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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1970, p. 10

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See Slippery Pig Contcst BIackstock F air A ug., 29th TPen With Big Parade riansaar-e welll udci' wey weas sucli a auccess lest ycar 'Whîlliy Townships, receuved for thed 1970 Blackatock Fa mr'wll lie re-peaf cd. The wimnng free passes taeflic faim. There la 'De lield on Saturcey, Aug- belloon wa refuruncd froin mli le an affemnoon movie 'Usl 29. presentation for those wlio Opeing arad bei-ri afthe soufli shore of Lake Erie lîke ta reet fromn time la lime 1:O enutghprde h egîtrts a' li a gi whn is ling married - a spice film for the ladies, i1oon. A new fMafure will lie on flic 291hand 'se ccn't came andalliers., the Sîpper Pig onte t f lic hef air, Janîs MeLauigllin Irtheficevenîng, lwo dancés Ibm hîperyPigCanestforwina flic -Prie for flic sender. will be hld -square and teenage boys. There wîll lic Her- ister Kelly won flue sec- round dancing for ftle older eawocl ases rt winner onid priu-e whsch waa rcturncd set in flic Bec. Centre and cad cae wnnmg Iie îg. froni Toronto lierlor and tlie modemn dancing for thm feen- The ladies will bave a cor- thîrd prise waa refurned froin egers and young aI bearl le' sage inakiiig conlesf and aso mîd-Leke Ontario picked un Ithe rînk. (sec adverlîsernc'nf cake dcorafung by Mrs. iHca- by a saîlliocf Ther Bicliard for dcl ails). Mu-s. Genald Kelly, fer Carsonî froni Peterborough i Van Ceuip f amily seuti i About Sec, wîl be happy le provicle CHEX TV. 30 oflier fin ders of the lialloi s, information re nlering any The lalloon fly-a-thon wicli many froni Darliiigto ndaoclcasses. Un.ife Ciunïï fie Obe,%ct The Unted Caulea Cauncil ermnent's Design for Devclop- lae raf safisfîmd thaf if is llier ment as aeas of sulistantial -ecesscny or desirable to unhea growtli. divide, separafe or reduce flic Poulaion Growtl' ares of flic countaca lanflic The twa munîcipalifîea are eve-înt oh reglonal govermmmt. sclieculec ta accommodate a A 1bnici, rakîng clecu- flic-population fu-ani25,000 fa positijlonfahNorthumbherlanud 50,000 iy fthe yar 2,000ad and Duieun;ý Couatîra Coun cl Port Hope-Colciurg ares la and srtfîng ouftflic "adycot- la lie devciopdd zas e peiplieral cgee ah retaiîng fl iccustlng urlian growth centre aiter couafima" la ta lie sent to On- 1980,. faria Mlinîster 0f Municipal Countuca Councîl feela O-act Affireý, D'Arcy McKeougli. sînce Port Hope - Cobourg amen Couathes couacilhl lias ed îs lic a gnowfh pale lanflic lIa ojecrtions ta any reduction future,- if la neasonable fa ex- ina tlic ise ofaheflccunfima on e peef flial flic apliere of Influ- rcseercb survcy, conducted, rae which lsaet prescat et couaci's requcat, liy e cetrrd on Ibis arma, wil lic company of-municipal planning expanced. consultants., The survmy feins found fliaf The scumvey waasfamfed lau-f wluIle orientation for social faîl and flic Ides was ta bave andocc-no'mc puposes la saine the, fecîs uin fthcbanda: offlic pente of heicUnted Countie s l prvnilgavernct lifone dîecrd outwards tawards tac, resufL aiflie Oshawa aea Peferboarough, Oslawa and plannIIing and developunent Bellevileflue pu-jcted sfnorg stndy w;ere releaed. gmwta of a central um-ban The bifcomplmed bY 'Acame,(Pont lHope-Cobiourg), a-pec'i advîsany and coardina- sbaldlc -aen lato coasid- taon cammtîce oh cauncîl, mýraiora i10 deterrning suif- at-tes that Nortliumberland able long-terni regianailiouad- adDimiam îCountiehave a ais poultinwhlc b tac muni- rThe brief contaIns informa- cipal planning consultante flan of flic Counfîca Couaicil considmu-, "suffîcient" la coasti- prograra ta modernise local tuite theni as a region for flic govermient structure and Ifs puross f nipeiieltngany clans fou- fakin aveu- aucl egAa government proposai fofnctions as weifane, libranicaý Bowmnviicand Darling- and planning advisary serv-, ton. Tawnship bave liera nde's . lgratr, ý aflicprovicialgov- Tonain tflicmaximum ad- ALL CLASSES OP VESSONAL and~ COMERIINES-1 6 g-11 r 623-3950 3 ;KIýNG ST. F. BOWMANVILLE vantiage frani flese services on e coun)Ity besîs, council la 0f the anonthat it la essentiel te, ctnaslarge a population aoc aseasentbase as pos- sibl A'n sîgifîMcal redue- lion n poulatoronassesa- nient wul 'veaken flueÉai- îty" 0f councul ta support on imnplemet fthe new services. ,Disadvantages Th-e bief also canfairîs a IlLîaIF of "dîsadyatges of de- [itachtng--any lcrîtany fronti-the United Caunfies" Councîl ferla tactthfliru-j vlcîpalities, whîci Qshawa indiceted couId lie ncluded ln Is Cîfy-centrcd negion, would bq ave liftlein canion witli fli Premiuro- Quaity GASOLINE * DIESEL MOTOR OIL Farci tanks and pumps W available. CAIL COLLECTI ¶ 668-3341 i.FOR IMMEDIATrE DLIVERY' muci, more hlghly urbanlzecl creas. If any of these commuai- fies were detachmd froni Northumberland ac? Durhama and Inchudcd ho a reglon te +the wcsf flicy would ic? thein- selves, in councî's opinion, a vrry smalrnînorîty In a large poliical unit, wberc thefir atti- tudes, nleede and problerna wauld neftlie representcd on considcrcd. 1Counchl la con cerned fliaf ýlocal taxation le perla of their area, whicb are lnclucdd i anoflier, reglon, would risc sharply ad creafe an unneces- sary burden for thie population conccmncd. Also thalflie lasah ance portion of'heiccouatîca could jeopardlze flic confinued ex- istence 0f-flic remaincler. Bawmenvifle and Darling- ton conaan sanie 22 Den cent ah the counlie' population and assesament. Clanke, Tawneasbraend New- castle, fwaofflihe municipal!- lies mcnlîancd lanflic Oshaewa study, bave about cIgli per cent ancCartwright Township a funflier lwa per cent. Cauncil states la the brIef, fliat alîbaugli the lacs oh onc nu- al 0f these nunlelpalîtles wouid reduce the road costs eppraxlmateiy proportîonally, If was quetionable that flic adinistrative superstructure anc? coite oh spcîalizmd serv- ices, such as e reginnal school board, couilicb supporfcd byl a mucli diminisbed arcs, unîcea încreased gaverament gran-ts weUrm ,forthcoming. Mnm. eKebugih lIlalc? 1ha1 regardies of anytlling eisc, flic loss of one, portion of flic total ane could have a "1dcmonalizing eýct" on flic nmmander of hefliccnities sec? discourage constru-ctive la- Counchi States fliat ail 0! ifli resacs -show thât theme le "ýno cornpelliîg reason ta alter~ any af flic external houa- darlea of flie countica"., The bni ends by sfatlng thaf fliere la' no substantial grounds for net retaining flic present comualie as Thiey have exstcd for the past 120 yecms. 1 -Emerge --delegates ing flic scininafic modern Canadian ulto of Ne- spooîe .it N EP,"â,e (Instrumentai) deýlegetîol $200 IN PRIZES - (ENTRLY FEE $10) AT DURHAM CENTRAL Thu vse t. I th Only filic fIrt1n reswilieaep orial Ho'spîtal :Iy Report lie wcek oh August ana 87 2 maie 3 female 5 rges -----5 operations 31 pcmatîna -A3 He's r Durhiam Agricultural Clna ID àOP 0 M â au W0' rdes Aug, 21 anid Sept, 14-To-, 10.00 a r.-Pouitry Club bacco Speciahests will lbe ln tlhe Achievenient area For a visit frorn the 10.30 a.m. - Swine Club Specîalists. contact Ontario Achievement Departn'ent of Agriculture and 100p-n - rf b~ Food, 623-3348, Bowmanvîlle.1 Achiev,é!, 1 bçtween 8 arn. - 4:30 pm. by1 4-H rnemrrber psr illcsn the dates bisted. o ut r lgit to the Fair. TI'.rsda., .7. Aug, 30 - Sept, 5 -Junior tato Club meeting to beclield Farmers' Association of On- at Millbrnok Hall at 7:30 p.rn tario United Nations Bus Tour, Tuesday>, September. 1 Durham County's Delegate ta Senior Ci meeting a l GenMlson of Ennîskîllen. hrld at the farm. 0f Stan Sept, 7 - 14 -Provincial Allin. Lot, 28, Con. ý3, Clarke Junior, Faýrrnrs' Association Aug 20 - Sept. 7-Canadia-- Camp at G7eneva Park, National Exhibition, 9Sub Aug. 20, Oct, 8, 22 South~ weenesdayrý eept ,-oth. River Feeder Catte Sae wetr Onrî Bef atî Sale, Day - Ricdgetown College of South River, Ontaria. Agricultural Technology. Aug, 25 and 26, 10 ar.- Sp 0 1 1 rn ar 4 4-H Home- Junior Day, Frîdla, Sep-,tem.' rnaking Club Leaders' Train- ber,,il 9 am.-udgîng G.,rairi I îng School - "The Cereal,100 Sheif' at the I 0,0F. Hall, an conCuExbi,100 a.m.-Calves from North Dur.- G rono. For furtber informa- hami Caîf Club and Southi Dur- tion contact Miss Karen Mur- hami Dairy Club ta lbe on '~'~ i Jioch, Home Econonulst. On- tai ~atnn fSept. Il and 12, 1 :30 la ni ture and Food, 623-4, BOW- .Cornn n oba a 1:30 leRidgetown College of Agri- - Friday, August 28, cultural- Technology -White Bean Day, Rîdgetown WdnsySp,1 93 College of Agricultural Tech- a,m.- Staff Meeting, Ontaric nology. Baý-Depart- cent[ of Agriculture8 and Augst 8 ad 2-Blck-Food, Durham County, Board- .stock Fair. Achievernent DaY ,Om in ta owrnanville. for Duth-lani 4-H Beef, Swinc Sept. 18 and 19 - Port Hopg and Pouiltry Clubs on Satur- Fair- Achievernent Day for day, ugui 29.Hope Caîf Club is on Saur day, Sept, 19. M2r-s. Victor Parfîtt (Madteline) ModySet lR a 0f Oshawa; a son, James Wil ýSaf eeig o Otrie iani Tweedîe, of Hamnpton;,patm ni7o Agriculture and five jrandchildren - and one Food stafrf, great-grýanddaughter. She wa, Sept 2ý -6Lundsay Fair. predecrased by airte, inr t Orono Junior Day Haqrry Waplker of Brampton. will lie elgibîr ta go ta Lind- VICTOR E. COOKSON, BOWMANVILLE,' DRIVES WINNING 1EAM The meia service was say. For more information Hopes To Clean Up At Canadian. National Exhibition held at 2, Thursday, contact Bob. Watt or Rod Sfork August 20o, at the Armstrong et Ontarioa Departuient of A hrseisa lane t n'sfBuloch Gen epurnandfa wok t age six, and _hn oto h aa nte Funeral Home, Oshawa. The Agriculture and Food, 623-3348 peope, Bt -t anincrasrn Lam Haki accompanîed tihey were thcm when he tanki next stail srie wscnute yBwavle number of harse-owners and bsrn fa Milwaukee. Mr. Hep- over the f arn^i's awniershîpl "We do fuis close ta show- Bey. R. J. Barker of the Wednesday, Sept, 23-Thes- showmen, a good horsa lis a humn and Dick Wood look af- froin, ina father in 1945. Histfinie,"1 Mrý Cookion saîd, "go Christian a nd Mîssionery salon Feeder Cattle Sale, P e rcher on, a beavy-setlten horses in other shows. fefiien, now 80, still cornes ta tbey'll have the shlny, dark. Alliance Cliunch, assisted bY Thesselon, Ontario, draught hoane native taO iine assistant, Doug Bul- thiebhrn ta feed flic show coat." I Major Normen Caýles of the Septý 24 and Oct. 19-Mani- France. loch, owns a mare and fcasi,harses. The other stock, imcludïng Salvation Army. tuî rdn Ctl ae Thelieede urt dvcop an i jat egnnng a iuld rCokso sidmares and foals, are allowed - -Little Currient, Ontario. The reewaslirt dvicci nd s jst bginingto'uil, M, Coksn s l ie keem fa roani in fthe, astures. AIjFiaSet 5 ed from, the sta ky vlenrnîsh lus .awni lerd, tiieni i their stalîs during fbal is not namned until sev-1 urF Rr alay, S pt 5. 8 oseand ts sleek P. ablen Mr. Cookson a fmtrvels ta daylight hours and leta them erli eks ft + if ir.OB ITUÀRY Duha0,0 ual afey M gli caunterpart ini the 13fh cen- shows in Canada and the ouItat pasture after dark. lou Ui auithse100.HlOan - tury, . ften Saracen raiders United States ta judge lireeds Tis, lie ay "i so their skîn- MmAookson saîd"i t hr5i 7 'cerc aesTopo were cliased away froni the He will lie in the Maritimre wani't fade in the liîglitthye u-l a polr, una sviefrFdeiP1 La Perche regian of Northemn i province in thie feu ta judge lîght.-atbey, as e ally a popula, FuneJa e Tvi orF87edn- France, The result carried a senies of shows h anyin ferscoudIwcy a'tsafly ther redf ebrck ues T o en 7, o flcbeat charecferistIcs of Pmee Hoea leCdfe n efetcoIIwud' ytle'edfPtnbrgh hoddAg bath lirerd , adcpfed for ,b seen wîth fwo of te borses ferent froni any aillier liorse,usShint.Jepi op- dnauht et wrll alned ' ece shaebe a ni- nthe stalîs. One wlio hadibut the gray ones la nai-tiwselonFda frmTI wîl asîn oa.lier to Mmi.,Coýokson all bis bren ouf un dayliglit had al1cr are very flesliy and colon- flic Comstock Funeral Home ThePe ro asItr f r. They wrre on flic famîly faded hrown coat ln camperi- fui whcnVe'ei ires"i eeroogi ih eFLOSFI duced to Canada in thc late farm vlien hie began ta do son with thec darker, more,.Tue. ilmour South afflciatÎag. ,B f~ 191b century.Bor n sManvers Township, TDLIfWA 9Tw enty offb n aekntc ewas àa son of flic late Tho- ? C- 1 2 as show iorses by Vctor nias Thonipson and tlic former Caoksn, R , 6, awnîa vill Reunali Jolnston. lHe was ea One of taemi, a marc namcd famrai apne rd justaer Stylush Stella is, Mr. and Mis Harry Stew- ci hasrty m kldn oh f Niagara FallsN Y, lved in Betlicny for a i uni at 18 ycars of agr, flic nost art and Tracy of Kingston On Seturday Mc. and Mns, weu'e sunper guest Mndy, iro cr ifr oigtI' decarafed in North Ainerica. ment several days lest week Bayd Harris accanipanled liy i wb Mmv and Mns. S. Lan- Peferborougli.ý ,Justemere, la her- careri. with lier parents Mr'. cnd Mc .Mrs, AGray, Mr. and Mrs'rT: casier. ie wthe uifodmeruaSewayt. vron 12 grand championshiups Gergne Stapletan, whsle Mr. Alldread and Mr. Vernîe Ket- Paser b have ai! heem ad wf h omrluaSeatBýA L at flic Canadian National Ex- Artliur Martin . of Thorrnhîll clieson attended thie funeral niirlîig the tropliy won liy thie Svîvîng sa anc onStw gbIv hiîOY nLn nine granlira- a d Mr. and Mrs, Launie af their nirce, Catliy McAgy Newtonville girls1 ein Te r f croruh adu lM IN pianahria an ac rsrvSapctnBe -erly and Rîcky cf Amlierstliumg,, khird n a, Rasdnunnens" now on display1 fe MrsaBdYfTurl (ary) P HONEBI TG & HEAT grand chemponshp cf lic1or A iax - wece recent visitons. very unfortunate car accident.. in flie wiadowr of Pecýk'a Store, of Kee n orgadPO E2325 Royal iit eàr inWherî sije Mn Rymond Bruce was c a it ares, lest wrek. egwtl lccopeelisI chÎlîrin i cerne- Ty O ntri0 - wonlie nitl naionl lonr vsîtr wfu resties tBan- IMrs. K. Hallen and son ne- Of players acdtheirn mascof. Bunial wai inFallisTyne in 1967, officiels dia, nanied cnoft, iaýst week. turnea home lest week afterr oauneswllepîytnyBthy. _ lier supreme champnioni Per- M, and Mrs fa 'c? Hanis faur weeks' holiday vi, If to ing an exhibition gmeagaint ï chenon, A 1959 edfo ffi the dr fmlvp li. er people In Germany. thie Blockettes, Ne w easft1 e R' ~ Percheon -owaer's magazine, wekago at the home of Mr. Mn. nd Mrs, Phil Gilmer bLp adis'Tem, r!tieck TmorDEe,~)k ~ "Canladien Percliron Bnoad-end Mrs, Aif Gray, Nwatl.adferily and Mrs. bn ak le rmmr - ate" -f1 r--listi-ng lier- nei honour of Mn, Buste a rhi fNwete rchang h ote r wlll m rpeafed wun, sprcdicîrd " - a surprise hîcthc? dceesupper gurîts, Saturday, wt chge pit ie d tciner. ljaegs sornefhinýg lappens, aI'E !bration for tlie latter, Mn land Mca sF, Girer, Mrscm T - W UiDN wîill lih oguoet et M n r nhoy'o rhn utrcnl eundestîng and nmore excitîng, ore ERET O R WN UI IG en fl nartouroe" et1MadMs nhn o rhanjs eetyrtre uad51notyu anr R MAC M LT A K G -i lenafuue"were eway on hlidays lest frorin a four weeks' holiday touf a upo thyuravo un R MAC MLEEPC A E- NotiigheDetramndwon Tliursdavlnd nd hAuon No 1hla g iapperd cn. wee et Bukhrip faEngladanli 7on at 6.30 et Newtonvllle MACHINE STORAGE, accondîng ta Mc Cookaon, 1v~-s ired Compton and1 tinent licnee son Fred -met bemrcla~1~Ia eg 1Justanmee walked off wift lixhee c lîdren f Prthi Road au-d lier party on flir ariv- on Atugu.stf 1, fthc oadrun - 2'lcrpi awards from, everv show. wceevisitors, Thursday, witli al, wltliac planned tour al 32mdearsutpanardr il North Amerli Best Mns Wallace Bauglien. erangcd, sa that no finie ocwhen ft a Gr fad lu 'Il gusslie'a the beat mare Mn sBec Joncs entertcicîed wasted. awscoie ree22-.fetonliy32' X 64P there sini Northi Amenîca, a few friends aet an evenlng of Bey T. Snelgnove snoke, vil a s iire 0f 22 21. Netn flic's -no doulif about if,' bridge, Friday, Byrequcaf, Sundcy mininng, On some B f pay lnva tedtle sn olc, 0 Mr, Cooksan seid. "She'a w8 arc 'nat mentinîng flie the prohîcras the chuncli en- pl'uy liere et ficmechoal. onN AR prvrd bensef" nerne of "10w min", so Il countens, today, !un endeevour- 6WedaTesdairls eembeor 2etsup-G A ,ln againesshebas eenseerin only fair that we alningta bridge the "generetianpotast hudbacle dmcnlid s a cesicPe-refrain froin mcntioaing the gap" whîchwe are Ibccrnîng s orf46asxif64'u3d- e0e4clos cliemrin mare of tie kfind fluet one creditcd witl i rng higli! mudli about. "Bnuing l an. 5 4 havinmade thcelirerd populen. Mn. and Mrs. Don Vinlklc The Sheaves" was flic timely ^h lias ays won points werce t Catchacomna Lake, lest offecing by the choirEeyhgpcoesple riseroyt rc im he~ for beîng well-balaaced, wui Mnee. a 1. . acat r . fandl oMrs oniatwmsm Pratveressure frected Ifull dîrensîon tie-ber cci @sDoors *Hardware % Pi1 good stance, lots of boady M.adMs S acse ad. l f oot eeFO.B. Kithener-Fed. SolesTax Faid, Ont SolesTax5%o extra depîli, a gond nuflook ad a accompenird Mm. and Mrs, Sunday visitons witli Mn. aond , Jak, h flic theHaewirh - Mr.s Jîm Adams. Plan B r e u RM Mn. Cookson bouglu JsIa-Wrry wedding, lnEnalakillen Affendung flic fenil, lcn STEEV E PL FRAM mcm ron be Sasatciewn Chunch,- Saturday afternoon, at The Acres, Sunida.. AI jw I ILI STEL LÂ s e--f-t--,-----bere-u--#-t--t-i i w 11--- 'Air- nuLut -1 Sb ourg 3-8pn.dal founfli prise aI flic Royal et Bowmanviile Lio1ýns Centre. Wînler Paim, IMm*. md Mns. Clarence Far-I This ymar, Mn. Cooksoui ý, row, daugh fer Karen aoc? i, president of flic Canadien fuiend of Montu-esi,,spent scv- w at Percheron Association, ' ,40,0- eu-ai deys wîtlithie iother, inciner organisation of own- Mme R, Farrow, las-t wcck. ai Beed ens, breeders aoc? exiîibitors Mm aoc? Mrs. Staey Pound ma B e d rs af1flue horse. fle waa on - flca Bristol, England, sprat scv- asocaion's board of dinec- eral days licre wifh Mr. sac? tosfrthnce years. Mmi. C. B Farrow lest wcek. Chonsca au-coweîîslonownOn Satunday, taey, elong with 600 ersos fom 3secms Caniada anc? fle Unlîrd Mrs. Carl Todd and Anne oh rOO Cranagefrni 3 States. As wril as sliowigignî Starkvilie, and Mn. Stan Bow-1 Utah rCnad gllifredhe large feins, Mn. Coakion fakes mn of Bawmanville accoin- nal Convention aiflte ic tem, multiple bhes ancpanirflic Fanrows ta Winona, Association ofAni:dprise stock ta country fin cuîiere Mn. std s otan ýreeders, Convention and hanse shows. Fousns. an r.M to Zand guests epresent- A 1Il the FaIrs nations artificiel la- Î'Wc go la ail flic feins," lic iVrs. Sic? Brown, with Mn. aoc? tn organisations; flic said. "ThÎs sprng we've bren Mca. Ellsworth Casweil, et- nicflod of immpnving ta Biclimond Hill, Scbombcrg, tendmd s binthday part y at of faruni livestock. Aurore, Miilbraok aoc? Brook- flicbornme of Mn. aoc? Mrs. flue ares Harry. Jase liýn." Byron Brunt, Bowmanvilie, la ýwcasfle represmnted . He elso put six of lis hanses bonor of tam former's malien, Breedeme. lanflic annuel July 4 panade Mrs. W. Brunt. natîonwide convention in Milwaukee Ibis yeeur. The sale of flic bouse and flic Ufai State Un'- Nlamled the Schlît it Cu5 contents or, fli late Wlllis Campus. Logan, 'jjParade effter t issponisor If la Farrow appeuc a lie ouîfe cy fle 1Nafloual ande iup e'turAly of lionscies, atrr-re ,ful ffair on Satiur- bi Anl BredeneA,,- n o__f eibm du-wing tfltiay atmnopeople coinng peration wltii Utah's ibug' enlialur cirrus wagons1f'n'n fer ced ceeu-, rencwang Valley Breedhng As- popular et flic tura of the a cquaintances wifh lId fienda, rLoga, Utahi. centurm. I1 as well as libuyang articles ah "iYou've gat ta sec il ta lie- hm furiinîshinga Wc undmr- t opealag sessions, flihe ve il," said Mm. Cooke, stad he popnt y was pur- on was weicammd by 'h aoscome r fm lic a avia Bamnptan, CÀcu gon'd Msui l ir oh Utahi. Bamaboo, Wisconin. Tbey're-(- ta peaker wae Du-. ail just flchey tlimy c D. Hanks, Assistant la 5,00,or 75 e ;4-:go Thýe adi of heicTweive oh muscuniin ga hei ta iil PR lire oh Jeaus Christ ohf wujke ntactrainw,11, )ay Saints andIte-they uýnodIm îbflcr 5r ComunuIity ie ler. ~ dagi oae I uil-Gprovoking speech 1wbolc fhinghajutflc a fiat A-amncancs --fuure l a 7 maseg. er-familly o una-t pea nypitli edD y S Thecag waonscarry lins NïAB EcuieSc icsl A et flc ne HORS E & CAT H, _A. Herman sld Iat lme, oýver, 8 m11illion cIlle T1 (flic etma d ho rtîfiially iasemlnatcJ.,000 eaple wn!nhre ia LADI ES' WORK lion wm&Tre beef c;;'ttIe c h itIbisyean' M Pr seven nmillIinre oko ad."cv eBALL )farnr fietc a lc ie IrvD t SOA leaer ac? flic dcc-! and poýardes, M CoasnlýA MISON -sio firme FNational Direc- a,'sïdbyfirramaic wtio kn.ow feboea tj gilMn. ac? Mme. Jira Ces-1 well aid faniuly, Mr. aoc? Mns. E Caaweih, Mn. anc? Mra. E. Green and fenily. im aoc? Douglas We5fcatt oh Udncy, wiene supper guesf s, Suaday, witi Mrs. A. Wade and Grant. Mr. aid Mmc. Trueman Hmend- moen, Bob, Breada, David, Doug aid Bannie, Canai Hend- crsn. Mn. aid Mms. Bill Wade and boys, Mrs. Jim Cien, Karen anc? Lynn oi Port Hope, Mr. and Mmm. Clint Brown oh Newcastle wr willi Mm. aoc? Mu-s. Baymnd Trimi t fleim cottage aI Lake Kushag on Sunday. Mm. conl Mms. Wade ac? boys wlll lie remmeniog thene for a fcw rIsys.. Mn..conl Mrs. Gardon Merlin ai Bawmaaville aoc? Mm. ac? Mn. BRoy Cronkwright and? David oah Bmwdlmy werc sup- per' guesîs, Sunday, witli Mn, and Mme. G. Stepirton. Mu-s. Bec Joncs ile vlsiting licr brother, Mr. Wallace Mer- mlii et Warkwarlh fan a hcw days. Mram. rs5, aC> T4,Lu-un are an liolidava flaweek anc? expeci ta visIf Mm. and Mmi.1 Cliester 111la inBufFalo. Mm. id Mrs-. iAiardLo- PERRY dU >ept 7, 1970 TLE CLASSES HORS517RACINO GAMVE ENTE RTAI NME NT CARS - ïOc ADVANCED FARMIf4O SYSTEMS L'il. 843 GUrlph St., Kitchenser J Contact your Recidesît Rcprescntative JIM TAMBLYN P.O. BOX 86, ORONO 416-983-5030 Thle cxecuftlvc al hfle Dur- bain Counfy Progressive Con- servatuve Association met Mon- day to make arrangements for flic annuel PC larlicque., The eveat Ist 1le hielul agea Ibis year etbflic home ah Alex n Carrulliers, MPP for Dunliam, -À Seplember 2. The mid-wemk date wec selected mo as not bo conflict wihal bau -s iwhicb are lie- ing bcld eriound Ibm couaty ati weekcîds.11 1The meeting was jointly dliaircd liy Art Code socMn. Carulbens anic was attmnded I by 30 represmatatives froma araund flic counfy, inclucingý A. M.' Monris, president ah theý Pont Hope PC Association aidý eiglit local membmns. Lest 'yeacr, cespile con- tiunus nain, almoaf 600 pcmly, rncember.s efftended flue baui-be- que a et lcCarnuta-irma borne aI Garden MILîl on a menu - Steaket- , ua tounataca ,aid dugnl- Guide. OBITUÀARY MIES, JOHN LUDLOW Scionsly sick fr flicpes - twn inonîlis,MIs.J o1hn (ýJck Luidinw of 95 urkSI, i Tucsday, tAugIIsI 18, 1970, ;a h e , K i-bb e 1 f e r T5Fome, agar l i leon Eizaeth alkc, fic flue laie n NlSaad cap Jme Kylh Waker Bre r1.14 190, t Nwctr, Eaglend,Â7m FAIR PP, AADE A T 12-30 * alloon FIy-A-Thoni *Basket Making Demnonsr;AtionQý *Catch tFh. Slippery Pig Conltst *Horse Shoe Pitchlling *Movies and Stidesý lfak IingDmosrto Goy Forties byLwy/atrOrhsr -lModeJm Daning/The eolGilCul . !Mr. and Mrs. 'îd J3rov.,ný-P4 -r- 1 y y %.* %A . 1 %d X-1 Iji L - - . -. -.7 - . - - i

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