10The Can'afflarî tatesmnan, BowunanvflIa, Aug, 3, 1970 OlH Milliiîno drop-ia centre for teenagers by BiHl Daniels Up until 1929, the MIMIl ~ot"y arkwaaoperated ib 1water power - nuw lb' ated by flower power. This dcsn't mean the M h1as been taken over by hip peraher, the desîre of rmos tceenagers >to do their on] hîn a&been put into pract ice' 'in its -.econd year, bh pr)jct Is operated under th dirtimo f the Bowmanvili re-creation Departmnent ali the blessî,ng of the Bownian ~'ij1eRtayClub. The cntre i o0fthre ~îserating or bbc summr, aiý JOH1N F. GnrlInsurance ALL CLASSES OF PERSONAL and COMMEIIRCIAL LINE5 Jn#a Ibetween them. tbey caber to in centre is the result. in! teenagers fi-ar1,1 yeers oldý Its bbc second yeaî for the byta 20 yeers od Actîities cn1enbre at the Mill, and- this - thé-beecne cen -be ýany. ycar tis nperabing a -bit-4f tbîng from a frustîatîng gamne fercntly. of chesi t& taîki about religion "Lait yeîr, 'people fîom 12 11and Christ. to 20 weîe comîng here ta bbc P_ In fact, religion and Christ diop-in", Wright îiaid,, 'but it ist are the main reason for the dîdn't work as well as it is this vnf dnop-in centre at St. John's ycar with teenagers from 16 t- Anglican Churcb, This drap- bo 20" hein is constîucted !n the baie- Tbtras decided -ta set up a lie mient of the cburch and la de- do-incnr o h onc led sigehto eeml pcfe teenagers at tihe arene, and n- Th bop. Ml, swl a h ndcl- tbc direction of Gary drpi-cntea Tbth Mlasw e bbc akera 20-ycai-old super-, de _hrp-înc enre tbbc arena,visn forhbbcRécréation D- ccd lbr()-,( cte5ar taEyUn erte Pi ît'e-b w-tedsto- t id romilta 5,ancuner bechores of bbc youngsýtens,. dirctin f bc ecraton e- The major diffeiece be- partmerit b ween bbe old Mill dnop-in andi Altbougb the aid Mill drop- bbc ance t the arena, i s that i- 1. openated by tbc Recrea- thon Deparbment. lb î8 actueîîv the drop-in et bbc old Mill is run y e 6-mmbenbeenge trictly a do-i-yourielf pro- cammittee. wbo meke ail de- ject. Recreebion Directon' Buid *cislions and do ail decorabing Fannîng told bbc Stetesa Iof bhc building. 11"I Heedîng tbc cormiîttee le 19- bbc 1 -yeen-old ta 15-yeai1-Old yeanr-old Bill Wright, a super- group meet et bbe arenefo vîsor iwth the Recreabion De- 1 30 to 4.30, then ageia fo partuient. sys bcW.30 t 10 crws h Wright sy h corcent for "egtgo nwie b the building fuîst evolved lnianene," Fanning related, "and whnh ada kids who go there. do juit I group of other teenagers want- cd a coffee bouse. Tbey were told to forr a cominitbee, w,ýhich they dld, and Vle dirap- ATTENTION FARMERS vi-MIHY -PY-ýýUE? SAVE ON Preirninni Quality * ASO)LINE *DIES EL *MOTOR OIL Farni tanks anid pumps nfoducine "THE JUOGE, latest addition taopur quality line of henmisome frames for men. The sturdy Judge je the ultimnabe týim f-day's SiÎM Line masculine sbylîng. Frorn bbc wel-fiting bridge taoits "mini-metai" sblield, the Judge je bbc fremr.e fo-r 1tihe Now Generation. Aveilable in Sleek Black or Wc have glasses and frames i31al styles, fram the "Imod Snuare" tfa the raditio-nai cnam-i-natîon îiiiplastic anrd gold- rllled. Ch'oase yautr f ranie i'yr~ coior, al et one ioýw pruce, G5 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO COO [ ROM Fïriî ult eee Fn; ainlBadFee Broen rams rciired orý replaccd wile yo aiet presripioniet erne10w prices Bîfoalr ifeired Iiýrptk Utx or Flattop PRECRPTONSUNGLASSES AT SAME LOW PRICE OPTICiANS-OYER a,COoo ArorruIu'î UnSTOE 17 ROND ST. EA S T HOU RS Tues.,lrhuri.F1 Set 9 .m to12Noon Supervisor Bill Wright,, plans Rotary. dinnerwith Rotarian, Gýeorge Vice aebout cverythiing thiieus coonc et bbc aid Ml. Supervisai Ga-Pry Beker.' b egrces wlbb Fannîng wbeheti relates that 35 to 40 youngs-g bers visit bbc drap-un at the The hblb.,(,hool grauindpi arc... .... fuscd for some of tbc activities f hr bbzyun..n. iBaker rltsbsjbcnb :frustra ing Abtimes, bubthS ChisTonlinson, Superviser Gary Baker and Jeff ffodgson 1at .Arena does not dtehbs etbsism "Probably toenmît ntencît- ing aspect of tbbcijob le wetch- ing bbc kids," Baker said. "I sombet ry tav ,opictunei myseif when 1 wcs thein cge." Baker hes littie disciplinarY t pîOublrîîî,but ne ,.id- c, b,- basbd to ask onc orto yaungsters ta leave for bbce day whcn bhey beceme adamý-n cnt about thein desine ta smoke on bbc arena premises. t One Indication of bow mucb the Mili drop-in Ih c trlctly........c do-i-younself project, lse bbc. ... interior of tbc building. The teenagers nccenly rais- cd bebber than $250, bbrough a pop botie drive andi wesbing cens. The money wee used for pain b and othen iterne 0of decoretion.V The Cbambe.r of Commerce eddcd $100 ta bbecocmmitbe's Ibank account.a One unique aspect of bbc centre les that evcnyonle gets aM chance ta make suggestions. and If bbey are feasible, they will be Insibuted. "'Anyonecacn eppîoecb a9 member-,of -iehe ornrnitbce and-- make suggestions," WrigbtbP said, "and if we feel It la feas- ibie, we wili do aur utmost ta ...... Institute lb,,, On oc-makîng praject wbicb bcad juit teken piece, j: Iwes a dinner for bbc Rotary Club, hosted by tbc teenagersI froni bbc drap-m centre. The dïinierwas -held-at-tbe-ccnbrc- Heeding bbc proj cct for bbc Robaiens hs Geonge Vice, a paîki, committce member for bbe Rotary Club. Mi. Vice poinbs out that It hI the dneama of bbc Rotarv year-round recreetionel centre. The major problemi they are ~ now confion.bcd witb are bwo- foid. "Finit, there are fin ancial difficuities and secondly, we i,.. would have ta have sewage 7 facilitica pub inbo bbc building, betten than they are now," Mn. A oroposed sub -d-ih n o bbc norbb of bbcherk týcoid -John ime, Lyn Mormur and RyTaylor, YreI>.ax t entraîsce hiold MIi belp eliinate tbbc sew-agebcdeStJon-Agiale adbha oetoiegebre-aiiewee problern, eccoîding ta Vice, hd tS.Jh'_ nlcr c--d li-lnrle-f P e The Mil stapped operaùocî'Churbh, b'm a lttfle dîfferen th sLi ï3uib b iitrpe f'ummeniiotb .eem eýraund 1957, and ln 1964 bbc punuose than bbc Mill or bbc wbat is l tryîngtobe op tobehavnga naugb ime, Roary Club boughb bhc prop- Arena. "It's srage"Flaticysadbchmay av 1cmpaîed to errty and1 since bave 'pauied , Headed by i K'erîy Flattlcy, an "we get gpnmcrepo t fîom bitansAie(n[t miiations of bbc a1rounid $27,000 inta IL.Ti usrle, o0f thc meýjai snr1om f fi-bbc kid!' paýrenlts, buýt1"dirty 3P's" wbeýn depresso inciudes tbc purchese pri eo jie s of thie drap-mn, ts thosýe people wo hav ad --wallowcd up bhe counýtn y. bbc p)roperty, wbicb totales whihlc-,b la bîcdbo r- nyrbeen d own erewbo ýToday, we aie co4fionted eauind 24 acres, semble e ýn(-ceebous, la t gîve us bbc masb ,trobe" I witb inflation and a scercity One question t1at wlll auto- present Chris:,Pýttanreion t esdsbing fcd. reigizonï, 0f employmenb - peibapa not matically pop fina bbcminds the teenage(,rs in a moc ipop, nchipsad ofe ire sernv-as debîlibating, but ciippling, of some adult, is druge, and sense. cd ýý -et b ro-ncffe ibo0use,1 none-the-less. bthc police. "The mýjai proe st bibl pened b ti-ebe- ees tee an1h According taWrgbtRBw- presen hit t bdsno nd lse p b i p.m. dop-in ceýnties daesn't mean mqnvIlle -police b1ave enber.cd youbb," ' a iyF a id "MolM .Albbou(gb her'e -p of tia ny-1e ia-- a - -- bbc premises only o neand Ikida ns ' Imheead uîcafo eeaes i o-atvt aebeen qabd th'is 'ires ta 1ook eroun'd, and.iwhist Irsiee1 anii, g pclihapipb i w aet o armme nlot inan officiel capaciby. IFlatbley "relaic-tes bab bis - lb!ibeat wb e esy,"br bnw ceyug lWîight ays police drive by sage întewesrcivdwt r sme hawon't filnd lb The, re arc bm 1Pbb lif eceny day - but this le theiopen arm, bcus parnl itrstn1 t taîudaf-fob wc maiio n job, Ju as îlb ý h bbir job ta scioe')f bcyugtcscoetalk, or ee ia hs o-rae u hesu1iti e aittnd hockey games or lange up îmmdiateýiy Vwben bie strtcardis, ai even1 cneta rspin bcaseteresem ta "WFe] fhere le a good rfeci- "oebikIýsgeb"b vcyn"teede oraiy comre ber-, and bbi poice" gbbii tiub aa aont b onued wthayat Wrîgbt ld."We now tt01off lbcrn n sm kd aeb-o:,bcas e ]yuH GTCS OA If enrru le deveoped t, c bgn In aaeCns nahse, acmoain fr FRODAP NE wau îl hn, 01n alil w'd newen- feen lgt. venî sepigai',d preýpar UO t fi-c. bb k., wha o doinbo[bcubb renres, hen bc tMeoCL SFES The thircidxo-iwhich Là collesap'oï. Ioee, lt-clan as rivd eeyciPoo 2-ý3303 ~Church, WMeclne-scay. ýlarelly, Nwate Mr. ahd Mrs. Peter Henderson wag away Neil O'Conncll and family of blet week, enjoylng a hollday Cobourg tnp tors bc U gh he. ký M s. Tesise of Oshawa le Vîstoi thouh te wekvisîting Mr. and Mns Les wibh Mr. and Mis. F. Gilmer Peck and femiy. and Mns. Leushner weîe Mi.M.adMs.CalsGa iand- Mrs, HerveyOs-borne -and Mi end M' w hnci anay Alin 0f Welcorn;M rs o- - ndg1isvlie îhM ii ardMooeu areneM, Barb rhis. C. H.LaLne and Barry, ýýi' More'MarlneBararaSunday, and Lloyd of Campbellcîoft; Mi. and Mis. Alfnedi Redknap, Mis. A. Wade and (71 Oshawa, Miss Ineýz and Mi. A. weie out to Little Briteflhi E. Symons of Moîîisb, Mi. andâ Sunday' eventing where the, Mis, S. Rowe and Mis, F.latter played bal Robb. Mi. and Mis. Reid Wood Mis. John Laur of Niagara and boys weîe dnui uests. Falls was a weekend vîsitoi Sundayiý, ,wibb Mr., and Mis, R. wibb the Gilmeis, taking ber eatbyPortb Hope. nr homr giin udynie-eeey ilb b cie 0 br fiediat a oîitb- No servic d a y p e t yola ilwe e kM . a i i d i s ' n e n k O v en0 M n a d M s. a k E liott ret i n ej d h o m e lest w ee k a ter wereawa, enoyig a ou-their visî bo bbc est. Rev.T. , Soîgrve rrived- bacý(k eb the mie'li- on Thurs- OlIONO SWIMMERS da-y fîom i h loliday tour and SELECTED FOR TEAM imonîngliservice was resumed, Snain Oui' local cbuich, Five swimmeri of the Oionn He touched bîîefly on some Wateî Safety Club who last of ibhighlights of bis recent week pessed their bronze testa trev, edm,.i;iitbing it was e have been chospn bo join ait plecasure to be home agaîn, Oshawa demonlstretion teain, "Ad etisîsof AposIles?' waî 'Thîs local gioùp was cbosii the topîc e hoie bo Ipeak oln, for theîi swsîmming and ater sticssintg tb.e importanice 0f sa-fcty ability and alotig w living upbo oip ro Ise n others will tiriin Oshawau as bbiose -f eveîy daýy. Li-v-The .team wiLL uerlbdè îng eepe carry fermoreonstate swî,i.iinmîng srke Influence then eau mounint of and wate.Lr sefety. talkir'g, or avrlig To Tose chosen from bbc Oront Cburcb in the Wilclwood" ws lublare: Kathy Gustar,Kee tbe offeiinz by "bbc feitbfu,.l Homiev-ood, Steven Reynfioild, few', oui chosr. Clif Fe end Richard n Mr. end Mis. L. DeSmit, jo..iHoiladî ___ annm and Peul visited ea bitves ln HpmIlton end districti --n-verr the .nIrlieyweeicend, Mr r, n-dMi-,> G . \Tepkp 'n j family of St. Merys wcre bere xitb bis parents, Mi. and Ms. G. Veleke ai ci tbe weekend. T M..end Mis. C. H. Lane visited in Hamilton witb Mis. J, C. Moore, Witb Mn.R. Bruce were M.M e'ii Cherlie Waters and Mis.I Barney Waters.î Mr. anid Mis. Sîd Brown and Tl?~Ç14TO girls witb Mi. and Mis. Truc-Mc'0B/4TF " man Hendenson, Brenda, Doug STIN 1I Iand Honnie were et a cottae ji Trhe Leke p Pa)rk et Port Hope wes the gatbening place for bhc annuel Rowe family pic- nic, on Sundey afbeînoon Aiv 1Those piesent includcd Mn. and Mi,. Fred Rowe and feily, PLUMBING &HEATIN Port Hrope; Mn. and Mis. Stan POE2323 RoeM. and Mis. Ed. Rowe ard Tiffany, N'ewtonville; Mn. Tyronc, Ontari, PAd Mis, Doug Rowe and _____________ NE WTO NVILLE Lest Monday eveoing in bbc Sunday Scbool bail Unit 5 of tbc U.C.W. sponsored a show- baken at homne and abroad, byl Mr C. M. Jones, as well as some taken by Mis.- Dianl Kimball on her recent trip bo the Continenb. Coffee 2nd doughnubs weîe served ab the close. Mrs. A. Ton acmane Mr. and Mi . Antholny Toni and famîly on a ti ip Niagara Fq11s ils t eek. Mrs. iReid, Wo od returne homne Tuesday .from Memorial [Hospital where sb unr- wenb surgery,a week or so STERLING TRUSTS ago.w 'M'7. and M IiSPhil C il-Ime and aiHy were holidayn lait we ek, at Algonquin Parul. arcd di;tricb. l ,ladie,, attended bbthentn niai Tee ab Kendal Unîbed_______ __________ ___________ Bg nomes in :;7ZfFre Admision £~Grandstond this yeor-id EcKh odvance evening Grandlstdnd tiket eniles four whole evenîngs are given over to the the holder ta free admission Io thz grounds on fIo Iorgest circus ever staged! day of the performaonce (vehicle n6f inc1uded). ..,.Check theline-up!, August 20-,,,,,,,,ci,,.Fotal, Toronto vs Edmonton..... $ 6.50, $5.'50, $4.0GO, and $Z.50~ August 21..,,.,, ... , e r , m o ay n ....n.........$4.00 and $3.50 Auyust 22 .... ............. * h érjtflbW $....ý5,00and $4.00 August 23 ...... . ...... ,tla Festival ...... ........ .. ......~$.00ZO, $6.00, and $5,00 Augusi 24,' 25 ...........ohnny Cash .. .... ..... . ... . .........$0, $5M0, ond $4,00 August 26 .................... BLrenda Looe.,,... .. .... . .,.,................. $5.00 and $4.00 A5ugust 28, 29, 30, 31 ....Circus 170 Internationaâl,.,...,.. ..... $4,00Gatpi o hide 2nsne 9 September 1.............. Roy Chorles/AI it . ........ $5 00 rid $4On Septemb er 2........ ....Hobby Goldsboro ,, .. . ................... $500 ond 4'.O00 .September 4 ..........th Dimension .,..................... ......... $600, $500 ord 4,00 September 5 ..,........,.... Drum and Bugle CompetitÎon ....,.. $4.00 and $350 September ............. Military Bond Tattoo ....,~,....,,.4. 0 and $350 Sept em ber 7 .,.,........tnbiler. ........ .. . ... ....... $ 2,00 d$10 Exibitio-n Pa;rk, Torti*o2C, Onftario. i 1 v-iri-i-i