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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Aug 1970, p. 4

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4 The Can-piadian Statesmnan, I;owmanvi.lle, Aug , 12,l70 Let's Stop ýAnother One Before It Happens The lowr childlren have corne and gonle, wîtbhout aayone gettiag killed, lthank God! An intense feeling of relie.f combined witn rger is begin-i nîng taO spread thxrougýh the people of the area. Who foisted this festival uiponi us? Why ,was it allowed Inhappen?' 14How a these Young v'isitors break our il7awS and get away with it, so asi 5rhere aemany Iquestions that -will. have t eanswered âand fastaction,ý %îllhav11 he take ta mke .certain it oes' thappen hene again .. ad preferaýbly inowhere else We wredelighted ta hear thiat Ilurha)m's .PP Alex Carruthers is3 demrandîng a complEte aind immendiate, investigation of al the ccusacs Tt can't corne tor)sonor be, too thor- otigh. We feel quite stronigl y that there mnust be a cannection hetweenthose Who puit up the mosey nld the drug purvpyors. This i7 onepec that shouIld be looked into and investîgated carn- ple[cely. Ip our opinio)n, Ibisfsia' prime purpose waIs tO promote the use of drugs, for profit, not fun for the docile kidIs. The(onrsof Mýosport ,Park have ti bear ;ý ma-jor responsibilityv forai lowing this thing ta happen. They hadi ta k-now about it and adritted they had received at least $35.000 for the rent of thc parýk, as a down paymnent. îThey are the ones who can niowý tura down a sec- ond festival announced for Sept. l3thi, and they mnust do it or the next limne everythin.g won't be quite sa peaceful, there'1l be 300,000 to -400,000 here, in- stead of 50,00()ta 75,000. We're hoping thiat as l'esponsible citize-ns, the MUospprt ilwners will notnly make a statement sIaying there wllbe ln nmore si-milar drug fetvlit the park, they should also' publicly apologizv ta those who haqve liveýd in fear in this, area, through- out the-, past week, and adm-it they made a treadfuli mistake. if the-, don't their A Worried Mo Dear Editor:, SaýturdAy evPýening niy son along witýh Sevepral fiends, Wenlt ta Mospont ta see the smightIs of the Festival. As the CMA. adcalled ofif heraces, -the public were alloweýd t use the track. aýlthough one,.gate was lacked -ar)theyý co1Uld not go ahl around the track. 1\ Mly son was sideswiped by aànother rootorcyclist and wXastaken ta Bow-, isnvlehospiita1 for treatrnent. We, bis; parents, were called ta corne and getl him arauald 9:30 -p.. We annived ta find him Sitting n achair, one boot tara off' and black dye bhers andi there, The nurse, wbo wai sttinig at, her desk, assured us -be waOK to go home, A coup-e)f othee ptethippies bY 'thir loksiwre alosting thiere, but no doctor was îin s,ight. nd no one, seemed rusbed. After reaching home, wephaned bieOPP as they hadt not been previaus- lcontacted, and'wh.n the officer ar-' r'ivend he Iook-ed my son over and noticed a bdcu on his back which had been coerd ith 'this black .guck -and li1cence sý-hould be revo.ked immediately. The backwash of the festival is sýtili oconfrom t he permitted brealking of lawvs. HowT can police and the courtq now vconvince th(- yourigster.s in this area that te have committed a crim'e when they ex\pose thlernseîv\es on our beaches, w&hen theyV are cauIght ,with a botte of booze in their cars or are pick-- ed up for possessing Oruin drugs? T'hat group oF young.sIteý rai th Co nurg area wftývo were caught, in a, drugt- raid on a house party, must ilow be, wondering whrat is going to happen. Apparently, the sale and use of drugs has been accepted at ai rock, festival, but once the festival is over, it's forbid- den aan What rubbish! Our laws have been kicked ini the teeth and it Will be quite a while before we recover. The -police and the people have been haing -ea hard e'nough time with some of our young folks, and certafinly Straw- berry Fields is tiot going to improv7E- lte situation. For the benelfi of those adults WhoI didn't get inside the Park to See the f iith, lxi ameliil the icirent-irgg oors aý;nd watch thonse blank expressions on the, drug users, andi observe their comrplets removal from society and its restrc- tions, we are publishing somne of the pîctures to show what realIly went an during the daytime. We're not. trying to he sensational, only hoping to shock citizenis into renlizing thiat the dru-, raebas these yý,oî.n,,sters in the pahl of its hanid. When the loud speakr iteils themn to do something, they dlo it with- out question, like robots. They mnust hav ben told to be politd bo the nat- ives nof this area and tLhey'll be nice to you, be-cause that's ,what happened, ab- normally so for teen-age kids. For some reason, we also got the fe'eli'ng that if the loud speaker had told thern to burn the place or kili, they' 'd have dlone that [oo, without any fe-elings Of any kind. ther Complains imniediately said - "That should be stitched". He advised us to contact aur doctor. So, Pt midnight we had to drive him in to Oshawa hospital where he wa -rydbnaged band and foot, and 14 stitches were uised to close the Cu t in his back. Wh1ile inO.H, we noticed sev- eral others, somne described by a, hurse as "Hippies from Mosport" who hadl also hadi no luck with bandages,: etc. at Bowinaniville (we had seen one of these thepre ourselves) and hie had tO go te Oshawav for proper treptment. fI wOuld like fa know wvhat iýs wrong, uith 1-Bowmanville hospîtal's Emnerge- cy Dept.? Is ibiis the w-ay ail pDat_*ents, get treated there at ý,ighit or on week- en1lds?, As a taxpayer of 'Darinigton Town- ship, and a supporter o' omnil hospital, I1 fer[ t-his should he investi- A Worried Mother, Thijs Citizený Wasn'timpressed Tuesday, August 11, 1970. Dear Mr. rEdçitor,, Wh!well! weW hlitose Mospor1t boy!; really pulildoa tast anIb tis lime. 'Tbèiy puhllie Wooi avýen the eyes of Clarke Council thle people off iaý- district - and wrstoff aIl the Onlania Sulprme Court.,Il1serns tapay ta'i bave the rnoniey and law'yens and influence doesn'til! MiusI say thr yaung people wvere, falyweli behaved. ,M\mdn(lyou, wby sboldnt teybe , - mast off hemi for.- eign.ers representing their coutry in a forig Dind. Off course, we(ll bebaved stii man that you are wligto ac- cept nucle swivmrning, ,dope, and loits off traffic violations, fan whici us pon ciîzesa would have been hauled imb court prnto, Whv shouldn't lie Festi- val be A big sticcess, nridia.g as il did oný the bock off tie Ontaia taxpayer. I arn ,sure we are ail happy lao pay for free medical cane and police protection. Speaking off police.:he desenrve aur most grateful thanks. They, acted wîbh iindelligence and commi-ion sense. iVany off thleOPP had ta give up leaves and, hoiasfor hie Festival. Maý7be Mos- port sbould pay Mu a bonus? Those off us wo Ihve eawera mouüt reassured la sec the OPP up and dawn' the roads, eý-vent'ive minutes or ýo - liai you, I tiink mosl off us anound here feel FetvaMoat off the aneasaw lV ook'ed1 bored out loff their skulls. Perhaps, Car- Jisle wîth -j'wonk la hie Salva7tia-n of moan",wias ont ot 'Pfr off themak Now ta the awners and mngr off Mopt.Tese men showed a total laci off civiïc cnsipc Althougb the people or the district and the Couûncil off Clanke voted ag aînast festivalis, Mos- port stihi1 maniaged to sneak a na in. Thet uaseemly,1\ haste with which this *wase done muIst lead anae ta eivethat hav- ir5g thein Peace Festival turned down rea!ly rakedTIguéesq they juis(sat in [heil offices and said 'Hev Rube, I i[ show yvou" - adthey did. They inot only ,showed us ý'bu-t hhey used the youking peop)le as sur1ely as Fa gan Use'd lte boys% mn OLIVER TWIST. Money is ilem ,gad and lie reslf u-s can go ta If Clanke (Couinci.lbo;s it be ir off Maspýont then it seema wec need a new Counc l, Mospont sbauld hase thbeir lic- ence andîheir lant-d sould neyent thie Township, hopeffully. bt be made mb1l' a public park. Penhaps if it were called Tvroae Park il wvofflCimake up for- the- misery te peo))peoff Tyr-onamst have sufffered tbis psbwek If Mosport -gels away wvith flaunt- ig thie laws off Clanke and -worse sbilh the, ruiing of lie Ontanit Sprm Court, tieni thene ila not much hope for the uest off us. whnom are aven 21 and should have aýn Cne d Durham nColinysraat amlyiouia The Oronc News THElAMS 1J~ISHNGCOMPTANY MTD p.o. Box,,1j'I p,2 66King ýrSt. W, wmnilnto JOHN M. JAMp GO , RHMGEO. P. MORRISý 'EDTOR-PÜeLTSISSR Awa AAE uî~sM lS Cp<et = ad r $mm&ty îq-Auiiîwt mi 48eimep oewmqr mn lcs proi. Permmisint ~srdc nwiole or in vpart ond rn i, y iomwn s,, ateirly i htorpioor ffsel processm n PUbuiatîm isi btlý. obtrop iedfom ,tbiepublsher an4 1th priferA ny u~toie rerdcinwiU l be suiitec't 0cous. î10n *~6.0 ayear- 6monta $.5MA800a Yem Juntde Unitd swate Althmerrecufiop Wilb iokm Yfaowod rurrThe. Canm&--n' Statennac=Pl ndvenh- in iils colpinemntii. ude.rstonîog liai i -ifl oi b, liabe lor ony rror i any d iisif piliedhereunder plesa âpiroofof srideriïshmeo ereed in -clioq iiy tbc. rdvet, odtrend - Tii.Coa ooStoesonbunss"moffie duly îqoeb y ii. dmèc" er nd wduiisuch ero o ,orctosplinly Qootem ai hng theron, nd Sy lia ces.ifHne"ar e onwtd fMeM :1141 VAiy e "iadln Sisumanif" i ty-ýhnP nflt Y"ieAhed i«portioof 5h. niir 7O5 of uch ov c;4emnioste. spnone ocupled Iy telnterrrmbnwe mte i.Wiou spMeocu %y incderimef t ni 25 Vear% Age W5I1PN £~ettes to u , cito)r Lookiag aven some offy falers idbooks racently, 1 camre acrosana wilh the inscription raading: "Presented to Harry Hoop- er, July 1 L 1873, a Sunday School leacher; signed W.S. Teachen. Presnation took place AI Elad S. SSana". Wbn Hary Hoope's daugiler came ta yisit, me a faw days ago, I tank b er la EIldad and gave baer the book 1ber father had -gaI, there 97 yaar.s a go. Mky falth)en was bis aider brother. The Hoapars and ibysmiraI- -d tao Solina ina ealy 1850s- coming nîl tie way hy si- boat to Bowmaav.ila H1an- boumi . At tha ime Sohnaý waa caled Plîchard %Town aller the smaH Hfsh pond on, Cornish Coast. IEbhougt a Stalesman ian Hampton store lasI week. I1 fouud m'any personals initer- esling, saune of mry relatives. Mra. Viola Bmat Box 49, LakasioreRd,, 201 Harvey Sîreel, Editonch Canadian aùx Sir: 'OCRPETCU MTI " Reading abouit the savae 1ce slotmis ou hiad la Dec. 1959 seemed 10fobe my cuae ta wank senlo)ualy0- on ta problern. I1cq. rdthe Kay, Feb. 23, 1960. These few, simple wrs "Put Theïn (Tfie WeVighbs) on a Track". Ttl may seam hamd t&beikea hase fawu simple wordes save a prob- lem liaI bnas Eluded and Mîslad, Ph'ysici-sî's, cess Maecia.niçsa, etc., for cealuniies, 1 choosae ta pass oa, ta Bene- fit Mankiad. JI thought 1 had1 i-nrlpmovd a srall whel I sa-w rolating tai a glass Case, Autg-, 1915.ý A caIrd und!erneath read, "PerepalMoon sible ta do that., then liera, moust heýOrsame way Il can1 ba oe and be of somne uiS(a 1l uros. iad ne iclea of the pnoblem I1 was ta' salve. Later I1learad, the Sec- ond MruiofWorcast'er and 3,EN. 8783 Private WVorcestarshire RPe g ï..-300 yeripart, ba)th lnberested I lu ý tht ame acin.His wvheal was ý14 fro o aen(i-n d ,iameter) 0 40 weighls 0f 50 lb.aplece (Eacyclopaedia Bnilanica Essax LiÀbnary). 1 havemadesuch a d]raýwing. Ezekiel 1lit verse 'L6 ý(chlec.I) "As il wAefa wheel, i thle middle 0f a -wbIeel.", Seen 597 B,.C., described 592 ýB.C. I posseas such a drwng(964) 0f 48 spoicas (alýeeves aiven roda or bolia) anjd 48 wibs(0 ta 1 "tpered ). bein g tal scale i'thoaI14 ft. l da te.The weihta ould, have been la g0uides form- lng an elliptical] course on braciu cusn the weigh1taý ta hc-om-e perpet1ually un- bac ed, when raleasei a d ,,eioupl cnrldenargy. Ail Yeu Need Onydiffarence hinthe sie, and quanhity off wieela, usad, and No Pouimn Fuel, wihsand the frce( ail gýravity, ONLýY avalilable ta mankindGRATIS. 24 qours Evey Day Anywhere on is Eorth Ilsem they vwo70ujl 'rbe usesa heyond. fIwo(rkad40 yý ears, and sol]dined P6 yrs. wvith many th1ousa1nda ýoff men,.oe tooa]waysrsem od Ay nî I okdwith, uinder or- for., I eyer soughtIii pro-motion. Fnieta take Fany Job (I had 3n 30 quit,, -n(Ï try so-.ietbing Uaknowlngly 1I waa cqi ingl the kn-owledige and ex- pencience ta huild the mia- chl.ine, from It ls a se Lup; accapt any challenge. Il seema nobody beieve Ezekiel, as he lnied ta pasa on, chaptens 2nd, .3rd, al! nuy efforts 10 pasa on, gr~aý, ta benefit manklind. Seem ta have faled'also. (T aansa - easan w y) - "Perpetual Motion" la misleading. 1906 ta date - 64 years on subiect. The earth rotates on IUs axis, follows an elulihal course on rack around lie ceniter, the sun. The Lord' sMncould ha refemred to as Parpetual Mlo- tion, 'becaus'e Gen. 9-1'2 Re-. fers la Perpetual Ganena- lions. (Those wvheals wauld make Ihatpsibe.Thie walghts,rona te on their apaices, follow an elliptîcal course or takaround ils cet Th"e Shaýfl. Man- kinda menkla nuyaetot friction, on wear and tear, stop and look, ta make changes, repaira, aso lubri- e, ýe etc. Then release again. (Remov-e emngeacy anid braie). To nikiad "Perpelual Mot-ion" la mis- Tha amrral modela tfhat, are ia existence, heiag unabla ta create anergy, are just navelties. 1 know the -value aIof lie kntow].edga pnnd expen'ie'nca I have acquiad and i 1a m pleasad ta choose ta pasa on, tA henafît maakind. Soi ry ta say, so fan I have. faied. Povw or electrlcly, hawver il l,,gen)enaýtd, È-, an )c ,ssential naecassib1y Ia Ibis "he Nuclean Age" T'he Gond Lord works Ira mnaay strange ways. An IT loak hack I havýe ualnac iota of doubt il wvas; my mnission tO 3salve thal prah- lemn, it beniefit minkiudc. A MacDuff Ottawva Report Inf lation Che"lecked i Tbit wns ýthemassae thu Dir. John Youug. ChuIrmmun off ic Pnirce anad Incomnes CommisionAd for Can- adiaus la a nopt1mislic speech raceutly made ta the Ottawa Souh Kiwaais Club. But clenny bis speech was designerd ta ha heard ail acrosthe country. Copies offl'ihe taxi wr crafully distribujted ahead oýff delivery ta the par.lia- mantary Piresa Gnlery ad totahliaNational Press Build- ing iu Ottawa. Dr. Young wanted bis miess,,age ta gel across la everyhody la Canada, Il was liifcît uaý the Gavemamant bas, been caugit, ia an impasse with Ils pôstal emplayeeps. The a--varmnetthl'OUgh 1 tban gainiag agent ie 1pTreasuiry Board bas ble tpo viigraises aoasix per ýent for postal wia-rs. The-, postal employeca lu tun wa dsmuici bllrsl-- infr metban Ottav w waa pma- paedt offer As a eut lie postal wnkers wer ean- gagad 1ta esyslem of ntal,- lug snies ha postal11service wns detenontig apMdly,, innd tha Faderai Govemament, As gained n vary bad im- age. fMinialers offthie Cabh- inetweamai aReed lI tie Poe office sînie bndhean-ý bunglèd but ia hw bhast ila gel Out of Il? The Goveramaul Wih ave Go gav n itîle and Ihe woi k- ens comaiedowp somewint lan ,heii demanoa. Tien and oaly lien wHil liasînîka or, lock-outf, dcependingp on youn viewupoint, ha nean saIlle- men t. Tiare aeiarusn-igna tb, intta oeumnwor- nled ahoul Ming unemploy- ment, bas Wmd tarealîze thaé Ul muaILkt up on ils delib- anale prograun of sloWla diowu tie camy. Thus ii fittd In nellv ta hava the word clirculated lp tintlb.In- Dlation had been checlîed. Dr. Young s,.aidJ tin;t bbc îutitoI with. regFard t ' inflation npressuras today t ani much differant piclture thun confated tiha Gavera- ment and his Pnicesanad lu- camnes Cmisin ar Teaara nnaw ncraasing graunda fOr bemviug htn tlie luflatiça which agad ion bhraugh tfha szeconnd hal l0f tbe stbes bas been, aI luat Iemporanily Cnhcied and Mutl aenrthe ext seveal1 moubis Canada shld ha aile ta maie furî,her pro- grass tIowards grtriîe stability.Teim ovma la Che pnicabstutinIhat bus baomie apparent huas beau miuda passible pnrtlyý by the squeeze ou Profits Ibis year 0if idesreud la-, creusa la provinc(ial sales Iha mrothi ahraud tiaýre %will ha futir relieffrnt a slow- lug rta af puimensin ýlie Unjhc ie taafrmi'n Shfoffuesn lurwni'ommodv- ancsnad from teaffect off thc mdaeappraitin axchanga ranta for tlicCan- udian dollar. 1Tl 10k aun crdtfor ie lwing 0of Ihe ialaio.nycycle for the Tooking haci aven tht' puaI yean hae sugestaed il was fain t0 a sy lajti01eCom- isî'sefforts ha a ýroisa tha public ta IoCe danger-aoaf uurabmanedpriceanaad ia- com inreaeshave I1n0t fsoln eaney on deaf aura. Tif hie Govemume,ýntal d bean able ta, do more along hes Unes A asecnfident il wal bv elped la geltiag iinflation undier canirol mare quLickly and AJIh lasa pain- fuALlempornry sd-ffcson production and emplaymaat. For saine moutfis aow the Gavemnm anad bbe Central Bank la Canada have been moving taasecbudgeLnry and cradil pollcy 50 as tO maya e -eecanom-y bnci a)n ta, a path i'fstrangér growbi nud expnndAig job oppor- Under 1he lines prîtE regardedl they prod than the caver COS ýontilnue the nise i at lha exr position The resu, pose a di ic policy size of -, creasash m-ore clo thle aver Genera] Canada sc Weaawa, Cair aad. Roy, of Mn.,aand Mrs. R. H. Ws taway. MeIvile has just returned ro m Cakltt, I- dia, weehe waaS upenin- tendet of the Ford plantia thaý,t city. rLoy in, a surivivar of the Athabqscaýn and bas 1ut eltnned from over- 'Miss Louise Stee-le, R N., s upenvisor of Pubic Health . Nursinig Seric,ý(e for the new -County Health Unit for ham, is in !town imaling1 survey and plans for estab- lishing the healtb unit in "S tj, hua district. Shie la being as- ,isted by MissýLn alr J'l RN., local Public Heallh NFori qt Dhling reucoered a rmeteorite tinat fl near BowmanviHe C.. stto Satu]rda.y night. Hie hev 1 eda streak off fine w-hich -r-ut ndied in a ltudst ghe mis- L./II ~ rile hbit the grounid. When duig up ilwas slil warnm. About the siZe off a saft- bil, il la dark ln colon and lemand fo r heir ruch pittadî. and by lie Comi- Jack Brough, of lhe W. L restrait progamll Elliott Plumhirn and Heat- Èe Commissin guide: ing stafff, met with an aýcci- e increases are oai-, dentwhîle a work Mvonl- [as jtistied ifl day causing a legfrcue )duce leas revenue Jack will haco crutches for aamnoun needed ta the next fe, weeks. ct increases Misses Eleanior Jainston, nt1he extenit ta Margaet NchoA, Arlen business firms can NrtutHelen Langmaid bo absao-rb part of and Dorothy Bedford are lhei rlaborur costa spendg heinvacation at ýpense of Phein profit Bala, Miuskoka. la nol unlimniled. Mn. Robert Nole spen ut will continue 10 bis vacation at, Mliidland aýnd ilemjma for economrj- Toronto and also toak in the unflessaIlhe average 120-mile cruise fromn Mid-~ ývage aind salary in- land to Parry), Sound. begias ta fal back 1Messrs. Chas. Cattran, L. osely labo lina wl't-h D. Goddard, Chars. earle age rate of produc- and S. R. James are on aý fishing tnip narCalabogie. Misses Volt Barret, ALES FIGURES Fraya, and AînaJois re MaNltons deaier 'qlanhoQlid-ayi41g ai"aa Cab- ýold 22,538 cars anl ina", Felont- Fals. 1,256 North American type tk o e passenger cars, 65 6 Brïtish A se me t O fc M o e par,, and 4,626 trucks. In the firt seven months of 1970, Th1einlAsamn frapoiaey4 Mp1 GwyI tota car and truck sales Office for' the Untited Counties ees. were 174,8,50 .vliïch in-cluideof erhmerai nd Dur- The new mailing, addrewî 135,866 North Amnericari pas- ham wîvvll be m,-ovÏilg to new will be.: senger cars,633 British cars quarters onligwy , just, P.O. Box 290, and 32M~49 trcks. east of the County Fair Shop- Cobourgi-, Ontario. Lata,n sales for July llu- ping Paaini Coboujrg, Ont., Residents of the Cbug c1udîeC 18,750 North Am en-ecive August lOth, 1970.ý Port Hope Area will e ablo can. passenger carsu,078 Brit. The necoffce buidngMAp Aobtaîniassessamet infrm lsýh cars and 4,84 truck.constructedi by Riznek Com n-to by telpWhig 3=22F sales tin the fir-st seven roonths structionLmte of Bown- bilersiet in [te e main of 1969 qinclludd 82,931 North vile contains 5500 square feet der-of the Counties cp-on obti1 Arnierican passenger ca1', 7,156 of floor area and AMl providie informion by calLing Zenith,. Br-itiFsh cars and 739,928 trucksý. modem- office accommnodation 68510C By B cimile NOW IT'S ACT< TQ TUE STIRAIGHT LIFE Sumimer floatsbyasameasa chu.Nalhing seamrs ta gel done, but we sem taha din,;oneling -ail lie lime. LasI waek was nrioexcepÈtIin Is nice ta live hlike, nich people continue Itanmaya lnu Ibis,, We u sed t o lonce> a yeuàr witeu dclicion. -Haecautioned tint 0l i, important tin udoing vwas ilie newspapen business. Wel'dt 50ý fia iai of glving Ialla- go la a convention in soe exotic place, lion a new Ibasa on ile inter -st ay naps aabbo bsc on muaI ha avair!cjdY.i a.pubî 1 îf elath in sumen TheaCChairman af thie Pnces ex lted people as pblc en anid incamres omisinand indulge i. such s;ybanitic deligits, waimuad liaI lie job willual asbre-akfast n bed. ha es.The ebbing or a îsbr acon onfo ie flationnry pressuras Ihat now I' adt oelwifo i la occurrîng ls akng place mignMon and baked alaska ho hamburg la an, econamic eýnviroamnl an Pd butter tants, but we always fait il of nbnanrmally slow cconomlc wasý worihi ti, n matter bow long it gr'ow,7t bigh uaemploymeaî book'la payv back the moneywe'd bar- aad c shnrply' coalmacting profit ung'lus, nana eoff rowed la make like mihlionuines. wvhich eana orsbiold ha e- This is against lie puritan etic, garded as a permanment lut- but I've neyer regietted it. I've sean 100 une off ihe situ1ation. As eaaml ativitYheb-' nypapale postpanirig a real spnee glus l to pi up ai-d tiesýe off a holiday tnip because tiey've naeded conditions change lie Gov- a new lawnitrnaowen, or had jusl boughl emament nud Central Bank a nawm vacuum celeaner, or simply had -~v~---iep ici Totradt-,inhhewr-car.-Aknd-teirm--w-heii-- eyef out for n revival off tiae erbigwafnly gh fo Ie Thslaaa Ili aos oi:trip, Dad discovered, ho lbis bornor-, liaI whyDr.Youg ;nnd tIhe ha had ta haýve al4 bis eeiou.On inceaesla lbour -costatt'I lAn-d 0the trip fadesm neerey er Candahua .en bil'nand, Sad, imb,ç ls future Production Nyrtaýke myadvice butay co , Wage nd slury f inîin. ut'Galber ye rosebhuds h cravemuýgiag more linaFîP aigll[Plr centa er r y ra'9s'tabad *idea. 'Don'tb wait ruci langer liana lia longl- ull o 'boa nid aud slýfupid and tarun veriaga increasa in aut- cnîppled wILi ati Ir)s tasoap for- a puýt Pan persan epayd rosebud. And bsie)le ra aný aenl'ti t win-Oiaot two n aidnd ou- hal latîrea par cent a mayroeudrafI yar atic commlercial non- LaisI week we had a couiple off days, farm sebor offl ecoaamy. ofng(' nig osebuds. As ýusutal, ilf a Thia menus in la ordr balm for [bat lacerated s;ecret Iitîle con- duta o Incens hen a nua p1- r o- nev i. m ost of us that k now s wve co uild cent, business liraýisla have been elb and suiccessfuil and Cpnada on ilia avemaga araue iclitif-w\e'd juat haid a breaký. havngtapaysoetiughi W spent two days aI ai beaulifu-l an ndditioaa ightpar centîi ei naiisHlbro îh aanulpuymallI coýts For them labour requiremnents, lands, Just souti off Algonqutin Park,.I' Dr. Youtng bahýs pointed ouI. incredible country;, rock, woods, amid Tic dîlifenleace ina ta coma lakes veyhee from somewbv1ere. if thie Taldewaeeyin lsol maria damndvws srong lie buisiniessls wauld b e for on'e off these escapades. Hand- pasa ý hem labour costý,alaîoagsorne lounges, hiige siante rpae ta lie f b inl con sm r a i ag ifiic an.t chandeliers, courteaus a ud faru aIbigan pice. uobîrusîve behûipnd A swet, preltl Ah Ibis lime tIllenbility a41 busine5ss irma la do tua l an aven competant wuibress for naur limlted byv the weaknr-m- of own table, And lots off riçb peoie around. T hat'sacesential." Il wasn't a-,sw\ialging Plae br 1noa enitetaianant, and thank ,,heaven., no organized games and suci. Juist a place tao lie around, swirnorfisb or piay, horse-shoas or walk thnýoug-h the waods, eab hîke a.hog, and wonider whai. the paon pe ople are doing. We bad la collage oveilooking 1h 1aa, wît vi a bigfireplace and every- bhiing elsi but thé, kitchien sinký, an item mnost wornff ae uih hpp-y 'ta ha without, on a vacation. Pnivacy, pea', andf- Iuxuryv, thepruste f 1 Flirstnigil at dînner, met aid1 friand fnorn Cohiege., Was nather agiast ivhetn he told me- ie'd 'recantly rn arnied Susan Kee, daughter lof another a1i Collage friead. He's more than twice han age. "Dirty old man", I thought. WTas aven mnore confused whan he in.. troducad his eight-year-old son. Fiaiy remernbered he'd gone intôbtheMin- islry., What ha meant was that ha'd perflorned the manniage ceremony. NexI day, int towa for a serninar oht Creative Wniting at tlie Haiburton school was overlooking qa lake. hr' Shardly anything aise you can overlooik tiere. Everylhinig T ký-nowabout CriveuýC Writi-r,rng mîlu îll the ack off-a busi-' ness card, but bad an enp.joyabie afler- noon wthaou îfen aies raýngîng fronu aiboutnîneteen ta -- Weil, youl k ,-now.byddntg licb ou!-,off il, but1 I bhor)uIgblyjoyedboastinig, bell- ing tbam how I bandîs c y wife be I calha er leOld Bîhexand so-mer off the lhazards and newvards off wri'îtng a weekly columra, (ythe waýy, girls, I've lhro1wn out bwo pretygaod paragrapbs frorn this columa)1i. AfÉta tha erninar, a visil i)ta lie Hailiburbonl Ech-o, a warrn welcomre from-r edtyBenkeley -Fai,his wiffe, and bis sou- Creightont, and a w1hiff offpitr' Back ta fie ldefor a swjri , di- ne, cano-e jauint, anid a lonýg ivaly ven ing- by the firaplAace wvith frian ds anid so)me pretty' unusual conversation. Haird ta clirmb ith e bti-cr reýd '67 Dodge and biib the longtrt bore, epnýessinig to gelt1h-ere and k your hw ot dog for- dinner. Hiorribleý la sec that pile off bilîs near th- phoneý ringing. But wortlh it, In heDim and ~Distant Past Fromn the.State.smanFiles &WA 1 ýr rm 49 Vears Ago (August 18, 1911) In the na rt h pa rto lanke Towinhip crops arn very Ight owing to hot dry are uoing a race ith th reaners cuttîng off the nats. The naines of th-e pupi from awmanille igh SchoolWho have passed Midde ScaolEntrance ta Norin1Sc'hools are: Nli Bounisail, Hazel Barrie, Mn janie H. Collacult, Mary C. A. Fauýnd hnors, Herbent Gaddard, Ruth i1. iM. Gigg, AienV. Parker honor S, Irma PoweIs, Viola E., Short, Rass Tilley hionora, Vera H. Venle. Passairinior M/atnic ulatianl: Nellie Boun- s;aýli.Mary C A. Fouind, Hqerberl odanRuth IL M. Gr-igg, Aileen V. Pnrker, Vioa E. Short, Rocs Tily. Mlviss Violet ad Mr. Han"- leyý IMasnof Wichfta, .Kai- sas, are visiting their aun, Mrsi5. 1H. J. Knight, and other relatives,, in thta vicÏn. îty. Dr. endTMrs. F. T.'.Tiglw no famiy were vsitin friand in Torono and Bolto()n. M\,iss Theresa Danch, Ton- onta, is speýnding two wieeks vacation atLiber home. Mn. W. H. Gibson, ý New-' catehacommreniced pick- Ing his apples, Duchesfl vaniiety being theF fin-st to bairrai. He estimnatea bis crpat betweensi and Mviss Bea Joniess of Mo/oie San, Sask., is visiting ber brtemr:. F.H.Jnesa, and maniy o1l friands in town. of lier sster, Mîrs. C.' T. Ross, King St. MUissMole im oai camping ith her gh irfrads at Lake Couchiching. Mr, Samuel Archer, Or~- oaa, has, purchased "Bel-' miont Faim", 165 acjres, fromthe stat ofthe late John iHum-, P ort Hop10e.

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