j 1l~~~!oaded wlth animal bories andý The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvîe Jn 8,17 legs g4icking out the top. W . FankRealEstte2Dr. Charlotte Ilorner, Medi- ___________________ A noucesal Officer of Health, having shops and meat processing Réal E~~~~statecfrS lieiEttefrS l sae that hier concernwa ed in covered vats and' later MNMNT N Cholkan & Co Ltd., Reatr i H eld in Bowmanvillenot only the offensive odour ikdu adtaso tet AKR R, Calkn & o. td. Reatorbutthe possible spread of dis- Toronto. The truck<s wereý Tobcc Rghs el in Bo 'mavileease by flies, rodents and dogs washeçI down regularly with "~ Tobacco Right g~g1s~(oC55 onday, January 26th, 1970 ion the east sdead struick a cause ofhaysuhon n o n wtrpluinhtwtradhe was netiRuk amn val oac ihsJudge R. B. Batten presided bouse. Estimiated damiage to the traffic hie inched forward te frein the washing - de iaaHe fay ared odour. STAFFOeD 'SI pr.ME..aval.b...iiwlth prosecution by Constable ca'r $1200 and te the bouse turn into the second driveway trucks af er dumping. eadtedtrehd en1RO.LD t~ 0 27MBR 32MBR - Tiiso, OP, n te asene $00.instead. Looking in bis rear- Mr. Rood, certified Health complaints but hie had neyer 491,ý MBR and 57MBR. Bob 1 ~N1~o sitn rw tony Gordon Brown, Newtonville, view mirror, hie saw a car inspecter, visited the areaspknoaynentepr- Zecca, R. Chokan & Co. Ltd, BOVVES CO KSK.x -xgo trog .ns was fined $100 and costs, or break over the hill behind him. when a five-ton truck arrived eriyi this connection. Realtor, 705-435-5567 Everett. LD.1RAT15KStbngonthogbilnes for driving white bis It failed te stop, turning in- and proceeded to dump its Michael Joseph Spratt, As- ~D'4 4-1 Gog olt evda ea license was under suspension. stad d m the other lane and load. He said there was a ter- 'sisiani FieId Superiniendent, ,Space indoors and ou - well1 Aid duty counsel. There wil be an automatic colliding with a southbound rible stench and a lot of spili- stated hae did not have a fulalodBrthr buiît brick bungalow o ý Clive JohnsonR1, Orono, furiher suspension. vahlicle. Constable Legate, OPP, age. He had not stayed until sense of smell so h dldn't both acres, master bedroom ll' x pleaded guilty of careless driv- Constable Brunton, OPP, ob- was invesiigating officer. the operation was compleied er him at ail. In reply teo ques- Iu 12' wlth double closeis, liv- ing December 2lst and was served the veblicle being.driven! Mrs. Asiles, a driver for 50 because hie was liable to be iioning about spilage at thie; ~ ou e ing-room 17' x 13' with lire- fie 10adcss r1 as.ars iha rmagrIyears, axplained ihai she brak- sprayed. site bie said the employeesiLIE place, 3 bedrooms, den 'or 4thl Constable J. Schultz, OPP, laid age on f lie north side to aled hard and ber car swung George Edward Clover, eall- were giveiz instructions t MAEbedroom, fireplace in base-1 ibe charge after investigating residence on th.e south sida.1wildly to the laIt. A garage ed for the defansa, said be was pick up ail solids and deposit Bx 3 MVITIJ ment, garage. horse barn and - an accident on North Street inl The accused bad a very bad1 mechanic, who examined hier iField Supervisor for the opera- ibeni in ihe vais and to apply 318 ndaS.E-lVib 14TA E corral. 011 heat, Iocated on Newcastle. At two ar..ihe drîving record. ýcar aller, testified that onef tion and that ihey collected lime te any liquids.F 623-7461 or 623-2492 Nash Road. Priced ai $34900. Johnson vehlicle, northbound Earl Nelson, R.R. -1, Camp-Ibrake shoe was worn almosito bonas, fat an-d animal waste Judgment was resarved untilî PooWtb 645 147 King St. E., Bowmanville New 2 storay brick home on Manvers Street, siopped for beliford, pleaded guilty of1 the matai. The charge was dis- from suparmarkats and buicher Fabruary i7th. in Nestlaton, 4 bedrooms, the stop sign. then accelerated careless driving October 19tb. missed.mol BOWMvANVILLE BEAUTY kitchan, living-room, dining- tao quickiy and rolled ovar in Vernon O'Neill, eastboun o A caralass drivlng charge _3 ibao rc ugao or,4pec n -lc h west ditch, siriking a tele- Taunton Road, obsarVad wo aid Novembar 241h againrsi - bdrom ric bugaow oom 4Plae ad -plcephone pole. vallidles ahead of hlm, the firsi IHarold Klein was also dismiss- with carpori, separata dining batbrooms, attachad garage, Jan Oudshoorn Madellna Goff, R.R; 1, Bow-,signalling a left turn ento ed. Northbound on Highway 3à5 room, 2 bathrooms, firaplace, lot 100' x 129'. 011 heat, rc paved drive, on big lot. Base- ed te seil, $25,000.00 Caîl Mrs,. Walter Frank is plaased te manville, was fined $20 and County Rond 57. He stopped in a tractor traiter loaded withi ment bas bathroom and two Bissonatie 576-2421 or Res,. announice the appoinimant of cosis, or four days for failing and was struck from behind by telaphone poles, hie attempted extra rooms. Near scbools, 623-5000. 4-1 Jan Oudshoorn as Sales Rap- te yield the rlght of way Dec- a vehlicle driven by Mr. Nal- a left iurn ai the dffilcuit in-' churches and shopping. Open resentatiRe, working out of the ember 9th when entering the aon. Constable Legate, OPP, tersection of Highway 35 and' to offers. 0owanvilie office. M r. Oud- Sixth Concession of Darlingion investigaiad ibis accident.- Taunton Road. The cab struck' MAPE GOV - bd- eir iow î, r. shoorn bas had sevaral years from a private driveway. Con-, A passenger in the Nelson a iraffie sign on the north side. rom om o lt 09X o0fRALORpeiacesin bis rea sand wex- stable J. Schultz, OPP, was validae testifiad that Mr. of Taunton and siopped, rasuit-. rtilty rom n o 109xs, iwoO erec i hi re ndwl investigating officar. - 1 O'Neill passed tîam and eu in Ing In the trailar being cross-. A I G bthltroom w asl o n d GENERAL IN8URANCE be pleased'to look after bis Jobn Brownlee, 180 Ring sharply and thai, coupied witb wise of the highway. A passen- btros sig on1ymany friands and clients, Street, East, Bowrnanvilla, was road conditions, caused the ac-1 ger wiib Mr. Klain jumped ouitPT $21,900. 52 King St. W. Bewrnanville whetber buylng or selling real fined $35 and cosis, or saven cident. The charge was dis- 1 of the cab and ran ta fiag down LIVE R$ENT FREE - Argyle 623-24531 estate. days, for a simîlar offense Nov- missed. 1i raffic. Mrs. Gladys Halligan, 1ý' St. - 2 bedroom brick bunga-! ember 241h. Constable T. Hol-1 Failing to produce proof o! 'southbound, saw ihis man in vseparate dining roomn on land- Lovely~ bungalow with car- 1rUT~T ing a collision i wbic totalilister, R.R. 1, Janeiville, $50 n ber brakas and slid into O, cMaped lot 88 x 132, plus legal port Two baths, fireplace, ORaeswr etmtd ta MOREo 0dysadirpls lf-coniained basement apart- and many other extras. Ask- Idmge1ee sia pra ac ors, orn10 $a5sand im îe oadofpoas en rngn n xeletig 300.Trsaragd. TePrgesieEu hre$1500. poe asn 3 n oi, Annie Debruin. Newçastle, "%%entbrigin inexclletlig 35,00.Teres rraged' hePartysonsreds ie a-Il e Thornton Ander-son, Queen or 10 days. The charge of care- was fined $100 and cosis, or 1,5 pary sonsredby he o-Streat, plaaded guilty o! care- less-driving was witbdrawn. days for careless driving Dec- reni. Raasonably priced. Rairing? me n's Instituta and hald ai less driving November 26th and Constable J. Clalmers, OPP, lember 6t1. Norihbound on 1-ANDYMAN'S SPECIAL - Cozy 2 bedroom bungalow the home of Mr. and Mrs w as fined $100 and costs, orlnvasiigatad an accident onl Beavar Street, she saw two cars, 4 badrooni 2 storey homne wt1in North Ward. Ha% full base- James Kloepfer on Thursdal; 15 dy.CntbeT od-igwy3 embr1.H pakdo th es iean kitchen. living room, 4 piece1 ment and ail heatîng, Pricad was well attended. Prize for das5osal .Hla iba 5Dcme 8 1 akdo l aisd n bathroom and- full basement. te salliai $19,500. OnIY $5,000 high score weni te Mrs. Pat way laid the charge foUlowing.found ibat Mr. MeAllister was ana on the west facing norib. W nieYuT Jî U nteClbai Neads a litile repair. Low tax- ,scn a rear-and collision on Higb- 1norihbound behind two trans- The sireat was snowy and iW InvitRYE O PJo NsINGteClbain0 u dow. Mntl; scon prze e Lon-ýýway 2 wben the road was very1 ports. Ha passed oesces passing, be ar collidad withl esIsigony$450 Iminediate Possession!! ard Driver; special prize te îcv. 1 fully and was attampting tole ana on the wasi side. COUNTRY LIVING - Is aiI 4 Badroom home near scbool. lVrs, William Phillips. A aim- Wayne Joseph Bona, 79 Ont- pass the second when a souib-j Bernard Upton, 86 Taunton' Its besi in this 3 bedrooniHsba ele and com- ilar avent will ba held aitîlhe aria, Street, was iffnad $ 100 and bound, car appaared in front a11 Road, Oshawa, pleadad net"uà hiome0 fontvl 1ae o as be eie SPChome~A L R hom onloaly2 ' are laalydecraed. Idal for hm of Mr. and Mrs, Bruce1 cosis, or 15 days, for caraless1him. Boiheli lds turned awayl guiity of failing tayelch Rd. Low taxes. Priced ai' large famlly. Requires $5 000 Rylay on Jan. 29 ai 1:45 p.m. drivinlg, $20 and cosis, or anlfrom the transport balng pass-jright of way Novembar l9th. B T '" n A only$19800 Woth avig 1down and ana mortgage for The Bethany Fire -Brigade additionai four days for driv-1ed and mat haad-on on thelConstabla J. Chalmers laid tleý anl $1,80. Wrihhavng!balance, Act now!! have made final plans ita hold' ing alona wiih only a tempor- wast shoulder resulting in anicharge. Souihbound an Town'B Y N W l n l V a look ai.4-i10AceFr "Open 1-buse" for theïr nawly ary licensa, and $20 and cosis, estimatad $2200 damage. 'Line bis vlida collided with 4- 10 ce ar!!Iconstructed Fira Hall at or an addiilonal four days forI Sophia Asiles, 06 Duoro na being drivan east on High- SCHNEIDERS LB. MALELEF B t Located naar Hampton. Ex- Bathany on Friday, FabruarylIailing ta notify tle Depart-IStreet, Peterborougb, charged way 2 by Robert Clark. Thereý __________________cellent sali. Real good 2-storey 511. The officiai opening cera-1niant of Transport wîthin six wiih careless drîving Septem- was a direct conflici 01Cavi-! EXTRA LEAN PEAMEAL i bic brn. oo brnan mnywil e el a 8p-ý,das f hageofadres. be 2th ws epesntd y eneBAdthCcare aForF- naw Irriplement shed, Excel- and tle building wilI ha open I Constable T. Holdaway In- W. JA. Fair. Brian Haîck, an missed, leaving the division aiRan EsZ M» JOHNI"F. lent terms, ta the public from 2 ocioekIvestigated an accident tin employee of Hasslngs Shell,' baavy damages taý the civil EGGSK A U ýn DZ T Properties Urge ntly Required! until 4 a'clock in the after-, H1ampton a't four a.m,. Decem- was, nortbbound on Hfighway court. List ith U for noon,, and from. 7 o'clock untilIber 2tb in whicb île accused, 35, signalling a turn Ileno nore Deavîlla, 9 Howard PrmtAction! 9 ilokitheeîg-Te1 southbound, struck a patcb afI1île service !station just sauth. Avenue, Lindsay, was finad 1b A naw lire fighting equipaient iice, lest contro1, lefi the road o! the 35/115 interchanga. Be- $100 and cosis, or 15 days for ___________ 14 Frank St. -Bowmanville After 8 p.m. -will ha displayed. Mambar"i __ ________________30. ofteBtayWreI-North'oound on Highway 35 her FRESH FRESIÎ MEATYFRS CR P Phono 623-3111 J a et 2-20situte wi1 serve refresh-ra old hdonwta !P- 'wl623-586 0 stiuta ration H olding southbound Volkswagen. Esti- KUIV R SPRNI S E T C _______2__re hmewih - mated damage ta île Deaville 1 Pu% K- IV R S -m L R B _________________14~P/I . c + nu car $900 and île athar a write- a tac&ed garage. Stonç front.'_off._Constale__._____ I Two bathrooms. Lavely loca- ,WESLEYVILLE w ~ b ¶IIJ J off. Constabl J.et Ch niz irg tion. Very anxlous te "Ili. W tohrodfin i h Pfüdmrsidct 9 thefuDeai mearks dicang 39P: b _ _ _ __b_ _ TUNTY:2,20 s. f. hiid Mliipersan of Mr, Chas, Huntimg- 0îljr te highway,, crossad île' __________ ______________________ livY 220s1ýfbingqur- sFR ANK .1tnnie lsiwak n etrnnîàeg To d ay shoulder and ditcl and struck i Ing ithlovly lvin qurt-a fence post, tI.en bacrk onteo e rs. All modern conveniences. ,bo gh haspital. Since. an CIUT o About 1,40>0 sq. fi. woîrký shop, îllnass a few years ago la had The 197n Annual Meeting of~ opinent, and we amply must, the highway again, a total dis-CQUT Ni mianufacturing. -Y acre lot. * lîved at tle Golden Plaow, but ilhe Canadian Fedaration ofîdevalop national policies t0ltaflde af 291 feet ilirougl now Anxlous te sali lhad spant savaral yaars ai. Agriculture will be beld a te- avoid simply shlftlng the agri~îidsrc NBW AVLE: Com-21 ing, St. W., Bqwmanvine Walcome alter saîîing his!Fort Garry Hatal in Winnipeg, culture problema back and thîe soutlbound lana.B ANJ 4Jiercial site, with 8 roo m 623-3393 -farm ai Rossmnount. Thare bel January 26 -.29 Inclusive. The forth- across Canada as pro .b- -._.._._ .- made rnany friands among Annual Meeting will le pre- lams erupi in different comme- T'dy Jnay219,10 storey brick home, Store. 111rn Iyugad ll sakn- ceeded by a meeting of île, dities", le continued, Judge R. B, Baxter presidai andle YtunBand7lI, s wa$1,00nd ness forces, ta sel. ilDvdSewrCbug Baëtlladrtp 7 room ly and good -an an etBard of Dîrectors on Januaryî A ficature a! this yearsihDvdSeat oor, d OSHAA: berooi bickhome in centre of village. Lot mecmories te olarîsh. ae is 2, and the naw Board of Di' ana meeting will be a spa-acigfrleCwnA.AH bungalow wlul extra kitchen is 50 x 250 and taxas quthîe lasi aI lis namle, fls eaors will have is firsi meet- ca esinonîe vnigc Strika, duty commt.liSV 3 and 3-pce, batîroom. In base- 10w. Only $21.500, grandpa.rents c a ini e , from g on January '30 following Monday, January 26t1 wîen Gardon Fredarlck Fowier, 9 ment. Garage. Asling $24,500. ' okliai 89t aInyta ovnto.tha function and structure a, Lovers' Lana, pleadad guilty o! Termis. Oshawa iwîera saveral other famies 1 "Wliile the bulk ot the sul- i the Federation will ha consid- careless drlving December 24th, BUILDINGLTS Aise ýi - Thb as ta be anc afI île I frani the sa-me district set-i1 jeci matter te la discussed ai lered aîong île lin-es reconi-SegatM uy vsîaad 2-10-18 acre parcels. SuItable' nicesi homes In North East tlad. Flowersa ai durcI au a C.F.A. Annual Meeting comass manded hy a special commit- an accident on King Street __/2_________ SALE_72______ for building lamas. Prlced aiea. Large ravine lot. tîeea Welcomne on Sunday morning froni île provincial and reg- tee. If the delagatas agrea on West. The accu.sed toid îleý from $4,500 te $16,500, jbadroanis. builtin stove and ware in fbls memory. !tonal members meetings in the positive action appropriate officar ha had been forced off on al Fny oe NEWASLE: aps o ven, dishwasber, bmoadioom, i Sunday schooi and churchiferro af rasolutions, and is net changes wilJ, ha made tiithei.tîe rad and lad camne backL IS NECSL:2ab oeîbrIn -fn hd recreation sric ea ad suu nknown unt.iI shortiy befare teby-laws regarding dalegates afa t and struck île other CPHI rate or8200 mntl. -om$6 1 %NHA mortgge ttJMein vdntlt d tvehicie.The fine was $100 and C O O A E .AiI umodern convaniences. Ask- Ol 2,0,ta eysoyJnay2t nulMeîgtI vdn lcinpoeue t.J lng $23,900. Only $6,000 down., 290. but île skating pianned îoi from discussiono a!flarmn groups -Honorable H. A. (Bud) Oison costs, or 10 days. 8 HoI TrOp BW AVL :11 aceBowman'vile !tha chîldren in île afiernoon in many areas ulat prohlenis will address île meeting on MrtRoiFa ipeage BISCUITSoî BOW ANVLL: l¾ are Building lot on Liberty lad te ha postponad. Soloisi of farm incomne and markais January 28th. Ma r od iae uhye Classie or Popular FnyTn farm witl 10 room home. Street. Service on sîreet. at île mamninpg service was and marketing procedures wifl The Annual Meeting amhod- impaired diving January 2rid, F Barn. Garage. Stream, Two Only $6,000 -cash. IMrs. Carroll Nichais. hlikely le priority subjecis", les sanie delegates froni île CntbeCoso tedd_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SV PT 3O ponds., ]KntMMr. Munro, C.F.A. Presidant C.F.A. member bodies, and in ai île scene of an accident SAVE $2.50 EACH SV PT O AW:4hrom 2Bawmanviile KnMurray las beau at-iaid. "Absolute shortaee af in- addition atîracts a large num- where Mr. Peter turned lefi storey brick lamne. 011l eated. Large six room frame and I tangst eloo in asTorot of île came from grain sales in West- ber oI visîtors, not only from off Que e oto Ontal, draveM 4-pa.bat. arge.Paedstucco home wîîcî bas beaueduaio n-1îriin s nrn Canada is a major national the member organizations, but ovI l e sisdwl niSM sali. fu cmnae, a tbovate. Nw issue. and In addition ta île also from. île provincial and src l rn !asul dreay. Varyauxias ,plumbing, wiring and O eig severe. Impact o! île probiern, Faderal Govarnmani serviceshud vld. rallzr decorted, ni $21,00. pesan framlare i ] i e n th îe western fanm familles, and agricultural representatîv_ raadigs were--.27 and .26.,___ _ 9 OSHAWA- New 4 bedroomi Termns. prsn rmhr tteqa- iii is bouud ta hava its affect as of foreign couniries wîo are1 Constable Webster saarcbad;ý back-split brick homne with terly board meeting hld ati on national agriculture devel-laadquarterad in Ottawa. 'tle vallidle and found ana ful 2 batîrooma,. Garage. WTalk- Waverly Gardeas, Bowmaavilie Canton ware Mm. sud Mrs. -- ________ ______ __ ____hbtle of wine and ana part oui ec. roam. Large lot. Only1 We just have five o! thasa Clarence Nichols, Mm. and h1 abile of Seotch. Convictioni $7,000 o dwii, vly new lamas laIt. Soma Mrs, George Tufford, Arnald ~on for impaimed diving brought a ASSORTED FLAVOURS a½G L NECSL:N 3ldare 4-bedrooms, se 2 batla, Tbamudyke, Carroll Nichais, CoUUU m ittI1%e -of W hU e Jfine of $150 and costs, or 15 room brick bungalow. wîih1etc. Excellent flnanclng. ;Mrs. Rau Dinner and Mrs. E.- days, and aubomatie icanse SIIRRIFFS K & K BRAND AC -living and dlning roam. 0d1tjMlibreel Thi barawcough a great Win-, ToJW n Cou ncil M inutes iSion af liquer $50 and cosîs or i MANDARIN À haated, 4-pcea batl. Atbach- 100 acres which would make ter for'sport of ail kiud, es-I fiva additîonal days and îlhe! Thasseson o Ugl ass o desO A G SAp luc ed garage. Price $24,600. eclln1etei Hscea eial lemsromn aa A cuel n Mndy ise a u.- iur ofsctd NEWASLE:Ne- l eledban d erat rollng land., sowmo el ng- Ouaai ]AsJauy1,îminuteof. he4- urer. nd lark ArdRck LcknLIgaà", rdf S TA T E SM A N Jan Oudshoorn - 623-2984 30 whuch prior 50 aSept. pritiua leln e nstrtrwsalei~wewstrcediime ads NQEVFOZNTATAS ____30_________was Canada 's largesi edoc- ipresendt alcouncil pou a umed aas u we her t asd "A NE RZN TAWTESIE JeBarnoski 723-.5787 ta-spusored medical pea-mnsmîo n î p r 9we u h aso ws ap m soed untl inan wayse- I' R m h ' II Paul Peterson - 723-8322 ment plan, will use is 15 serve funds. Otario doctors cdratagemrnwthte es being laIt ovamnighi. The BR A Frank Simpson- 725-9638 million resarva fund ta pro- lav contimiuted $50 million n odeur was sa, offensive that she à K .4LOR oy oser Orno983580 îeahaltd felatd. rje tai nndraav s t g îdiecl and considered ai île idosadbardgld2-r RoySIseWA ___9_-801the_____fied.the22______f___. , nd ala tiong sn ome acassitating tîha ha bTurkaY - Beaf - Chicken 9 Any uth OoSo41toch r 6 y leHoseefs9ce$23mllonc119buedneheeein. mage pri a crcsss ' oaas98-91ade dciioows ad o bt 96 ld ea wiieulae OF 4-1IEI~. 1-03 Niver 26nu 7,000 plscinsoff pre19 aviously, tenmovai on Ring St. East from Rkapi Viiad.dhe]ve OHDelagates repmesenting îleof evusy Ricard Rani Estate was pass- Rn ene adl le AE1eSV 5 II1IIF 401 -?B RESULTS COtJNTI across île province who par- The Housa aI Delegates ac- ed au ta île Works Depi. wiî uîebuedlatyas h ticîpated lu the plan, whicl-h ceptad a recommandation o! instructions tînt île lead nman Mrs. Gray and workad nb Sidi 'Direct Toronto Lino 922-1910 Conuit a Memober Of the ceased uts pepid medical Icama 1the Board o! Governors tînt use lis discrtilon lu tie mat- Lnncaster's Garage, tîntthîe: business with île introduction île corporation reann us tem. odour wns se lad'at ir tuas Listings neaded by a Firm of aItîe govamniment-sponsomad charter and pursue îhe abjects Abilty F un d Campaigu was impossible ta jpick cucum- m with a proven Record o! Sales. . Ontario Healil Service Insur- outsîda île field o! medical Ciaimman was te le advised.bers lu an adljoiuing field. -~ Califor ourîous ervie. U¶~U I -u-'M~ suc Pla. I ervies - IaudestoolUi.., ITh~ ~,rjnir~f.ia I haselu- ai cuncl la na b]acianjDidk-V p * Local Representatîves.*mîîîIî & m &af m lrajactad n proposal tînt ail or1 madical aud ailier health samy- fonds onJa. Ct.orner, cemp aiund foîe un- LesRal, owanvll 62-511 ULIPL LSTIG ERVCEpart oI the corporation's assets tces, île Improvemaut o! nu- A requast by P. Galingler beamable stanch and the prava- Les allBo* »vUl 623521 MULIPLELISINGhER used t, pay doctors île triien, sanitation and ather ta euttheîleid lire hall on Jlance aI blue blow files, mnk- Oshawa Area Office:~lne"~-acod et-tevrmet ml t'eo wamy gi~sbostusde North 4#1 Park Rd. )CloÏverlal shawa itrc ever tle pasi fîve yea-s. "Un- glana, and cf public lealth basis ni a rani af $25 a week, William -Vandemwarf, opera- Manager- Frak Smith. i paid balances" represent île educatian, and othar charitable subjeci ta hlm paying for hast, tom of a dairy farm anst aI - Oshawa -576-03., Reail sIcte Boa1'Qd amount deductad from plys- or lenevolent aobjects lu îlhe ligl suid \waieansd any main- IGrays, complained o& île sick- ilcaLnns' accaunt5 ta pny for ad- public inter,. teniance, was approved. cning smefi and seeing trucko' (HIOME 0F QUALIT) QD M-ARKE r one 1 1