( & A Ir 'Lthe home ,Mr. and Mi. P - Weekend gest o Mr-anT Stu ent~ '~ou~s Fro rnid Sho rsuiOnS ,o t~.is ru us or r~.u ross XA. sseOshawa, MseFred iHoiÏoyd anà i niy- The family of Mr. and M.r Mr. Larry Stoutenberg Jim Dickson, Beaverton,wr andi Mr. Gary Murdoch of Sunday supper guests of Mr. Stroud. and Mrs. R, Howe. Mr. and Mr. anti Mr,5 Perey Dewell Mrs. Dickson called for themn anti Carolyn were Sunday su- later in the evening. per guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Mrs. Hermnan. W a 1 k e r, Doug Fergu son of Newcastle. Brooklin, vi. iteti last MondaY Hampton bas lost Mr. ai-d wit~h Mr., andi Mrs. F. W. Mrs. Mac Shortt who are now Werry. residing in Peterborough, Prier Mr. adMs.Evn Lander, ta her leaving,teHato Regina, Sask., and M.at Unitedi Church Choir gave a Mrs. F. W. Werry were last going-away party for Mrs, , Tuestiay visitors cf theR. Marg Shortt when she was Seil taintons ard tea guests presenteti with a parting gift., ocf Mr, anti Mrs. Wes Cain- Gooti luck in your new home er'on, al cf Hampton. Thej Hampten wll miss yeu botli Landers visiteti other cousin.l On Monday 26 Senior Cit- when here, They have re-iizeos were treateti by the UC tu rneti home ta Sask. W.'t a delicieu o t el Mr. and Mrs. Davîi Stahi. the C.E. Wing anti fnllowing ton anti famnilyr, Cohourg, the meal Mrs. Eleanor Hall» were with Mr. antiMns. L. gave the ievotional anti Mrs. Stainton on Sunday, Una Kîllens gave araîg Mrs. H. Stainton is pend- The Golden Keys of Oshawa ng a few days wîth Mr. anti provided organ music anti a Mrs, C. English, Bowmanville., sing-song was enjoyeti by ail Mr, anti Mrs. Fred Dayes This correspondent is sorry Blackstock, were Tuesday eV- te repart on- the passingof -ening visitors cf Mr, anti Mrs Haniptont Mr. ildrei C. Avery. Mountjay on Frîiay. Sym- Mrs. NoTrman Moore, Tren- pathy is extentiedtit her hus- 7 tan, la visitiýng nwith Mr. anti bandiMervin froni frienti anti Mrs. W. Hawels neîghbours in Hampton. Mrant Ms. aiph i ueY'rc Crepondent can Se Judy andLaurejr Sunr eacht at 263-2985. day supper gue t et r. and Mrs. Harvey eii e oilu 4 Suntiay evenlng tiinnar iHospial 1giuestQ of Mr. ani(MNrs. E. AI] Trewiýn werec, a nti Mr. yeekiy Rp r Mu1rray Staceyý, Paul antiR pr ýSc-ott, Oshawa, Mr. anti Mrs. Fer the week cf Nov.915 ýE. R. Tayler, Mr. anti Mrs. inclusive: Lloyd Siemon, Susan anti Admissions -----------8 Fred. Bîrths, 2 male ---- ----- - Mr. anti Mrs. A gu ýýKn Discharges -----------8 Little Britain, wAere Frîiay Major aperations --1 ï: evening visitors at C. Avery's, Minor aperations -----29 Th r gils gymnaaium of Bowmanlville High Sehool was hastily Samuel. According to Red Cross Treasurer Ma,ý-rlene Gibson, the net MrsAdam ShGrp egg r, Sun- Visitîn hourea3- e da156 transfczr'ed ffer lasses on Thýursday _ ýinto a suitable fashion show receipts were $88,88. At the conclusion of the program, Sharon- day' dinner guests of Mr. andi settng-, completp with ramp, appropriate decorations and spotlight- Sturrock presented Commentator and Co-ordinator Linda Tennant Mrs. Bert Wonnamaker, Sea- ing. T1-'e schol's branch of the Red Cross Society joined with with a bouquet of red and white carnations and Mrs. Alex Lyle from grave. at r.M alr Biesiri's Ladies' Wear, Hooper's Jewellers and Lloyd Ellis' Shoes, Breslin's, with a cup and saucer. Mention should aiso be made cf anr. anMuwresiindla vd wïth a ri assist frein F. A. Kramp's Purniture to present "Shades cf other stutients who assisted, including Assistant Coordnato Sa ly tos t rnt Ms. At al ýWinter for a large audience. This photo was taken in the Home Ec. Staples, Ron Langlais on the music, Roy Anger and Peggy Clark on lard's, Brougham. room j ust prior te the opening and includes, lef t te right, Commen- decorations, Erwin Tielemans on lighting, Staff Adviser Charles Mr. anti Mrs. Hirami Drew 49 KING ST. W. tator Linda Tennant, Catherine MacKintosh, Diane Hopkins, Wendy Kennedy, Mr. Holdstock and maintenance staff, Mr. Sheridan and the anti Mrs. C. Eý Horn, Oshawa, MacKxtosh, cylvia Katzer, Donna King, Debbie Teinfant, Brenda Fashion Show Committee, and othei's. wer at rsdantei sr E Tr- ariIngrid Vad, hrg Sharon SLurrck Carol Wight and Lisa __ _________ . iF -7__Mrs. Fred Lantios. Whitby,I was a retient visiter at Mýr.[ I.Jl anti Mrs. M. Pollards. CIDE' ville, was Strdyevening YFLEECE-LINE] ï'e reguilar meetig cf the thLlat the depth cf£ conceu for You. 13 shop 'Marsh loseti supper guest aI W. GriffinS.. Weseyvhleunit cf the UCWIothers may he measureti b the meeting with a benetiic I Serry te report Mrs. John ' lo e t Ile1was h eldti a the home cf Bishop awareness of another's need.tien.SeonsfthrMr oyKo anti M3. Henry Marsh, Baitî- Mrs. George Tufford leti in It was a very plasant a1.er- Jlsa apteti omnl ~q iii ore, on Wednesday after- prayer anti the efferîng was'noca anti ail returneti home Hospital. We -al l. ih hlm aý rh - ý1 1. _1 --- . - ql vr-rin, 'nn,,rl, i A 95ÂLi -iriî 1 I. =FOR Marie Car OTS WINTER o95SNOW BOOTS E 1 fi ser -m-_ The Canadian Statemnan, Bowtmmiville, Nov. 19, 1970