The Canladian Staiesnman, tmwlanville, Aug. 26, 1970 1Brh Cards of Thanks_ Coming Events Articles for Sale 1 Livestock For Sale Help Wanted 1R44I~f-Jbi ~.d E~ ely Words 'cannot express the Special>- Every SaturdàyîPOTATOES for sale. Clifford- POLLED Hereford bulls and BBSTE o r-cal (n1ee Aar are proud ta an japprectation that we feei for nlght- ail the Fish and ChipsiSwaiiow, 623-2219. 34-11heifers. Durham Farms, Con. 1er', tartjng Septenber 8ti.i rouncre tl'e arrivai of their t he many 'acta of kindness you can eat for 99e at The 26" GIRL'S bicycle, perfect 18, Clarke,_West of 115. 32-5.6 2%-5966 after_5 p.m. 34- daugý,hte-r Leisa Lynn on Aug-lshawn to us since aur accident, Acres Restarant. Open 7 days. condition. 623-5694. 34-11 POLLED Hereford bull, one IFUILL-TE witesesan ust 12, 1970. 34-1* Thanlks very much, a week. 21-tf -- ,- ---____l.CaeneBrey ojýs p Lloyd and Betty Hancock. - CNEere 1970 SKI-DOO, 18 h.p., A-1 erad irnc uiy ok.Apl oaerRs lChartered el nd Hetybus' condition. 987-4337. 341* 786-2495.-.- - - 34,71* taura.nt, Wveley oad and VANDERPT-Neil nd34-tt Toronto. Leave Port H ope at ---orS-ukahaesad40 1.3- Vandlerput are pleased ta an- 8-15 August 22- Sept. 7th. AERfo sale and delivered.llY[UCOVY ____ ad- 3 nounice thie birth of a son 1 wish ta thank friends and For reservatians telephone Caîl Cliff Pethick, 623-2313. * sizes; 40 hens,, Hybrids. W. FULL time short order 1 c)ook neghours a d Caadan88522 r8552,Rw ___ 38-tf Howard Pearce. Telephone and wýaitresses,. Apply theý Davi, 9 ibs. 10 ozs, on August niho__an_____a 522 o 8-52.Roe - -- --- 987-4525. 34-1* Voyageur Restaurant, Nýew-i 21, 19470, at Memoriai Hospital, Legion Poppy Fund, Dr. West- Tours. 32-3! ONE upright fireplace, used - ______-7-12111______f Bown-anvilie. A brother for garth, nurses on Third Floor1%sao.Phn62-73QIT yerldmewt Daphne, Freda, Louise and for ail kindness and care re- Third Annual Bar-B-Que at '1/ esnPoe6377 UET 8-yde a d mare ihcste -4231. 34p-tfn 34nie 25. estern dde ndbrdiWOMIAN wnepr-ie Jennter.34-1 ceived while a patient in Me- the home of Mr. and Mrs. -- -$35 itns free ta go ofr making beds and cleaning. marial Hospital. Alex Carruthers, Garden Hill, FREEZER corn. Orders tak- hoeghn.8-57 te .Ribw oe n ais Vincent Prout. 34-1* Wednesday, Sept. 2 starting at en now. Phone: 987-4406. ý M rias5:30 p.m. Everyone weicome. ___ 33-21_______ 34-i Newcastle, Phone, 987-4540. Forthcoming M sincere thanks ta rela- Please bring your own chair, CIBN 100 WESTERN and Ontarioa- 34-1 My ______BIN strawberry plants stockera, sold privately every FEM ALE frpr ieofc Mr. and Mrs J, K. McEwe tvsfinsad CurieM N T R 'IG' for sale, 5c each. Teiephone Thursday, (anytime by ap- work and mniik bar, Must be hU.C.W. f or cards, flowers and M N TR BN O 623-21.3- wish ta announce the fort h iia pcaltak aRv THRDY-74 pm 36 4paintment) . Ivan Jahnson, dlean'and-, neat in appearance. comning marriage of t1her isis pca hnst e, TUSA :5p ROTO-TILLER, 5 h used South Monaghan, Bailiebaro Hours 1 -6 p.mi., 5-day week.[ Foskhet, son cfOMr. ad 'th e nursinig staff at Oshawa Sponsored by only six times, $149. Phone 939-6855, 15 miles north af Appiy in plersan any marning., LFoskett ai stnf P.a'ntd. General for their care and Oshawa Minor Softball 786-2579 after 5. 34-i Part Hope on Highway '28, 2 Gien 'Rae Dairy. 34-1 kindnesa,. JUBILEE PAVILION ONE blonde synthetic wig, ils1at1i-tf TENDERS vanted far care-- CI'urch on Saturday, Auguat Kris Willis, 34-1* o S HA WA 30-tf worn three times, with stand, rse forSale Bowanvilie. ontact G 9,34-1 ______________ etc. Phane 623-2347. 34-1* CarsfrSteBwaker for ,Cntnai , G Mr an MraHarai w~- Mr. nd Mr. Macoim Biackstock Fair Dance, Sat-__ STUEBKERSevic, ew 63FORMGlaxecLlsma.Lamant, 50 Simipson Avenue, Ms.Haol Wl-MacKenzie wlsh ta exteod urday, Aug, 29, in Rec. Centre,Sand ued aK rtS.eraham ew'63-5694. aaxi 341as* or telephane 623-3555. Apphi- sn, Pontfypool, Ontario, wlsh aayd______pacations t be in before the4lSt tanonehetheir sincere thanks o f nda, MGaster rces ta, Lanwrs. Garage, 1-416-263-2233. 19-tf f1968 CHEV, Impala-c-nvet- os to ei poete to2-ntnetefrhoigneighbors, Bowmanviile Lions Ms sOceta avr.Ipl ovr-ofSeptember. 33-2 rrjrrageoftheir daughter Club and staff et The Can- In Rink - Madern, to The APARTMENT size Frigidaire ible. Phone 987-4315. 34-i Barbara Arn, ta Richard Alan ShoaGrldianOhaa Imyduystv,2T id,- &aunTders, son of iVra, Saund, ada Iperil Bank et Com- Sho ilCuh aaa ev uysae 2 ie '63 CHEV, 2-door hardtop, 28,3 TUEN cr ndte ae eli audmerce for floral tributes, carda Admission ta one or bath, gaod condition. 623-2711,__ automnatic, Phone 623-3486 Your spare tîme into large e .rs, of Beleville. The weddîng ot sympathy and visita ta the $1,00 per person. 34-1 BASS guitar and amplifier telatter 6. 34-1* profit. Seli famons Rawleigh will take place, September 19, Weaver Funeral Home, Camp- ROVJE TOURS good - condition, asking $150. '64 PONTIAC Parisienne con- Line of Household, Necessities.1 1970, at 2:30 p.m. In Orono beilfard, during their recent Cail 576-7559 for Information.~ vertible, Must sei. Beat Write ,1bereavement In the bs c f Mr. CatrdBst IGR 4I United Church. 34-1 aKni' ohr 3- iatrdBst IGR offer. 623-5772. 41 \J T.RAV IHI FALL, SNDA, SPT. 3 BYIN orsdling, furinture '56 HARLEY Chopper, -etend-, ~LD Mr. ansd Mrs, Jack H. W ol iet hn u Stop for fruit will be matie or appliancea -7 Caîl Elmer, ed hroe.ronLed. an Welsh, Bawmnanville, are pleas- Hm-eta ilacp iaeo ed to announce the forthicom- niany friends and relatives of MYSTERY TOUR, 2329 ni a. ap xrs Wl cetbaeo eiH10C Ing marriage of their daughter the Enniakillen Community SUNDAY, SEPT. 20th to.2f car. Phone, 983-5222. 34-1* 40 ihle t Laurely-n Julia, ta Patrick Des- far tbe lovely Cooey copper NEW YORK CITY, SPECIAL! - Tractor Blade, 19mas NEWPJR-T Chrysïe, Montreal 207, Que. r-nndHîgîn, sn f M. ndfinîshed beige Suroco card THNSIIGWEKEND point bitcb, anly $99.00 at J- pwrsern adbae,3- inod igin, onofiVr a blTANandVINcWE Mar Equipment Co., 134 King ap-oer tioeeing a n ra, 34- Mrs. Desmond Higgîns, Ang- tbeadcarset. Many OCT. 9 - 12air-candtined, excllent con-1 iÀs, Ont, The marriage wil thanka ta the committees and SEBwavle 1 dition. Owner leaving coun- VSanted to Buy~ take place In St. Paul's Unit- ail who worked so bard 40 COLOR TOUR TO AN 81/2 ft. fibregiasa hydro- try. Phone 983-5972. 34-1* ____. ed Cburch, Saturday,. Septem- Make the evenlng ge enjoy- ALGONQUIN PARK andi plane with 50 h.p. Mercury, In- CASH for Scotch Pine Christ- ber26at olec, 4- able. SANTA'S VILLAGE good condition. Extra battery FrR n mas Trees on the stump or ______Betty Jane and SUNDAY, OCT. 4tih and fuel tank. Phone 623-7518. --- planation.Ho te rt T re e Mr. nd Virs SauelL. Vn Gry anewch, 34- FIV-DA COLR TUR UTOM'I'C 3-2 fASE NNT apartment fr arma, Pontypoal. Telephone Ir.adM- ,a1e1LVa IVcluties OrLOrOUt, eectIcrent, Oct. 1. Phone 987-4486. 705-277-2622.,3.3 31V' ý. ,BwavllIcuesOtro erot TC34-1 __ _ Ck apyR.R. 2, ownvlthe, W6 wîsh ta express our Quebec- SEPT. 27 - OCT. 1 range in excellent condition,,--. -__ _ anrte bappy t nu e bbc ar incere thanka ta frienda andJAK16 re;eaôbl.plyT0bdomhm,'M l T butn Sls eldest daughter Mary Louilsej nesgbers for rmany acta of CHARTERED BUS TO JACK 967moEl; Sreas, oa iie. piyTo eroomPhoe, M623-2cton6ale ta Chiarles John Hynes, son of kindness durlng the paasing ef MINER'S BIRD SANCTUAR 0EgnSreBwavil.GoeaePoe63-69. lim-A, Cllins, ic___ Mr n r.JoehHnaa dearhuabanti anti father, OCT. 31 - NOV. 1 - Plu% visit USED bocks, magazines boughit ----uctîaneer, cnut i ye eferaOntario. The mar' for flowers, carda andi prayers, to Detroit's FORD MUSEUM and aoid. Morgan Self, Anti- ONE bedroo-ns apartment, 63 of sales, including real estate ric nagettake place, Saturday, the Orono Masonic Lcdge,' Travel Alr-cenditioned Motor qainBcsie,8 iceKn t . amnil.acin.Blackstock 986-63 Setrbr26, 1970, at 2.30 Rev. T. H-1. Smldth ef New- Coaeh. For information write Street South, Oshawa. Phone 623-5012, 33-tfý 34-4 Grv ntdcastle for b is ,comforting or phone: 723-7621. 29-tf ONEbedroonsm apartment. Av- :3 4s. Maple sUl ToOrm CW1969 HONDA "35,excell ent ailable immedîately. Telephane WEEKLY __________________for bbe lunch, nurses e«t Rw, 8-52 r88-Uucendition. onfly 2,200 ymiles, for 623M-2672. 34-tf manvihie qHospital;sp e ciÈa 1RWETAVLAGENCY sale or wili trade for mini- 1Ô1IE or office space, corne DeatJas thanka ta Mr, andi Mrs. a 35A Bloomsgrove Ave. bk.PeaWlo rw e King' anti Temperance at Durham County Sales Arena,, ij~t icrgaerne Patterson, tbe Mori PORT HOPE 623-3396.34i 623,-2451. 29-tf Orono - Every Thurs,7:30 .m. onr Friday, Auguat 21Lt, 170Cunrl Capel.i 34-2____________ ____ -Selling Herses, Cattie, Swîne, Rid lî,aei 4yas rEphraim Wb'e3- ETL Oecme a-RQOM fer singleý girl, near Calves, heec hri tîe cfteltî SalyDae, ad1aly 4-1* Woodview COmmnnitY Cenr lt ih1 tntuk ek odEgnShonwhm.Reid i, Auctioneer ai pro- ýdear rrnother nfcf len(Mrs. J-BMO STER lyrto ogr JIlrPae62-70 41prieter. 23-tf IlalyFlIrt. Servie aJ wud ik a xress 3B4-1 EuimnB sa i, RUDfloor apartmïent, twc ___ hei i bc orrs unra sicee hakato'Oail my Next Monday 6371,-~bedlroors, Sept. 1, no chiidreli. An autinslotun- on on rlaivsfrienda ýand neigh- 745PM.10 ealU- Cal 623-,5410 daytime. 34-111j'tue o Hret1aino CapeIC, Bowrmanvi )lledgehoiste.retichair, nee ret day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t4o'lc, nemetousntth bkaLdgnTW romground floor,0aturda mcrning, Augusti No. 125, yantiteMaf eLet RED BARN îshing, $1,00ech, Flying a oc' ~owanvlleCemtey. 4-1Clu, be riedsbp lubforDuthm.n obo in, 3 3 piv4 rt.ranc at1)ath 1_i.-29th at, 10oo'clocrk ut the (corn- dece n rdaA'ugua7t 10s, wil apatent Int Memarial COLMER TOURS IAE salhoshli- b a il biis hou ehad ects. Sali- 1370, Earl BwmnTi-,R oia, Ei1aise tar.iH Rundieemsfritg, sovTV, Petc- TWO apartmeînlig with lno reserve. Property 2, cmnvle in b his-,76th and tbe 'nu;,ses ton lst Floor andtiONE DAY SPECIAL TurdyFidyand Satur- H n oecid ecm.soird. Terma cash, Sale Sat- year, dear-bothe fetAngus. In OFhAaa HopitRl. Spenlal day "-10 ans m, at109!Available aw.Heateti Tele- ramoin t10elok Servicew e l1fd ibc er hakat D. ou ni Dr. - F, urday morning at 10-R86o doc,1. rus Fuea- hp1 Bo r an k asl or D r seia anDre C NE Cuc t 6358 4-1poe23-86 4Clitt Pethick, Auctianeer, ____ý U-peBwa-Rw,,l e ýle"seilcr B__ 1ROOED partially furnisheti3- ville, on ,fMcnday at 2 30 andi a saeclal thanks to Rev. USED wasber parts, mrotorg,grudfo rnt3- occkInterment TrulilFans- Gee 'K, Ward for his prayers Tuesday, i SmhiSyeHoepadMft.hatd goud foo rnt1 lly emetry.34-1 andthbb nurses on 4th Floor in apinentoal de-aatet Centrahly locabed, Th, unde,,ignedi auctioneer __P___ FWing. Fer Reservations Telephone tiseti lýineetfrniur.Pays, hn 623-.5416. 34-1 will seli by public auction for! WES-A Viboia B .,on Mrs Jean' Symons 34-I *C LM Rare, Hampton, 263-2241. IGT ousekeeping cabins, tbe estate ofthbb late George 5atrtay Auu ni, 170_______43t Lw eolnrte.Raînbow Keralake, -ail bisam a- Cla.trsayl, Augeti 8d 70as eeto TD1TtT SR IE1 ic V Motel anti Cabin s, Newcastle. cbinery, on 'Labor Day, Mon- Jrissa Hall, a~ed 87 eat ams structure w Eb- ail hann1iPhone 987-4540, 23-tf day, September 7tb. Farm la-2 Wet tcr rno-ic ot Ciarmenc ,,eberts, ottawa, rances (r P.Trewe), itra ae Robrt, aniltn;Gr ac e (Mc. E 1-as-liGrfsimsby. Servicewaa hel in blie'Morris FunrulChaelBowmanville, en Wednicsday ut 2 o'cleck. Interment Bewimanviiie Cerne- tery.34-i IOVE, . Frank-At Ce- 1~erg enealHos-,pibal on Tuestay, Aguat 54h, 1970, Frank Werdcn(frinerly of Corbîe eb' 944hi year. dear fý'thex etfr T. Dýavidsoni (Ale) cf Cobourg, Harry et Ceurtice, andtihbb labe keith. BËrenton iianti Jean Ric kar d, Miil St.reet Soutth, Newcastle, cordially Invite you to their open bouse on Montiay, Sep- tember 7tb, 1970, on bbeceo- casion of their 25th Wedding Anniversary, 2-5,p ns. anti 7-10 p.m. Beat wishes ouly, pieuse. Mr, anti Mrs. Carl Wright, cf Blackstoek will receive their frenda anti neighbours on the occasion et their Golden Wed- ding Ahniversary a t th e Christian Education Centre of Blackstack Unitedi Church on Saturday, September 12, 7-9q p,. Best wlshes, only. 34.1 * Rezting at the Narth~cutt Z.lllett F'uneral Ho-me, Fun- Mn anti Mrs,Ruel Earle, eral se-rice 2 o'ciock Thursdav 237 Bennett St, Peterboreugh, dfternon. Interment Oshawa wlil celebruate their 401h Weti- Unrionl Cemetery. 34-1 dIng Anniversary on Satur- _____________________day, Septcsviber àtb. Family Flower______andi friends are cordially invit- home et Mr' anti Mrs, Alian Beer. Bebhany, fros 2-4 anti 7-9 o'cieck. Beat wîshes 0ny CDplease. 34-Il NURSERYMS Mr. anti Mrs. Howard Mast- ers, Bowmanvllle, wiiI be at Ne. 2 Hwy. - powmanville home ta their trientis, rela- '623-5757 tives anti neigihaours, at tbe resitience et their, daughtem IT Mm. anti Mrà. Floyti Nicholson, Orono, on Saturtiay, Auguat 29th frem 2-4 p.m. anti 7-9 p.s. ou the occasion efthIeir Fiftiebh Wctiding Anniveraary. Beat wis-hes only, pieuse. 34-1 V ArilV DE-LIVERY TO:' J,,ck Tit wadieti Auguat 28, ~=~Remnibredby bis wite, Jerry anti Mýyrle. 3441* A' LastijngTr bute V' rmnneat int wa sUgngeat i MountC Lawn l ýWanted to Rent WANTED immediabely, 3 bcd- roons bouse. 623-2150. 33-2 WANTED ta reut, 4 or 5- beti- roos arboseanti hum lu OronaBwmnlleviciuîty. WriteAdtverliser139, c/oThe Candian stutesman, cPCO ~X 90. Bownianvmle. 34-i ACCOMMODAN Wunîed -Marrieti cole wl> vth ne chiltren tesire siabeac-' cosmodaltion (eue or two beti- rees apartr-lnsentduplex, amali boeuse, etc.) lu Orono or M.- passible (wlthin 45 days). Muat be ufunih uthave fritge antistee, Teýlephene Mr Grittin, Cprani ln - perlniBank of commerce, 2or3BDRO BUNGALOW vri-c- liai.Sit smpea25, 24 samles$1 0. ailMrdr-Evienlig Dap T-8.NovRuherCo.,j MB., COOKEL ç623-3966 qei9, Hmlon n,1-52,3- 623-3265 or 623-30931, -Wanbed: LIve female hbodies betwcen agea et 18 anti 80 ta fil bbc lunes of Liberty Bo,4\I Monday nights, between f6:45 anti 9 occock. Fat, thin, bal or short - case'ene, came ail, ta Ladies' Major on Septem- b-er 14. Notify betore Sept. 1, K,.aren Burns 623-7013 anti .Nancýy Evans 623-3184. 32-3 SUNNSIDE PARK MONSTER BINGO Thursaday Night 7-45 RED BARN, OSHJAWA TBENTWAY TOURS - TO - M A R I T I M E S Sept, l2th te 26th N EW ENG L AN D andi CAPE COD Sept. 27th te Oct. 3rti W A H1TN GT 0 N andi W I L L 1 A M S B V R G. Va. Oct. 3rd to 9th THA NK SGIVING Oct. 9th te l2th te .NEW YORK NASH VILLE VERMONT& LAKE PLACID Fer further informa,,tion contact JURY and LOVELL TRAVEL AGENCY 19 King St. E,, Bowmnaxviile1 Phone 623-3182 Aricles for Sa le RFCONJTiO)NRD TV bwr antirotrs brae-ia),40,5 0 anti 0 foo strutures ai l TV Suippiy Lmtt,73E3 -30vlCUTlnei c herili,beolossutes Fueniture, 1King.,.BEwsn antnn lnbaledfo $495EIGHT roos os, ei Special an colour system.j rooms, 2 bathrooma, resideta Phone Roy Andrews 623-2006. area. Rent $200. Telephone 6-tf Orono 983-9171, tiays. 34-1 SAND FILL LARGE 2 bedroos apartmeut, beateti, fritige anti stave in- Pit mun, Cament Gravel ludeti, $125, Available Sept. Brick Santi. - Cal 1, in Bowmanville. Telephone B & H HAULAGE 723-8453. 34-1 Phone 23-759 ýMODERN apartment, 4 rooms Phon 62~~754 fanti bath, parking, Cabie TV,' 49-bt heateti, immediabe possession; f - reasonable rent. Apply Tom'si Nsew Compensatorj Milk, 53 KingE._ 32-3 LiqulId Pretein Supplement APARTMENT, 3 roomsa anti for Pasture (Self -feetiers) bathroosa, grounti floor; park- or fer Grain Ration ing, television serial, electric Snowden Supplies stove, Adults n1y. Appy Phone 263-2655Noce HAMPTONNoie FRED'S ýFRUIT MARKET HIWV. 1 15, S'O UTH 0OF ORONO Sumnmer Specials MELBA APPLES - PEACHES GOLDEN CRUST BANTAM SWEET Corn - 3 doz. $1, 34-2 U sED T raàctaors - Coc ksh-iut t1 1850 Diesel, wibb 6-furrow plaw anti 12 f4. disc harrow, $7,500; Farmail 504D wide axie, aniy 2 years oid, $3,90;ý Allis-Chalmers D17, regular $2,195, now cnly $1,995; MF 35 Diesel, reg, $1,650, now only $1,550; Farmaîl Super "A" with monwer anti plow, reg, $950, now cniy $895 at J-Mar Equipsent Co,, 134 King St.E-. Bowmanville. Phone 623-5689. 34-1 NEW SKI-DO O SALE NORDIC, eleetrie start $895 N01RDIC, 640 electrie- $995 T'INT Series --------- - $795 EL---AN---$550 HOfNDA It ,fNI BIKES---$249 SKTDOOSHOPI HIGHWAV115 -TRACTOR SALE 624TR TR 60.,$77T00 r Akfer a Free eosrto 6 M ntaiutrest Frea ers JC1M0, Dr. E-. Li. Ewert's office wil re-oipen Tuesday, September Frsthis date, I wiil not ha respansibie for any tiebta incurmeti by my wite, Joan Grills. Robert Grills. 34-3* Dbr. C. J. -Aus-tin's office will be cioseti tros August cation tirat roati north' eft Hampton anti wcat 1/2 mile.1 Liat of articles nexb week's paper. Sale at 1:30 in the atternoan. Clift Pethîck, Auc-i tieneer. 4- AUCTION SALE BRIGHTON AUCTION HALL SALE EVERY Saturday, 1:00 p.m. Antiques, Fine Glass anti China. Furniture (antique anti moder-n). Always items et honseholt I nterest. Open fer censiguments. Viewig Friday, 12 - 9 p.mi. CENTRAL AUCTION CO. Auctioneers, Ted Hennessey anti Denaldi F. Smith. Complete Auctien Service for~ Industrial, Commercial, Farm anti home Brighton 475-1735 Unitedi Counties ef Northumberlandi anti Durhamý JReal Estate for Sale> Building loti, 0'x 12' hhati dry,,Fready' for buld- ing. As-king $3,000). Summ1fer ho-me wt oe -oii-nvenices, fuirnishedclos to lake anti shopping. A,\sking S3 bý,edr0om outtae, iaccesto gooti beach within 100 yards. Extra large lot 150' X 12 5';- goot raPdÎ open yiear arouni. Asking $~,0,$2-200 own Calti MadfAinýe Rodit 985-737ý3 or 985-2819 an3.tinle .J.LAMBERT REAL ESTATE LTD. 34-i COTTAGES 2 Display Models TO BE SOLD RAVEN - 3 bedroom medel 32'"x 24' plus porch with over- bang., Was $3073.00, To Clear ---------------$19-50,00 HAWK 3 betiroose medel! 32' x 20' plus. sereeneti pereh. Was $271,.00. Te Clear $1875.00 Conditions: Buyer 'te disassemble anti Remove between Sept. 15-30e OSHAWA WOOD« PRODUOTS 1728-1611 728-1617 SAVE UP TOI $2,OOO0MORE BUY A BEAVER- HOUSE SHELL, AND FINISH IT YOURSELF, 34 Models tb ehoose from Size adjnsrted up to 2.100 %q, fi, Asitnein planning ta meetl Corne in and obtain the Beaver Home Planner and details of the ROME FREE CONTEST LUMBER LTD. 2146 K ing st. E. 623-3388 BOWMANVILLE 4t Tutsday, 4:-30 p~ Real Estate for Sale RealEstate f or Sa1i ROCK and PIPE 'Phone uie et, bsns 576-2421;Jes 728-2849, BoweF,, LAKES ______ __ iwo Lakesflere Cottagesj $,0,$1,000 dw $5,0per Mo. (lot inluLdei)Yl Ten Reasonabiy Pricet Lakeshore Lots> $25000 tiodwn, $25 per me. 8% simple intereat DIRECTIONS Go3 Miles Sout: er Bancrof t on Hwy, No. 62 anti turu West 2 miles on the "Green's Corners Roadtot 33ý King St. E. - Bowmanvlld Phopnes:623-3111 -623-3950 2.6 ACES:with 3 bcd- roos, 2 siorey home, Livîin anti dininig roons. Two baths, Territic view. Asking $22,900, Terros. ROCK LAKE~ BO1NIL: 3 bd roomn, newA, brick bungalow, Ken ivatthewsl Electrically heateti, 4-pce. bath wvith vainiby. M\/any extras, 725-7740 IPricedti aI $6,340,00ý ____________ 34-2 EXECUTIVE HOM&: Ter- riic vewcIs. Tbree bts WHY RENT? Double garage. Rer. ,;ï Reasenably priceti, v"tid, Floor to ceiling tireplace. sandy, lakeshore lots, ro-atis ter-cossstesBuilt-inst'.e anti hydro. Custom hubiilt Iven ani)dishwasher. Liing! 1 antidi(2,nïingroos, Many, imaniy COTTAGES ext'ras. 'L from $2450 NEWý,CASTL: Amo 4 betiroom, 1%strey brick Total down payment $250 homne. Ou beateti, 2 bathaý, with easy mortgage Attacheti garage, On -1 acre Excellent investment anti year- lot. Asking $34,900. Ters. reundi escape. Private firm. BOWMANVILLE: Immaculate Phone Long Distance 2 hedroosn ranch style bun- Zenith 63220 g.iow. 011 heateti, 4-pce. bath. 1 'Fîreplace, Finisheti rec. roos., (No charge) or go East from Bik grg, eu'ul Oshawa on Highway 401 te lantiscapeti, On 100' x 150' Hwy. 35 anti 115 te Peter- ot berough, go nerth en Hwy. 28lo 55 miles, 2 miles south ef Ban- OSHAWA., Completely renie- croft te vated anti redecorateti 5 roon home with garage. Deep lot, BENTLEY LAKE 1 Asking $22,500, Terms EST TESBOWMANVILLE: 3 bcd- EST TESroos, 1 starey homne, Oi Sales Personnel on Preperty heateti, 4-pce, bath, Weil kent. every weekend Large lot. Priceti at $17,900, __________25-bf Ters, 21 King St. W., Bewmanville Kential Huis 16 Acre Herse Farm 8 roas bouse, large painitid barn. Territic view. Good spring on property, 1,058' raàd frontage, Oniy $25eO900 - $5,000 down. Highway Farse - Oshawa Ares 48 scre horse farm, 5 roos home, gooti herse barn, streas. $69,000. Ters. 105 Acre Stock Farva Orono area, Two reati front- ages, 5 roos bouse, largei barn, 30 acres waads. Gravelý deposit. Reduceti for qulck' sale to $30,000. $10.000 dawn, Executive&s Cottages Buckhorn Lake 2 -modemn cottages fully furnîsheti, boat anti motar, 290' water frortaga. Manv extras includeti. $40,000, Ters. Newcastle Brick Bungalow Lob 66 x 132, 3 betirooma. 7 years elti. $20;500. Ters arrangeti. New castle 576-8090 2 Bedroosn bungalow oni Beaver St. Lot 80 x 148ý Mustý 623-2503 be sciti ut once. $14,000.1 Ters. BOWMANVILLE, nartb cuti Newtonville =New 3 bedroons home rcady for occupancy, Aaking $24,500. 8 roorn home an lot 120 x terms, 170. Aiumnum sirling. Only BOWMAN VILLE. Older in- 1$ KeM ti6,00Huis camne home. Vcry central. ealMs Completely renovateti. Aak- Choice 10 acre scenic parcelsý ing $32,500, wlth fast brout stressn anti pond. Partly wooded. $13,50C. ORONO, older 3 bedroosm Terros. bungalow on 1/ acre. Cali tam information. 100 Acres Pontypool Ares, ORONO, 1 bedroos î Parbly wootied land i wthý storey wîth double garage anti view, Ideai snowmnobile coun- barn on 6 acres. Ideal for try. $14,000 - $4,000 ticwn. horses or 'market ,ardenine . 199I e q anH ff.. , 1- 14h o epemer6b. ffce Reats Department -Askingga$27,500.19 boums on Thurstiay afternaons AUCTION OF STURGEON LAK E, 3 bcd- of those tbrce weeka by ap- COUNTY PROPERTIES roos aluminum cottage. Cos.c- poitmet. 2-3 The Uniteti Counties et pietely turnisheti including __SUMMER IIOURS -Northumberland anti]Durham boat anti mobor, also bout lift. Jury & Leveli Travel Agency are Ëelling six properties hy Askirîg $16,500. wîll be elosei Saturtiays 'to Public Auction cammencing ut 34-1 SePtember 5 inclusive. Open 10:30 asm., Suturtiay, Septes- . ___j as usual throughout tie week. ber 12,.1970, The following - - ~32-4 praperties are to be saiioPle K w l r Anyone between 18 anti, 25 No. 1- 1G acres, Part ot Lob ee ow l r interestet inl bowling in a 1l, Concession 5, Haidimanti REALTOR Young Aduit Mixet Leugue on Township, anti GENERAL INSURANCEI Sunday eveninga, please cail No. 2-il acres, Part of Lot 52 King St. W, - B'ewmanville Heather Moore 728-2956 or Ron 11, Concession 5, Haitilmanti 623-2453 Etcher 623-1419. 34-1 Township. Summer Doctor N.3 8 acres, Part of Lot Newiy decorateti 3 bedroas' 17, Concession 9, Haldisanti aplit level, uttacheti garage. ýDR.'J. N. LAMETON Towna,,ihip. lovely tiwellng. Immediate -No.i 4-j1.1 acs, Part of Lot possession. Low clown puy- OFFICE 15, Concression 5, Hamilton ment.if you qualily, Memorial. Hospital Township. Well locatet- 7-roatn, 2- NO.95-"8. acrýes, Part of Lot storey, uttacheti garage, brouti- BOWMANVILLE 15,. oceso 6, Hasilton 10cm anti other nice teatures. OF FICEHURS Tawnship. Asking $23,000. Ters. Tuesia. - etisesay-Frii~y No, 6-2.7 acrers, Part of Lot 5ro ta aprmn 33, Conession 10,, Haldimanti twelling oni corner lob, zouiet 5 - 'n 5.m -7- .i. Township,. 1commercial, Reasoniably'vprie- Phon 6233331 Sale ta be helti ai. No. s5sitý,e, dqaI2,00,Ters. P o e633 30-6 sFeven (7) mle-orth cof 41f Otef1ltre rckwt ____ nerchange No. 82, on the cuat garage, large plob. Listeti utaT Termsaare $00Caho Ss-ilcei 6roos n ) BARBER SHOP " Certitieti Chequie, day 0f sale, nice 1qu ies. Piei E S ilhthebbcbalance on dîosing 1790 Tra T u tr o d60 daya. Famma - W'e have a 1200 acre or S iaA d d i t iona nomtoat a10ar asw at ~oîna na~t. plansj, etcmyhaotiet ietatl a4o bu C lo s e d M o ni d a y s O nt.G o r h n - 1 - 72 3 2 ) G r o4 B e h - 6 3 5 6 0Open 'tunitil 9:00 p..IRobertP. Et'imunltis, P ug.-JlVanNe-t - - 6333 i3u LAresC&on nflnV4.J >1 Corner pmapemty with Christ- mas Trees anti Hartiwooti bush. Gooti inveasent ai $21,900. Ters Brick Incarne Home Bowmunville 5 aparmoents renteti aI $570 matl.Freshly pain ted anti decorateti. Central lacation. Oniy $42,500. Ters. Church St., Bowma.nvîllej 7 room. home, large roams, firepiace. Garage:' $2 1,000 - $5,000 down, Kinguston Rti.-E., Bowmanville C6 roo home, large lot 150 -, 172. Ideal for fruit- stanid, on Na., 2 Hlghway juat east o'f'bown. Asking $21,000. Open for offers. ibrySt. S., Bowmaaville Ne 5 room brick anti alumninus home, Hollywood kitc(hen. Electmic heat. Onlvl $23,000. Tersarrangeti. Atr9p.m. caîl: Art ri. - - 2 ti Frank ,Simpson - 725,16381 Joe Barnoski - 723-57871 Put1 Yeo- - - 623-3077 Jan Oegema - 623-23,18 Juil Outisheoru - 6Z3-2984 DueFounti e-163-9965 eay Brow,ýn - 6335 Au1drey vPlain ii623-i3 Norm Wtheru > 72-4809 Ra iFnney -V Bethan 27C7-220 RyStrougi -Bekthanly Z277-27 UIWN(J: 4 bedroons. Split level. Living anti dining roam. 2 batha., 011 heabeti. Attach. eti garage, A'sking $27,900, Terns. NEWCASTLE: SpaMless, 24 Year olti 3 bedrons bungalow, Eleet, heated, 4-pce. bath. At. Itached garage, Lovely landi- scapeti lot. IORONO: '1/2acre buildiîng lot wibh barn, Nîcely locateti, HOBBY FARM: 3 bedxoomi, 1%~ starey home.Bthonlî 011 beateti, Beaubiful Smnall barn. Asking$2,,4 Ters, Atter Heurs Pieuse Cai: Siti Osinga - - 623-2401 Gary Haneock 983-5155 George VanDyk 623-7437 Phyllis MeRobble 623-1159 Harry Coutts 725-2649 Hlarry Voarman 987-4287 Ross Davitison Bethany 277-2321 Bill Ra e - LitIaBritalu 201R4 Wesley Anderson - 349-2669 j! 34-1 Money to Loan CA SH LOANS We have private ni-ortgaga fondis to loa. lat, 2n'i anti 3rd mortgages. Fast prîvute service in your home, Low monthly payments. CALL ANYT1IME NO HIDDEN CHARG ES Jord Investments Gord Charlton 576-1433 :3-tf Wanted TURNIP pulper ln gooti c dition. Telephone Newtoni À '786-2425. 34-P* RIDE by girl tramn Hamypton' ta 'Oshawa and return, bebween 8 and 9 arn antiS5 anti 6 pro, Cali atter 6, 263-2969. 34-1- Dead or Crippled Farm Stock IICKED UP PROMPTLV Telephone Collect 263-2721 Margwill Fur Farm Licence No. 258-C-70 Gel Cash Today For OGd Apiliances Phone 623-3303 Ph o n e 623-3303