The Canadian Stategman, Rmmnrvl1e, Tan. 28, 1970 Births In Memoriam__ Cards of Thanks Cars f or Sale Articles for Salei Articles for Sale1 Real Estate or Sal PetsWokW ne ANiDERSON-Alex and Barb ICOATHAM-In loving me- I would like to thank every- 1961 BUICK 4-door hardtop,' HAY for sale. Phone 623-2668.1 2,000 BALES good quality hay,1I 1 LONGHAIRED Mexican Chf-1 CAFPNRwl ore wîshto nnon 1-the ai! mory of a dear husband, ath-, one for. cards, flowers and real good condition. 623-3789, 3-21 timothy, brome and alfalfa.4,sa ,gieusa al.Orn of their daughter, Angelaier and grandfather, Thomasvisits during my stay in Me- ____4-1 GOOD quality mixed hay. G.! Tom Pleasance, 263-2719. huhaseyraoal.Tl omcabiest.BgQ Marie, 8 Ibs, 6 ozs, on J'anuary1 Halsted Coatham, who passedi marial Hospital. Special thanks 15 AILCgdt1 Jfey 2-00324-É u phone 263-8124. 4- 983-566 3 8,17,a eoilHsia,1away January 31, 1969. ta Dr. FH. B. Rundie, nurses ditiniuxryfo aprie.CFTEr blSaoleaft. el- !I ie-loved and respected, and staff on Surgical Floor. Ci ti23- uxur fora 4ice.CUThon e 05 on772569 41TV, $12500 sudi ctrhai,$1;myon oe.Godcrea" BYERS -Jim and Sandra 1In ceath, remembered aiways. Mrs, G. Dykstra. 4-1 maoie70e27-German 12.0-,sihhr ,; RE2ALYLG hns $,50melsproidd.Plesec Byers (nee Dilling> are proud! -Sadly missed by wife and ____1968 DODGE _% -ton pickup. WAR1orse-nd1el marldefiemnShod 0 eedpoe 63520 amptolin,.50 -163-3474 -ea' tak m V-8, reconditioned, $1,895CI1C l ethick, 623-23l3. James Tabb, Hydon, 263-2786 . e*10HEERDsckrterHA YM ,aityer- to announce the birth of ai family. 4-1* Iwud iet ta yjJMar Equipment Co., 134[ 0038-tfDstckr -eýr dlaughter Shannon Leigh, 81 relatives and friends and, in3S. . Bwmnvll.4-anhefrtosipixtepasinndrodtehm. 1b7z. 31/2ozs., on Monda y 1CUTR-In loving memory I.O.O.F. for cards, candy, fruit 4KinDRSEtsbe.,edcorn, fo pick-1 UED washe parts, otorn, ieierSatdy. eorgvaelA. Clan-pbsruk!al ,-.4aiinua'y 26, 1970, at Mem -!DIDsesn on o ik!orial of my mother. Clara M. Couit- and flowers whlle in hospital, -!po elvr ai o a-Smpliithoer pandsMoat I Kig Sree Wet MGoan 778-213 Helo- ck aay62-87 Hosoital, Bowmariville. Proud 1 er -who îeft us January 28, laloso flr.cllBa Cr McKenit, ooeraneM and1 in SnursesM 9wn 78223 51-tf1 wa ~randpasDr. , Mr. andandsnurs6s, Comung I s 623-5485. -It!appliances, natîonafly adver- t BOWMANVILLE We deliver. 1-4! ATTM r oetpn Sand Mr. and Mrs. Andrew The mist that binds us here, .___ in acand used parts. Grahamis. Market,, Hampton, 263-2241. 10iceWEasTEReficientntdaroo Byers, Owen Sound, SeilIt E ee.rce ie F W ' Saturday, January 31. The Garage, 416-263-2233. 43-tf _____ ___ 43-tf 'K1'7'T stockers, sold prîvately every Ie 4*in Maternity Ward. 4-1 -Jeanne. 4-1 sincere thanks to relatives and couple. 4l completewihso,$40, ditRckWl. or-G DESpntet.InJhno rmoa7riÏ7 aCOLE-Alan anrienda forud-flowers anloingd oter.Old Time Dance, Tyroneior seil Separate. 263-2508. manship guaranteed,, f ree Bw avle SuhMngaBiibr RE jb;frelc o~ sonattetm oforHall, Jan. 31. Music by Bob 4-1*iestimates, Harry L. Wade. 939-685, 15 ilesPortHoen i hwa of28, ean-up !announce th ariaifaIrd MITCELLm lovluhnd e hw tth in forBurton and the Band. Ever- Necsl98451 4-fPotHponHhay2,210prcntnuacecvr lYgber ..reMure,6SinyG Mthl wops bereavement. Sincerely, oewloe 4-1 BUYING or sellîng furniture! _______________ PEN HOUSE DAILY 2 4 miles east. i-fae ecsl 8-24 ae dabtes. 613nl'G utnu h Yse David Alison and i or appliances cail Elle",1r viewLndcpg4- ~ ls.134 osonJanîay 2.awa Jnury 4,196.Elizabeth Foley. 4-l! See "South Pacifi cillae. 3, 263-2294,until 5 p.m., Hamp-1 HlpV ane _ $ 1,775Dw Money to Loan 1970, at Memonial Hospital, We made a vow 'il death do____ 4. 5, 6, 7, Bowmanville Town ton. 2-tf R.N.A. WANTED part i $92pe ont n2lfITN L-e-igh-Anne. Special thanka oa When that day came it broke 1 would like to thank Dr.Hl, :5p..Tckt 20 OD quality cob corn, $32.501 good wages. Phone 623-3711.1attspie ctat. C S LANPU IG Dr. H B. Rundie and matern-, my heart. Cunningham and nursing staff at Recreation Office. 2-3 a on3tonsitor more deselivefas.- 3-2 IN i ty staff. 4-1* 1 miss y ,ase asadnFrs rnou in a million y, at Memorial Hospital, Bow- Special- Every Saturday d asadnFamOoo UL IEfml en DIRECTIONS: Take 401 te We have private mortgage BET OMKN WithyouI spnt y'manville, for ail their kind- night, ail the Fish and Chips1hoe*93-769]5-t Waverly Rd. North or take funlds to 10a». lt a .1__ 'l1Royal Lunch. Highway 115.No2Hy.b avreRd1rdmraesFaipiae Pneewntle7625 COOPR-It's a girl! Lanny, happiear days. I nes'and care after mv acci- you can eat for 99e at The NW4'dt T Ncsl 8741. - o.t.Hw. tFra ealEstate.srvie m our home. Fast Cail Colîeet 4'and Judy (nec Paeden) proudly You shared my love, my hopes, ldent. Also many thanks to Acres Restaurant, Taunton toerrndincnn instleRGSEE uss jsr- t. elo.6339 nmahyoa me. L sent1f; InPETEReLO announce the birth of their my tears, fo4os red n eaie wos od n ot5-f 48.95. Antenna onl, instali- qie nw pply South 1623-5074.4-fCL NTE r ih. 12 oz:-., anuary 19, 1970-. precious years. Evelyn Gerrow. 4-1 p Euchre ln-a 1 nei1ed 170. -noe02-00.Haven Nursing Home, w First grandichild. for Mrs j -LoN.ingly remembered and I pa art n SliayHall: oat 9-fcastie 987-4441. 3-21 N IDNCAGSCNTUTO DiyPaeden and niece forawy mseEdith. 4' E aiyo helt raJay 3,8:5p .EDRTflshelled corna, aso AL o fmaeseoo bs ord Investments Brfickm iee SWay:ne 4-1' !Blanche Topsn ofralAdmissieone Oc. ane 4-1sî1age. Phone 10 arrautke drivers wanied for Bowman' odCalo 7-43Poe6325 MURA, rs MryIn me- sincere thank you for s luch Eeron wlcme pickup or delivery, Browview ville district. Apply Burley.- 3-tf8BraaS. omnil SFORDER-Don and Gloria are ýmor'., of a dear motherý. Mrs.lthy shown them duringBe r eakfast wlll be served by Farms, Newcastle, 987-4474. BsLns ipo vne Shappy to announce the arrivai1 Mary Murray who passed away receni bereavement. A special 1 h Odd Fellows from 9 ar.3-fomnile!2 81 - t rdt~s44 of iheir- daughter DIanaLouise,! January 31, 1967. tani out fi nid and1 1 every Sunday, starting 100 BLE o o trwMPANJON or wo ede3y-381CA.WAS2AN 6ibs. 3'-ozs., Januai-y 2,aJanuarv 18, ait Centennial I3 Jamesway self-hug feedersly 22 lNothing can ex'er take away neighbours who heiped soiHll Qee t.$ .0 pr ieswa ; 2 4-he feedersndLihhuskeng Mid -_____________ litile sîsier for Joey. 4-1* The love a heart holds dear, much.allserîng.PncSand$s1.02-peerlaies. to le in, 5-day ek Fodmmre lne xr Isabel, Jim and familles. ae aonadeg, 2- I1 2h feeder., 263-2540. i ESTATE 0F C, GEDDES-John and Karen2 dy j*ae bcnan gs. -32 age preferred. Apply Adver- DNACRRLRB ta. 4nouc-te rîvl3fken2____ tiser 95, c/o The CanadianDNACRRLRB S(nee Barraball) are happy toý Remembrance hlm ______ CONTACT US NOW 62C3rd-D2cos503 ttsan O o 10 o-TAENTC Es hpr FN EVC & ail Ein, sste fr hele, Sadl îsedan lvigî We would like to express for the NEW LOW FARES. Intosh, and Spy appies, also1 ma'w ille. 4-2k 7689 sons having claims, againsi Janary6, 97. rmemene b tE faily msi incre haks o tne Europe and the British Isies' fresE apple cider. Fe~ MATURE woman to train as the estate of Donna Carrol IPoe6320 on Tuesday, ~fnienda and neighbors for their TrT Fruit Manket, Hwy. 115, SouthnresadiMrwodNCony Living Raob, laie of the Township of __ - a ~--~--~= NCHLSInîoîn nemnymany kindneases (i.e. he.l. a d & of Orono. 1-4;eprec esnvbtm~'Nx bdom iryDariington in the Courty of Mr.andMrsLlod Bnne1 of rny dear xvfe Grace, who,1donations) ai t te rne of our, -LVLL upHÉOLSTERYc 1 l0 t h and 1be abie to work ail shifts. PuIll ho me being completed fDurham, deteased. who died REPOSIR Her re'riry i as ear ordav i aleIeetea was$.u0y neo16.areut herebt danoi' YU JETRI ar hpp t anonc te 1n passed awvav Jan iary 28, 1969..lethrtt, 1 was-20 1d or pantîtme. For -anpoint-I diniaqg-room. den and broad no bu E 4hd~O sigenei f her au Hter expres our gaiesuieas. tTRAVEL Sale ends Saturday, Jan. 3slaimert Phone MsJu.Co-ionthogot Lrence19d9,oasend ht Ereyunder- jO HIS- rnEtm DnaMarie. to Mrr aa,,ce 1As ln the bu'sh asd1 îîman îWhyte's Upholstery, 55 Kn aRg N.6153 ewen1f101 iutswOhw.sged t on n rbefrete u2la !O ~ ~on~'aawa.. I1der ENY IEasst, Bowmanville. 4-1i hours of 10:00 and 4:00, Fr1-Trsi Anderson MacKay. son of Mr v hu4andf Regne VnerrdysofFebruary, 1970, fuli a e.nd John William, son Bud and daugh- 19_Kin4-St. E. - BomnIECODTOE V oesdy anay3.41Newcastle panticulars of ihein dlaims.1 Mrs. McKay ter-Sadvasedby 4-1* I1 wish to express sincere Phone 623-3182 6 otsrctrs i aRegîst ered Nurse l Immaculate 3 edoo brick afier which date tEe estate Wye ýUpostr Din andMset., ou l ier Vîvian. fer cKrdg St. Bs, manvîl4-1.aFnderotonsFullrode-in-t),e4055 -iet M s tnd Mrin.ouglas: .' ODD m - thank l es frcareta, isita"--- -excellent condition. Osl"awa euie1uho at-iebuglw ihcosdl psl w dsrlybtted haingn- 5Ki Sof Bwan ~ Ilei wsh o anoncetheTOD l meor cfa 1v-el-. fui, cgartts, hil aWoodview Community Centre TV Supply Limited, 723-ff1$l i Ai Carnes on a 6 1,ý % monîgagewichgard only to tEe d a lf______ 2i *igaemn 0 tei auhtring Eusband, father arnd grand- 1paÏ!iPni In MemonIHoarital ,- 0.tîSuî ave ria hchteudeagedsa bionis Marie, te Dnl father, Lorne C. Todd. who1 A anecial thanks te Dr.Te MONSTER BINGOSut avnNusngHmeNwcsl then have notice, CKR A K-,eLleit, son of Mr. and as O wyJnay2,1961.1 Man-n and Dr. Derny Hubbard1 etMni ANTIQUE aeitee - 3-pîece love! Newvcastle CI tel renovaîed ~bd DATED ai Oshawa tEls î4th! EC V TN -blM oot o hr ffcn teton n etM na seat. Brandl new TV, radiomhmenqutsre. Lawrnsce 'W. Kelleit, all of! Those hox, e ove go oi I orhomen onicqtuatentio, ane1 jday of January, 1970, LAIGTRNUN SSolina Temiriaeoiî f sîght, l'to tEe nurses and staff for :5PM ap n ua i izes: two 987-4441 iA'sking $15,890. Termis. HUMPHREYS, Stake place ln February. 4 1 But, never ouit of mind; 1 their excellent cane. RED BARN brand new beda, aprings andl 2 Handyman Special BOYCHYN & HILLMAN SadGaeToSoan i.uex are cheri.shed in the' Lowell D. MacDougaI, box maîtresses, glasswane, etc. i FRU-_STRATED? FED TPT edomhm o ag~ 361/2King Street EastFuDeied hea7s 4-rr___ O H Wd i623-513.4. 4-I11 Men, women. a career la loi with fast flowing sîneam. Oshawa, Otario,2-orWTE EVC Oarae f those they lefi behind O MRTU APPLES, second grade Mac!I Real Esiate will put tEe fun, Akn 1,9.Tra oiiosfrteRaoal ae WEfl -CMEON-TEe -Lovîngiy,- remembered byl . would like ta t.ake ibis l and Deliclous. Phone Wm. exciiemeni and usefuinesa backi 623-575 OMNIL rnsarniage la announced of Lola wife and -family. 4-,le i opportuaiiy te thank ail rny te Florida, 22 days, Mar. 21 tej Feddema or drap la, jusi norih in your lifel Represent prom-bLo Adminisiraton, 4 Doris Carneron cf Bown'an-fienda, nelghbors and rela- April Il. Deluxe bus, incîndes bof Ontario Hydro Bldgs., Scu- mnent Toronto Realtor la your Corner of Leakard and AieiR atn -îJC UGS ville ta Francis William Werrv TURR-EL- lan loving memorytvawosnt carda, flowes acmotintur gog Road, bringing own con- loca1itÏ,, Unlirniied financial'Taunion Road, 100' x 150'. uto ae ILBRES-FRAE of Enasakillen on Sains-day of a dean asoiher Henietta!andcgommtotetmenhleolastheines 16 uhl - eaà.Wie ae o7 uto ae II evenîng, January 24th ai 7iwho passed away Februany 1 andho sptal. mSeilinate phone or Writ ant;310 uhl -2 ewrsoWrt:mammeorcial___ -CEAE '~~ w~, Rev. Harold Turnere 11966. ks ta11970 SKIROULE demonstrai- W. H. Shontill Ltd., Realior Cmeca WEL LMBN EAR CIfîsclaied. A -reception foi- i Alwa s a -4ile instead ofa- nuPores o Di d icaloSfrgcLMER3.365 - S623-3093 ors, 195., leic9760; 28 2781 Yr TooneSitonto, mem' Pavted1,ol ot igwI 11' o IESOSALESPHN MTO b-orwxi e rdMkîafofOME RAELSRVChhe,$.05b170MtoSie brTooooR MEtar.nNo Hgnad!dalo M-1 .dJametse homecrftMs'.lanle1 ~frown, ihfis patienc(e wih -me. Special BOWMANVILLE 3-6j 25 h.p., etecinic, $825. Ancis- Board'._____ 4-21i cation for- a chicken villa'aDramCutSaeAen M-.JmsMrcaiCa- al Awavs truc, ihougisiful asud, thanks ie my motîer i' 111drive-in. Terma. it uhmC'It alsAea -Aveue.44 I kînd, Lnadm oie tÇ SUNNYSIDE PARK -e's Countny Sales- & ServiceETT Orono -EeyTus,73 ..Mi -Avenue. ,, Ja et 111e C ~ce, REAL ETAECAREER 4-11 vr hr. :0pm alAdes I onerulsnb in Leenaes anm olyn G aye.I IGO 9 4î'Cal Il ~e4c anefuIil raleiaeSelling Horses, Cattie, Sle ..Bx4 omnlb Deaths jSeleibhnd1 ___ 'MONSTER- BINGO_ ______ C I _____ful______________ti ____________III__________ agent for Bowmanville anea.1For Rent 1avs heec hri 0t , OLEY, Sadie C.-Ai Edmon- -Ever remensbened by daugh-' We wish ta ihaak everyone Tusa îh A DFL JonCnd' ags e oNE-BDRO-,apni iet el. ActoneraPo iAto on January 21, 197(),liera Helen and Bernice.4- for tEe flowers, fruit, cards Thu :d45 igt SNDFIL Jin C manalsger a eato. -apblre2-t Sadie Foley in lher 82nd vean ad '7:5 it run, Cernent Griývel you. Strong prom-oional a5-1avaîlbl Feb. 1'. Telephone Barns-Huss- aaeEc - iwh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n i i hSi hnkyoeAR Bik an.- mi isace Mtercfm j623-2312.,- U TINSL i wfeof thie late Fredes-ick R' 1, VETZAL-In loviag memory j ge inhîcial haîdreceved RED BARBr'kSadf- Alsoane Mme o o, - SF'oley, dean sacihes- of David cf I of a dean liusband, faihen and te Dr. iH. B. Ruadle snd aura- î 0 8 HlAw &A H Hu U LAGIr! ealEtt or fyuONE bedroom apas-îment, $95,AUCIOGENRLCAPN Calgary, grardrnoiher o f' rafIher Goge Vetzal who stffaihopial ld B~ are inierested ins makiag big! heated. Main Street, New-BRG TNRar passd away'auary 28, 1968. ingstfai optlcse,7365Ohw.4- cuEL PaiFne- l Ing J - also like to say thank you to RO\VE TOURS Phone 623-7594 comsinc-P LodGre, aie 2-65 saa - cuElit. Rse a tEe s-E-Noîhîn_ an take away everyone for ail their kindacas F.R.I., Vice-Pesident, H Keith LVL w-edomsat AUCTION HALL Poe6338 Funeral service was held ai E oeabathladajdnn Esim a h ay FLORIDA TOUR ___49-tf Ltd., Realior. 18 9Elinonment i14-tfs uple; AE V 2 o'clock Mo'day altronFn neoislner every things they did for us. Nassau Cruise Optional TWO-wheel mralles- 40-gallon Ave. E. 3-6 ni;ailab evie ssupphe;SL VR Yte-y. 4mnvll Cm-1 iRmeanc kea lm169 IRGEN_____ mes-mnt o1mnvle eaie- I a kep h Mary, Sid. Judy and FEB. 6 - 23 - 18 Days pressure tank, 1 9model U -5888eei. li.Teepose1Saturday, 1:00 p.m. 1R N RN _______ nean.Cnd non -1 CALIFORNIA TOUR el ro-ilern200wfit, 16 of ad- epeenaivsWat FURNISHED s-o or wlith!Antiques, Fine Glass andTenhn fIALL, Edith N.-At Mensoria! Lvnl eimee yhaP Optional Haw aii Cruise biose, chrome table and -Lvnl eembrdb i x Due ta eus- expansion ps-o- kitchenette, Central location. China. Furniture (antique and eoapial, Bowmaaville, on1' wife Mary and f amily. 4-Iersofl FER. 26 - MUAR. 29 - 32 Days chairs-,-lied, apning and mai-. gram, we requis-e immediatelY j Avaîlable Feli. 1. Telephone moderi). Always items ofSEICTK x"TWO bedroon aatie Sts-eet NostE, inlier SOiE year, nI I mentcxpeissnc rnetace- beloved wife of tise laie Clan- For Permanence and Dignity plain aealed envelope with i travel. For information Phone1 phono 623-3180. 4-tf cleicomsin rag-1yr.fuh nadomdi Vewing Friday, 12 - 9 p.m. N UD~ AL _ eceHal, earmohe cfwesuges: price list. Six sampies 25C.1 or write 17ALUTE sayCnctHwdBilheated, immediate possessionr, j CENTRAL AUCTION CO. 6370 Ms-Is. E. Coonibes (Joan) of Mon a n 24 samples $1.00. Mail Os-der RO'WE 20 MANUALS - $719 337.Bal Street,Cobous-g, tele-inaa town. Adults prefes-red. * Auctioneei-s, Ted Heaaessey' Oakile ndMa B Bîd Mun Lwn Dept. T-28. Nov.-Rubber Co.hno32-08 nH ei1 623-5343. 4-1 and Donald F. Smithi.PHLV WLS S(Grace) of Bwavîl est Memorial Park UoN91. Hmilte aOnt 1-52j TRA EL AGNCY ,14 MAUALS 5629Limlted, 181 Eglinton Ave. E,,FRISE !ou keigComplete Auction Service fro1BR.RSAE III aitishe Norihicuti Elîott VatdPot8522 20 ELECTRICS - $799 Toronto, telephone 487-3333. r aces for rent by tise moatis, 1 Industrial, Commercial, Farm.AD EVC SFunieral Home. Funeral ses-v -Brne em r1s ___ _______Hp2- TRAILERS - ACCES SORIES iý_ _ _ 3-2 >Pbath, showes-, Cabie TV. Tele- 1 n oejHATN PCAIT icewa held at33 icokO For - reûýavie lease SALVAGE- 1 s f ail types, Lth Monday afternoon in St, John'sa visit the Park Office brasa, copper, batteries O SE BIG TcarsRCS I E W'NE1pos 63373 iln uilO n a ntlain Chus-ch. lines-ment Bowmaa-1frrcîg- fr~. ee,., lvi t BNGO VILLAGE SALES ,dopcning. Sali RawIefis eno uglw1-fI Pubn ear ville C em tery , i4- Ca i e w2 3a ie-2 6 3 3 T IU S D Y N IG H T , 8 'c o k P o u t . e r ' ou d a y Hli s E , bo s a e po ssessnga o nw- o r c î g - i k pfG o 117 L l e ~ t ., B w ~ i 1 " - *987-4741. îi Sponsored hby the Junior Tanetville wr.Go rft.Wie1Fe.1 150 otl.GyNotices ~LOGEMAN, Paul - Entese'___ Reception, Chamber of Commerce "wr.Go rft.WieFi.1 150mnhy u roe6379 iste resi aitishe Oshawa Gen , SELFpropelled snaw blower, JUBILEE PAVTLION 705-324-2050RA LEG Leblanc cf Guy Leblanc Real Dr. Keith Billeit's office wili5-t Sary 25, 1970, Peuh Logemnan, j will bcs pleased to aeccove wiscel drive vehicle; will tradei __-_SHWA__t 4-1 CO.LT.4-1 Febs-uary 8 incluaiv e. 4-1 Tr'TA" TXT W abcloved husband of Etheil1frienda and relativeos la Trinitv one 1949 Fondaca Major trac- 1 TRENTWAY TOUR LOCAL Dept. A-140-137, MODERN wahk-in apas-iment, D.AlnB yvse' Aý.VL 1i SPevis,fties- cf Ms-s. Henry United Chus-ch Parlers on. ton,s-uns well; plow, harrow'.IlICLLU H40 iceiuS. Necslnar41 iD r.ffiellalieBchSe te en RTUN ZRcyasd (Ethel), Ms-s. William! Saiurday, Febs-uany 7, 1970, manure apreader, Cockshuttl TOURS - i\ontreî 2fl r'Qu eroms, lauads-y, ahI electii a fTedy era- eT n 4GnriFeae ~ os (i) M-s Sewrtfrom 2 - 4 p.rn. and 7 - 9 plm. hay leader. seed drill, rake. MSAVV j 20, '4e 0 eihaig oe aIn, onfTAiey injetions,3eTc., (Delwey) T ut ti an (Greta), on the occasion of thiscs 60tE moxver, etc. Please c a 111T CHAIN ME ry llryijctos t. GFOahawa; Mss Arnold Etcherj Wedding Annî ers-sas-y. Besiý 263-2585. 4-11 VWV SALES and SERVICE 4 US -0436kin. vial.Mrh.,genbtc 3nd5pm (En), owaavll~ M-swishes only. 4-2*î R. lvn Lioain (Mare). 1 IjREGISTERED NjSE4-1 6COESINT.W Mvi Lyîs- n tnong (Srle). FowrsDadorCiple AM OREMcGREGOR iesuccesaful applicant 1 APARTMENTS and bouses foi hy M- Hr Srng(eti).1 FlwrsDado Cipld WHEELING, W. VIRGINIA HARDWARE fwiîî provide gonoral nursing 1rçntinlaPort Hope and Co- 1tacSewe adikaiier elief. hoe62-54 Los Angeles, Calif., and Jack am Soksr in l a cors-ectional on- bous-g: immediate possession; t cmlt iatrrle a Lageman. shawe, hisother cf Fb 13 ta 15 ~ ~ ~ W~ ~virnmeni for adolescent boys bachelor. one, two, or 3-lied-dltng Ahmaelisup SMsa Christine Vermeen, OsEa PICKED UP PROMPTLY * .1 t 5Phsone 623-2542____ 3-16aso g.som.Apy3 onSretplied. Work toalie compieied Rereatn R13-16Q5lf in youfs-£ own -3ReohnCrosst we wes icin ettac unaai cm .make of carpet in Canada at hnl t AqcDermot- Panabaken, Past prices 'wmy below our compe- JO ES & -Unîon Cemetery, Cadmus. c&misios.icitorss S ai 3:30 .m laiesment ~W&.W~AAEILCOUNTYcoison.Brsts ý,,î0RGAN, Getrude-Suddea- BROADLOOM LTD. REAL ESTATE SCHOOL ANNOUNCE THEOPN G ]v3 ai Toronte on -Wednesday, . * 1742 BROCK STREET Apply eanly so as to be enroiied Iu the February cîas. ,piansy 28, 1970, Gertr-ude SOTHOF40 SMos-gen, wife cf Gregery Mos-- i 6 in . PhonUT623F3491 Piase write or cali - 576-2421 OI F THEIR OFFIEA -Ya, (fories-ly ef Newcastle).j See advertisement for these fatîtastic savings ri 8-85 B O.W ES & C O CKS LI M ITE D22K GST Res'ag caitishe Mosriîs Fune"'al ndfuther infonmation in next week's issue. al8889 460 KING ST. W.. OSHAWA 22KN STE. O - ral ar:rangensente laies'. 4-1 adf, for FREE Home Service - Çhape'j. Bowmaxivile. Fun. 4- - -i -A D EA D ]NE FOR CASF' Tuesday, 4:30 pan.