cess, NEWS ýuirieor gîIrls baskPtball 'n has cornipleted their sea-I sonwit five wKins &nd fiveý lbases, anid in the seasnot scored their opp-onéneits 276-246. W'lget 'em yInext year. But it lonks lIke thie juniors are goinig ail the way. They- de feated Centiral 27- 19 andà eývon their area tte The girls are also In sole possession or first place mnd will compte în L.O.S.S.A. against A.iax- Last Tuesday, several localý busine-ss men wýere guests of c'S.S. attending some of ouri classes during the day and par- ticipating in Business-Eduica- tion day. Courtice lhas formed aà jun- ior-senior glepe club of approxi- mnately 30 members under the The Canadian ~tatesman, Eowmanvllle, Nov, 25. 1970 T ~L Kee E 7S arate School and St. Joseph's -(--eparate Schoa, -Bo-wman-vîîîeý. e w-as a member of St. Ger- trude's FtomanCatholic Church and a former member of the swîm teani at the Simcoe Hall Boys' Club. Besicles hls parents ha la aurvi-ved by ,two sisters, Mari- On ard DeIborah; two brothers, Philllp andi Davld and hia grandmýrotbper, Mrs. Mary Holla- way of 0Oshawta. The- deceaaad rested at-the-- Armstrong Funeral Homne for -~quié I Hh Mass tli Stý Gartru-Je% Church at 10 arn., Fricday, , 20th. Intermênt wvai a l~esurrection CemetMry, camO - lack- only. LEATHER HANDBAG Quality Morocco leather, two-handle, bag with 2 zippered pockets. Black,1Ir99 brown and som.e navy. 5KI1N G StEL Ibrowri, tan, navy-and-others. m-- bïackj- 599- hW - à-sEWs s - ww Mesh panmty hose vîth ueheels, Beige, spice, taupe. S-M-L-YXL. One-size panty hose in regular or non- run qualities. Taupe, beige, spice. Fits 95 to 155 lbs. Regular mesh panty hose featuring nude heels. Beige, mink, taupé. S-M-L-XL. Regular 1.3Ï - -----i --I- BUY NOW AN D- SAVE!1 USE, YOUR WALKER'S 'OPTION CHARGE S9 79c 109