[ The Canadien taonna Bowmanvle Jn 8,17 j S P R COF BOWLN A. Van Geor was ln topZ3 M' .et2ZWs- triple and 363 for men's high Geo asal27 .MKe MAoR, CURLING EVENT 1Iige et Wslk a R aet ee, hn heOnarochmponhîswil e elHawkins, G. Smith, D. Brawn, ter 9,G mth18 .Pî tnigecd day and cvening, until the finals un Saturday. had excellent gaines. As you Brok14C.Rte14,J The winner, of course, will represent this province in the gain e th bowîer had a0 EMuî 19,DMRCU1 Everyone WIvl be welcoùe te take i thec top-noctch, event, olii l j litS ____________ _ght back with atally tego 200 uaies.anon ,. nm wheheryeuare a cuvier or net. There îs ne admission charge wha -.AfwmntsA.VnGo 6-4,J 8 te s u E gai' etrnsI cto.Mr eal ilb later, Relly Simipson tallied Bond 339-215, J. Macnab 300- gan16J.Rbno18,G tvibe s e tis tesnk a aato.Mr.eal d e BNA IL tn hIn flnnv l1 a for his second goal, assisi te 29-eta21, B.t Pro_ 15 o odad14 avaîabl net wekL. Taylor 5, Gray 0; Harris Jf Pj going te Deug Tainblyn andWslk 8.2-1,B mthRMrhl-13 .Cims t t t t t 3, Bond 2; Mitchell' 3, B. a k >sLS l lYit lll7 p Grant Luxton, the score then 282-217, B. Marshail 276-268, 183,M: ai 7,L oy18 CAL VsPA ELTaylor 2. alreading Lindsay 5, the lIrien- B. Buma 275, P. Marshall 263- Shib rok18 .Hai CABL TVS PAY ELLTeam 'Standing I - r r n e"'.Uda tnes t209, J. Rozema 260-253-247, U. 177D.ens18,BWilm Although unable te ice thelr full roster, Bowmanvillc L. Taylor -_ ___ 181 0#'Wflag 1It h iV Y O too ver 4Lias t leas came Nelan 256-232, Roy Wood- 177,L' edek 7,C <s Cable TV's turned i one et their beet efforts ef the seasen, Mitchell ila~4 5 M V V I5 II I o asadtladsoe'wr 5,J oisn21 .15 lded14 hre betere bowing 6-4 Sunday te the powerful Ncwmarket Rcd- Harris -________10 Y thre asuccesive, galdsDaed Woodceck 249, D. Bond 246, Brol17,RNea12,W the ucesv oas aeAi Dejager 242-200, C. Morg- DEnn 7,A eJgr13 Men. In tact, fthc score was tied wlth enly flirce minutes Bond __________ 9 - Tabb rounded eut fthc serinc[a 4-0,D ens28 . .Pesn 7,A ee 7 rcmanîng whe Bowanvile rn ino sucessve mner eu-Gray _______ 6 Wlth Tom Wilten and Frank manville rau into two penal- visitors. Folks, playeffe are fe'leaIone" eitd nRte 23720, Rub Woodwar F3, . Pte 7, a edm B. Taylor ~6 Jey hoîme werking on thie tics which resulted ln two coming, fthc fan support nceds Andrew McKenzic and Paul 2523 .Rur23 .Snii10 uyWowr 7.N altice, scttlng the stage for thie winnlng taliy. Riait Single boeks fer exeme, the reet et goals by Newmarket te coin- strengthcning. Sec you at the Forscy. Thie "Iroennin" wil232-220-2, . eddn 232, Zede.a 169,h H171m The locale hed erlier deteeted Lindsay 9-1, with Lindsay C. Gibson 189 pîcte the score at 6-4. arena, i trl lytsti wck, N2McKce0231-207 F. Peate 2 62 , M.Rzma15 N od ceming right back te defeet Ajax Spartans on Sunday. That B.Tyo- 7 h ei undltaecd The locas detense pleyed te.MKe 2127 . ote 6 eneblcd tAie Catie TV'e te maintain their hoid on second ove r 318 oul game with a sens]] relapse mn a solid game with ferward Thie local 14 and 1 erlai ir ostio te b ee 2,M.Rzm 2,D Bantc 6,G.Dni 6,T L. Taylor 1StAie second peried. This emali Larry Devitt hclping eut tAie elds are haviug troubl put-e As ck 225-208-202, W. Denuy 224, AIlra 6,Al rc sg Ajax, sud a win at home over Ncwmarket lest nilit, ceuid C. Mitchell __ _-3()g relapse eaw tAie Newmiarket blueline crew ln thc absence tmRg 60 minutes et sidhard If yeu are loeking for sein Gee. Marshall 220-200, B. Debo16N.Mra15,. aimest clincli thie ruuner-up slot, B. Taylor -----299 club pet three goals te tae et Tom Wilton. Lien Kay led skating hockey iet eue game ment hcrey ani supportan teBakdrns 218, . Peuto 213, LAr al14 ua10 Bewmanvîlle faces an important home and home seies! BANTAM BOYS e lead et tAc end et the sec- Newmarket wit troc goais TAie coaches and managementLti HL eish h ,Pcea21,E ru 1,S akn 3,B1aka Fii5,Wtc0Jesn ed period, 4-3. Thie attack and eue asist, wAiile beague- have confidec luam ihe talen piee 1,E.Pot 1,S witli the Sparteus, playing in Ajax Suuday niglit aud back! ytiiemncm te edn orrBbKn etli t5, club, but asse yc h a f that are cemiug up, B. Chipinan 210, S. Brock 209, 132,M etr18 .Mc Lavigue 2; Chow 3, Reynelds 2. the local boys fitccl - J Luffuien 209, A. De Boe 208, neli19 prs e bm here on Tueedey et 8:15, After that euly two gaines wilI Teain Standingdth ocetw.RbWlugyntbe aetee vr- remaiu in thie reguier schedule, Chw_______-1 iret pcriod with a 2-1 beach0f thie local juveni fiiled in thiug teigether. 206 WliamDei 203, Gc. PotirBrr 141 j- j- j- Jensen _______ 12 Ffret period goals were ecored vevcepabîy bctwccn the! Tueday nîglit saw fltL des 22heeeedma2121 Fall t___ 12 trt tei stck etKm Ro- Whitby boys clown thc Me- ,Lel@l Shirle Bric 200,em N. -2de-1,* MINOR HOCKEY Lvge_______ 10 ers aesisted by Joe Hircock eiclslsn th giGreger Drug Store boys 7-0. 15hvnr20,e B ensa 200, M. Zdr Bewmsnville's novice entry reched thie fIls tt Reynolds ___ 91ud Steve CoWe wlie as se Bewmauvfile blad their dress[ ed ay3,cdï tAe Lcale droverge Dakin 200. ,m Newvle~aKII Newmerkct Tournameut on Seturday, before îesmng eut te 'Wlyte ------ up--- 5 y Dve Conelebb te eep h n roi .r-cke an wetAe local frosty !ce palaceHSiic20,MBlk Tei Standings Boin itou 7-3. Earlîer, tAie youthfui local crew lied dxsposed eoHf'igl okcuece eke tmgrnrel usackeof a nd $15 reb ped a. 7im3 score te Linaka etm Pinsge Peagu tii. ~~~~~~~J, Jeuseun _ 193; Catie crew withiu distance 0t rsie met habout $.0O Bewmeuville's geais w e ra ile 214, A. Bate 200, N. Sliechen Teain Ne,-Nie PnsPo.hrd~Jnay2 Gereon21addfae hCnil31 .Lvge--- 189 tAie Newmsrket boys. Thie sigmrlads.scoredtby Paul Martin. Tlick 195, E. Demeter 193, B. Part- -2-A. Van Geer --- 11784 22 eegen 2-iw d Deflahe Tornmill 3-1. nile' p1M Reyinls14eîdpridswRy Tuèeday night, Jau, 27th,,Shacheiton and Bob Spicker. uer 172, G. Downey 169, M. l-C. Morgan ___ 11478 22 20ae lu tAie tweoff dre Deie Ttrnmet Bowanii' pee M.te R1y8,d 184 tirdne per5e 8-aw Robyso Don14021D weeslie tAe mstotun et unnng ie Aietwoclus tht Hgh oube sd Crhesboy reliyturbsicee Newsrkt vsiingDheublyofearedue e serthi bWessve 16, I Whtue 165 8-. Rtinen 1140 1 D.Tomkln _______ 22 evenuslly wouud up iu tAie championship final, Whitby defeat- P. Livgn 3091 on. Seudy Brown cemtiuedi locais wh4le the Tee Vees wîill about eue week. Wetch thie J1. Burton 164, R. Vanessa 163, 12-R. Woodward -11124 15 D.Str 9 cd ursie 42,su thn ewerkttAe eenue wiuesJ. Jeusen 2994 with Grave Betnnett te tic il have a full squad cager te peper toc lime, place, sud M. McNulty 157, D. Richards 1-B. Williams - 11587 14 J.Stcy241 edou sd 42,ad he eware, heeenua inerR., CAew ___ _- 2971 up et the a minute mark, 4-4 give tAie Redmen a sethack. teame. ,Playette cen change1 150, L. Adair 150, A. Dibiing 9--B. Westlake -11499- 13 G.Miso ____ 22 - posed e 2-0 decision te eliminate tAie Bowruanviiie crew. M. Reynolds -2971 remamned tAie ceuni until the! Thie folin Tuesdey, Feb. tAie Wlile picture, se let's givej 145, G. Murdoch- 140, R. Bath- 3-B. Mershall- 11046 13 G.Farw______ Menhl, oofcalrprshaebe ecie nK-Woly293 17 minute, mark when Bow-Sd wîll have Ajax as tAie our support. gate 129, T. Brown 123. 7-D. Brewn --11094 12 D. Wle canwffrfhe ne oice re ortshv beetan receied ouIO K.IWeiS HigA cingle 272 - A. Bete. 10-N. McKecn -11565 9 L.Wike _____26 playefis for cith re oice peeA w ee s rhauai heno JUhiORea GIMRLS 2 Mr HigAi triple 722 - H. Simnick 4-R. Brock - -10916 9 M. oA _____ Bewmauvilleri 7crrsID..mdes wehv Woodad 0Mety; : er- 5, Over 200 Gaines 6-Ray Westlake -11456 9 cae . yet cempleted their regular echedule, wîii meet Port Hope li 7 o oder 2;Mr.el5 IA l iau Rate 272-205, M. Blake 264- 5-Bob Sith - - 11163 9 Bris _______ 4 Cox 2. I I'~ i K es iJ's I205-222, Simnick 246-216-260, Averages PEtn ______32 tAie firet round, with thie epening gaine ln tAie test et three F . Tia Standing jJI ef , *IDetr23,Pnr24,Januery 23 HaM ________I series bîkely slated fer tAie Memorial Are, here ai two Whitehead -______21 Sehn25 ony24 .Bn 4,A ýaiGo o'ceck, Sunday afterneon. Marshaill_____ 18: Novice: thein by a score et 3-1. There lesiug by e score et 8-5. Bhuehon 235. Dony24 .Bn 4,A VnGa ant - _ _ _1 Thie St. Mary's Cernent Redinen juveniles tri]] play Mark- Ontn-_______1 A Set., Jan. 24th, 'Treeten was 110 scoring lu tAie gaine Ini the ffrst peîo Linsa Burt n 00 22 hem bu nedats hve eeneuuuucd s ye. oxrs d______1 pleyed lu thc untîl thie 2:45 mark et thie went ehead 2-0, the locale vrae ____ Ith annuel Newmarket No-tr eîdihnToui missing on several chances, M. Blake 219, H. SlnlnckA TYKE . t HlgbSinuoodwar 6 vieTu9 aet went shead 1-0 ou a goal ty couid net find thie mark.20,NSeea19,EDne-B A ALL~~~STARS B. Cex .~224 In tActr tiret game et tAie,~FaaaA Ae64 akLila eke40be te ter 190, M. Gray 187, B. Part- ____________ TAi Cnsmes'Ga Tke ilStrstrAltela ctonS.Mori . 208 teurnament "TAime *Movere"ý4Rot Ormiston pickcd 11P a two periede et play, uetching uer 180, M. Westovcr 177, M. age tAi e r Hope Tyke A-Stars tAi S na ctrin C. Parsn _ 207 trr itnesithi e 2-1 win loose puck in Aie otru end sud eue et their goals wth Bow- Mertindale 167, J. Burton, G. Il lu83 nteMmrilAea ntoeale etnsti S. Morri 565 peried Marty Presten teek ai some neai stick-Aiandiing, aud Early Iu thie third tAc "Trou- Adair 151, M. McNuity 151. Oi TICE 0F P IEC A G saoBowmeuvlle deteated tlic Port Hope crew by scores C. Passant ---- - --- _ 534 riuk-tride pass fromn BoW drllled eue te tAie lew right- men" gel on tAe scoreboard D. Richards 152, A- Dilliug et 20 ed 41. UNIR BYS ickl su drble on hitAi1 haud corner, te even up tAie tîth Rery Gibts digging the 137, T. Brotr 137, R. Bath- Force Beemause cfOprtni - Roberte 7,~~JNIO Bt0 oome ih-adcret iet score. At tAis peint 'TAie puck eut frein behind the gaie 134. II5,Carter 2; Stephen 7, Jensen mark Georgeteown e v e n e dayn Johinson put tAie locale sud tucklug il mn ou a sinart Hril, cingle, 26 sdhi Epns Inrasn Tei tnig things up on a goal by Peul aheed ou a gond goal, assisted play. Lindsay picked u'p a Over 200 GainesOcfrFstM Tl______ 24MrltaunhdecniernAgyBry iigeoe John penalty e few minutes leter M. Blake 263-223-208, M.60 fo FisV Ml TIts ee tAe ajr eace ltn BecoSepies 23 bath tesins rere field score- Devis scored lAie clincher et as ene et their players doreiWestover 231-~212, B. Pantner 242 ebeî 23____ 1 esb some gond goal-tend- tAe 11:00 minute mark On a ou tAie loose puck ia thin 218-213, E.- Denieter 218, N: 10c for Eacb AdditinlVsMl Tis pe teMaor tars l ETA ran kei 9 239 Roes-_____ 12 legs by Tinaseefoio--uce play set up by John Con- goal crease, tAc infraction Shechan 216-208, H. Simalck - caret star geceote slows heall i Treti 9 239 Carter an_____ 6muvbesd Glenn Test tori boy. This victory Put Bow- awardiag e penalty shet te 212. airMt Dtreug Cater Clw-aeri Mare ichrd 9 238 Bar __ 6 Gaeoon - l tAc thirdi nenville inte tAie champion- Bowmanviile, P a u I Fersey Tis Standiug Effective Februarylt,17 ate igl cige32sod-Dug Carter. CatrMar-Rcad 9 238 Hlghinnl pe---- - è etawtAc 4:1 mark, Bow- 1 sAip fluai. took tAc shot and made ne Pts. dw g snre g4and et 23- Jo a rt Bond _ 9 237 M. g RSei ng____2inule p îayinga thee inca lu the Chsnipionship garie,msakasAetlidfrtcBke________62 284 for tine hgintipe et 860- De; cl Rods 9 236 B. Lamen-_ __ 22trt, thie herd -woer kinug Bewmanrlie met tAie tln locels. Relly Simpson thon Sheehan ______ 6 1/21 E.AMOU tp T2is fes aIe higi trpe ofAi6s Ciare keod 9 234 W. Ceontes___ _ 22 WaneJhorttokps frein Milteu sud trere 4efcet- ecored, aesistecl - by Diu Martinaeo ~ 4I lihedule, Ruse "Haîlma - 9 234 M. CAittick _____ 22a frein Gererd Merriso sucdt e sore tet - ltAie TebytennoqtegpuerurGd____ lhe second star g;ope te tre HaroldA Michelso -G 31. Thieseen ______216 werked Ailuiytw eitrt cxdtcMitneu gure bIlentsi uray dsLon 9 2321 MGlcie- - 28tnrsud blasted eue tv got Off te s quick 2-0 leiad on ennTigIte for hie 838 AI Osborne ___ 9 2321 Higb Triple the su rpr ised GeergtutgolfriElsnsdHa- trIple made up et 244-278-316. Don Oke- -___ 6 2301 M. Roete-s __ 812 goal TAis goal proed te te j.ilton. TAc>' tallied again. ait This bfg triple put TigAc teck At Samaitn ___ 9 226 W. Ceembes -____ 577 the gaine trînner jt .0mr t aei - In tAie 200 aucrages. Bill Oke - 9__ 226 B. Lament ------ - 576 la tlie second gaine, BOW-etAendtlAtit.Tc Thr sa i ou thrBot Glaville 9 225 SENIOR IMXED LEAGUE uxanville "Preston the Mer- locale feught tard te even j- - tanr Rtar 'Fas"nn tcherA Kari Piper ----_ 9 25 rck7Bul> ; eu' rs? teoi on tAie test-skating Ihinge up iu the tiret pcniodj Fat One hed ganels et .329 Brau Martyn a__ 224 rrxeeetèr 5, Bradley 2; Cea 7, Thorui t'ai n d detealed butk coudncein te get. tIe 282-196 fer 807. TAe kid înm I Bucd Hennlng 9 222- Helroyd o; Petfield 5, GoorA pec oun heint, Pa lue Minntesota bôe*ted lis avec-1 Han Paumer .-9 221 Wn2 a DtMilien shead 4-0 et maugr te C5 cou penied Povur Mc-&" ' ugote23 totâe ve to BilWeelee . 22 tia2.Tesam Standing IIIELF IYM JuR the 3:O2 mark. At 5:40 Don foot ta lti departinent sud Mei-utie Anuacri 9 2201 E8ric ..... __... 23 'Farrow put the locale on tAie tewsy ie, jes bowling wtii te George Piper 220_ Cean______ 17 UEs I coreter on s neat goal as- a tough customer te kneock Stan McMurter 3- 219i Bouwmcnestcc -___ 17 LLDNU-VE sieted Aiy Bot Bickle. Ai thie -HL »ff thie top rung. Bot Willams __ 9 217 Godwmn ._____ 18 Jnar 190 1.40 mark Rend>' Masterson '-xp - Car Slosman HaroldA Mich- p,, Hion 9- 217 Petccr_______1 layingl a standeut 'gaine both 9 11Burley _________14 Bria Martyn teek top beu- wy o h Mo ik tA5on lied 198-318-290 'or gý George Stenhen --9 214 Bredley 8 ours on Mondey evening, wlicn'estnti Myn" ik nice806trile. hisIs ich-Dr.H. . Rudle 9 22'cd up the puck iu Aie ôta end ice~~~Hlry 806--- trpeT__eMiAr .B Rnl 1 2 ie rolicd Higli Triple et. 818 and etick-bendled hic wav lu- eixou's test effort lAis scasen. John Gould 9 212 jg Hory SinAtimglceiA Snl t eMle trie>, ee A Fiteentetiee bt tie700Dîc Pefet - 9 221B. Bunley 24 313. Keep t up, Brisa. Our deteucernad dni!led ea p26a-2au) Ar ' Pier îre Pee 65Hwrfre-1 9 211 G. Edmoendeon - -- M5" Soust Paw Braie Perfect Tet hard ciel home. At tAie end, (262-288), laret Okpe 76 ri Pre. 1 T. BrôcA --- ----- 268-284 fer beAind wtrît 794; Dave et twe peniode, thie score read, (292288n B rn 742 (311) Ros _____921_R__uweet 276 Reynoelds 793; Helen eynoids, 4-2 ton ilIeuo. Iu tAie third (286),: AM Osbone 754 (315), Murray Tighs 9 210 ..leg Brde .-26 e ot udoet'_ _k/ Wriht74 (72) BilWeu-Mike Murphy 9 210 S. Cala ----- ____ 27 j28 pAIe et- tAP:5mr er W rig 728 (2 ), l' es t an2 D o is Joit/ cael f rg el e lak 78 27-20) RseHee-Le Sinaïe.. 9 210 W, Mouaijo>' 26574;DrsJl72;A %onerdtnMieuAt60 Bote Letto (2126) 9s 29e OIl PeIer -_ __ 251 terne 721; Mike Murphy 72;~ mar Rad etre ech- I\ ( > plae '~I~ B on Rcelawt .. 9 2flq .Bui9._ 7 FekEce 710* mar g ame, y sesîe net.- Anustne Pic Perec 724 (21 Gâeorg snet7-;adi Conte i Ellison Mct'bied Pipr 23(32),Ra ' aDohn Van Dyl 9 209 .Bne rpeîpe tauie Areae nwndgaslI i AOD DIK IHLOlRUT45~ 7 ýIxTA-e> Af ').«9 -Il - - 'pfl&_.4-1z) 12 Ruse Hetel>'- 5 evrfKney202822 Aruold Bennice Rude>' 24 cd 6uI the ecering in tAi trd Rnd> BPipe - 9 248 Lumber -ol 3 r, 9709 2 BnInklet 244-215, Mary Chie- Frenk Ecles -___ 4heid nlngle aine42OErdASAWEK-OE ASAWE Lerr Pipr 9 43 epsiCols- 36 968 3 ei242-6 Pat kre Orme 236- Doris Jei _____ 240 TAie "Trailslede" Aad a terri-24OU SE IE __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ ,Pea t W22 k, 226. Dot pavé Re nls _ _ _ _ 27 tna dg c t rough et he OPE A7M 1)0 M P1,Assan 224,A-gue Maclean AI Osbtruedd -____26 an u ere oct-ciel 1 217 AlenMalean 217, Jin ()Ille Nttied ga____ 2buet2 peig Spca Jetfreys 217, Jin Fair 210-201, Pete DobtIns w-____ 231A lu tAeacndgieENt Eee Hch>'20, on H rust- Hatel>'--y_ 229 market dcteated the "Trail- Saturclays dSrdy mni 200. Hotard Bremmell - 224 sld" i a hard fought con- * LUBRICAN S an 31- eb ' AvearesGeorge Betee -____ 219 test b>' a score et 2-0. TAis Mik 1ýe Kennedy 231. Jin Helen Reynolds 218 1099 reselted in the locale te- DEE n ON ICOMETAXFeir 210, Jacki Brewn 207, Gary jean Suicte ______ 218 ing eliminatcd frein going say DISE FIUEL Conta>' 202, Arnold Bnlnklew Russ Haîlman ___ 216 fthriin unhe tournameut. Feb. 7-FeB Up to $2,5W» a yoar May b. deduot.. 198, Lienel Hieke>' 196, (liGe let aerry_ 1 utcapau eid el IE lbIe for icorne tai- purposefrorn Dhvltrerk 19. Alet Malan d Maurice Aauaert --216 teins skatcd sud oheckcd you itene if you mnvos it ln a Bi3, Wotksa Betty hasn Don, Wright ____ 214 tard tA alithen teain teing 1 & H RE REGSRRD Oe193, Dot Pafsret 18, v Hilde SlmuicAi-___ 211 able te score. In the second ls W S Peuh Laprade 182, Kathv BrA Breow-n __ 210 peniOd wt t li seconds te Skrtie"'w80, Elleen Hlc-key 178. lneCssey 210 90, Notinerket tinal>' test e IOâEAIS- C IKEmI E SAVINGS PLAN MayCihîi17 AeeaLeen Cortners ___ 27Steve Temblyn trio played __________________________ while yen aise gnarsantee youxself' a Rit ors 176, Pst Wslker 176.Mk ui> 207 SPT goa for te "Treil VgbesRtRi Carroie Orme 176, Banner Rose Wright 206 elede". In tAie thIrd pererA tAc SHELL SHEL SEL rnontHy retirernent interne for 111e. Passent 175. Mary Laue 175 Bart Buttoushsw - 2__ 205 locale appeared te have an- SUPER rnEL Ask me for detais-I'm wtt Claence Rirerq 173- Tour Joihn Luffinan 205 edgc ln plar tut could net SPRWNSIL ATRE Sun Life of Canada. Horetmoan 170. Bill SAinte 169. Jin Breton - __-204 tiad the mark. With tAneWJT INSIEDBTTRE AB.PSAT ...Gary Lane 167, Molv> Horst- Virginîs Faire>'___- 203 inates te pla>', Bowmnauville MUT AHRPOLISHESI A, B PASANT C.LUmn 163. Mary Bnînlot 159, Marion McKeeu n 203 wit eue man short. Newman- GRADE WSE Mclean 155. Rose Manie Con- John louler - -____ 202 yead. The lcas fught tck MOTOR ANTI- CLEANERMhlris Odr SU I E0 A A A way 154, Stew Chisoltn152, %bVndenbrg - 20 arcd but uauccemsfuily. tAie on REEZE ACCESSORIESFRE 1:38._____________136,__Isabel________________ 200 On Set., Jan. 24th,th »MU