IVr Bruce Tilison, Ed!tr Nlewcastle Lions Hold Successfull Ail-Day Cai Bingo players appear deep in conicentration waiting for their'number This young lady holds her prizebigger than she is oi in b e r o st w eico m e ta d o lT e Ca n a diea n S ta te sn m n , e o w m a r w 1le, A u g . 5 , 1970 soai. ! mo[iItce yvugro un d Even ts heir parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. and Mr, Fred R Stevesns iat. ing, vwiilnniiug some, l b ing ca.gte r.a somre but giving itAil hbey Newcastle:- Attendancesaipasted artics toit Mrn and Mrs. Emher P Ms. l- Topping aind sons3, 'hve. Theýy recently beat, Pet- he pa go n this past wceek, The Special Evert for te lpsý, Turont, Wee S n a eeb r u and were sujp, Phonie 9874213 e'rbaorough whýen thepy got weil as 'dropped due to mnany week ;ME a top to the Bow- visitops with their cousinsi pergus. utin foda tydthon.re, ysonVs Nye %lson Ma KayO or,1 Saduon.Ler wjnnsg14-5, then oddly en- weather conditions for the lestThy îfye wtching thi-,'e Rv. nd MsD.Harris wn esde .,,daughter-iu.- oug bt u vrydoe coe ee wre hot and humîidpymnkeya fNght and having Ah so visions with Mr, audlw1r.Lîg aKa jn %n iva I MonCodayng badk tq therefore we focuced rnôstly deer est out of their hands. Mr. coiacut, Misses Diane soi n a oavlrsi r"' gamý n wneA&dgwk rt heplyEha aHleAnn Hoanr, BoW- Mr ndMns ýFre Wigh Cobourg 3-3. Playing the rtone quietgae ibeosmneiground eti 3100,we receied a"mnilwr iiosw n alv iteeei gamne in thnee game auenvry spouanwas "Hng Man" 1treat fnom rc. Gae.A hi nn-rn~ n sdvatdo'e red.Tu ou he ewoate diamd on d hhedtegnaetatteni-ii tm ewoll ike tJMrsL.Collacutt, Diane itt fdaye en glat ee l n CCvî?oliaytheY bost to t!Sn by the olden menibers.thn MAGnle n Mon tusday evemnigcf f tisud Mra. Y-ed Wnight viaîted Port Hpe 7' Th>supger memnbers dis- Forget for suppling us wcith w k ith brigirl fîn n dM mFd ems, - ~icoverend tesadbo or ttir, tnmanup onr aptîn. rmTorontoc on a tdn ht y f îrt tme Sl ]mm r 1ne nte pagon i a-vstetaEngîsu snd /othe nsdMr.Frn-Dee1 TYRONE dayswere bot ItWaa quiteode, te Bumle Bee Song hasïOitiso ueet Rxae nsdMs ly nuiigt ohte Cdr, doedtscodwheLi-MrEWoly wna noff,Ohwa eeue. Tirs Aihit Puil , han d the lede s'0 to itund ncr abtFf'htkeov ilwa Sud a pnd atwek sto it awo, "d Mrs, Vye McCU Ste tueesud csikoun bmadpthefrat. gchustwth brcmo'td wf, h lte mprents s--'d tlic vî'te tei dugte sd . o the colsnd Rmmbr payrtida ,isu nscEtFly i fo-rmn's ,atr, ML and Mrs. ver ud amiy, Fnebn Ft asi~ed f pantîg sd diaw- dWy or chuldren fovc yeers Fnldiay evaen r, Mn i . dvatn ieef-mteSae lest Wekend ngOn Mou)d: a amural abou t "sd veider. aa olsMs .Swlo - is n u nR't Ihli Mr n ad 7Mn. N. C teA.yî'uu ,smdeWî-îre Rod"viitd heNaane wreSuda ,ia Stoffvll.snd..N..lCo Tesdnaynsd Thunsday pic- ad child;ei, Winnipeg, vft ue bttteCnna u omnsboh u osw1!h tb e aets x u efd Wedue. day evenîug wlIh pheZo,Wdedy c AL WI ue e rsO souei'unAm othengraudmothier ie fdalgw oebfUt ud ,to ia' -~Aiu atn and "auundomeniý!_1 be,; pirurf, 1nofed Rhodes home tu Wi- Mrs. LonnePhare waon e Mn, wi 0anCpaolMn. M Rmmetejit hoete muher as r] lis! DsS la suetnt et f Mca. MIlboune se l C ;ewy c rnvie o udamteMpenn.Ay ldîe oon' orFl . . . . .b. ..owman 'i e, r.udraw weA3won by N. T. Osons WiHlihe guesi speaker. euîug ToM nsd1%s AC'inc wee oia uascfM.J4. aaMns. Amlan Fiah- Hlpnd, retunned home l ne'iîe n sdiisT Lam Par, n;LukychirpnzeUM, T. Friday sftenhavlng been na , Plistn cuise LAS S FI ED sud Mns Honstroan. short vstwilh a isbrother, outle sud osaTomotowerenS- izs or Juy lt uchyre Mnasud Mirs.G. lyieven endi nTusa et ek ' ___________ caut guestaof M, sud rs wer: ;Dorothy7McýDlarnmîd, fa-m-ly, --- E. A. Virtue, Lionel Byam, Elvn Ros, Mrs& L. Cl Snowden, nr Weekeud guests v.ith Mn Maurice Canýol, Ethelc Gabel Bob Sno-,xde(n, Mr n. sud s Heid Clukb 50- draw AI John Hubad, Oshawa, spen RIG UN E S suad Mrs. Aldon Hoar 'uewoi yCae ode'th ogwku nMnt Mn. sud ths.cmHamuFini ,o 7 lrreWolylh oQi Mn sd n.G hieBo-Carryiug riseuýs, Mrs, W. Cas, wîth fic fonrmer's duheABRInRENE 2N D ûOSCAR F manvýille, Mr n sd brs H . F. KWatson:Lucîcky Échair Mn sd Mra 00i Pnitchard. eirn Mýrs. M. Smnith sudl7 laine, 'r u is .Hteî hr-i edu uO-etr Port HopeMr.un.sd AMrKL sud duheToronto, wvenpesawaon Saturday, The groom Zt z&v IMcQuaid Oha 'Saturd3y gue tà ith is mo-la grand ouof thiefomr ra to, be cenD____ - n udM. E .Vitethbr, Mira.Anie Uatbeîi, j nephew of the other thnee lé bugisweealo nendwencreceat dinuer guesaof '" Mrhu ad IMra John.Rut hi-1 E The floas were besu1tiful sud 'Mrn sud Mrs. N. Allun, Bow- GET CASH TODAY sou sud sou Davd, si. Cah1 pnoved a diffic'ult tkfor thei mnivlle. FOR OLU APPLIANCES aries, Mn, sud Mns. 'nr NEWCASTLE - STRNGA . judge to consien.Trudy ,PrissfoPu ly 24Wh uhre TUPOUGH Clark and-sou Seven, isa 1v rdy n aaa Wind and Michsel Locke were Iveru: Mn. T. IHenstman, Mn.i S T A TUESNMAN saudra Cooue, tc eTe,"ivery Thnrsday, îa ndStra t11-',softe is sdR Menus, Mir,,. Aune bManus, C1LAsSIýF1EVDSspeot the long weekend withL --«-------- j o s' decoratcd bicycles, withý Jeaett Wgar ichoenfo wea ug the Best comic cons- E us turn, ,Tinhe B e tF tWs wou . > bLy ths Vacatinib -le Sn hool ' 3Eia Ongial Mdeaws wonby I J PaCe kelFrma Ltdi. 00 ofiilyopen. i des a, d i beîng played sud mauy wene1 u walkiug throaughout thle carnu-C 'ai gratinds arn-yiug thei prizes, unts! one by oeepris- es dwindled down sud wlbootha f4cREAT ON A GRILLe essdvouteskpupre again closd. The ILion- i, ' Po: Loin Qa (ur Ct loto4 a steady pace lu the nefresb- m-eut booth pou ring bhot coffee4, surd conld drnsd au cnd-14 cis MWîplyaibotda, etototo constantL demnand the (entire i3, By owv, the ai badcbang-be 4 d s;yud eatnud 'eckcta' weebeing buuted out, but . tili hecrow rema Cdt p su ndr AMO&PWs QwnLube hen thelispla ofthe tUomm) drawp, te patio set sud the colon telev-isioni. The iluckr wrinnrcf the âfu nîtur1e wasVM.,' s'dLeg ý Chanlie Megi, Newcastle. i The colon televisionse should be the auawer Ateinrîe Rgt 1liy PrP$d L J sud Mrs Jack Jeern New- 6Vreis-Mxo ac castle, the lucky winueraý', 11 o problem vz as te whatnteget be-r1 Ipre eoe i on eteLi busband foi a gifi te eciebrate LM H P c t 9 their 23nd wedditg anuiVek- Ï sary toa. ogatltin uper-Rîght iad mkd lcd idee on bath evens, The dnaws brought au eudiQ te another iweil-piauuied Civiccuu Ea Holiday, sud naw? the tssk ofi VouiiPc cl.eaniug Up wSls igu,su alnceady could be beard amoang X 0e the Lion memnbers, nexi yeaný we should. . . sudl nexi year- they probnhly will. Eveny anaa rad "A"'"Grau on a Gril"SftPeim SuhAfma aeSz 1' yean seema ta',aprove abîjgge vsertd oreBa aund better, 'mare ectn lime for aill. IsusaS,.,, By1Ée pî%e Personals I Francis Tuffordàand daugtr have enjoyed'a week's ho1i-ý day at a cottage at Hjoneyý Har'bor. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Foger-i son, Dennis and L-orie have, returned from holidaying at a, cottage on Beverley Lakle with' Mr. Charles Rogersonj and Mr. and Mrs, Paul Yurk- owsy and f amily.1 Miss Fay Horner, Sudbury, and Master Norman Shearer! returned to the village with' Mr. and Mrs.' Robert Shearer when they recently visited with Mi.' and, Mrs. K, Horner. Cpi. and Mrs, Ross Embley and their daughter Sandrai from Prince Edward" Island,! are visitiug with their moth-' ers, Mrs. Shirley Barchard and MrFs. Fita Embley as wellý as other, relatives and friends. Notices were senthome to parents of childrea taking Red Cross Instruction. You are urged to note the time and date set for your son or daughters class to take ýpre- tssand tests, Also, a re- mîinder of the Water- i Show and AwAard night -viiwi be el at Waltona Pool or. August 2th with ALL childiren tak- 1115 part, Fra~en 4 ta S l1,s ave rage LB DL~UC ik) b.vacuuni pok &ny weight eut 3 9 SAVE UP TO go CLARKG Laundry $tain Samoyzr (20e Off Deal) '10 Varietîe~ Biscuits Special Price 23-oz giant So e4etyMea & Tunai Meat &. 6-az size boy f5hokn, Met Lve 9ket CA TFOD RESIN4e Lionq Pst Blaker helps this boy score a b,,llseye wth dart a heruts fielta ________________________________________________ ean upa rojeet bgun wtb mmNwcsl Lions Cluüb,h sbown e vat imprevemeut outinni il , o-or 1I/Fboth luý sud sunnouudiug the in i girfoeV e Bond Itcad Cemnetcny. tes d- tvî-jng dowvn te sec for themn-E dean up ares, flnding il n cr.The flowen -bc, Ný"ewCastlC Ronticuitunal Soc-! Thei 23rd Anniversary tý sud, amratione for il beautY. fîaty for ecived gea rise We have uow bei I " l e w c a i - C c H i d a yI , b r e e z e n , t a l c o m t a l c 1 0 0 h e f l u a i g a e ,5 h t h e c at7C e1a h xrvdabs u er uteBgnîMWii .. ae pse ewe h -Ornriomittbe bas punchased sud' nillgesudtheeffrt ud aJil gaines were played wtofthe firsi twe games wîh nstalled s iiag pale sud the vork put into il bY the Lionsa lange cowd lu atteudance KendIal winuîg 1411, Cadanfaasobsee aid iouete~ rove Ver tachee-5r ou iheir favorite The panade beaphrl dded. Dou't jusi read thos as orthhil. W h he eatb ta TIu the firat game Port aftd ixpo with mnyb aife.Take adrv ema oep"eg bhe sk HopMli wonveccas 7-O. childen takiug part, walkig I owu sud se for youneif. ~~raduccd~ ~~~ sn 'tgtsu u telhe second game, Kedl uCotme or ridiug deoae Yumyrnd yausl pth ~iz aa wxm ith uoub1 wre ho winer oyr Ken~ ikea Seemalwagnpî asudý bg 7u a.- pr8 ae n 1 Àdombâ