnt the wck- end with Mn. N. E. Wright an d Mmic. Normma Bradfomd. Mm. 1Herbei Wrigtadý Lindaý, And Àiss fleenGomi Were SaIturdlay eveFning dlinnen guesti o! Mm, N. E. Wight, Mmi.. Nornia Pmadfond and [Miss Marguerite Wright. Exchange Vows, in Trinity' United Church Mr. and Mms. Elaine Armstrong Ada ms, shown ini the above photo, exchanged mamiage1 vows la Tm-inity United Chumch, Bowmanville, on SatuLrdlay afiermoon, November 29, 19Q9, at 4:39 o'clock. The bride is the former M-ýiss Barbama Joan Browes,' daughter of Mr. and Mms. E. J. B rowes ýof BoWmanvýilleý, and the bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrms. Zack A dams of Oshawa. T. at I m vi A [m -w Si w l' T 0 Colti weather andi snow con- e tions continue ta provide fun, for people wltb snowmo- bilîes or skis end ahso good oadi for the aitendance ai the many meetings heldte ta e- gin ftle new y ean. 'l'le ladies o!" Wesleyvlii UCW unit aticadeti thenm eral nmeeting beid ai WUelcome on Tuesdayv evcning, Jan. 13 th, There wihl be iw,ýo more o! these meetings bcld in the yemr: with executive meeting when nece-smmy Thefowigo- Inatiag commhritice was mp- painted: Mesdames Camoine Bycni, A. Ford, G wcn Newton antii JanPayneç. Vot- lag delegates for the PmcPrshy- fteriai ta beld )in pPaýrt Hope- lFebmuary are Mesdames John Connel,')an Nwton, Clarecnce Nichois!, Thos. Wil-ý son.iPlans wem mnatie for the Worldl's Day o! Prayen te he feldt;-ai Weleomic ha Marci. A short business mneeting waî * coniduLcte2d y Mmi. Ray Mc- HoIu anti Mmi. Harold Besi, presitienis o! the unIts, as no unit nmeetings woulti be belti S unthl Fehruany. A social ev- ening was plancd for Weîiey- ville befoare the end o! the mnonib. abr Dinnier sang a solo, !aiho g thc ev The annual congregaitionalý meecting o! wclcomne chumch' was attendeti bY Mm. and AMmi. Clamence Nichais, Mr. anti Mmi. George Tufforti, Arnold, Thoradyke, Camaill Nichohs, Thos. Wilson, AMm. R amaIt Austin, Mmis. 1H. Reeve, Mmi. John WhtAM ,A. Fard anti caon oiWetintimya,, Jan. 4th I3OWMANVILLE tttC f~4~c,4fl5 WQ~ IUII~ LUS Villa finitymo!rc-o .ia-gb wom)k o! four churches la n mc idifficuhlt, when cmui bksý are compleieiy spmid i T T Photot HAMPTON- by A;to)rStudio Lait Suaday, Mm. and Mmi. Mm. and Mmi. John Morisettejthe cyaic and y;et stil 7. M. Chant attended a'bltb- and Mm. and Mmis. Joe Thibo- a rush o! love andl gent lay dinner in honor o! Mm. deau, Oshawa, attended a to thc hearis vhen 3oug Chant and Mm. Chrîs dance ai ibe Down Easterner's looked up)on by othens. hant, The party was hcld Club in Whitby, Saturday it's momrents like thiest ýt the' home o!- Mr.-Doug evening.----- - do a- worl of goodi han'i daughtem, Mmi. Bill Sunday dinner guesis with hurmy and boustle o! Il' :olett, Toronto. Friday eve, Mn, and Mmi. Eaml Luke and mai seem like hoarding Ufr. and Mmi. T. M. Chant !amily were. Mn, and Mmi. bish, but it'î, not. Fo: isited witb Mmr. and Mmiq. Bert Ashton, Torontýo, and day, youm son's wife ma Airnold Venner, Seagnavc m and Mmi. Ralph- Luke, you for, some eèhildiih Vlasten Erie Chant and Miss O, shawa, Friends o!Mr. Grant ureof1 hem husband's,E doni aFati1hlg, Solina, itn uewl epleasý.ed toDlnow venir o! býis youtb. p( ireckend guesti o! Mm. and he ùno home fmom the bos- sm ebro h dri. Chant. M.and Mmi. pitli cimle ismissing nowý. Paul Farthing, Solina, wýeie 1Mm. and îMmi. Melbourne intensehy 'precious hi suLnday supper gueits. rm eeSaudydne that !aded photo or tha Satudaycveing viston Prie wne .atrda dinerof bain o! someone wh vlVnrda Mm. n Mmi. St r- guesti with Mm,. and ýMmi. gone fnom us. See you were Mmr. and M i. DougA- Randall Prime in. celebration week. Bye now! ymnwr M.adMr.DLg o! thein grandion Timmy's ________ asî White. Sunday visitons finîst bintbday. wiuh Mm. and Mmi. Artym were _Plie_omnnity naf Hampton ....... VI, end--WLns. J-aOk-Heetle, extends iiis sympathy to M .IUL.f.UJ )oaio, and Mm. and Mmi. Paul Isobelle Pay;ne and hem family Mm.FtceanMm homiac, shaaon the loi:s o! a dean moiher Johnson, Oshawa, weme Sunday visitons with Mn. and gran-dmothem, Mmis. day. guesis of!- Mm. and nd Mm. -Harold Salten weme Thompion.î Bert Johnson. Mrn. and Mns. Henry Gosbel,. A get well wish îs extended, Mr. and Mmi. G. Kova( Newcastle, to Mn. John Burrowvs who is~ girls wene, Sunday, Revent dinrier guesi with a patient Ia the bospîtal. guests o! Mmi. Sophie K dri. A. L. Blanchard weme Mmi. Gail Luke visited on Because o!i so muchsi( Miii Chemyl Neil and Mn. Friday with hem moihen, Mmi thene was a imaîl atteî Dave Wilson, Tomonto, also Elmen Hawes who is a patien for the finit Meeting of dri. E. Little and Mr. Jack in Wellesley Hospital. Tor- 50 held Tuesday evening Blanchard, Kedron.t. 13 ai the home o! Mr ono.Baker. The 1970 Ext Mmi. FRoyMec!wa a me- Mn. and Mmi. Laverne Cie- had had theïn meeting ernt visitor for a few diays mens wene Surdaysuppr iaed up. pnogram- con eth MmROY VaPýnamp, guesti with Mn. and Mmi. A. f on the yeam. _-1970 Ext Rase Line. H. Clemens, Bowmanville. are: Pres. Mmi. G. 1 Mn. PnyDcweli spent the Mm. and Mmi. Robent Pamis Secneiamy, Mmi; . T eeekend visiting with Mm. entertahned about 15 guesis Treasuner Mmi, A Mv ;mdr Mmi1r. Jesse Joncs, Peter.~ lait Satumday evening on the The Fehruary meeting is orough. occasion of - Mm. Parkins' a Valentine' Auctina Sunday dinnen g-uesti withbhirtbday. home of Mms. S. Gobît dmT. and Mmi. Lionel Hickcy Recent activities ha Hamp- Mmi. Goble and MmI and famiy wenc Mm. and Mmi: iton included the Durham as program convenons. Mihael Hickcy, Oshawa. New Demrocratie Party's Wine Miss Grace Smith an, Callers duriag the wcek ad Cheese paty at the home Robi. Sim aitended the with the A. W. Presc;(otis wcre o! Mm.,and Mir. W e Hill, eral o! the laie Hamny Fï Mr. Jack Malleit, Mmi. Glenn followed by a speech from Millbmook, beld ai the Valleit and Mamie, Newcastle, toc Provincial Leader, Donald stock Funeral Home, as well as Mmi. Wil!red Bowi- C. MacDonald ai the Town- brook, Fr4day afiemnoon man, Eniniskillen. îhip Hall. 'A very good cowd Mm. and Mmi, Rye( Mm. and Mmi. Ben Klein iurned oui for tois. Thie were ecent visitons o!fTv 'iebuis, Bian and Fay weme Hampton United Chumch Dou- Mri. J.- R. Parkinson Sunday visitors with Mm. and bles Club met for a card and family, Countice. Vins. Henry Klein Niehuis, gamnes nigbt ai the home o! Raymond Camemon, Ki Oshaw, and sufppen gueiýts o! Mm. and Mms. Steve Artym. Ville Coliege, tecenily VMn. and Mns. Ken Chamber- Plans for a Valentine's Dance the weekend at home w. ain, 'shaw. nexi imonth were discussed parents, -Mn. and Mri. Mn. Gordon B3oyd, Toronto, and also a pnoposed bus trip Cameron and Ruthann, wàs a Fidlay evening suppen' for Manch. 31 members wene Mss Doothy GallaghE guest o! Mm. and Mmi. Fred present and two gucîts, Mn.! girl frlend Carol, MF{oln-oyýd and family. Mr. and and Mmi. John Gardner;- Mn. wene weekend guesis oi Mrs 'Fed oloyà Mr an ad Mmi. Gardner are now Gallaghen's sisien, Mr. VIns. --Jack -Carr, Kedron amd-i ew club-memben-s.--Weleome Ms .Brad "John and, Joan" frim the Mm. and Mmi. Rye T'he meeting was conducted by Hampton Doubles Club. bene Sday suppe r gu Rcv. J. A. Ramit. "Sentiment" - It may "0ieormanDaies narn Many fromn here pald their longer he in fashion; il h sel- P1'ontypool. Mn. and respects on Tbursay n iigbt ai dom met1r with. The absence Davis returned home ilie Rose -Celin l rtPrmt- Hope-o i o nîidemî7-d modem Eng ,lan nJa.9h 0;' aitendcd the funieral on ahld imant. Buti for all thait, hiad a wonderful holiday E'ida.y o!. Mmi. InaR shomnie of iia dean old world ,vintueLjýng sevenal cities andni Promi, an ad and good wvhich carnies with ih muchlftienYdg and many mcl; fnlend. ihat îhi good and heautifu-l. aunis, uincles iand coi5 Frieni here werc saddened It !onmied part o! the ives o! ibe dozens. ta hbea rr o!the deaýtbIn Ottawa our ganpaens imd hagh Gad t a Sa y M . J Jo on Frîday o! Emacîst Bamsey, lwe- !an'cy w e sumpaîs them ha inIscomhingalong vemyýý fonmcnely o! Wcleýomne and Port ahi thingsi h haing m1-ore cm-: nowý, with theexpt Bitaha. Befome leavlng for a terpnise and determîinath- on laý somne car trouble which govern-men oio aOtw aaur l xvsliat wwhl,ý to be haped, will soc Ernie wvas clerk o! Hope hn hhghem ediucation and gen- remecjied. Tawnsip. le had heca la 'eral knowledg-e, yet I daubi faiing bealth for somne tine, if wp can comipare with themr Chuch ervceai elcmein fthe art o! being senîlmnen- anSndymanngws o-taI N1ESTLETO' o iuid by ReniJ. as con wh il. Wýho nowvada--ys kee(ps lhem preehd befisio!a ene la ng gowai, ias was donc Mm. anid Mmi. George bygne ays whnsws es, ceopaned y orn praiyer. Flowers for tihelidaiewape3.'so- Sm.RoetRhds service weme la memnory o!fe il ndsetdwthBîan ef atwe sm. Fi_'ossie Arekle, miýotihen o! Mm. Russell Baker and 1ipnî1 gi o! ld1jVe(f MLe.yu uilgFioida vaction Mn Mi. Ina Oshorrne. people mnake thýe i5iakýe a!,Bo\wersi delivernmg thi Mm. and Mmi. Thos. WVilson beedles;sly casting awvay ihe and Mn, Wýii!med_ Vine is aimd eilîdmea have been hlrelieýs o! thenir chldhood aniag i the selhool bus. wviih flu ashave so manry Ili teens F- te e s, faded Mm,. and Mm, Lewýis- the sumjrouniiding -area, in biepebp eYond tecognitioni, SnelnMm. anid o! bbc hrhsk coid weather. but whîeh seai)negge emnRomn ae La iedid not fns eto oes Ch me iim- sn andBlaînr,L'iftte F3 qultViilw la a amke,1 _>111- cei Lr-gii~ :erucadidnner befome tibewekeiad fîve lettens wnstten by some hool wihMn. anrtc[Mmi. Cee- On six ore are wariting ta heboy1on in ateeited o donc. ,u sa hiwhl be àaintE' er-alvddî tig n niMe m occupaion,,thi mighit eem lîke ilileà tja and Ian, Mrhm 1bring .ilencîss gently Anti ethat ia the fe. It il nub- or one ty heg treas- a sou- leriap faily How v' somes ai lock ho, bas u nexi T Thursday qfternioon with bis The Canadian iSlt-ani, owmgnvilln, in. 21, 1g70 Sarents, Mr, and Mrs. Georgei clhns, and remaîned fo r ev-1 planned 1or 1Wednesday, Il É ening dinnem. a . i - ol f Reeve _Lawrence Malcolm 1I'lta th homofR)P RT anýd beputy Reeve Gordon Mrs: .Grn Thom-rpson, uwP.Rthp0' Gettins are attending Coun- r.R Davison assisting. TheNwateDtcmn tr oni tCbugthis of the Ont'arlo Provincial Pol- tisCuclatCbugl Ice duming the wAeek of Ji-in, Mr. and Mmilr. Clarke Wi 1l- New JireCior ihtJa.1li19(Iin liams and Mm. and Mrs. Wm. . vestipgated 18 motor vehicl0 Carnegie, Port Perry, were Q f property Csions wrinJwhich ixnd W recent rdinner, guests with mr. chagson were injrdad 1 and Mrs. George Finnie, Port cagswr ad Hope. Guests during the Q,\IjoAso lnvestigated wcrc 3ý7 week with Mm. and Mrs. Wil-!O ta io nyaro general occurrences durïrng liams were Mr. and Mrs. Ontario Hydro bas announc- tbe saýme period of tune. Fouir Frank White, Bethany and ed tbe appointmrent of Milan occurren 1ces resulted ln lois or Mm. and Mms. Milton Stephen- M. Nastich as director of Pmop-l property 1by tbeft, and five- son, Nestleton. On Saturday erty. He succeeds Arnold E. crininal charges were laid,ý Mmr. and Mrs. Williamns visited Il[uddleston. carged 1wit pero lav ied dîv with their dýaugbtem and son- Mr. ïNasticb, who Joiined chng ade(]lvt pr ba bee la -law, Mm. and Mmi. Doug. Ontario Hydro i 1949, bas chgangd fonersfilng t tke th Fallis and family. Bowman- been deputy director of P7,rop b1 ah' yertet ville.erty since February, 1969. Bora Mr. and Mmi;. Grant Tbomp- ia Vancouver, be obtained b1isiDuty of Drivepr fWhen Schll1 son were entertaixied on Sat- B.A. in 1947, and bis B.A. Sc. Bus Stopped onHiwa urday by their granidebldren, la 1948 froni the University of Section 94 (2) H.T.A. state3 Master Howard Bailey and Britisbý Columbia. that wbere a ichool bus il Miss' Tara Bailpv. Blackstock, Tbe new director bas work- stopped on1-1 a ihwarDy fol-r Lt18 while their parents Mr. and ed as a planning engineer and pumpose of receivingor dr Mmi. Neil Bailey participated methodi analyst. He bas, also cbarging sebool chiildren, theG in the mixed curling bonspiel been manager of the Systemi orverofakin o reetin scl in Port Pemry. Ia the after- Department and manager. o! sebool bus o! whiil the mled noon Mm. and Mmi. Thompion Budget lard Financial Report-sga ih otefrnn1 and tbe, children visited with ing Departmnent. In 1964, he siga r l li natedfronthan- ~Mr. and Mmi. J. H. Slem-on, was appointed comptroller and terititent flashes, shaîl stor_ Enniskillen, in 1967, dimector of Computing the veblul1e before p ci, Mr. and Mn,. Frank Glas- -r)]bSadsalno bergen attended the Hair- Mm. Huddleston, wbo bas rceutl the sebonol busad hh i dressers' Party in Lindsay on been with the Commission for re-umers motion or the sga Satumday evening, 42 years, asked to be relieved ilgnts are no longer coeratlng. Mmi. Ivan Proutt accom- of bis dimector's responsibility. Know The law. panied Mm. and Mmi. John Altbougbh le began bis career Motomisti: Are you awpre, oC Proutt and Susan, Oshawa, to in the Construction Division, the new amneodm'ents to the Lindsay on Sunday for mid.-most o! bis service bias been iniontanlo Higbwýlay Tafc At day dinner with Mr. and Mrs, the Property Division. No driver isý reallyv a safe di. John Buchan and farnily. "Mm. Huddleston,:' saillicm, unless be or shec kniows ai Mm. and Mmi. Alvin' Bruce, Chairman George Gatherýcole, observe the law. For in- Port Peery, weme Wedneîday "wil continue to act as an ad- formto, rietteOn evening visitors with the viser and asîlît in the solution arlo Depamtment o rf Trans- Bruce Heasîlpi. Mr. and Mrs. of special problemsi n Hdmo's pont, Queen's Parklý, Toronto, Dave Frew, Janetville, weme comialex real estate operations5." Ontarlo. Sunday evening dinner guesti. C.O.F. News Mm. Orm Yourth, Distmt6 (f Deputy o! C.O.F. and Mn. ~fJC e esC4 ~l Marshall of Oshawa pmesided CI 1< for the joint installation Of SUGAR .. . In the Iiquld Ionm, will stain grarmiensii f it la oýfficers for Court Lady Snow- aîîowed. to remaîn In a fabrie and then la -set, by a certair. bird and Court Nestieton in the Forestemi' Hall, Jan. 7th. temperature ef heat. Thils another type of stain wleih la Following tbis impressive not always noticelable at first, but will frequenitly bhcome cememony lunch was served yellowish brown color when it lr, set. Thiis l,- then acd, by the ladies. A game of car- carmellied sugar stain. Be sure to bring the gxaîrent tgb pet all as horogblyen-andi point out the stain for specîa attention i, we will as '1t was decided to bave the mnOth-Proo-f lb frep et extra charge, annual- sieigbi-riding party on Februar.Y 7'thi, at 8 p.m. Post- oSOUTH PACIFIC" COMING9 ers will be placed to ibis ef- fect. A bot, m-eal 1wilbe FBU R ---- semved. Comie and have a fun- FBU R filled eveniing, Court Nestieton officers are: Paît Chief Ranger, Gor- don Colc Chief Ranger, Ivan Rolmr Vice Chýielf Raýn. 'BOWM&ANVILLE gem, Oliver Rohrer; Secretary-; lain, Al-an Jackson; Co-,ndurctoýr,l CLEA-NER Jim. Sloaae; Guard, Esni . 900 84 kING ST. W. 623-5520 Bowers. Presbyterian Ladies' Aid C LE AN ER "We Specialize 11, Shirt Launider'iig i The Jànuamy meeting 'o! t Nelsileton Preibytenia Ladies' ýJAid was-beld on, Wednesday,_________________________ Jaauamy l4tb, aitue home o!. Miss Ruth Pmoutt. A good >number of members weme in eattendance. weme in charge o! MissFProjutt. N O W !$1 The Dvo-oalexrcse Teminutes and financesp wveme reported by 'the secme- tary-resrem, Miss Prouti. The parceis o! used clit- îS AE ing for the Scott Mission are AR the home o!Mi. Grant Thompion, and a committee voluFateered to get these ready. An excellent report o! the105 year-!s-workwhk-eb bad 'be.-n audîted ini readinesi for, the M echurch annual meeting, on N January 27, was approved. chair for an élection o! offi- R E U A c enrs for 1970 which. mesultcd Il as folil President, Mrs. ..1f~ Lee; lit Vice President, Mný. iH. Visser; 2ad Vice President,i Mmi. K. Gilblank; Secmetary- Treasurer, Miss Rutb Proutt; Pianisi, Mmi. Grant Thompion;, WOOLLENS, COTTONS, LINENS, CREPE, Press Secmetary, Mir.R Da- vison. , BOUCLE, PERMA PRESS, STETCHA, -The program includeda condenîed talk by Mi. W. G.. Hoyon an article by Dm.r, DOUBLE KNITS, FLANNEL, TJohn V. Taylo)r, "hnthe domiclsearounci flic world SYNTHETICS' ,is; issiiçionlocked out" from the Glad Tidings. Also a mcad >iang by Mýiss R. Proutt. L W Luchwaserve: by the K T i A R( wats extended hy Mi H 8KIN T. OW A VI TILLgD he a pprémee tionsI -ALSO - BOX SPRING hAND$c0 MATTRESS h NOBODY 'UNDERSELLS COUNTRY DON f Furniture Discount Barn il Wil- HW. 115415 AT NEWCASTLE CUT-OFI! 987-4713 j -P mi --BD-YY-&-MENTS-WEAR LTD.

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