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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1970, p. 13

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AME BLCKSOCK bata, , lc Unaae.A c- .,) - 404. soo~aih*zards without 825/15 21.95 1.8 sidn fCnad anrein 914aI 'itýfm n.limit as ta tim'e or 851 39 08 6.4_._& h Fte n Son Ban- ar IOshawa fer 43 Yeace, 84 thé st CrtwrghtWfth Wàe-m sale Ee> qe fleltCcwih lack Lake, Qucier. She mas W.ieal ny$ a xr Qt" Scout Orgenizalian was belci a member aIEv Fangel Pente-44 twl: n 2eaExrM Gai.l . on April iti et tic Reccea- costal Chur, Farewell Ave. 1sn.-vVPasn cbap hks uvvdby a daugit- TUI&AT Ipt1h AB mentand r. Pter all sasns, Michael af Bomnian-1 - PHONE 623-5431 s0poko on bis cale as Provin- Ville andi Rev. Paul Sievehuk es ir T*1e u 3 pil 55 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE éFieldSeccetary. Tic lead- o aIPlinêstân, Ont.; c ight F. AILVIN 9OYDb LIMITED andi Cuis gave a ceport on tice grandchildre.n. Sic mas pro-1 85 KING ST. W. BOWMAN VILLE PHONE 6333 work Ihey hadi donc in thel deceaseti by a son, Josophi Service D4.adStr or Wbest _et. andeSore eour eetd iti a tcapby as The memoniel service was FJUDAVS - -NA.M, TO09Ç, P. fie bstaIl round Venlurer, held - et tie Armstrong Fun- F -A .T ,M -- -I Il I~ it!IDavidi Mlclm eg lie besti cra Herbe, Fniday. April 21h. ______________________________ Scouta1-CampandPuLrRvAlîienyodcr[îAâA -3' ___ j mealhbsti terClàsoep MouAi Lekn center - Lo a-K nsmen W\ înri Service ShieIdle he ~d tiBak o o ilce Choir Cornes Firsi Te nadâApr. 29, 11owrao-471 I~~II~uI~uI ""stock last Juré. Thé evening WestlalÉ) le l' the Menirinai LlGrave an( aiil closed with the singing of Hosp ia. e ini- e uc nR.Dv nn.~n EVesperl W wshe The atternoan Unit of the't radMs a fi Sunday evening vistors and f=afy Ohw u.c.w.met atthe hoe ofîwth Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wolf hnigeest Mrs. Victor Parsons on April weelk eeM.adMe odI hsae ii eh l4th with 12 members and Wel wr r n r odi one visiter present. In, the ab-VlinotLSdy tanley Tylr-1tfe sence oid the leader Mr Miny rom itis c6mmunty among hiecti idsi Strong, Mrs. Walter Wright rither Attended or toik part Anid Went frniho wa i care ndopmeiý the Gymnasiumn ditplay tet Archer whlaerésnf with a poem "May You teCHaveéScod isôt h Enaugh" Mrs.Ruseel Mounton Thursday and Frlday ev-11rminutés wt heVl I oycoanducted a fine mworsiiip ýi' en nings. jtrunk of tecr on the thleme "Life la Meat W revr srytoh - ~. ta be he Birblennethd that Mr. Doug. Lynde, wh-ol AnyBieRdr Sarmells 100k teBbetd recenl moved fromni Solîna N.n ae cnuce0 Bbl aNewcAatle, as had àanother, In YurNmiy - uz.Bsneslcluded plansi Wý fiesrt Attack and je in Oshawa orthe Dessert Luncheon, forHopt.Wealaeenng Yu cnhp ot± adtegth e sumer wddMg1ur best wishes for a eteady 1YOUr younser ymk Sandta te "Iea Mrket onIniprovement in health. ing surety rfn. April 25th. Meeting cbýile Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hô- iliar wt rfi et- with the Lord's iPrayer, atter rfbodneet hwek atsadthrbki whieh lunch was served andedwt e prnsM n a social lime enjoyed. e MX .e. Sh epares , r.and cekdfo ehn. nie reguler W. I. card prty cal M:fty on Wednesday had the follow,- ,Buno atrbwcr- ing winners: Ladies, let ErmaU K TNr u hliih ih Strong, 2nd. Hazel Englisfr b hut i a ollsaê Men, lst Hector Shortridge, r el unad4b u Bn lid ert Gibsan, Keit Te rde 4 choir from iSouth Courtice Public Schooi, shown here minus Mrkel uj~r nd Mrs iBernHubbard, towrmanville wt acr an , 2VanCamp, Joyce Kelly. Trhe about eight pupils who were absent on Monday, came f irst in their cIass at the, were Sundey calters af several I mîght nedrincilhu be eld~ essn wllPeterborough Music Festival. Their teacher is Miss S. Stenson and Mui îedan hvile if he reuid x nî' Mr. Russell Brown and Mrm. Director is John Butler. r D.Iryant î ie ih1dna friends tn Memoriali Hospîtal, rèsuit. Walter Lawrence are bath jMr. Elgin Taylor.lilThî, h patients in Port Perry Hos r r.~ aelBtey otosyucnbywt Congratulations la M~~ha as their guests On Sunri à srécent guest nf Mr.'yu uooieisr 'Heln Sainwha dd: Sunday evening vis i toars da and Revin, Oshawa day, Mr. and Mrs. Jebsan and Chester Hasken end Mr. and! raaewith Mr. and Mrs. Hlarvey Mrs. R Pace BerlDrt, evro.jMr.Jerk Sinclair aeiîl. nce frCi AG Coefrom he e ons istnt Yellûwlèsani famiiy Wereinrian and Gary were supperi Mr. And Mrs. John Knox Mr. and MIrs. E. Fitzgerald rrinforion a day venig. M. Hao1d~Mr. and Mre. Glenn Larmerl, guellts un Saturdlay with Mr. 1 attendc the funeral seifvice spent Tueeday ini Kitchener, A LC Depuity Governor Ralph Whyte pro sents coveted Service Shield to Bow- Swi r n c . Doug and Cralg, Blackstock. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe ta for their aunt, Mrs. Ethel Mr. Cý. Cooper, rnwsi ~e t anville Kinsmen Club president Don Masterson. Swain attended the cerêmoàn- Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, celebrate Beverly's birthday. I {ood of Green River, aI a Sunday supper guest 0f Mrsli Bowmanvil i226 Ediore ote Te ollw ios ad hemanrelaingstllta he wn esdecliées held in Hart Holapent the weekend wth - Mr. On Sunclay they were at Mr. Markham on Salurday after- W. Bryant., j bdtref n o anvfll-ensomputhe mach reains ~nth inohé dt emd.1 M.LryHokn aiand Mrs. Tom Baker and and Mrs. J. Dyer's, Oshawa, noon, and were lâlOr tea Miss Jean Davey. TôronoPiLDS Kin rented es tvt e s n uoaio aecaiThe prai ect waonaken ta the ,eekend with aiy.1o aohrgteig acf- ust ihM.adMrISMr.- and Mis, Deane Hodgson, Rt ees n~~men Cluautoaaitnivaveeshnged alr waerâî meme the r adMr.'en ai. Saturday supper guests wifli bcàte Beverly's birthda. Howard Malcolm. Brougham, Ajax were gueseofIMrs. R.,9749 fircICnfrnc er.~ lives tremendausly How di éérlMâ.IalMr. and Mrs. Rose Cryderman Mra. R. Pascoe recently Many of the Junior Farm-1 Davé; Sâturday.IAN HO P N lhmth evieSheiwe gel this fer? Wihomadie reaily greei t Mnl pardci MIU EnJTrPenerinsk, wo hn h'evc hedpossible lhe ty pe o f lie we pation. The names aI the ten- len, Mrs. Lloyd Slemon and, Werray arei Msh. ack o isit , wityMs. . tocsc sfrmlt Sun cetmni- IM.dMrs J eelnR. 2 Nte awr . o i e e teme f au an îryhe athwrles ri ad el etion an , HMa. Ro îri c ba ughlin M , Sunday suppr guests wih i Sunday supper guests w îh castle on Friday evenng. Srand a tth OMr aad Ms.nT. Sevie Shel Fesnttonhae onrîutrimuh thoras a ndanded ét a st leion rayalrnon c n r.breKlet r rDnTyorldee Rr mny fghnl l IbsunBaily CIAGM. aNd-URACT haecnrbtd mc ewere Mr. andi Mrs. Donald[iMr. and Mcc. A.,F. Aberi community are sorry ta hearMr. Ralph Grece, 13, aofOprt~Inuae for Bowmanville Imaintain and furtheri tic prog- prospective tenants and Offor Miss Doceen VanCamp, Tor- KelletBowmanville,. anri Mr.!t andi grandcilidren. Jean andIthâl Mrs.- F. Cook, Bow ,a- W., Weterloo, .spent the week- AsoatosMGlh "Tie scientific advancemenls[rase that has bra 1ugit laur our services for the movin1g enta, spent lie weekend aih nd Mrs, Davidi KelleIt, Wan-i Ruth Ahernethy, Mânilla, and.l ville, (mather af Mrs. Frank end with Mr, and Mrs. H-. ot ôur modern day and age-iciviizatiof titis fer., job. Our eider citizens were Mr. and Mrs. Stafiford van are olhn hor nIspetac Whn teirdayof ani- net pressured but were oiffer- Camp. ars nohin shrt f pecacu1 'henthir ay f cntr- d euxnservices. The_ Kinettes---The- Yeung- Adulîs--aI----he 1là-r n tle way- ýtliyha-ve, butlion- wias ave, wet ep-aller vecefication diri al lie1United Ohurchmta h raie asibl le ecel d-pened ta- hem? Does the1 packing af china andi otier Ira- C. E Building aller ttending' v'enturesome space explora-j yaunger genération of hheirigile materials prier ta the th, excellent concert of Tic fellow citizens sec thal they movîng job. Af 1er settingUPanpner aniteKn arecard fr? l d na thnk icsciedule several truelle Gente in Nestlétono au pelIbje alwupas ruc.aTe were oftered by Kînamen and ddy evé*ing. Il was decided peape mae U appox ae local businessmen. Three Sen-,I ta travel bY bus ta Toronto ly 15 per cent of the total lor Citizens wece moveri per on Sundity alternon May 24, population of car tawn of ngtwh ieo i atteSineCnr. 65~ D1 T/I M~ ale t lie ounge peole..s prepring cvoruesixan as neredtLnhen Bowmanville. Many f acilitie men witb each vehicle. The ic heardcVanceCam ete of urloa remaieav iKneltes preceedêde movlieare oI coilecting names ofl AEE 04 E FAj1 bl the on er ealI anrshe upacing cwoisnd i lb ntml uc 4J 74io4£- The adulte are abe te nrgen1 for lie fine citîzens and didi A se tim concluiecithieA A 91EÀO »#J7at- artiîies. Tic Bowmanville allure and matenials arrived i. g. MVMIF Kinsmen witb lie help*aI the safeîy. Speakîng _of (safelvi M. and Mrs. George Bry )~W 7~EEH! Kinetes aidK-40 have under- ail moitoian place without en tedd h ~dn taken ta make Ife more en- any-damnage-or accidents.-Des- ber_Aiser, Misa Gêaîl -Ormistâ joyab1eand functional- for lihe pitié-e -ticf ae t ar-stâaunch o Mc. Wayne-Pireocoor i S3enior Cilîzens aI aeur towa. members parteke in lhe oddr' Brookla Unitedi Church on S Original action was is nîaedacoholir bevècegé îhis ,,,1aurday evenia Terecep- l Il auolu ne lime we drinking was't lnwa helci aflerwands et cte have a low rentai Senior abandoned. -te hmenfdteMrDe' a r- Citizens -résidence built, Af tecr "Wil the new tenants sale- i tms, .andrDa r B 1re A M nîuch dlibération andi action ly in their new home otior'msýn B b v aur local Tow hCancldel iies eerci Misses Shellyan Die PLUMB1NG & HEATJING -aîd -- Couaty -legisialas lie edecly clzes er conu- nt SDane PHONE 263-2650 and -iras punlars --t e g - benefits 7frota o ur local Omeo,~okî,setSt PHN _6-65- ln-iAa -prhae- n coin- . The eU ra-,li nss-i rday -wîith -Mr. - and-- Mrs. 0% V NY. struri Irogi, nt ofa a colon tour in whic- George Bryant and family. 1 0'"i.Y rio-_ Hoa--'i iM~r Rad MreztenrgL- Bryar, -'WA ER R 0 __________de itzin erienwre ike p nc Duane aed Julie spent Sunday TE P O by tic Kinernen andi K_401 with McvI. and Mr$. Dean Or- after whicb .they boarded two mîston and, -Brooklin. buses irbicli carnieri these iMc. and Mrs. Fra-nk Tobila eager people througi the' and family irere Sundev -H countryside where the autumn guesîs aI bis parente, Mr. andi leaves were more colorful. Mca. John Tabla, Seagicave. Fallwin lietou lunh ws 'Gord andi Steve Bryans ~ -l prepared by tic Kinelles for I tayer i wth Mr. and Mra. Jîm Fgcl x80 ë thle guesîs who irere tien j Bryans Patti Bryans with Mr. *mo&Cnb mde taken home by lhe Kinsmen 1andi Mca.MWilf BrgwOail.nI and K-40 meens. COurtice, while thelr niolher 1i W c "Another lime wien ouri Mrs. Nancy Bryens partieîipaI-I rln oc.l lM K O towa je vecy coloclul is-dur- ed la a Cross-Canlada Cooking I., ing lie Christmas easl wibi witi Keliogg's Coatesî aI lier' the lights anad decorations I Royal York la Toronto. Lest présent lavounable sgite foc feul, Nancy submi hi er -re- SM,. jviewens. Once again nur cager ripe lec "Buttcecotch Ccisp- club membors venture out et lès" la the contest liaI et-E about 6:15 on a Sunday even- trlccld avec 92,Ooo entries. igta pick up theirallottedî FiriallY i6ese were ridcd t SeirCitizens taking lhemn 100-which wece 101atdl ta a centtral meeting place Irieci and tésteci un 1 a'y 25Ni1nýi lrom whore tlhe cavalcade -remained. These 25 (24 ladies,i nr#vi DUTY HO USE PAINT proceederi araunri town tae t1 man) wênt le Toronto and moce colorlul treets. Sandi- bkdhm ie b re.1?. " inca, cofteandi cake awails When lie resulte mccc an- 4Tuhha sae iy Sae.9~4 ,5 !hie travellens back ai a local nounced aI lie, Grand Ban-i o etsae ii Sae5i - 0 hall wiere Christmas canais1 quel, Nancy bari won a Digh thoraughly waterproof. !a I andi fiendly greeting are ex-1 walir Hearticat congratua-lsiîe witads ciangeci. The Christmas spirit, tions la Yeu, Nancy! Callersý edr.Oêpeeupr b as neacbed every participant on Sunday aI lihe Bryaae . 31 pndestokne p.eBrown.eAi PORC H j aI oftiat evening andi ail con- home oferingi congratulations /du nire PORCH ~~~tbutors go home withie Ire- wece Mr. andi Mce. Jim Marri- imaclre & F LO R ~ jmendous amaunt of Self-satlis- son, Miss Banb Brown, Cour-! , 1 nd twinkle layes give you Mns. Bob Smi andMnac AJ Sal ENaI * .YJE Mr. #siccl ileeMr.TmDenac Amîltvî

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