J 3 i 1 ,y -' ' -' j Canadian Statesman, BowmanvMfe, June 24. 1970 Red Cross Aids Eu:tî.iuako Area The C-.nadIau ]VcI Cross haï tiven a meônit caâh graxrt this weý,k of $7,UCJ tu th* I esgue Df Red Cross Soceties lu Gen'- av; tL) aid the victlis of the massive Peru.-in ie-rthqua-ka. f hsamount $2,500 là fror'ý led Cross Youth and $5,000 fromn the Socie-ty as a whole. The tCaadlan CGovernment bas also contributed $2501 in csh. This bringing the total amounit(of assistance sent through Cenadian Red Cross chânnels to $49,000. The mnoney will be used to provide emer- gency supplies of which the prîoritie needs are for tets, b1ankets, food and miedicines, to aid the hundreds of thous-I ands of v,.ictims who are home- less and inj ured as a resuit of th e earthquake. Rled Cross national comnmis-ý sioner, Major General Arthur E. Wrinch said "We are receiv- Îng reports from Red Crossi as wdll as other sources. Ai are agreed that this situation1 is indescribable in the degreel ~,cf seriousness and that tre-1 mnendous needs exist for in-1 nediate assistance. We know that Canadians are alreadyl responding to this need. Those vish-ing to seni donations mayl forward chequeés Payable to' th-_ Caftadlan Red Cross Soc- ietyi 95 Wellesley Street East, .TIoonto 5, Ontario, marked "-~Rclief for Peru" or to Red Cross offices aniywhere in Can- td.ýHe added that the Cana- â.%,in Red Cross is unable to lwceepi gifts of lothing for I -the earthquake- victims. "Red Cross bas found over the years that it can help most quickly. and effectively by providing i fuinds which can be used to bi- supplies thus avoiding sip-ping which can impose un- acceptiable delays and may beý very costly." To have clotbing, ec., near ai hand, Canadian ReOd Cross su.pplies, made by the Women's Work ommt- tee, are stockpiled with those frorm many other inationalý societies ia League warehou- ss.- These are strategicallv Iocated throughout the world' so that their contents canl be ruéshed imnmediately to disas-ý teiÉ amas anywhere with mini-1 rnt'm delay., The ?eruvian Red Cross bas, coCfrmed that there have been More than 30,000 deailis. The g'aetneed for immediate rXelief is t the nmoutainousý regions where the winter is1' tiow beginning. OBITUARY F. A. THDO«"'K The death of Frank Arthur Thompson, aged 65 years, oc-I curred suddenly at bis resi- dence in Bowmanville, on Sat- urday, June l3th, 1970, Son -of the late dames and Violet Thompson lie was born at Arden, Ont., where lie re- ceived his education. on July 113,lemarried VivianJean~ Siiompson- who survives. f- The deceased hadl resided ai, 63 King Streeti West for the, Past five years and before movinlg there lived on Duke Street. A Canadian National RailWaâ, section man, he re- tired a yýear ago. He was in- teresýted i, nbasebali, umpiring soie é 1Rmes played in Me- i maitrial Park. Siurviig, besides bis wife! Vivlan, a' a daugliter Mrs. Ciordon Te!rry (Muriel) and a son, 1lonald H, He was pre- îleetaed by a son, James. The f-uneral service was held fro'n the Morris Funeral Chap- ', Bowm-anville, on Tuesday, J11nP, lth and was conducted bvr Capt. David Peck of thé SlainArmy. Initermeni w~ uBowmanvhlle Cerne- ~terY. Amnting the lovély floral "tlibutes were those fromi Me- r iirwýlo Park Association, .N., Il. 'iuk Crew, and Curvplyý Wodd Products Ltd. Pallbearers were Messrs. Don Brown, Don Armstrong, Gerald rhompson, Gordon , êry Ja~LY .ck Mutton and Bill ENFIELU Ice, has béen visiting at Mr'. Letfle Cochrane's. Nancy Wright, Lynn Irwîn.I A'ex Smith, Todd Cummins, pvichael Cotton and Mary Nctum accompanied iheiri s"hloolmnates on a trip to Nl,,iara Falls. Students front hère on a trip1 t, the Sandbanks, Prince Ed-, 'Ward County, Aere Eddie S2tStephen Powell, Ed- f'Irwin. Robin Wisener and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith, 'V--st Hill, visited Mrs, T. Tcvlor. The recent welcome ains cpuséd a flury of transplant- lng in the gardéns as thé gard- eners finally finished moving their seedlings to a permanent area. There is a lushness of gorwth everywhere rew th ankf ul? ~AI Home or Cottage- Nothing Down wieth a Beaver Budget Account/', [f you want to start now on honte or cottage f ix-up use a Beaver Budget Atcuunt, $100 to $4000 . .. nothing down terms to suit your budget. Monthly paymeftts iclude ail service charges- no lidden extras. Sizé 10' z 7' Delivered Factory Assembled Roof Eoyshelier from' suricad rin. Eýopea to 0 ooling breeze. Al lutu'- aum consîruci on. wrcuglit iran style black anodizecd e6" columa. white, green or cral cool acd iim. Pre-drilled, no cuttinq. Ji cifarli. lio pkeep. Patio-King $139.95. The Patio-Queen Scatllcp trima. lassic scroli olumm. S=*, sire. gualltË as 16 5 Poltio-Rin. Prefielai- 199 Cd alumaieum. ready ADJ USTABLE WROUGHT MRON COLUMNS andi RAILIN GS Now You Can Do It Yourself At Home I's a C simple mnater to fit these 4' and 6' rail sections ioto th adtestable mcuotiiog sacketse Col- ames. posts and rais bhock tusi reistant primneS finish, it porcS. patio or platfo*m stop. Colorons 17.95 10 24.95. Poly Vinyl Panels 26" z 8 Fi. White. yellow or green, shatisa. proof, Waterproof, 1%" rb. Real êtonomy fur liight texioss dtvid- Cfa. baleony ros. 2.77 ea. Patio Doors biàïâim109.00 WHAT A DIFFERENCE THEY WILL MAKE TO YOUR HOME Tour zoom WHl ook as large as the cior.ISraip t ls. single glased 500f. ho.ryulo' Save labour oâts. tlecvy /16" crystel glass.ntuial luitinum. Mode] lic. 5068 5' x 7. 5 Year Trouble F ree Guaran tee You caei't hide un unsîghtlv prcb- 1.01 lùate dont or escape the daily struggle. Save on lcoks and tempers witli Royal all-steet qe:r-ic dloors. Quiet andsacte. Complet. Zith hardware, instructions. Other 81209 and pricea. RéPlaceméent ' x 7' Size PLASTIC PIPE 1 75 M.pressure 300 et. Colis ...9c aftL AUl llttings and everythlng you nèéd to do-it-yonrself at Beaver. Circular Saw Speciàl Béaver Purchase. Thé 114 H.P, CSA motor, clibrated rip guide. 3 con- ductor heavy-duty crd, safety slip clntch and blade stop. Zips through 2" x 41 ai 45'.,0 READY TO GO KITCHENS Complete 54" Kitcen Unit sanded bzeh. Ireudy 10mtint. staim or poit. Slid. warp-Irea lianover. good enough for home. Low priced for cottage! Doors, drotwSrs, stoinleag' steel sink and striner, faucets, arborite top. Lower 36" bigh xa M". Up5er 22" x 12!'. 13.25 and sinik Saving Mirror stainléss steel, com- piète with neyer rusi basket strainers, self-iedged. Single bowl. No. 300 - 2011 z 18", x 71, deep, NOW 13.25, Dou- blé bowi 31" z 1B" X 7". deep. fteguinnly 36.89, NOW 21.49 Coppertone. Range Hood Saving Co.king odours afet gletlY üj lto the t 9'speéd côtitrot 'V«eagucÊf Phltp Carey coppertone range lioS. 30" wth lead-away ducts. ÈEAvE'S BIG PUItCHAIliG POWER GIVES YOU THIS KICHEN JEWtL AT BAL? PaRICS. 1 . -24 ,,95 About 1/2Price 'Moen' cee-liand cioh sparllet with 9 , swIng chromé feutet, baS e ,11 1,1 & p ,, li' lu c ite c e n tr e C o n - Reptacement Seats Iilustrated white only, mois- turc résistant cmr, baked- on enameël 4.88. ilo sele- tien ia plastie andi marbel- izeti colours. 7.49 te 10,95. Medcine Cabinets Now only 13.33 Clear, crystai sliding glass doors, 2 shelves, %,all Utlng monnted, white métal frame excellent value. 24¼," x l7ýkÀ" x 5~.Noe. 51 reg. 15.77. As above -wth No.' 7071iL light andf rasr out1ét, only $24.95. Do-It-Yoursçlf Screw-On Shutters mý L A PAIR Prefinished Aluminum No n-warp. rot. rus! or Peel - 14" x 3P" ,huters .35 a pair. à Most- wanted. baked-on roleurs txrtude white and back, greens, browns. blue and red. Wde range cf other sises a md 5rtcessanme quality Eavestrough 10 Ft. $1.49 White Baked Enamel 3.59 DoIt-Yourself Prefinilshed -White Soffit & Fascia Kits OnJy 79c [in. ft. 15 year guarantee on the baked acrylie enamel. Kits eayto bang, 12" soffit, 4" asaneatness witb venti- lation that asts a housetîme and increases bouse if e- time! Prëvents hidden mois- ture build-up which miakes unsightly spots, chipping and peeling paint. FREE "How To», Instrucf 'ons Thèse snap-in, bang-up' parts instail in three easy steps. Illustratéd fer do-lt- yuurself! Ah you need lat the kit. LI1 Fan Trellis 2.29 S' - 1 4iar'ord, 2" wlde, No.- 904 - 4.49 1 7' single diamond, 14" wide trellis, No. 81 illtisi. - 2.69 81 Chinese type, 21" wide trelils, No. 1004 3.99 Portable Bout Docks 37.88 Erasiesi cch kto Put lnancd tUe 87u 'n the Faîl. Adl nts to watr levels. 10' section tn a kit lias twO 5',posts with wetded groued plat- ese. bracas, plaiesteevea ceyrclage botancd nuis. decking. fremning - EVÊÉ"I'HIlG YOU NEED. For ex- tra tiesp water. deeper poste. sutght entru cosf. Neyer Su Mudh lfltly Stor- age-For So Little mort AndI Money Supe~r lough vi nyt Sian,,el 'Stel- .olcur' on steel Sposemaker. 72" x 56" - 28 sq. ft. - 173 teu, fI. Ample, teight, cor 351h- k63.Corn- plete wiIh padicck ,and ey in eeOay to carry kit. Seo itIn la1t orta. toque page 4. Was M9 8<li. G65). SAViE $15.00. Larger 96" x 561, 37 Sq. Ft. 'G851. Plus ]Efameléd Steel Shettes tâÛ eu. ft., liding dose 41" a 82V" cn steel ramp, extiSft eavy steel roof beams support hibaévtect Énws. At] fcius of G065' aev.Seos t in colour catalogue fOG .ws s' "ai124.380W 1.25AS SAVE $20.00. YOUR OWN 8ACKYARD BEACH 'Silverlinie' (llustr.) 24' Diameter, 4' Deep, 12,960 U.S. Gais. For extra hesavI' war 20 gouge winterîmed. scsOlttsCd vî"iyt liner. No. "866 higl i te ltockwaala sond filier puams 3000 qu-S. per heur, Gel- yuseS t terlocking nib steel, 'bah- cd-on' white enamel. 8" redwcod paieied deck ratl, massive flcrlng verticals. No. 662-1 compiete A Package. ceady te assembfle. 8 1DELIVERED 'SUNLINE'f 181 Diameter, 41 Déep, 7320 U.S. Gais. 12 geiici sanitimed %wlnterized vinyl inec. Snug sti tbteemecopi top rail. C.eister Aquaibt punap and lter. White boIreS-oc enam- el, interlock galvanized ib saiesl. liO. 631*t optete Pceehote. réiy to assemble. DLIVEIIED 3 8 Open Monday - Thursday' 8 - 5:20 Friday 'tii 9 - Sat. 'tii 4 246 King St. E. BOWMAN VI LLE Phone 623-3388 TAKE HOME AN ALMOST INSTANT DIP Hook up Vour 'Haugh' Pool in a carton la an afiernoont 12' Diametér, 3' Deep, 2330 I.S. Gals. Heaey golvranized i.aerlocktag steel, bluC ad I 5low <sticel, saniixed blue vinyl liner. 1/12 H.P. mdccr, a" fltor pump, paiateS steel ladSer. InistructibnÈ.1 Packageready teuassemblie. Taks MU.ial aeor'a tew recipe for mas-eai àte iI saler OacI préservative. Peaeirates, dOep tô lesot yearts <md yearas. Ceclar br hedwoôd. Solignum, Reiawood or Cedar - 6.75 gal., Soligniti, Dark Brown 4.95 g-ai. Patio Furniture ]Finish - r'atio Deek Finilsh - 91.79 -a!. Palaitable l'enta Préserva- tivé - 3.0s<ai DO IT CEMENTS «Sakrete' Mortar and lime,1 2? lb. bas a. - .98 'akrete' Concrete and gra- vol, 45 th. bag ea. IL39 'Sakrete' Plaster and sand, la tb. bagéa. -------1--,99 Isàkrete' Blacktop driveway patch, 45 lb. bag ea. ---1.79 'Sakrete' Iglaektop sealer, gallon ea. . 92.49. Spacemaker Garden Storage Buildings 64..88 Take Home Specials 'rtâ Bpecethaker clftga t>es donin cartons with ntep'hy-Stsis Becdyor weekénd proiesi ye. - A 'Haugh' WITH AUL POOLS 'SANITIZED LINERS' Reevry 4qga vintyl for laatilleg hytrsn1c protecitoe, chemiccflr treated aqainsi grt*tih af bât- iCat. olgos, malS enS eaide*.- ACCESSORIES AND MAINTEINANCE KITS YOU GEt wITII SIJNLInE andi SILVERLIN CPool bharthimûpSctîor. Ir.Y' saeyrfet tie hdrp. t'Pooil vacuum and ShlminS#. *Test <md eblolsne kits. AtU I Home.Free YOU CAN WIN THE HOME YOU BUY AT BEAVER 1 l Over.30 beautiful homés for your iHume Free! Dozéns of lovehy options giVe you I custom design at mass prices. Win o ô losé, you can save up to $300 withae Beaver home. Iniquire today. JIVERED 74C evr eve e t Wit 2xR ro- M.re2 féet pig- teetive top rail 74e lin. fIL 4 IL. UGH CROSS RAIL 77c lin. ft.c with cap. H *N E MI Choose a fence, measure your MO ard for feneing . .. thet iphone p Beaver for delivery. Nothing down with a Budget Account. 42" GALVÂNIZED Sure protection for pets. cltidren, 9 as88 property and pools. 43 height, l12 gang-e, 2" mueshi. General Wire 50 FT. ROLL Brand. DELIVERED 16.8K~ TARE HOME SPECIALS 42" GREEN VINYL a 12 year warranty, résita cr- I rosion, elippl: ,and Ceetn 1108 14/11 gauge Z' mesh eral Wire quaiity Prodllci& 30 FT. ROLL DrbLIVERIIDý18.89. FREE 'HOW TO DO IT' BOO0K AT BEAVER! Tell-, yeu how tu measuré yuur yard ...,hiow to order .. and liow to ereet your ehain llnk. fence. moi M Go to the Top Be couler now and warmer la -the winter with attîô lin- Slation and proper louvred ventilation. Monit homes té- day have inadeqluâte attlo, insulation of 311 depth or less. Check your attic andi let Beaver solve your needg. Proper Attie Ingnlationi Keeps Vour ôe m MUh Couler ln Suinmer And Pays For Itself In Wihtér Fuel Savlngs! POUR IT ON One bag envers 40 sq. f.r deep, 13 sq. fi.31" e1 sq. ft. 4" deep. PXE. BAG ONLY 1.95 NEVER RIGID FOAM Great for areas Whfre YOu ean't pour or stàpjë batlé. Excellent insulation $tanY- waterprouof ând fireproof. 1/11:X4' x 8' panel ea. 1.42 VI x 4V x 9' panel ea. 2.M 1"x 4' x 8' panel ea. 4.3 KEEP THE AIR MMOVINO. LO%ÉUVRES Passent blddeên hc5d.-ISpot cSn-. donsatkoii dInoe.oltte outkI' 'mesoov emciP cacinst wo «-t,.cIline or wa t0tro8 =uSId sheeocthiag or roôflr,#.É St yen epar. entwith Do et Con-, adim ypsm's n-ruai clumiaum louvres. Pitched koof Louvre 123À' lx 64 11 - 3---------- l Flat Air Vents No. 21 - 3W' x 144/4" --- --- ----- No. 49 - 7%1" x 14%" î .89 Vent A Sttlpq No. 10 -per 8' length - 1. î9 New Rtound- Roof Louvre, 7%1" dia. -4.69. Llght but not riekety. 4AP qnallty lu nylon andi aluml.- num tubing and redwood seriés. Balance and proportion fer Siuady use and mobitr. Finnd l imbtel- tas in unique foldieq rettwbA an4i alumjinum and 'ciassic' 611-ced8*4od wiih gay pzints inside baigh tangerine coutie. ai'h içil51I lacse cuabjons. 'Napoli' WEB COUNT ,IS KEY TO STRENGTH 6 x 8 web mouni niekea the differ- ore betwssï Nepoli and tlimay -Imitations. Tight green rystalliné nylon onbitarang clumnum tubs. liefeg"bd balance. Cttaettêmüli. No. 298, cccli 13.49 Chair unitillusi, No. 148 socli 7.49 'Pandora' Chair Nô. 11la exits 116.95 ltnibrela le 140. frnqsd. etc.. 7½' ditueseter eUÉl 49.95 vmbrelle table XN, 333, 33" dStumeter, euch 14.95 pura Deeeely wften toargt neutral fnyloa tuhttaq in C-asde ostentOl »f li. Etreciety light end eturdI' Beaui- titully balanceSafnt'iuminutULbê. 'Tacoma' Foldlnq Redwood and Aluminum Nao. 540 Coffte Table illusi., 40" demeter 25.95 ï i ».,320 chair., -Cuskion - 3.45, llnoiri5,etc. <Taeoma' Wood Chassie lio, 1553 Club Chair - 34.95. lia. 1593 Chaise Louage - 64.95. l'le 1314 Round Cocktail Table, 1 da. '9295 THE BIG FRIENDLY TEXAN nle'gt 4 ft, à rails on your side, 3 rails on your nelgh- bor's, real friendiy, posts every 8 ft. 3 Fi. HighTexan 49e lin. fil. 5.44. Pt. High Te an 1.05 lin.fi. Fu 1