4 The Canadia~aemn dwavlC o.1,17 EDUTORIAL COMMENT Chane__of --Leadership aiQuee-n's -Park A couple of weeks ago, aur con- frere- Dr. James Johnston, Publisher of the Cobourg Sentinel-Star forecast the impending retirement of Ontario's remie.-ç,r or Prime Minister John P., ~oatApparently, his advance infor- min camej_, from'i a reliable source ~because in rcent days, the speculation ~hasam; tbcm a fact; ail that is -itill requi red is confirmation f rom the ý etlmn most concerned, Mr, 'Rob- -aytýý and that hasn't came so far. 1')- thep mieatîtme, bis would-be sccs sors are preparing to launch their ca-m- ainand there are so many of themn, »tat it hould make for a most interest- ngattention-getting battie.,-We mnakeý no predictions on the eventual winner ý;ïwho, willtake the Ontaria Progressive- Consrvaive tathe polis next year in an) effort ta continue their lengthy ,-rrign over thisý provinice's affairs. It would a.ppear that the strategy behind the current ma-vess ta prevent newiy elected ND P leader Stephen Lewis from ca-ptuigng the spatlight bycounter at- tackîng with a leadership convention that is bound ta attract much public_ Govcrmentsgeneraliy aren't.hav- ïng much eaàsy gaing these days in Can- ada or elsewhere. There are soi many probiems confronting themn thIat al of cur leaders appear to go from- crisis ta -crisis, trying thieir best .ta salve situa- tions that have no simple solutions. O-ttawa is stili in trouble with its War ; Measuires Act and its successar appears The Good INa fromn The Peterborôugli Examiner The town cauncîl of Cobourg bas had its revenge, At this week's council meeting, the tan ater gvethe cold shudr) 0-'~ame Whteca-ordinator o olto "'ZP-roe, PeIte-rougli, and, thraugh him) alil the otherr -,o-called upstarts and out- of-tawn do-g£fooders who stick their jiases îito Cobourg's business. Whenes White appeared ta ex- 1,plan Pollution Probe's position and findings,ý, concerning pollution in and Sarourrd Cobourg, the mayor and other ~. ounilmernbers sat in stony silence and ls'tend wnbimense dignity. Wheni he fmý*;ish, Mayor Jaýck Heenn eprese their "thanks" and cuiais onl f th sbct e proisdta ý'i, a nd wf n they. wovuldf disIcuss :1he C-sUbjeeýt, P 1olli Pro be waouid cer-, î1lye info7rmed.-ý h oi outbrsto~ crse, Ibeat orè n hig tïn,,cike it, accab Or fovasuprse some samples taken fro tewa e t~ ccetabe lvel" O Ljust beause in .AprÉI they founrd that, sewage flew eA" Report frc, 'Z Dy Russell, C SThs reartis ýi n response ta um troua enquirFes I bve rcie bu ~ vanlycarîied 'in btenesppesandt vi tve tcrationstatinr n ottubr Sheneuy Spappo itm'ena Dp Smust remain non-partisaýr. n i politicai vcnese mu order ta preside îprîlyin the Hi ouse aI Commous. In bbc paît I tried ta e bjctv an utnon-partisan in reportîng ta conj ,U ttuents. Nevertithesi, tbbc mevre tý(-es- ~cription of a gave-mme-ut biU i.u scb a Repart împhies some degreeoa supporct "'or approval. If I am ta, properly discitarge mly Sresponsibilibies as Dcputy Speaker, I -~must keep myscîf free ta make rulinga èeaut decisions as 1 sce thcm. Olten tese "~ uhigswill be againît te Liberal -ary - at other timres te-y, wil be E.sabflshed 11$ Th ca - The O0% S cd cls mnail rk piroduced evot 6-6King st. W., JOFhN M. JMSGEO, wv merdo ipa i b he'r c e ccouý rs,hiIw 0t1îc:ý1l ïla advaen,:e îe-ý ' Atac Ven rcuto tlbetknt ta be bogging dowri in a iengthy debate, They must aiso bne doing a considerable amouint of soul-searching as winter ap- proaches and unemployment figures continue to, mount. Most' of the provin- cial governments are suffering from the sanie dilemma, what to bring in that wilprovide more jobs for those young and37 oldi who are unabie to find em- plý ioyent.Evn on the local level, there are sticky prablemns such as the regional governmient studies that are getting no- where, as variotis municipalities try ta retain their identities. Frankly, there is very iîttie glory, and much frustration for those who are endeavoring to serve their fellow men and women by becoming elected off ic- jais on the boards of education, the muinicipal councils or the provincial or fedral governiments. We in the past have 'been fortunate ini having sel f-sac- rificing men -and wamnen take an these leadership posts that are essential to the. orderly functioning of our demo- cratic society. As election time a gain draws near in this district, wereiterate aur long-standing plea for citizmns who are capable of makïng big decisions based on thorough study, to corne f or- ward as candidates for the rositions that will soon be availabl'e. The dem- ands< in tirne and effort will be great, the criticism often unreasonable and arnnoying, but the satisfactions of doing a necessary job for the benefit of the community will offset the frustrations, and make ît al worthwhile. mei of Coboura I ?etiers (o die (cn-iàorI Nov. 12, 1970 through a secondarystg treatmnent Dear Edilar: witbonut improvement andin r Oclober Oni Nôvomber 10, bbe On- the situtation was _ýstili bbc s,,ame?3 tarie lé,gilative Assembly rtièbabt the Goivornment's This splendid and diguified behav- prosal tihal workers, who loiriimislh1ave shake-ýn Mr. White and because cf Iheir relîious sbown 'L'e people afI Cobourg tbaiýt thecir cnvi-ction or belief objecîta councl joiing atratie union or ta coic]rrally knows bow taci behave su ipporting il financially, be atat whlen stranger are, arounrd. giv en the righîta pay thé Two weeks ePariier, jnsl after Pal- eq oaln f union dues lai Intion Probe's letter was niadeî public, a registered Canadian char- the councilla)rs weren't nerarly sa digni- New Domocratie Party lied. At that time, Couni. Robecrt Lave spokesmen srangly objecî,- let base ,pwith a l-minuté tirade against cd la Ibis sa-calleti chaniby Pollution Probe and bbc news media. clause, They inîroduceti an Theres aIth ton fthrs onncd amentiment whicb would The estof he tow -filies pundd merely allow very few cil-- ou their table in approvai. He made iens, who objecît to belong- sncbr a good speech that ai fellow coun- Ing ta ANY Iratie union, tbe cillor, Wiifred Hsisn called him rigbl not 1ta becomne union bbc Spio Anew f Cboug."members but h aving tIn pay thé Stlio, orrxr)fdues'ta the very union bhey AtIhtmetn,,on Ed Haynles appose! Fartuniately, the delrdthat i mareý pollution came from PCs anti the Liberals deféal- Pollutioný Probe thann froim Cobonrg, edti Ibs anîl-diasenî amenti- According ta Mayar eennIlleter r ltaelgbc oe was ntchirng butllutioncf !bbc mouth. ebspoosi m .Pea- Can.Hukisoi aledtdiarrbea of cock, 'the ïNDT-P MPPf or bb muh ,,and there were other 'Windso1r Westdîputeti tha bilarius rearks."Ibere ta a' ny vai teai itersi4t1fon thaýL t Bt, cfourse, PoellubilbnPbei-ei-îtonwlexemnpt a ïpr- representatiîves were ot pres'-ent and counrcil wa ale ta bae1anjaly goa È";ch ;11 ai rgbt, cf cus.WeR 11 jntbrougiight his; up ta .-shnow the people of Courni1g fthat bey ay rown in How thieir owvn swgbut that as iýlong as M ýv odnC bbhc,kave as ,strrang cauncil as thlis one, B cGro no anec is gaing ta blacken theirimage. , he touble with Sur )M Ottawa , Hîoney, M.P. againîtanc r fbitetite-raInite pei bion ,paý1rties.- lu order fnot nlyta be - 1imprtiali buiit tahave bbc r-appearaice a I ipar- 1iahty rdo oîlote-l ite- Býous fa Comon, utiri ar 2n not a mnbra bter Litraicauus I arnsretiatI ansihsrvrn constitue-uts a uindivitual atpr sana bass asweil;as I.bae,1Ihope-, be-n bletata doSenu ite-paît. ow e-rI mit uatpS) as y"ouIr M(-miter a Pariamntant n ot as a member aI any eu o nc-cic-a i p arbyt VI EWPOI 1NT Toty'synng rat'icals say te-y are rbhigagainît socie-by's tecateul, de- gene-rate, bourgeois, baukrupb ant imn- moral values. But when yan gel ight' down ta lb, witbte-y re-aly want is a bigger share of titose decatent, te-gen- e-ate, bourgeois, bankrupt and immoral values, -St. Catharines Standard ny Wedn-e>sday by InG COMPANY "LITED Box 190 Bowanîll, ntaro '.GAIA-PAREP.MRI frm whcltaoever, prtcual ypoorphoo fý thc puL;bishex anid 1h. licirîter, Any unauthorized $.0a Year lm theUnedSae t wtt) co b. habl fraerror rn inyveriei idvertement e requsted i rîtnqby 1h. dcr, e 0vl ofieal ig!nd I,y the detscan ibo heea, n4inmht ae r ny jrra s iaedi lo ci'el l ee ýeed euch n mortinn cf th$enlis vat Iy tiinoled error beaire t,,)e i.whll epace acaie son from memberabip r thé pâyfftènt of dues In one particular, trade uniion buit nôt ln another," He fears that "we face the prospect of a varieîy cf unions cdaimir- Ing to represOnt persons be- cause of their religlous ho- liéf s." Mr, Peacock a;nti b-is cal- leagues apparentiy tw a n t only onè ki t offnon; namèly, the NDP-suýpporling_ kind .coiniblè t tather- ligioris cf raterllsm anti secýul&nty. He obvlouslyv dioea nol favour a christian labour movement anti, by Implication, wishes to deny the ChrIstian Labour As- sociation cf Canada's righî of existence as wËll as the warker's rigeht "ta join a bradte union cf bis own choice."" Mr. Clifford Piikey, the NDP's labour critic, super- ficially argued that -paying union dues 19 like pay- Ing OHSIP pem-ý-iuma. H 1-e vainly tiefat taba'qvpetim- pression that uions ýare bbic é,quivale>nt cf nt uan r om- palaand tha8t support cfx bhém merely In'volves sm ca a, -bât-eentioA if the Uniteti Autoworkers, wblcb MIr. Pllkey serves as International represenlatîve, bas, no basic principles that guide it in educattig its cap- tive nimmbership, in Iackling' G(-neral M\otars ant Iin don- aàting Ihousanda cof dollars tO the NDP. Same, logic! M\/r. James Rnwl,ý,ck really shwed the NDP's cuous colours,! 1Ha -contentietithat "trade unions are secular insîltit.tons" andti Iat men Who dlaagree with these uions becausýe Of religiaus conîviction 'have gaI ta a pî eut totally."' Some option! He opposedthebbcproposition (believeti by a growing num- ber of workers) "Ibat the one (union) la a sacreti one anti the other la a secular one, or a profane one," Many warkers favour bhe chrIstian option. Tbey want tai ho representeti by CLAC., However, these mon are of- ten tienieti thal civil igbt. The secula--r uinin not oniy farce employeeca mb sup- porting lh)em asi aP ýondrition cf empoyen bt ve force A-rgnzege- ernmnl-ertlîedcreA ýoff Smiyth moin Péter, as porîrayed inuthe .1asm vapter t um Fourt GTosppel, is bbc sense cf biis OWn incapacity he riscu Ch-rist cornes to bimn with a directive, "1F1eet my lambs, tend nysep"Appa>erently,- Peter is being snldont for leadership as bbc aposties r- omssaeo a global Hoe~,Peter sitrinks back, not becueof disiniclinatian, but ont af heerseif-istHit. B batfa;ilet mais- crably by ýýdenyiîng Christ; maybc he woufld lau again ii n ome majr-crisis othieeryCuct I smrl pret- ty -,l hot. Bie is bcwiidered by bbc-b Lad," b'e ,sayýs,"tLhere WirrJohn who satI nex t you at bbe Lait Supper, and wo P, 1onn uo tg us st ood by tbc Cross, k-e ne y mate sncb a mistake. Wbab abouit himi" The- answer is fast and c-lear: "WYhat, is that ta you? Thte ques- tion ýis ot whetbýer yen consider your- self bita be-st mra-n for tbc job. Follow me, Do bbc besb y-ou can." The-re is a lat oI that moral timit- ity among modem rriChrisians, especiai- iy those strabegically placet. as parents. Some are at theirý wits' cnt; others have abdicatedthbbc ole given by nature and acceplet by them tbrough bbe baptism aI their chiltren. Titere is bhc effect aI instant cam- municatian. Bad news travels faster titan good newî. Who bas ime ta ap- praise events? Il appears -tiat aur gen- ertohas matie amsaIoftings. Dr. eore ScttKingston psy- cbiatrJis, saYs taI adolescents and teenagers de cr'y beliefs that are ual appiet ai hebbc time, while impractical and iJmplsive themselvý,es. But there we sit ini the living room, drawing aparl as we watc bb same television ac- couint aI withat is happening. Mýýorcov-er, achievemients in genefic researcit are gisvsng risc ta a, boat af specula Is h onogamy ou bbc -way ont? Are we drifting bowarts A cern- pietc'l y permaissi-ve state f faI alairs? WT bbc homne evaporatc, wib bihte possibility cf birtb wvitbouf, sex? Frieif aduits are, caugbt on bbce hocns cf a dibemmira, il childreri bave pratiçllytaken over and par-ents ai. moshaveta, apologize for theirow psnea imajor farter is bbherer itaiiger1ilug ifuec f bbc aschooil af sl-xrsinhaopntits toir at bbcturu of bb century D.Sigmut Feutditrelte er tin aym rtItopIns tht L- h5n. inpatcnt to ex,_trem.e parentalcotribut h never postnlated that younngsers ffould be better off without any,, discipline. This wauîd bave becu asfalsbas waruning that nobody sbould swiiimbe- cause some catch a cald by enterig the watcr. Cblrndo flot aSk ýta bDe r.W bring ibbcm into tbbc woid and bhey are aur rsosblt untlil tbeylaveta make a lIfe of their cwn. Iu mauy waýy-,bbforatveperiodî cf cbildbod is dcav.Cbiidren whoîý are allowed ta sa,'y juýt xwhat ithey an ta saread just whaýt itheywanMtot rad beievejus wba bby waýnt ta believec, do jusbý what theywant te) do, and go juait weethey wanlta g ýo are being donc, a grave disservice. Life is not that way. Limita must be' wiscly set by those wbo are aider and bave seen lîIe in bbe raw. Parents sbouid îhif t geai-s when children reacb 10 or 12 years. The cm- phasis is now a graduai change from limit-setting ta example-setting, com- bined with a willingness ta alaow more and more dcvelopmcnt through persan- ai experience. And yet lb shouid ail be within bbc framework aI a family philosophy. No matter how thal philosophy is mati- fied ta meet te needs of dilferent children, and no m atter how important ib is ta have it expiained in dialogue, parents should bave bbc hast word. When bheydiar, as they are bonnd toata timesý, let bbter do so lu private. A 'scenc" ra cause young- sters ta thînk taI you ta (not love anc anotiter, or give titem a, chance ta play a nc cf yon againît bbe atiter. And turn off that televý,,ii set at meal ime! The table is about te iast î ndicator that you are reavi.4t home ratiter t han in a miotel it a snack *bar. Meai ime is a grand op)portunity ta try ta bridge bbc ý genieration gap. definally, hl dautgfiters and sans dpend on yau and yani covet the ail- toCo-brief pierioct of interdepen!ýdence withl -the m, do miake time ta worsip togeit- er jIuil as you take biireta ski together. 1 know thie comnpiaint, "The muýsic is du11i1and -I do-n't digthsemn. Most af ns sait omtin fik litat wben we were yun.I supoeach gencration lbas salid il Sa, our parents knew whaidt to I 1ab,-out il. At anY tto mnaiofHemrï ditnot"Ila1 nt"I an am gtiose who re raefu. Ahait was Irc l-Itat bas crihc ur lives Wego manre nwont aI chct han teen pide- wouldlt us admait. lb la tieploràble Ibat a political parîy, which calla itself "Democratic", shoulti sa vehemenîly oppose the preservaîlon of the, very civil liberties (the freedoms of association anti religion, the freedom ta work) whlch are supposedly the essence of democracy. Maybe IhaI'a what la "New"' about the NÈDP. Mr. Renwlck matie it clear wbat the NDP will do once l gains power. Sali he: "I can assure the Mister that bhe day Ibis party ig electèti ta be the goverament nf thé Province of Ontario, Ibis section (allowing wôrkers la disagree with secular unions withaut fear of reprisai) will disappear from Ibis bill." If anytbing, Mr. Reawick confirmedti he NDP's fan- atical, adherence to côerclve unlonism anti ils dictatorial disregarti for the organizing anti employment freedomas of fellow-Canadians, who follow the christian or some other way of life that lsa'a odds with the NDP's collect- lvist religion., Staphen Lewis should i do some bard thinking anti re- ver>se the NDP's negative stand on clvil liberties. Hnv; ever, Ihat may be bard for ln~i-toiticethe NDP Lieader --aso--voteti--for-bbthe IPeacock amnentiment andi against the Government's proposeti chârîy clause. Geralti Vandezânde, Executive Secreîary, CLAC 25 YEARS AGO (Nov. 22, 1945) Mrs, T. W. Depew gave a dinner party Wetinesday nlght in honor of Mrs. Wmn. Brown (nee Dorathy Hara- don). Mr. anti Mn. Jim Plckard, Toronto, spent Sunday with bis parents, Mr.- anti Mrs. A. W. Pickard anti family. Mrs. Russell' Oke (tbe former L y nn Hailman) was dellghted Monday morm- ing ta receive a telephone eail fom ber husbanti, Pte. R. G. Oke who la serving wlth the Canadian Army in Amsterdiam, Hollanti. Mrs. Fred Wright was very happy Montiay, Nov. 19, ta receive a telephone eall from ber husbanti, from Scotlanti. After a brief- leave at Glasgow Pte. Wright wlll retura ta theý R.C.A.S. C. ln Holland anti expects to be home early ln 1946. Mr. James, (Ticker Ill) Crombie, recently discharg- ed from the Air Force,' bas been appointeti Customis anti Excise Examiner for the Port of Bowmanvile. "Tick- er" was a member of the Pathfinder Squadron while in Englanti as an armourer. He la youngest son of Mr. anti Mrs. George Crombie, Liberty Street. Attending the recent Zone A3 Lions Convention aI the King Edward Holel, Toron- ta, ln honor of Internation- al President Dr. Ramon Coilazo anti Madam Collazo af Havana, Cuba, were Mr. anti Mrs. Bob Kent, Mr, anti Mrs, J. J. Brown, Mr. anti Mrs. Nels Osborne, Mr. anti Mrs. Ted Chant, Mr. anti Mrs. Emie Patterson, Mr. anti Mrs, C. H. Carter Sr., C. A. Bartiett anti Ray Dill- ln AW Elleen Jones, Rock- cliffe, visiteti ber parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Gitidus Jones. Mrs. Néllie Garbutt, Syca- more, Ill., la vlsiting ber brother, Mr. Harvey Wight. Miss June Douglas, Toron- ta, spenit the weekend wlth Miss Allnè Norîhcutî. No Street Lights in ýWest Darlinigton Un fil Status Clears Darlington Township Council was rermmendedti -tat he bas decîdeti .not la put in city limît it fOsbawa behi! ex- strét igbs l th weter pantieti la Include a ~rin- ,,troe lihts i th -,es rnthe watersbed of aw sectiorncf lte townsbip ho- ceeit A Une beliweem Conrj- causa cf tbbcimmlinent prosý- csin at 7wasta pee cfloingIheteritmy atentaitive future boundary. grawit1711c -e-nih-ip h-aa n;1'Letc-- ThoCbuclTmOved 1recernt retetoncera over loing the iy thnati l would nws t re a usto.Untier OAP enter dnaasrect etjIgbtnga-\,Ds, Irintnla lnbended rangement on011the boundary ite comibine witb Bown-i-i oad aI bbc present limne, ville to famm a aingle inunici- Untier the OAPAD stutiy, il pallty. suga and Spice By Bill Smiley INTO EACIfLIFE SOMTE SUN APPEARS Ib's anea biosegloomny Novcebe days, with bbc overcast s0 low that ee te birds are walkiug. I have a amouth's, cares-poniderice, ta catch rip an, bhree weeks aiesay ta mead, and a week's beaf-raking byîng lu te back yard. My wife bas pains in ber bell'y anti la going ta have te living-room re- decoratet. I don'b knaw witich alarma me more. My tanghter is in te next raam, writiug au essay au Nie-biche, an appal- ing prospect. Asket ber bow il was- going ant sitesait pmelby webl, but tat site bat- an idea what site was writing Was a bot of crap. lwo aI my colleagnes boit their lattera unexpecte-thy on te weekent. Anoter is lu bospital itaving X-rays on bis stomacit and boping il's "onhy" an ulcer. Oubsite my little worlt lies a Can- ada deeply trouble-t by pollution, an une-rployie-nt figure tat ih alamming, and te freetom aIfte-individual under. te ne-w govcrnrnenb legîsiation fcr te pre-vention, aI violence. And ousite tat wombt aga.in h te big one, a seemingly bopeleas mess aI population explosion, foot shortages, wams, suspicion, despair and povçrty. Oit we-l, wbat te bell,. Yon onby go titraug thbie course once. Ib's te only if e we- bave, and howe-ver bleak ilb seems, teme- are abways a le-w raaI sunsitine. Loakîng on te positive site, il's ualt so bat. lTe corespondence, essaya ant bleav,,es wvill evenbuahly be de-ait wîbb. lite iv-ing-moam wil h decoratet. wl-iic il l cuire my wife's pains lithe- belly.My anjgiter will gel a C-minuis on, b-er esîay auti blamne me for lb, but lbwntkiibr WVe al bave bo laie->,our-latiters some-bime-, andt maybe it wili be on'iy;.an ulcer, witichit lapraclicaily the -rade- tuamk aI a sensitive persan b'ite-se days. lTehre's uat lmucit I eauido iabout poll]ution xcptbaIgging M 'y ces lueFin- steatofbuing l? lite-rn, and cotnig ,my refusai to use th.row-iaway bottles. I can't do a dam btigbout nnemploy- mrent ecebget a kidtotara3ke my iawn, anti'v brietd, and bbey arenWt inter. eso.Ant tbere's lutIle I 1can (do about indvidal reedom ex,>ce-pt demand it iu titis caluimn, wicIsitalcontinue ta do, ant ite gaÎ1verment bat better uo al r batt onkeyving aroudtrying As-,for bite world, i's lwysbpeen a mePss. 1Bumrran beingiseem bto enjay living lu messes of teir own makîng, uinlike otite-r animais. Perbaps tlit'm why so0 many kits are ou tmugi btay. If we triedtot force drugs on tbem, bbey't ebel vioiently. And those rays aI sunsitine do ap- pear.lthe otite-r nighb at a party, a lady Irient was being embracet rather arn- oronsýly by a mittie-aget gentleman wito bat been into te grape Site ap- peahedtotame, wide-eye-d, aven bis sitoulter. Assmoiy as a figit ef- erce, I broke up te clulcit and simni- baueouisly ,preventdlet bit te ma,7s wife fram puuiciting iion ite nase. Tlite first, lady laber toit my wîfe tatbat litýd 'e polit hand poie aI a Europe-an Yman. My NwiIèttonghit v as a complint. Consiteriug some aIfite Enropean -imales 1I have ,known ilu-al le, I bbougýbb il auninsuit. Bowever, a ray, of sunsitine, tongit rather murky. I "gaL anoter anc ttis wcek, wbier a frient tescribet a confirmation cere- mony in a local churct. ltbe Arcit- biîitop himîcîef wste-me, and il was a big deal for aillie Arcit wasaskîngÎ te chrnwhab bbcy hbat leamuet lu titeir rainîujg for confirmation.Tiy prvdtbtestock ausr, wîctbiey btleamuret faith-fnilly. Hoping ta probe a biîtdee, leamnet. lThe lad muteretsocttil lte Arcit looket -ratite-r surprise-t and asket bhim ta repeat lb. Lout a)nt clear, ite kit sait: "W. leamn)et ta o -mmi auier Apparcenlly , 1the whoie citurci bronke np, incliding te Archbîshop.,) Sa, juta ý ,ýCcirni esomie mairin1must flI].But, aI leatîurtil bc lip een Day, we eu away hope for those aysa" of Sunî.hine, In the Dim 1and 'Distcrnt, - ast- Proni the Statesman Files À^KNCKITOFF! 7E.Q[gC7E.. --4AJIVIU LEFI 4/h'EL~, 3ABQT TV AID /O 0 7ANZ2Af-EEZE$ ,f" ion.0 forToday Long Parents Can Winl 49 YEAR% AGO (Nov. 24, 1921) Mr. Gea. L. HaIL local manager Standard Bank, who has been on slck leave for several manths., -.was in town Tuesday. He expects ta resumne bis duties la aa few weeks, Mr. J. H. H. Jury wa7s ln Toronta this week attending the Ontario College o0f Pharmacy Council and was, elected on the Execuitive for two years., Miss Annie Roblin of New York City la vlsiting ber sister, Mrs. W. P. Prower. andi other relatIv-es here. Miss Alba Colwlll, New- castle, la spendlng the winterý with her grantimother, Mr%. L. Marris. Mvr. anti Mrs. Roht. Brooks, Mr. Fred andi Miss Jeninie Brooks, Oshawa, spent Sun. day with Mr. anti Mrs. Alex Taylor. 1 Miss Fia. Rickard la taëk- Ing a past graduate course as dietitian in Victoria Hos- pitl, London,1 Mr. Thos. Anniison -was 1- Toronto, Monday, atendir j a Masonir functian. Miss Eva Suntèr, Toronto, spent Sunday at ber uncle's, Mr. Wm. Painlon. Miss Erskine of Oshawa was recent guest of Mr. onti Mrs. Howard Challis, 'Messrs. T. Bolîreil anti son of this town,ý have covereti themselves with glory aI Ihe Poultry Exhibition at Brockville, having ma de 52 entries, of Bântams anti Pigeons, won 52 prizes, three specilas anti a silver cup for four best Bantanms/ Nestieton: M.Goodali of Toronto lias purchaseti Mr. Hugh Wlo' farm, the sale being negollateti by F. W. Beacock, Toronito, fôrmeprly of this place. Courtice: 'Dr. N\Jo rmra n F'ound anti bride leift oniiMôn- day for mission fieltiS lan Korea, Japan. Tyrane: Miss RamaphaIipre has returned from a pleas- ant visit at Essex, 1 1 1