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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jan 1970, p. 7

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J I * i I a .. a a a a - I . . 4 j I Mrs. Bruce Hurst and fai.n , Sunday supper guests with! Ital alstne h p e fiir !Mr. and Mis. Clarence Yeoi ~L/-'ersortat a2d Mr. Stanley Yeo were Mr.'~<. I Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. J. ý Phone o23-33 3Hxe, ootoundMs Sandra Raiston, Courtice. ________________________________________ The Hampton Ladies Ser- vice Club report a successu Mns Chas. V. Hoar and son ed ta neighbars 1mw easy it euchre Party. The winners Î Tom, Willowdale, are recent made the task of cutting the were Mr. H. Drew, high mani; __ , fttoxrs with bis mather, Mrs.1 grass? Naw we have a new Mrs. Haie! Drew, hig'h lady; A V, Hoar, King St. East. 1 "to§' for the man o the low lady was. Mrs. M. Higgîns; Canukr Film's "I Shah 14ev-» hous - the snow blower, and 50-50 draw was won by Mis.ý er Foîget", smade in Oshawaatrte eetstrs Ireue Hulme. Nexi date tai and Bowmanville, will apennoicduseveralurebeng put ta remember la Feb. 4th. Hamp- et a Toronto theatre this: guoadue tsr ethv ton Ladies Service Club hope weekend. e1îg.ta see you there. Bih arrson MeMster1 The Blittz on Manday evening Mrs. Doris Holroyd was a University, Hamilton, spent in support af the Ability Fond, Sunday supper guest with theweeendwit bi paent. formerly the March of Dimes. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Hîckey Mre.eeand Ms.Wm. Morpreio.,îeuledIn the collection of 1 and famîly. C.oncession Street. '$ 1,286691. Returns are flotUndyspe ussw Mr, and Mrs. HaroldBl opeefr amnila*Mc. andi Mrs, Pecey Dewellý son, Hamptan, andi Mr. andeneosweeef atca and family were Mr. anti Mrs. [ dences whece the occupants Mis. Stan Pingle, town, lhave 1 vere out, and returned en- Donald Pugh and Bob cf just returned from a niast 1 ( ogether with the Ajax. ples sant vacation spent In the velapesdy i ne E ~~~~~maney in stagetically placed Rcn udy d nacbados. ~~collection botties and furthergutswt Mrani c. if yau bave hati out-af-tawn donations from ather sources, Donald Adcock and, family Kuests In yaur homes or have: wllI ncrease the amount. were Mr. and Mis. Earl Good- heen visiting away from home,. Prevalent 'flu in this ares fellaw and tiaughter Lisa andti vlease let us have the informa-,.and the snaw starm of Iast is Ethel Goodfellow, Pan- ion for items lu thia clumn. weekend appareutly curtalled typool Just tuaI 623-3303. t sa rve a vstCammunity sympathy is ex- Lions Club hockey draw fcîend, and relatives living tneit n lencut wlnners are: N.H.L. - Feb. 4, aut-af-tawn. Too, thase with and family an the lasa Satur- Mrs. J. S. Bar, AI. Gorrie; Feb. nwmbesaetkgad ac of a dear brother, M. -7. Alex Syme, Steve Oke; F'eb. vantage of the snaw to enjay, William Conquer of Noc-Wood. 14, R. Ormistan., Bill Cale. Jr. this sport and are delayingý A surprise birthday party "A" - Feb. 8, G. bander; Feb. their travels util Spring.Iwaé helti an Satorday even- 14, Les Lan ga. Alsa, skiing enthusiasts are, ing for Mr. Jack McNab. Mr. andi Mrs. Daug An- reasly taking advantage of the Guests were as faollows, Mc <Ldrews, Stoney Creek, spent a almoM' ideal conditions for this: and Mcs. Aithur Reynakbj On Monday evening, January lDth, 1970, under the direction of V. Ex. Camp. trecent wreekend with lier par- winter activity. Fo acmav !Mr. sud Mca. Harold Wilkins,! W G ace sitdb atPicpl fPls ents, Mr. anti Mrs. Jack1 years there was not enogho f Mr. and Mis. Geraît Baîson, G acs sitedb atPiciaso aetne Chapter the off icers of Brough, Harsey Street, Mr. the "white stuff " ta permit the Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jarvis, ah ;PalsieCatrRylAciMsn eeisaldwt eyipesv [Deug Bîaugh, Tocanto, spent indulgence of such sports for af Hamptan; Mc. and Mis. iceremony and a large attendance bath of members., and visitors. Front raw, lef t1 weekend with bis parents. aylnt ftm.W oebo tpesn nikhe;ta right, Ex. Camp. G. B. Riekard, I.P.Z., Ex. Camp. Kenneth Sumersford, H.; i vl.anti Mra. Oscar Jamîsson they are enjoying the 'aid- iMc. and Mns. Bob Mcbeelis, Ex. Camp. A. P. F. LeGresley, Z', First Principal; Ex. Camp. James McFarlane, J' Peterborogh anti Mc. anti fashioneti" wne s nMal rv;M.adMis. Camp. S. J. Lancaster. P.S.; Baclc row, op Keith A. Billeti, Second Veil, op T s. Duncan Camecan of, yeained for. Bill Mcbeelis, Mr. andi Mrs Cm. ap 0hawva visiteti the farr'sl Harvey Balsan, Oshawa. E. J. Baran, Third Veil; V. Ex. Camp. W. G. Pascoe, Asst. Organist; Camp. John mothier, Mrs. Mary Jamieson i Sunday supper guests with Williams, J.S.; Ex. Camp. J. R. Abernethy, D of C; V. Ex. Camp. N. A. Wilkins, les;tSuday at the home of Mr. HAMPTON Mr. andi Mis. Haroldi Patter Treasurer; Ex. Camp. Lloyd Ayce, ýcrîbe W; Camp. Alex Hendry, Firat Veil; ani ca Fan Jmison,! and family were Mr. anti Mxc Co Wengtan St ree.nsuprs brhdy ty agr oeraani r M- p. D. R. Alldread. O.G,.; Camp. Royal Hall, S.S.-, Rt. Ex. Camp. H. G. Free- Mr. anti Mrs. James Amun- was held on Saturday eve at chas! Pitigean, Toronto. man, Scribe E. Absent, Camp. J. A. Bartan, Fourth Veil; Camp. Ross S. Meicaîf, crut of Kingston and Miss the home of Mr. anti Mrý,. Saturday evening guests Organist, and Camp. M. J. Habbs, Auditor. Cathryn Etcher af Ottawa Fred Hohcayd for Mca. Hï,bal- r.adMr.Mlbun were home foc the funeral of royd's raother. Mis. Lavada Prume were Mr. anti Mis. Guy Marshal endi Marilyn, Bow- ther ranfaher-M. Lge Ma Bookam enhe 78hýCéiebrate Golden txnniversary taneof gra a.father, r e- aeBoohmothci8hmanville. Sonrays u P p e cý insuof shaw. ati wre îthbirthdsy. Guesta incluadeti Mr.'g î c.Ml their parents, Mr. anti Mca. Amos Broakham, . Mr. anti'bue Pime ere ndMxs. atMs e'litY' 4- Arnald Etcher. anti John, Mca. John Marîsette, M.M a. S. Soochim Bw Mrauhl. . xŽ , 'ý "x~ Orchard Vlew William Nicholson anti Master, 4it*¾ Next Monday. Febroaîy 2nd. Siuart Nicholson, al cf Osh- Ssturday evening visitais y , . l the tiste the grauudhog xiii awa; Mca. Doris Haoyd. Mr. ihMat r. A. W...hv ermerge frain hia haiin the anti Mis.William lïalravl1Peci wr c niMc. .,, 1 d' -,,,»-~ ,. . grudttk oka h rHerbert Pesacott anti family, ~'".,s4 u4sw. grouti a tke aloa attheM ansutMca. Ted Haliman, MpeGae ,s»~-~ state of his surcoundinga.MaeGoe. -W1nî nt i. enshTcr,. ~ Visitai5atnd5 past week ith >' -y" the sunIsn ashining, bis shadowM ni c.Aln er, isiati M is. amsSnea XA will frighten hlm sud he'il Mcandies TsryJameati! 4f .. ecoiry back lu - meanlug an- Mis. Gaction Tecry, Mr. ant' Si. wers Mr. anti Mis. Koiu»rf. <*~ s " zitr other six weeks of winteî. Ma oulsKep hic'Losch, Torouto. Mr. and Mca. . ,4 , Congratulations sud beat ]Bowm.anvilemrJonRBc1James Sinales anti Locies, -s V.. t-r.Z~' '. Oshawa, wece Sondsy visitais. --. wlahea ta Mi. Fcank Worten, ton, Zion; Miss Elisabsth îaent!Feîay7hi S ,4' t " formerly af thia ares. who ce- Saunders, Oshawa. - Pl Daene lbu theC. E V.. hucythty. Mc. act ien, whVlentni avc inipper E cenitly e--erat eti bIs 93rt-qSonda, . goeats- with Wing -sponsoceti by- Hampton« ha,,;cesidet witbh a tisuebter in';i niMs.Fe ary Unitedi Church Doubles Club. Cobourg for the ant thies wece Mr. sud Mca. Amnos At the hast Browuie meet- 4a. , veara, la quite actixve, altbog cobm hwat c hs Bcawnies anti their s--.4 < he dosa net enjoy the beat of!John Burton, Zion. leaders enjoyeti a sleigh pacty health. anti enjays watchingi c RnldWht a [c anti 13 yaung ladies passet hockey on TV anti gaing foratrieihmlltrhvn their skater's badge test. On car drive. spent. sevecal weeks wltb thsý Satucday, the Bîownies anti Mc at Ms.Po!BiiGootyear Splce Cscew at Fart:ibtleir leaders, Mias. Bacb Hinti- ..P (Mortel) -anti 16-manthsa-ld'Mcoiyl otenAJis.District Commissioner. g Dehors. I h ave spenit anbera. Leaders Mis. Vivian Hunt anti enjoyable five wsek viit withl Mr, sud Mia. Steve Actymý Mca. Viola Rodtiy anti Mis. lier parents. Mr. anti Mca.Rosi' weic Satura I liyevnn guesta5 I Marslyo White, plus thc tevens, Scugog St-, anti ot-» withMr. anti Mis. John Fia rowimiothers saw a vecy S relatives anti fiesinsl h ikc aaa byat:tend1- rolorful show ai the 'Ice Fol- alliea, Ieft by air froin Toronto et a get-tagether for Mi1, antiý lies iu Toronto anti repart a on Satuctiay for BiusaeiV, Mis. John Hutchuk cf_ Winni- lovely time. Gineva - anti Rame, anti wihl'psg. Man., wha arc visstiug Suutiay aupper gesats with reach their homne on Kinshasa. , ere. . ,Mr. ant is. Roniald Ciemens, Congo, Africa, on February i Mr. anti Mca. T. M. Chlant1 Brent anti Brati were Mr. anti 4tb. werc Satucday evsning zup- Mca. Edigar Wright, Betty. anti Remen-ber when the poWcr1 per gusats of 'Mr. ant irMs,,. Lawrence, Enniakilen, Mr. lawin mowec was -a- npvelty lun jack Ca s ni lv' niMia. Jim Moller sud the neighbacbaat ai how'Thborabhll. Mr, anti Mis. Ar-' Dacyl. Mr. anti Mis. -Murray pcaudiy the ownsr temnonstiat- inait Veiner, Seagrave, 'eeAxfoîd anti Melanlie, anti weekend guests with Mr. sud Mis.A. b. Blanchad. SMia. T. M. Chant. Mr, anti Beatet congratulations ta Mis. T. M.,Chant weîe Suniav!r'M. anti Mis. Gordi Wilbuî ST. AND EW'S I vS supper gucats, wtM, whc pecently clebcated their ST. AND EWS ind mis. Menuet ai Seagrave. 25tb wctdinig anniveisary at PresbyerianIhurch Mr. sud Mca. Harot Bai Th e Acres witb their fm!- !-on, Hampton, anti My. anti lies, Mr. anti Mis.,-Ray Cou- !Mis. Stan Pîngle, Bowman ýroux Mr, anti Mca. Elmer ' Minuster:ville have ceturneti tor hall-1,Wibur anti Mr. anti Mcc. Rer. J. S. Glîhrisi, B.A. tiaing in the Barbados, West Merve Cryderman.I Indies, They repart 'enpsîs Mr. anti Mis. Ray Coorooxý SUNDAY, FER. i tr1ragn rm 8t 0W5ieS Sinday supper guet degfrees . Whst with ahi the witb Mr. sud Mca. Et cou- Mornîing Service snow we have accend t, roux at Kendal. ila imakes a few cf os veîy en- Gladti t repasr Mr. John vious.Burraws is home fiait bis! - urning of th sx niMa Hae mt tay in the hospital ant i l . , «.... s.s-~.- attentict the fun cral hast Wed- mucb improvet aler a batl Churcb Mnrtgage nsa nOhw fMs case cf the flo. iMr. and Mis. Aithur G. Holliday iHaîcv James, the former1 ýWh aar facflly colet1 Former piomineut residental Guesta the mem- ci af Bowmrauville i.. , 2384,1 SermonTapie Olive C. Nitidery. snwoa gin hsee~f this aeMr. anti Mr'Sia rable occasion incîtieti the aPast Master cf Cartwright!I "Nec Tamen Weer ucawihM.aIw oigt e h n 1Aihr G. Haliday, weeRev osDoriifstA ti- ctbadge, eant iPasti anti Mca. Roy Meicaîf wsc.i? obatilk ecaa guests cf houai aon the occasion' I Master of the Coujnty Orange Consumnebatur" Mr. anti Mis. Bruce Steven-, thnsiede sîtit, ~3'tof thei sth wsdting auniver-1 h of 'aLdge cf Durhamn 'est, At nDetrait. Michigan. A Sat-atiineei hesesrtyoftesarv, at a reception wbich waIlîhe .eýJh Smitba cf 'St.Eler so ý4 -*---- --ey - John1 1 - ý.. pissent lhel ilf-ie Ie RILUUTII ruimunemu ria inMiss Joan Crawford c1 f et OU WSflt 10 do 'chrefaqusinpit. iuuru riAfiAn antiwoo fame. As wel. somethig about your Anïlngtssepeeu b TIIRIT NTD U CH iEetdMaster eeeedctn... owh special plaque was aecvtieuatam ..yu spoke were Waco. Bico. Natban- c j 1icilBelcis o avia atbecu Mc. Wayne Baîley, Orano 1fs-cm the Hon. Johsu P. Rab- prabably can. 1-c Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. w cstyintîeia ast. Prime Minister cf Ont- lne or6 yasa Organist - Mr. William M. Findlay, B .A., ei cf the Ocana Masonici aile, andtihie Go; ciment cf Sce Yaur Aduit 1serveti as Coumty Seéc'y fac' A.C..O. A..C.. bdge, A.F. anti A.M.,,Na. 325.uai; nialion oe ver 50 yeaxa. Wcc. Bro. The csremouy tcak place et froua Mayor D. Newman anti 'Caunsellor Her-y Jskeman. s member: SUNDY FBRIARYlsttise Msanic Hall, Ocano,- witis!the Town' Council cf XVbitby.fovec. 65 Yeaxs, also spoke.ý Mr. Cas-I Bilhinga, uncle cfM, ri100 Icienti ansut ela- EVERY MON[DAY Amalgamnation witi W est! 100 ..Bsilsy, beiug the iusteling af- t!Pie calîsdtt exteut thei besi! Dra a o prvda 100 ficer. The instaling teain aas aishes ta Mr. anti Mca, Holli-' EVENING Duhain asent iet apati t Speaker: REV. T. GRACIE, mate up cf Pasi Masters af'day, who ass receiveti mauy Master Wcc. Bic. R. J. Payne I the Lotiges. Mc. Bailsy at tise carda, sereral floral arcangj_. 7 ta 9 p.xn. at the avas aakedti t take charge- cfli -àSt. John's Anglican Chuîch age af 27 yeaîs la the yaungest jinst anti e number cf pieces, O M NIL the election anti installation' mason ta oItol the cifice of of goît engraveti china, inclut- B W AVoL f officers anti this tlstise claie Chuîch Sehool Haurs Master cf Orono Ladgs. jung a beautiful gelti colaceti HIGH SCIIOOL of cfficera for 1970: Countyl Other officers installet wcie:140o-day Kunto clark freintise. Master, Woc. Bic. W. Este-1 Beginneis, Kindergarten and Primaîy Depts.. IPM,, R. Winter; Sr. W., Alicongregatian caîsrcv Guidance Office is;Dpî,Wc i.F et 10:1 a.nx.Hearti; Jr. W., Robert Johnson;UieiCurs A pleasaut' Falla;, Chaplalu, Wor. Bro. D.ý at 1:15 .m.Si. D., Jerk Fouk; Jr. D., Klaas surprise avas a long distancE The service is fiee - Grahain; bec. Sec'y., Woc.ý Junor Iteredat anýSenor--eet.- Schaenakec; 1. Quart, Rolanti phone caîl fcanetheir formeir inla -and~-o Bro. N. Beardsaley;Lectocers, Bate, eeilyrSyètainni hR, .Tn Yri Wor. Bras. A. J. Trotter anti at 11:00 a.nî. Wilson: Jr. S., But Archibalti anti bis wife Lynu, wbe are- appaintmepnt s b. Waugb; Maîshal, Wor. Pro.' R 2,. 2,Newcatle;- -ec-- { 'mcxv isiting li Bclla -Bellea-e'iyGa Tate -Tler, War. Bro. Duvail; Tieas., C. Biulings. IB.C. i____________ Deyell. Au inv itation wag re-11 celvsed froua Port Hope fair Tie Canatian Statesman, Bawmanrills Jeu- 28, 193707 Cammeacratian cf the Battli ;of tise Bayne, Bud1E Tise paasing cf Elgin t. r s iu irt cf Siascos bcougitst tateinents!fl ENfrNI . .sC, cf regret anti sorraw fions Mca. Doris Camecon anti Mrc Mr. anti Mis.D. Wonnia- many people. He came bers Francis W. Werrywaers unîteti mdkec Seegrave, Mr. anti Mus. finit about 1944 wheu be pur-, in maris-lesou Seturtsa, anti Cedi Raisin, Union, avers gusta caseti the Curtis pîoperty est after tise reception aviiri waa at Mn. anti Mca. A. Sharp's. cf Sandy Hock. He plantet heit et tise home of 'Mc. anti Mc, anti Mra. M. Poilas-tMr. saine lu trees anti other pro- Mis. Jins Moccecrafi, Bowman- anti Mca. S. Lambs antiMc. sud pertic5s as aveil. He as thiseville. they left for s haney- Mis. Boti Chsabsrs, were tirai tics gcawec ta introducemo l unylia.Cnraflera at IMr. anti Mis. C. tise Dcuuiug cf tises. He bat gratuleriona to tise bride atiStaiutcn's. thon (idtChritis es) n Abe- groom. Mc.bLawrence Wright, Toc- Dinay 1954 'bt aes) evebreli GIMadMis. Harvey Me-: anto; Mr. anti Mca, E. Wright lu 15 Cana a He at conractai î il r. anti Mca. Ted Wry isud Betty. attentet a f amîly inii Ctanad ra. ehad ta pruav ere guestsaiettise receptian cf 1 i nsi perty et Mc. anti Mca. withothr gowes prne'tise Csmsran-Werxy avetding il RauCleins, Hempton. thiss trc5 aviicis gave sin- et tise home cf Mr. anti Mcs.I Mr. anti Mis. Dean Pariait, picymnent ta mani-. He bat ýJus Moorecraît, Bowmeanville.! bamilton, avers iveekeuti gucas dispaset cf aillcf -lus lent cof Mr. anti Mis. A. b. Weaîn. bers but still bat option au, FaIllas,Perry Beggs; Steards Mr. sud Mis. George Icavin saine aproce. He cxxnet aji foi tares ysara, Mxs. Dave avers recent visitais cf Mr. sud iovsly home ucer Simcos antiPrision, Mca. C. Faillas, Mca. Mca, Wm. Ashston, Cassarea. lu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V ealLiy a we etbangos, Mca. C. Mac- anti Mr. anti Mca. Frank Purtiy, trucksng business., A lover cf Ke-r, Mes. O. Auderson, Wil- Bowavsnvilîs. baises, ie bat jutiged t et nu5' id Rlcharion, Les Feur-. Mc. sut Mis. GernetGocyne, ll talcs, is many frientis!horst Wînstcn Stewart, John IJohn, Don sud Audirey, Cour- bes-s wsrc unable ta attend Payue, Cliff Curtis. Motion Itics; Miss Judy Nehi. Meple bis funcral Seturtiay bot a by William Haîpsu, ascanteti Grave; Mr. anti Mca. Flayd floral tributs was given frein by Cliff Faillas, tisa peapîs Beekeit, Misa Mais Beckett, local fcicnts. To bis avdide waere sîsctid. - caîcieti. ,Mc. Russell Tshb, avers Sun- anti failîr ur sincreet sy- day afternecu dinner guesis o? patby sud aur ati"Goot Paisanage Boarti: Mr. ad:reutMs.Wye ekt Bye" toa e go fuient. 00Mus. Chiff Curtis, Mr. ant c u c. an eki Mc. Delbsît Bawlns, Mr. anti anti Penny. Congregational Meeting Mca. J. Cochrcane. Motion by!Mr. anti Mca. C. Avery, ITise annuel Congregatianal Curtis Ma-cKay, secontisi blutna anti John avers Suntiay Meeting avas belti in lise base-, Yvonne Faillas - cacristi. dinner guestsa aiMc.-anti Mum ment cf tas Pautypaci Chuci Special aost.inittss for tise Cemeron Oke'a, Oshsava. folcwing a pot luck su.ppcc.1,Parsanage Board avas set m c u c.Ji isa The meeting urus openeti aitist- eptIeBthn uad gicla attendeti e bictbtiay a hvmn. On motion cf Wil- Comi;ame elebration ai Mca. S. Kinsi Vai Haper acentt 1 C itcs rsgardiug tise new man's, Couctice, on Setorday. Jiak Panr, e ca. Betylsitîng betng punt ou the Betis-1Mr. anti Mca. Jabn Belle, Pacestneiras. att OCLouy Menase.This commutte t Pbiiip anti Karen, avere Sua- Preson ws t actas serre- be Orval Anderson anti Wil- day visitais et Mr. anti Mca, W, tar for tise e.vening sud ttIeriai Harper - moveti byr Cuc- Qciffiu's. ase woold purrisase a baose uis MacKay, secautiet by Mis. Earl Treavin anti Mrý. leaf heokierta iscît minutes:Yvaune Failla - cariet. F oswcsget tts cof this meeting sut future AtFi.: voTeFall;sahe wVer Clbues er meeting5suad sains to be keu)ý to YvoWne Fa11iSVley iwCubh o lu tise chocis, - nsWilia Harper, Fîitiay ta help celebrate tise Willam arpr cat iseseconteti by Orval Andeisan. 45tis wetding ennirerasy cf treasurer's report shcwing Anieso & Service: Orval Mr. sud Mca. Austin Frankin», tctal ceceipta as $4,012.65 andiAneron; movei by Curtis1 Oshawva. Congratulations, total expenasa as S3,899.94, MscKey, seconteti by Chsffl Mr. sud Mca. Adans Sharp hesving s haleurs on bant cf FaIlla - carniet. wsre ceceut tinuer gustaof $112.71. On motion by Wm. Sunday Scisool Supertuteuti- Mis. Cecil Robinson, Orona., Harpe-, serandeti by Cllff eut ai this tise Yvonne FaIlla Mr, anti Mca. Len Stepisen- Failla, tisis report avas accept-badtubeisgnto aoWiby avr Sniy et - caccieti. S.S. Supsulutendent anti matis visitais et Mr. anti Mis. Raui TiseMemoiat ond epothtie motion that Mca. Marie' Stepbenson's. Little Misa Miel'- Thes tisMet kisy Wns.reprtFinney he tise mcxvSuperin- elle Stephenson cetorneti home iabowiug s b-anis balaince of tentent, secondait by Jerk avitis greutiparsura for a week"s $582,46 aviri no expentituies. Payne - carrnet. holiday. fac tise yeac. Movet hy W. i Reverent Northsy moveta Mca. O .Ahol pn Harpr, scetici b Cotsavote et thanks Vo Mus. l'allia tmg a aveek's riait whth ber MacKay- iscrneportbe ri for ahI ber wock in tise Sun-, braisersaet Otteawa anti East ceptet - _Carrnet. day Sciscol. il Tempiston. TiseMiaiansy &Mainen- Trustees avers ce-clectet ouI Mca. barbeT Gcaavbaîg-, MIr, suce report waa tissu reati isvmotion by C-urtis MacKay,l anidMca. Francis buugifj OraYuesn.Mrt ýsecolntist by Rets MacKay.i!Millhiook, wcre with Mri. u Orval Andierson, secanded bWr They are b. Van Wicningen, i Mca. R. Lamb, Mia. Grawbaî- Yvcnne l'allia, ibis report beýèFerry Beggs, Aubcey Cala, gsi cemaineti wlth Mr. sand jaceptd -caried 'Rbh. Brownu, Gardon Kirk. Mis. Lamb for a riait. acrptei -caretMr. Naitiey toit us tisai ahi'Ms-. anti Mca. blayd Sîsson Or-val Anderson tisen gavetoaoaaelib rsî nitmlbyoaeeSn tise Session report, avsihil dntin Sadb ratc.ndfml, adn -rSn moveti by Orval Anxders apprecietet for tis esait- day tinuci guesta cf Mia. P. scondet by Jerk Payne, tU iuig being put an tise Manie lu Toms. ibis -report be- accepter!-ar1Betb-auy. Mr. Harolti White Sonry ta, report Mr. Frank ried, of -Betiseny -la -now- accepting Doclent bhas-ahlngles- anti MM, Tise U.C.W. report avas ceeudcdnationsa. Murcray Marshisaill hwhth thse by Yvonne Faillalun tise ah - Mis. Yvo nne Faliiî5tissu ex- tic. We wîah bath tisa folk, senre cf U.CW. Piestent presseti tise Poutypacol con-- a spsedy rcorery IMua. Daîathy Lethangue. Tis; gregatiocafs appresiaion. toi By looka cof thînga ibisnmare- report aboavec total rcespîsRevecend anti Mca. Ncrtheyling, tise bytro men were as $1.434,65. total expendiorail tissu help- aince t1iywocking an tise siceet ligis. toia $.30,4 ani alace uihave moirer! ta ur aiea. I Enniakîllen xxiiil eail bright haut as $377,09» Moveti hyi The meeting tssu adjaurneli utse erenunga mcxv. Yvonue Falîlas. erontet by! Orval Andeson, this report, bcs arepteti - carnetd.C Gaven Cuitais tisais gave tht om ing" Peacuange Boairtireport avi Ii ae movet by Gaven Cuxtic secanteti iy Cliff Fallia., tris to nowmanvimie *ownnarimi report ise arcepteti - carrnet Considerable discussion ce, a new churris cîgan folho>Wet ED DI eut a commuttes cf tic--e, Ii'IU J IULRIM" namely Bey. Northey, Williami Harper. Yvanne Faillas, aec RAPHAEL GREEN'in person set up on motion. by lack' Payne, seccudeti hy Curtis I an savJanuaî'Y 29t orgas. - carrnet.1800pn Tise elertion cf Stewards 8:0 p.m avas tissu issî. Stewards 1crý ta be C Mac Rolary Travelogue Serie Kar, b. Vencuringen. Ralpi. oay Ta elg e S r Porter, Oea. Van Dans Si., Peuh Mucha, Deibsît Bo'uns,;! Season's Ticket Single Admissiion Stewards for crie ycac, Ha- 60 12 Brown Jains Cochrcane, Mca.ý 1Ken Falla, Wm. Harper, Clif f Yý-vPRICES EFFEC' BUCKLEY'Sa MIXTURE 99 Sugg. list 1.25 BUCKLE YS WHITE RU 'B Sug it79e67 DR'. CH-ASE HERVEFOO3 180 PilUs Sugg. list 275 POLIDENT TABLETS Ai 321S 83L sugg- list 98e PINEXCOUGH L 6 oz. î71c Sugg. list 1.0 VIVE UNTIL SAT., JANUARY 31 i F. D. S.' IFeminine Deodorarînt j Spray Sugg. list 1.89 1*57 BRONCHIDA Cough Syrup 8 oz. _ 85C QUELLIDA2 PEDIATR1C Cougli Syîup 4 oz. 1.-59 VICKS VAPORUR 13sSugg. list 68e-57 SINUTAB SA- Tbes10's 13 TEMPLETON'S TRC's 36sSugg. list,1.79 ---1.41 "LET US FILL YOUR NEXT PRESCRIPTION"E PRESCRIPTIONS -LD.A.REMEDIE ft~LEXMcGREGOR 5 KING ST. W. PHONE-623-5792

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