Hope, Twp. WiII Vote on Liquior This December Hope Townshîp o ouncil Fni-1 and Milton Waller, a repre-ý riay reveaeti that a liquor i sentative of the Durham Me-' peissete will be helti nextimaorial Temple Board appear- D çeiber in the township -on eti before the township coun- 1h estionRs of licenced lquor cil and were told that the 1, bý andi licenceti dining, counicil hati passed a Motion Pt a t the sane time thelI t their April meeting to go l,,wnship municipal eectionsj abead andi hold the wet vote. oTC hFld. Mr. Waller stresseti that the The township counicil had Odd Fellows were flot asking orived a delegation and pe-l for the wet vote, but rather! tlin at its March meëetingîthat it was the decision of "qiiesting the vote to be heldti the Durham Memorial Temple ",wet vote A~ being sought1 Board thIle Welcorom Motor Cort Deputy Reeve Haskill ex- h Village Motel and the; pressed f earý for the result of Drham Memorial T e mpi ethe vote be&ng unsuccessfule rd. because a lot of people frown-ý Township Clerk Willard ýed upon the Masonîc order; ff9r'tolti the council that. a bei[ng involved in the requesti laiia voters llst will have to ýfor the vote. "A lot of peopleî rpared and that separatel dont think that liquor andi ita woulti be used for the! Odd Fellowa mix," he said. or vote. The 'cot of the!I Mr. Waller pointed out that lr vote is expecteti to be' th Odd Fellows were i1ot eby the petitioners, connected with this miatter. nc, Stoutenioerg. loperatorl in &srne such as Bowrnanville te Welcome Motar Court and Orono, the Otld Fellaws own their building. But the- IDurham Memlorial Temple S ALEM IBoardi owng andi operates te Memorial Temple building i js. A. Sul recently re- along Highway 28 north of: hÉed by 'ýplane from attend-! Port Hope anti renta the fa- the fureral of ber brother, cilities out to the Odd Fellows îl.,ex Todd in Saskatoon, and Rebekabas. The building Ws.Shie alsa viited anotb: ioesn't belong to the Oddt Fel-1 obrother in Edmonton anti Iows, he emphasized, and the'i il toppedt t visit friends in. lotige hias no jurisdiction con-I è4 pieg and Selkirk. i cerning the building. nubrfrmtiscm Mr. Waller saiti the temple e ty tedt1te Rrlbor eted to run dances lgbanquet andi dance and wedtings in the hall. On. li:na oen Saturday night. the present basis, hie qaîi: Nr. and Mrs. Glen Black- they coulti serve liquor only; bunandi Gardon, Kemnptville,: on a giveaway basia, andi ïeeweekend visitats with 1 couldn't charge for il Tin M.andi Mrs. F. Blackburn.! miakes it very expensîve fora Mtrday aupper guests werelfather who is paying for hi M.and Mrs. John Kinghorn tiaughter's wedding anti hold- -#ndfal Miss Leslyn Chan--l ng the reception here. bpiLaIn, Z7ian, anti Mr. Bobl Mr. Waller explaineti thatý. Blacvkburn, ,Solina. I at present they coulin t gelý r.and Mrýs. teslie Welsh a banquet licence. Alil we'.r ami Mr. anti Mrs. Larry Welsh want," hie said, "la ta, get the , R r Mr. andi Mrs. Glen Black-!, township 'wet' so vie, can ap- hum-n andi Gardon were Sun-1iply for an ordinary banqueti lday supper guests af Mr. end ipermit which costa us $15 for; Nles Ro;i elhFaxharo. each occasion we want IL. Al Si ncere sy mpathy is extenti- we can get now la a special ig Pli ta the family of Mrs. J. occasions permit which means' Coling w,,ho pesseti away lest: vou have ta give the lîquor. Flrayeein.iaway." -Examiner:; Bowmanville Public Utiities Cm iso ~CHANGE- ELECTRICAL 1RATES, Inexeases in the cost of bulk power; wages and matenials, particuianly in the last two years, have made At necessary ta review the rates for ail classes of customers. As a result, a compre- hensive rate study was undertaken by your Commission in conunction -with Ontario Hydro. This revealed the need ta adjust rates ta pravide additional revenue. The new rates as set out in thescshedule ~below will go inta effect with ail bills issued on and aftgr June 1, 1970, RESIDENTIAL First 50 kwhr per înonth NEW RATES 4.0 per kwhr M. J. Hobbs' Choir Wins First Place at Kiwanis. Music Festival Ho bbs Students Make School Book Cases Group projects such as the construction of class- operations involved in such a project. In the picture ,roomn book cases help ta provide practical purpose and illustrated the students are completing the assemblyl f unctional application of skills for students of, M. J. of a book case unit. Left ta ight are Dennis Living- Hobbs Senior Public School Cutting, fitting, trim.- stane, Brian Head, John Sobil, Tam Lycezba, Richard Ming, assembling and finishing. are antong the basic Howe and Don Burns. NE WTON-VILLE Mn. anti Mrs. George Steple- the importance af testifylng by, home tram'Flonitia; Mrndht. loi ,Awith Mr, Allen Martin 0f personel exemple, rather than!iMrs. Carroll Nicals, Marilyn1 Port Credît, visiteti relatives by simply preaching thelanti Donald, Port Hope; Mr.4 ai Odiessa anti Kingston, re- difference between right -anti anti Mrs. Jack Chard anti1 cently, --wnong. Owing ta the fact that Johnna Lynn, of Newcastle. Local people ettending the so many of the yaunger mem- Local college stutients home 2th annuel production of bers of aur chir wene away, for holitisys inclutie Marilyn Coruz a Poppin' in Bawm-an- no anthem was sung. MacDonald anti Bob Hendersan ville Town Hall, last week, in- Sunday visitors wlth Mr. from London, Bruce MacDon- clutiet Mr. anti Mrs. S. J. Lan- and Mrs. Jim Adams includeti alti fram Hamilton anti Bill caster, Mne. Bea Jones, Mrs. W.. Mr. anti Mrs. R. Steele anti Henderson from Durham. Paeeten, Mrs, F. Gilmner, Mr. Jean, Scarborough, Mn. anti Mr. ant iMs. Bill Lane and janti Mrs. R, Trim, Mrs. H. MrsG. Adenms anti family, girls of Port Hope were sup- i nm, Mrs. R Farrow, Miss B. Mnr, anti Mrs. G. Fuifit, al of 1 per guests, Sunday, wlth Mr. Milligan, Mrs, D. Vinkle, Miýss1 Toronta.i anti Mrs. C, H. Lane. Lnde Peck.z1 With Mn, anti Mr. J. Mer-1 Mr. anti Mrs. Carman Coln First Newton ville Brownie1 tell andi boys' vene Mr. andtIJsh anti faniily, Orono, anti News for April:,Margot Swales Mrs. Bob Willsher anti Steven, Mms. Bea Jones with Mn. anti 'waa enroîleti et a ceremony Oshawa, Mrs. C. M. Jones, Sunday. h elti Apil 21. Shelley Brown: Mn. anti Mrs. F. Giliner were Newtonville E l e mle n t a r y receiveti the Skaters Badge,[dinnen guesta, Sunday, with Sehool le invlting ail parents while Jo-Anne Pankhunst ne- Mnr. anti Mre. Phil Gilmer anti next Mantiay evening, May ceiveti the Collector Badge and faniiiyaet their cottage et Il et 7.30, Vo a preview of Thift Badge. Everyone enjoy-1 Chemrong. two movies on Famlly Life eti a delicioas cake brought by1 Mr s. R. Farrow accompanleti Education, in the gym. Annette Welteni, Mr. anti Mrs. Jim Farrow ta Local Scouts anti Leader are Mrs. Finil'ay af Toranto jOshlaw%ýa Civic Auditorium, planning a 10-mlle hike Tues- visiteti Miss Allie Nesbitt an Suuday efternoon, where theIday evenlng, to Mary-dele Saturday. latter's daughter, Sharon, wasj Park, as part of their Badge Mr. anti Mcc. C. M. Jones ans of the performers In the work. were dinner guests on Satur- "Oshsawa Spinirama '70". Grades VII anti VIII pupîls day evsnîug with Mr, anti Mrs. Shac-,on fax-onet us wlth an'; are sseing the fruits of lest Jack Giover, Oshawa. exhibition of beton wark et, Fall's labors, now as the colon- Forty-ane Cube u cus a uqr veniety concert, here in ful tulipe are caming out in source and îts Impact on the quellty of life for people of this province. May 3 ta, 9 le National For- est Week. It le apppropniate that on May 9, a tree plantlng day wili be-held to reforest a property recently purchaseti by the Otanabee Region Canser- F vation Authonity and menageti for forestry purposes by the Ontario Department of Lands anti Farests. Fifty famîies o f the Ontario Campers andi iHikere Association, the Peter- borough 4-H Conservation Club anti varlous members of the jOtanabee Region Conservation JAuthority anti their familles, will be planting trees., Thisé effort will give these peopie a: better understantiing af the Importance af forestry in On- taria. Sale of Confiscated Taekie Public auction sale af fish-, ing teckle confiscateti by theý Department of Landis anti Forests in the pat year will be helti et the foilowiýng tineý anti place: Maple, Seturtiay,ý May 9, 1 p.m. Viewtng tiimes, District Office, Mapie: May ï ,and 8, 9 arn. - 9 p.m.; May 9, 9a.- l. Police Week From May1O-161 The Canadien Association ofi Chiefs of Police wlth the en-I1 dirsement of the Government[ of Canada anti the Attorneys-' General 0f the 10 provinces -as annaunceti the establish- m«ent of a Canadian Police Week from May 10 to May 16.~ In respect ta this announce- ment, IV 15 my pleasure ta ex- tend an invitation ta -he pub- lic ta visitthe facilities of their Ontario Provincial Police dur.- ing that week. Our members wil be pleas- ti twelcome visiters ln the mare than 190 Ontario Pro- vincial Police Offices thraugh- out the province ta discusthe functions of this force, aur role la ,,tadaiy's society anti the services we are equippedti provîde. Eric sai., Commissioner. jThe Canadiain Sta*esn'an, Bewmanvîlle, May 6, 1970 Offer Expires 6 p.m., Saturday, May 9th Z1111ZHOUSE SSale #5e95 u Gai & FLOOR ENAMEL EPAINT 5 0 J.5 LATEX -HOUSE PAINT Sale .5-95 1-- Gai Qt. LATEX FLAT Sale .5-95 * 195 Gal. Qt. SATIN FINISH ENAMEL 1~~ sale 6-5 199 Gai Qt,. "Serving This Area Since 1921" ABERNTHYFSWALLPAPE RS PHONE 623-.5431 55 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE MEMO: TO THE LOVING FAMILY 0F THE "WELL-AIMD" MOTHER Hi, What better way to send Mom off -- than ini a Bsling of a soarf, a swing of a bag? available -c electrie wi Minimumi No Charge $1.70 per kW 4.0 1.8 l 1.moç kwhr kwhr kwhr 0.5tper kwhx $2.,50 .250t per kw ighest bîling demand of previous eleven ionthas. NOTICE 0F CHANGE 0F WATER and SEWER RENTAL CHARGES Due ta a deficit in the Water and Sewage departrnents the Commission finds it necessary ta increase these charges by 11.The Basic rates \vill remain as at present, however the accounts will not be subject ta the 10% prompt peyment discount as at present. There will be a 5%, late payment penalty added ta accounts paid after the final payment date. These increases are moderate and are neces- sary hecause of. increased operating costs, labour, J aterials, pawer and the additional expense in- 'Olved where local street impravements have and are being undertaken namely Chut ch Street, King Street East and this vear Division and Church- Streets. The last rate increase in the Water and Sewer Rental charge was July 1, 1954, BOWMANVILLE JI-UBLIr IJTIUTIES -Om1m4SSlONc Win. Morrisnn, Gen, VanBridger, Chaiman.Manager. Mn. anti Mns Fred Hentier-' son xvere Satunday evenlng[ A total of 7.625 registered' visitors with Mr. andt Mrs, visitons were given tours of Bey, Henderson in Bowman- tli Codingtan Fish Hatch- villeery on Highway 30, midway The Bake Sale. outsidebtee ngha nt9ap Browu's Stars, Saturday morn-belîforti. between Apnil 1, ing, unden the auspices of the li 1969 anti Manch 31, 1970, Parents' Association of Guides, National Forest Week anti Bcownies, xvas well pet- b nonizeti with proceetis amount- by Paul Rennick, R.PF, ing to approximately $40. Win- Canada has been calleti e uer af the doîl draw was Mrs, "Forest Nation", Certalnly, E. Searle, treese, woad products. anti for- The Lakeshore Group helti estny play e large part in the thein final dance af he seeson econamy af Ibis great country. lu Comimunlty Hall, Satrdayî In Ontario, for instanice, evening. P'for every dollar receiveti by I Mrs. S. Lancaster, with Mccl ýthe Department of Lande anti Jack Chard anti Johnna Lynu , JForesta directiy fnom lorest accompanied Mca. Harvey lndustry (stumpage dues, etc.) Boughen ta the U.C.W. Bazear 1 an atiditionai $2.09 is recelveti et Orono, Satucday nlght. b y the provincial government Mr. anti Mca. Arnolti Wade, In the form of taxes paiti by wlth Mr. anti Mrs, Spera A'nnis, the companies in the Intiustcy of Peterborough. spent the anti thein employeesa. This weekcnd In Guelph, guests of amount la raisedt t $4.22 whenI Mn. anti Mcc. James Iugues. consideration le given ta tex- Mn. Wade attendeti the OBA, es paiti by workers supparteti meeting thece, as titi son intiicectiy by the fareet in- Grant, alsa, on Sunday alter- dustry". noon. The foregolng le a quote JPrincipal John Veltihul.. with from the 1968 fareet economlei same af the Supenîntentients study "The Ontaria Forest of Education, went ta Peter- Intiustry"' by Hetiin Menzles bocough au Friday to hIre anti Aseociates Llmiteti. teachens for the caming yean. The Ontario fanest lndustry Members af aur Drum-and in 1966 provded direct emplay- IBugle Corps. numbering an- ment for about 78,000 people pnoximateiy 24. led the Parade jwbo eerned $425 million. Whea at, Ocono, Sunday marning, aof alowance le matie for the the x aiaus groupe affiliateti multiplier effect, 1V was found with that church. that these 78.000 persans di- Messrs. W. Boughen, D. rectly employeti by forest la- VinleantBCaswell ,were dustry, causeti empDloymnent for amoni o se tteudnig--t'ea1 1z3 5,100 a -- ditional -personstI 'Otit Feiaow5 Service lu Ca-1 ther industries, whose jobs bourg, Sunrtie mai-ning. depenti on he foreet lndustry., Rev',T,.JSnsligrove's Sun-I Outdoor recreetion le large- partance af titis landi use ta the people af Ontario, bas been recognizeti for many yeecs, but anly recently, has its value been given full at- tention. Such thinge as walk-, ing for pleasune, hunting, fish-' ing, snowmabiling, canoeing, boating ant i wlderness, ex-ý penience are now recognizeti as people "neetis" anti thus re- quins planning anti manage- ment ta sustain thern as an integrai part of aur fareat anti lake 'lantscape, More anti mare urban people are escaplng Inom their crowd.. ed environment for recreation- ai expenience anti reklntiling of spirits Vo the forest anti lake country. Attempts are no-,, being matie Va express these activities la economilc terme so that proper lanti use planning anti management decisions cen be made through compenisons wlVh ather uses of lanti. Forests are given credit for many other henefits such as he protection anti etorage af water supplies, he rarefica- ian of air, andt he protection of sali -aal acting as guartis egaInst envlronmental pol- lutVlan. This effeet can moon be eliminateti by te mlsuse of woodland areas by Individu- aie, munldipalities, and indus- tries. Ontarlaa forest landi and lake complex as weli as hse woodlot-aericutural landi pat- tera In Southern -Ontaiol is-ex-I- tremely valuable, commercial- ly, ecologically, anti aesthet- ically, Al of uis aliultibe a,* r*e - r »e IJý' tee~ Merely several' from our "swmmer's-a-breeze" collection of~ dressy flap bandbags and ever-popular straw looks. 35 ta $11. Silk and acetate scarves - squar-es, oblongs, and long, long sashes. $1 -Ô- $4. Sineerely, \Al1tL K E R' S P.S. Mother's Day is Sunday, May lôth, you Inow! Ieu 15 via usik-g n5 privu <Ail Cuetomers Other Thal Demand Charge: 0 -'50 kW 51 kw ta 5000 kw IEnergy Charges: First 50 kwhr per month Next 200 kwhr per month Next 9750 kwhr per month Remaining coi'sumption per nionth Minimum iwonthly bill. Up ta 50 kW Over 51 kW on the hý -1- il