j Thé Canaeian Statèsinan, Baowmanv!l, Apir. 29, 1970 EDITORIÂL COMMENT ft Nobody Going to Accepi His Challenge? Inl last weék's Létters ta the Editor, ingood repair, and where wîll it hé i tiaei. Swae"p writ4n à from his hos- -tè se feonron th.ntu Ipitl bed, hart an excellent idea. It moints and blaring amplifiers cf th* I àsn't original because we read over entertainment groupa won't disturb thé the weekend of students and ether neîghbors f ar inte thé night? jyoutxg people doing what hé suggested, Maybe there is a real need for a i picking up ail the littér, in other parts young people's club, they definitély o f the province. But, it certainly h'sn't have te have semée place te go awày &cukh ôn ee adt.EryMna frem home and something to do wflh mporriing, thé main iftreeta were the their spare turne. But it weuld hé diffi- ýttual mress cf waste' papér, plus quite cuit te set up such a projeci where ,.à few of thase non returnable pop bot- beys and girls et ages varying frem 21 "le4and even a couple -of empty beer dowin ta 14 could mix and havé fun. Zbottlas sitting on-one cf thé supermaàr- witheuî rigîd supervision. Véry feW 3ket parking lots. cenrimunities ether than larger cities ~- A great ma .ny cf aur young people have, auch facilîties available. What do __art truly conicerged about -eradicating the young people do fer entertainment '-'ollution; its tha currènt 'm- thîng', but, in Newcastle, Ooe ecaPny ,-they appear ta ha greatly outnumhcred pool, Milibrook or Hampton? Trhey t-y thesé who dôntt appear to tare about dan't ait areund the main atreéts théré, -'anythlng, except their right te ait and en masse like they do here . . . at leasi ~do nathing constructive. we vo nover sean them. 'We'va receîied quite a kew Jettera. Weden't pretend ta have thé an- ~récé,ntly frei n mamba'rs cf the younger swer. Wish we did. Mâybe sema cf thé generitian camplaling about thé lack young peeple eau cameé up with practi- ofa place for thain te cangregate, a cal suggestions that might cura the côffat bouse or some such te get thérn situatiôn, or at least héip a littie. -Al off the stréets, but where are the funda we&ve heard se far la "Give us a place -'supposed te corne from ta. provide such qf aur ow n or aise". That'a hardly gcod. >a. retreat? Prom thé a tupid adulta for enough. Current thînking kmong thé whom thay have se littia respect? And young is, we hear, "We denît awé aur * who will ha in' charge and sdfiiister parents anything". If that is thé case, titis b.angeut, keep It citan, painted and the reverse aise hoids trué. Youngsters Have No Pla ce toGo <Déar NIi.Jaffis, Wa are two tétuaga girls who bèliéva i-téli.g Itlik bité ll, aid we are sure we speak fôr thé éntira teén- age pôpiulatien cf 1?owmranvîlle. T'heré ma nothinig te do! Wé ste blaméd for cluttering up the street cornerA, but would tbéy rathér have us lu the pool 'hall? aeéaven belp us if they ever pasa ~the Vagrsncy Act. ,We den't wah't a i-ial record! Sie thé clasing cf thé Royal Théatre thére bas béén absôluté ber- dem among us kida. Wé usèd te Bt abla te flu bacit an thé Mémüôrial Arène twîeé a wéek, but now if's avén depeased fer thé summer. Wé think, this, could hé changed if a placé wam set aside for the shewing cf modéra films on a weekly hasts. hni't théré semée place we could ge Friday nights?- Vours sincerély, Joye Ross and Kathy Pollit. Report from* Ottcîwa B>' Russeli C. Hone>', M.P. If niay hava beÈu thé tirett Urne in Caiada's hiÈttry . . . cértainly it was thé first timé smince I have heen a Mi- -ber cf Parlisment that theré bas been Zhunanimeuts agreémeènt in thé pessîng :-of legilaîtion. Thaélégislation includéd anArtit ..pllutien Bill, which déclarés a central zane of 100 miles effshore f rom Cen- artels Arctic îsiands, and thé other Bill -extands thé limita of Caneda's terri.- tontal sêastâ 12 miles from Ibhrea miles. Thé purposa cf thé firat Bill !A te guard againat pollution ina Arctic seas. .,The gevernatent wili hé aleta teay dlown safety standards for ships usiug Arctie waters. Inspectera will ha ap- peùa-téd and f inés up tâ $10U00O à day tO ainners aI shipa whicb dispôâéèef wasté aithin a central zOné. Thé atber t5111 showsthé gavéru- mént ta preteet thé fishing intaréats af Canadians by réfusing thé privilegé cf fîabing within 12 miles cf Canaàda's Thé unique occasion when ail par- ties joined ta unanimnously 'support thé- two BMIS wss, particularly with rés- peet ta thé Artit pollution Bill, a démt- onstration ta thé wonld et large that Canadiens stand unité-r in théir détar- minatien that aur Archec seas will nôt suIfer thé ravages cf peliutieûi. 'Thank, You Canada' Recaîls Memories Orne cf thé aidé éeffets oeftIl- ctr- ,xent "'Thanit You, Canada" opération by membars ef thé Daitch emmniunity ~acrôss titis nation, bas béera masi en- ligbtening for thé post war Dutch- Canadiari cblldren, manty cf wbam are -writing essaya usirag information sup- rp1dby iheir parents on what lita -wàs +lite during thé Germnan -occupation. We have se ena S eW oi .tuése, wriu- £tén by élaméntary achoal pupils aI :,Knox Christian School hère, and hope rto publish thé mesti irterestlug eues btecause tbey recaîl a penied cf limé twhéu citizéas cf thé Neihenianda wha are now aur noxi doar neighbers weré Ain constant fen off théir livea and wére lIndeed né-ar'starvatian. Old phetographs cf those days under thé Germais havé béera hrought te iigbt from albumfs that centalnaa hast cf mémeries. Parents have beén pérsuaded to taik abaut théir expeni- entes and thieir youngstérs have woven thèse,- memories of yeteryasr mb las- 1yîinating tonies that réf lect thé pres- sýures and dangers eacountered in try- ½ing ta survive and eutwit thé occupation forcés. Theéaxércisé la racalléctlon la Olte Ihat is worthwhile fan thé chiltiren becausé il shauld mate clearén the réa- son behind thé présent annivorsary clebrstîen, 25 yeers later. fly a coineideracéet fate4 wa hep- secAed te hé lu thé Netherlanda at cdéci- matod Aruherni ihén ai-fIt lltethé Allies. Trhore was ne gréaI célébration than, thé war was stili ou aid meat cf thé inhabitants, éxcepi thé underground, stayed la Ihein homies or werée*ut o! the city that was tîll heiag, shelléd, by thé rétnéating Germeas.-Liter, when thé surrendén camé, we watt on te, Utreeht, ta round up pelitical, pnisonérs, driving past.fully armed German sold- icrs standing alangaidé thé noad. Iriithat city, thé gréât peacé célébration wag uraderway sud wa were shaweréd with flo wars, weicemed witbhagg and banti- shakes hy thé gratétul people. Il wâs an expérience we shall net tergal.ý Wo recalshaning our rations.with seméetfthé hungry undergroun d main- bers wba hartbera living on extrémély 10w calorie duels, including grasâ. eThéir stamacha wéné so abrunit and unâccas- Iomod ta cemparativèiy ich fort that, aller a few meuthfals, théy threw up anad har tùt gradueliy bécome accuatoin- éd ho goed fort agaira. Canadiens who have névén expér- ionced imilar circumatanees cannaI réalize- thé hardahipa thé Dutch inént threugh during Ihoso yéana of occupa- tion. Wé cen tully uaderstaud wby thay aow are aaying TPhani Yeu ta Canada whoso troapa reieesed them tram band- age arad martea e nw litapassible tor Ihém and their eildrera. Durhalm Caunay's Gréait rFamiiy journal ,j1il Established l16 years ega ln 1854 Aise încarparattnq s - Thé Bawmùanvi]le News ThoslNéwcaattle Indépendént % Thé Croco Newa Second cltse mail réqliltrùtlon nunabez 1561 Prôducéd every Wédnesday by TrHE.JAME9 PUELISHINO COMPANY LIMITED, P.O. Box 190 62-6King St. W., Bewnanville, Ontario JOHN M. JAMES GEO. W. GRAHAM GO. P. MORAIS EDITRa-PuBLxSMM ADYTG. MANAGEnBusuaEsaMrs. "ücdt rjht eand/ebr prert riphias ubot in the iaqe cOppeaLrîa; on thjs 9raMe. pèrifnsta t reprôduco te Whote et Mte prt (ted ta&otiy fortsvhetsôevér, parttcutarly by phtepiaphia ot offset pr6eeelit à publication, mutt haolied item thé publSélr and thé priatéi-. Any uneiut&erized rtpraducticn W!,, ho subjert ta tecôurse ilaw. 36.00 a year - 6 months $3150 $8,00 a Year in ah. United States sttielly ln advonce Aulthuh eveas ri r i*in xlitôliaflias on Published her:eunder un anid ïotureiéd ta) The Car, étrô,ôr O ctrctdt 5c courecîed by Th Calnad el&C sc ditissinent et rr The Cânadien Sîcteina ctceëpte ho liablé for cr17 érrôrir rn~y edvé at is té400ésted la tritleg by thé et iuly siqasd lixthé odrertisé,- and w End in thal Case il dey rtôr sÔetè .not exceet suah a portiona e thée n Déar Edtr.- Trhé stary 1 Arn thOut te réltté il an aceOufi Mthé âti drôwnlig et taré aôw- rftanvrnéèfris belbw Van- stôyït MU a* bèn I was Véry yOuaa. If niy méîflory térVéAmé lëwéll their nAttéý wàà Flétchér, I bepc sOttfe blI th ienS êr wà1ll lntrfta Stâsn téadérs 0f thé tôsitivé idfttW. 1%6é way 1t tcÊé1i i, the tinO chiltitén Éitber braite thrbugh thé téeeOr télliftio thIé sométimét fagt ilowtng Bôarmaânville Crétit. Thé utdéèn déatha wNeb fol- lôwéd made a déé*Pér etéct On thé fauté than thé deaths &t hundrèd.s ef automobile viethtia. I réca i my mother aient- ly wééping, for the hâd i a- intys lavéti ehiltirén. This ti turn ýupsat me, -for my mteër rarèly expresseti er émotions ta ethers. Te any surviving rela- tives af thèse drowned long agô, hère il mny ode te gay tittan' sorrew very (s, o (lhe Sdi (orI miu& indééd mter éfi years eIt ii lite. "If Ibèrè e ene hêrèlatéti te thèe lent datd, I hÔpé théy wilil kké thèse wnerte I have gnid. Htvlig# Falth In thé Go&, whe bas prômhistduà heaven, Wbâo lla aM te tgvé, niôre titan sèvén -tixtft "Surély thèn thèse -twe levely, ani dégsirutile girls Would bé in Gôd's sight, As precicua tadésir pétrIs. VI' sure Ibose wbo loveti 'lhiém, asparentéinut ta, Will màeet their darIdn *gain, as God*m promise ta trué." Yéurs anti yearxa ga titre waî another drûwnitgin thé Mil Pond a n Mill Stréet. John Robinlon wka my mether's tirst cousin andi livet near thé pond. Hé hat s sern, wha leved bis grantifathèr BenjamiÀn Rot- inson very deairly. Ms Sugar I IT'LL COST ME A FORTUNE Nôo majOr, or avéra miner thèmne thia: wéak. Juat a tear observations. Pérliapt thé moaiôt important te me is that Yny_ daughtér bas tumaed ovér a néin lait Or perbapg it's juat an od atoea Sha is studyirag bard for tare muait éxama, sand actuaity bas a job, part-limé. She 'han lèarned, ina a rérnarkebly briéf period, that 'tréad," as thé kida cmit it, Io tairly important when h comuac te éating mand kéeping à roof over oua's hê.ad.- She lias laaru-ed that jobs are mlghty starce when yôur énIy expert- enté il playlng thé organ iila a hurch one. aummer. Shé han Iaarned that a Grade 13 cértificaté and one térm hi collège han as much use as a third kêg. Shé cama borna on thé wéekéad, with beér danged cal andi kittén, anti clkmneured for méeat. 1téal méeat. Sbe's sick te déath et hamiburger sud bai- eraà,, sud drooled ever a steak ira ber honor.01 But she's a criminel. She wérat bsck te thé cily with ber kittén staffear under ber jacket. I belieéit's agairasi thé làw le transport animais on Lbuse. Hoar- even, shé's a cléver crininat, sund may go A long wsy. Shé gave thé tidi a quarter et s sleeping tablai in mut :se) ha weuldn't ya-wl fer bis mania and. alant thé bua driver. We'va béera etl with thé moiher icat, an unexpectéti Irait, lité à aiain iayour rméat pie. Wé agréé thât Kim will hé fired on thé f irsi day of ber nèw job. Hon lunchlara is te stock shéivés ira one of those tut-raie stores. Andt ince shé wàs threé, han grealeat attnibulé bas bera knecking aven han init, dncpping fuît boities of any. liquii, sand smîahirag cupa anti saucera ihilé daing thé dish- as. It's net lacit of ce-ordination. Sho cau play a Beetheven sonars. Oh, well. wa'î Séea. Tbat's coethiug off mychesi.,Thé nexi ane is net se pesant. I ashane with meat Canadien citzersas sieken- irag diagust et thé attitude et mesi Mémnbers cf Panliameént teward thoir carr financial .sécuntty. At prasent, witb théin $19,000 a yêar, six et ilt tx- frea, anti variaus other "ports"; Post- age, travel, sécretarial help, etc., they're Ofua day im litRe boy Akét bis meother If thé wauld have hlm buriéti hé- site hià grantitihér Robin- son. Teiling hlim thèt hé ineuit livé for rmtny years eltéCr bis granttîthêr'a death, thé litile boy st1li initt nthis intér-ment. Shbn alter, thé bey drewnèt néar thé ftobinAon hbuse. Mgs inatiher, kéeping thé p)rofise, arranget lor thé& boy te hé buriet inirthé old ceméîéry, tati et Osh- awas Harbour, on thé bill. Hèbre thé littié boy rosis te- site bis grândlather, Aud my untlé Bén %iisn "Sa à littié bOy léepa, by eue éî Po désir, Andi why this haÉpénét, xiiinèvér hé lear. Eut a Promise te hlm, bYF bis miother was Irépt, Sa ail thesé long yèers, ta- gethèia-thesy'vé slept. Whenever I triait, thia aid graveyerd, Things ottén strilce mé, as 1being bard. and- Spice~ 3>' Bill Smileyj net weslîh. Fe'r tram il, Iheédas. And I thinýk lhéy ahould givé thémsetvés a réasonabla increese, consisteut with thé test 0f living and tex increases. Bat thé proposai pension plan.alita ehigh even. Opposé il, witb ové-ny mearas within your power. Thé a-Id pension schemo waa nattera, anti maray maen aro hart givera most of Ibeir livAs t<Y public service weund up in poventy. But thé néar ana is nat- tara lu thé opposite sensé. Dea't let thein pass Il. Anoiher itema which bas me prelty dlsturbed isl that Thé Telégramn News Syndicale, whicb, circalatas Ihis cal- umn, warats an up-ta-daté pîclare off yours truly. Who iraI camne up with Ibis iralamernus ides I daa'I traaw, but vile and. viclous are thé wards that final tomée ta mmnd. 1111 coat me a for- tuné. l'Il bave te buy a wig. l'Il havé ta have my remairaing malars paîrated white. l'Il have ta psy a phelographer ta taach thé whoie thing up. Anti l'Il still loat lite a voteran ef thé Baer WAr. My wifé disagrées. She says my fine boe structure wiii aiways tomé threugh. Yeah. Jusi lite a dealb's heati. Hoarevar, I ain'l ascaréti. The grog blossemai won't show, ira blackt anti white. I tan have my ayos debagged, wbich- ls expansive, but watts. Mvy Romain noe is intact, anti perbapsaa aide shet, witb thé joinàts Ipétiap bhlitd my énra, might caravmrcé some peeple et sométbung or ether. Msyhé théy could take thé abat frein thé wist up, and show thé needia- hales where 1 had niy cortisone abats. I would certainly be bélier than one fromA hé wialt down. I havé Min-legs, aund goutir în y ight big tee. Anywey, You'll hé aeeing it. Takée agooti snort, or a tranquilizér, bétoire il cornes oui. l'Il be right there wiih you. But w'hat thé bock, we ail have troublas. Ifraabady's woro grealen thara miné> il wauldr't hé s bad werld. Coe wilb your ain troublés, sad don'tlelt them dirag yeu dawn. Look tai thé wonld troubles, anti if ycu, pénsoraally, tan dea soniething about ihemn, de il, Otherariseê'dar't lat them drag YOU down. If's a long readt hat bas ne Rut Ôirer lâng véars, I'vé learrnetiinte ly Andti to iavé ail thingi ta hé soivêti,'arbén I tiC." writlèn by Langhôèl, pen naine of Aalph R. Teaoléy. ý45 Burk St., Oshaws. Mem'orial Hospital Weekly Report Wéek of Apir. 20-46 ilelugivé Adftmiin - - 9 Êirth5.-A nialé, 2 téntalé in Major opérations 21 Miter opérations ---- 44 Emérgéhicy Iréalménitg 136 Vising houri 3-8 p.m. dily 25 YEAitS AGO (May t3, 1945) C eeu G. Mereer will again conteat Durham County for thé Libérais in thé Ontario é1&btions, called for juné 4. Thé Durham deunty Pro- gressive Censervative Party, Thursday evening, endorsed Hon. Dr. Percy, R. Vivian as their candidate in the Provincial Eleetien, June, 4. Wii,*7d Bowles. lawyer- farmer et Nestieton, was chosen Federal CC.P. candi- date for thé Dominion elec- tien, June 1l, and William L. Lyceit, Rublie Sehool teacher, won thé C.C.P. nom- ination as candidate ln the Ontario élection ta hé héld an Juné 4.ý Mr. Donald Venton, Uni- vérslty of Toronto, W-as home foir thé weekènd. Mr. Jamés S0u t he*y, Quéén's University, Kings- ton, la homne. Activé in thé business ]l(!e et the cominunity for thé pasi Mt yêars, william J. Châllis haâ rtired tram act- Ive business in the Town ai Bawmanville and ln future wll spénd mvich ot bis Urn -e lotking after his interests at Béwdléy, Ont., thé Rice Lake réaert whare hé ewns five cottages. But hé will con- tinué 111* avocatien as An auctienér. Pte. Charles McIlveen, Medical Corps, Queén's ii- versity, Kingstoen, has suc- céssfully cempleted bis sth year ia Medicine and with Mira. Mèllvéén ta vlsiting their parent;È, Mr. -and Mrs. f'. Ô. McIlveen -and Mr. andi MirsA. R.,O.Joués. Miss Mdythe Carter and Mira. Thomas Cartér wére Sunday visitera with Mr. ànd Mira. G. A. flurnlo, Toron- tMiss Éetty Spencer bas jalnéd thé affice staff cf the X. M. iollnkshead COmnp&fty. Miss Gracé Hall was wéékend guéât at Mils Thèl- mna Sehlévert, Béllevillé. Miss Marlon Seatt, B.A., Perth, spént theé-wéekénd with ber parents, Mir.And Mira. S. M. Scott. Mrs. Cuthbért McDonAld vlaitéd, Mr. aud Mirs. Hilton Pèacock, Part Hope. _ Prime Ministér 'Trutiau saiti an thé wèekénd that thé féderai gavera- méat lbas confidence la tha gond judgl- ment ot the peeple ai Quebet, rméaning they wauld net lerawingly vote fan a panty that wauld sèarate thal province Iremn thé néat -cf Canada. We'hl kaow teaigbt if hée was right, and for thé tataê et a conîinaîng Canada as we knew il, ha'd better bé. TPhé nean parit ever thé situatien devéiaped audderaiy lest wéok whera- thé palis showod that Rêne Léesque and bis Parti Québécois (Separetista) wore gainiug graurad anti snappirgag t thé héels af thé LibéraIs, wilb thé Union Nationale party, nea ira power, trailing well bahind. Rhis waa a real1 shoctén, ruaînly bécause thé aulloot was for a minronty govarnmoat, with thé likelihoati thet thé Utnion Nationale anti thé Parti Québecois would jaira forces at thé final oppentunlty te doféat thé Libérais, il thay becamée thé nuling power. Passibly thé maost dangereus posai- biiity se fan as Canada is caracerractist thal thé -Separatîsta mnight hée léctod; 49 YEAIS AGO (May' 5, 1921) Dr. and Mira. W. E. Tiliéy whe have béen spending thé winter in Tarante, réturned to their home on BeeMh Avé. on Tuesday. Mrs. W. N. Tilley and Mrs. A. N. Mitch- ell accempanied them' home andi spent the day hère. Mir. and Mirs. James (Gau. din, Toronto; Mr. anti MrÈ. Howard Bradley, Oshawa. andI Mr. andi Mrs. F. R. Brown, Clarke, wére- reént gucats et Mira. Louisé Pal- tenson. Mr. J. D. (libon atténded Suýr Henry Péllett'a Mile et Hoîstein caIlle at Taranto last week anti purchaséd a nice Young hidi. Mira. Samuel F. Hill hbao relurneti home frem a very pleasant twe months' visit with triénds andi relatives li Toronto. "Thé Moral anti Physical Harm et Fault-Finding" wasg the, subi cet et a very inter- esring paper given by M.. W. B. Pellard..aI théeO- men's Institute meeting osaW Friday aternan at thée home ef Mrs. T. C. JéwèIl. Mrs. R.,Thouipson, contribut- é d vocal sales and Mir,. M. F. Hooper, piano sales, boii 6f whîch wérè highiy apprèci-, ateti. Mr%. Frankt Jeekinan, Vice _ Président, accupleti thé chair. SDr. J. C. Devitt and Dr. G. C. Ponnycastie are. in Terento àttending Ihe-annual meeting et thé Ontario Dent- ai Sôeiéty. Mn. W. H. Hîalfacre -andi grantisoti Teddy Wôedyard spent thé wéekénd with frientgIs n Newlanvillè. Miss Cors Scott anti Miss Agnes K. Hsddy, Ta- rante, sPenit thé weékénd at Mir. P. A. Haddy5s. Mirs. Wm. Ceombé leit on ýTue8day te mike ber hOmeè with her auntt aI- Exeter, Ont. MiAssDoris Tester aplat t very enjayable wéékénd In Toronta wilh ber ceusina. MirÊ. D. J. (liMon id ai Grimsby viaitlng ber daugh- ,ter, Mrs. G. Rsyner. Rèv. Rey H. Ritc]ard, Ê.A., Tarante,' spènt Sunday et Pity the middle CJass l'or years thé gréatéat I esr ir aa mana's 1ite was ta hé poôr. It wat about thé w1orst thig that could happera. fut gradually that's chenging. ln feet naw- adays, you tan gét aubaldized--bousing, béalth andi dental tare, universîty achel- arahips and varlous oth er welfaré bene- fils, providéd you'ra poier naugh. Ahl yeu neéetita éujoy maay cf thé advan- tages cf 111e is preef that.yeu are dis-. advan:tsgéd, notas an exchangè. Nchedy tan cemiplaîn about that.. It'a humen sord kind. H-oWavér, lu tur- ing pcvèrty, sotiéty bas créatéd anothér preblamn group. And tbét's thé mniddle class. Nobody warats to ha nmiddle class anymnoré hecause théenmîddleé dasa has an awkward amount cf monay,- tee inucb tô e héligible te livé as wéli as thé poor, tee uitile te litre as weli as tlk nich. Thé middle clam wage asrnér la caugbt in betineen. Instéad ot living downtawn'(like thé rich and thé pon) thé peor aap has ta buy a crummy lot 35 miles from town hecause thet's ail hé cen afferd. And thon hé spands thé rest ef bis lita tryirag te psy bis bis, aducate thé kidsanmd méat thé merigagé beceusa nabody will belp him eut. Il paverty gets any mare attractive, Ibis is thé sort et thirag tvamay rua mb oat thé 0f lice : "Mr. Goodie, I wandér if I could speait te you loir a miitl?" "Whet la it, -Smedléy, I'nm busy.", "It's about my salary, Mr. Goodie. I wonder if you could give me a die- "You hart a decreaaé lésa thara a yesr ago, Smedley." ý'l kuain, air. I woulda't asi if it waan't important, but I sure cauld use lés oé "What sýize décrasé did yoýu haC lu mmid?" "I was baping fer a $25 eut Ina sala ary.5 "lTwenly-tive dollars! Tbai'a a big alité, Smedley. What bavé you donc te met i?" ."1've workéd fer thée ompany 23 years, Mr-. Goodié. And Pve -neyer let yau deowu. My wark bas always been up te standard."~ 44I réalizé that, Smeclléy. Sut $25! Weaidn't ycu hé saiisfied with a $15 tut? Wé hava a budget right now. We'ru alnéady betow lest year's salary fig. ne.And I bear thé union. la futiaus, tax-wise," "Mn. Goodie, a $15 euthack la bel- ter than nothing, but my wit e snd I hadrt car ats set on a' $25 deereasé. "IHaw about. $20?" Il I madte $25 lésa, wè'd hé éligible for an apaniménit in thé cîty's uiew dev- étopmerat, thé one dawntown with a pool, sauna and tennis court. Beaides, my son weuld quelify fer a goverraméat scholanshîp and wé would gét bis teéth lixéd." Yau drive e bard bargein, Sméfi ley. But yeu wira. Yaa get yeur $25l decréase an Ibis condition: If yeur work slips, you'll take a $1-0 raise, no ques- tions aaked." "-Blésyau, Mn. Geedie," "And Smedley, wiil you invite me ovér for tenniis lad a a'wim soea riçht' when you gét itaIeyeur new place. "Cértainly air. I bielieve thé poer shauld ahané with thé léss frtunat'e -Uxbnidge Times-JournÂlý bégara, se this possibiliiy cannai hé naleti eut If Ibis happeras, may sée ilt as thé beginnîng off Ihas caurairyàs disirategnatiora as a nation-. Yeu weuld have oeeoe the big provinces stnugg- Iing te gel alarag on ils carr, and. Can- ada would ha aplil in hait. Suppasing lhéy ceuidn'l survive as a séperate country, what would happén thora? TIis la nly canjecture, but Ira oar opinion, théeFrench pnide woutd tara tbem Iowand the Unaitedi Statea rathén than agaira ta Ottawa, and preli- ably thai country weuld welceme théni snd. thé naturel resources they bave ira that province, Ibat thé Unitedi States needas s badiy. Quéhétcaulti cancéiv- ably bécamé anather U.S. siato. Il Ibis happeraéd, whst encoure4r moent arouidti Ibre hafor thé M\aritiniý,, thé Prairie Previnaces anti Brtishddil- umbla te stick wilh whaî was laIt? Very ittie! Se, this elecioie n r Quèhae. or thé itexi ane . , . -mxgbt wéli hé the beginninrgof thé endi tan Canada. Wo hart boter ail hope thé Primé Iviristor's viows are thé right oes, un- ~Du and ý-ýDistant Past, Froîn the Statesman Filés A Decision That Will Affect Ail of Us