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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1970, p. 3

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11lace01n-the corner. The Canadian 5tatesman, BowmavleAp 1"3 HAMPTONMr. and Mrs. Allen rester HAMPTON IExchange Vows'in Orono United Church have been visiting in VirginlaSt ACW lhC.W. News and Tefn. these last twa weeks The Hamptan United Church jiusay r and Mrs. Kt co en-m S .Jo n Women. met last Monday ev- Tedy r nr.Kn ening atthe- hom of Mrs.nedy and- daughter have been o d G n r ýV dd n iMarjorle Blanchardi. The bus- staying with Mrs, MarlattId iness part oi theevening was hlteywraay deait with by President Mrs, ...Mr. and MrÉ. Martin roster A general meeting -of the logm Una Kilens, fallowed by the visited- a few days wtth her Anglican Church' W orn e n Dycr ete r e devotional. The members re- mother, Mrs. Awde at Jarvis. (A.C.W) of St. Jahn's Church setUtoahaerhehl- peated the Lord's My Shep- was held in the Great H~all, ren( hsae hl h herd In unison and MxRs ter Diane came te visit her Thursday eveniîng, April 23rd mohrsor Misedc' Metcalf accorn panied by Mr. parents, Mr. and MiUs. H~ The Presîdent Mrs. P. Lucas takasenovsSciler Doug Dewell at the piano otrSaudy ndsae welcomed the guests, vic akaag h aet ERWN CALIE a gomwa ttrd npaegave us a beautiful rendition ve an accmpne he -Ms. P. Hornigold, chairman a0t1 ra etigte n BON CALC thgrowsatrdIPae hn esang The Lords Moter and uch, Sndayber hM arraGowa UrdnVesle ohr blue., Miss Donna Challice, Shepherd. Our guest speaker A tasrty, appetizindy erofchre athe ecelenp ro- hichotnnas acusl The marriage' Of Miss Der- Isister ai the bride, also a Mis. Margaret Campbell com- A and a fin e t rogramwas r-ga.igadvst atehms etta Spsan Isabelle ChaIlice. bdldesrnaîd, wore pastel Pink, Mented on the sang and said' vidd ahinepOgrwprno-niedghrch me. asipprodto issHuu nshrwr daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Te îîower girl. Miss Nancy in her estimation that th 3dvieinOo UtdCurTeWrsppro ec he 23rd ~~~~Saturday ni&ht, April 25thb the faim of a very interesting moreadnashtre Orville Challice, Orono, and Tregunna, niece ai the bride, psalm wae the most beautiful thh MaosfrterLde hi.Toetkn atwr t eppol er a Mr. Murray George Brown, was in Nule green. Ail wore scripture in the Bible, and!Ngt ube iMsn Mrs. K. Newman and Mis. J. hu nbsg giadt mon oi Mi. and Mis. Robert shasta. 'rtiums sprinkied ini when sung as Mr. Metcalf had adterwives were prentBole.aeleknwight"ov 8rown oi Ponitypool. was their coiffeurs, and carried done,' It gave a soîritual lft arn hr.Wealejyd theRepesetaivs ron te lelart" ~uieniedinOrnoUnte bsktsaftiteÈkhus.t esroof hemetig assigig rdacin brte ot aroThgeu maverpotstrineg Ms.P.Lua Chihon Saturday after- IMr. I Rn Rnchgrdson ci Pan- trnd ver t MS. Canipei fan and ate quartePostvnOtheiroearyatveters oe oea hns h ooApril 18, 1970 at three typool was best man an.d the who flrst. gave an enlightenedamya vle. i o~bok Pttdwhte'unsushers were Mr. Don Challice talk on the Crippled Childien Saudy p 5ws Mis. B. Grai introduced speke an the soit glow oi cafldle-1 ai Orono, brother of the bride. at the Centre, the Achievemnent Day2for the the special speaker for, the Teewsadslya 4H Clubs attaOronoinoranaela-'ening, Mi1s sHedAn'ayueMaicemdeb htfentpesi adiaand Mr. Lavergne Brown, Before she showed us -ber 4- lb t Hr o ateudcMis Hedc is withteMrhrru ag bras foredthe ace rmony lebrother aiof the groom, slîdes, she tod the memnbers Durham. Lorraine Therteli theuu.seDo wn urch isWor-qunty icnnd goà e ,stipfrtecrmn. Mi.Keîth, Tregunna was a lîttie bit about- some of the adRt bdgtto a te Din towe Tarte Doese, civd roia hwen Rev. Rasi Long wasthie niaster ai ceremonites at theechildien she wauld ha show- I h iu a aldtem hnsthe Trooice atSt. hc i e nmesa h *ciaingclegyma fo th recptin hid n th Chrct ingsa hatwhenwe aw hemOrono Cotton-Belles. The girls- recetshawed theie hrrh in semertwhsete aandemMathew's Anglican Church in cuo toearwslieo doube.-ing ceiemaony, and hall 1 Th-e bride's mother re-àw feit we knew them. Maly shawd adsc their cunerst anth ie dawntawn section. tuply tewedding music was play- ceî0ed waîgacapgeheaits went out ta these brave Eadachgrop puoftheon a iT hî sa raiain MisHuu bet adby i.James Wilson. Thse le e coata dharesge-childien and ta their parents Ti yop eontaTda h ilsen gog for artak iltes oe rtce soist was Mis Everett1 semble, tee dress of shantung and thse people who work wlth Ti rudmntae h' a ce on o vrt ', rpld hl.Bahmi-classroom and getting a teach-50 years, lni a ied ai marybaktTrnt oteDo- 'and' colat ai lace, with green iecipe bl.Ec en dtfierent problemns. tew hrhWresspl Givern in, marriage by lier acsrie.HrcraewsbrIr ue eetd"hn er suîtably dressed..Teeaepagaefrroa _cessories. Her corsage was ~Sunday, Apil 26th was -hT r rgasfrr tie, ie rdewreafr. aigee-ine craions. Yeu God fer sparlng us and *~children rot associated with Ms ,Gai lsdts mai ength gown in, Victorian Tise gsoom's rniaier,- who as- aurcide asb asgCmuinSna nK nay speclal ehurcli. Thse needs meigwt paes r iyle ai white slk shantung slsted ta receive, iwoîe a site thenn whole and healthy. Each ofhthch. Tise choir sang "In. d ilong sleevee, ily-pornted lcnit dress ai silver and rose ittie face we- saw or tise tiseGarden", with Miss Annritheicn e geat, a-s eIcaulncwasevdb ci ts busa~ ite wteslvracesaieand slides had a smile and neyeýrser O lyn the__________________________Re_____._ loe aads frwn and Canipbelsivr ccsores waî T. Snelgrove tald thse littie odec.Sik appliques bîgis- corsage oai pale yellow carra- tanked by Ms. Cmpbdella- sk iestr ith wn _à gtd tise -shirt, 'and ber tienserfolksluncheasservd i ofS tEhe V IL L veil f ý ilk illsionerly nd lnch as srvedwho were late for scisool and ES LE ian agtvela wi i balsro As tee couple left en their and a social evenlng erjayedý the different reasors why they acagttawednbadwedding trfie te eastern Poins, by the mebr.Peietwere late. He stressed ths oltiadte debris Trneo audyfra eapice Se arie sca-tise bride was wearing a white Mis. W. A. Killens asked tise' eed fe hn gaothtie scattered areuiid tie country apitnn ie pcait C-gde bouquet of red rases. pr-utadsle cesr hr armme ae Tisean-si brd tednswr ases rsle i-icieaue- membg - rigisi tbings. He centred bis by People Wîiti tao mary ta et pfrabc nuy Tht ardde' visit Hi lelyadsermon fron' tise Bible ieadirng "thirgsl' and tac little corn- ofbodd ac ve lewts. Rtones anested inchr sof uit advstteedryad that was from Mark, chapter cemn for environinent, ismuchsCakSsrtbe bet ofttiied ii lce.-lergth ge wrs fcarnaionsaccorsage cipistis. I lv and Mis. Murray George Brawn showr' in the above phato exchanged 14, verses 32 ta 42. Mr. and talked oi these as u u-wr ic alo c a long sieeves and empire waist- Mr.and Mis, Brown will be ckerch News pi1, Mr.RyPto we md ntewekdfurYngI sonar, wo dre a astesiding in Pentypool Churcis service was weîî marîsage vows in Orono United CIiuîch or Saturday afternoon, Arl1,1970 Mei. R of Patta we r made ntece wed t ouer ybit, ateewitee Rstba mRdo aowr atlatterded on Sunday at 3:00 o'clock. -The bride is the former Miss Doretta Isabelle Challice, daugh- Thmbr e ndaoruci m pciedWadteir lsbi abagltaot uimiv The bride, who is empiloyed TeCo-munio, was served dleanu.Wle&asJi et r aea e an yelW gowr and biidessnaid- when the gucst speaker, Mr, ter of Mr. and Mrs, Orville Challice of Orona, and the groom is the son of Mr. by Mi. Arthur Tisompsor, Mr. Parnell, Leo Parnell and Earl Wshcretv excse il Unr. Don- Oballice, sister of at Cuivply Wood Pioducts, rn atno maulRyMre n M.LnFls sb ikdu oteb Orooattndd OontScsol Pan Datr aiEomaSchandMi.lRbandB wMafPotypal PhtobyS. eBrrooyMererandMiLenPatsAssbyplkePhototle, bhnyabut.ecvey w.tau ar CareHiisSCiGI TeCollege, Toronto. Speke or y Mis, Jean Allen spent Pri- braken botties, cars and ot5er FugIy: AlinunceNew aroo Catredig Scool. Thr fo-"Paith" and how much.- de- Vr aýreBacadad day night visitirg bcr motiser trasb- on tise lakesisore îoad .h ekn a ee o tyoland aise Lindsay Col- Suman faitS and wIll. If Yeu is. K. Caveriy vissted on Forthcoming MaArrmîigeThMis. ercbeti rtwee n n .tie ubayadsartces ie hneadts a ilealing Substlégste.,o He is à barber and pray for heîp, rememnber ta Sunday. w1ti Mus. R. Marris Tedyeeig ni lt iidaSl a rc.Asrre ats aehr ihair stylist Ln Peterbor'oughb. belîeve that yeur prayer wi 1t lnsy.a h oeo r.Trnk isCaaDreetra shlnsPiles Several iarties were held be heard. The cross alore can- Miss Ruby Dewelî1 Oshawaa ieionna-i. uash iraDiemghhaewiiledt in Sonar ai tise bride.,; isi- nat cave tise seul.Thousands was a weekend gues 'fcfi. corsthere wertal 13tmoniha ffieds at diofer fon Thuasdybigedaarsani ZEuSe.mnIceWOutoIriIkcellaneous sbawei was given oi Jews werc spectatais a1 and Mrs. Percy DeweIl and ceard. tberee viit3 perst evienîng, Aprir enrd Ghus i oadcr epecr beufthfOiIIS Ad rePair danM iut by Mis. Dan Cisallice in Pan- tise cross, wisose wilils were famî hé vitospen.eeigArl2d Gss f As Mis. Henderson is recup- were Mr. and Mis. Hectargreae] spilya vr A renoumed reeach nt i-t h typoal. A linen shewer waS neyer toucbed, wbose faitS was Weekcnd guests with Mi, eratiag frain her .aperation, Darhe, Mi. and -Mis. 'Percy ltiebigead11e. hr tound a unique heaiing substance held by Miss Kaye Aldread net hlrdled or uaused. Yet and Mis. Harold R. Baiser tise vice-president, Mis, Mai- Hoskin, Mr. and Mus. David is sm edn oel e with thse ability te shrink hemar- and Mis. P. Terrant, wicisshal living faith, neyer fail. were Mr. and Mns Stepiser nnMne1 bie ieme-~isyadDvdJ. i r ilsadcm al adr risoide painlessly. It reieves -hn was attended by irierds ai tise The ahadient will shah roet be Hogg and Jennie, Hamilton. . ing. Mis, Low was secretary, Mis. Ken Ashby and Bail. It cre aeletc rdatn and dxscomfart in minutes and bride. Mis, JonKleen, el discomnfited. He who halieves Weekerd guests with Mir. It was. decîded ta pay $10,00 was aise, tee accasionta cele. ablegrud upeeds; up healing of thse injured, Bowianville and Mis. Abert and knows tise power of God, --and Mrs. Arthur Reynolds and ~ towaid tise expense -of tise brate Mi. Ken Ashby'sblute- MadMs oetMle lEfigrmOd timue. Mui'iieke of Orono, aunts ai wlll obey and Il seekirg tisat faniy eeM.adMs l i il on aQi-Mie-Lac day wbicis was a day arsil r u aiymvdit a l,,f,,,,wk etythe bride, were hiostesses for wbicisYeu may have hast sisal] as y St. Therese, Q ea Camp tais year. Mis, Foster <sia ieeTfad hm uig Vs pelevng ai, ctul edctin ktchn nd anryshef in tht hih yu ave1 randMr. a-rslyu ar radthe financial report and MiLs, Harold Barrowciough Weeed tbdbe eet (erinkage) took place. sliower. Pellow empioyees atsought. 1formerly ai Oshsawa, - eic a 20 i yvctdb i u i.C Mut important of j1_ mitaCurvply presented tise bridel Famiiy Service Day. Sun- t as M ide Steart ta 25eip0etiseinwrt laotitsay. Con- lyaugwai oe alv Swith a toaster, day, May lOtis. Paetsv1 ,The comznulty cf Hari3toreMs twr o epgtsewn ls hrdyCn uen hrhbt wsmi tai o rperid Pind itegro edwish ta piesent týecr childuen wisb tae epress their deep --. er boak 'Tise Kendal Hila' ni arawlugS ha a iats amrsftsr ment wa maintaned ove a Î*rW Friendsof the room hep bsyiptied.o It w VliahaHua veryi beer'Istayl rga wethbebersgrand-wihPort gand- p of many monthe. a pre-wedding dance iu tise for Baptisin sheuld. contact aynpe amiy, ta d is. Vivia Hun terestirg boak about Ken- parents spent Thsurda ad 'rhig Was accoinplishsd With a Cihabr ai Commerce Hall, Re. rsseh s ea s n mNienisuis and iamily in dal. We hope ta have it ready Priday with Mr, and Mis. D »Ow hali substance (BoJ>yne) Pontypoal ai wblch tise pre 'boss oi tiscir daci, tise late Pr whichquickly heipu isea i njure<sentation ai a puise ai Morley MrextenuChaybtrleiBanc <iy ouintei-Plans Annve adekHope, Jie la Pa 2hoHou r MNil Md atiniae gnswt of new was- made to thie Yaung couple. MaigSli apbssd.b-M.Kna Chimbrlaln. M fer oui Penny Sale On the Peterborough with her fte mane a wend Moris Lrane Hoy and .A W visitais witis second Saturday in May, Mis. an Saturday, April 25th Apreai Nw ei-Dmy yis er in~ oinn- ard BeihorieRb u i.A .Pect ee~Pse hwdu~ts eywloeler baby brether 2d&3dM ~~ Forcst 11res usually buin insen. Thse wedding wil take Mi. and Mis. John Carriga rete 'Co oniaLd' ut tha Mus.l haie roinSia. aenP anlY~~ oiferccly frein 10:00 a.m. Place la Hampton United and farnily, Oshsawa. 'onilLd'ultta fo estl Dvd Zton. _ tor f ta-5:00 p.m.,wisen hunidity is Churcis. Satuidayï May tis' Sunday visitais with Mrirene Martinchi had made for Edward- wasbantepe AR NG»I H Us~e. akki>for0ù me low,winds stronger andrm t Mis. James Smale Sr. were Dr and Mis. Keith Slemon, Bowmanville, are us for tac Penny Sale, and vnous Sunday. rfne.Prtrshge.DvdWilkicns ard Donna Mi. and Mu.s Jin -Srale taaaunntedi hi aise a Rose crib quiît that se Mis. Murray Payne returu- YU~HM Daidarupleased t no cehefoithcoming mariage o h is ad made hersebi, as well as ed home from Part Hope 1-çs- 1O ot encneut Mac agirdi illaiseha aniiy, sisaa.i eider daughter, Virginia Lee, ta Mi. WlimJ esanegaiments. Mis. Ray, pital or Satuîday aiter spend- 10 ..tdy o epn - united in marriage at HamP- Surday supper guesi- withi1 Crazier, only son cf Mus. Rita Crozier, Oshawa. The Marti:ell had made us a ing a few days tisere for 4utossrvc.Pop ton United Cisuici an Satur- Mu. and Mis. Lorre Amnis and1 day, May Guis at 4 p.ui. Mr. Brian Amnis was Miss, marriage w'i take place ir Tîinity United Church, buni ifa en aemia ugi.Tig e- netetCr.Ld,6 PlaeNt!Hampton Uni-LraSsipOia n at 730 igr. Thse W. 1. Convention is pened la pairs for bath these 1ihodS.WTrno cd Churcis Doubles Club mcm- tld hre saa om ilo rdy a 2d,17,a :0pr.big edaHmpo onfilswe M.Pyear bers, Saturday, May 2nd, Sunday callers wlth Mi.and' May 15th. Tise W. 1. offices rivcd Sanie ase feund ber swlmming at tise Oshsawa Civic Mus. Steve Artym and iarnlly CL] ce declared vacant and Mis. eldesi son Garfield isad de- - Auditorium Centennial Pool. wre Mr. and Mis. Wayne E perîmentl Sudy Port ilaue oa Newtonvillc ir- veloped mumps. EG.2941 Plas a ieîb 7~i.AMacLean, an aiy, ,Jsna sald the officeis icie tee Mi. Clark Dickinson was in socal venugwll îalawaiwa and Mr. Clarence MacLean,~~~gu __________________________ thse home oi Mi. and Mis. Mur- Bowmnil; i oa pcr 'h--~owcd alides se had receiv- îay Buirgess. areiiOiaa i a d fren hier brother who had Thie Interdencominational White, Hamipton. D ~i een w Ii tac Hydre in B.C.(I ~. Bible Club held its Zone Rally i This correspondent bas had - erewere mary pîctures aetr ~ ? e n r ~ '~ c / anThisayevenlng ai tise. same good reports on saine cf - -ibeautiful scenery - mary :t-~ <'-~ avi BpiiCuriOia thse great catches. by local - mieuntains, tise Alcan Higi-f SHPTEEETAwa. Mis. Lida Prime, tise filsisermer. Wilc iost af tise ~¾-YWSy, rîvers sud faIls, the Mid- Helen: "lGracious, lit' been fireyassnelieac oa SO HSEE AHampton Leader, reports a f air women are cataring ta wcd - igist Sun, camps, etc. Mus. You're leokiug se old." SAVINGS NOW * ~attendance hy tise Haimpton dings, suppers and attending E-lliott ai isoeds ain vleeryRaly taksvr ...... Club. Other clubs wisa taok bazaaus îisey're Ina busy a - aouu itratkra îe3"RaItak eymc.Iduti ol part lu the 'Rally were fromimisa bubby wisa car gel ir[ - ieir sale. Mis. Sweenay and Uxbridge, Bay Ridges-, PartIsamne angling tinre, See you. -' -Mis. W. Meicer provided tise have recognized yon, but for you oa, Perry, Durbartan. Bowrnan- 1ail nexi weeh. Bye, now! ...............~- lunch. A vote af thianks; was ville, Oshawa. Tise guct' -- exteiided ta Mis. Tuiarshy. CLOTHES CARE HINT: ALUMINUM sekrfrti erwsMu.1Piisseimer have been ieably '" IrAnRc paer for twis yew ch-alk A V Ihuai' SatiiriayR sud Sna qprntgm Q-- 1 tile ti- eforf-1ida luss rn hn Lawn Choir~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~Rn LA.IES ilutaIons reil ta ible 'DrT trin tagIts lsv ii.t sfreprt as.*adw'lmt-ra hma ToddlerGudsad anesvsed / Dane Mark Wlliamis, su un- month ai his sisi', Dane will Scie last year. A neiw axhub- deugraduata studant of Pan'- particîpate ini aiea studies aud The Guides, Rangersanad e rance af fem n-aa Collage, Claiemoni, Cali- a cross-cutural course. Aise, Brownes aso , eld heirfaria, and tise graudson ofha wîll pursue independent' 7,ck $ e9 Coohie Day on Satuiday. Iiiiy sud Mis. Charles Wight, Horrsey study nrojecis uelatîug te, tisew1 and Jure visitcd last Priday fashian awaiîs jain tisa Experimainis Indae- _________________ wlth ber parents, Mr. and Mis, dent, Studi' Pragrain ta Erg M is la n o Wh a(nec EMer Richsardsen ai Caiedaro-n yurwl lard for tisa second semesier ta help celebrate beu îaîbeî's Our Bridal ai 1970. The announcae Jantgh)oî28 o ei MULTIPLIER LADIES' 88th bitisday. Mis. Wheeh- ..r oain, skili- was inade by the Diractor a ldLsAgls aiona och'É. twln sisters, Mus. Mary ~~fuly creatcd tise Scisoal for Internaionaladiiel iBwavle SLEEVELESS Hausiard, Danni' and David b Training, Brattiebera, Venin-. aiONo Caledon Basi, and Mus. on ~at, an Marcis 3tis. r T 1m ONIONPaulie Aumtîcng Wand, ~ .tamorraw's Dame is already- in England, .SL~LA MOCK TURTLE Paul and Todd ai Brin were :, - designers for afier complating an intensive! i SETS as usn o ieclba todlay's brides. siudy cancerning tise custaoms! A nurniha ai ladies fram "-1. tion. ýand culture of Engiard. Fao Kendal astarted work April 2Ot PullversSatrdai eveiir supeulMay we tise frrst-mentis abroad, Dn GRD î.guests with ivir, and lvrs, 1e auggest a anî for ieapruiiifu'nditise Mondai' extra cald. O Holrayd were Mr. and Mus.friyfrteopruiyo ehvhaaltofey'N Steve Aitym.Mu. aud Muaappointinent. gaining firsi isard knowiedge W aeia o fvr Pi 1.3Fed Holioyd weue Sundai' Please caîll us ai tise countryi' freintise van- ridcl e ate re- RegValue. vii:a>t i adMs'7511 tage paint ai famili' environ- 'enili' but have Sad two real Cliffard Burton, Zian. manti warmn sunri' days to. PoundSmaII- Mcimn -Lge. Mu. and Mua. Hashen Smith During tisa secand anid tisirdj Miss Karen Brentrail an UIAD "AA E A C WR were Saturday evenlrg sup-K Miss Andrea Hugisdia weîe toi rWOP U WU5E WR peu guesis witb Mu. and Mis.' I ' ' - Lindsay, waua Sunday gueats a Primai' Teachers' meeting 1I - VALA L Wilbert Smius, Oshsawa. Sur-'1 L ACF" S 3 witis Mr. and Mus. Walter hield at Bhackstock, Wednasdlay ALOlAlLB ý'j ~day visitais wltis Mu, and Mrs. Nel, fer scisoal. On Mardav A Hoshen Sinitis were Mir. ard LD*ES1WERrLTansd Mis. James Frissai afiernoon tisey attended theY nomMis. Ray Smiu ad mh' 72 STMCOE ST. N. ',have arrived home froly in- rsegulai mantisiy teacisera meet- Miutnda. spprgatawisai725-1912 trhiai rid a, R I G 'S H A IR ST L N Surdy super :ýt Ope evey da 9 i, 6 Mu. and Mis. Cecil McGll1, Mi. anddMus, George Clark Mu a d gue. .C at w u s Op n a e ' d y 9 O 6 Tor nto w u w e.kend -guests have b e n Mi. M T ga ts K G R GT ~B W M N I L U Mu. and Mus. Jack Carter and Fridsy 9 ta 9 with, ,Vincent bouse all wintcu but bave Jzackon .lnowovedupt-thi own,

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