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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 May 1970, p. 13

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Mitcbell's-Corners. Chois Win Top Honors ai Music Festival ,Grls' .Hotkev Nô Powcler -Puff BETHANY Guelph last wéek attending Billy Palmer "'Threcè the Women's Institute Officers, Twenty Pirates", Sharoi Confernce. 'pies "Minuet Mozart".- scly ern '*lqýpkurd of G ody mrGuests witb Mr. and Ms igduets were JudyKe It's not every girl with1Ipionship team this year. j We Bit Bard' week were Mr. and Mns. Clay_- ade'; Paula Rarnes and Bobby Orr for a hero can émnu-1 Thé league has six teams, il The Aces play 20 league ton Curtis and Richard Whîtel cia Rames "Sang of the 1late l m. Fran Rickard of1 two from Picton and one each 1 games a séason and a numnberi éf Tr-enton; Mr. adMs. liIn h eirgo Newaste, lek -typstin i-an Bllvilé, ap anée!of tournaments. "People seerul fred Bennett of Bowmanvillé: Carder pac Blue inustrii product sales atiKingston and Peterboroughi. ta laugh at ladies' hockey, butIMr. and Mms. Haig Bothwell beanis"; Betty Ann 1 Rowmnanville, can: she playsiFran plays right wing for it's played by men's rulés in- and their ohildi-en Beatrice,1 "Rondo n C";Ki 1,ockey, And she plays It well1 Fortaire's Aces out of Peter- cluding the bodily contact'" Kimberly, Jenan and Terry Of1 "Under thé Hawaijan iý lenou glita hav e been a mem-1 bonough, but *is versatile. 'Il Fran is indifferent te statistics Peterboroughi.> Karen Youngmnan "Gre ber of the Quinte 'District like it back there on défense the way same women are tai Dorathy Cochrane and Ruth'terns"; Tini Mitchell 1 adies' Hockey League cbam-itoa." .pnices. "No, I don't know ha Palmer, niembers of the Beth- tina ln C"; Jîli Wood -many goals I scoréd, but I'm ýany Girls 4-HClub, réceived ing"; Marianne Cliffoif' somewhere in thé top 10." tl#eir County honours *at theé1Sands"; Mary ,S Power uffisthelas thngAchievément Day in Yelven- "S iciliania"; S o n ita on hul emladies' hockey,. on lait Saturday. "D a n e (Shostakovi ~'rt. prans:Mrs. Marie Gilmour and Marilyn Y'Ilmn cuti and bruises are nlot un-,sons Terry and Paul Of Picton,,(Tanisman)"; -Carol C' knawn. "Wé bit bard. In hé"ekndwthb r stal Ballffoom";1 game, sonié of thé spéctators parents, Mi-. and Mn,. Rossi, Youiinman "Canadian Si THEC.0RPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF wouldnt beliévé, it was a girl's Crar r Frn Mri Playing duets were Kim teani on thé ice". 1Mr. koandMsfrank M av ti- and Karen Yaungman 'Il BOWMANVI LLEý On the Montreal Ail- Stars, ch oan ai- aé a.As A Buttait Polka"; BOWM NVILE -baýt ut te Acs intheéd ta their new home on 7ALýSteves and Bill Stevei wbabho utte ctS ~highway. I Mai-ch". !EBastern Canadlan champion-; Congratulations te Mi-. andj ~îslswr r shipi: "They were really good, Mns. James Fr-aser wbo celée- MreéSih"p but e hd oi- ad ometsbrate4 tiheir- Golden Wedding adiete re Tender of the guetaodMr. and M sh Loi;n Mulliggn, 'a At 22, Fi-an la deter Aîamocraefo téwek of The Muir-Acadlény, in ber sports participain tained witb tap dance she plays softball in the suni- -a éilbei-s. her usbnd s gingtebave' TO SUPPLY AND INSTAL A -NEW taelie a sports lover That's IJéanne McMahon pi-éîented a duét by Miss Phyllis Y what shé sa'ys-Wîngf*oot Clan.'1 récital on Monday night in man and lier tésoher Mný ___________ERVICEFOR St. Paul's Parish Hall. Mghon, "Buckeroo Boog ELECRICA SERICE ORJI n thé first group of junior MEMORIA ARENApuPils, playing soles werét MEMOIALIRENAat Terny Spearing, Joan 'Van- Work Oegi 01Beek, Debbie Falms, Kenny Vand l Loc S pe if ca ion : ns al 4 0 m p. 12 /2 0 v lt S N. C la r k e L ib r a ry au i Sisson. T ùm y C lif - A To supl and - Whit00ép iO24, Susan Ryley, Dawn t O rono R Service complété. 400 amp. S.N. Swîtch, Meterîng i okhssatdinpea-Wie Johnny Curtis, Cheryl Cabinet, 400 amp., Trough and P-40 Panel cer- Wn hssatd péa- Preston, Janet Darroch and A tour of tee Orono wit 4 thé former Waddell proP- Bob Palmer. Susan Ryley could only prove dishe piété Ién4 rekes.ety at thé corner of Churcli and Dawn White playéd a ing after viewing witat Exiti Srvie e éremovéd, with load to ébc enrSrétQiaafrduet. hé térmed wilful destri fedfron .40Pantothr tsat f~ t ustar ,thé housing of thé Clarke In group two wérc Bevén]y Picnlc tables which hgd fanél, Ext Li40tPand Sphrithnér Sys ptém wich Public Library. At thé présent McCabe playing "Toy Train": stoneçi under the booth, Pane. Eit Lght andSprnkle Sytemwhih- timé -no daté bas been set for1 Sandra Stapiés, "Qld French bore thé brunit of theéd will hé fed from Trough. occupancy of thé building by1 Dance"; Jimmy VanHalteren and-about 20 tables iThol barn asben é- March of thé Woadsy Follc"; damaged, sanie te the pe 1 Te od brn as eenreýManlene R yl1e y "tawaiian being totally toi-n apant. Seaiéd Tendersl, clearly marked as to con- Imoved froin the pi-émises and Leil5i'. Kathy Kloepher "Shoé- group of, tablés wére nc ténts, will bé rereivéd by thé underggned., untilI removal of déad trees and1 string Waltz"; Ted Spearing iapidatéd but rather 4M8 p.m. on Tuesday, May l9th, 1970 for the aboyé hi-pib is naw underway i,"Rain Dance"; Lois Darroch were practîcally new1 mentioned work,- ordér ta prépare for seédingi "Woodpéckér Waltz"; Helen being attacled, Thée ofolans i. Iniitheof té r-IVan Beek ,"Humniing and cost in thé n1eighbos'he Loest or any tender net néecéssarily maining are.I sth n -Thrumming"; Grant Curtis $25.00 éacb. acceptûd. - tion ta sod bath thé north and "Saiîor's Chanty"; Heather E'urther tea this, beéî Iwest front lawiii. Elson "Starlîglit Waltz"; Ani-, tlés have been sniashedc J. M. cILROY A.M.CT., IContracti have béen let for, ta 'VanHalténén "Mists"; Héa emet ihbo thé inig, igbingandthéther McGill "Sornatina iri G" ~ Qé osc Cler-Admffltratr, construction of a chimney. Duets in this- section were aprea. Thoer i naitdo 40 l eradnniSt.o, Contracta for théei-emaning Lois Darroch and Helen Van destruction have littie1 40 Tmpérnce t.,work are éxpectéd ta bé let Bééli "Thé1 Hoppopitgmnsfopulc rpéyaa Bowinanville. within a féw dayi. ifornnpbpie pDale McQaai A commttée i-arDthéeOono -aiid dtainly 110 i4ea of the Pi Cm e f omte r aveDanny, McQuaîd "SL i ls e t of a public Panlç. -Çab ro omnre Tra l'.__________ Croup thréé wére Sharon Pame payng "siatîn911;IOM - Lynp Argue "Parade fté fO as< Colaurs"; Judy -Kerr 1"Dance ofthé Puppets", Patti Freston Et '_rt i "Sombrero Serenade"; Rp. erh 1 Palmer "Peter Enjoys ai Swing"; Dawn McCabé Mià- T ii1iL THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE nigit, Waltz"; Paula Bai-nés J ti çJie "Waves of thé anube"; am-1 TéOooMs~ asked thé library hoard t con II héi-anal I Srusider a certain ai-ca for aUtoleveuigrcnlwt parking. stating that thérelIkéy. dinner gervied i 1 AC) O l.â.S e rs would hé a néed in thé area!IOrono Lhited Clhurrh- N o i e o Do On rfor such aservice. It was aise Brother Wayne aly poitedoutthat thé area will ahipfuil Master and his By-Lw N. 6-9 f te Twn f Bomanill, povkes hat gnow with the plainned con- Canal, wélcomed thé gueý By-aw o. 7- oftheTon o Bomavile, roide tht struction of oneort sb they arrived. Thé déli ail dogs, regardless of ae, shall be licensed annUally, andc further divisions and that the comun-i dinner was prépared and provides that no dog shahI run at large in the Town of Bowmanville ity must préparé for t hus éd by thé Figure Skating at n t Abrech anyof heproisonsof hi byIa coîd growtb. tiothéni. Thé tables with atay ime, rec of ayo h rvsoso hsb-a ol Indirectly, aveturés have bouquets of white and rec resuit' in a fine of $50.00. also been made for thé passi le aslké b tfu use aof vacant lihrany land for quité spxingliké. LICENSE FEES ARE DUE NOW AND ARE PAYABLE AT THE use as a Senior Citizens Homel Aftér thé dînnér, thé of consisting of from éight ta 101 af thé héad tablé with TOWN HALL, 40 TEMPERANCE STREET uits, Thé du-éctora of thé lwivées were intra-duiced Duniham Cauinty Co-open-ative Biro. Z. H. Millson, AI Schedule 0f Fees ýMédical Services are a niLibér ladies tténding weré pr of Senior Citizen homes con- éd with silvér spoons lh Maie Dogs If only one is képt $ 2.00 sidéring a proposai of placing,îthé engx'avéd Masonic Each Additional $ un in thé district théy seýrved Mn-. Wayne Baîléy was If mre tan to lu houehol $1000' wben pnoviding prepaid medi-I settd with a gft and a If mre hantwo n- oushold$1000* cal services. This organizatjoný quétý of Anierican B Féniale Dogs If only one is- kept ý ,o as asups of sanie 8000ns She répliéd suait fi Eac Adiioaiare loolçing for a méans ta di s-, A peppy sing sang, le Ifovrtw n oueol 15.00 !posé of it in a niannér thatI Don Staples ihM. If payd, ani fe a mae dgipeople-in général would béné- [,Brown at the piano was le ft. Thé fédéi-al govei-nnint! éd by evéi-yoné. Mns. E JOSSPH M, McILROY, A.M.C.T., ýassýisti an appnoved plan with',hmd aiso playéd thé ci Town Clerk-Acjministrator, 1-bn of 95 per cent of thé o0rgan as thé guésti gmt] j total coat of auch -an wdrfrthe banquet. takin. -lmés1A prograni iollowed TOWN-0F BOWMANVILLE AUDITORS' REPORT AND FIN...ANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ending December 3lst, 1969 Mayer, Momer ecf Couneil and Ratepayery Corporation of the Towni of Bowmanvillé Wé havé exariàned-thé revenue fund, capital fund, réservé funci:, and trust fundi balance sheéts of thé Corporation of the Town cf Bowmanvilé as at Decem- ber 31, 1969, and the statéménts of revenue and expediture, source and application of capital funds, continuity of réserve funds and continuuty of trust f undo for the yéar then ended. Our- exaniinmtion includéd a géneral review cf the accounting procédures and such tests, cf accunting records and other supporting évi- dance a: we elnaidered nectesary in the cincunistances. Section 329(3) cf thé Municipal Act linilta tempor- ary louis te 70% cf the uncollected balance of revenues lnciuded in thé budget. At lDecember 31, 1969 the Coi-p- eration.': tempcrary-bans ezeeedéd thé appraved hauit. hInrudéd ini capital outlay ta hé recovéered ia future ycars on thé capital fund- balance shéé ae rjects amountingz te $77,259 which havé not beén appnovéd for dehenturel ky the'Ontarlo Municipal Board (as out- liaed in note 6). Permanent financing liai net been provided for these Cesti. Ai prévlously réported Section 28(10) cf thé Plan- ning Act stipulates that parkai réserve fundi may only hé uced te acquire park land unleis appreval h néceived fi-cm thé Departrrent cf Municipal Afaira. Thé Corpora- tion -déca net have Départmént approval for thé purchase of a tractai- in 1968 in thé arniunt cf $6,268 for park maintenance purposes. Subj ect to the qualifications concering ,,' (a) tempormny lbans ini excess of approv'ed limits (b) -éxpenditurea imade in éxces¶ of amôunts approved for debentures by tlie Oninnie Municipal Board - (c) éxpenditures froni réserve foi~ parka facjlitîes wé héreby report that in oui- opinion: (1) Thé financial transactions which have come iindei- notice have been within thé powers of thé nuunicipality. (2) Thé audit has liéen conducted in aceordance with thé instructions of thé Department of Municipal Afairs. (3) Thé financial statéeaèts présent faLrly théefen- ancigl position of the munipahity a: at Décember -31, 1969 and thé resulti of its opérations for the yeair then ended. THORNE, GUNN, HELLIWELL & C-HRISTENSON Chartéréd Accountans License numbér 3652 Toronto, Canada Mardi 3, 1970 STATEMENT 0F REVENUE AND EXPIENDITURE for the year ended Décembér 31, 19669 REVENUE Contribution$ fi-cm other goverementi 406,168 Other _________'41, 191 Total revenue ~7l,9 ASSETS IËXPENDITUROE Général governaent - -_____ Protection ta persans and property Public works -_-_---_----- Sanitation and waste rempval Conservation oel ealth --- - ----- Social andl family services Recréation and commiunlty services- Comniunty planning andS dévelopnrent- Financiai expenses . - _____ Cotiaty' - lgeo xndtr Othen - -------- Total expenditure Excess of expenditure over revenue for thé yemr ------------ Sur p1us t thé heginning et the yemr-------- Surplus (déficit) at the -end of thé year IRVENVE FlUND BALANCE SHEET ai at Deeember 31, 1969 LIAUIIES 80,983 164,981 107,730 22,257 164,970 150,615 47,874 2M,92 641,-78 7,144 (23,144) Cash -$ 30,312 Témporary boans$10,0 Aeeolint: céial Accaunits payable andS accrued liabilities Ontaio --------r---- ---------- 54,748 Local boards andS other fuadi Munie irlo - -742 --u------al--------- . 19,532 7,8 Due te Muséum Board 1,664- Loa éad nd éther lundi uns 50 Puiiblic Utilttiég Césumissién -Water - 2,938Réevfud --.30 cewiétc£y Board --- - 2,809 Publie Utilities Commission - 2,521 4,535 Çg-pita1 fJund ---------67,375 73,122 Ohr-___- 8~5 Otiier, aJter iSdueting alowance for doubtful accopats -- ------------ - ----- 5,27 1 Othér liabilitiés - deférréd revenue 40 Taxes rééivablé, after deductin alwnéRéservés - ----- ----- e~ .0 for uncolectabie ta-és ---- =-- ----- ------ 73,143 Pi-opepty geqijired for'taxé:, after dcducting Surplus (déficit) (314 allewance fer lons on salé -- --- ----- 4.518 Inventories, M cost - char--- es -------5,306 Other as,%ets - défenred cares -- ----- 637 Total agets Total liabilities CAPITAL FUNJ) BALANCE SHEET a: at Decembér 31-196 ASSXTS Accounts receivable Local boards andS éther f unda Public tlitie: Commission , Water -- 4- -s41,764 Total current assets -- - 41,764 Capital outlay ta hé reçovered ln future yéars ~ 1,718,524 Total asets -5,6,8 LIABILITIES Temporary lbans Accounts payable and accrued hiabilites- Local boards and other fundi Revenue fund - ------------ Due ta Publie Utilities Commission -Electric --- Othér Holdliackà payableý Total curnent liabîlities Net long térru liabilities Général municipal activitie: -- Municipal enterprises Schoal boards Tntal liabilites 67,375 9,278 M00,771. 1,-A28,q47i 130,570 145Z-9,51 7 $1f,7G,2ý8 wheziIl~ 1 ý h ntrbniei rW o vie- Te Canain Statesman, Bowmanvillle, May 8, 27 (1sttM n 'h Côunt Four"In t' " f o i1êvlité w lth Sciée- CD a dg a t r a pi a l n i tiont In Wetéria style.meto dctn C*ngratulàtions wéré offér- Sb lct oar et fee parc t t hérnbarsfo ,id ler .,n,'aiéfor thé N Up tuiition -puro Tne sPèddscÉAdètran ewvi O ff.rIcers N_____-_St_________Time ducted undét hlB echairmnanîhipl Thé Orôno Picuré Skating m e E>R O O I as'WOirhipftt1 Maltér. IClu-b heM their annual me niet-> m e co l1TNER FO MT -OrOc Tïés, ng nd éleetiôu of offiefirmoný -OcôTm4April l6th, 1970 -in the Areu Thé Northumberland - . r- Alex Cam-uthers, M.P.P, Dinng14glwîh 3 ijtreat- hejm'County Board of Educa-IDurham announces that tend'ý flimrn Hlthsent. tien has décided to 'participate lI rs are béing calléd for: H.Ib éd lAR ý1in the aummer Ëchool prog- Mix Paving Cntract on High.,, The f11owing offices were, râma ôperated by the boards of, way 401 from 5:1 miles as BER~1T ~.NICBROLS filled4 Past Président, Audrey' education iin Ontarioanafd Pet-lof Hwy. 35 eagtér]y For 7? tuckley, President, P e g g Y erborough counties. miles and ineludlng the four Aresident of thé Oshawa- làa.chkë: l9t Vice _Pres., van- jj W. Patterson, superinte:n-' jýOwmanville ga môynst of IE nie Peavoy; 2nd Vice Pres., dent of planning, in a report life, Herbert H. Nîehé1s of Eiîna WAtsori; Sécretary, Mar- to thé board recently, said oi È.. , Bowraanvillê, diéd brie Lowery; Tréasurér, Dor- the basis of last year's su _,e1 NEEDALIFI? Tuesday, April 29, 1970, at cen Wood; Têst Chairman, àchool expérience, which wag the Oàhawa Général 14099itàl, rân Lunn; flirectàrs, Carole successful, it would appeAri folownia enthy'lknss ùyd, Ruth Grady, Darla Low- that the local' boArd should Hé lwain his 7th y sars. E'y, Maciéion Madiiil, Joyc@operate its own suitimer schoolý He ws I hà 7thyéà MaorS h irie y Wiliams, "n twôuld cot thé board con Aer sondofthlà Nichôls, é llàiné Mercér, -Maria Munêe,1 siderably more ta operate its1 liery nd lie Nihôl, te év. West; Èanquét Cûnvenor,on deceàséd wks bôrn May 16, oéywlk; C-av nor program aA it woul be1 1893, Ait F 4l, n. nd was tr Câý;C-ov ne ncessary ta engage and pay T EniR, n. osemary Hartwlg; Carnival piniplKndstË nda4I E marrléd Jèx. '7,1i920, àt Smlith- Committee, L in da McCul- prinipaè d the annd ratnA flelil, -Ont lougli, Shirley Williams, Bey. troughaut thé cotînty," lie Mr, Niehô1a fârmed I thé West- Club Délégaté, Maria ,aid. N EW district fMr mAny years and tMuré,. Té-barsiIntroad late wasemplyed y Oàiwa Thé meeting wxîî closed And Peterborough Côtunties akdý A Wood ProductÉ Lifmitéd ïOr thénew exécutive remainéd thé local bôard for Èome indi- FO abu 1 êah H aS afor A, brief -meetin fter-caions ta whether it wishedi Chrcli. f________________ Tiiiêst paticipateintirsnhe melbéc f Eénzé- nitd oféj He l sschoolbyMA in thérôra ir sumiPat iérDONALD two iàisteérà, Mitf. Walter Snld- xemoria h waivuld sacn er (Adlê) ô Oshâ-à andlikëly that students in thé"F R (AddlJohn Oshaitaméry Weekly Report United Counties who are a- (C lara) of W ègt 1 111. H é w aÉ didates for sum m er sc cr l w ilP l I I l n t W O h prédécéaséd by a brôthèr, Wéék of Apr-. 27-Mây'3 Imc. wish ta attend the establisbed; 576-1800 Siné,InNoébe, f~5 Amsson summer school courses in uens69*i, Théey In mori s 06éArvicé w---------as--- 11Otfhawa and Peterboroughi. 1 Da@nSS, Gkly -,Pkbs hé mém2or.ia.lday, at é Brths-i male, 8 lféniélé '7 The intention of this board'$ aI eky-Mnhy Armaitrông 1Fuiéril 1Hdmé, flscliarges -------- - - - 107 participation in thé courses, he _______ Oshawa. ftév. P. T{arn1à, Major operations - 22 said, would be ta provide an paston of Ebenezer United ino-r operations 46 opportunity for students taWRNS.A Chunlitônuctd thé erv Emrgecy reamens -141conrnlete or upgrade their re- Ihch InermnttWaa nthé rf regny rRmnr 1quirements for credits at ezér Cetery,*a I t - [Vls.ting houri 3-8 P_.n. daily 'particular year andllvl

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