neTl Canadln SatesanBowmanvlfe, Jan. 28, 1970 B Frnk MINohun 62372341 MINOR HOCKEY WEEK - TIME TO GIVE CREDIT 1-ere we are in the mIdst of Miner Hockey Week, right eross Canada, where the motte is "Take y our boy te the iena, and stay te watch him play."1 Bowmanville's usuel big 'Oshawa Golf Club Rink Wi-ns -7-Year FiIIy Spiel ftve gaine day, culminating this week's action had to ha postponed te make way fer fr-st round Ontario Association VA E playoffs. But it will be held et a later date. Tioung M A uiII We thought tli'at this might be a good time to glve credfit icô those unsung and t times mahîgned people, wthout whom,.B I n a lot of boys wou1dn't be playing organized hockey. 'Unlike -Y,»ny years ago, when you could round rip a gane on a nearby Jaur 25th felId that you had flooded- hockey has te be erganized. MIanly on acceunt of the fact that we have many many more Tewma Pts. Pinfail Lewis ___ 23 20041 boys playing hockey now- and those vacant areas aren't as _______ 14 185 plentiful as they once were. Cain _____ Il 17368 Yessir, we owe a great deal te the coaches, managers, and Carter ____ 10 18129 officlals, who freely donate their time and effort, se our boy Seileck____ 8 17707 Beauprie 6 17703 can play hockey. Sometîmes, it means getting up et an early High Triple- S. Ca 773, heur, when after a tougb week's work, you would sooiieri R. Etcher 753, W. Lewis 740, sleep In. Or pei-haps It means rushing from wox-k and going J. Tucker 685, P. Raycraft 'wthout supper. But these guys do it week after week. 643, S. Carter 639, J. Patfield Te te flloingpeope wo ae ivolvd i. te Rcre 639, R. SelIeck 638, A. Chit- To te flleingpeole ho ae ivoled a te Rcre- tick 618, S. Pi-out 607, B. Mc- 'on Departmeat's miner hockey programme, we tip oui- bat Quaid 602. tra job being done exti-emely well: High Single - S. Cain 294, TIYK-E LEAGUE- Brian Pux-dy, Patrick Gould, Paul Sobil, 242, 237; R. Etcher 201, 282, Ed Johnson, Don McArthur, Jamie Slacke, Mike Heenan, 27 W ei 9,21 .Pt i;field 275, 204; N. Neads 224, Lair? Dewell, Dave Snowden, Alex Alexander and J" 203; ýL. Patterson 201; H. ,,;huItz. More"266; C. Palmer- 251; J. ATOM LEAGUE - Bill Saddler-, Bill Godfrey, Éteve Watson, Lugtenburg- 216; E. Patterson Reg Watson, Glen Hodgson, AI Lobb, Gaith Clark, Gerald 215, M. Rosseau 240; S. Car- ter 217, 273; J. Tueker 296, Mackey, AI Strike, Jim Schultz agàin, "Huck" Balson, Leo 220; H. Mitchell 202; P. Ray-. ]i!aclean, John Whyte, Gord Cobbett and Mel Ricard. craft 244, 230; B. Bu#rîey 211, PEE WEE LEAGUE - Glenn Finney, Jim Farrow, George 208; P. Lyle 219; S. Pi-out 200, Dillon, Grant, Hen-on, Ken Sullivan, Jim Macregor, John 230-, A. Chittick 215, 245; B. Jozkoski, Banner Passant, Richard Hughes, L. Wry, Buc"MQ A ver2g7. Çvole, Bob Falrey, Jack Brough, Greg Corden, Bai-iy Howar-d, R. Selleck .-___243 Water ink, AI Sweetman, Alex Wiseman, George Jones, B. Burley- 240 Jack Locke and John Conbay, W. Lewis ______232 R. Etcher _______224 BANTAM LEAGUE - Jiax Cryderman, Ait Foxan, "Bucky" S. Cain- _ ____ 2231 Janack, Siebe Luchies, "Woody" Lee. Jiax Stephenson, Fred J, Tueker _____201 àlheehan, AI StrIke again, Keith Smith and Jim Ruddy. J. Lugtenbua-g 201 '341DGET LEAGUE- AI Cole, Cec Mutton, Fred Sheehan J. Patfield ______199 and Jiax Stephenson once more, "Chuck" Kilpatick, Bei-t AS'Carter_______ 198. perfect, Gary Griflia, Reg WVatson, BihI Bagnell and Vern p. Lugtenburg 187 Gi-ribla.N. Neads ______184 ,ATOM ALL STARS - Don Wilex,.Don Badour and Jerry G. Palmer ______177 Mrso.H. Moore ________176 ~OTTiSofl.B. Gibson ___.~ 176 PZE WEE ALL STARS - John Fowler and Georgen Sainsbury. W. Harrison _____ Ï74 tA1NTAM ALL STARS - Ter-xy Black and Don MeMurter. P. Lyle 171 ' And lest but by ne means least, thanks te the hockey H Mitchell-______169 aetaff referees and scoxers: "Bud" Perfect, Kimx Rogers, Randy S Pi-eut -_______ 169 - . ~. . , h.Patterson ______1671 E. Etchei 0. Etchei 0. Patfi, X . Evans A Buttoi won the high one gaine award. The winners from iS. Davis Oshawa are shown above, frein ieft te right, Shirley M atg j Campbell, lead; Jean Pickering, 2nd; Mary Metcalf, M. pe,-' skip and Betty MacDonald, vice. Bonspiel convener. ý was Queenîe Fletcher, Prize Committee, Bea Vanstone and Betty Lander; Social, Lii Dîp'peli and Ivy Rundie; Scorekeeper, Viv Cewan. The curlers were welcomed by the President of the Women's Section, Freda Kranip. M 1 whil Bob Leveille, MeI Put- Â-,Ca%%É 1n am, Sam Thempson and Tedl Town Lge. Baskethallï Coronation Café e dg edl gess six. Hooper's Jeweilery 31-30, and Bob Souch pottea -d ý*ze4 Stephen Fuels tstopped Ken's for the losers, wîth Va*ighari Men's Wear 40-17 in Town Maskell netting 11 and Dort Basketball League action, last Degazio five. Tuesday night at the High Stephen's led ail the war Sehool gymnasium. in the nîghtcap as seven play- It was the sixth straight ers shared in the scoring. loss for the Jewellers, who John James led the way wiý, bad previously won their first nine, "Joe" Burgess, Di five starts. The Fuels win Martin and Dave Chatflil, moved them past Hoopex's in_ each garnering six, Danny, te the runner-up siet, onlv Seto with f ive and Kevi For- twe points back of leagueý- r-et two. leading Coronation, Marques Haynes was tha In the lid-lifter, Coronation losers' best, collecting six grabbed an early 9-4 lead, but aOn D îeCopr ak M our the Jewellers forged in front adDu opraddfu 15-14 et the hall and it was apiece, 20-20 headlng inte the final Ttiai Standins quarter. IW, ..UPts. Three players accounted for Corenation Cafe 7 4 14 ail the Cafe scoring, Bill' Stephen Fuels 6 5 12 Scribe collecting 16 points, I Hooper's Jewelx-y 5 6 10 Beam aine and Wayne Bur-' Ken's Men's Wear 4 7 a ILadieS' Major eBowlingI janssary' 26'D Brooks _____205, J. Tennant ______204 Standings B. Piper -----202 - __ _- E. Meocre __?_ 02 ______9 M. Lewis-- 209 k ____ 8 H. Hazelden 200 r, 7 Gaines 200 and cxci' nshaw 71 E. Moore 228, 279, 275, E. 6ý Etcher 312. 257> M» Lewi,,s Id ___- 5 224, 200, J. Tennant 249, 225, olds 4i- - ' N. Ev ans 209, 208, M. Hately _ _ _ _ 4 - -- ~ 259, 276, B. Buttonshaw 211, 3272, 200, B. Osborne 24b, 24 High Single ID. Wolnik 226. 278, M. M --- ----- -- 271Knight 224, 214, 0. Etcher- ,her32,2, 23i), 327, S. Davis 227, High TripleI B. Wiseman 227, J. Harness fore 782 213, M. Clemengex- 212, G. SMasters 226, D. Mutton 251, Averages 'B. Piper 231, T. Foi-rester 202, !r 235'F. Draper 208, E. Whiteheacd S ____-- - 2352 61, B. Tex-iy 231, L. La ke 203. ld 2271 J. Bromell 212, H. Reynolds s ____ 2261 299 D. Green 221, F. Lewis rshaw_____ 2231204, 238, I. Hellax 219, 2509 ________222! H. Rogers 201. H. Moore 208, elds-____ 212 D. Park 218, J. Green 201, [y 2111 M. King 264, L. Piper 228, s ---- 2101M. Perris 231. Il Our StorleI INCLUDING 0. Etchej 'M. King D. Wolnâ E. Etcher, M. Hately B. Button S. Davis 0. Patfke H. Reyno M. Cole B. Tex-xy D. Brook.ý Onie Etcl Eileen 1ý