ence bythe VEditor Thie S wbr Field ipop..- youîhdrugFestival lhas cone and nowuvý la lmost gone and wýe stilli on' believe it! deal ..al o' us in this area . . and it's been a revelaqtjIon and a phenomnonur. The effeets. wntwear off'Orfor a long Our emot-ions hae run thie complete gmut and tey aie For seerlal dfla Iýt ek peopfle., roughly initheag group fromr 14 to 25, arvn en mas e from the U nitecl Statesý' eastern seaboard. Pol- cars and ;jalopies. well-dressed- alid -in the traditional jeans and shirt, they obviously were well supplied wvithI funds. Many of thje local olks wre scared to death- of them and for a while- the rnercliaffs watch- ed them like hiawks, fearful of what they mnight steal or do, But, there was ver.y littie shop-m_ lifting ai-d they kept coming appaýre-nt thýat, thjs was going to be a bonanza and more sup- plies of! everything should be obtafned. Gradually, fthey mov-ed it (TRTOPAGF 1WOý TUIRN UP FOR UHURCIH es Thousands SprawI on ( AIO.i, VENE sDVAY V TfiJG. 2, 15lc Per- COpy NME i und to Hear t-he Rock Bands aït St.- Annlie Darch noues h wvii l holda eeting atbe placee31 KngSt. -E.o Tuïesdaýy, Ag.l8th at 73 one oflie obectvesis to' dean nFthe eahd -,veru 'an iEr * ~i»<~v~l~V r -~ v ~ i, -i t -,- 'l~ Y Y