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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jan 1970, p. 4

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da The Canadian Statesmn, eowm anleJn. M8,1070 EDITORIAL OPINION Commnts romOur Reaclers Where Are We Long H airs t'o Dear Eio:"Give and thou shalt receli 1 write to youý not only for niyýseIf people so f ar above their but also on behaîif of friends_- who share they cannot show even a niy feelings.' and undersýtanding for thE In last week's Provincial Court sec- If we were gîven som hÎon of the Canadian- Statesmian, Judge and somnething to do, y Baxter remarked, "In Port Hope, coun- problemr would be drastîi cil -passed a by-law prohibiting loiter- Sincere ly your jrg. It was quiîte effective in clearing Jack Vandenhe: the sideýwalk-s of gossiping groups." I can appreciate the Judgle's concern but may 1 ask: Where are, we to go.? Editor's note: Let's -The pool hall and arena offer the Where would you like to'g orily source of entertainment in this of activity or recreation w~ town, other than the monthly high to have available? Sorry ýichool dance,( and the occasional Rock leged' discrimination, but ai-d Roll concert at the town hall. For there is any way youj cang t hose not injterested in pool, -hockey or it so long as those flowi s;kating there is very little orý nothing adorning your head. You a to do most of the time. the wrong image, that'sa arn begic n oobleeta n members of the male s, having long hair is a criminal offence. ïimpact on the vast maj I for one arn the victim of frequenit population; it is associated 1,iarrassment. This morning (Thursday drugs, sexual deviates, gai J an. 15, 1970), I entered the Lotus Gar' 'boots and swinging chains, dens restaurant to get a cup of coffee society drop outs and soc before school started. When I sat down 'Too'often, male restai the proprietor told me there was 'a 5(.0 ers with long hair havetr cent minimum charge for orders taken. for, the management andt To my knowledge no one else present tomers, so they don't war in the restaurant at this time was con- place. Do youi blame them' fronted with this rule. Why mie? I have ago the black jackets on th nieyer caused these people any trouble, cycle gangs ruined the sowyshould I faîl victî"m to open dis- ayoyworides a, mo criminatioii? On another occasion I the exce8ses by the long-ha walked into the Coronation restaurant ed hippies have made it and received insults from a man 1 had accept long hair on men ai ïieyer see-r in miy lfe. These are the normal thing; it has becol mature, religlous, pure towns folk that symbol for the queers of tl n-ake up the population of this "friend, there isn't'a thing we car ly" town. If we are't, wanted on the Tlhey bufit their own repu i;treets, and we aren't wanted i the If you want to wear 1 restaurants, where are we allowýed to you wîll have to bear ,vitl g go? and those your own age Adu',lts oml hat we don't res- you as an oddity, a misfit, pect themn. I quote from the good book, isn't going any place. Sad, Live In Peace, and Prosper Bowma.ipnville, Ont. 25 Second Street, ~ear Sir: in our world. If only the warmongeru wouid realize what a good thing -peace can be. 25 YEARS AGO 49 IEARS AGO <Fiebruary J, 1945) <February 3, 1921) Go? ive." Are these -children that àlittle respect newhere to go rour loitering ,ally cut. erg. hear more. go? What type uould you like 1about the- al- twe doubt if get away fromn iîng locks are> are presePntin-ig all. Long hair sex has a poor ajority of the dwith hippies, ig fîghts, with ;undisciplined on. Lrant custom- neant trouble the other cus- tnt you in the C A few years te wild, motor- reputation of itorcycle, and alred, unwa'sh- impossible to A>d boys as the mre the status Ie w7orld. And m do about it. the- long hair, ,h those aduits who classify a, f reak who 1but trueI OTPTAWA-Fr r ell over a yeê-i now, the Canaian Gioverrnment has had more thnits shiare of probIei Ia the fieid of exterwat affairs: NA'ýTO, Chiina, Lat- in America, Arctic sov- ereigouty, ta namue a few. Althougb the dbae n those subi ects bhas been go- lng- on and off, thc-e e15 one thought thjat h.-as neyer ceas-- ed - the one concernIng the role that Canada couid have played for the relief of the Biafran population. Even today, when the flgbting Is over, the Cen- adian Goverament still en- counters a lot of criticismn -- - .. 5d. .. . policies of e friendly con - tryf or they bow,ýed to the pressures 0f public opini-on. Not till the very enld 0f the conflict did they bond to0 those ressures and fn ail greedl to grant monley' to danairelief, the Canadieýn organization thet speclalized at the time in night fligbts. fLefore takilzng this course of action, the Minister of Externai Affairs and the Pt rnme Minîster always maintained that there was no way for them to help re- leve stervation in Biafra simpiy because they had to respect the will of the Ni- gerian Goverament. rai n into trouble - tstim)e flot onm its own territory but bn Nigeria. The military leaders of thi-a t unr mnade it kniown -ito Ottawa thalthtey were disappointed, wmhich mepant they were medi. So egain CanadaWe piaylng a iosing gamie. Technflcally, Ciada Isý not et fault simply because it has nover giveli evon a penny to Ceneireliof; the fact' is though that they were in- tending to do so, which amnounts to about tbe same thing: Canada had agreed to' help an orgenaization whîch wag already on Lago's blacklist. not let thiem do so. A few,ý days aIgo, Lagos flnaily reacted to the many- propos-ais subrnltted by our representative in Lagos and 9-sked for a shipmrent of drugs, which wssent aD-ôay later on an Air Canada DC-8. To miany, even thiou.gti it was some kind of a break- th roughl thîs stil! represent- ed 01n1y a small con-trib-- tion: One 'pla-n,$2.50,000. S Many would have pre- ferred to see thiree or four Hercules of the Armned Forc- es fling back and forth, loaded with food and drugs. But Lagoswod not agree to such an operation and the Hercules remýaineri ground- êd at Uplands a few ilies south of The Peace Tower, The fact Is that the Cen- adian Governmeat vw111 prob- hiy nAver be ha ableto do What it Would like to help those starving peoiple and -f m n a; -.--jn-Avthl-4e--u3-41.u.g-u.sIe.r.-- bJa lyi ý--rthe weekend.ý1- ýte-- reML ýd J. Harry Jose, pr, 14olstein breeder ni casie, was elected P of Durhiam Central tural Soclety et it: meeting held ln 0C Janua.ry l7th. Arthur Noble, fori lina boy, who ha visiting local frier( relatives^, the Wi Lesk ad Lathavng turnied Wedniesday home et Taber, Alt bas, 700 acres ready for 1945. *Mr. and Mrs-ý. Fret joy, Heward, Sasi have been visiting hi Mrs. J. E. Elllott a Annie Mountjoy, ha, to visit other relat Darlington and Car Banidsmen Leslie bert Dqrch, .H.M.C.S hemo, Prin ce Ruperi spent leave w thi ents, Mr. and Ms Darch, Mrs. R. J. Hobbsa es the engagement elder dauighter -Ruby to John Denman Tech, Sgt. Quarte Corps, United Statct youngest sonl of MrL.a J. L. Brown, C. Miss Jack Inskster,n ance expert of the M d-orporajtonVs highwv fleet, spent Sunda Mrs. injkster, Torort Several citizen-s ca qttention to a photo day's Globe & M ail Lieut. (Nursing Sis M. Ballen, Toronto. with- M. R. Jack, Si to National Prongressi servativýe L ea der Bracken ata Canadt eral Hospiîtal ln1 Lieut. Ballen ig ad of Clarke Taylor,E Toronto, formnerlyà ville. Mr. Kelvin Symons to University, spen day with bis mothE Muriel Symons. Newc'astle: Miss Spencer was in Osi rominent Dujrhamn County stockmren if New- are usuallv,iy w ies inthe President bigger shows as, well as lesçs- Agrlcul- er ones. At the big Ottawa s annujal «Winter Fair, attended by rono on the largest. crowd ever there, Councillor Geo. Hootcin of mrer So- Cavan showedC five Clydes- as been dales, cpue 10 prizes, îds and securing mory nla every il bu rs, class entered, and Wswlth- ýgues, re: in one off the top thiree tinies. to hi and in aIlll uip. ta. Art lfrs. Hïubert MV. Poster. for crop wvho-,spent the weeedwth ber parents In Port Hope, d Mount- sang e solo In) the Presby- k., who terian Church in the norn. ii who l, ng, and at the Methodist li ut, Chutrcli in the evening. and Miss MUr. and 1Mýrs, W. Hepburn, ave gone Kendal, were here over thep tie n weekenid, guests of Mr. W. rtwrighlt. Hislop. Red AI- Services of a unique and .S Chat- specialîy Interestîngechar- t, B.C., acter wr held ln St. Paul's heir par- PresbyTterian Çi hurcll lin coin- 1s. A. L. memor0,1ation 0of the tedica- tion cf the presenit ePlfice anaounc- for divine weorship 50 years U0f lier ago. The minlster, Rev. D. SMarion, W.ý Best, B.A., presided, and Brw, was &assisted by, the Itev, J. 'ermraster R. Fraser, M.A, laie of VUx- s ArtT1y, bridge. arld Mrs, Messrs. T. Bottrell & Son renshawv, have sold and shippeci aine of their, best Bntams to.W. mainten- F. McLeaa of Braindon for qunicipaýl the Winnipeg Poultry Show. ay truck Mvrs. Garnet H. Dutuemn, ay Wih Rlchmond Hill, visited her ito. uneles, Mr. James Beilh and alled our Senator Robert Beith oïl oIn Fni- TuesFday. showinjg Mr. H. E. Re-yiilds, Souith ster) G. Roxton, Que., Is visiting bis italkilng parents, Mr. ai-id Mrs. E. Secretary Reynolds, Queenl St. sIve Coni- Miss Violet Dcyman l r John attending, Toronýto Conserva- ian Gen- tory of Music, pupil of M. Englandi. Fillion. daughter Mrs. (Dr.) Cutbbertson Druggist, and Mrs. A. J. H. Eckardt, of Bow- Toronto, are vstigtheir sister, Mrs, (Dr.) A. S. Tibé s, Toron- Iey. nt Sun- Mrs. H. R. Warder is viît- er, Mrs. Ing ber sisters at Orono. Blackstock: Jas. Marlow Doris and son have taken over hawa for the business of W. J. Patton. Tyrone: Mr. Levi Skinner sa1X1cyprin hpr aVsh:Pl lf'ï rnfmbpf cria - és-1aua forth his message of peace. lviusic is a here to p-lay an htw edaPae their owri orgenizations or - great~~~~~~~ uldirnan - -Pece.qut.aj~ -l-u& - l t Blfr-.. few peopil' over the- woid orth of BOV-JwmvilJe. Whiy not gî2jve- us '-irtoy prpee jht Ge-. I dorA' thînk you will see the vio- a chance before you put us down7, why era O ý;0w gae te p at the early Players 200Q, because t he pcýople hiave changod forthe better over the Iast few years. It always seems ,-the troublemackers mnake the news and the people thG-at do good are lef t in the back- ,grouind.- Sure-there wili b)e pr'oblems- with crowd control, but don't you think it's good that hundreds of thMousands of people corne here not just for musie, and ~Jr~'. CV .1413 CV (.1440 j.SL.tL1.C. tIS'.J 045. world ai-d are tryinig to do so-mething abouit it. Give if a chance and hope more people wîll lîsten to people like John Lennon whAo has the right idea and pray that they realizýe what somne peopfle are doing teo ur beautiful-werrld and-its peo-- ple. Yrrmniliitry rueeu,î or other, the Blaf-ran. leader nover agreed te this lest pro- posai while the mirliitery gov- ernneit of Lagos wes lfor- bîdding nlgbt flights te, Lagos, --To the Ca.nadigin---poli- tiellns, this meant e dilemn- me:ý ither thiey followed the ~ve .Le rîm iiins~e Gvermet'ssid flt7n-SunderlndOn. failed to du.-this whea h-o comfortable again bemruse la- ,-.-thEt.-h-rils-f iVMEha-h~w wrvr7~ dtr polic vee srpy uig there stili- --asn'tiia thlngr the liafran propaganda. thy cuid d'ý o t eptb s o ànd hast wse A-nyow, ttaa fîalîr flenle tarin~ a wht we t.e yar '0 UUowe oU1.01.10se critics San It did so vwhile Mr. Truideeu was out of thie counitry, ski- ing la France. it Pannocunc- ed thait Canenrelif was te roceive $1,000,000. But ila dolag so,an esýpecially a few hours -e fore the final vlctory of the federal troops, Canada eghin fourmerly anown as Biafrae. As-,conso7r-vati ve Leade1Cr Roh)ert Staynfleld sald: is the Govenment woul)dn,'t Jnove, pretencllng it would ba in a botter position to do so once ~war was over; nowi; thpt thie war is-flnished-it desn't ect, eaDin eup- posedly beceuse 'a gosw path. 1 regard our fo-reign- poilicy, as frail, unwvise andi lackinig in historical and hu- mare re,,ctioin to conditions «broadj. We dJid apprOve the rnon-sending of military sup- plies to either stde, but the, work of SarnarItan' rellifto- both Nigerian camrps should have been pressedI. We, who ,,orked for years An war relief, do nôt annroveý- &Îf-n-c-néd'1f5arhFire W~sT6NeWfnviI1é 'TwontyT-eighit heed of mllk lire was observed. The fire wag cows and a barn were destroy- first seen by- a neigbbor witli ed by lire late Mondey rmora- the aîermi being turaed lnta ig, Jen. i2th being the prop- the Clagrke Township Pire De. erty of MnA. W.. Venderwerf, partment around 9:50. The hemi lirst farm east of Sid Lencas- was iost be ore thtlre depas-t- ter's garage onHgb y No. 2. ment eould arrive on the-scene. The 28 co-ws were Ibe complete Membors cf the lire depart. nsilkiag bord of Mr, Vader- ment believed the fire couid ---- M--AM-SGEO. W. Gi'HAM -C0P.--MORIS- ED IT OFPU 13L JS î 1r, .ADYT.rMANAGER uIEsMa Iepodue Wik 1eoriim pt anIyd iiioaf" or45M W a ee, otiuolyb poo no i o fret prrce e a titroto. ua e obteîi'ed J m tne publtýIeher od the priatel. Aroý' uoocuthorîWgd rerdcinwili be s -uJtDl. to rcur.i lriw. $8 0 yci 6rnpt1 350 $.0aYa nteUie iie A MacDuff Otfa'wa Report NigerieanDilemma w

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