-~ 4 , t t . t erofCommerce HodsWeII Attended -Dinner- Meeting ai Fying,-Dutchma-n - lng to lac February 10 et MnTise Canadian Statemnari, Eowmnanville, Jans. 28, 17 and Mris H. Sbeppard's Al ______ meetingsIobea,-on---Tues-d ay1 m frorn naw on lnatead of Wned- ,,4M nesdAy. Clb cd HeG. t in IVainflnaît a n T h e ý r x c e l e n w C lk u db f i * IC 7 tiseir en-Psa fa f- jO afe m'-"e- 3n tl .-rY N U I v0£ -I - r~ Last Wednesday evening, the annual meeting af Bowmanville's Chý an ttndacemuch langer than in former years. These two pictures sin Othbens hi the, pictuner, from lef t to right, Mn, and Mns. Maurice Preston,' in iPeidn R. G,. Lawfon, Mn. and Mrs. Malcolm MacKenzie,,Mrs. right aof the head table, Mrs. Peggy Frank, the Secnetany-Tneasurer, Bowx Mbb rdM. and Mrs. Jack Bryson. The bottom photo shows some af thosi altnatonsand impravement s ta their business p roperties. They are, lefi Wood af Howard L. Wood Transport, Mike Loot sma af the Quick Cie ar Jaý,ckman, Jae Cleary af Port Hope Redy-Mix, Murray MacCandlesa af Hi Les ICable TV;--otheLr-award--winpners n rot shown included-Bowmanvi] Toms Milk and Canadian Tire. dm fI Il l a I%9 f sonne nsponsbillly In fh Ue*,,Y fe regard. TiseWorsip Service was Thse February meeting af conducfed by Mrs. T. Rohder, Trnnty U.C.W. was opened by lit Vice-President, assisted by Mrs. M. Puk, tise new Presi- Mrs. I. Munday. Mn., Mun- day-read sevenal cshort scnlip- dient, cxpressing a welcomne tur asaeco lif eo &IL. She aFkeAd us tb take as,,tihonaý wc wesbul mk cur motta for tise yeer "Re-an cry thug. Ms cancIaptlan ln 1s Brokenreisde1cr reatsemdiatono on alMns me5 LUGGAGE AT 49 Kimg St. , WFow avil Nowiîsthl 1 #4EoSVE SEE THE BARGAINS IN OUR BASEMENT DEPT. EXTRA SEIL .MEN'S PANTS $ 0 Reg. $.95 - NOW OINLY Men's Jackets& Coats Boys', GrsLadies' Wear Alil Stock Must Be Sold TEFAMIY STOE 23 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE these promises: "I wlll pray, I will praise, I will love, I willi follow". Mrs. Munday closed tisis wonsbip wih a suitable prayer. Reports for 1969 wkere given. We isad 204 members (33 111e) with an average of over 50 i tise genenal meeting. Ac- tivitls included fiowens In ts Chnstiascolecion0fused tap,Inylons and carda, lofh'bing for overseas relief, IrîdtFi, , men's lhostel, Street Hayon, Fred Victor Mission, îtise Salvation Army, iselp ta Crîppled Chisidren S c ha01. Money wcs sent for brais ta Camp Quin--Mo-LTar n [Jive Oaks and f0seenaoa tise otisers mentianed abave.uq 'Drivers taok patients tao dmn !caý or boapitals, local or -win A Forsythia Trcwahedi Mc1y asnd a TicnkolîîenngUe in November. Lunch wc sera cd ta P-nY aI tisb onr g ilon wbo cered f0 stay. cIter tise Communicants' (and ais- ors') neception ia r6ýhm momhiersbip on PalmSudy 7ind -aIter tise AnnIversary Srie wben Dr. McClure, tise Mcn4ry Pcclii Pre -madoe aick ccd 1sbîig nacd cards sent uf., hinawaa tise chif time0ftise ,Y&ar, Eaccispro- g,ýrammeIncluded c devotion_ ai cnid.We feel tisai wo bave, made a reel contribution ta1,tisepcomminîty, Eaccismeet-' ing wa reponted intise Can-1 ainStateaman, hwsannoun1ced tisai aurý Fo thia Toc ould bhoanl Ma,' 8 and tise Tbankoffering an' Novonaebor 20. $6,200 bad been rEalized f rom sale of usod Aemps in Canada In 19619 forý help aI lepers, This year's ýproicci is a hostel in India. Presisytensal meeting is tol 1,c in Harmiony United Cisurcis on Fobruary Il1 et 9:30 and 1:ý30.Missa Jean Bridgman,ý froni India, tise spociai 'speak- er. Mra. S. E. White, tise Pres- bytenial Finance Secretery, and- Mrs. K. Sumeraford gave us a presentation on finance in dialogue orin. Tbey show- cd tise bookiet "Before You Present Your OIfening, Con- ider Tisis" and mentioned social welfare, tudent iselao, rural and lnter-city work, institutions, medical projecis, educration, spocial minusteries amnong othens, Do coi say "How mucis did I give lest 1year?"' but "14ow mucis cen Iý Igîve In 1970?" Mrs White cxplaîned tiaitishe. Unified Budget Fund of tise U.C.W. and tise M. & M. Fund nI tise chîîrchh bad now been united as tise Missionary and Service Fund and ePe system 4ai collecting and secndlng fa tise beed o ffice -waa .stao einefot Tise h1-ymnn ".A Change ta Keep I Have" was sung. MnS. S. James led in tise misianary prayer, ours belIng Mn. and Mn,. Ted Colwell ai Brazil. IMvs. Puk closcd tise meeing by al nepectînig tiseM>, e Mmorial Hospital ,IW eekly .i Report B 1th-.4 emrale, 4 mdc -- E M71inor operatJin . . Vliln ours - .m al -Ashston. Doris expressed her tbanks for tise many lovely gilts and ber mother's regret at not being able ta ho pros- cnt, owing f0 iliness. A dainty lunch was served in tise lower hall. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Tinis visifod Mns. W. A. Ormiston, Brooklln, on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs, Harold Pascoe and Mn. and Mns. E. Cryder- man were in Toronto necently for the Sholdice banquet at the Royal York Hotol. Mn. Bruce Taylor ia attend- ing tise Canadian Federation of Agriculture Annuel Con- vention In Winnipeg, ibis weck. Ahl are lnvited tai a card panty in tise Community Hall on Saturday evening, Jan. 31. Botis Lost Hein and Euchre will be played. Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Ycl- lowlees visited witis Mn. and Mrs. Ken Strang, Ottawa, ai he-som--o---n.aad_--Mrs. - Glenn--Larmer, -Blaekstorok,-on Saturday cvening, CAVAN' W. 1. ~ TheJanuiary monthly meet- lng of, Cavan W.1. was held at1 -- -the -home oliVr--AustiiT Worrn -è onJanuary 2th. Despite the cold evenlngt and considerable sickness among the memrbers, nine members neplied to the rol caîl - A nule 1 would give my1 teenager on money maniage. ment". The President Mrs, Milford Byers cond 'cted thle Mrs, A. Worr, Cheer Con- ,ambr o Comere tok paceat he Yvin Duchmn Moor nn ithvenor, reported on boxes sent 10w at top, th-e head table, with guest speaker Gardon Riehi at the rostrum. at Christmas. A numnber of thank you notes for samie Donald A. MVacGregor who acted as chairman in the absence through were, read. The Secretary- Riehl, Mrs. Ilobbs and Hils Wor ship Mayor Ivan Habbs; flot showni at the Treasre Mrs. Cliff. Tripp rmanville's Clerk-Administrator Joseph Mcllroy, Councjllor Dr. E. D. gave the Treasurer's report ;who were awarded Certificates of Menit for additions, ne'w installations, which showed a balance of $181. A motion that annul ta right, Jim Moore and Norm Davey of Sof-Spra Car Washes, Howard fees be paid. A letter regard- n Centre, Greg Adams of D & R Sports, Ross Jackman of FlowÎers by ing Officers' Conference was .utton Transport Ltd,, Don Shiel af J-Mar Equipment Company and Bih nread and it was decided ta ask Ile-Cýontiy C -ub Bomanille- Pofesioal -uîling - eabord-FînnceMrs. Tom McCamus-to attend- le Cunty CubBow anvlleProessinalBuidin, Sabord inaceif she could not go. Mrs. Austin Warr was ber alter- ___ -nate. A donation to public speak- Ing In the schools was approv- Book Review ed; date for North Cavan School Feb. Srd. The Secretary was Instruct- ed ta write Mn. A. Carruth- lrs, our Member of Parlia- JonJms i d f  M e -riîc a LpJent, reg:ding reduced speed t uuohe -da1-PBehntFlo ftretlln tsniew ehad no action from. Dpljt. or ~irbaby he retea Amn-Audbo~s ird l sorae:tatLtfmay be fouid, nd dIts Dut- Highways, also iwrite 1ounil U can ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~t aunlsanudotcyafiest oudpoal tnig haatrsestasep why nro action bas bhee the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t graeto hbr an-blgi h egbr Oofi Audubon - "The Amenican taken regarding street lights ens. 'ilaa.Wodman" - was born April in the Village of Cavan. Duý,ring the greatest part n1 Thi newv paining of theiae 26, 1785. at Aux Cayes, thse son Mrs. Stanley Sharpe, Con- bis if e lhe travclled tbrough famous paintings contains al aI a French naval officen and venor for Citizensbip, was In th(, tent frontier country of 43 5 illustrations froin the fam- la Creole woman from St. Dom- charge . oI the programme, Aecapainingi birds in their ed Elephant Folio, rcproduccd inique. 1 Mrs. Morris, McGee gave the native abiats in the au7thcntic cnoos of the His devotion to the swamps re-ply ta the Motto, a gond His getwr isTbe Birds originalpin. A combination of the Mississippi Valley, the citizen is not content ta sit, of Amenîca (Collier-MacMil- oI fine ci rtsmanshîp d deep- forests of Ohio, the rich coast hie finds is place in the coin- ]an),. For- the first turne, this ctched 0f'e-itorpî pro- of South Carolina, was littlee munity. Mrs, Sharpe read the baridgome volume makes, thé cess bas produiced a triuimphant short of passion, qualifications for citizensbip- Ê435 plates of the Elephant Folio result. Vogt, in his Introduction In Canada. Mrs, Austin Worr available at a price within There la:;-an ýinformative Mn wnites of hlm, in part: "'ith read rules on Immigration. reach of thegeea public. It trodujlcion wlýre!-1: William the wildernesg evenywhe-re at Mrs. Harry McCamus con- wsoriginal.l r engraved and Vogt, fomr to f Bid bs ddor he, turned withoult ductdaqi on how we pnînted ngtld in the 1830s Love, offiýciai pubicatý 1in of tisej regret frorn more hIdru would reacit t differen situa- in a ediionof fwerthan-Naiona -AidubliHe way~s. bas been ronpiticiz- tions regani gdiscrimination. in a edtionaI ewe tha Naiona Auuhoi Soiet HeMns. Sharpe spoke on racial 200, At tiiat tinir the price of als atba contrihuter! a concise cd. and el1 but canonîred, as discrimination in these choola onc of these sets was $l,000,Idescriptîon af each bird Pic- anc possessed by a noble ideal, hc ______ wblch n agaris brougis a, very worth- Actully lik may a amewhile programme ta, a close. warden and biology professor The e comifeenchresenv- sh v a Po iciance, hebiYpnjorugl nd tisel I sînc, h waafhooughy a d lunch and a social timr, tled isvrnfuits11-1-n iis A He compouindcd is riches taý Sbo,-ut use_1 oQI'D rugs-.5 his 'own benefit; but, unlîke most pion cors of bIsýperiod, be TiseIauay eeing ýof the o ometiing strower'1-le confihuted far' more than blicý Bonvv~ ile TU lonctt"_ xsnonted "out, thse dangc ,ai nkaway, Othe-.: r. ioled tise: held aithtie Lions CentLre on and said cli -arents bhould rivera, destroyed the soii Pill-ý Tueaday, January 20 at 630 studl and become more aware aged fthe forests, and, alaugli- p ini with 27 membens and 17 oivilwha r, happening around1 tered the wîild crecatures, Audu- gus~ rsetu and be able to gîvr- our boni, loviîng that ricis land as'~ A dcîniuz dinner wag aerv-chîldren sorrc an- a rs on erfew have, before on sin ccaD ';, ed by thse ladies oI St, An- argumnent'ý whe neced fredwîlinhibok drew's. Chuncis and a short He fîîhbis address -wlth s saved for us who have to cor- sing-snng follawed, a film oni dnugs, sha 'îng some rect 'oi ancestors' mistakes,~t During tise busine5ssrei of the disastrous results on the essence of America that ing a committee was set unp those who hecome involved. was." ta look after making decora-1 A question and answer 1~~ .Nigis wsiislaforthcoming. Lionotte Bettî- Brough was .vininer oaI tise draw prize. The gueat speaker, who was introduced by ý-Lionette Billy Kemp was Police Officer Holmes of tise Osaswa Police Force. Mn. Holmes presented an insight into the dnug prob- loin which la in and around the Oshawa district. He stat- ed tisat about 80 per cent of ail drug usi,,era atanted on mriena andthon woît on, DRES Up o5( 148RING ST. E.' 6 peLi UiIdolrwe andthUeini Lianotte Elda Cuiisiertsan fiscnked Mri. Hommes and pie- senfed hlm wfis ca gift in cp- preciation. At tise December meeting wisich wcs in tise faim laf a Chnristmas pcnty, complo te wlfh turkey dinner, glîts ccd Sanie, tise draw wcs made fori tise Lionette Christmas pnizo,ý which was a lovely ChrIstmas table decon'ction adorned withl 10 iver dollersancd Mn. Don Morris was tise wlnner. COATS SSES S" , FINAL ýs OR RKEFVUN1>S BOWMANVILLE ELIZABETH VILLE Visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Beatty tise paît week wore: Mn. and Mns. Cliftan Moore, Oshawa, on Saturday; Mn. and. Mn. Gordon Ruths, -Mount Pleasant, on Tedy Mr. ccd Mrs. Jack Barkwell, Oshawa, ccd Mn. and Mrs. Harold Sowden, Osaca. Churcis services wene held i Canton,. Two car loads oI loca;l-, wenf, taKendal Chuncis ýnSndy Sund-a(;3y Scisool was, held a usual ai tise base- men t. On Tuosdcýfjy afternoon fthc Elzaetvilo Unit of thse Nortis Hope, United Chuni Women held their Januar meeting et DMn. ccad Mns. Rus- sel White's- home. Tise'1sf Vice-Preaident Mrs. K. Trew openod tise meeting ccd con- ducted tise devotional part ccd tison furned tise meeting aven fa tise Unit Leader Mns. L. Muldnew. Tise minutes were rgad ccd appnoved. Tise ne- mainder oI tise offices ta be filled were decided on and will be Inatalled ai tise ncxt meùeting. Mns. Ken Trew agreed to help -lVIs. IM. Mc- Allisterwis Christian Eduos- fion Misslanary ccd prograin- mïin-g. Piaisita b e Mrs, H. Bannister. Sick cnd Visifing, Mrs. H. Muldrew and Mrs. H. Sheppard; Flowerns, Mn., C. Beatty; Carda, Mnsq. L. Mul- drew ccd Recording Secnetary, Mnq. HRWhite. contesi o n tise Indians. Wc souj if. We.p sdcie to ha1;ve oclly ace tlng ýfor lunchl fom îw o Thi; aext met O)n JanuLari 191h, 1970 tbelcarricd loondra Prai- Ladca egin uxiian hed ui Le ei 196P 'Presid 1ent -J ean -Burbtnnpresid- IDraw,-winneris reTrixie_ý ied. The atmosphere was cosier Brown and Ma1;rg Bae ;because of the smaller room it was announicdtatLl and the meeting was reported Spencer and TrixieBrow to have been a success -even will be in charge of thej Pubilic though there was no piano and Speaking to be heFld on 1aTi, no flags. 3ist and Rena Bathga.ýte an-d Following a roll caîl and the Trixie Brown are to pu rchasez reading of minutes, President' gifts for the judges. A lte Burton announced that she had was to be sent to the mn' picked up a number ofgifts branch thanking them fSor t;he which were on sale and that use of the spotlight and the_ could be used for their social mail box.1 riights and draw prizes. A Following the, adjourim-int, motion was carried to reim- the ladies had a social hour of ourse President Burton in the cards, bingo and darts witb amount of $32.88 for the gifts. tea and a light lunch. Two applications for memn- bership were introduced for1 ýEdith Pugh and Nora Morris by Lorna Adair and Bertha M s eut Williams and both were ac- The following is a iiit oz cepted on a motion,,by Kitty successful candidates in ew ~ewma- aminations held recently b After the instalîment of First the Royal Cnservatory onf Vice-President Nanc Colmer by Music of Toronto inii ma. Past PresidenLRe naB1igt ville n.The.n ies r ca r the current bills were read and ranged i!n -order of menrt. iwas moved by Ada Butler~ Grade V Theoryý - HistoDry that, they 1be paid. Pass, Lorraine. Turn)er. The follawing reports were Grade IV Theory - otr. re-ad: Blrthday Box $31.85, point - Pass, Douglas7 E. Dw Dues Collected $2.00, Draw ehl. $3.35 and Birthday Box Col- Grade III Theoýry - ]Harmunii- lection, $2.68 including a 28 cent and History - Pass, PeggyL -onationi- -frin Marg- Blake.lrk Elida Humphrey reported on Grade I Rudimients - Firs, the sick in the hospital. Class Honours, De-nis A, On a motion by Rena Bath- Bamber. gate, the men were granted Preliminary Rujdlnmn5 the use of the. canteen for the First Class Honours, rbr Burns 'Supper, A motion' was Gustar. w ~ w~w wAw TOP 0F THE'LINE VH1F ;and4 UIWpTUNER TWO 'SPEAKES ONE 0F TIE FIN-,EST 11AND-CRAFTED SETS ADMIRAL'S 3-YEAR PICTURE TUBýE and TUNER WARRANTY l-YEAR ON SMALL,ý11 PARTS AND SERVICE LIMITED QUANTITY "WC service What W. 5.11" PHONE 623-2312 20 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE SKATES I SPECIAL PURCHASE 0FE R Y