i ýrembers and fwm gues±s. F1Ny ',central organzation of the.i 'he Caniadian Statesmanr, powmanville a.28i7 t inAnciai i-'aport and an iscusses uOV tree efr pitbicdiýcis-ý ReportstS f reusmetfg. romI I io.The ~rtpaper 1, t 1b-I j ~ocrapondêeè inel~dedpubl'shed in Janumary. these-1 rFrass~Ter B Jm ham bor Com m errIiPi- ar in nd âi s se peIrarm êrs' U Ion Nee *g re ting .z iU; N Urs.kJ a'n on d in A p ril n d the f inal W ornen's Institutes 'i Mrs. Au ic fer W reete A1,tIit-e Frseiird fo P: v uvnArrwthe:ownate r GROVE L Vea s reding. rs. Cnferèee leGuelph in Ap- MAlyor Desmiond Newmrran o!bidieh taoïprate wîthin1 problems such as idruga "e p wîi rsr asdar teT-eeu>: fDsrc 8ta fte e î~'a M,4PLE GOEW1 r.P I -rîl, Rn appeal frorn The Cê -Whitby a1idn aleading rfigurc in their dmns~gframewvork 5cek to create akda id nial Istr ic ad hg w )i ,the Ntoa amt'Fres n Intyre sang t sls c i dPý-,Inp eih AýýcFl.ei Sl tudY gù foC responsibili1t. Kr 'émunity tatprovides h hôpefulý ýinirt L h o iý he ~~ wm 1aned by Mm. W. Lardt' ~~ ~~ tI ht-ew,,a arenpointedout [ apôk:oe hrIeiiý, of tue recit vicès e tv an fd ti111 b ce- toudold pIIbllc eetns~bc ils odpigo naWl êhlI h nprn 17ntpý-,ia freauion Mlndhthianm.ve tonyconsolirdate edues tionrcessiblecator thelpeoplee ediscusio theselpapersl andsrpross th-ursdaypni andofroaSt- weed. nixt.AeofkagitveUk open~n~etngfestringMr. pianen e y -nfr ebrscn h d rmthe foratio oflake the zdford fiich Bob Lon)1iof thý, Toronto- r.W ardcmetdtrlbutiofcn ý- eitfomaiotfhedr hMcenntalemwic Myo ewman stated that posais aInd that Courcïls ând to discuss formation of larger Cut sghtsekr Dr"Iýnrw1,nýnthe motto "A man's true Heaîth A alan 'ci iin principal %waý A gond~ Ofl ~Haih ssoc.. a o osendR onlgvrne, :±f nesithe COshawa regional acea uy h epthe hesh swould i and mni effective luinCmmte eare ~sn leBowan-wealth la the gond lhe does -in frteraalal iaueN ewm,,nanr, was speaking at the mova for it had developel id nluath ra riepeenî; their views bIret-)t",rln n uhm,~pitda llos IIé this worl. She -said that if, Orano Chàamber af Commerce'better equialitY o dcaaiith ieco f Tb iicLigwýs ýI n he1 .say we feel ike a mil-i l'4rs. Adfiîson S.ýtt reppQrted banqueirt which wsheld atithraughout the Province. o icnkering onarhe Twnsh!lp n pln hning, Mr. Tedhema. ____urimg C, EHall a t 98 p.on Jan. ilow o elg nôlEéuil -tn ed tiNon's PSa lai Dîreetôly'Mayor [uà meetig end~ meting estarant uesda Mayr Newan satad th te east. Ha pointed out that: on, beiee opeLjioned, NMayas of Clatke, 'I Wauld opt ta join tn puilCt lrcô,1é!~ Uth~~~~~~~~ wlh2 rsn. uulydo god. Knowledlge'plan for the flIstrict Ann-uàl avenlnig- The speaker, who hasi the popuflation in Ontarin hâd'isome adrôcate twa levaIs of'Nw~sae htbt h ihtews. i esn a ip M\r, Làwton asintroduc- lis wfflth and -wa need ta im- meiietinLgtebihaheld My 4týh been active in cornmunity a!-jincraase-d by 23 per cent, em- griornment for an aresaonm9 Reavýe ôr ecateanilrkfadweetatt' rgo."Oea1tébggs n by rs.N.Lea, an arn- part it ta athers. Wa need tRiibi0 ahbrnh~i~s~wsitouced by Mr. pin ment wa- U i papr Cent, the lake front wihwoufld wr rwmmando! ta re-, udcîsldat anfi rwmr uc tln M awanspke everydai' things andi to ha ablatk1 n rtile rSal. Mtiietnetvîi' id14 nr entavr té Clarkea loal tudlg rmnoeea! h ôrnoJ-lar aaprcat eut easkedAn t ive a onation ahÉ d taeRaid adl on thkd i cicarne p 144per cent, opr tehaéthive lal Cun ,j-cis For i Of i sain ithat Clareswfal hr rvsl eh ad~a In.LanBn.awtr n the t îeo ns~i.also gave a repart aif ShéEigr awaslatere Woliha a aaipt tlntaebnft fawdrteNtoa afes 2li r. SuoiOee-.i[pçt 0ye- Mah i eaeb- riip soe unît' heN ,m"usasects o! haniking as Mrs. S. Doyle moveti a vote ýrlarvDay held t Gavan o yrnewansatitatan p.r 11 eas Te urss i cutihagruptiason iitarfoCeClrk Tw tsipta bseaasheshrigand thera" sattiIVôil gga'dsa awa te 10 e~- o thnk taMr.I~wto ati onai'wirh nne mceonrnat ak watis roig it th cst ! ôveemeitduhiasthed wranvll anif e au o th Ohaw rgio idusril aseimBo' heBriht D!leor i iatie Ires ~ ~ ~ ~ t tathbakffr Itethose on the progrnti. The menu inciudéd thé re- aumesethtýw nt oe o! gavr-ta duplîc and,4Was ut f focs,' arl ping.Ohas(aJad!y h nrlga lq bu thalmicpitewihnhar- fhaN. th pub!il. Among' these ari Mrs. S. Jeffary was la cipes téstedtri fthé Short ment that eehave ta isrupt i hasaidaand t wss unde ri'tn Improvament Lancharge n h rga O;Cuý TeManDs a'it and f re regionial aréapessreo! this sare cri -' respa ing o! alra aaof oî h h WseOonintol-cét acimui "Alraaê 'rnr~UIno hfteargr M jiýores"heMan Dhhaks,, ,ý,ha Sai, wsmatmpress mtutrei g~ithat wouid inclue ilofOn- lark atcounrted. !la which nour chiltiren would Aîherta rahrhpI wa isiriepôlmtaargi-ilria CaGunty. part c pa! Victveihod riaâv u5idft Loans, Chýi'gek and' "Caânadien Industrie" ifkfttaaiWr" a ont restrheig ore. nt pr o "uha nt ha egion-al Govereman-nt, statad fn vlho nihv e the 14dircslet pv. Iha verlous types1a. Cr-, nesnMrs. ...the I Buchre priswili beha haiti out howevrta citrnsat mîlcnrScantn rswutihv aor Newman, oiuld farce Ceas tôa a greater if.1a10r éverrhtdhidrr sîanmll, partiest ?t -ths re dul a igchtie h4chg l irai-t industrial Newmnfait elthat if dlarkel ,if 1alhv, aeitapi n1 - *veileble. i ~President, w as ila charge a! during the -wiýntér with Mrs. ara ne longer initeraéed invide rneaingful èerv1ces 1wît- local municipalities. If -iehsesetwt ua ra tyt u !teOhw e-teNFU"cniut n M.EFaa'gavé e eNw ,the fliowing busiîness. iVincent Jâcksoni andi Mrs. stainlaill cetrai but ara out oiter taxîng anti We flace pantet out that with tl ii-R znithé arn * l atsisan otio h sprPrg 01TJ rY i nickel buy todai'?" Éowdfor teflrËt ena. 1areas ta continue their aduca- gôvarnment. thé OIU I11 that a nickel stîli tdi buy I wsaredt sre re-iteancantine emprent. Thgôeseakr atiter Asienorthern section the ou-u sri Ét a a prvtie enîngwcré.d abîer thÉa thceý,Iy vanindcsont ea faw thigs. . atian It anlys tota o! tearservetarailarasa tand toed suker tredisativntageshodyheth tha bérdaFedèrs MRS2.t w, A. TIIOMPSON I'- W gét'tagivé a freshnI at thé Open flouse 1IThis trant away from ithé rural no eagy answar for people ii"a o maietépaat ,mre rÊasoniable c.tta avr-o!àa ringe municipâlity ha97i n inofAgiutr ate o ~. A doatio o!$5 owars té fr, the naw FirÊ Hal le iýareasa tathe urban cenitres la have a strong identiti' with dul-)icaltion thet exiStq lathis n.Hqlopltt otta éieta iveamn nitéNFU Thtîdath o! Mrs,A. 'SA, Anieiar' a1Rethafy: alo te purchase îcreating a sëriourS prblei, ha boundaries anti a sense e o cm- rea la thé sls local gaverr- cags frsc evcssc îtéidsra dacmn.~fe hi ovfto rOîerpsonug&a,8 yaas,éocand iq!,lk fr tha iti uii ."hsi u swater andiséérInul' aclasing anti alter a heaithycîinaéahsig ld i Mdtal nttteadas S mnt hslsOu ila, msnt ha laviéti against dreas tie p dsuloMyrNw currad Pt MemeialHoapit'al, $2, ta thé local Churh 1oartilusé C! thé riraerîad. Thé speaker painteti outilTanship of' CityI'. Hawveti ajoe MyrNw-acglmath 1970nvll . onSaurati Th7schatesu-is rcus upatoinue ilh ett tosnincptasrit',rv 1giu istt ré- ayor Newmfan iaid thé idea 1iwéré nt servcir with those jman, who was accompaniéti hi' ~op anigru Bomnilé nS [utsfor thetrincmetings. Tecsnmr tor ai théra axists in Ontario ovér a; hé saitIl owihtpr 1- Jnuari' 17, 197at you mhavé you mesueti.of thé larger ares wagso nthaRt1services or which wut not hbli wife anti Mr. antid s aib\ eélt hi é1Ii beanla ailng balt fo an etirinémberetiat Velentiniès. MËs. Maria ,'Gilmour. who ila t least hlif o! thase have a wark with your fneîghbors t h ua ra aténrhwti ieva eit. Sra ietra h tty at nti wiintlogr étad fiIr Elme.tClre hohdno f; flae.tro h lt ae.Thé meeting clogad wt ténn'rsding iPicton, .population d! léss than îwa mnain nyôur camrmunity i',iicoibehne t tfom the taxto hnMyrN wrIS a htCak hut O a gn a oei raueatîng o! thé Cliéct la rinNéels express- i thousanti people. Thèse smalil- ita fastér its wéll-heing, t é-a h itntilteeopen'skt ha enolitaOm , mng t elns n' b 0 a r gainngpstfiiffalé and- Dorothv Cairns. thes uiison. 1éd thé mnembers' thanks ta thé. ér centres must dépend ta a reational facilities, services ganIi!aln.gthé laka front. hmenti for Clarke Townsbip, hé thé studi' group. Inth ntbionllvi"sa nre aNorth n5 Thé Caiens- ekerantithé hostea roup.1great extent on gaveramant ta fight pollution adcai all' The Sýpeaker statéti that thé saitithat i i hé wa re rsidant o rooTiméns MrI BrPht gUlanti aniîrécivati ber edu- té-andicfe irn h ion n Enlant. OnJunesocial haur. 27, 1914, la St. Joh'u's Angi -__ escouch BEn Tmranville, sha' i'naRricéiMr. ilim -Allison' BETHAV . . M ILBLEB ULIESTDPO 72.lI Thdrnps-on who- pratieceased. Thé Bethani' Womeni's In- le a19.stitute mat ai thé hôme C ôf 2331 1r.Thamnpsan rasitietinle Mrs. Adtiison Scott on Mon-I n Bomavîlef--rm1914t untillday avéning, with thé pr- ghe movéd lto namtin. aimait1 gram in charge o! Mrs. K. E. rl years ago, ta live with bar.Atarna, convenor Ci ditizan-i daughtér, . Fred PaYna. i ship anti Etiution.1 A housewvifi, lir intereats I Mr. Kani' Rhatt. a social: rePtlret around her homne anti iweî!aré wrorker froin Peter-1 fa rnili'. Sne waa a maember O! bororugh was- thé guest -peak- thp Anglican riChurch. er anti rélatati man dlnis biEs E T A S i'vlving are a gon, James expér!inces lantiealing withi Thompson a! ' Bow:-Imnvile, antidmoiaa1i'disturbeti people. ad'gteM..Fe lPyéie sait 'Happinessa bas ta écmopM (lashel)i o!îHampton. ,Fl îrôrOýn rn w ýithin, lA cahnot î grantichilirennti four grati IL Wh FThé maIn alVIFoEJ3EFFICTEVE FE RUA&RY ZU-id, 1970 grantichiidrEn alan survive. 11f st hé hiappi"WITY -WITVHSITLRN Thé funer al service was heiîld M.Bhttws o n n SCHEDULE No. 1 BOWMANVILL.E - OSHAWA -WHTY - HIB HOPALRN en MaaJanuary 19. 197Ü,! ia hr. ats boran tnl l- Il'am thé Northcutt Elliott ité éidt aEgat Service Daily EXcept Sundays and Holidays - Effettive Fehruary 2, 1970 Funerpal Home,. Bowmanvilla for four i'éars heinra comîng __________i;:_____._________. and~ wa ot uaih' e.A Canada in 1968 andihpé.1Tn n TripniITipTnpI Trip 'rpInp TtiTn Trip Trip1Tl n .Cresswell o! Hampton.* nt 'eam ' nda5ctzn. ' 45 6 79 10 1 11 1 12 13 14 15 16 i17 Ctért asl Bwmni seH fnéi Coiinhip as ounWESTBOUND i AM IAiM A M IAM.AM AM 1PM PM PM PM PM PM PMIPm PM IPM* MaylavaI' floral tokéa'tel Atxi&e sclne 1 L oennli 5553 5 6.55 -7.55 8.5519. 55 11.55 1125511.55 i2.55 3.55 i 4.55 55 fran relatives anti friands, as 1assarili' a gaOd citizen and ortt 7.05 8.5 95105 105 205 .5205 .5405 .5 6.575 8,5 .51.3 ,wel -a7-,donations ta eaa eversa." Thé speaker was Coutile6.05 .5 90 0.510 25 i 1 1.0 organizations le ber mwnry introduceti b Mrs. Bah Jones' Town LUne 6.10 7.10 8.10 9.10 1 10.10i 11.10 12.10 1.10 2 .10 3.10 4 10 i510 1610 7.10 8.10 9.10 1C.40 atted inthe esteem le whlch anti thanlIted bhi'Mrs. Adams. _______ ______ It 12 25122 .555 62 .5 82 '92 05 th îýcaýd AsheciMrs. Harri' Rylai' gave COs0haWa 6.25 725 I&25 .25 10,2-151.25 1.25 2'5 32 4.25 .2 palîheprers waré Méssrs. ments on thé pragram miotta, L saa '630 73 .0 9.30 10.30 11.30 12.30 1.30 2.30 I3.30 I4.30 5.30 16» .30 7 .30 9.30 11.0 ?ne 7#aü San Dflwéll, Hasken Smnith, "Théeéyof à sgond citi- 63 .5 .51.5-13 235 13t4 53 .5 7.5i83 ¶93 105e" sbnMn. J7hn eynéeg Cain znada" ser ati thi' 8Shoppinz Centre 63517.35 &5 93 I.51.5123 .52.35 3.35 43 .3t»5 .5 8.30 .3 Mihal tcater, andlégn akaznd T e rvlce a "'Ara" ÀnE t hib6.45 7.45 8.45 9.45 1.611.45 12.45 1.45 2.45 '3.45 445 545 6.45 7.45I 8.45 9A5 1115 Mihe thr nia.rn- TerI al" uzO hty1.5AR> Whitby Hospitals 6.55t 7.55 8.55 9.55 10.55. 11.55 12.55 1.55 2.55 3.55 4.55i 5.55 6.551 7.55 8.55 9.55t 11.25 i ATON17.t90 110 2 0 20 1 3004.00 15A0116,00 7.00 8&00 WLIHT ihitby iHospitals 80' I10.00 11.00L2.0 0 9.00 1 00J4e11m LVWhtb,10 9.10 10.10 11.1012.0 10 2.10 3.10 4.10 5.10 6.10 7.10 8.10 9.10Ô 10.10 11.150n AINNE W8.10H ShppngCnte .2 820 9.0I 0.0 1 220 12220 3.20 4.20~ 5.20 6.20 7.20 8.20 9 820 1 10.20 12.0 BEUYNOKAt Ohawa 7.25 >8.25 9.25 I 10.25 11.2 1,25 1 .25 2.25 .5 72'212 02 20 '7f .0I9.30 10M3 11.30 12.30 1.30 12.30 3.30 4.305,30 6.30 720 8.093 1.0121 ST Oshwa in 7.40 t&340. '1.0193 0.011 7 .40 9.40 A 10.40 11.40 12.4e 1.40 2.40 I3A 4.40 4 .40 -6.40 7.40 i8.40 9,40 10.40 1 2.20 *"b TAST WEEK I taiketi about the risks Involved injj COUitc 7.45 I8.4 .51.51.5 24 .5 4 .5 4.45 5.45 6.45 7.45 I8.45 9.45 1045 12 L1-4gtting ymur hair straiglutened. f. howaver. vour AR Bwavle75 .5I9 .55 10.55 11.551 12.551 1.55 2.55 3.55 I4.55 ' 5.55 -, 6.55 7.55 8.55 9.55 j1 0.55 1 12.35 hair dioes have a'decided kink or utruly curl, then straighitenung at a gond professianal salon coulti be thé As 1 nuentianeti last week., most do-t-yourself prati- ucts on thé market are exttemely milti since manufac- turars réalise thé poten- tial damage they can causeé t your hair (hair brea-kagta, bso!falune andi hounce andi so on. If nowing this, yau are stili determinadti ao'I straighten youu- curly z/ lochs yourseil, then don' vt/I,~ > fanil the luand nistake of thir-klng you can can roritrol thé eu rior lack . ofit by 1lue length of - tinue the stralghteeing- solution is Ici t an your hair. (It generally takes about 15-20 inutes for the solution to takie e!- et) The réal secret lie in the".size of toilers YUuse. Thé bigger thé ôlethée leeker your heri 'wll h. tut don't etrythis tb an extrême by pulling your hair bark tightly Ovéer your heati hoping it wili dry deaat-straight. This cou1l very easili' cause exten*sive breakaga. For A-ny straight-haired look, natural or not, thé eut la al'ways important. A gond blunt eut, short At théý back anti longer at the sides is easy ta take o! andi will dry straight naturai- ly, turning.,under gently at the en&i. An- atded hoan for long hair taday avaheiorable la moB 1! blower, porable anôti shops now for about $15- $0. By brushing yeur hair witlu a gond brisie ~brsh anti drying it with hanti blower at thé sama tinie, yôaell achiave fthe sleek no-care look. One of thé eesia ~~ y sets aroundi fr strai*lt- looking hair is thé wrap- arount set. Baskally, this involves using your heati as a- giant roien. Thoroughly wef your hait « with plenty o settiug le- tion. Thon place three Yjunbo rollers on youn crown (as indicated ini thé sketch) roiling thani backwards. Now brush oe sida ni your hair straight back anti arounti your heati, fastening if in place witb hair settlng tape. Don't use bobby pins sinca bhay'li leave kinksa in yôur hair wluan if dries. Thén, depending on whather you havé a center part or sidé part, swaep thee other sidaJ of your hir éitluer bâtk Anti arounti, or aise in a coc' dee(iret t forward. arouni ynur foreheat anud beck. Az - wten«tth tape. Let dry. Remrove reliers and tape andi brusb VîgarOuslY. SCH-EDULE No. 2, OSHAWA - WHITBY - Service Daily Except Satùrdays - Sundays and Holidays LV Oshawa Shopping Centre AR Whithy Shopping Centreë North Whitby Cochrane St. Trown Uine and Cochrane Wàlton St, palnxerston and Centre Sttut and No. 12 Hwy. Maple to Palace fw.2 and Brock South Whitby Athol St. __ Clémence and Hwy.- 12 Arther and Hwy. 12 flenzy ___ Hwy. 2 and roc RE~ Trip 1Trip Trip Trip l2 3 14 AM1 AM AM AM i .00 80 8.05 6.5 -7.20 ' 8.20 6.15 7.45 7.55 6.30 j8.00 SCHEDULE No.. 3 BOWMANVILLE - OSHAWA - 825 8.28 8.31 8&35 8.45 AM 1 WHITBY WHITBY HOSPITAL RUN Service Operatêd - Sundays and Holidays Only Effective Februany 2, 1970 - SWESTBOIJND LV -BwIMnville- Courice Town Line AR Oshawa LV Oshawa Shopping Centre AR Whtby- i EASTBOUtrN LV Whtýby ospital LV Whitby ___ Shopping Centre AR Oshawa LV Oshawav 1onLino AM 7.00 7.15 Tnîp 2 PM 12.,55 1.05 1.10 1.25 1.30 Tnip PM 4.00 4.05 4.15 420 4.30 T1'np 4' Pm '1'lip 10.30 1045 11.00i 11.05 11.20 11.30 I V N Trip 61 1AM 9.05 9.U5 9.30 U.2 9.35 9.37 9.39 9.45 Trip Tr'ip AM -AM f10,00 i1005 10421 10.258 10.28 10.35 twnp 9 AM 10.45 11.00 Ha mpton Brooklin Port Perry TIMETABLE ILV Bowmanlvilïe- AR Hampton LV Hampton ARL Oshawa LV Oshawa Alt Whitby AR Brooklij LVr Brooklin A]% Whitby 150 LV Oshawa 12.05 IAR Port Ferry 12.10 12.20 12.25 12.35 LV P aort Perry Au Oshawa AR -Hampton Trip .AM- 11.05 11.20 Trip il AM 11.45 11'55 12,00 WHITBY TOWN RIEN - Effective Febmuary 2, 1970_ Trip Trip 12 13 PM PM 112.051 j12.55 l'n l Trî p Trip 14 I15 i16 PM Pm 'Pm 1.00 2.0 1.05 2.05 1.20 i2.20 145~ 17 18 19 Pm Pm P-m 3.00 i305 i3.20 245 3.45 2.55 3.55g DAILY SERVICE Excepf Satunday 't SATUI Monday ta Fniday I _____READ DOWN Triý -Tnp' 7Trïp -Tnip- Tnpý- Tn4p Trhp-TTrip 1 2 3 4 5 q 7 8 AM AM AM PM PM PMV AMP 8.30 Pi 8.30 I 9.001 9.00r 4.00 t 9.15 4.15 9030 4.30 9.30 4.30 9.45 4.*45 10.001 5.00 10.00 10.30 10.30 11.00 5,00 ý5.30 6.00 Tip Trip Trip -20 21 22 Pm Pm Pm 400 j 5.00 4.05 5.05 4.2 0 5.20 4ý28 4,35 4,45 4,45 4.55, 5.0, 5.25 5.30 5 .35 5.37 5.39 5.45 JRDAY SERVICE ONLY FZEAD DO"N T'ip Trip Trip Pâl1 Pm Pm 4.00 Trip 12I 400 4.15 1 5.00 Trip 13 PM .- Il .,Air,& lrnull%6T e -.-- 1 . 111 1 ' Il - , ' 1 0 limamm , 1 1 1 . --- 1 1 - 1 leu 1 1 1