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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jan 1970, p. 6

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The adinSaem, Bewmnanvi11e, Jan. 8, 1970 Peterborough Preshbyterieal ~HoIds Annual Meeting ln Por "I came forhf rem thn LIe Fatb- er,âsud RamI com'. Into the wold gaIn I1 bave the worid,- and g o t hFth er",was the thomie lfor the annuai meetinig of the petorberOujgh presby- toriai W.'vVM.S. (W.D.') h Eld in St. PaulJ's Pre'sbyterlait Church. Port HIope, Tuesday, January 3,191M. Approximiately 60 Prier te th.e rmetisqgservice 4-f HolY Commuiinion was hld with th Prosbytory, conduct- e-d by the Modrator, Rev. J. Nqeilsoný, Norwood. Duirlng the morning session, rerv. L, MLclntyre, Lakefield, breuight greetings fremn the Presbytery, anid iufofmned the -PreshytoriaïL that Peterborough eud I4ndsay Presbyterles had dleided te amialgamnate, and if approved by the General As- sýembiy the annual meeting iiexi year would include bath. The possibihIty cf amalgamat- lng the Preshyterials was left m7ith the ladies for considera- tien. The highllght cf thé day was an luspiring message brougbt te the ladies by Mrs. A. S, Cuir, Past Presidont, W. JM.S. (W.D.) Council of Presby- teirnChurch lu Canada. Qu.oting the theme "I came forth from the Father, and amn -orne Into the wold; again I baýve the worid, and go te the Fahrsho explained that Christ left us a mission. "A ±ask" which ne, eue else on rearth eau do but you sud me. WMSý t Hope Canada and Overseas.. There Holten, St. John's Anglicanl are 39 missieudries iu Canada Church, Port Hope, beauti-J aud 18 servlug oversoas. AI- fuily renderod au iuspiring though we are ne longer i-e- solo, The Lord Is My Shep- spousibie for the Indian schools bord. She was accompaniod aud resldonces, as tbey bave by Mrs., Wilson. Courtesies been taken ever by the Dept. sud regist.ration report was of Indian Affairs, mucb bas giveni by Mrs. R. J. Randalof b'eonv accomplished. Have aur Cobourg. efforts lu the past been worth- Rev. W. C. McBrido, St. while? Two examples are Andrew's Cburch Campbell- shewn lu Colin Wasacase sud ford sud Burnbrae, conducted Gordon Williams. Colin Was- installation of the 1970 ex.. acase raised sud educated lu ecutive. They are as foilows: our Indiau achool sud rosi- Past Presideut, Mrs. W. H. T. douce, Iu turu devoted.his lifo Fulton, Port Hope; Presideut , te miuisterlug te bis ewn Miss Clara Thain, Bunbrae; people. With bis dedicated Ist Vice-President, Mrs. H. E. wife, ho was Superintendent cf Reynolds, Port Hope; 2nd1 Cecellia Joffery Indisu Rosi- Vice-Presideut, Mrs. A. W. dentiai. School until taken Allen, Havelock; 3rd Vice- over by the Dept. cf Indian President, iVrs. J. Giichrist, Affais. He now îs Super- Bowmauville; Roc. Sec., Mrs. viser of Indian Residences lu Bruce Twigg, Burubae; Cor. the N.W.T. Gerden Wililams Soc., Mrs. Alex McKenzle, grew up sud lived at Birtle, Campbellford; Troas., Mrs. C. Manitob'a, fi-cm where ho wOflt A. Eby, Port Hope. Secre- te Moutroal, graduated as a taries. Afternoon Greups, Mrs. Preshytertan Minister, sud i-e- Robt. Hill, Brighton; Evening turned te minister te bis own Groups, Mrs. J. C. Wbitefieid, people. Conducting the final Cobourg; Girls' Groups, Mrs. meeting at Butlie before it Chas. Smith, Port Hope; was handed over tothe Dept. Cildren's Greups, Mrs. W. M. ho chose as hîs theme "My Fergusen, Cobourg; Literature, Task". Has net our work vacanit at proseut; Glad Tid- been worthwhile? ings, Mrs. Clifford Hall, Mill- At home our missicuaries brook; Press Sec'y, Mrs. continue their werk lu the Gordon Curle, Bumuhmsae; Sup- inuer city, attempting te meet ply Sec'y, Mis. A. W. Allen, the needs cf people, hotlÎ Haveiock; Historisu, Mrs. J. R. physical aud spiritual. At Thompscn Milibreok; Lif e Evangel Hall, Armagh, Fiera MembershiMs a- e~ Heuse, Winnipeg, te mention1 gan, Norwood; Members with- a few. Overseas oui- work eut Portfolio, Mrs. P. Dyer, continues lu the face cf manyiLakefleld. Mrs. Peter Great- ning and -ortin Thle annuai1 Con gregati onal meeting cf Nestieten Unîteod Church was held Wednýesday evening. January 21,-t, âatthe homne cf Mr. and Mrs, IMal- ecelm Emerson. Reverend Vie-; tor Parsoyns clhaired the rmeet-ý ing and operied by readingý Psalm 22 (aahae)froni the book "Ged is Hiere,Le' Ce-lebratie," 1fo1we d by ïprayer. 9 Mr. and Mrs, Ne)rman Mairs sare the church trasirr fwith Mr. Main,; ;ubmitting' the financial report aid loet-! îng the years cmtitents,; had( been met. A dsuso follnwed re "The Obiserver"' but, there was neo decision oni this matter. In theane of Ms ap Sadier, treasureýr cf Msin ary and Service Fund, the re- "port was g 1iven by Mix Sadier.ý Mi-. and Mrs. Miswiil be inl charge of Msinr and Ser-' vice for 1970. Aihougýh there is ne (ýSLIn-1 day Sehool at Nestietonnat piresent, XMr, . VictorMlcm «reported a suitatntial bank balance And it is hoped SunI-; day Sehool may be again re-ý The worir cf thue Uitied Cliurch Womnen was re-perted hy the tre-asurer, Mrs. Brucel Hleasiip. Theyv bad an active year and gave cnsiderabie financial assistance teth 3e' churcheasr Mi-. Raip_-h SadJPer extenided appreciatien te rs L. Ma- colm, orÎ,ganist, f>or her ser- vices. The cnrgainaise extends appreciatieîto _Mr.- Haines wvho siseand ail who hielpod ',n chefr numberq.1 Mrs. Malcolm exténded thanksý til i rAmaini vnpald d. ti ee cniStewa.mriîs f4r a thr+. fle; reid rd R dfurt1cohermorethsdbhs aferma, andMr.A. Cuith N e Prsidet: odriue ilodau ausdding the pat y,,eauIrr't o e ereen he U.C. an add(itîeual ijîiaiity $id iW, fer aoya .r mnAudci- Inn te form of ites"t on the-tours lced lfer D 3we couMessr.YD. emp and C. Ann un e ana em nt Cha ge, D Mc -egOr, iIhis ît.asdecidied by a vote orutee eores t udy1t. olgeJt dMhtto new Trusteos, M t utLure ail momrrbers of the Aot FHoneywell Controls imiÎlteel ' Grahaniwere electod last Stew,,ards sha rrefo 5\ 1ý r,, 'S'ssiminimum tperýiod of oe c Last wveekleonard F. Wills compmuuity,ý Wilis, is president company, he wmonbehe echieffrinth body on wblch y was elected chairmanof the of theCanadian Manufacurers peratng effier. I h eotc r .Ihv ensrigwe oer f lHeneywoli Controls Association. ie joined Honey- Baewshm i oot Kemp, Cork cf Sess;ion, it was tlimnocf piyof their tern Zimited1, Scarbhorough. Succeed- ae-dirn 1932 and, after a é rc asu-ndhds aBA.Sc deren mentýioned that chiurch m o f office bas 5bpeen roached. ing Wiiis as; pre-sideut is Rod- cession cf ýppeintmentts, ho- aQ od ..S.dgc nberýship had inicreased te 5F, Prier to adoieurnet and rigu J.Bildea, frmeiy amevic prsidnt ud en-mechnical engineering frem by December, 1969; ail but. 77 th, eeitoM.Tre î,rigu J. the Univerity cf Teronto.pHeecfthese areardsidentm Mes'WbnM. ue viepresident marketing for oral manager and a diroctor il ueifTrno eof1-pereesdtneyhr-.,xrse o falofM. the instrumnents, centrels and 1956i. FHo wavs electedJ president joined onywl in 1950 and Otlher statistîcs revesied 36 expnrssed on bel haifr qn Cauomaonsystems divisionsin 1966. as held the positions cf ac-baptis,z3ý6 weddings and urejne ain (selthe osn. automation Bilodeu, hem lu Quebectory manager, operations maun- eigbt urilis Our cngrýega.P reapeiaint tecn Aise announced are thn Pencity and an211engineering gad-ager and vice president cf tien w s saddeneid by tfi reale n frtheier, aupporf tiensý cf Jef h'. Bacprev- ld icusl iepeien foea at fMGl nversityoperations. oat f Mr. Wýilfrid Carruthi- trubu h er n -Vercew ho bas served aur chu for thle recption aud gifti tions, as executive vice pres Jie oewl n15.He Sdik iepeietE-faithfuîîy and unselfihiy f~on h cainc hi 01 dent; aud Patrick j. S(ddik helhpd sales management posts D.P. marketig, holds a B in-ya and in nimnyca- anniversary at St. Paui ucnin Canada until 1959 when ho Sc. industriai :A muyyersCurcýh Aise atthis tlme, vice president E.D.P market. nin aîtesuchas Sunday Sehoolwt h nniosedr, inas a director. mioved te FrankfurtGemany,, eerng from the Uuniver:sity cf Superintendent S te wa r d cihteuadosedr as asistantdirector European Toronto. H aet oey rseEde u ebr ment cf the congrogatien,h chl i oii--e"S '-ief O)perations. In 1965 ho was well in 1952 as a member Of thecher thaked Rose sud Deug Hatety executive officr, devetlng bis appoiined president cf Hlonevyhe industri products group A'ppreciation was expressýed lfo ishent sonundma eucrop timre te long-range Vplanning well S.A. lu France. Ho re- sales staff.Ho becamne head cf te the U.C.W., the organist and smnadmn ou f suad relations wibcsoes uudte Canada in 1968. As the B.D.P. division on its chor members, the stewards, work in assemblîng thema- govenmetsud the fninanial president of the Canadan format7ýioni in 195)8. the custodins, the Sundu. terIal sud puhiisblng the g-en - t-----_ __________________ ______ ywekly Suuday bulletin. h Schiool officers sud teachers- Foiiowýing the meeting, re.ý sud 1 lihPo through-tbo -wee k femnswere served b? à%. CI Kgroup leaders for their suo ladies cf tle IJ.C.W. auda s 1:1 Ï 1 es n l' 1%MW f u i Il ise te Mr. W. Teeple for his peo'd cffa e ['sllPsIp was fn.- regular distribution cf t-e -----byail eIcopies of the devotional book- Hold larveg.atio cil feeflot, "The Upper Reomý", teo Holds ConofgregationalgMeion I The annual cengregatinarl mneetings, sunch tpisas themase fr is ldong ud AensMcietiu meeting of St. PauSl's nitedea panel discussion on "The Chffirs sericeh becamec Acting Church wnq asedn Wedos- Goueration Gap", anloxpina- The rpotforthe twO1Clerk of Session on july 26, \) th FllwsipRem it teLien cf "Estate Planning" by cheir.s, ulhmitted b isi92,sdls lekcfSs Ge Fdbeip Rom wit t Mr:A. Strike, and a talk a bout Cheryl MetcalM undriaed thlat! s;on ifromq May 1 6, 1955), te Rev Harold Turner servlng p"Womren lu te Church" by batb these organizatiions, und- Nov. 10, 1969. Aise spec-ial tRN/CR" as the chairman. After a die- Miss, MLa, provided nuho the capa1ble direction nfMm(tan, ud c0omedaýtion i//Y7YM votiensiî period, conducted b nootsdatatdslreRs ecî,egns u eoetne eRv unr A~$}~)4 MWr, Turner, sud the reading cf ýo!tadatatdalréOsApuogns n ,!mmt e snr themintesbyMr.Man"p audience lu each case. Manyý- choir leader, hav-e coutiuued espcia1ly for th1-e outstaninlg £os th idutsbyM, ýnFiprefject1s wore competed byite make a valuable cointrihu71-,qa1ity cf issemnudt ,., k ~ ~

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