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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 May 1970, p. 9

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- - * - * . * - * - * . - . * -- *. t *4 . I I * I I i i i . i I il i * * a. j rons B it Practice Irai! aring for Opening on May 18 b? Juin Clarke Witt thé openig Lakeahoré LE.O.B.A. Intermediate seas;on I ~ jut ar un t! th é co rer, the PO t't fomauvillé Loche TVlet- -0 p rs pre-séeson workaut., 204, Juin Murphy 203. Johnl Lufiman 203, flou Bishop 201,1 VI Gole 201, Bll Joli 199,ý Narin McKeen 198, Shirley Fowler 197, Melen Vandenberg, 197, George Charlant! 192, Vit-: glula Falrey 192, NyhI Shée-ý han 192, Gord Simpacu 192,, Jack aapman 191, Dealsel AnrRert 190, Sain SutelIffé 190, Vvanut Gasborse190 ilala Wrght 189. Morion-M- Rieen 1Sl, ]Bob Vandenlberg. il p. flàt * *nna 'IR fn Midaget Juvenile and Jr. C" aS pne,,'- ngmember af thé exécutive,S Hockey Teams HoId, Dinner zt 1 .1 .wonderfl ob doué lu lou'-l Thlt M'ldget, Juveuule sudchamplanship. hg crr a~ig n manvîlie - -nôl or4y for ltsjg J'unlior "C' hockey stason Bob Cblwêll, Cordon Piawes the redlplent sasnthebt formany éars1 came to att eut! offlctally Ofi and "Mowtard Cordenanriade ilu- ols Motors Traphy from Ken tougratulate alilthé -play- Sundy, eeriïtgas Ve 1ers, bt olthto ho td'twln Sunay venng asîlecalce- dvidaitropily présentations Mackenzie, manager of St. érs. but olthop hy wrrit- ive teama, ýhéld théir aiual ta thé followinjpýýuvénile team Mary's Cernent, .rpy h hog hi t>iquetai -the-Bownivillmurer CoatBbJna ouMGgrréeie th#éfoa,e»whe ailih er Country Club, Ion. MWanagýer-Bill Colt, Ass.,I,- MGeorDua r y at iu. OOthe wera e. niM OnMr Di utn anNbe rien J,-,dnan, »n n i;aniâAhi t5t .n - ré Puk, Uohun., Qthe n Nanvill, May el le"' agers. I further psy trtbuW@ ta the wivcs and failles whl» spent rnany niglits at home. wblle the . tétis were trav. 1 ling ta varlous garne, andi misa we congrttulate thé play. enu for a tin* effort thtug'h. out thé, asn». i-j shp series over L.G. A. Mle started ofai! wlth a 267 game, then rked lup the record 440 aud finishiet with 198 for a 905 Oh yes that lient pin tint Dr. . B. Rundie 500 hucha the prize for a perfect performance. We'd have to say tat the doctor perfôrmet! qulte an operation a-nyvay! COUNT1IY CLUB MEMBERSIIIP INCREASINO (~Newv memibera have been joining the Bowrnanville Coun- trÇluh evary day -- at lait count sorne 70 golfers lad been adéd ta laîst ycar'm total,'wi means that it wan't be -long tiare tht-course weIll net accept aniy new applications. It sure 18 ierta sec so many goLFers mnaking use Mf-the ecillent facilities, and of courseîlhe imaximum membcrship yemins that thé second niait tan hé constructet! - and wxiii te required nuch.more quiiickly. This corner urgel Anyone who wlshes ta join tht Bow-' inanville Country Club ta do eanlrnmediately. It is a members pnly club now, but only a very lirnilted number more xiii be dmtted, In tact by this trne seat wtek no more openings malr be available, tt t 4 t t WIN TROPUIES -It was aur pleasuré te attend the aèason-ending banquet, hanorinig the niidget, juvenilé sud junior teatis at thé Country Club,-Sunidayý evenin1g St. 'Mary's Cernent Redmeen received trophies as Ontario finahasts, with the higli ,corilng trophy fori the jutenifles' leading seorer going ta Randy Rogers. Other indlividuai Moring awards were won b3r Steve West of Cable TV Junior "C's a ad Doug Crough of thé midget MeGregor Drugs tesa. Thé hlghlýy-prxzed most valuable player trophy, donated by parst -president Mike Puk, n won-by Larry Deviltt, A tip a! thé hat trami the sports éditar ta the award- Svinners, their fellow players, the Sponsors, coaches snd man- agora, exécutives sud tîl'eéntire mldjct-jUVénilé-Junior7 «C" Liberty St. S» ati Hwy, 401Romnie VIono )43'b. Freshly- Baked To Your Order In 6 Minutes Pepproni, Miuhrýoonaa, Anehorles, Salami, flacon,, Onlons, Bcd Sweet Peppers, Green Swcct .Peppers. Basic Toémato Sauce ML LAG andi Chocs. --_____ .95 $1.20 Any Oné Ingrédient -$1.10 $1.35 Any Twa Ingrédients $1.30 $1.65 Any Thrée Inigrédients $1.45 $1.80 Any Four Ingrédients $1.70, $1,95 Enjay deliciaus pizza with a beverage served in m ur special Flying DutchinanMugs i n aur Licenised Loujnge. 4LSO P1PING HOT PIZZA TrO TAKE OUT Del-ivered ta Youir Door - 75c Extra t t t t TIRU TO MAY 9th 9p.m, -i1a. J=, - bines planlat, vocalisi enttertainer, Au autstanding artfia who bas appearéd witt Count Basic, Liane! Haupton and Duhme flhlugtes. -NO MINIMUM -W Supper Dancing Saturday Evenhîgs ta JOHNINY RBOO» TRIO Tu addition ta auj, uightly entertaneatI DOREEN KNIGHT ART EtBtIT May 9th tbru .May 17t1, t t t t t .MAKE RESERVATI1ONS NOW FOR Kilotets Cbay ifay- iotA Elect[rontý have beca pMt*r. ing in eàamest for tht upcaùm- ktg carxapalgu. Thé récent li- praving vueatcr bas ýallowcd thé flowman'vtflc club ta dé- sert their gymunastuinhaunts f or thé are faillar ant!eu- courtglng surraundiga 01 their--Soer treekjrouîds. TuAs year's elht team les- gue proises ta pravide the Electrans and theh, fans with plenty of excitérnut sud some stt!! opposition. Wtth several practites rèmaininY9. beforé their théir season op- ener agaluat Port 1hope tiare on May i8th, manager Fowler will' have ample urne ta plot his regular linéup, Tis year's players exécu- tive anid sponsor, Mlarry Loche, are antiecipating a big seasoit, pcrhaips th e athât xiii iad ta an Ail Ontario titié. Every- one counecýted bath thé bal club tg iaoking forward ta ré- newiug ,acquaintuaaces with tiheir fans, bath aid asnd new. Mare particulars an thc club's openér uith Port Hope nil appéar iu the sparts sbection next week. Liberty Belles Congratulations ta : Champs - 1797 Plns Capt. M. earman, C. Roberts, A. Wilson, E. Clark, B. Bishap, P. Fallas. Rumxérs-up - 1727 Pins Capt * H. -Reynaids, J. Alex- ander, Y. Oshorné, W. Déwitt, M. Campbell, P. Johnson., Averages - 2nd Séhiedale E. BIcher 203, M. Gibson 202, M. Leaana 199,- N. Evans 193, W. Coombes 191,'C. Wray 188, M. Kirktan 186, C. Ro- berts 185, V. Miller 183, A. Baie 181, J. Alexander 180,- F. Luxtan 179, P, Steadman 177, B. Stephens- 177, 'H. Sheehan 177, '-A. Trewln 175 K.-Blanch-. ard 175,'M. Mcuonald 174, M. b anc 173,- J. Chapple 172, A. Wisn172, Y. -GOborne 171, H. Cook 171, M. Colvilie' 171, J. Lawton 170, M. Chisholini 170, B. Loche 170, C. Luxton 168, J. Mcbean 165, S. Duetta 165, R. Shacheltan 163, M. Haorstnxan 162, I. Burns 160, E. Coombes 159, R. Dickinson 156, M. Kent 156, P. Johnson 155, B. Bishop 1H, M. Bluni 153, E. Clark 152, S. Young 152, Y. Edmandsan 151, B. Kennedy 151, K. Coin 150, S. Gibson 150, B, Foraey 150, R. ýMorris 148, M. Almey 148, M. He=nlngs146, P. -CornIsh148, J. Ser145, J. Elsan 145, G.' jMarin 144, R. Bathgate 144, i A. Carauna 141, M. Gibsos 140, P. -Luxton 138, M. LawrIe 135, T. Terry 134, P. Fsllls 131, M. Campbell 125, S. Houé 124, 1. IrvIné 113. Banquet, May 121h, St. Joseph's Auditorium, 6,30 pin. Réfreshments ta hé served aI 6.00 MIXED MAJOR End! af Second Sehedule April 20, 1970 Thé, Mixed Mjor Bowling Leagué are vcry praut! af Daes Ecyriolda and John Lui!- man,_ comnptitars lu thé Ber- muda Rall-off whosé bowling reaiiy paid off, with Dave win= ntng a trip for twa ta Ber- muda and! John a rniov-e eamx- era . Congratulations fram your longuë e tayau bath for a job welI dont, A tip of the 'at ta HaYn1es beainwha weré thé wlinnêrs a!f thé piay-offs oun1Mont!ay événing. Mémbeéoaithé champsi teau are:, Peggy Haynes Cpt., Dave Reynolds, Nyhl Shechan, Ruas Maman, Muriel Crough and! Gond-Cowi- in.The-se compeling were H;-elen Dunft Cpt., Frank £cciles, Shirley Fowler, Sm, Bruton,, Mary Tefiuant snd Béai Payne. Whlfle thé plny-offo wcrc bétng rallet! thé réat o! thé bowiérs bowled for hlddéu scores wllh the wlnuers ai foilows: Berulce Buday, Marlon Méeeen, Edna C h apin an, Maurice Armacrt, 'Virglia F'sirey, Ross Wright, Vivian Corbétt, Rémindér: Don't for- gel aur bowling banquet aI thé Lions Centré, May 9. R,. freshmenta S -, 7. isuer at 7 p.m. Wc wouit! liké ta talce tls 'I Read Why Stuart xBird is ~~"deIihedindeed"wt Loodyear PLYrSre9 Mn. Stuart Bird of Toronrto, Ont. Stuart Bird 13 real and bis story isat truc one. Rbe ownied a 1968 Buick which was equipped with Goodyear Pobyglas tires in December of 1968. lHe drove bis car over 45,000miles on those saine, tires. Now, Stuart was pretty lmpressed with the performance of 1bis Polyglas tires. 8<, mùch so that hoe taok the trouble to wr'te us about theun. Ro said "I arn delighted indoed with these tires," and told us why. -Woll, we were "delighted indeed' with. Stuart's better and wô asked if we could quote birn. "Sure tbing", said Stuart Here's bis story. I did not experience one moments trouble in 45,000 milesy Wc don't know what kind of trouble Stuart was expecting but since the Goodyear, Polyglas bebted tire was a rolativeby new Mcea in Canada h. may bave Laid bis flngers crossed for a. lii What he didn't know was tint 'Goodyear tested Polyglas tires for more than 6 millon miles boforo they bit the àl defy the Inyman to sue any noticeable tread wear." "It wns absolutely amazlng"$ con- tinued Stat "at 45,000 mes tht ires stWl looked 1ke new' W. told Stuar-t that the Potyglas tie bas 2 fiberglass beits that reinforc e tread se that there fas s*squirm ,as wo oeil il, than wit conventional tire ste squrm meansboss tread-scrubbingâgaint the pavement Result:- ýbotter mioage. As Stuart said, "The 11%e expeetaney ns fat beyond what 1 thought rd set"b "I1 found the. ride charaoterlstcs to b. excellent" Bocause the. tire froid stays fr'where It meets the roa4, thanks agalto thelZ fiberglass beits, you gotbe-uer traction, cornering and acceleration, ospecially in the tain. It's as simple as that. wet or dry pavement far surpassed any other tire I had driven one" Theres that fla tread at work agait. Anothor thing the, fborgims belts do 15 flght bigli speed dlistortion. We've tested Pobyglas tires lantthe Iab at speeds of up to 140 mph. Even at tiiose speoddte is vory little distortion, This just means tint Polyglas h .an exceptionally sale tire at hig- spoeds. Staurt lad anc question. 'tan you show me exactly how. 1Polyglastires are differentfiesm conventionaltres?" ConVýentional tires are made wtt two or more alternate layon aio cordA,d they do a good job. côvnm"tiolr 00odflarP~ntM UOýodysar Potyglas lires bave altet' Date layera cf polyester cord plus 2 touah beits of fibergWas wbich go arund théi That'a wbat mkes olyglastires diffbeet. And that's w h at makes themperorm 80, mucli botter. Weve received many letton lite Stuart's It eople actais Canada who've had the same grea reanka front Coadycar Pobygla-s tires. <lau c vane ct rests e&YHbt te We have O one ncting to add Seo your local Goodyear mam soan If t desn' say Goodyear, it can't be Polyls Dr. Ho a pert and le - V N 4 "PI

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